Hot Iron (Hot Iron) training. What is it in fitness, program, exercises, technique

Hot iron training - what is it?

(barbells, dumbbells, weights) during exercise . Such classes are complex, since during them the load is evenly distributed across all major muscle groups.

Strength exercises are done to music and in a group format . This helps athletes maintain a given pace, as well as monitor adherence to execution technique.

Hot Iron modern fitness clubs began to practice relatively recently - no more than 7 years ago. The popularization of the training began after the publication of the results of research by Düsseldorf scientists.

Experts in the field of physiology and sports have proven that the greatest effect in fat burning can be achieved by alternating the intensity of strength loads carried out within the same session.

To ensure that Hot Iron workouts are as beneficial and safe as possible not only for those who are losing weight, but also for those who are working to increase the strength and endurance of their own body, fitness instructors conducting classes in sports centers are required to regularly undergo accreditation (approximately once every 3-4 month).

This allows them in their further work to adjust the load for clients in order to avoid the muscles becoming accustomed to the given intensity.

Advantages of the method

The main benefits of Hot Iron training include:

  • the ability to accelerate metabolism by 20-30%;
  • high-quality safe reduction in the amount of subcutaneous fat, which does not imply adherence to additional diets and aerobic training;
  • an increase in muscle mass while simultaneously burning fat (the so-called “drying of the body” occurs);
  • a positive change in the overall constitution of the athlete’s body without harm to health;
  • the ability to get rid of 800 or more calories in 60 minutes of training;
  • increasing the density of bones, joints and tendons, which significantly reduces the risk of injury;
  • minimizing the appearance of sagging skin and cellulite;
  • increasing the tone of the skin by accelerating blood circulation in its upper layers;
  • weight loss while simultaneously adjusting the figure (that is, the athlete does not just become thin, his body changes gradually while maintaining natural proportions);
  • the construction of a training complex is based not only on the experience of a particular instructor, but also on scientific knowledge, which every practicing instructor of Hot Iron group programs must possess;
  • the ability to adjust the load for a specific athlete (relevant when conducting individual training).

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the system include:

  • Correction of excess weight.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Increased bone density.
  • Increased skin elasticity.
  • The system can be used by both athletes and people without physical training.
  • Accelerated process of getting rid of orange peel.
  • Burn almost 1,000 calories in just 60 minutes of exercise.

There are no shortcomings of the Hot Iron program.


Hot Iron training is a sport that, like other physical activities, has a number of disadvantages:

  • the possibility of meeting an unscrupulous instructor who can teach Hot Iron without an appropriate certificate of completed training (to avoid this, it is recommended that before attending classes, ask the trainer to provide the certificate, paying attention to its relevance);
  • the risk of causing muscle overtraining if the load is distributed incorrectly during the first sessions;

  • high risk of injury if the exercise technique is not followed (this happens if the number of members of one group is more than 5-7 people. In this case, the trainer cannot properly control each participant in the class, which is why the risk of a person receiving a minor injury sharply increases, for example, a muscle fiber strain or a tendon tear);
  • the difficulty of switching to classical loads , if such a need arises (the body adapts to the high intensity of Hot Iron training, which is why in the event of a forced transition, for example, to regular exercise in the gym, the effectiveness of such loads will be minimal).

Who is Hot Iron for?

Despite the fact that the Hot Iron system is most popular among young people, middle-aged and elderly people are also allowed to practice it (with extreme caution). This versatility is explained by the possibility of individual selection of the weight of sports equipment, depending on the physiological characteristics and health status of a particular person.

Contraindications for Hot Iron classes include:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • diagnosed hypertension (grades 2 and 3);

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, regardless of nature;
  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • arthrosis and other pathologies of the joints and skeletal system;
  • rehabilitation period after a recent injury (less than 6 months have passed since the injury);
  • rehabilitation period after surgery (less than 6-9 months have passed since the operation);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (refers to a relative contraindication. When breastfeeding and playing sports, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. If there is excessive production of lactic acid, breast milk may change its taste, which will lead to the baby refusing to eat).

How are classes going?

Our dance school offers many areas: dancing, fitness, aerobics, strip plastic, and hot iron classes. At a time convenient for you and in comfortable conditions, under the guidance of experienced masters, you will learn dance skills and exercise techniques. All programs are approved by specialists from a world-famous sports company, so you are guaranteed high results. Depending on your goal, you can choose a specific program.


  • Hot Iron, 1, 2, Advanced - for beginners and those who want to quickly tighten their figure.
  • Iron Cross promotes effective fat burning.
  • Iron Back is a program designed for people suffering from back pain.
  • Iron Body – for those who want to do traditional strength training.

Each direction has its own set of exercises, and although iron lessons allow you to achieve certain indicators. You will forget about pain in the joints and spine, you will gain a confident gait, strength, and self-confidence. Plasticity and flexibility, graceful posture and a beautiful body will appear. Thanks to hot iron classes, your nervous system will be strengthened and you will always be in high spirits.

What is needed for classes

Hot Iron training is an activity for which the athlete will need a gymnastics mat, a small barbell (or similar iron weight), and a step (or other stable elevation).

The weight of weights should be selected in accordance with the basic recommendations:

  • for the warm-up complex, as well as working out the muscles of the arms, it is necessary to use weights of minimal weight;
  • to work on the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders, it is necessary to increase the working weight by 1-2 kg from the original (if, when performing exercises with a large weight, the athlete feels acute pain or other severe discomfort, to work the upper body, the original weight of the weighting material should be maintained);
  • To work out the lower body (strengthening the legs, hips and abdomen), it is optimal to use weights whose mass is 2-3 times the original weight of the barbell.

If an athlete is just starting to train with the Hot Iron system or has a number of diseases identified as relative contraindications for sports, an empty bar will be optimal for him as a sports equipment. As the body gets used to the load, it is permissible to increase the working weight by 0.5 - 1 kg.

Types of training

The Hot Iron system is divided into several types, which have some differences in the complexity of completing tasks designed for different levels of physical fitness of people:

  • Hot Iron 1 - the basic version of the program is intended for beginners. People with minimal physical fitness who want to bring their physical fitness to perfection can attend classes. A set of simple strength exercises develops endurance. The training program involves the use of mini-bars and specialized kits designed for removable weights. The level of weight is selected by the trainer individually according to the level of training of the person. As physical fitness increases, the weight of the weights increases. Upon reaching the maximum allowable weight in this course, you should move to the next level.
  • Hot Iron 2 – designed for people who have been training for about 4-5 months using the basic version of the program. Over a given period of time, the physical form of a training person achieves certain changes. The program contains many activities that involve the joints. There are a large number of approaches of push-ups, squats of varying difficulty levels and various types of lunges. Classes using the Hot Iron 2 system significantly accelerate the burning of excess calories, since the entire muscle category is involved in the training process.
  • Iron Body is considered a strength training workout that does not have any significant features.
  • Hot Iron Adventure is a classic type of physical complex designed for a category of people with a certain level of physical fitness. Classes using this system include the use of a significant amount of weights.
  • Iron Back is a specific training course designed for a category of people with spinal diseases. This specificity limits the category of people allowed to perform exercises. Iron Back has a positive effect on strengthening the muscles in the back.

The classes can be attended by people with minimal physical fitness who want to bring their physical fitness to perfection.

Types of training

Hot Iron workouts are conventionally classified into several types:

Name of training typeShort description
Hot Iron 1This program is designed for people who have diseases that prevent them from fully engaging in sports, or for those who are just starting to engage in this system.
Hot Iron 2Recommended for use as a basis for training for people who have been practicing Hot Iron 1 for at least 4-6 months. This program includes multi-joint exercises that allow you to work smaller muscle groups as well as larger ones.
Iron BodyA classic version of strength training, designed for people with good physical fitness who do not have serious illnesses that prevent them from playing sports.
Hot Iron AdvancedA classic version of strength training, but involving the use of heavier weight sports equipment compared to Iron Body.
Iron CrossIt is considered the most effective for fat burning. In its intensity, such a program is comparable to exercise in the gym.
Iron BackThis type of training is designed for people with spinal curvature, back problems, or underdeveloped muscles in this part of the body.

Hot Iron group training. Not everyone knows what it is. Many girls, having heard that barbells are used in such classes, refuse them, citing the fact that they only want to lose weight, and not pump up and gain muscle mass. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out.

Be careful, it's hot!

The name Hot Iron itself is translated from English as “hot iron”. This set of training has been developed and continues to be improved by leading fitness specialists, doctors and scientists from Germany. The classes actually use barbells, but not standard ones, such as can be found in many gyms, but their mini-analogues.

Many years of research have proven that strength exercises performed with such barbells produce a huge effect, helping to reduce weight and tighten your figure. At the same time, muscle mass, of course, increases, but not to the same extent as that of bodybuilders or powerlifters. Therefore, girls should not be afraid to attend such training, which will bring them great benefits, as well as quick results.

What's the advantage?

Hot Iron is an excellent workout that can enhance metabolism and metabolism throughout the body. Thanks to this action, with regular exercise, rapid weight loss is guaranteed. Subsequent training will help consolidate and strengthen the achieved results. In addition, thanks to a specially selected set of exercises, you can tighten sagging skin, strengthen muscles, create a beautiful figure, and also remove the hated cellulite, a problem that almost every girl faces. Hot Iron will also strengthen joints and bone tissue, make the body stronger and more resilient, and charge you with positivity and positive emotions for a long period. Reviews from those involved in this type of fitness are found only in a positive way. And this says a lot!

When training with mini-barbells, trainees always have room to grow. The Hot Iron system includes different sets of exercises aimed at achieving different goals. For example, novice athletes can try Hot Iron 1. When certain results are achieved, you can move on to Hot Iron 2 or Advanced (complex and advanced exercises). For maximum fat burning, Iron Cross is suitable. Those who suffer from back problems can choose the Hot Iron Back complex. Within each complex you can also practice as you progress. By increasing the weight of the barbell, you can increase your strength and endurance and achieve greater results.

Who is it suitable for?

Hot Iron is suitable for almost every person who does not have serious health problems and wants to quickly get into optimal shape. Not only women, but also men can engage in such training. The exercises are also suitable for beginners who are just discovering the world of sports and fitness. Group classes and a qualified trainer who has undergone special training will make Hot Iron classes interesting, attractive and even more effective. You will receive great benefits and a lot of mood. Go for it!

One Hot Iron session burns up to 900 kcal. And the fat-burning effect itself will last another whole day!


Hot Iron, like other workouts of similar intensity, requires a warm-up complex before the main part. These are loads that, without accelerating metabolic processes, can accelerate blood and lymph flow, as well as increase the pulse rate.

The most effective of them are:

  • head rotation;
  • rotation of the shoulder joints;
  • swing your arms;
  • body turns;
  • jumping in place “with overlap” (during the jump, the heels should touch the buttocks);
  • body tilts.


ExerciseHow to do it
Leg curls from a lying position
  1. Take a lying position with your arms along your body and your legs extended in a natural direction.
  2. As you exhale, raise your legs, and then, reaching an angle of 90 degrees, bend them.
  3. Without pausing, stretch your legs and then lower them back to their original position.
Standing arm curls
  1. Stand up straight, holding dumbbells or a small barbell in your hands. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, the spine should be straightened, the chin should be slightly lowered.
  2. As you exhale, bend your elbows, while leaving the upper part of your limbs motionless.
  3. At the moment of bending your arms, you must perform a deep squat.
  4. Without pausing in the lower position, return to the starting position.

Program describing exercises for beginners

For beginners, a Hot Iron training program might look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 5 – 7 min.
  2. Front squats (Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, fix a mini-bar on your shoulders. Exhale, perform a squat, without changing the position of the upper body, and also, making sure that while at the bottom point your knees are located above your feet, and not in front of them) – 4 sets of 7 repetitions.
  3. Pulling weights from a bent over position (Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, take a sports equipment in your hands. Bend your body forward so that it is located diagonally in relation to your lower body. Fix the position and bring your arms forward. Bend your legs, pull the bar to your lower abdomen. Fix position of the sports equipment for 2-3 seconds, then lower it to the starting position) – 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

  4. Rowing weights from a bent over position with a wide grip (Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a sports equipment in your hands. Tilt your body forward so that it is located diagonally in relation to the lower part of the body. Fix the position and bring your arms forward. Hands should be located at the edges of the weighting material used, thus forming the widest possible grip. With your legs bent, pull the bar to your lower abdomen. Fix the position of the sports equipment for 2-3 seconds, then lower it to the starting position) - 4 sets of 10 repetitions .
  5. Straightening arms with weights from a supine position (Lie on your back, sitting on a horizontal bench or steppe. Take the bar in your hands, then straighten them, and bring the weight over the chest area. With a deep breath, bend your arms, bringing the bar as close as possible to the chest. Without pausing, exhale, and return the weight used in the original position) – 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

  6. Translation of straight arms with weights (hands must be moved back and forth, performing the exercise as slowly as possible) – 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  7. Cool down – 3-5 minutes. (including a complex for stretching the muscles involved during the Hot Iron workout).

Basic exercises of the system

With your legs spread wide apart, you should stretch your arms about 20-25 times. The range of motion should gradually move from low to medium.

Taking a boxing stance, we twist the body. In this case, the abs should be as tense as possible, and the forearms should be parallel. Bends are performed at a fast pace. Perform about 20-25 repetitions.

Taking an empty bar, pull it towards the chest 20-30 times.

Place the bar on your shoulders and perform wide squats. The number of approaches is 20-30 times.

Taking a barbell whose weight is in the range of 10-18 kg (depending on the level of physical fitness), we lift the weight 7-10 times. Experts recommend doing at least 4 approaches at an accelerated pace. The next 3 approaches are performed in slow mode.

When starting lunges, you should place the barbell behind your head and start squats. You should do 4 to 8 lunges on each leg. This exercise must be completed in slow motion.

When performing standard and wide squats, you should do about 30 times for each type. Repeat each squat for 2 approaches. One at a fast pace, the second at a slow pace.

When training the biceps area, we use a barbell weighing 2.5-10 kg. Having taken a standing position and straightened your back, you need to bend your arms with the barbell. It is recommended to perform 6-7 repetitions and 4 sets. It is very important to alternate movements at a fast and slow pace.

To develop the triceps area, you should lie on the step and press the barbell using a narrow grip. It is recommended to do 6-7 repetitions and 4-5 sets.

Next, move on to the plank for 30 seconds.

We perform lateral twists at least 30 times on each side.

Lying on your stomach, you need to bend your arms at the elbows. After this, we move them apart and make movements in which the shoulder blade begins to move towards the spine and is sent back to its original position.

Program describing exercises for endurance

A Hot Iron training program designed for more resilient people might look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 7-10 min.
  2. Lunges forward with weights on the shoulders (Stand up straight, place the bar on your shoulders, place your legs next to each other, bend your knees. As you exhale, bring your right leg forward, and then, evenly distributing the weight between the lower limbs, perform a deep squat. While in in the lower position, the body must maintain its original position) – 4 sets of 15 repetitions for each leg.
  3. Deep squats with legs extended to the side (Stand up straight, place the bar on your shoulders, spread your legs to a distance equal to the width of your shoulders, bend your knees. As you exhale, maintaining the original position of the body, perform a deep squat, then stand up and raise your right leg to the right. Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds , and then, without fixing the starting position, perform another squat, after which you will need to move your left leg to the left. Continue performing the exercise in the same way the required number of times) - 4 sets of 2 repetitions for each leg.

  4. Stretching the weighting material upward (Stand up straight, fix the bar at the bottom, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Without changing the position of the body, pull the weighting material to your chest, turn your hands, and then bring the sports equipment above your head. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then smoothly in front, bring your arms to the starting position) – 4 sets of 20 repetitions.
  5. Twisting with a weighting compound diagonally (Lie on the floor, take a bar or other weighting material in your hands, bend your legs at the knees. As you exhale, lift your upper torso, while turning diagonally. The chin must be pressed to the chest to avoid overstraining the neck muscles. Slowly return to the original position, repeat the described actions, turning the body in the opposite diagonal) - 3 sets of 25 times.
  6. Reverse Bench Press (Lie down on a horizontal bench or step, fix the bar in your hands, bend your legs. Bring the upper limbs holding the weighting material up, placing them above the chest. As you exhale, bend your arms, and then move the bar back. Without fixing the position, take the starting position) – 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

  7. Cool down – 5-7 minutes. (including a complex for stretching the muscles involved during the Hot Iron workout).


Hot Iron training is a set of strength exercises, after which a cool-down is required. It can include:

  • breathing exercises;
  • circular movements of the arms at a slow pace;
  • rotation of the body at a slow pace;
  • bend back and forth at a slow pace with maximum stretching of the back of the thighs.


ExerciseHow to do it
Chest stretch
  1. Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your hands behind your back.
  2. As you exhale, bend your torso forward and raise your arms behind your back, stretching your chest as much as possible.
  3. Stay in this position for 3-5 breathing cycles (inhale-exhale), and then slowly return to the original position.
"Downward Facing Dog"
  1. Place your palms on the floor, placing them at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Straighten your legs and place them shoulder-width apart.
  2. Transfer your body weight to your legs, stretching the back of your thighs, back and arms.
  3. Fix the position for 10-20 seconds, then slowly take the original position.

How many times a week and how to do it. Recommendations for execution technique

To achieve maximum results using the Hot Iron system, it is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. To ensure that the exercises do not have a negative impact on the athlete’s health, it is recommended to adhere to the basic recommendations when organizing the training process.


  • You should start exercising only in a group under the supervision of a fitness trainer (video lessons on the Internet will increase the risk of injury, as well as the likelihood of reducing the effectiveness of classes due to incorrectly selected load);

Hot Iron training for beginners is carried out in groups under the supervision of a trainer

  • It is not recommended to exercise more than 4 times a week, regardless of the purpose of the training (this can provoke muscle overtraining, which will subsequently lead to general exhaustion of the body);
  • when performing exercises, it is necessary to control the frequency of breathing (this will help maintain the body’s supply of oxygen, which means it will increase endurance and increase the efficiency of working out the muscle corset);
  • after finishing the workout, it is necessary to take protein food in small quantities (otherwise the body will begin to consume energy not only from the fat layer, but also from muscle fibers, which will negatively affect the appearance of the athlete);
  • if there is no need to get rid of excess fat, it is recommended to perform more approaches and repetitions, using minimal weight of sports equipment;
  • a gradual increase in working weight is permissible only 3-4 days after the first workout;
  • The key to high effectiveness of classes using the Hot Iron system is regularity.

Types of training

The Hot Iron system is divided into several types, which have some differences in the complexity of completing tasks designed for different levels of physical fitness of people:

  • Hot Iron 1 - the basic version of the program is intended for beginners. People with minimal physical fitness who want to bring their physical fitness to perfection can attend classes. A set of simple strength exercises develops endurance. The training program involves the use of mini-bars and specialized kits designed for removable weights. The level of weight is selected by the trainer individually according to the level of training of the person. As physical fitness increases, the weight of the weights increases. Upon reaching the maximum allowable weight in this course, you should move to the next level.
  • Hot Iron 2 – designed for people who have been training for about 4-5 months using the basic version of the program. Over a given period of time, the physical form of a training person achieves certain changes. The program contains many activities that involve the joints. There are a large number of approaches of push-ups, squats of varying difficulty levels and various types of lunges. Classes using the Hot Iron 2 system significantly accelerate the burning of excess calories, since the entire muscle category is involved in the training process.
  • Iron Body is considered a strength training workout that does not have any significant features.
  • Hot Iron Adventure is a classic type of physical complex designed for a category of people with a certain level of physical fitness. Classes using this system include the use of a significant amount of weights.
  • Iron Back is a specific training course designed for a category of people with spinal diseases. This specificity limits the category of people allowed to perform exercises. Iron Back has a positive effect on strengthening the muscles in the back.

The classes can be attended by people with minimal physical fitness who want to bring their physical fitness to perfection.

The effect of the Hot Iron exercise system

By regularly practicing the Hot Iron system, the athlete will be able to:

  • improve your health by providing support to internal systems and life support organs;
  • reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat as soon as possible;
  • increase muscle mass while respecting the natural proportions of the athlete’s body;
  • increase endurance and increase the strength indicators of a particular athlete.

Hot Iron, subject to regular training, will bring the athlete visible results after 4-5 weeks. This is due not only to the proper distribution of load on all muscle groups during training, but also to the combination of intensity and focus of the exercises themselves.

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