The stars of “House-2” declassified Lorak’s photoshop in the photo with Kirkorov: “Twice as wide”

The sultry brunette, beautiful singer Ani Lorak, recently became the happy mother of a charming baby.
Almost like every woman during pregnancy, Ani Lorak gained a little extra weight. According to her, she gained more than 16 kg before giving birth. If you look at her photo three months after the birth of the child, you can clearly see that her hips and waist have noticeably rounded and become less toned. Apparently, the singer also decided that she had enough of resting on the laurels of motherhood and decisively weaned her daughter, transferring her to artificial feeding. The reason was that with natural breastfeeding, any diet is contraindicated for a nursing mother, and Ani Lorak set a clear goal to regain her previous slimness. Beauty required sacrifices, in this case the transition to artificial feeding. Ani Lorak lost weight after giving birth using proper nutrition and exercise. At the same time, she made no secrets about how she managed to regain her former shape so quickly.

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Ani Lorak's rules for weight loss

For everyone who wanted to know the secret of being slim, the journalists conducted a short interview. Here's what Ani Lorak herself said about this: “The diet should be followed throughout your life, and I’m not interested in short-term restrictions on food intake.” Her rules turned out to be known to most people losing weight:

  1. You need to completely avoid fried and fatty foods, since even vegetables add an average of 100 kcal per 100 grams of weight when fried. According to the recommendations of many nutritionists, you should give preference to boiled or grilled dishes. Meat can be cooked in the oven or in a double boiler, which will significantly save time and ultimately result in a low-calorie dish.
  2. The diet should include whole grain cereals. You should avoid instant oatmeal porridges containing flavor enhancers and vegetable cream. Ani Lorak, whose diet is very popular, notes that porridge can be eaten with fresh vegetables and fruits or flavored with a minimal amount of vegetable oil.
  3. The singer also recommends eating throughout the day at 3- or 4-hour intervals (there should be at least 4 meals, but no more than 6), only on condition that the portions are small. Ani Lorak’s diet, the menu of which is not very limited by prohibitions, is based on the principle: “Eat as much as can fit in your cupped hands.”
  4. Those who want to lose extra pounds should include vegetables and fruits (at least 5 types) in their daily diet. The celebrity is fond of fruit smoothies - she replaces them with her morning meals. It is worth paying attention to the fact that nutritionists advise eating boiled vegetables with cereals or meat. When fresh, they can serve as an excellent product that satisfies hunger in the period between main meals.
  5. Refusal of baked goods. Ani Lorak prefers to exclude from her diet not only white, but also black bread. She also believes that sweet foods can be detrimental to your figure.

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The stars of “House-2” declassified Lorak’s photoshop in the photo with Kirkorov: “Twice as wide”

Singer Ani Lorak was criticized for the abuse of Photoshop. Ex-participant of the television project “Dom-2” Roman Tertishny, better known as May Abrikosov, published on his Instagram page two seemingly identical photographs in which Ani Laura is sitting at a table in the company of her close friend Philip Kirkorov. However, if you look closely, it becomes obvious that in one photo the singer looks much plumper than in the other.

“Ani Lorak on someone else’s Instagram and on her own. Why photoshop yourself if it looks good here and there? Attractive, delightful girl. Or do you prefer photos with filters?” Abrikosov wrote under the photo.

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Publication from Roman Tertishnyi (@tertishnyi_official)

The main gossips of the star party did not stand aside and also began to look for an answer to the question that Abrikosov voiced, but which, frankly, everyone who saw these pictures asked themselves - why would a beauty who was among the top 100 sexiest women in the world even now is in great shape, should you use filters?

“Celebs with their Photoshop have now firmly joined the fools and the roads,” Abrikosov’s colleague on the popular TV show Rustam Solntsev succinctly noted.

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Publication from Rustam Solntsev (@solncevrustam_)

Blogger Lena Miro shamed the king of pop, who, by the way, is the godfather of Lorak's daughter Sofia.

"Philip Kirkorov! Now you should feel ashamed! Why is the Caroline sunshine in your account twice as wide as yours?!” - asks Miro.

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Publication from Lena Miro (Elena Mironenko) (@lenamyro)

Subscribers generally agreed that filters are an evil that needs to be banned, since the ability to “improve” photos for social networks only creates unnecessary beauty templates, distorting girls’ ideas about their own appearance.

“These filters should be banned. People cease to perceive themselves adequately. Carolina is a spectacular girl, but she’s still shy of herself, it turns out.”

“Is it legal to make yourself more beautiful? What does she want to show with this? Or does he want to make money for likes? And why does this filter work in such a way that the entire show business looks like clones? Borodin, Buzova..."

“Well, I reduced it by 10 kilograms, but I don’t see much of a difference,” they wrote on Instagram.

Previously, listed products whose consumption affects weight loss.

Products allowed in Ani Lorak’s diet:

  • Whole grain porridge. Whole grain cereals contain large amounts of complex carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates are digested slowly, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a source of not only vitamins, but also healthy fiber. Dietary fiber improves intestinal function and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body. The singer's diet includes at least 5 different varieties of vegetable and fruit crops.
  • Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Fermented milk products improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect not only on weight loss, but also on appearance. You should choose natural yoghurts, without dyes or other chemical fillers.
  • Lean meat (veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken) and fish. Such products are a source of protein, which is necessary for the formation of beautiful muscle relief. You should choose low-fat varieties so that the body uses energy from existing fat deposits, and not from the fats that come with food.

Basic principles of the Ani Lorak diet after childbirth

So, for a quick recovery after childbirth, according to the Ani Lorak diet, you must follow the following rules:

  • Regularly carry out fasting days, but do not go to extremes and avoid fasting.
  • Eat often and in small portions.
  • Physical activity and going to the gym every day.
  • Constant thorough cosmetic care.
  • Aerobic exercise – depending on personal preferences and body capabilities.
  • Complete refusal of any sweets and smoked foods.

If you carefully follow all these rules prescribed by the Ani Lorak diet, you can count on restoring your prenatal form within a few months.

Tips from Carolina for losing weight

  • Without getting out of bed, you need to perform special gymnastics, which should be repeated every morning for all five days. To do this, you need to clench and unclench your fingers ten times, then stretch and perform circular movements with your feet in each direction five times.
  • Then you need to turn your head a couple of times to the right and left, lift it towards the chest, while drawing in your abdominal muscles and holding your breath for a couple of seconds.
  • Then you should definitely do a facial massage, water procedures and take your usual breakfast.
  • In the daytime, do not have lunch, replacing lunch with a walk in the air, and in the evening you are allowed to eat some dish along with a vegetable side dish and wash it all down with a cup of green tea.
  • Before going to bed, you can take a herbal bath for your hands and feet, after which you need to lubricate them with any moisturizer.

The essence of the diet

The Carolina Diet menu is based on fresh produce. It is possible to lose 3–5 kg in a week. During the diet, the singer adheres to several principles:

  • Do not eat after 18:00;
  • Exercise;
  • Prepare dishes exclusively in the oven or steamed;
  • Don't overeat;
  • Ready meals should fit in the palm of your hand;
  • There are fractions. Eat food 6 times a day;
  • Limit yourself to sweets, fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  • Eat only fresh foods;
  • Do not eat bread.

The Lorak diet is not suitable for people who:

  • You are used to eating a lot and not watching your diet;
  • Have diabetes;
  • Suffer from gastrointestinal diseases;

How did Ani Lorak manage to lose weight?

Not long ago, the Ukrainian performer Carolina, who became famous in show business as a beauty singing under the pseudonym Ani Lorak, became the mother of a charming girl, Sofia. After giving birth, the singer was able to quickly get rid of several kilograms of excess weight gained during pregnancy. She willingly shares her weight loss methods with everyone, without making a secret of it. And the whole point is that Ani Lorak’s diet after giving birth consisted of split meals and giving up some foods.

A set of exercises from the star

After a successful diet, Ani Lorak decided to continue the course of losing weight, since the main problem remained in the form of a far from flat stomach. With the permission of the doctors, the singer began a set of physical exercises familiar to her, which the girl had been performing since her youth. Simple exercises are aimed at effectively working on all the main problem areas of the female body. An important point is that the load needs to be increased gradually .

Hips . Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms out to the sides. Exhale and swing your straight left leg forward as far as the stretch allows. Return the limb to its original position. Breathe in. Now engage your right leg. Repeat 15 times for each limb.

Inner thigh . This is one of the most effective methods to help remove fat from the thighs. Lie on your right side and rest your elbow on your arm bent at the elbow. Move your left limb slightly forward. As you exhale, lift your right leg, and as you inhale, lower it, but so that it does not touch the floor. Do 20 repetitions and then repeat on the other side.

Buttocks . Get on all fours. Your hips should form a 90-degree angle with the floor. As you inhale, take your right leg back and straighten your limb so that it is parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then return your leg to its place. Repeat 15 times for each limb.

How Ani Lorak takes care of the body

losing weight is not the only task for a woman who cares about her beauty. It is important to prevent the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin, especially after childbirth. The power of Ani Lorak's diet is supported by regular massages and baths with herbs, and visits to a cosmetologist. The singer considers wraps with honey or seaweed to be the best treatments for the skin; these components keep the skin elastic, fresh and beautiful. As for facial skin, the singer recommends regularly making nourishing masks and being less nervous. Ani believes that stress is always shown on the face, and she is right in this belief.

Ani Lorak: “The best way to lose weight is dancing and sports”

35-year-old Ani Lorak (real name Ani Lorak is Carolina Kuek - approx. monitors the condition of her body. The singer got such beautiful forms not by inheritance, but thanks to long and painstaking work on herself. The girl’s weight loss story continues to this day. Unlike many women, Caroline’s morning begins not with a mug of coffee and a hot croissant, but with exercise.

“I think a system is important to control the body. When I wake up, the first thing I do is a half-hour set of exercises. This helps you feel the tone in your muscles and start a new day on a positive note. I have been practicing this type of exercise since my youth. I spied some elements for her in books about gymnastics, and borrowed some from Cindy Crawford - cassettes with her shaping were popular in the late 90s,” Ani Lorak told

The singer believes that sometimes you just need to listen to your body, then it will become clear which parts of it need to be addressed immediately.

“My body tells me many things. After all, when you look at yourself in the mirror every day, you immediately understand in which area excess has appeared. Therefore, if I see that my abs have begun to “give up,” then in the next few days I focus on this area,” Carolina shared with

At the same time, Ani Lorak is not a fan of the gym or fitness center. She prefers a more entertaining program.

“The best method to lose weight is dancing. For me, choreography is the very way when you can combine business with pleasure. You get pleasure from dancing, and at the same time you lose calories in those places that are most susceptible to gaining them,” the singer admitted to

Some girls naively believe that a two-week diet and three trips to the gym is all that is needed to acquire a slim body. No no and one more time no! Constant self-control is the key to an ideal appearance.

“A fit figure is, firstly, a diet for life. It's called proper and moderate nutrition! Secondly, movement. A person simply needs to walk, dance, swim and play sports, do everything that trains muscles. After all, the best corset is a corset made of muscles,” Ani Lorak told

In any business, the main thing is desire. You can achieve anything, be it an ideal figure or a dream job, you just need to really want it, set a goal and boldly go towards it. Persistence and work will grind everything down.

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