Protein and gainer - how do these supplements differ?

Gainer composition

The most common type of gainer contains carbohydrates and proteins in a ratio of 3:1, but there may be other options: 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1.

The higher the amount of protein in a gainer and the lower the amount of carbohydrates, the closer it is in its properties to protein. When using such a gainer, the risk of “swimming with fat” is much lower than in the classic versions of the mixture.

Also, for the absorption of the product, the gainer contains digestive enzymes and a small amount of unsaturated fats.

How does a gainer affect the body?

Assimilated in the intestines and entering the bloodstream, the “brisk” carbohydrate in the gainer triggers the production of insulin, which, in turn, “opens” the muscle fiber cells for the absorption of proteins and other useful substances. Moreover, this process occurs more actively than when consuming conventional protein mixtures.

Taking a gainer helps saturate the body with energy before visiting the gym and quickly restore its deficit after training. At the same time, more intense muscle growth is observed.

Vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, which, as we have already noted, are often contained in gainers, also contribute. They help improve protein, fat and energy metabolism.

What is a gainer for?

Gainer is an indispensable supplement for thin people when gaining muscle mass. Ectomorph athletes can use it to quickly gain the desired weight and get in shape. Gainer will help football players, basketball players and track and field athletes overcome long-term aerobic exercise. Also, a protein-carbohydrate mixture will be useful for thin girls whose goal is more appetizing forms.

Proper, regular consumption of protein-carbohydrate mixtures quickly provides athletes with the right amount of energy and has a positive effect on weight gain.

However, it is worth remembering that a large amount of carbohydrates can lead to unwanted weight gain. The fact is that carbohydrates are stored in fat much faster than proteins. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide for what purpose you are going to take the gainer. If the goal of your trips to the gym is to get rid of excess weight, then it is better to pay attention to sports nutrition for weight loss.

Table of the average daily carbohydrate intake per 1 kg of weight (grams).

weight lossweight maintenanceweight gain

The effectiveness of simultaneous intake of gainers and proteins

What is the difference between proteins and gainers, when and what supplements are best to use.

Gainer is translated from English as increase or growth. This is where the main quality of gainers is revealed - the rapid restoration of the body's energy reserves, ensuring an increase in muscle mass and, as a result, weight gain. Gainers are high-calorie mixtures with a high level of carbohydrates:

  • Carbohydrates – 60-80%
  • Proteins – 20-30%
  • Creatine, minerals and vitamins

The use of gainers is accompanied by a surge of energy, which increases the body's performance during grueling workouts and gives a noticeable impetus to the growth of strength indicators and muscle mass gain. This is the main difference from proteins, which contain practically no carbohydrates and fats. Proteins are just the necessary building material for muscles.

If you are faced with choosing a protein or a gainer, then you need to be guided primarily by your goals. If we are talking about gaining weight, then preference should be given to gainers, since they contain all the components necessary for this. However, there are also subtleties here - high calorie content can lead to loss of muscle relief due to the formation of subcutaneous fat. The use of gainers in their pure form is indicated only for people with a thin physique, and then only at the initial stages of training until the required muscle mass is gained. The tendency to quickly gain weight also requires a careful attitude towards gainers; for such athletes it is better to use proteins to gain weight.

Is it really worth choosing a protein or a gainer? Experienced athletes often use a mixture of gainers and proteins, consisting of two parts proteins and one part gainers. The result of mixing is a high-calorie mixture with a high level of protein. It is not necessary to resort to mixing yourself, since there are gainers that contain protein and carbohydrates in equal proportions, which significantly increases the efficiency of weight gain.

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Proteins can be roughly divided into slow and fast. Slower protein digestion ensures minimal muscle growth over a long period of time. This protein is ideal for the drying period - giving muscles relief or getting rid of excess weight. Fast protein is absorbed accordingly, thereby ensuring maximum muscle growth. From the above, we can conclude that in the first stages you should take gainers or fast proteins, and only later switch to slow proteins.

An individual approach and correct dosing make it possible to perfectly combine the intake of gainers and proteins, thereby providing the body not only with the required energy, but also with the building material necessary for muscle growth.

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How to take gainer

Most often, beginners wonder how many grams of gainer to drink per day and when. It is best to consume the shake immediately after training. In the first half hour after exercise, the “protein-carbohydrate window” opens - a period of time when the body is in dire need of rapid saturation with nutrients. Taking a protein-carbohydrate mixture after training protects muscles from catabolism and restores strength.

To grow muscle mass, you need 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight per day. To find out how many carbohydrates are contained in one serving of gainer, just look at the product packaging. Typically, one serving is approximately 40 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbohydrates. However, the proportions in mixtures from different manufacturers may vary. The main thing is not to forget that you already get the lion's share of carbohydrates during meals.

For people who are prone to obesity, it is enough to take a gainer once a day or even replace it with protein. But athletes who are prone to thinness are recommended to use the supplement at least 2 times a day. For example, before and after training.

Athletes with a fast metabolism can take it at night to make the gainer more effective. On rest days, it is recommended to limit yourself to one meal of the protein-carbohydrate mixture or abandon it altogether.

Protein and gainer - what's the difference?

Protein and gainer are food supplements whose composition is based on proteins and carbohydrates. The main difference is the proportion of protein per 100 g of product. In one serving of gainer, the mass fraction of protein is approximately 20-30%, and in protein – 70-80%. A logical question arises: why then do people take gainer? The fact is that carbohydrates, of which the supplement mainly consists, are also an important nutritional element. Especially for athletes whose body is constantly exhausted and needs additional “feeding”.

There is a golden rule of bodybuilding: “Muscle mass will increase when the amount of calories consumed exceeds the amount of calories expended.” In this light, taking a high-calorie gainer no longer looks so pointless.

The other side of the coin is the quality of the weight being added. If there is an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, there is a risk of gaining a couple of extra pounds along with the muscles.

Can it be combined with other supplements?

The gainer combines well with amino acids, creatine, protein and vitamin-mineral complexes. The most common combination is creatine and BCAA.


First of all, creatine is produced in our body from protein amino acids. A person gets the other part of creatine from food. The problem is that even foods high in creatine contain too little for the human body. Even for people with low levels of physical activity, this amount may not be enough.

The value of creatine is that it accelerates energy metabolism in muscle cells. The standard dosage per day is approximately 5 grams. You need to consume a serving at one time, so the most convenient way to combine gainer with creatine is to mix them in one cocktail. It is better to drink this cocktail immediately after training.


BCAA is a complex of amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body. These elements increase endurance and are simply irreplaceable in building muscle tissue. In addition, amino acids slightly increase the amount of testosterone and have a positive effect on blood sugar.

It is also recommended to take BCAA amino acids after training, 15-20 minutes after consuming the gainer.

Is it possible to drink gainer and protein at the same time?

Using supplements at the same time is allowed only if certain rules are observed:

  • protein is taken in the morning, after waking up and before physical activity in the gym;
  • The gainer is taken immediately after sports to replenish expended energy;
  • long intervals between meals are filled with one of the supplements;
  • slow protein will be a good way to end the day.

When combining protein with gainer, equal proportions are maintained. In this case, the training will become as effective as possible, and the muscles will receive the necessary building material for growth and additional energy.

Protein and gainer are absolutely compatible and are well absorbed by the body. In addition, the athlete saves significantly when mixing the compositions independently.

Features of the component composition of additives

What is better to take, protein or gainer, if the goal is to increase muscle mass? We recommend buying the first supplement, because it is protein in its pure form. Manufacturers do not include either fats or carbohydrates in the component composition. It is protein that acts as a “building material” that increases muscle fibers.

If we consider the components of a gainer, then among them there are carbohydrates. Due to the special percentage of components, this additive copes well with the following functions:

  • increase in strength indicators;
  • increased performance;
  • replenishment of glycogen deficiency;
  • stimulation of weight gain;
  • rapid recovery of the body.

The percentage ratio between proteins and carbohydrates may be different, so before purchasing it is better to pay attention to the composition of the sports supplement.

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