A simple but effective Dolinov “Lose Weight” simulator: how to make and train

The simulator is a simple design of two ropes, equipped with two loops for the upper and lower limbs, equipped with soft handles. There are two blocks of rollers and wall mounts.

Nikolai Dolinov claims that a ten-minute “charge” on his invention is equivalent in effectiveness to more than 100 squats, almost 200 body crunches and 300 bends.

Advantages of use: the ability to change the level of load on the body directly during exercise; hands are actively working; you can make a smooth transition from exercises for the legs and abs to training the back and upper limbs; injuries are excluded; the simulator can withstand weight up to 200 kg; there is no strain on the cardiovascular system. Both children and the elderly can practice. Compact, you can take it on a trip.

During classes,
all muscles of the body are worked out.
Each time the complex is performed, 3-4 times more energy is consumed than during standard training. The load is distributed as evenly as possible between muscle groups. A set of exercises on the “Lose Weight” simulator (perform 2 minutes maximum)

  • "Running and cycling." You need to lie on your back, grab two loops with your hands, and insert your feet into the other two. First, a movement is performed that simulates running on a treadmill, using not only the legs, but also the upper limbs. Next, the arms remain in a relaxed position and the legs actively work.
  • Working out the press. Remaining in the starting position, you need to raise your straight legs up.
  • Swings from a side position. You need to lie on your right side, bend your right leg slightly at the knee joint and insert your foot into the loop, your left leg is on top and is also inserted into the loop. The hands are positioned identically. Free leg swings are performed.
  • "Birch". Lie on your back and with your hands, spreading them to the sides and placing them under your buttocks, first lift your legs, and then your entire pelvis.
  • “Fish” Lie on your stomach, arms and legs are located in loops. You should alternately raise and stretch your arms and legs - right lower limb/left upper limb, then vice versa. After every 2 repetitions, you need to stretch all limbs forward and upward at once.
  • Swing back. Stand with your back to the mount of the simulator, put two loops on one leg, take the loops in your hands according to the primary recommendation. The upper limbs are moved apart and brought together in front of the chest, while at the same time the leg swings back.

The exercises are performed without jerking , slowly, you need to breathe evenly, deeply and calmly.

Disadvantages and contraindications: it is difficult to practice at first without physical training. Not recommended for: previous injuries, spinal surgeries; joint pathologies, severe bone diseases; previously diagnosed malignant neoplasms.

Moreover, in 10 minutes of exercise in the first month of training you can get rid of 7 - 8 kg of excess weight , but only if you follow the rules of the diet.

Read more in our article about Dolinov’s “Lose Weight” simulator, exercises on it and the method of making it yourself.

What is Nikolai Dolinov’s simulator

The simulator is a simple design of two ropes, equipped with two loops for the upper and lower limbs. They, in turn, are equipped with soft handles, which increases the ease of use of the simulator. The simulator is equipped with two blocks of rollers and fastenings - it allows you to fix the sports equipment on the wall.

Despite its elementary design, the exercise machine will be much more effective in terms of weight loss than similar equipment designed for strength training. Nikolai Dolinov himself claims that a ten-minute “exercise” on his invention is equivalent in effectiveness to more than 100 squats, almost 200 body twists and 300 downward torso bends.

Description and principle of operation of the simulator

So, Dolinov claims that with his creation, by doing 6-10 minutes a day, you can lose 4-10 kg in a month . The results are very good, everything is very tempting, and therefore many who want to get rid of excess weight have already tried the rope trainer, as can be judged by numerous reviews. And this is not surprising, because to get a slim body, you just need to lie on your back, sit comfortably, and perform the required exercises for a few minutes. All.

Advantages of the “Lose Weight” rope exercise machine

We should start with the fact that Dolinov himself once weighed about 90 kg and, in order to lose weight, he created a special exercise machine, thanks to which he lost 20 kg in just a couple of months. It's hard to say if this is true. Therefore, we can only understand the information that relates directly to this miraculous invention.

Nikolay Dolinov and his “Lose Weight” simulator

In essence, the “Lose Weight” exercise machine, which is easy to make with your own hands, is a pair of ropes with 4 loops. These ropes are fixed to a special hook in the door or wall, and the person inserts his legs/arms into the loops and begins to perform various exercises. What's the secret?

  1. When a person exercises, all large muscle groups are involved in the process (just as during swimming or running), but due to the fact that almost the entire body is suspended, no special effort is required.
  2. The muscles begin to work (including the chest, abdomen, legs and arms) when the practitioner is lying down, and therefore training is allowed for people with injuries that do not allow full exercise, or with unsatisfactory physical fitness.
  3. When a person exercises, metabolic processes, as Dolinov himself assures, noticeably accelerate, which contributes to more intense burning of fat tissue.

The “Lose Weight” exercise machine is a simple home exercise machine

On a note! The cost of such a device is low (from 3,000 rubles), and therefore it is becoming increasingly popular. However, making it yourself is even cheaper, especially since there is nothing super complicated in this process.

Application benefits

It will be possible to appreciate the sports equipment in question only after exercising on it, but you can familiarize yourself with some of the advantages in advance. Not only Dolinov, but also other experts highlight the following:

  • the ability to change the level of load on the body directly during exercise;
  • The hands work actively and this ensures smooth breathing;
  • you can make a smooth transition from exercises for the legs and abs to training the back and upper limbs;
  • injuries are excluded even if the person is untrained;
  • the simulator can withstand weight up to 200 kg;
  • There is no excessive strain on the cardiovascular system.

Both children and elderly people can train on this sports equipment. In addition, it is compact - you can put it in a small backpack or bag and take it with you to nature, on a business trip, or a vacation home.

We recommend reading about how to use a weight loss ball. From the article you will learn about the benefits of exercising with a ball, the correct use of a fitball, and a set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and legs. And here is more information about how to use an elliptical trainer for weight loss.

Operating principle of the simulator

The main difference between the Dolinov simulator and its iron counterparts (and also the main advantage) is the complex effect on several muscle groups at once. While someone gets on a treadmill, pedals an exercise bike, does a couple of sets of exercises with the tricky name “hyperextension”, working the buttocks and abs, and finishes it all off with a dumbbell press, you lie on the floor and vigorously wave your arms and legs, doing simple exercises.

A little more about load distribution: although the stomach, back, shoulders, legs and chest will be actively involved in most exercises, you will not experience overstrain, since the muscles will fairly “share” the main work among themselves. It turns out that the body makes more efforts, and fatigue from them is less.

Everyone can do training with Master Slimmer

Master Slimmer also has other advantages.

  1. It does not cause damage to the joints, spine and heart, and in general is considered the least traumatic of the simulators.
  2. Training with it has a good effect on blood circulation, digestion, posture, coordination of movements and, as some users claim, on the general psychological state of a person. For example, sleep is normalized and nervous tension is relieved.
  3. The simulator can serve a variety of purposes. Adults use it to keep their muscles in good shape, children aged 4–5 years old easily and cheerfully join the world of sports, people during the rehabilitation period after surgery, serious fractures or strokes gently and carefully develop weakened muscles. But the main purpose of Mastr Slimmer is to help with weight loss. Regular exercise combined with simple nutritional control allows you to get rid of 4-10 extra kg per month.
  4. Real “chubby people” who have tried to take up sports seriously know how difficult it is. Due to palpitations and shortness of breath, it is sometimes completely impossible to maintain a normal pace of training, and some exercises, like jumping rope, even fall into the category of inaccessibility. But even a person with a very impressive weight - up to 200 kg - can master the Dolinov simulator; the main thing is to choose a stronger rope and block.
  5. Finally, the Master Slimmer is silent, extremely compact and takes up almost no space.

Despite the safety of the Dolinov simulator, it is better for young children to be allowed to exercise on it under the supervision of their parents, and for those who have recently suffered an injury or stroke, it would not hurt to first consult a doctor.

The simulator is compact - this is another one of its main positive characteristics. It can be kept absolutely anywhere, and, if necessary, positioned as desired.

The author claims that during operation it is necessary to follow the rules of use, only then will there be results from the exercises. So, advice from Nikolai Dolinov:

First of all, it is worth paying attention to developing a training system. You don’t need to select different exercises every time, select a separate complex for yourself that you will repeat every day - you’ll see, in a month you will feel the changes and notice the first results in the mirror. Do not forget that the optimal height for the simulator is 1.15 meters, if you start measuring from the floor.

In order for progress to be noticeable, it is necessary to increase the load each time.

Each exercise you choose must be repeated 20 times in 3 sets, taking a break of 40 seconds between sets.. To put it simply, this simulator is performed in the form of several ropes with loops that are tightly fixed on a hook

It would seem that such a simple product in its structure, how does it give such amazing results?

To put it simply, this simulator is made in the form of several ropes with loops that are tightly fixed to a hook. It would seem that such a simple product in its structure, how does it give such amazing results?

  • During active work with the simulator, almost all muscle sections are involved in the process. The exercise is comparable to five hours of running or swimming. However, due to the special position of the body, a person makes a minimum of effort - this is what determines the ease of use of the simulator.
  • The muscle groups in the chest, abdomen, arms and legs work harder when a person is lying down, which is why training is allowed for people who have minor injuries or poor physical fitness.
  • Dolinov revealed that when exercising on a simulator, metabolic processes are greatly accelerated, as a result of which fat deposits undergo intense combustion.

Operating principle

The main difference between Nikolai Dolinov’s “Lose Weight” simulator and other equipment is that during classes all the muscles of the body are worked out. If under other conditions it would be necessary to perform a whole set of exercises, then in this case it will be enough to perform certain movements with the upper/lower limbs.

Each time you perform a complex, 3-4 times more energy is consumed than during standard training, which means that fat deposits will disappear faster.

The load is distributed as evenly as possible between muscle groups, so if you exert a lot of force, you will not feel fatigue, or it will be minimal.


Many people have already tried this simulator, and the results allow us to give the device positive ratings. Users share their experience of using the Dolinov simulator on the Internet.

Konstantin, 38 years old “Hello, I once saw on the Internet a master class on making a Dolinov simulator. I immediately decided to try making one for myself and my wife, as it is very easy to make. We never actively played sports, but tried to keep ourselves in shape through proper nutrition. To be honest, I did not immediately appreciate the usefulness of this product; you need to get used to it, and this takes time. My wife liked the exercise machine, we work out every other day. The workouts are always different; we learn about new sets of classes online. In three months I lost 6 kilograms, perfectly toned my chest muscles, and trimmed my stomach.”

Elena Aleksandrovna, 42 years old “Good afternoon! I want to share my impressions of the Dolinov simulator! A friend told me about it, she lost 14 kilograms by doing simple exercises. Naturally, I also bought one for myself. I work out every day and limit my diet. I like the effect, my buttocks have tightened up, cellulite has even gone away. I will continue training to maintain my results.”

Ksenia, 26 years old “My fitness instructor recommended purchasing Nikolai Dolinov’s exercise machine to exercise in my free time from training. I immediately bought it, my boyfriend assembled it for me. At first I didn’t really like it, but later I understood the essence of its functionality. Without straining at all, I was able to strengthen the muscles of my abs, butt, and legs. I noticed results within two weeks. I recommend it to everyone, it’s a good thing!

A set of exercises on the “Lose Weight” simulator

Every day you need to perform only 6 exercises, each for 2 minutes maximum. At first it will be quite difficult - extra pounds still impose some restrictions. But you don’t need to stop exercising, literally in a week everything will work out, and after 2-3 you will need to increase the load.

What exercises are included in the workout:

  • "Running and cycling." You need to lie on your back, grab two loops with your hands, and insert your feet into the other two. First, a movement is performed that simulates running on a treadmill, using not only the legs, but also the upper limbs. Next, the arms remain in a relaxed position and the legs actively work.
  • Working out the press. Remaining in the starting position, you need to raise your straight legs up; if it is difficult to perform the exercise, then you can help yourself with your hands - inserted into the loops, they simply move apart to the sides.

  • Swings from a side position. You need to lie on your right side, bend your right leg slightly at the knee joint and insert your foot into the loop, your left leg is on top and is also inserted into the loop. The hands are positioned identically. Free swings are made with the leg that is on top - the left arm and left leg work alternately, lowering and raising the limb. Then the exercise is repeated on the second lower limb.
  • "Birch". Lie on your back and with your hands, spreading them to the sides and placing them under your buttocks, first lift your legs, and then your entire pelvis. The result should be a classic “birch tree”, but this will only be possible with a certain amount of training.
  • “Fish” Lie on your stomach, arms and legs are located in loops. You should alternately raise and stretch your arms and legs - right lower limb/left upper limb, then vice versa. After every 2 repetitions, you need to stretch all limbs forward and upward at once.
  • Swing back. Stand with your back to the mount of the simulator, put two loops on one leg, take the loops in your hands according to the primary recommendation. The upper limbs are moved apart and brought together in front of the chest, while at the same time the leg swings back. Then the exercise is repeated for the other lower limb.

A set of exercises on the Dolinov simulator.
The exercises are performed without jerking, slowly, you need to breathe evenly, deeply and calmly.

Contraindications to the use of the Dolinova simulator

A lot of different devices for carrying out physical activities can lead to various injuries, exacerbation of existing diseases, and also cause a rapid heart rate and sudden jumps in blood pressure. To avoid adverse consequences, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications that the Dolinov simulator has:

  • The author advises not to start training if you have problems with the digestive system, which are accompanied by regular pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • Exercises for malignant tumors are prohibited;
  • Serious damage to the musculoskeletal system, the spinal zone, is a taboo for performing exercises on the Dolinova simulator;
  • During pregnancy, you should avoid exercising;
  • If there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, then exercises are contraindicated.

You should definitely visit a doctor before starting physical exercises. Only a competent specialist will be able to prescribe the necessary diagnostics, select a set of exercises and determine how necessary training on the Dolinov simulator is.

How to make it yourself

Dolinov’s “Lose Weight” exercise machine has another undeniable advantage over other sports equipment - you don’t have to buy it, you can make it yourself. Moreover, for this you do not need to have any specific engineering knowledge. First you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • belt tape 140 cm long and 5 cm wide - it is needed to “insulate” the loops into which the hands are inserted, but it can be replaced with electrical tape, pieces of soft pipes and other suitable material;
  • climbing rope 5 - 7 m long with a strong core - it is better to take a larger meter, because after assembling the simulator and attaching it, it will not be possible to increase these dimensions;
  • regular rope 60 cm long;
  • a thin screw with a ring for ropes;
  • high quality blocks – 2 pieces;
  • scissors for cutting ropes, matches and a drill.

Next, the production of Dolinov’s sports equipment proceeds according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Cut the climbing rope into two pieces of equal length, and insert the resulting pieces into a block. To keep the ends intact, they should be singed with matches.
  2. 4 loops are made (at each free end of the rope) and they must be “dressed” in a cover made of belt tape or soft pipe. After the covers are put on, you need to make tight knots that do not come undone - the exercises must be absolutely safe.
  3. An ordinary rope is cut into two equal parts, each piece is threaded into the “ears” of the rollers and their ends are tied into a single knot. This part of the sports equipment is needed to attach it to the wall.
  4. A hole is drilled in the wall at approximately waist level and a screw is inserted into it. The blocks cling to the wall using loops of regular rope.

If it is not possible to use a drill and fix it on the wall, then you can use the railing on the balcony or the door handle. Naturally, you need to make sure that the sports equipment is reliable and safe even during intense training.

Master Class. Making the “Lose Weight” exercise machine yourself

Start by preparing everything you need. So, to make Dolinov’s “Lose Weight” simulator with your own hands, you will need:

  • polypropylene pipe 50 cm long (internal section - 2 cm);
  • electric drill, 8 mm drill for it;
  • carabiners (3 pcs.) with rings with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm;
  • metal saw;
  • synthetic belt, the width of which is 3-4 cm and the length - 300 cm;
  • hooks (also 3 pcs.) with a cross section of 0.8 cm; necessarily with half rings at the ends;
  • synthetic rope with high strength and smooth surface; the diameter of this rope is at least 1 cm, and the length is 800 cm;
  • plastic dowels (3 pcs.).

There should be no difficulties with purchasing everything listed above. It is quite obvious that if you are a woman, then, due to your fragility and subtle mental organization, it is better to entrust the work to a representative of the stronger sex. So, after preparing everything you need, you can get down to business.

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Some useful tips

If you follow the recommendations below, you will be able to avoid mistakes during the manufacturing/installation process.

  1. The finished simulator should be placed either against the wall or at the door frame.
  2. The height of the hole for fixing the hooks is 10 cm, 100 cm and 230 cm from the floor surface.
  3. It is important that the tensioning mechanism be able to withstand a load of at least 70 kg, while the user himself must weigh a maximum of 200 kg.
  4. After the dowels with hooks are inserted into the wall, a pair of ropes are attached.

Universal trainer by Nikolai Dolinov

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Step 1 . To make the “Lose Weight” simulator with your own hands, first take the pipe and cut it according to the 12.5 cm markings (provided that this was not done in the store).

Step 2 . Place belts in the resulting sections, the length of each of which is 50 cm, then sew (you can either manually or using a sewing machine).

Step 3 . Overlap the sides to form a ring. As for the leg tubes, you need to place a pair of straps in them.

Step 4 . Tie a 100 cm long rope with a ring. Remember that the knots must have increased strength - when the load increases, the ropes often slip. After this, attach carabiners (they are used in our example, not blocks, since they are easier and cheaper to buy) to the ring.

On a note! Synthetic rope should be selected with increased performance properties, taking into account friction characteristics.

Step 5 . Divide the remaining rope in two. Tie the ends to the strap rings that are placed in the tubes. Place carabiners on separate ropes.

How to make a “Lose Weight” exercise machine with your own hands

All using inexpensive components and materials, you have made a convenient rope trainer for weight loss.

Disadvantages and contraindications

If a person has been involved in sports for a long time, then the sports equipment in question is unlikely to bring him pleasure. The fact is that the design is aimed at exercises specifically for weight loss and fat burning. The loads in this case will be very moderate; they will not help pump up the abs or form the muscular relief of the body.

It is also worth remembering that the Dolinov simulator cannot be used by everyone. For example, training on it is contraindicated if:

  • previous injuries, spinal surgeries;
  • joint pathologies, severe bone diseases;
  • previously diagnosed malignant neoplasms.

In any case, it is worth consulting with doctors if you have any chronic pathologies. Most likely, they will not be a contraindication to training and losing weight using the method under consideration, but some restrictions may be imposed.

We recommend reading about how to use a stepper for weight loss. From the article you will learn about the benefits of a stepper, contraindications for use, exercises for a stepper with handrails, and exercises on a mini-stepper. And here is more information about exercises on a sports roller for weight loss.

The sports equipment in question is considered one of the most effective devices for smooth, competent and safe weight loss. “Ten minutes” of training on it every day gives simply incredible results - literally in the first month of training you can get rid of 7 - 8 kg of excess weight, but only if a person follows the rules of a low-calorie diet.

Exercise machine "Dolinova"

The person who invented such a device suffered from extra pounds. This is what caused such a useful invention. This simulator is easy to use without resorting to external assistants. Nikolai Dolinov (the author of the invention) was able to get rid of 20 kilograms of excess weight with the help of his simulator.

Dolinov claims that with systematic training you can get the following results:

  • Reduce and tighten the buttocks;
  • Make the hip line clearer and more proportional;
  • Strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • Significantly increase the functionality of the spinal area;
  • Develop the joint area;
  • Lose at least 5 kilograms.

It is worth noting that the exercise machine can be used not only for the purpose of losing weight. Many doctors prescribe exercises with this device for various pathologies of the joints and spine, to strengthen muscle tone and improve their elasticity.

Many athletes purchase a Dolinova machine to increase the effectiveness of strength training in the gym. Simplicity, ease of use and lack of discomfort when performing exercises - all this characterizes the multifunctional, universal invention of Nikolai Dolinov.

Experts advise limiting your diet if you want to not only tighten your body, but also lose weight. This device is perfect for losing weight if you switch to proper nutrition. You should consume no more than 1200 calories per day, leaving only 200 calories for dinner. The morning begins with carbohydrate foods, lunch combines proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and for dinner nutritionists advise eating exclusively protein foods.

Why should protein make up the bulk of your diet? During training on the simulator

increased muscle work occurs. How do they grow? During exercise, the muscle seems to be “torn”; it is necessary to receive a portion of protein for the growth of muscle fibers. If you plan your diet correctly, you can restore muscle structure in the shortest possible time.

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