Sandwiches with bread. 11 healthy snack recipes

If you think that today it is impossible to have a proper breakfast, lunch or even a sandwich for dinner, then you are very mistaken. The era of sandwiches with butter and sausage is a thing of the past, and today it has been replaced by new, interesting and dietary recipes that will help diversify your diet! So pp sandwiches confidently move up and down the menu for weight loss and at the same time surprise with their usefulness and low-calorie content!

Before moving on to listing the endless fillings, you should immediately clarify what kind of bread should be used as the base. It is better to immediately abandon regular wheat bread, since there is no particular benefit in it. What should you pay attention to?

  • whole grain bread, rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. This bread is made from flour that has not undergone such careful processing and has retained most of the nutrients.
  • Whole wheat buns. From these buns you can make not only sandwiches, but also real sandwiches that are convenient to take with you.
  • Vegan bread. Pay attention to this bread too. It typically contains a variety of healthy seeds and nuts. You can buy it ready-made or try to bake it yourself.
  • Whole grain breads. Convenient for quick snacks, and also contain a lot of fiber.
  • Whole grain pita bread, flatbread, pita bread. It is also a very convenient option for lunches if you are not at home. You can wrap any ingredients in pita bread and have a great lunch or dinner.
  • Whole wheat croissants! An ideal option for those who adhere to a diet, but prefer to eat not only healthy, but also beautiful. Usually these croissants are sold without filling, so you can put whatever you want in there.

Do you want to know how to properly prepare a diet sandwich? We are ready to reveal all our secrets!

PP sandwiches for breakfast

It's no secret that it's impossible to imagine a simpler breakfast than a sandwich. One or two minutes - and breakfast is ready on the table. However, with a dietary diet, the standard breakfast set - bread + butter + sausage + cheese - is not enough, because the menu must be carefully thought out, balanced, healthy, and also tasty! Breakfast is a great time to add something sweet but healthy into your diet, and we've got plenty of options here that are sure to please.

So, you can eat a sandwich for breakfast with:

  • cottage cheese with berries. Just take regular cottage cheese (it’s best to use a low-fat product), beat it in a blender with any berries and add sweetener to taste. Spread this mixture on bread and enjoy!
  • peanut butter and fruit. This unique paste contains many beneficial substances and fats. Despite its rather high calorie content, you can safely include it in your diet during your diet. Place pieces of fruit on top of the pasta. It could be a banana, apple, pear or peach.
  • Greek yogurt and fruit. Spread Greek yogurt on the bread, top with maple syrup or honey and garnish with fruits and nuts.
  • banana puree with natural yoghurt. Beat all the ingredients in a blender and get a sweet and healthy breakfast. If you don't find enough sweetness in a banana, you can always add any natural sweetener.
  • ricotta cheese and honey. Spread ricotta cheese on bread and drizzle with honey. You can sprinkle with nuts or seeds.
  • pumpkin puree and maple syrup. An ideal dietary option if you want to replace jam with something low-calorie. Boil the pumpkin, beat in a blender and mix with syrup - you get a low-calorie jam that can be safely spread on sandwiches.
  • blue cheese and honey. Another unusual and delicious recipe. Spread blue cheese on bread, drizzle with honey, and place thin apple slices on top.

Dietary lavash roll with crab sticks

PP breakfast sandwiches with egg

If you like to have an omelet or scrambled eggs for breakfast, you can always make yourself an egg sandwich for breakfast. The calorie content of eggs is only 160 calories per 100 grams, while one egg contains about 60 grams. Eggs perfectly satiate and relieve hunger for a long time, and if you add other healthy and dietary ingredients to the sandwich, you will have the perfect breakfast on the PP!

  • sandwich with egg and natural yoghurt. Just boil the eggs, chop them finely and mix with natural yogurt. Be sure to add herbs, salt and pepper. Spread the resulting mixture onto whole grain bread. You can lightly brown it in the toaster.
  • scrambled egg with herbs and onions. Beat two eggs, add any herbs, green onions, salt and pepper. Pour into a frying pan (we cook without vegetable oil, so you need to use a non-stick frying pan) and stir. Cook for about 1-3 minutes. Place lettuce on a piece of whole grain bread and scramble eggs on top.
  • with fried egg and avocado. Fry the egg in a non-stick frying pan without oil. Salt and pepper. We put avocado slices, a couple of spinach leaves, and an egg on top!
  • pp sandwich with poached egg, greens and hummus. Boil the poached egg, since you don’t need to use vegetable oil to prepare it, this is a completely dietary recipe. Spread a thin layer of hummus on the bread, sprinkle with your favorite herbs, salt and pepper. Place an egg on top.
  • diet sandwich with omelet and spinach. Beat two eggs, finely chop the spinach and add to the egg mixture. Fry the omelette in a non-stick frying pan. Place the omelette on the bread, with tomato slices on top.
  • with boiled egg and beans. This is the case if you need to have a proper breakfast in the morning. Take a piece of whole grain bread and put boiled beans on it (this can be ready-made beans in white or red sauce), put boiled egg slices on top, salt and pepper.

Photo: instagram/narcoz40

PP rice flour pancakes

Diet sandwich

Of course, if you generously butter a bun, this is unlikely to have anything to do with dietary nutrition. But it’s worth replacing the butter with cheese and egg spread, and the baked goods with crispbread or whole grain bread, and you’ll get the breakfast of a champion!

It is important to create a recipe for a diet sandwich according to the rules of a healthy diet - and voila, a familiar and quick dish is already becoming truly healthy. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • Bread. We take wholemeal rye, slightly dried (fewer fermentation products) or bread with whole grains or bread with bran. Store-bought breads and lean flatbreads without yeast (lavash, pita bread, etc.) are also suitable.
  • We do not use butter, mayonnaise or industrial ketchup sauces.
  • For meat fillings, we choose chicken, turkey, rabbit, and lean veal.
  • We give priority to raw products. We steam, boil or bake the remaining ingredients - frying is not suitable for us, frying oil adds calories.

Sandwiches with bread - 5 recipes

Another good way to make a sandwich is to use special bread. This product is intended specifically for those who are on a diet and have decided to give up bread. Such breads are made using the pressure method from softened grains, thus all the beneficial vitamins and minerals are completely preserved. Another plus of this product is its high fiber content, which is important if you are on a diet!

  • with hummus and vegetables. Spread hummus on the bread and place any vegetables on top. You can sprinkle with herbs if desired.
  • with bean paste and tomatoes. These hearty bread sandwiches are perfect if you need a good snack. Grind the boiled beans in a blender along with herbs and olive oil (add a little). Salt and pepper to taste. Spread on bread, top with tomato slices.
  • with tofu cheese and cucumber. In a blender, grind tofu cheese with herbs and natural yogurt. Add spices to taste. Spread on bread and decorate with cucumber slices on top.
  • with vegetable pate. To prepare such a vegetable pate, simply stew your favorite vegetables, then grind everything in a blender until smooth. This dressing can be stored in the refrigerator and you can snack on a sandwich with bread at any time.
  • fish paste. Take the boiled fish and grind it in a blender with vegetables and herbs. Salt, pepper, spread on bread.

Sandwiches with pate and herbs

You should not use store-bought pates - they contain many preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives. After all, you can quickly prepare pate at home.


  • bran or whole grain bread – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled liver – 200 g;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • greens, lemon juice.

Grind the liver and eggs using a blender. Add a little lemon juice to the mixture and stir in the chopped herbs. All that remains is to spread the pate on the bread! Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator.

Homemade pate can be made from different ingredients

PP bread sandwiches with curd cheese

One of the most popular dressings or spreads for sandwiches is cottage cheese. Today there is a large selection of such cheeses with different percentages of fat content. For sandwiches, it is best to use low-fat varieties of cheese. What cheeses are suitable?

  • Low-fat Philadelphia cheese. It contains low-fat milk and cream. Calorie content per 100 grams is only about 150 calories.
  • Ricotta cheese. Per 100 grams about 170 calories.
  • Hochland curd cheese with herbs. There are about 200 calories per 100 grams.

What types of sandwich sandwiches are suitable for snacking?

  • cottage cheese + avocado + greens. A nutritious snack option if you don't have time for a full meal.
  • cottage cheese + baked vegetables. An ideal light option for a diet sandwich. Bake your favorite vegetables in the oven (you can also do this using a grill pan), spread cottage cheese, put vegetables on top, salt and pepper.
  • curd cheese + boiled shrimp + arugula. A real protein snack for those losing weight. Place shrimp on the curd cheese and sprinkle with arugula. Salt and pepper.

What to make a healthy sandwich from?


There is an opinion that black bread is better than white bread. There is truth in this, but if you carefully studied the composition. When you buy bread, you need to look not at the color, but at the flour from which it is made. White flour is baked from wheat flour, which is higher in calories, unlike rye. This is why people who are losing weight don’t like him. However, inexpensive black bread often does not contain rye flour, which gives it a dark color. The question arises: “Where does the dark shade come from?” Such bread is simply colored and instead of healthy rye bread rich in vitamins and amino acids, we get a harmful fake. And the ratio of wheat and rye flour in good white bread is 1:2, and black – 1:3. As you can see, the difference is small. It turns out that the color of the bread is not important at all, only the composition matters.

It is best to choose whole grain, yeast-free bread. It is well absorbed by the body, activates intestinal function and does not disrupt metabolic processes.



A good sausage should not contain starch, vegetable substitutes or soy - it is often added to meat products to reduce the amount of meat in them. They do this to reduce the cost of goods. It’s good if the soybean is natural, but often its genetically modified cheap analogue is added to sausages. As a result, we buy not meat, but meat-containing products. By the way, natural sausage cannot be a beautiful bright pink color. An attractive appearance indicates the presence of food additives that enhance taste, smell, color and give the desired consistency.

If you are not sure about the quality of the sausage, try replacing it with chicken breast. It cooks for 15-20 minutes, but you will cook it yourself.



We talked about how to choose a good hard cheese rather than a cheese product in one of our previous articles.

Victims of marketing. How are we being deceived by products?

For sandwiches you can use cottage cheese. This is a great alternative to butter, but lower in calories. Look at the ingredients: milk, cream, salt, sourdough. A piece of bread with curd cheese is a complete snack, and if you add a leaf of lettuce, vegetables and meat, you’ll have an excellent breakfast.


Vegetables will make any breakfast healthier. You can add cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, spinach and other “goodies” to sandwiches. There are practically no calories in greens and vegetables, for example, a cucumber is 95% water, and a tomato has only 20 kcal per 100 grams.


Dietary curd paste for sandwiches

One of the best and healthiest options for spreading on sandwiches is curd paste. Since it is not always possible to buy a product that contains a minimum of calories, the best option is to cook it yourself, carefully selecting all the necessary ingredients.

You need to prepare such a pasta, of course, from low-fat cottage cheese. You can take cottage cheese with 0% fat content, 2% or even 5%. Instead of regular cottage cheese, it is also good to use grained cottage cheese (the fat content ranges from 0% to 9%). The advantages of this version of cottage cheese are that you no longer have to add low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, since this cottage cheese contains salted cream.

We offer the following pasta options for pp sandwiches:

  • low-fat cottage cheese + dill + cucumber + mint + low-fat sour cream + spices to taste.
  • low-fat cottage cheese + natural yogurt + spinach + spices.
  • cottage cheese + green olives + any greens + spices.
  • low-fat cottage cheese + lightly salted salmon + greens + low-fat sour cream + spices.
  • grain cottage cheese + sweet peppers + herbs + natural yogurt + spices.

All ingredients must be thoroughly blended in a blender until a homogeneous consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

PP sandwiches with avocado - 20 dietary recipes

PP tuna sandwiches

Tuna sandwiches occupy a special place in dietary nutrition. Per 100 grams of this product there are as many as 24 grams of protein, which is extremely important if you are on a diet. At the same time, the calorie content of tuna is only 120 calories, so tuna is an excellent replacement for sausage and fatty meats. To prepare such a snack, you can use not only boiled tuna, but also in its own juice. The calorie content of such canned food is only about 100 calories per 100 grams!

PP tuna sandwich can be prepared in the following variations:

  • rye bread + Philadelphia cheese + tuna in its own juice + tomatoes + greens. Spread a slice of bread with low-fat cheese, place tuna, tomato slices on top and sprinkle with herbs and cover with another slice of bread.
  • rye bun + curd pasta + tuna in its own juice + boiled egg. We cut the bun into two parts, spread one part with curd paste, put boiled egg slices and tuna on top.
  • whole grain bread + natural yogurt + tuna in its own juice + tomatoes. Spread natural yogurt on bread, put tuna and tomato slices on top.
  • whole grain bread + lettuce + avocado + tuna in its own juice. Place lettuce, avocado slices and tuna on top of the bread. If desired, you can add herbs and spices.
  • whole grain bread + tuna + lettuce + celery stalk + spices. Cut the celery into small pieces and mix with the tuna. Toast a slice of bread in the toaster, spread it with tuna and celery, put lettuce leaves on top and cover with a second slice.

Photo: instagram/safi_laif

Tuna sandwich

A warm sandwich with fish and vegetables is a complete snack for adherents of pp. Thanks to the polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition, tuna reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It contains a large amount of protein, which is why nutritionists recommend consuming this type of fish for athletes and those losing weight.


  • tuna in its own juice - 100 g;
  • cucumber - 0.5 pcs.;
  • tomato - 0.5 pcs.;
  • lettuce - 2 leaves;
  • bread c/s - 2 pieces.

How to cook:

  1. Drain liquid from canned tuna and mash with a fork.
  2. Wash the lettuce leaves and dry them.
  3. Wash the cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  4. Cut the washed tomato in the same way.
  5. Fry the pieces of white bread on both sides in a dry non-stick frying pan.
  6. Place lettuce, cucumber, then tuna and tomatoes on one slice. Cover the top with the remaining piece.

Diet sandwiches with red fish

Fish lovers don’t have to stop at tuna alone, because sandwiches with red fish can be an ideal dietary option. The calorie content of this fish is about 170−180 calories per 100 grams, depending on which variety you choose. But at the same time you get valuable Omega 3 acids, as well as a decent portion of protein! PP sandwiches with red fish are best made from lightly salted fish, this way you will be able to avoid fluid retention in the body.

  • rye bread + cream cheese + lightly salted fish + greens. Spread low-fat cream cheese on bread, put fish slices on top and sprinkle everything with herbs.
  • whole grain bun + cottage cheese spread + avocado + red fish. Cut the bun into two parts, spread one part with curd paste, put avocado slices and fish slices on top.
  • whole grain bread + feta cheese + red fish + tomatoes + arugula. Spread feta cheese on bread, place slices of fish and tomato and sprinkle with arugula.
  • whole grain bread + lettuce + scrambled egg + red fish + cucumber. Place lettuce leaves on the bread, cucumber slices on top, then a scrambled egg and slices of red fish.
  • rye bread + hummus + lightly salted red fish + tomatoes + greens. Spread hummus on bread, place tomato slices and fish slices on top. Sprinkle with herbs.

Chicken breast for sandwiches in the oven

To make chicken sandwiches tasty and juicy, you need to properly prepare the chicken fillet. Due to the fact that this part of the chicken contains very little fat, very often cooked chicken breast is very dry and tasteless. To avoid dryness, we recommend preparing this part of the meat as follows:

  • Wash the fillet and dry it with napkins. In a separate container, mix natural yogurt, salt, pepper and any other spices. Place the fillet in the marinade for several hours. Then bake in the oven in foil. This baked chicken breast for sandwiches will be tender and juicy.
  • Another good marinade can be prepared from the following ingredients: soy sauce + vegetable oil + Dijon mustard. Take 1 teaspoon of all ingredients, mix, salt, pepper and marinate the chicken breast in this sauce for about 40 minutes. Cook in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • You can also cook juicy chicken breast in a slow cooker using the “Steam” mode. Marinate the fillet in any sauce for 40 minutes. Then we wrap it in foil and place it on a special tray in the multicooker. Set the baking mode and cook for 45 minutes!
  • In order for the boiled chicken breast for sandwiches to turn out juicy and tender, you need to follow the following rules: place the breast in water and cook until it boils. Remove the foam completely and add your favorite spices, reduce the heat a little and cook for 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat, remove the pan and wrap it in a warm towel. Leave until completely cool.

PP chicken sandwiches

So, now that you know how to properly cook chicken breast, you can start making various sandwich options:

  • whole grain bread+chicken breast+mozzarella cheese+tomato+greens. The perfect recipe if you need a healthy lunch or dinner. Place greens on a slice of bread, slices of chicken breast and mozzarella cheese on top. We finish everything with tomato slices.
  • whole grain bread + chicken breast + cream cheese + pickled onions. For this recipe, you will need to marinate the onions in advance in a special marinade (100 grams of warm water, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of onion) for 2 hours. Spread low-fat cream cheese on bread, chicken breast and pickled onion rings on top.
  • rye bun (cut into 2 halves) + natural yogurt + cucumber + chicken breast + herbs + spices. In a blender, mix yogurt with cucumber and herbs. Salt and pepper. Spread the mixture onto the bun, place the chicken pieces on top and cover with the second part of the bun.
  • whole grain bread + avocado + natural yogurt + chicken fillet + greens. In a blender, grind the chicken fillet along with avocado, yogurt and herbs. Spread the resulting paste on whole grain bread, add salt and pepper.
  • grain bun+chicken breast+boiled egg+cucumber. We cut the bun into two parts, grease it with low-fat curd cheese, put slices of chicken breast and egg slices on top. We also grease the second half of the bun with cheese and cover our sandwich.

Toast with salmon and vegetables

A tasty and healthy sandwich is a great addition to your morning coffee. The delicate taste of curd cheese goes perfectly with lightly salted fish.


  • bread c/s - 2 slices;
  • lightly salted salmon - 50 g;
  • small cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • curd cheese - 2 tbsp;
  • dill - a couple of sprigs.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cucumber and cut into thin slices.
  2. Clean the washed peppers from seeds and membranes. Cut into strips.
  3. Chop the dill sprigs with a knife.
  4. Spread curd cheese on the center of the bread, distribute pieces of fish, pepper and cucumber slices on top.
  5. Sprinkle toast with chopped herbs.

PP sandwiches with red caviar

Is it possible to eat red caviar on a diet? 100 grams of red caviar contain 263 calories, but at the same time as much as 32 grams of protein! So, you can definitely include caviar in your diet, but you need to do it correctly.

The calorie content of a sandwich with butter and red caviar is approximately 170-200 calories. The exact calorie content depends on how much butter you use, what kind of bread and how much red caviar you put on the sandwich. 1 tablespoon contains approximately 25 grams of red caviar. To prepare pp sandwiches, we recommend using a teaspoon, which contains approximately 7 grams of caviar. If it is a large heaped spoon, then the amount will increase to 9 grams!

To prepare a sandwich with red caviar, we recommend the following options:

  • whole grain bread (20 grams) + low-fat Philadelphia cheese (20 grams) + 1 teaspoon of red caviar. The calorie content of such a sandwich will be about 100 calories.
  • whole grain bread + lettuce + 1 teaspoon of red caviar. A light sandwich option without various pastas and cheeses. One such sandwich has only about 80 calories.
  • rye bread + natural yogurt + herbs + 1 teaspoon of red caviar. Spread natural yogurt on the bread, sprinkle with herbs and add caviar. Calorie content: about 85 calories!

Fried eggs with salad

A hearty, simple breakfast that will definitely not let you get hungry until lunch. The special feature of this salad is pumpkin seeds, they contain a lot of B vitamins, as well as potassium. Pumpkin seeds also have a positive effect on intestinal function due to their high fiber content.

KBJU per 100 g: 150.1/5.5/11/7.2.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - 1 bunch.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Pumpkin seeds – 15 g.
  • Canned corn – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices - to taste.


  1. Grease a non-stick frying pan with olive oil. Add eggs and fry for about five minutes.
  2. Cut the bell pepper into cubes.
  3. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry and place on a plate. Add chopped sweet pepper, 2 tbsp. l. canned corn and two eggs.
  4. Salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle the dish with pumpkin seeds.

Ideas for PP sandwiches for the holiday table

Holidays are not a reason to break your diet, because you can always prepare not only diet sandwiches, but also delicious and beautiful ones. Here are our options that will help you enjoy the feast without gaining weight:

  • whole grain bread + avocado + shrimp + lettuce. Place lettuce, avocado slices and shrimp on top of the bread. You can add your favorite spices.
  • French baguette+blue cheese+pear+honey. Dry the pieces of bread a little in the oven, spread them with blue cheese, put a slice of pear on top and add a little honey.
  • tomato + mozzarella + olive oil + seasonings. An ideal version of a sandwich without bread. Place mozzarella on a tomato slice, sprinkle with oil and add your favorite herbs or spices.
  • baguette + low-fat cream cheese + cucumber + red caviar. Spread low-fat cream cheese on the baguette, put a slice of cucumber on top, and half a teaspoon of red caviar on it.
  • whole grain bread + feta cheese + baked tomatoes + seasonings. Spread feta cheese on the bread, place baked tomato slices on top and add your favorite spices.
  • French baguette + brie cheese + honey + any berries. On a dried piece of bread, spread brie cheese, a little honey and any berries.
  • French baguette + ricotta + baked peaches. An ideal version of a sandwich that you can safely eat with champagne. Spread cheese on the baguette and place slices of baked peaches.
  • whole grain bread + curd paste + boiled squid + tomato + greens. Spread curd paste on bread, put tomato and squid rings on top, sprinkle with herbs.

If you don't know what to cook for dinner, then try making a diet sandwich. The best option for such dinners is to use high-protein ingredients. Lean meat, white fish, seafood, eggs are ideal.

  • whole grain bread + boiled egg + baked asparagus with red pepper. Bake asparagus and peppers in the oven, drizzling with olive oil. Place asparagus and pepper on toasted bread on one side and place egg slices on top. Pepper and add your favorite seasonings.
  • whole grain bread + boiled turkey + cottage cheese pasta + greens. A high-protein sandwich for those who adhere to proper nutrition. Spread the curd paste on the bread, put pieces of boiled turkey on top and sprinkle generously with herbs.
  • rye bread + boiled white fish + green apple + natural yogurt + green onions. Cut the fish into small pieces, mix with grated apple, yogurt and green onions. Salt, pepper and spread on whole grain bread.

Hot PP sandwiches

  • whole grain bread + tomatoes + natural yogurt + low-fat cheese + greens. Spread yogurt on whole grain cheese, lay out thin slices of tomatoes, sprinkle with low-fat cheese (no more than 23% fat) on top. Bake in the oven for 7 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.
  • whole grain bun+boiled chicken fillet+tomato+natural yogurt+low-fat cheese+greens. Cut the fillet and tomato into cubes, mix and season with yogurt. Salt and pepper. Cut the bun into two parts, take out a little pulp. Place chicken fillet with tomatoes in the center, sprinkle with cheese. Place in the oven for 7 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.
  • whole grain bread + shrimp + mozzarella + greens. Place boiled shrimp on bread and slices of mozzarella on top. Cook for 5 minutes, sprinkle with herbs.

Hot Greek sandwich PP

Fans of Mediterranean cuisine can always prepare a pp version of this sandwich. In order to make this dish dietary, you need to do the following:

  • Instead of mayonnaise we use natural yogurt
  • We use whole grain baguette
  • Instead of regular cheese we use mozzarella.

So, you will need: whole grain baguette + canned tuna + red onion + tomato + mozzarella + spices.

Cut the baguette into two parts, you can sprinkle a little olive oil, salt and pepper and put it in the oven for a couple of minutes. Add a little yogurt and chopped onion to the tuna, salt and pepper. Now we take out our baguette, put tuna filling in it, tomato slices and mozzarella cheese on top. Bake for 5-7 minutes.

Diet sandwiches with minced meat in the oven

Sandwiches can also be prepared using minced meat. But you need to use only lean meat, which contains few calories and a small percentage of fat. The best option is minced chicken.

whole grain bread + minced chicken + natural yogurt + onions + low-fat cheese.

Add chopped onion, grated low-fat cheese, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything and season with yogurt. Sprinkle the pieces of bread with olive oil and spread the filling on them. Bake everything in the oven at about 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

As you can see, preparing a healthy dietary product is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing in this matter is to have the necessary arsenal of products and desire! Be sure to try our pp recipes and lose weight easily!

Envelopes with meat and mushrooms from lavash

Delicious envelopes stuffed with chicken and champignons. With this amount of ingredients, you get about twelve envelopes, which means that you will have a delicious breakfast for the next three days.

You can prepare a huge number of filling options for such a dish. For example, with an egg and herbs it will be no less tasty.

KBJU per 100 g: 154/13/3.5/16.3.


  • Lavash – 4 pcs.
  • Champignons – 290 g.
  • Ground turkey – 290 g.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Heat a frying pan, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil and add the turkey mince. Knead it with a kitchen spatula and fry until golden brown. Then put the minced meat in a bowl for a while.
  3. Now add the champignons to the frying pan, fry them, then add the onion. If you don't like onions, don't add them; the taste of the filling won't be affected.
  4. Return the minced meat to the frying pan, add sour cream and herbs for juiciness, if desired. Salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Let's start with the base for the envelopes. Using scissors, cut each pita bread into three strips.
  6. In a glass, lightly beat eggs and milk.
  7. Wrap the filling in pita bread and brush with egg-milk mixture. Fry on both sides on a grill or frying pan.
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