Apple body type: clothes, diet, exercises for weight loss

The type of female figure The shape of an apple resembles the letter O. Women with this physique, as a rule, have ample breasts, sloping shoulders, full arms and a wide waist, and at the same time, rather slender legs and narrow hips. There are two subtypes:
  • » medium-sized breasts, visible belly, no waist, small hips and long beautiful legs;
  • » large breasts and hips, approximately equal in width, slightly noticeable waist and long legs.

In this article:

  • » Apple body type: body features
  • » Full Figure Apple
  • » Wardrobe for an Apple figure: » suitable silhouettes
  • » suitable lengths
  • » suitable proportions in clothing
  • » suitable styles: » dresses
  • » blouses, jackets and tops
  • " skirts
  • " trousers
  • » suitable fabrics
  • » Diet for Apple: how to lose weight?
  • » Exercises for the Apple: the best types of physical activity
  • Album of basic recommendations for the Apple figure

    In this Album:
    how to hide a double chin
    correction of sloping shoulders
    how to hide plump arms
    how to emphasize breasts
    wide waist correction
    correction of protruding belly
    how to dress if you're short

    Apple body type: body features

    Distinctive features of type O:

    • » Height: any.
    • » Shoulders: normal width and slightly sloping.
    • » Chest: medium size. As you gain weight, your breasts become larger.
    • » Waist: slightly noticeable or wide. The position tends to be a bit high.
    • » Abdomen: often protrudes forward.
    • » Hips: medium or narrow (slightly narrower than shoulders).
    • » Legs: almost always slender. Due to the high waist, they may appear long.

    • » Body type test
    • » How to determine your body type based on your body measurements
    • » How to dress with a high waist?
    • » What clothes are suitable for women with large breasts

    At home

    However, for many, due to finances, lack of time, or even just a basic sense of shame, it is quite difficult to go to group classes. In this case, home workouts for an Apple figure . These are the exercises already mentioned above - for beginners. And just below will provide a complex for those who have already become involved in the process of losing weight.

    Fitness can be done not only at home, in the gym, but also on the street. In this sense, fast walking will help speed up the process of weight loss and getting rid of visceral fat. Because running for people with an Apple-type figure can be very, very difficult if there is a lot of excess weight.

    Full Apple figure: distinctive features

    The natural tendency to be overweight does not allow women with this type of constitution to relax. Extra pounds accumulate mainly in the upper body. First of all, the chest, arms, waist and stomach become fuller.

    As you gain weight, your stomach begins to protrude more and more, and a “life buoy” forms on the sides.

    The hips become wide only with significant weight gain. In general, the lower part of the body is subject to changes to a lesser extent than the upper part.

    Legs are the main advantage of this type of figure; they remain quite slim almost always! They gain weight evenly along the entire length.

    Body shaping at home

    Ideal figure

    The apple body shape can be adjusted much faster than other body types. However, a woman needs to make some effort.

    It has been established that with the right diet, the fat that is located on the internal organs disappears as quickly as possible. After its resorption, the number on the scale decreases significantly. A small victory is an encouraging and motivating factor.

    There are two diets that are optimal for apple-shaped figures. They are aimed at eliminating belly fat. One of them is long, the second is as fast as possible. The first diet is aimed at gradual weight loss and the transition of a person to a constant diet of proper nutrition. The second is for effective, noticeable results in a short time.

    Features of the apple figure

    The general goal of diets is not to make a person starve, but to saturate him with healthy, high-quality foods that help speed up metabolic processes. Due to the increased sensitivity and impressionability of apple women, each diet contains products that effectively combat depression and improve mood. We are talking about complex carbohydrates, which, when digested, make the body work, give satiety and a feeling of peace.

    60 day pp diet

    The regimen provides for slow but effective weight loss. Depending on their constitution and metabolism, women lose from 4 to 10 kg on a diet. It is noteworthy that after completing the diet, the body, accustomed to proper food and daily nutritional routine, can completely switch to a similar lifestyle. This will be the best ending to the program. The 60-day diet has 5 nuances:

    1. The first week is considered preparatory. Therefore, among the recommendations is a gradual entry into the developed regime. rentgirl. During the diet, a daily routine regarding nutrition is followed.
    2. Breakfast is the most important and plentiful meal of the day.
    3. Sweet drinks are replaced with floral, black, green tea without everything or with a spoon of honey.
    4. If possible, you should count the number of calories consumed per day. It should not exceed 1400-1600 kcal.
    5. Once a week you are allowed to have a “loading” day. It involves eating any tasty foods, but not in the evening.

    Daily regime


    The time of the first meal should fall between 7 and 9:30 hours. At this time, you are allowed to eat one of the offered dishes to choose from. You can alternate them, preparing different breakfasts every day, or you can choose one and eat it in the morning. It is allowed to cook both home-cooked food and order it from public catering establishments. Breakfast to choose from:

    • scrambled eggs with grain bread, herbs and cheese;
    • pea porridge or beans and a handful of nuts;
    • oatmeal with a spoon of honey, apple, yogurt;
    • lentils and lean piece of beef (turkey, rabbit, chicken), kefir;
    • beans with boiled or fried eggs.

    A snack can be arranged around 11-12 o'clock. At this time, in addition to green tea, there may be a piece of whole grain bread with cheese, or a few nuts, or a couple of baked vegetables, or green vegetables, or 2 fruits, or a piece of wholemeal bread with peanut butter.

    Nutrition for women with an apple figure


    Its time occurs from 12 to 14 hours, depending on the employment of the person using the diet. Food to choose from:

    • Oatmeal and a piece of boiled dietary meat;
    • Milk or kefir and a handful of nuts;
    • Lentil soup with a piece of boiled meat;
    • Salad with cheese and low-fat cutlet;
    • Steamed vegetables with olive oil and chicken;
    • Red fish and buckwheat.
    Afternoon snack

    The main condition for an afternoon snack is to organize it 2-4 hours after lunch. At this time, it is recommended to eat an apple, some vegetables or a piece of cheese (50 g). You can drink tea with honey, eat yogurt, fermented baked milk, or kefir.


    Dinner time is from 18:00 to 20:00. However, you should not sit down at the table if there are less than 2 hours left before going to bed. Dishes to choose from:

    • berries, wholemeal bread, yogurt;
    • dietary meat and lentils;
    • nuts with kefir or fermented baked milk;
    • beans or other legumes with a piece of bread;
    • green salad with butter and croutons;
    • cheese with vegetables.
    Evening snack

    A few hours before going to bed, you are allowed to eat a fermented milk product, drink tea with honey, or eat an apple.

    Express diet on tomatoes

    The creators of this regime promise that in 5-7 days the apple figure will lose 2-5 kg. This will remove the mass from the abdominal area. The main thing with such a program is to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day and take complex vitamins. Food portions should be small in volume (100-200 g). The duration of the express method is 5.7 days.

    Note! Losing weight quickly is harmful to the body. After returning to a normal schedule, the weight is gained again, and the fact that a person has lost weight becomes unnoticeable.

    The diet menu for every day is the same. Breakfast consists of an omelet (2 eggs with tomatoes) and wholemeal bread. Lunch includes tomato soup with spices and 100 g of durum pasta. For dinner, a salad of vegetables and seafood is prepared. Between meals, you can drink unsalted tomato juice and green tea.

    The tomato diet allows you to lose 2-5kg

    Wardrobe for an Apple figure

    Suitable silhouettes in clothes

    Taking into account the peculiarities of this type of figure, its owners should very carefully select their clothes in order to hide all existing flaws and, if possible, emphasize their advantages.

    First of all, it is necessary to take into account height and degree of completeness. The choice of silhouette depends on this symbiosis. Straight and trapezoidal silhouettes can only be recommended if height allows - average or above average. If you are short, straight and trapezoid silhouettes will only expand your figure horizontally.

    But the semi-fitting silhouette can be recommended to all women of full build, regardless of height. It is important to choose the right division in clothing: under the chest or on the hips, but in no case at the waist. Both of these styles can hide both the sides and the protruding belly.

    • » What types of silhouettes are there in clothes?

    Day 2: Slimming your belly using planks

    The plank is the best exercise for the core and postural muscles, which are responsible for the strength of the body. Core training activates the blood supply to the abdominal organs, which helps normalize metabolic processes and has a positive effect on weight loss. In addition, the plank will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles, which determine the appearance of your belly.

    How to do it:

    • Training for 20-25 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 30/15.
    • Training for 30-35 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 40/20.
    • Workout without a timer. If timed exercises are not an option for you, perform the indicated number of repetitions. Rest between exercises for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the workout in two or three circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles.

    The training time does not include warm-up and cool-down.

    What else to watch to strengthen your stomach and core:

    • Top 14 abdominal exercises for girls for 10-20 minutes
    • Top 30 abdominal exercises: 3 ready-made plans for the abdomen
    • Top 10 Planks for a Flat Stomach: Workout Without Jumping


    Stand in a plank position with straight arms, keep your pelvis in line with your legs and back, do not raise your head up. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring it to the shoulder on the outside of the body. Come back and repeat with the other leg. Perform the exercise at a calm pace, focusing on working the oblique abdominal muscles. Those with an apple figure are often unhappy with their sides, and this exercise will help reduce them by activating blood flow in the problem area.

    How much to do: 12 knee pull-ups on each side (24 total).

    Elbow plank jumps

    Take a plank position on your elbows; to do this, lower yourself onto your forearms from a lying position. Legs together, the pelvis does not sag, the back is straight. Jump with your feet wider than your shoulders and return to the starting position with the same jump. When jumping, try not to lift your pelvis up, keeping your back straight. Jump at a relaxed pace, don't jump too high. The exercise provides cardio and strength training, strengthening your core, and also forces you to burn maximum calories, which helps you lose weight.

    How many to perform: 25 jumps.

    Knee pull-up from dolphin pose

    Get into dolphin pose, you can lower yourself onto your elbows from downward-facing dog or lift your pelvis from a plank on your elbows. Find a stable position, trying to straighten your legs and keep your back straight. The neck should be in the same plane as the shoulder joints; to do this, do not lift your head. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring it towards your chest, then come back and switch legs. Perform the apple figure exercise rhythmically, but not too quickly. The exercise strengthens your back and core, and also targets your abs and deep abdominal muscles.

    How much to do: 12 knee pull-ups on each side (24 total).


    Lie on your stomach, extend your arms forward, legs resting on the arch of your feet. As you exhale, raise your arms and legs at the same time as high as possible, straining your buttocks, hamstrings and back. As you inhale, lower yourself down. Keep a steady rhythm and don't hold your breath. The dynamic boat pose strengthens the deep muscles of the spine, abs and buttocks, improves metabolic processes and promotes fat burning in the abdominal area.

    How much to do: 15 lifts.

    Cat pose on all fours

    Get on all fours in table pose. As you inhale, slowly bend your back with full amplitude, raising your head up. As you exhale, arch your back, lowering your head between your shoulders and stretching your trapezius muscles, back extensors, and lower back. Exercise improves spinal mobility, makes muscles elastic, relieves back pain, and also accelerates blood circulation in the abdominal organs, eliminating congestion.

    How much to do: 15 repetitions.

    Side kicks in plank

    Stand in a lying position, your palms should be directly under your shoulder joints, your toes under your ankles. As you exhale, turn your body to the right, lifting your right hand off the floor, and at the same time kick to the right with your left foot. Return to the starting position and on the next exhalation, kick to the left with your right foot. Functional exercise strengthens the muscles of the core, pelvis and legs, and also activates metabolic processes, accelerating the weight loss process.

    How much to do: 8 leg swings on each side (16 in total).

    Low amplitude plank jumps

    Get into a plank position with your arms straight. Your palms and feet should rest firmly on the floor and your back should remain straight. Take a small jump forward without taking your hands off the floor. Jump all the way to your pelvis and then come back. Don't jump to your chest, make small and quick movements in your heart rate. If you're looking to lose belly fat, the functional cardio plank exercise will help you fire up your metabolism, stimulating fat loss.

    How many to perform: 20 jumps.

    Twisting the body from the side plank

    Stand in a plank position on your elbows, shift your body weight to your left side, lifting your right arm and leg off the floor. From a side plank on your left forearm, raise your right arm straight up. Now lower it down, twisting in the body. At the lowest point, the arm should pass under the body. Returning to the starting position, straighten your back completely, stretching the muscles. Repeat for the other side. Under no circumstances do the exercise quickly so as not to injure your shoulder joints. This exercise strengthens your core and obliques and improves overall body strength.

    How much to do: 15 twists first on one side, then 15 twists on the other side.

    Master class “Choosing a wardrobe according to your body type”

    In this master class:
    Rules for choosing a wardrobe for 6 body types
    How to choose a dress, blouse, skirt, trousers according to your figure
    How to choose a jacket and outerwear
    Selection of texture and fabrics
    Current models of items in the wardrobe
    What things should you avoid?


    Suitable clothing lengths

    The most problematic area for women with an Apple body type is the middle of the torso. Therefore, all details should be located above the chest line or below the hips . Styles of blouses, jackets and trousers that are tapered at the wrist and ankle are encouraged.

    The art of layering is the main trend for plus-size women. And an indispensable item for this look can be an elongated vest or cardigan.

    An empire line can run under the bust, which will successfully emphasize the upper part of the figure and create the desired vertical, especially if it is located on a long dress.

    Blouses and tunics can only be worn untucked and end no higher than the beginning of the hip if they are paired with skirts or short trousers.

    When paired with mid-heel-length trousers, the optimal shoulder length is the bottom of the thigh.

    It is better to choose skirts that are knee length. Longer styles will make your figure look squat.

    Outerwear should not be very long. The optimal length is to the knees.

    • » How to calculate your ideal length
    • » How to calculate the optimal skirt length
    • » How to calculate the optimal length of trousers
    • » How to calculate the optimal sleeve length

    What workouts are suitable for girls with an apple body type?

    Bodyflex . These workouts are recommended for those who are not just overweight, but also have a mass of loose, loose fat and skin laxity. This is the optimal load option for those who have never even tried going to fitness, because here the main focus is not on strength loads, but on developing correct breathing. However, without special clothing, suitable equipment and aids, it will not be possible to practice bodyflex.

    Pilates . This type of exercise allows you to receive a static load, while strengthening it in place for girls and women with an apple body type.

    Training for an Apple figure can and even should be fun so that you don’t have the desire to quit after the first one. Therefore, do not chase super-effective and exhausting complexes from the very beginning, otherwise you will not be able to complete even one workout and you will even feel psychologically unpleasant. So, you can try step dance . Although, without any physical training, it will seem difficult to master complex coordinated movements. But this training allows you to train different muscle groups and burn a lot of calories. It is better to develop a regularity of visits: 3 times a week for an hour .

    the tai-bo fitness system for training . This is a combination of strength training and martial arts exercises. As they also say, “strength training is for the weaker sex.”

    Individual wardrobe plan

    Step-by-step plan for creating a wardrobe:
    Mapping your wardrobe needs
    We analyze your existing wardrobe
    Filling out the clothing distribution table
    Making a shopping list

    Suitable proportions in clothing

    Many people do not pay due attention to proportions in clothing, since for most body types they are not critical. But for overweight people, proportions are a lifesaver. Only through their correct choice can you create a very harmonious image. When choosing proportions, you must rely on the following features of your physique: height, degree of fullness and waist position (high, low or proportional). Since women with an O-shaped physique most often have average or shorter height, as well as a slightly high waistline, we will give several recommendations for these cases:

    • » Proportion 1:1 with trousers. Long jacket or untucked blouse + trousers. The set is selected in such a way that the length of the visible part of the trousers is visually equal to the length of the top. The top can be either straight or semi-adjacent. This proportion can be recommended for women of short and average height. If you are short, it is recommended to create an ensemble in a single color (total look).
    • » Proportion 1:1 with a skirt. Jacket or blouse of medium length (usually up to the beginning or middle of the thigh, but not higher) untucked + knee-length skirt (+-5cm). The set is selected in such a way that the length of the visible part of the skirt is visually equal to the length of the top. It is better to take a semi-adjacent top. Recommended for short to medium height and medium stature.
    • » Proportion 1/2 top + 2/1 bottom. This could be a dress with divisions under the bust, somewhere up to the knees. A good option for women with slender legs.
    • » Proportion 1/5 top + 4/5 bottom. For example, a dress with an ankle-length section under the bust. A good option for short people, because... visually elongates the silhouette.

    • »What are the proportions in clothing?
    • » How to determine your proportions: height, waist position, seat height
    • » Who are hypersthenics? How to determine?

    Day 5: Floor Core Workout

    Working on the core is the basis of training for an apple figure, which is characterized by weak development of the core muscles. Core exercises strengthen the internal muscles of the body and speed up the metabolism, which stimulates weight loss.

    How to do it:

    • Training for 20-25 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 30/15.
    • Training for 30-35 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 40/20.
    • Workout without a timer. If timed exercises are not an option for you, perform the indicated number of repetitions. Rest between exercises for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the workout in two or three circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles.

    The training time does not include warm-up and cool-down.

    What else to watch to strengthen your stomach and core:

    • Top 10 exercises for upper abs: ready-made workout
    • Top 10 exercises for lower abs: ready-made workout
    • Top 10 Ab Exercises for Obliques: Complete Workout

    Crunches with a split leg

    Lie on your back and lift your upper body, tensing your abs. Lift your feet off the floor. From this position, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest, touching your toes. Place your hands behind your head and straighten your legs, then spread them apart and bring them back together. A complex exercise will help work out the stomach, as well as strengthen the core muscles in general.

    How much to do: 12 repetitions.

    Boxing from boat pose

    Sit on the floor in boat pose. To do this, lift your legs off the floor and lift them in front of you, bending your knees. Bend your back back so that your body forms a V shape. From boat pose, bend your elbows and clench your fists. Now perform alternate boxing with each hand in the opposite direction. This exercise strengthens your core, works your abdominal muscles, and improves your coordination and balance.

    How much to perform: 20 blows on each side (40 blows in total).

    Hip adduction from downward facing dog

    Get into downward-facing dog by lifting your pelvis from the plank, straightening your legs and arms. Keep your back straight and the posture should resemble an inverted V. From downward-facing dog, lift your right leg up, then bend at the knee and lower it down. At the same time, assume a plank pose, bringing your knee toward your chest. From plank, return to downward-facing dog, straightening your leg. Perform the entire set on one leg. The functional exercise is suitable for those looking to lose belly fat, as it uses a wide range of muscles and burns a lot of calories. This exercise also perfectly pumps the buttocks and back of the thigh.

    How much to do: 15 repetitions first on one side, then 15 repetitions on the other side.

    Two types of side plank swings on the knee

    Get into a side plank position, resting on your right forearm and right knee. Keep your body level, your upper leg straight and suspended. Extend your left arm behind your head. The exercise consists of two phases. To begin, from this position, swing your left leg forward, and lower your left hand towards you, trying to touch your shin or knees with your palm. Return your leg to the starting position. Perform the second swing by bending your leg at the knee and bringing it forward again. Touch your left knee with your palm again. Complete all reps and switch sides. This complex exercise engages the abdominal muscles, core, and also strengthens the hips and buttocks.

    How much to do: 20 swings in total, first on one side, then 20 swings on the other side.

    Double crunches

    Lie on your back, fold your hands on your forehead, with the inside of your palms facing up, and bend your knees. Lift your legs up, drawing your knees towards your chest, while lifting your upper body. Try to touch your knees with your palms. Double crunches pump up all the abdominal muscles and also strengthen the deep stabilizer muscles of the spine, making the body stronger and more resilient.

    How much to do: 15 repetitions.

    Raises of arms and legs on all fours

    Get on all fours, palms under your shoulders, knees under your hips. As you exhale, straighten your right arm and at the same time lift your left leg, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. Exhale again and straighten your left arm and right leg. Inhale and come back. Exercise not only improves balance, but also trains the core, increases blood circulation and helps fight visceral fat deposits, which promotes weight loss in the abdominal area. Additionally, arm raises and kneeling on all fours improve your posture.

    How much to do: 10 reps on each side (20 lifts total).

    Pelvic abduction in plank

    Stand in a plank position with straight arms, your body should be extended in one line. Push your pelvis back toward your feet, bending your knees and extending your arms. Bend your knees through full range of motion and then return to plank. At the bottom point, the body position should resemble a child's pose from yoga, but with the knees in weight. The exercise is great for those who want to lose belly fat, as it engages the core and abdominal muscles, activating blood circulation and speeding up metabolism.

    How much to do: 15 repetitions.


    Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs, lower your head to the floor. Then raise your arms, head and upper body up, lift your legs off the floor. Now perform alternate swings up and down with your arms and legs, imitating the movements while swimming. The exercise engages the deep muscles of the core, as well as the legs and buttocks, strengthening the entire body and stimulating metabolic processes, which promotes weight loss.

    How much to perform: 25 dilutions in total.

    Ready-made programs for girls (without equipment):

    • Workouts for beginner girls (5 day plan)
    • General home programs: 100 exercises + 4 ready-made plans
    • Express training for 10-15 minutes without jumping (for 5 days)
    • Program for Brazilian buttocks without jumping (3 days)
    • Program “for the lazy”: light workouts on the floor (for 5 days)

    Master class “What to do if you have nothing to wear again”

    In this master class:
    6 reasons for the “nothing to wear” situation
    Where to get knowledge about wardrobe structure
    What to do so that the kits can be assembled yourself
    Life hacks for combining wardrobe items
    Lifehacks for combinations with outerwear
    Lifehacks for combining shoes and accessories


    Clothing styles

    • » 10 tips for choosing dresses for Apple
    • » 10 tips for choosing tops and blouses for Apple
    • » 10 tips for choosing skirts for Apple
    • » 10 tips for choosing trousers and shorts for Apple
    • » 10 tips for choosing cardigans, jackets and coats for Apple
    • » 10 tips for choosing swimwear for Apple

    When choosing a clothing style, you must first decide on the silhouette, then the proportions, and only then choose a specific model. The following clothing styles look good:


    • » straight dresses with 3/4 sleeves and a small neckline.
    • » dresses with a high waist (empire style dresses), with a not too narrow corset or with a belt, moderate widening towards the bottom.
    • » dresses with a low waist, with a slouch in the belly area and a drawstring at the hips.
    • » dresses cut on the bias.

    Review of styles and models of dresses

    Blouses, jackets and tops

    • » tunics
    • » empire style blouses
    • » blouses with draping
    • » blousons
    • » bolero jackets with dresses, skirts and trousers
    • » long vests

    Review of styles and models of blouses and tops


    • » circle skirts and a-line skirts (if the hips are narrow or medium)
    • » straight high-waisted skirts
    • » wrap skirts
    • » all types of asymmetrical skirt models

    Review of styles and models of skirts


    • » straight classic models with a high rise
    • » shortened models (capri pants, etc.)
    • » tapered models

    Review of styles and models of trousers and shorts

    Day 1: Intense cardio to lose belly fat

    Cardio for weight loss is a proven classic that will not give extra pounds a chance. Functional exercises at an intense pace will help you speed up your metabolism, improve blood circulation throughout the body and burn maximum calories. Cardio training is best done on a timer, alternating between work and rest. This will help you conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible.

    If jumping is contraindicated for you, then replace the first day with one of these workouts.

    How to do it:

    • Training for 20-25 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 30/15.
    • Training for 30-35 minutes on a timer. Perform exercises according to the following scheme: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest. Repeat the exercises in 3 circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. To train using a timer, you can download the Tabata Timer application to your mobile phone. Ready timer 40/20.
    • Workout without a timer. If timed exercises are not an option for you, perform the indicated number of repetitions. Rest between exercises for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the workout in two or three circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles.

    The training time does not include warm-up and cool-down.

    What else to look for for cardio training:

    • Versatile Cardio Workout (Intermediate)
    • Intense cardio workout 500 kcal for 8 rounds
    • Full Standing Cardio Workout to Burn Fat

    Jumping with pelvic rotation

    Place your feet together, bend your elbows and bring them in front of you and place your feet closer to each other. After this, start jumping, turning your body first to the right and then to the left. The pelvis and arms move in the opposite direction. In total you will have 3 jumps: right, center, left. Jump from side to side at a moderate pace. A simple cardio exercise will tone your abdominal muscles, help you get rid of belly fat and belly fat, and is also a great way to start your workout.

    How much to do: 25 turns on each side (50 turns in total).

    Running with straight legs + boxing

    Standing straight, bend your elbows and clench your palms into fists. Without bending your knees, start running in place with straight legs kicking forward. At the same time, perform boxing punches with your hands. Maintain an even pace and monitor your breathing, which should be calm and even. When boxing, do not make sudden movements, as your goal is to speed up your heart rate. The exercise engages the upper and lower body, stimulating metabolism in the abdominal and pelvic area, which activates the burning of subcutaneous fat.

    How many to perform: 50 strokes in total.

    Jumps with knees raised

    Place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your arms at the elbows. Now shift your body weight to your right leg, bend your left knee and lift it towards the opposite elbow. Jump back and now transfer your body weight to your left leg, bending your right knee. Perform the exercise by jumping from one leg to the other at a moderate pace. The exercise speeds up metabolism and stimulates fat burning, and therefore is suitable for those who are looking for how to lose belly fat and gain minus a couple of centimeters in the waist.

    How many to perform: 50 jumps in total.

    Horizontal running

    Stand in a lying position, stretching your body in one line. Do not lift your pelvis up or sag in your lower back, find a stable position. Bend one leg at the knee and bring it towards your chest, then come back and do the same with the other leg. Alternate legs at a running pace to burn as many calories as possible. The exercise fits perfectly into a workout for an apple body type, as it strengthens the core and abs, and also activates blood flow in the abdominal area, which promotes weight loss.

    How much to do: 40 knee pull-ups in total.

    Knee-elbow squat

    Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and place your hands behind your head. Squat down with a straight back, moving your pelvis back. On the way up, bend your right leg at the knee and lift it out to the side while tilting your body to the right so that your elbow touches your knee. Return to the starting position, then squat down again, and as you rise, repeat the side twist on the other side. This complex exercise works the obliques, buttocks and thighs, strengthening the entire body and forcing it to burn calories.

    How much to do: 20 squats total.

    Running with your knees high

    Stand straight, bend your elbows. Now lift your right leg off the floor and raise your knee as high as possible. Shift your body weight to your right leg and lift your left leg off the floor, again raising your knee to your chest. Perform the exercise at an energetic pace, using your hands to help you keep the rhythm. Running with your knees high activates blood circulation and oxygen exchange in tissues, which promotes increased fat burning and stimulates weight loss. One of the best exercises to lose belly fat quickly.

    How much to do: 50 knee raises in total.

    Jumping leg raise + kick

    Stand up straight, keep your hands near you as if you were running. Take a step back with your right foot, left leg slightly bent at the knee. Then shift your body weight to your left leg, lifting your right leg off the floor and performing a vigorous kick forward. Jump to switch legs so that your left leg is behind you and repeat the kick again. An intense cardio exercise for the apple body type helps get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area, tightens the thighs, and also improves the body's endurance.

    How much to perform: 15 kicks on each side (30 leg kicks in total).

    Raising the body in a side plank

    Get into a plank position on your elbows. Then lift your right arm and leg off the floor, taking a side plank position with support on your left forearm. The body should be elongated in one line and not sag in the lumbar area. Now lower your body down without touching your thigh to the floor and return to the starting position. Be sure to repeat the next set for the right side. An effective exercise will help you strengthen your core, work your obliques, and shed extra pounds on your sides.

    How much to do: 20 repetitions first on one side, then 20 repetitions on the other side.

    Master class “How to develop a sense of style”

    In this master class:
    How to develop a sense of proportion and appropriateness
    How to develop observation
    How to follow fashion correctly
    How to develop authenticity
    Where to look for inspiration
    Individual development plan


    Suitable fabrics

    Choose soft, well-draped fabrics. Make sure that the clothes are not tight, but only smoothly fit the silhouette. Give preference to knitted and knitted items that hold their shape well, as well as dense elastic fabrics. You can consider thick silk, wool crepe, linen and medium-weight cotton fabrics. The most important thing is to choose the right size, without making the clothes too tight or, conversely, sagging.

    • » How to combine fabrics of different textures?
    • » Encyclopedia of fabrics
    • » Cotton fabrics: properties and applications
    • » Wool fabrics: properties and applications
    • » Linen fabrics: properties and applications
    • » What types of knitwear are there?

    How to dress and accessorize correctly

    The apple-type body type is not the simplest. Most women don't know how to get rid of a big belly with an Apple body shape, so they often hide their flaws under baggy clothes so as not to bother themselves much with choosing the right outfit. But this is not the best solution, because such a figure has many advantages, and hiding them is unacceptable. Everything is much simpler than it seems, you just need to choose the right clothes, focusing all the attention on the outlines of the body. To do this, you need to illusoryly introduce the presence of a waist into the “apple” silhouette, concentrate your eyes on the vertical lines, and vice versa, not draw attention to the abdominal area.

    Also, “apples” should try to avoid wearing clothes such as:

    • oversized padded jackets;
    • tight-fitting T-shirts and turtlenecks;
    • top and bottom in one tone;
    • blouses and sweaters without a neckline or sleeves;
    • trousers and jeans with a lot of pockets and fasteners;
    • shapeless and dimensionless robes and capes.

    The color scheme in clothing for “apples” must be selected with special care. All bright and large patterns and textures should be located closer to the top and bottom of the figure, and focusing attention with color on the waist area is unacceptable. A competent color scheme and a successful image can visually hide all the shortcomings of the “apples” and concentrate attention on the advantages. Clothes should be made either from light, loose-fitting fabric, but not one size larger, or from dense, textured materials. Also, the “apples” should pay attention to the belt; it should have an average width.


    Based on this, it is worth clarifying which clothes will best emphasize the advantages of this type of figure:

    • Roman-style dresses that begin to flow freely above the waist;
    • tops, T-shirts, sweaters with a deep V-neck;
    • pencil skirts and dresses ending above the knees;
    • neckline without visible straps.

    In clothing, it is worth emphasizing one of the advantages of an “apple” figure, which is slender legs, not a stomach. To achieve this, short skirts and shorts that end above the knees are perfect. At the same time, it is necessary that they are not too narrow in the waist area, since there is no need to draw extra attention to this part of the “apple” body. In addition to clothes, you should also pay attention to accessories. As for jewelry, small chains with pendants and beads in several tiers will look great on a woman with an apple figure. At the same time, you need to remember that the best decoration for a girl with such a figure is her lush, slightly open breasts, so it’s better not to wear large pendants. When choosing a bag for “apples”, it is desirable that it be medium in size and with a small strap. This choice will allow you not to concentrate on the problem area of ​​the waist.

    Diet for Apple: how to lose weight?

    The metabolic rate of women with the Apple type is usually low. Extra pounds can be gained even with moderate food consumption. An important condition for maintaining normal weight is proper and healthy nutrition.

    Nutritionists recommend eating foods rich in minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, with high energy value. You need to eat not only correctly, but also in a timely manner, strictly observing the 3-4 meals a day and excluding all kinds of snacks.

    The daily diet must include:

    • » fresh fruit (preferably unsweetened)
    • " vegetables
    • » whole grain porridge
    • » lean meat and fish
    • » soy products
    • » low-fat kefir and cottage cheese
    • » nuts in small quantities
    • » drinks: water, herbal teas, natural juices
    • » coffee without sugar in limited quantities

    You should minimize your use of:

    • » animal fats
    • » baked goods
    • » starch-containing products (including potatoes)
    • » foods high in sugar
    • » Daily calorie intake
    • » Daily fat intake
    • » Table of calorie content of foods
    • » Table of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
    • » Daily diet
    • " Weight loss

    Pavel Deinekin School of Massage

    Apple and pear. Every figure correction specialist remembers these fruits

    not by chance and quite often. The speech in this article, as you probably already

    guessed it, it won’t be about fruits, but about female body types. Or rather,

    about the types of violation of the proportions of the female figure. In recent years it has been invented

    There are many different classifications of the female figure: “hourglass”, “banana”,

    "triangle" and so on. But most often the massage therapist has to deal

    with two types – “pear” and “apple”. Let's look at the basic rules for working with them.


    The deposition of fat depots on the upper third of the thighs and lower abdomen is a physiological feature of women. Yes, yes, it’s physiological, related to hormones and the sensitivity of receptors on adipocytes in these areas to fat. Experts call these places fat traps, because this is where the supply of nutritional components rushes at the first opportunity. For women, this structural and functional feature of subcutaneous fat provides additional protection for the small pelvis - the place where the human fetus is born and develops for as long as 40 weeks. A good layer of fatty tissue will protect the uterus from

    physical influences, hypothermia, injuries and will provide a sufficient supply of nutrients and building material for an actively developing embryo.

    The mechanisms that provide such safety net for the fetus are quite difficult to influence. Therefore, the first thing a master should remember when working with a pear body type is that he works against the hormonal program launched by the body

    women. There are many reasons why these hormonal mechanisms turn on. This includes taking hormonal drugs (for example, contraceptives), and terminating pregnancy,

    and various surgical interventions on the uterus or ovaries. Often hormonal changes and increased formation of the female (gynecoid) body morphotype occur during puberty (puberty with active growth and metabolism), at menopause (menopause in a woman’s life with decline

    reproductive function and metabolism), in the postpartum period.

    Stress plays a significant role in excess deposits. It forces the body to store unnecessary extra pounds for a rainy day. Moreover, it should be taken into account that such

    The (stressful) variant of weight gain in women, unlike the stronger sex, is more malignant. The gained kilograms take longer to disappear (if this happens at all).

    Don't forget: gynecoid type work and chronic stress are incompatible! The lost kilograms will return. And not alone, but in the company of others like them. In dietetics this is called the “pendulum effect”: the stronger and sharper the weight loss, the stronger

    There will be a reverse effect if the diet is disrupted.

    Considering the peculiarity of the gynecoid type of excess weight deposition, I will give several recommendations for working with such a client.

    1. Take care of the health of her nervous system. Skilfully combine anti-cellulite programs with relax-care and other relaxing procedures (baths, hammam, aromatherapy).

    2. Provide a good warm-up to the lower sector of the “high breeches” area (thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen). Warming gels, thermal blankets, basalt or

    jadeite stones and so on.

    3. A special point is vacuum therapy - both hardware and more familiar to us, cupping. It gives a pronounced effect, especially in women with high skin turgor and subcutaneous fat.

    4. No strict diets, especially in the first stages of figure correction. Only an individual approach. A woman’s body must receive a set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates on time and in sufficient quantities. The energy balance should be at the level

    zero mark or in a slight minus.

    5. Physical activity is required. Mainly cardio exercises (if in the fresh air, then even better). Oriental dancing, shaping, yoga are also suitable.

    6. Massage courses should be carried out regularly. Frequency – once every two to three months, 10 procedures performed every other day.


    The android, or, as it is also called, abdominal body type, hides several subtypes with different causes of obesity and, therefore, different courses.

    In the first case, consider a slight shift in hormonal levels towards the male side or the hereditary constitution of the body. This is the most harmless, but also the most persistent variety of the “apple” type. As they say, you can’t go against nature.

    The second case is the growth of visceral (intra-abdominal) reserves

    fatty tissue. This option can be attributed to gross shifts towards male physiology, which happens after hormonal therapy, severe stress or, for example,

    after many attempts to lose weight using strict diets, exhausting physical activity and taking biologically active substances. A woman's body, trying to reliably hide an untouchable supply of calories, places them in the abdominal and pelvic cavity. Thus, the woman follows the male path of deposition of fat reserves. This subtype of abdominal fat deposits is not the most common and can be corrected quite well. First of all, a negative energy balance works - move more and consume less.

    Well, the third type of android body type is abdominal edema. The most common and, fortunately, very well corrected. I will definitely devote one of the following publications to the reasons for women’s tendency to fluid retention and the sequence of stages in the fight against edema. And now I’ll just say that swelling, unlike the fat layer, goes away very quickly and does not always return. It is in these cases that we talk about the wow effect of a massage, when the client immediately after the procedure notices a decrease in abdominal circumference by five to seven, and often more, centimeters.

    As you understand, we are not talking about anti-cellulite massage techniques, but about lymphatic drainage. A pressotherapy device, manual massage technique according to Pascal Coche (France) or manual massage according to Enrique Garcia (Spain) will be useful. But I would recommend it

    French technology.

    Now, based on these features, I will give some tips for working with such clients.

    1. Try to find out what may be causing the increase in abdominal volume: fat or edematous fluid. During the conversation, find out whether there have been any operations on the abdominal cavity

    and pelvis, injuries, complicated pregnancies and childbirths. Clarify the nature of the client’s work (does she have to sit at a desk a lot), level of physical activity, habits, diet. All this will help in choosing methods for further work.

    2. “Pump up” the abdominal area. Conduct abdominal breathing sessions, use pumping techniques on the stomach, and use special exercises.

    3. Use pressotherapy regularly. A voluminous belly always creates an obstacle to lymph flow. Lymphatic drainage techniques come to the fore.

    4. Recommend that the patient necessarily exclude from the diet foods that cause increased fermentation in the intestines and disrupt peristalsis (wine,

    hail, apples, bread, beer and so on).

    5. Use abdominal breathing practices and a variety of breathing exercises.

    6. Massage in the fight against edematous “apple” type can be carried out once or twice a week continuously until a lasting result is obtained. Number and frequency of massages

    procedures must be selected strictly individually. These are the two similar and at the same time different types of female figures that we have to deal with every day in our work. And the ability to adequately assess the situation, develop a figure correction plan and apply it correctly are mandatory

    components of a specialist's skill

    high class.

    Exercises for the Apple: the best types of physical activity

    Due to the peculiarities of the O-shaped figure, the most problematic part of it is the waist, the correction of which is where the main efforts should be directed. However, you need to select a set of physical exercises that will involve all muscle groups. The main physical exercises that should be performed daily are:

    • » press swing
    • » twisting and rotation of the body
    • » exercises with hula hoop
    • » Proportionality calculator
    • » Grace Calculator
    • » Fitness calculator
    • " Body mass index

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