Diet Saucer - reviews

The secret to losing weight on a plate

The Blyudechko diet allows you to quickly lose extra pounds thanks to the following nutritional rules:

☀ Those who chose it should eat often, but little.

☀ A saucer with a diameter of 10 cm must be used as a plate.

☀ You need to eat as much as will fit into it. Apply without slide.

Such a diet is justified from a psychological point of view. If you eat from a large plate, but fill half of it, the brain signals to the body that it has been deprived, and the stomach will demand more. The sight of a small but full plate “deceives” the brain - as a result, the body does not feel deprived.

According to statistics, on average, citizens of our country eat 2 times more than they need. You need to get rid of the habit of eating large portions.

☀ You cannot skip meals.

☀ You need to eat 4 times a day.

☀ You can afford almost anything you want, even a cake or a chocolate bar - the main thing is that it fits into a saucer.

“Saucer” diet + several menu options

The Saucer Diet is a way to make friends with healthy eating. Losing weight is going quite slowly, but “surely”. And, most importantly, you will not have to be distracted from your usual activities, isolate yourself from friends and family, and sadly bear the dietary cross alone. Yes, “saucer” supporters can eat at the same table with relatives and continue to lose weight. How is this possible?

The Saucer diet allows you to quickly lose extra pounds thanks to the following nutritional rules: Those who choose it should eat often, but little. As a plate, you need to use a saucer with a diameter of 10 cm. You need to eat as much as will fit into it. Apply without slide. Such a diet is justified from a psychological point of view. If you eat from a large plate, but fill half of it, the brain signals to the body that it has been deprived, and the stomach will demand more. The sight of a small but full plate “deceives” the brain - as a result, the body does not feel deprived. According to statistics, on average, citizens of our country eat 2 times more than they need. You need to get rid of the habit of eating large portions. You can't skip meals. You can afford almost anything you want, even a cake or a chocolate bar - the main thing is that it fits into a saucer.

DISH DIET MENU (for those who need a menu)

Menu one, transitional This diet is quite strict and low in calories. Most modern nutritionists will deny it the right to be called healthy precisely because of the low content of carbohydrates and calories. However, it should only be used for the first 5 days when switching to a fractional diet.

Breakfast: a cup of coffee Second breakfast: vegetable salad with lemon juice (carrot, beetroot, cabbage or a mixture) Lunch: one large fruit, any, 10 g of flaxseed oil. Lunch: 100 g of boiled meat or fish Afternoon snack: one egg, or 100 g of cottage cheese Early dinner: vegetable salad Dinner: 10 dried apricots or prunes, previously soaked in warm water. Before bed: a glass of kefir or yogurt with live bifidocultures. You should eat every 2 hours, slowly, while sitting.

After 5 days - the classic “saucer” and meals according to the following rules: Each meal should weigh no more than 200 g and fit on a standard saucer from a tea set. At main meals, half of the saucer is occupied by vegetables (except potatoes) or grains, half by a protein dish (low-fat meat or fish). Snacks are either strictly fruit, or fruit plus some protein food such as cottage cheese or yogurt. But the rule is immutable - the fruit and protein must still fit on the “plate”, that is, together they must weigh no more than 200 g for women and 300 g for men. The calorie content of each meal is on average 200-300 kcal, there are six meals, the last meal is 2 hours before bedtime. If you really want something sweet or fried, we eat it in the first half of the day, the portion, again, is no more than 200 g. Drinks with calories can replace meals, drink no more than 200 ml at a time.

Sample menu for weight loss (sedentary lifestyle, woman/man)

Breakfast: 100 g oatmeal with water, 100 g/200 g chicken breast (200/300 kcal); Second breakfast: 100 g grated apple with cinnamon and 100 ml/200 ml natural yogurt (120/220 kcal); Lunch: 100 g vegetable stew with vegetable oil, 100 g/200 g boiled fish (200/300 kcal); Snack: pear/pear and apple (100/200kcal); Dinner: 100 g peeled shrimp, 100/200 g vegetable salad (160/280 kcal); Before bed: 200 ml of kefir with finely chopped dried fruits and a small amount of bran (160 kcal);

Sample menu for weight loss (woman, workout 3-5 times a week, fitness)

Breakfast: 200 g oatmeal with milk, 10 g butter (350 kcal); Snack: 30 g of nuts, small fruit (200 kcal); Lunch: cream soup of 100 g chicken breast and broccoli, 200 ml (250 kcal); Snack: protein shake or smoothie from 100 g of cottage cheese, 100 ml of yogurt, half a banana and any berries (220-250 kcal); Dinner: 100 g of fatty fish, 100 g of vegetables; Before bed: protein isolate or 6 egg whites with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil and seaweed powder.

Stages of the Saucer diet

At the first stage

diet, you must get used to the fact that you need to eat in small portions. You can eat whatever you want. The first stage can last 1-2 weeks.

Second phase

diet is aimed at learning to choose healthy and wholesome foods. At the second stage, we also eat small portions, but we eat only what is allowed. For example, for breakfast you can eat porridge with water, an omelet or low-fat cottage cheese. Lunch should consist of a vegetable side dish and meat (50/50 ratio). During the afternoon snack we eat any fruit, fruit puree or yogurt. For dinner you can treat yourself to fish or cottage cheese.

The second stage can last until you achieve the desired result.

The good thing about the “Saucer” diet is that we don’t deny ourselves almost anything. We simply learn not to overeat and choose the right foods that our body needs to function properly and do not cause it any harm.

When following the “Saucer” diet, you must remember that everyone has different needs for food and vitamins. In addition, we have different energy consumption. Therefore, it is possible that someone may not have enough such small portions for active life and normal functioning of the body. It makes sense to select the amount of food you eat at a time individually.

The essence of the “Saucer” diet, the main rules and advantages

The idea for a diet was born among pop stars, cinema and socialites who are forced to regularly attend buffets and banquets full of gastronomic masterpieces. For such people, a universal diet was needed that would allow them to “peck” a little of each dish without harm to their health.

First of all, of course, weight loss is achieved by reducing portions. During the diet, the stomach is significantly reduced in volume, so in the future, satiety comes thanks to small snacks. A healthy diet should contain at least 4 small snacks, and portions should not exceed the volume of a tea saucer (diameter up to 100 mm).

As for the diet menu, you can eat a variety of dishes, but focus on healthy eating to improve weight loss. Several times a week (once or twice), you can afford a couple of snacks consisting of your favorite prohibited foods.

The duration of the diet is not limited in any way - you can stick to it for one or two weeks, or you can use it as a basis to build a diet for years. Of course, in the first weeks, excess weight will be lost more rapidly (about 0.5-2 kg per week), then the weight will stabilize, allowing you to maintain your figure.

Rules of the “Saucer” diet:

  1. Small meals consisting of 4 small snacks, the last one should be taken a few hours before bedtime. If you have an increased appetite or during active pastime, unscheduled snacks are allowed, however, only healthy ones: grain bread, unsweetened fruits (apples, citruses) and berries, a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink, vegetable salad.
  2. The serving size is equivalent to a tea saucer, and food should not be piled up or climbed onto the edges.
  3. All food should be consumed in the right place without distractions (laptop with work, negotiations, TV, etc.). It is also recommended to cut each piece of food into smaller pieces and chew it thoroughly.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, eat at night, or give in during a diet to the desire to try everything on a festive table or a picnic with kebabs.
  5. Never force your body to starve or skip regular meals. Always have some small healthy snack on hand, even if you are not at home in a crowded place.
  6. Be sure to follow the drinking regime - up to 2 liters of healthy fluid per day.
  7. A couple of snacks a week can consist of your favorite forbidden foods, but they also need to fit into a small saucer.
  8. It is highly advisable to combine the diet with active physical training, yoga, swimming, running, walking, Pilates and aerobics.
  9. Breaks between snacks should be no more than 4 hours.
  10. The diet must contain animal proteins and calcium, which can be obtained from low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, unsalted cheeses, cottage cheese).

Pros of the “Saucer” diet:

  • The diet is not limited to a specific set of products, and you also do not have to monitor the calorie content of the dish and its fat/carbohydrate content;
  • Healthy habits are formed (small meals, no overeating and night snacks, eating at regular intervals, consuming enough liquid, chewing food thoroughly, and others);
  • The stomach is significantly reduced in volume, which promotes satiety in small portions and, accordingly, weight loss;
  • Peristalsis and digestion are normalized, stool problems disappear, as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Metabolism reaches the required level;
  • Extra pounds do not have time to be deposited on the sides, which will ensure that the results of the diet are consolidated for a long time;
  • The diet is effective for weight loss;
  • The duration of the diet is not limited in any way;
  • Can be combined with physical activity without fear of muscle exhaustion;
  • Smooth weight loss is the prevention of stretch marks, cellulite, sagging skin, saggy belly and withered muscle mass;
  • Small portions are much easier to prepare, which saves your finances, cooking time and effort;
  • Does not require taking biological additives and vitamin-mineral complexes, since the nutrition is selected independently (there is every chance to make it rational, nutritious and balanced);
  • The likelihood of a breakdown is minimal, since we eat often and familiar food.

“Saucer” diet menu for 7 days

Day 1


: coffee (tea, juice - 200 g), toast (whole grain bread) with cheese plus tomato.


: a mix of boiled vegetables (100-150 g) with sour cream dressing (sour cream can be replaced with light mayonnaise).

Afternoon snack

: fruit mix (100-150 g).


: fish (100 g), cooked in the oven with lemon and asparagus (green beans).

Day 2


: hard-boiled egg, coffee plus some yogurt.


: a slice of meat (boiled) plus a vegetable mix.

Afternoon snack

: a slice of cinnamon roll with kefir (yogurt - 100 g).


: vegetable stew.

Day 3


: muesli with dried fruits (50 g or 5 tbsp.) with yogurt dressing, coffee.


: vegetable soup (100-150 g), rye bread croutons.

Afternoon snack

: Banana-Strawberry smoothie (100 g), half a standard chocolate bar.


: sandwich (tuna-salad-cucumber).

Day 4


: omelette (beaten eggs, tomato, spinach).


: vegetable mix with the addition of ham.

Afternoon snack

: cottage cheese (0-1% fat) plus fruit.


: poultry fricassee plus a side dish of peas and carrots.

Day 5


: oatmeal porridge with dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots) plus whole grain toast.


: puree soup - main ingredients - chicken and mushrooms.

Afternoon snack

: fruit milkshake (can be replaced with ice cream and crackers).


: fish stew with vegetables (salmon plus tomatoes).

Day 6


: sandwich (rye bread-ham-salad-cheese), coffee.


: stewed veal liver (100 g) with apples.

Afternoon snack

: kefir (100 g) with a slice of fruit pie.


: cheese and beetroot mix (it’s better to take homemade cheese) with olive-lemon dressing, coffee.

Day 7


: “fried egg”, sprinkled with cheese, toast, tea (coffee).


: broth with meat and lentils, seasoned with sour cream.

Afternoon snack

: fresh berries wrapped in a pancake.


: “Improvisation” mix (you can use any raw vegetables as ingredients).

How to end a diet correctly

This diet does not require any special ceremony during the transition to the usual way of eating. The thing is that after two weeks you will become so accustomed to eating little and often that it will become a habitual way of life for you, and you will simply fall in love with this way of healthy eating.

And after staying on such a diet for a month, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also consolidate the result for a long time.

By the way, experts claim that thanks to fractional meals you can lose up to one kilogram per week. Such volume is a sign of healthy and proper weight loss.

Reviews and results of the Blyudechko diet

This all sounds bland, but look at the reviews. On almost any diet forum there will be a girl who has “lost weight with a healthy lifestyle.” She, as a rule, used fractional meals. However, nutritionists also have a positive attitude towards this diet.

    For example, Marianna Trifonova, known from numerous television projects, advises her clients to eat fractional meals a day with portions of about 300-400g.

The benefits of the diet will be the following:

  • the valuable ability to eat little and eat well;
  • control of both appetite and hunger;
  • healthy weight loss (weight is lost, on average, 500-1000 g per week, if everything is calculated correctly).

There are not so many disadvantages to the “saucer”:

  • unusual eating style, violation of stereotypes;
  • the need to come up with special meals and snacks for work if you can’t take a break;
  • the need to constantly plan snacks and carry food with you.
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