Dates: calorie content for weight loss

Dates are a healthy oriental sweet; everyone knows this taste since childhood. The beneficial properties of dates cannot be overestimated. They are rich in vitamins and fill the body with energy. Delicious dishes are prepared from this product. And those who are on diets or want to lose weight can include them in their diet. This healthy product is called “bread of the desert”, since in countries where palm trees are cultivated, for hundreds of years the fruits have been almost the main source of food. Let us consider in this publication what dates are, their benefits and harm to the body.

What are dates

Fruits grow on date palms. Fresh ones are dark red, oblong in shape. The pulp is juicy but dense. The bone is elongated. Trees are common in countries with subtropical and tropical climates. The most popular fruits grown are in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Exporters are Egypt, Israel, Tunisia, Yemen, Iraq, Oman, Bahrain, Sudan, Syria, Morocco, South America and the USA. Today these fruits are popular in our country. In stores and markets, the fruits are sold as dried fruits. In this dried state, the date fruit becomes smaller in size and dark brown in color. The fruits acquire a sweet taste and have a characteristic aroma.

What are dates - a berry or a fruit? A healthy fruit grows on a tree - it is a fruit. The palmate date is a species of tree from the date palm genus. There are a huge number of date varieties, according to various sources from 1500 to 5000. So in North Africa the most common variety is Deglet. California is famous for its varieties: Deglet Noor and Zahdi. The Medjoul variety is known all over the world and has the highest quality; it is also actively cultivated in Israel.

The largest date palm plantation in Israel is located in Tirat Zvi, in the Beit Shean Valley. There are 16,000 trees there.

How much does one date weigh? The weight of one fruit ranges from 10-15 grams. Dimensions – up to 8 cm in length. Approximately 2 - 5 cm wide. Palm trees grow in the tropics and subtropics. Some species can even withstand severe frosts - down to -14 °C. The tree begins to bear fruit at 6 years of age. One palm tree bears up to 9 kg of useful fruits. A tree is considered mature at 15 years of age. At this time, it brings up to 90 kg of harvest (date trees are famous for their fertility).

We are used to seeing dates already dried and dried. After drying, the fruit does not lose its beneficial qualities and unusual, memorable taste.

Dates chemical composition and nutritional value

Since dates are a sweet fruit, pay attention to the amount of glucose and sugar in dried dates with pits. The fruits contain up to 60% sugars. Most of them are carbohydrates. Due to its high sugar content, this product is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Dates contain almost no fat. But there is protein, pectin and tannins. Fruits are also rich in fiber.

As for BZHU for 100 gr. product:

  • carbohydrates - 69 g;
  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fat - 0.5.

Nutritionists still recommend having them in the diet even for people who are losing weight - the fruits are healthy and replenish energy reserves.

This healthy sweet contains macro and microelements: copper, iron, selenium, zinc, fluorine, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, iodine, chromium, molybdenum.

Vitamins in dates: vitamin A, group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine), C, PP, H, E, K. The fruits contain amino acids - all of them are responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Fruits are indicated for people with a predisposition to cancer tumors - the fruits contain tryptophan. This amino acid is useful as a preventive agent for cancer.

Calorie content and nutritional value of dates

Widespread and loved by many people, dates are high-calorie dried fruits with a pronounced sweet taste.
It is not for nothing that they are called “bread of the desert”, because 100 grams of date palm fruits contain up to 280 kilocalories (for comparison: the calorie content of bread ranges from 250 to 390 kcal per 100 grams of various types of product). As in bread, the nutritional value of these fruits is formed mainly by the carbohydrate component. It is represented mainly by easily digestible sugars: glucose, sucrose, maltose. Therefore, this product is excluded from most low-carb diets for people trying to lose extra pounds. At the same time, dates should be included in the regular diet, because they contain a lot of useful substances: vitamins, minerals valuable for the body, amino acids, purine bases. In Arab and Iranian civilizations, it is believed that by eating only dates and water, you can get the entire complex of substances necessary for the body.

What are the benefits of dates?

Date palm fruits contain about 75% carbohydrates. The remaining 25% comes from water (approximately 21.3%), as well as proteins and fats (1.8% and 0.15%, respectively). The carbohydrate component of this fruit does not contain lactose. This means that dates can be eaten by people with intolerance syndrome to this disaccharide.

Due to the presence of dietary fiber (6.7 g in dry matter), dates are a valuable food product for intestinal microflora. Complex carbohydrates, pectins, which dates are quite rich in, also take part in regulating the activity of the digestive system.

A long series of vitamins that make up dates are represented by vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9), A, D, K. The mineral composition includes salts of such elements as: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, manganese, selenium. Potassium and sodium take part in maintaining osmotic pressure and trophic function of all cells. Without calcium and phosphorus, muscle contractions and bone tissue synthesis are impossible. Magnesium is a participant in protein metabolism, and iron is an extremely important element in cellular respiration. The role of selenium is difficult to underestimate, because this non-metal can prevent the development of cancer.

Harm of dates

Dates can be dangerous for diabetics due to their high sugar content. Date skins contain coarse fibers that can irritate the intestines of sensitive people with certain gastrointestinal conditions.

It is not recommended to use dates for obese people.

Well, the main danger is processed dates. Sometimes they are soaked in sugar syrup, which results in an increase in calorie content and a decrease in beneficial properties. You can tell by its stickiness - if they stick to regular plastic bags, then they are definitely treated with syrup. Most often this is done to hide fruit defects and increase their sweetness.

If the dates have not been completely dried, they may have a fermentation smell.

Also, to add shine, dates can be treated with glycerin.

What dates should I buy?

It is best to choose matte fruits, without shine, with a whole peel without defects or cracks, with a pit. They are elastic when pressed. Wrinkled dates most often sat on the counter for a long time. You should not take sticky or shiny fins. It is not necessary to wash high-quality fruits, but those treated with sugar syrup, stale ones, or with damaged skins are required.

How many calories are in one dried date?

However, if you are watching your weight, you should remember that dates are very high in calories. The weight of one dried date with a pit ranges from 6 to 11 grams, and the calorie content of 1 date of average weight will be as much as 23 calories. Therefore, if you use dates in your diet, it is best to replace sweets, and then only by strictly controlling their quantity. Despite this calorie content, there is a special date diet for 10 days, which promises weight loss of 8 kg.

Calorie content of dates

  • Calorie content of dates is 274 kcal.
  • Dried dates - 340 kcal

Those losing weight may be interested in the question - how many calories are in one date? One fruit weighs on average 8-9 grams, which means the approximate calorie content of each date is 23 kcal. Fruits are considered low-calorie. But it is worth considering that these fruits are not available fresh on our shelves. Only dried or dried. You already know the calorie content of dried dates. It is much higher than the energy value of this product in its fresh form. Let us explain: when drying, most of the moisture evaporates from the fruit. However, even dried fruits are recommended for people who are on a diet or adhere to a healthy diet. They are lower in calories than other sweets, or with the same caloric content they are more healthy, tasty, and satisfy hunger for a long time.

The calorie content of dried dates is not very different from dried dates. The difference lies in the way the fruit is prepared. It is important to know that even in processed form, these fruits retain a lot of beneficial properties. Therefore, those who are losing weight can eat them. As a rule, with a limited diet, the body does not have enough nutrients. As a result, performance decreases. Thanks to a healthy fruit, the situation can be improved. The main thing is to remember that everything is good and healthy in moderation.

Calorie content of dates per 100 g and in 1 piece

Royal dried fruit is fleshy and sweet. This is a good alternative to chocolate candy, but dates provide half the calories. Dried dates have a distinctly sweet taste, while dried dates are tender and sugary. But before you eat such a delicacy, it’s a good idea to find out what calorie content is found in different types of dates.

These dried fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates - from 44 to 88%, and they contain a large amount of natural sugar - fructose, sucrose and sucrose. This composition turns the fruit into a quick source of energy for the human body. To determine how much of an exotic delicacy you can eat per day without the risk of gaining extra pounds, look at how many calories are in dates. The amount per 100 g of product will be as follows:

  • dried with bones – 292 kcal;
  • dried with seeds – 283 kcal;
  • pitted – 274 kcal;
  • fresh fruits - 240 kcal.

Although dates with pits are higher in calories than those from which the pit has been removed, they also contain more nutrients. This is due to the specifics of drying fruits with the core removed. In the process of such processing, their usefulness becomes less.

Benefits of dates for women

Everyone knows that women love sweets very much and have a greater need for sweets than men. With a lack of glucose, problems with hormonal levels begin. The risk of endocrine diseases also increases.

Dates - benefits for women:

  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • protect against cancer;
  • cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

As you know, all girls strive to be beautiful. By eating a couple of pieces a day, you will prolong your youth. Your hair will become shiny and your nails will become strong. And the skin is smooth and silky.

Healthy fruits contain tryptophan, which, due to its properties, can be synthesized into “happiness hormones.” This is what endorphins are called. With systematic use, the activity of the nervous system is normalized, nervousness and anxiety are reduced. The product is recommended for women who have hormonal problems.

What else are dates good for a woman’s body? Gynecologists say that the elements contained in the fruits of the date tree help strengthen the muscles of the uterus. If a woman wants to give birth quickly and painlessly, then she needs to eat these healthy fruits regularly. Also, these tasty fruits relieve cramps during painful menstruation and have the property of relieving PMS symptoms.

It is also useful to consume during pregnancy, in small quantities, due to the content of beneficial amino acids and vitamins. During lactation, fruits stimulate the process of milk secretion. Activation of milk secretion occurs due to a hormone called oxytocin. Since dates contain calcium and magnesium, the product will contribute to the normal development of the baby’s bone tissue. Mom will not experience problems with brittle bones and teeth.

Healthy sweetness cleanses the blood of toxins. This prolongs youth and maintains a healthy complexion.

During mental stress, women also need to eat this healthy delicacy. The sugars contained in the fruit are quickly absorbed. Due to this, brain activity improves and memory improves. It becomes easier to concentrate on a specific task. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that frequent consumption of dates increases brain productivity by 20%. After heavy physical activity they promote rapid recovery - will be relevant for girls who regularly play sports.

Women suffer from insomnia more often than men. Healthy fruits contain melatonin. It is responsible for quality sleep and eliminates nightmares. Falling asleep becomes easy.

Dates are useful during menopause. During this time, women suffer from mood swings. The hormone of joy contained in them normalizes mood.

Benefits of dates for men

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases among men increases every year. If you consume the fruits regularly, you can protect yourself from heart attack and stroke. Magnesium and potassium contained in the treat help stimulate the myocardium if a person has heart failure. Fruits help lower blood pressure. It has been proven that dates cleanse blood vessels of plaque that can cause atherosclerosis.

If a man is regularly exposed to heavy physical activity, he must include this exotic fruit in his daily diet. It helps you recover quickly, fills you with energy and improves performance.

For men, the benefits of dates include increasing potency - this fact is recognized by doctors who advise eating this product every day after 45 years. In this case, there will be no problems with intimate life.

How much does one pitted date weigh?

Dates are often called the “berries of life” or “nature’s storehouse.” And this is not in vain. The fact is that the small fruits of the date tree contain a large complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are vital for the human body.


They contain about 5 salts and minerals, including boron, potassium, zinc, iron, as well as vitamins B, C and A and 23 amino acids. When dried, the berries retain all their beneficial properties.

It has been scientifically proven that a person can eat only dates for a whole month, and the body will receive all the necessary nutrients. Already after 30 min. After consumption, mental performance increases and strength is restored. Just 10-15 dates a day will help cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. In addition, the fruits help normalize blood pressure, increase blood circulation, improve expectoration, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and increase potency. They are also useful for women because they strengthen the muscles of the uterus and improve labor, and after childbirth they help to recover faster. At the same time, they do not cause allergies in a baby who is breastfed.

Scientists believe that by eating just one berry a day, a person “triggers irreversible processes to restore his health.”

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the skin so that it is free of mold. The fruits should be slightly wrinkled, dry and not sticky.

As a rule, only dried fruits are eaten. However, you can also use fresh ones. They are used to prepare jellies, compotes, jams and jams, and candied fruits. They are added to baked goods, and whole fruits are added when stewing meat, which gives the dish a special sourness.


However, these fruits should be introduced into the diet with caution for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and urolithiasis.

Doctors are still arguing over the question: Can people with diabetes use them? The fact is that they contain about 70% sugar, which helps increase blood glucose. However, Israeli scientists have proven that Majhol berries will not cause harm if you eat no more than 100 g of them.

Harm of dates

Of course, the fruit is very healthy, but dates also have contraindications. Let's consider who and when should eat them with caution, or completely exclude them from the diet:

  • People prone to allergic reactions. First, you can try a couple of things, carefully monitor the body’s reaction - whether there is a rash on the skin, etc. If you feel normal, you can eat sweets without fear.
  • The fruits contain a lot of fiber, which is difficult to digest. Therefore, there is no need to eat dates at night - the stomach will not rest during the night, digesting food, this is very harmful to the body.
  • Dates can only be eaten fresh in countries where they grow.
  • Perhaps the harm of dates to the body may be due to too much fruit consumption - it is possible that migraines may occur. Weakness and drowsiness may appear - the active substances depress the nervous system.

You can give healthy sweets to children. There are the best recipes on the Internet with the addition of dates - this way you can be sure that the fruits will not harm the baby. Before giving a healthy treat to your child, you need to make sure that he does not have an allergic reaction to the fruit. It is advisable to know about dates, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit, especially if you love them. There are many benefits from this product, despite the fact that dried fruits, dried naturally and not treated with chemicals, can today be bought in our country. Just be careful when choosing this healthy fruit.

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