Diet hsgd reviews

General rules

The daily caloric intake of a normal healthy person (height 170 cm) is 2100-2000 for women and 2500-3000 calories for men, depending on the type of occupation. It is believed that to lose weight it is enough to reduce this number by 20%, but American television star Bethenny Frankel went further and suggested that girls who want to be thin reduce their intake to 800-1150 kcal per day.

This dynamics allows you to keep the body in constant tone, maintain a natural healthy thinness, preventing the body from adapting to restrictions, and most importantly, the hsgd diet gives a good result - minus 4-7 extra pounds per month, which do not return within a year.

American businesswoman, chef, writer and television star Bethenny Frankel

The rules of the Healthy skinny girl diet are very simple:

  • you cannot exceed the daily calorie intake, which is scheduled for each day of the month of the HSGD 30 diet;
  • you need to drink a lot of water - at least 1.5-2 liters;
  • you can eat anything, but it is important to weigh, record and add up the consumed energy value of foods;
  • Daily 30-minute cardio exercise is required;
  • fruits and vegetables don't count.

90-day diet - menu, reviews, results, tips

90-day diet - separate nutrition system. Many people like it because it allows them not to completely give up their favorite foods, including sweets.

The diet is perfect for those who need to get rid of a large number of extra pounds without harm to their health. Obese people have a disturbed metabolism, and it is separate nutrition that helps to improve it. In addition to the fact that this diet is considered beneficial in itself and promotes weight loss, the effect of the diet is increased by reducing the calorie content of the daily menu.

On topic: Eat Nothing Diet

Experts consider separate nutrition, which is the basis of the 90-day diet, to be the healthiest and most correct from a physiological point of view.


The 90-day diet is based on repeating a four-day cycle. Each day of the cycle is dedicated to one type of food - protein, starchy, carbohydrate, vitamin (fruit) days.

Rules of the 90-day diet:

  • Lunch should be no earlier than noon. If you feel very hungry and it’s not time for a meal yet, you can eat some fruit, but no later than 30 minutes before the main meal;
  • the interval between lunch and dinner should be at least three hours, and on a protein day - at least four hours;
  • you can’t eat after 20.00;
  • on a vitamin day, you should eat food every 2-3 hours;
  • on a protein day, you should not eat different types of protein foods, for example, meat and eggs, meat and dairy products, eggs and dairy products;
  • every 29th day (after the fruit day) should be a fasting day; during the day they only drink water. Then follows another protein day;
  • control portion sizes. Eat the usual portion for lunch, and half as much for dinner;
  • prepare food by boiling, stewing, baking, steaming or grilling (without oil);
  • to control the caloric content of the diet, it is recommended to count calories at the beginning of the diet (maximum 2000 kcal per day), this is especially important on carbohydrate days;
  • every day you need to drink about 2 liters of pure still water;
  • During the diet, it is advisable to exercise regularly.

To achieve the effect of the diet, it is important to follow all recommendations strictly for 90 days; any deviations can lead to a slowdown in weight loss and a rapid return of lost kilograms.

It is worth weighing yourself and measuring your volumes before starting a diet. Observing the results, it will be easier to adhere to the rules and avoid breakdowns, as motivation will appear. If a breakdown does occur, you should continue the diet from the missed day.

If, after a 90-day diet, you continue to practice separate meals, the weight will gradually decrease further until it is completely normal, and then will be maintained at this level.

Benefits of the 90 Day Diet

The 90-day diet helps you lose 2-4 kg per week. The greater the initial weight, the faster the extra pounds are lost; as you approach normal levels, the rate of weight loss slows down.

The 90-day diet is good for those who need to lose significant weight, measured in tens of kilograms.

Obese people have a disturbed metabolism, and separate nutrition allows it to be adjusted.

Experts consider separate nutrition, which is the basis of the 90-day diet, to be the healthiest and most correct from a physiological point of view.

Three months of the diet ensure the formation of new, healthy eating habits, which helps normalize weight, prevent its re-gain and improve the health of the body.

Thanks to the variety of diet during the 90-week diet, the menu can be made not boring, avoiding repetition of dishes.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the 90-day diet

This system has no disadvantages or absolute contraindications, but people with chronic diseases should consult their doctor before starting the diet and formulate a menu taking into account his recommendations.

What products are allowed?

The 90-day diet consists of four-day cycles. Each day of the cycle is dedicated to one type of food.

On protein days the following are allowed:

  • meat (any lean variety);
  • poultry (without skin);
  • fish (any fresh);
  • eggs;
  • dairy and lactic acid products;
  • low starch vegetables, greens.

On starchy days the following are allowed:

  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • rice and porridge on water - buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
  • legumes;
  • any vegetables, including potatoes.

The carbohydrate days diet consists of:

  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • baking from yeast-free dough;
  • pasta;
  • porridge with water;
  • low-fat sweets (dark chocolate, honey, marshmallows, marmalade, jam, oatmeal cookies, etc.);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Allowed foods for vitamin days:

  • fruits, berries, dried fruits;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices (juice consumption is considered a separate meal).

Vegetable oil and lemon juice are used to dress salads.

Spices are allowed, but keep in mind that most of them stimulate the appetite.

You can drink black and green tea and black coffee every day.

What products are prohibited?

Every day of the 90-day diet, all foods that are not included in the list of permitted foods for that particular day are prohibited.

In addition, fatty, salty, smoked foods, fast food, and confectionery products are prohibited (except for those allowed on carbohydrate day).


Eating sugar in sweets is only allowed on carbohydrate days; on other days it is prohibited. No sugar is added to drinks.

It is advisable to exclude salt. If this is difficult to do, it is permissible in small quantities.

90 day diet menu

Sample protein day menu for a 90-day diet:

Sample protein day menu:

Sample menu for a starchy day:

Sample carbohydrate day menu:

Vitamin (fruit) day menu:

* On this day there should be more than three meals, in between you can eat any fruits, compotes, freshly squeezed fruit juices.

Useful tips

Tip 1. Those who do not like sweets can replace them with crackers during a carbohydrate day.

Tip 2. If you don’t want to eat a lot of fruits on your vitamin day, some of them can be replaced with fresh vegetables.

Diet characteristicsfinal grade
Duration:90 days4 out of 5 By following the recommendations of the diet, in three months you will not only be able to lose weight and improve your health, but also develop new, healthy eating habits, thanks to which your weight will decrease to normal even after completing the diet.
Recommended frequency: once a year
Weight loss rate:
Variety of products:

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Authorized Products

The HCGD diet has gained enormous popularity because it does not set any prohibitions, limits, or rules; it is a real breakthrough in the field of nutrition; finally, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want.

It is important to become familiar with kitchen scales, a calorie table and not eat more than a given norm, and you can pamper yourself with fruits and vegetable salads with absolute impunity when you are hungry - this way you will get enough sugars, vitamins , fiber and vegetable proteins.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

young potatoes2,40,412,461
red onion1,40,09,142
salad pepper1,30,05,327





Nuts and dried fruits


Cereals and porridges

oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
cooked bulgur3,10,214,183
boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

vysivkovy bread9,02,236,0217
Rye bread6,61,234,2165
whole grain bread10,12,357,1295


chocolate candies4,039,554,2569
oatmeal cookies6,514,471,8437
Turkish delight with pistachios0,91,083,0327
tahini halva12,729,950,6516


Babaevsky bitter chocolate8,036,046,8540
chocolate with nuts6,640,949,9580

Raw materials and seasonings

acacia honey0,80,071,0288
Linden honey0,60,079,7323


milk 1%3,31,04,841
kefir 0%3,00,13,830
curdled milk 1%3,01,04,140
greek yogurt5,03,23,566

Cheeses and cottage cheese

ricotta cheese11,013,03,0174
Chees Feta17,024,00,0290
cottage cheese 1.8% (low-fat)18,01,83,3101

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
veal pulp20,52,40,0105


chicken fillet23,11,20,0110


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Fish and seafood

boiled pink salmon22,97,80,0168
sea ​​bass18,03,099
steamed mackerel18,013,2191

Oils and fats

unrefined vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898

* data is per 100 g of product

Diet 90 days

Another popular and effective diet of our century, which to this day saves women from annoying extra pounds. Its name is the 90-day separate nutrition diet. Its specially structured days and short period of use are suitable for any girl, and the weight loss results are simply stunning.

History of creation

The diet was invented by two friends from the small town of Ptuž (Slovenia). The friends were interested in reviewing articles for nutrition magazines, and decided to independently come up with their own way of eating, which would help everyone who wanted to eat tasty, healthy food and at the same time lose excess weight.

It is by using alternation, or rather separate nutrition by type of food, that you can pamper yourself not only with different and tasty foods, but also lose excess weight. Yes, the 90-day diet has restrictions and even fasting days, but there are such a tiny amount of them that the diet will not seem so complicated.

Diet 90 days of separate meals

Duration of the diet: 3 months Type of diet: alternating diet with separate meals. Price category: average 6 thousand rubles/month. Results: weight loss from 7.5 to 25 kg (depending on diet and physical exercise). Frequency of use: can be used as a diet for the entire period of life, as well as corrective nutrition.

Contraindications: not recommended for persons with 2 or 3 degrees of obesity or only under medical supervision. Not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems and stomach and duodenal ulcers. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Diet 90 days: rules, results and reviews

The rules for using the 90-day diet are very simple. Nutrition days are designed in such a way that they accelerate the body's metabolism, thereby accelerating weight loss without resorting to large dietary restrictions. In a separate nutrition diet for 90 days, 4 main types of nutrition alternate.

  • Protein
  • Starch
  • Carbohydrate
  • Vitamin

After the end of the first four days, the principle of nutrition is repeated again. This way the diet will be varied. Also, during the 90-day period, there are three days (once every 29 days) of a fasting drinking diet, that is, for one day you need to drink only water and nothing else.

On the subject: How to lose weight without dieting and exercise

Such days should be present in the diet to give a “push” to the weight that is not going away. It is precisely strict adherence to days and food intake over the course of 90 days that the diet bears fruit and shows excellent results.

Even if you have a “breakdown”, the next day you need to start eating again according to the same pattern.

Foods that can be consumed on a separate diet for 90 days

Due to the nature of the composite diet menu, it is possible to consume some “forbidden” foods, such as cakes, chocolate and ice cream, instead of natural chicken/vegetable broth, it is allowed to use pressed chicken cubes or vegetable concentrates, of course, all within reasonable limits and on certain days. It is mandatory to drink a special drink every day:

Warm water + 1 tsp. honey + 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar + 2 fruits or a glass of berries.

Diet 90 days: protein day any meat (pork, veal, beef, poultry, rabbit) any fish and seafood eggs dairy products (no additives)

PROHIBITED: mixing different types of proteins, for example chicken with cheese.

meat broths vegetables (except starchy ones) whole grain bread (at lunchtime)

90 Day Diet: Starch Day

legumes soybeans cereals starchy vegetables whole grain bread vegetable broth

90 Day Diet: Carbohydrate Day

flour products without yeast (drum pasta, whole grain bread, crackers) cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet) any vegetables and tomato sauce sweets (dark chocolate, ice cream, bizet)

90 Day Diet: Vitamin Day

any fruits dried fruits without sugar any vegetables nuts and seeds (25 grams/day)

vegetable and fruit juices without sugar

On each day of the diet, you must drink at least 2 liters of clean water; in order to remember to drink it, train yourself to put a bottle of water next to you. It is allowed to drink coffee and tea without sugar and milk. On vitamin day, you can cook uzvar. It is PROHIBITED to drink any alcohol.

Diet plan for 90 days

According to the rules of the 90-day diet, all breakfasts will be relatively the same and unchanged, which is why it will be much easier to come up with dinner and lunch.

If you are used to eating food 4-5 times a day, you will have to give up this in this diet, since it is designed specifically for three meals.

If hunger between lunch and dinner is still strong, you are allowed to eat one small fruit.

Meal schedule

Every diet has a certain time when you need to eat food, and from which time you should stop chewing. For example, the last meal should be at 8 pm. Breakfast is always before 12 noon.

On protein days of the diet, the break between lunch and dinner should be at least 4 hours. On protein days, the level of water consumed should be higher than on other days.

On a vitamin day of the diet, the time between the second and third meals can be reduced to 3 hours, but on a vitamin day, the difference can only be 2 hours, but keep in mind that dinner is the last meal.

Be mindful of serving sizes. If you are used to eating your fill, now you need to forget about it. Visually divide your usual portion before the diet in half and consume just half.

Diet for 90 days: exit from the diet

After completing 90 days on a diet, you still need to adhere to the rules of nutrition, as well as drink water with honey and vinegar, and leave fruit for breakfast.

You can adjust your portion size if your body is still not used to the amount of food you consumed before. Although over the course of 3 months your body and stomach should get used to the schedule and portions.

Learn to eat tasty and healthy, and if you don’t know how to diversify your menu, read new recipes for separate meals.


Fully or partially limited products

In principle, there are no restrictions in the choice of food, however, in order to be healthy, it is still recommended to give up too salty and unhealthy chips, crackers, chocolates, as well as fatty and smoked foods.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
potato chips5,530,053,0520
banana chips2,333,650,7519
salted popcorn7,313,562,7407
cheese popcorn5,830,850,1506
pasta boiled with fat3,45,019,0135
soy sauce3,50,011,058
fried pork11,449,30,0489
smoked beef brisket7,666,8632
fried chicken26,012,00,0210
smoked chicken wings29,919,50,0290
creamy margarine0,582,00,0745
vegetable-fat spread0,040,00,0360

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Sample menu for 800 kcal

  • a portion of oatmeal with dates (up to 30 g);
  • coffee, if you like it, with milk and honey, or other sweets.
  • fresh salad.
  • steamed chicken breast, leafy greens and tomatoes;
  • Orange fresh.
  • 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese or other fermented milk product.
  • warm salad (no more than 150 g) of shrimp and arugula, seasoned with unrefined olive oil, for example.

Sample menu for 900 kcal

  • omelette with vegetables (except potatoes);
  • homemade lemonade made with lime, mint, water and ice.
  • favorite fruit.
  • vegetable soup with rabbit;
  • grapefruit.
  • piece without yeast strudel.
  • 150 g buckwheat with boiled poultry breast;
  • brewed natural tea.

Sample menu for 950 kcal

  • a pair of boiled chicken eggs;
  • wholemeal toast with jam;
  • Americano.
  • popsicle type ice cream.
  • boiled vegetables, ham and leafy greens;
  • a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • vegetable broth.
  • salad of feta, lettuce, red onion, tomatoes, flavored with Greek yogurt.

Example menu for 1000 kcal

  • bulgur with vegetables.
  • cheese plate.
  • 200 g legumes;
  • lean ham;
  • fruit salad.
  • milk smoothie with banana.
  • a couple of young jacket potatoes;
  • 70 g lightly salted salmon fillet;
  • green tea.

Example menu for 1100 kcal

  • low-fat cottage cheese with your favorite berries.
  • black coffee;
  • a couple of rye toasts with avocado pulp.
  • ear, for example, with pink salmon fillet;
  • Herb tea.
  • cocoa with low-fat milk;
  • oatmeal gingerbread or candy.
  • beef steak and grilled vegetables;
  • mint iced tea.

Sample menu for 1150 kcal

  • whole grain ricotta bread;
  • hot drink.
  • favorite fruit.
  • wild rice and steamed mackerel;
  • freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  • a slice of dark chocolate.
  • a portion of spring pasta.

Note: Serving sizes should not exceed 150-200 g.

Protein roll recipe

Would you like to enjoy a delicious roll for dinner? 100 grams contain only 75 calories. Need to take:

  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 50 milliliters of milk;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • olive oil;
  • to taste - salt and pepper.
  • Beat the egg, white and milk, and prepare an omelet from the resulting mixture with a little olive oil. Finely chop the chicken breast or grind it into mince. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes along with the bell pepper. Heat a frying pan, add oil, fry onions, chicken and peppers, add Provençal herbs, salt and pepper. Place the chicken mixture on top of the omelette and roll it up.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • Due to fluctuations in the energy value of foods on different days, the body cannot adapt and continues to lose weight intensively, even if the excess weight is no more than 3 kg.
    • Due to the absence of a list of prohibited foods, the risk of relapse is reduced - you can eat or drink anything, the main thing is not to exceed the allowed daily calorie intake.
    • If you start a diet with a new work week, it turns out that you can afford more on the weekends.
    • According to girls who have tried the Healthy skinny girl diet, the weight lost in a month does not return within a year.
    • Reducing the calorie intake to less than 1 thousand is considered unhealthy, unable to provide the body with all the necessary substances, it can cause problems: dystrophy, hormonal disorders, which is why the CGDM diet is often called anorexic .
    • You need to constantly weigh out and count calories, and within a month this may seem like an unnecessary and annoying routine and will reduce all your efforts to zero.

    Daily calorie intake

    1. 900
    2. 800
    3. 900
    4. 1000
    5. 950
    6. 1100
    7. 1100
    8. 900
    9. 800
    10. 900
    11. 1000
    12. 950
    13. 1100
    14. 1150
    15. 900
    16. 800
    17. 900
    18. 950
    19. 1100
    20. 1100
    21. 1150
    22. 900
    23. 800
    24. 950
    25. 1000
    26. 950
    27. 1100
    28. 1150
    29. 900
    30. 900

    An interesting and useful observation will be: if you start a diet on Monday, then on weekends you can consume more calories than on weekdays, and this is very convenient for most of us.


    • for the convenience of counting the calorie content of foods eaten and recording physical activity, it is best to install an application on a smartphone like MyFitnessPal or S Health or purchase a fitness tracker;
    • in order not to get confused, there should always be a reminder of the daily caloric intake before your eyes, as well as records of the energy value of the most frequently consumed foods;
    • Despite the fact that fruits and vegetables are not allowed to be counted, in order to achieve a better result, it is still worth taking these products into account.

    Results and reviews of the hsgd diet

    • Klava, 27 years old: “... This is my first time leaving reviews, but for me the Healthy skinny girl diet turned out to be a real breakthrough. I sat on it twice, because the usual calorie intake for life, 800 kcal, seemed unreasonable to me, in the first month I lost 4 kg, and in the second - 3 kg, and I reached my cherished 55 kg. I can say that the diet is starvation for those who are used to eating at least 1.5-2 thousand, but if you play sports, you are allowed to eat more, because the energy spent must be taken into account when preparing the diet, plus the body becomes more toned.”
    • Vanessa, 19 years old: “...Hgsd is not a magic wand, but long-term work on yourself, which makes you think all the time, is it worth eating chips or maybe I’ll come home and eat ham, because in the evening I won’t have the strength to do anything? Thanks to the diet, you rethink your entire nutrition system and learn from your mistakes. After just a couple of weeks of calculations, you learn to give preference to healthy foods, so it can be considered a unique method for switching to a healthy lifestyle.”
    • Asya, 16 years old: “... The HSHD diet helped me lose 6 kg in just 3 weeks, I constantly played sports and did not feel hungry. The most common foods I chose were boiled chicken and cottage cheese, and the vegetables were greens and cucumbers. I recommend it to all my friends, because the most important thing is that the diet really works.”
    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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