Helba for weight loss: beneficial properties and drink recipe

6 Health • Healthy eating 10/12/2016

Dear readers, who among us has not dreamed of looking great, being slim and beautiful. Skin and hair care is not a particular problem, because now you can find a lot of traditional medicine recipes for this, or you can use industrial products.

The main problem is how to lose weight and become slim. Today we will talk about one such remedy - helba seeds. You will learn what kind of plant helba is, about its beneficial properties that help you get slim, and also how to take helba seeds for weight loss.

What is helba

The helba plant goes by many names. It is known as fenugreek, shamballa, Egyptian drink, Chinese yellow tea. In ancient times it was used to treat many diseases, and they continue to do so in the modern world. Helba is especially popular in Eastern countries. The plant belongs to the legume family. Reaches no more than 60 centimeters in height, climbing. It requires sun and clay soil to grow well.

Indications for use

You can brew a plant for numerous reasons. It supports strength, treats illnesses, and helps restore weakened health. Among the most common indications for use are the following:

  • Overwork, loss of strength. The plant normalizes the nervous system, calms, tones the entire body, and increases performance.
  • Stress. In this state, fenugreek is consumed together with valerian.
  • Thermoregulation. It is believed that in the cold season, the plant helps to warm up, and in hot weather it cools.
  • Strengthening the immune system. This happens due to the numerous beneficial substances that the plant contains.
  • Respiratory diseases. Fenugreek helps against many colds.
  • High cholesterol. The plant significantly reduces it.
  • Cleanses the kidneys, improves blood circulation.
  • Diabetes. The plant restores normal blood sugar levels.
  • Gastrointestinal problems and excess weight. Fenugreek for weight loss cleanses, improves digestion, has a diuretic effect, and removes harmful toxins and mucus.


Since Helba for weight loss is a natural product, it can be used without any special contraindications. The main thing is to observe moderation. If you suffer from diseases such as diabetes, bowel disease, allergies, or are at any stage of pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. In rare cases, individual intolerance to the plant is observed, so if you experience discomfort after taking the drink, it is better to stop self-medication.

Medicinal properties of fenugreek

This herb should be considered not only as a means for weight loss; its healing properties deserve special mention:

  • The high fiber content makes it possible to use shamballa (another name for this plant) as a means of combating constipation. It is able to normalize the functioning of the digestive system without harm to health.
  • The increased content of antioxidants allows fenugreek to be used as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed to patients with stomach ulcers, inflammation of the intestines; in Ayurvedic medicine it is recommended to use fenugreek infusions for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract and even tuberculosis.
  • Pectin, polysaccharides and tannins included in shambhala suggest its use to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, quantitatively reducing its production by the liver.
  • Athletes are recommended to use fenugreek as a means of increasing endurance.
  • Diosgenin, which is part of fenugreek seeds, can increase lactation and reduce pain during menstruation; it is extremely useful if you want to stay healthy as a woman.

What are the benefits of helba?

In ancient times, it was no coincidence that Helba was considered a panacea for diseases. It contains a number of useful substances. These are proteins and carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamins. Fenugreek is rich in amino acids, essential oils, flavonoids and enzymes, tannins and other substances. It has a number of effects on the body: restorative, expectorant, tonic, antipyretic, diuretic, sedative. Men and women may use the plant differently depending on their individual needs.

For women

When it comes to women's diseases, helba often comes to the rescue. In ancient times, it was used to treat female infertility. Taking a drink from this plant immediately before childbirth accelerated and facilitated its passage. It helps nursing mothers increase lactation. The herb saturates the female body with the necessary hormone diosgenin, which brings the entire hormonal system into full balance. It helps with inflammatory processes, helps ease menopause and the menstrual cycle. Helba for weight loss is popular among women.

For men

The main enemy of all men is a problem with potency. Helba helps solve this too. The plant contains saponin compounds, which are responsible for the production of male hormones. If you take a decoction of helba regularly, you can significantly increase your sexual potential. Helba for men eliminates the problem of premature ejaculation. Changes begin to be observed after 2 weeks of drinking helba tea twice a day.

Contraindications to the use of helba

If you treat everything without fanaticism, then both the helba drink and the spice are safe for the body. But when you first start introducing the drink into your diet to achieve weight loss, you can expect the following:

  • High fiber content can cause bloating, short-term diarrhea and gas formation.
  • The urine may have an odor similar to maple syrup. Don't be alarmed if this happens. The symptom will disappear when the body gets used to the new thing.
  • Helba is not recommended for people undergoing treatment for diabetes. If you still want to include this drink in your menu, consult your doctor.
  • Fenugreek seed drink is contraindicated for pregnant women as it can cause premature birth.
  • Fenugreek can cause allergic reactions (rhinitis, asthmatic reactions, swelling, etc.), especially in people with allergies to any legumes.

For those who are used to constantly monitoring the process of losing weight and waging a desperate struggle for beauty and slimness, sometimes it is simply necessary to introduce something new into their diet, into their lives, something that they have not tried before. This allows you to step out of your usual framework and experience other tastes, aromas, and sensations. Therefore, if you are one of the people who dream of losing weight, try using fenugreek for weight loss. What if this new thing becomes a great helper in achieving your goal?

How to cook helba

There are a lot of recipes for preparing the plant. How to drink helba correctly? Basically, teas are brewed based on it and drunk several times a day. If we are talking about losing weight, you need to understand that helba itself does not promote the breakdown of fat, but when drunk on an empty stomach, it reduces appetite and has a diuretic and laxative effect. This helps cleanse the intestines and remove excess fluid, which will lead to a slight weight loss effect. You can prepare Helba for weight loss according to the following recipes:

  • Take the following ingredients: grated ginger - 100 grams, helba seeds - 1 tablespoon, a pinch of cumin, turmeric - ½ teaspoon, zest and juice of 1 lemon. Pour all 500 ml of boiling water and leave.
  • A simpler recipe says that you need to take 1 teaspoon of seeds in a glass of water and boil them over low heat for about 10 minutes, then let the broth brew. When consumed, it is allowed to add honey.

Using fenugreek for weight loss

Since fenugreek not only has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a pleasant and unusual taste, many doctors advise using it as a means of activating the process of fat breakdown. The most effective way to use fenugreek as a weight loss remedy is to brew it as tea.

By drinking this tea, the body will begin to get rid of accumulated toxins and waste that interfere with the breakdown of fat cells.

Fenugreek tincture is excellent in combating manifestations of excess body fat such as cellulite. Such methods, of course, will not replace professional exercises and medications, but they have proven themselves to be a good remedy for home use. Fenugreek can be used not only in the form of tea, but also in the form of coffee, food seasoning or powder for oral administration.

Fenugreek coffee

Several drinks are prepared from fenugreek, one of which is a coffee drink. To prepare this drink, mix ground coffee with fenugreek seeds or powder in a 1 to 1 ratio and brew it like regular coffee.

The resulting drink has a very specific taste, but it has a huge tonic effect, which will charge you with energy, and even if it doesn’t help you lose weight, it will definitely give you more strength to go to the gym.

Fenugreek seeds for weight loss

Another way to use fenugreek is to brew its seeds.

To prepare a drink from seeds you need:

  1. Take a tablespoon of seeds and pour 250-300 ml of boiling water. Leave the resulting liquid to infuse overnight.
  2. Make an infusion of stevia herb in such a ratio that it is three times more than the fenugreek infusion.
  3. Next, you just need to mix both infusions and drink immediately after mixing. After consumption, do not eat or drink for three hours. Therefore, do not drink this decoction on an empty stomach, but rather have a snack in advance.

Fenugreek tea

Not only from people’s personal experience, but also from medical specialists, the benefits of fenugreek tea for combating excess weight have been proven. But there is a little secret that will allow fenugreek to reach its maximum potential and work more efficiently:

  • First you need to take a few teaspoons of helba seeds.
  • Then fry them, then pour in a liter of just boiled water.
  • Seeds drenched in water should be kept in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour.
  • You should not take this tea more than three times a day.

Fenugreek Powder for Weight Loss

Nutritionists allow consumption of no more than 8 grams of fenugreek seed powder per day.

To make the powder, simply place a few teaspoons of seeds in a coffee grinder or mortar and grind them.

It can be consumed either in the form of a powder, which must be washed down with water during meals, or as a seasoning for food, adding, for example, to a salad.

Shambhala spice enhances the taste of the dish, which allows you to be satisfied with less food.

This video explains in detail the beneficial properties and methods of using fenugreek to reduce excess weight:

How to take Helba

Anyone who wants to see the results of using herbs for weight loss should consider how to take helba for weight loss correctly. To lose weight, a drink made from it should be consumed daily. Drink a cup on an empty stomach in the morning. Then 40 minutes before each meal or at least 2 hours after. Drinking a decoction from the plant 2-3 times a day is enough to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and reduce the feeling of hunger. You can lose weight this way for about 1 month. You can lose from 1 to 5 kilos depending on the additional diet.


Despite its naturalness and a large number of useful properties, helba has contraindications, in the presence of which taking the seeds can be dangerous for the body when losing weight. The main contraindications are:

  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Diseases of the duodenum.
  • Colitis and gastritis.
  • Insulin dependence.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Increased estrogen levels.
  • Pregnancy.

In the presence of these diseases and conditions, taking Helba for weight loss is strictly prohibited, since it will only destroy the functioning of the stomach, cause discomfort, and provoke certain disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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