How to take a gainer for muscle growth?

Often training alone is not enough for powerful muscles. And here nutritional supplements come to the aid of the athlete. One of the most popular among them is mass gainers. Let's figure out what it is, how a gainer works, how to choose it and take it correctly.
  • What is a gainer for?
  • How is a gainer useful?
  • How to use a gainer to gain muscle mass? Do weight gainers help you gain weight?
  • Is it possible to drink gainer without training?
  • Is it possible to drink a gainer before bed?
  • What can you replace a gainer with?
      What is better gainer or creatine?
  • What is the difference between a gainer and a protein?
  • Gainer contraindications?
      Is it possible to get a gainer for gastritis?
  • Can teenagers use gainer?
  • Is it possible to drink expired gainer?
  • Which gainer should you choose?
  • What is a gainer for?

    As already mentioned, a gainer is a nutritional supplement. It will be useful for those who set a goal to build muscle mass. It’s not for nothing that the word “gainer” is translated from English as “gain.” This supplement has long been appreciated by professional powerlifters. It is also suitable for those who simply aim to pump up and gain muscle. The product is high in calories, but this is the case when calories are only beneficial. A serving of gainer can replace one full meal.

    One of the main questions: what is the composition of the gainer? This phrase is often typed into a search engine. In fact, everything is simple with the composition. A gainer is a mixture of proteins and fast carbohydrates. Moreover, unlike protein foods, there is a minimum of fat. And the protein contained in the supplement is completely absorbed by the body. It is worth noting that each manufacturer has its own percentage of nutrients in the gainer, but carbohydrates often predominate. They promote the deposition of glycogen in muscle tissue, which means its growth. gainer in sports nutrition is considered today one of the most effective products in the world for gaining weight.

    Features of taking a gainer, and why is it needed?

    The purpose of a gainer is to ensure an increase in total body weight, and primarily muscle mass. Unlike protein, the composition of a gainer is dominated not by proteins, but by carbohydrates. Therefore, it is especially good for people of thin build, for whom, despite all efforts, every new kilogram and even gram of weight is given with great difficulty. This regular energy “shock dose” of kilocalories is intended for them.

    But for those who naturally have a tendency to be overweight, a gainer will not only not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, will be harmful: in athletes of this physique, it stimulates the growth of not so much muscle, but fat. Indeed, many gainers, especially inexpensive ones, contain a lot of sugars of various origins.

    For those who have set themselves the goal of not only gaining weight, but also increasing the productivity of their workouts, it is important to understand whether it is possible to drink creatine with a gainer and whether there is any point in such a combination. To do this, let’s remember the properties of creatine.

    How is a gainer useful?

    Before taking any drug, the question arises: what is its benefit and whether it will harm the body. This also applies to gainers. This dietary supplement was created specifically for athletes and is classified as safe. In addition to gaining lean muscle mass, using a gainer provides a number of other benefits:

    • safe intake of necessary calories for those who have problems with this task;
    • additional energy that is so needed during training;
    • quick recovery after training;
    • The gainer is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract; by replacing one of the meals with this supplement, we relieve the gastrointestinal tract.

    Carbohydrates in the mass gainer increase insulin levels in the blood. This allows the muscles to quickly absorb the necessary nutrients. Cortisol levels also increase after working out at the gym. This slows down catabolism, again, giving an increase in muscle mass. Finally, another advantage of the gainer is the price. Typically, this supplement is less expensive than protein.

    Whether it is worth taking a gainer is up to the athlete to decide for himself. But first you should consult with your trainer and doctor. Despite the fact that the supplement is safe, it also has contraindications. One of these is excess weight and slow metabolism. In this case, healthy calories will really be superfluous for an athlete who wants to see relief, not fat. Also, before taking a gainer, you should definitely consult your doctor. There are a number of diseases for which the supplement must be used with caution.

    Is weight gainer bad for everyone else? When used wisely, no! However, it is worth understanding that a gainer cannot replace nutrition in general. It will be a good alternative to a snack, especially if you don’t have time to eat properly. But you should not take the gainer for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, this supplement definitely cannot be taken in quantities above the specified norm. Like any other product in excess, it can harm the body.

    How to use a gainer to gain muscle mass?

    Gainers are available in powder form. You can dilute the gainer with water. 300 ml is enough. You can also make a cocktail from gainer and juice or milk to gain weight. Some even add it to porridge. What you definitely can’t do is pour boiling water over the powder. The water should be at room temperature. In boiling water, the protein will begin to coagulate, which means there will be less benefit from such an additive.

    As for the dosage, it is selected individually for the athlete, taking into account his weight and diet.

    The daily dose can be divided into equal portions and consumed three times a day. The question of how to drink gainer correctly also depends on your training. On days when there are sports activities, it is recommended to take this supplement in the morning after meals. Then about half an hour before training - this will give you strength. It is not recommended to drink a gainer immediately before the gym. There will be a jump in blood sugar, and testosterone levels, on the contrary, will decrease. Half an hour after training, while the so-called “carbohydrate window” is working, take another portion of the gainer.

    On days when there are no workouts, the daily dose can be divided into two times. Moreover, we drink the first one after breakfast, the second one during the day, between meals or instead of one of them. Beginners who are underweight are advised to take the gainer with food.

    Do weight gainers help you gain weight?

    Agree, if gainers didn’t help you gain weight, they would hardly be so popular. This is especially true for ectomorphic men. Weight gainer helps thin men who find it difficult to develop muscles. If you spend hours in the gym, and powerful, ripped muscles remain an unattainable dream, this supplement is for you. With the help of a gainer, the process begins to move faster. However, too sharp an increase is not the best indicator. Everything is good in moderation. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your weight. Thin people should also not increase the dose in the hope of gaining weight faster.

    Regarding whether girls can drink gainer: if there are no contraindications, then why not? The drug does not affect hormonal levels. Among the fair sex there are those who dream of beautiful muscles. At the same time, it is usually more difficult for women to increase it than for men. However, this supplement can help not only ladies who are engaged in bodybuilding and participate in fitness competitions. Weight gainers for girls will help those who have suffered from excessive thinness all their lives to gain beautiful shape. However, even thin girls should not forget when taking the supplement that these are serious calories, and the daily calorie intake for women is less than for men.

    It is difficult to calculate how much you can gain from a gainer with an accuracy of grams. Everything is individual. If we take approximate figures, then on average it can be from 3 to 6 kg per month. The result will also depend on your diet and training intensity.

    Is it possible to drink gainer without training?

    Some people have a dream not to gain weight, while others have a dream to build muscle without touching exercise machines or dumbbells. It would seem that this is the solution - gainers. But is it worth taking this supplement without exercising? And what happens if you gain weight without training? There will definitely be no muscles. In order for them to grow, you need not only to drink supplements, but also to make efforts in the gym. Without strength there will be no muscles. Moreover, muscle mass will become flabby. But the fat layer will grow. An exception to taking gainers without sports activities can only be with anorexia, on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Is it possible to drink a gainer before bed?

    Fast carbohydrates are not the best way to end the day. Therefore, as a rule, it is not recommended to drink a gainer at night. However, there are exceptions. They concern those who are underweight. In this case, you can drink the supplement before bed. This will help you gain weight faster.

    Regarding the question of whether it is possible to drink a gainer on an empty stomach, there is no prohibition on using the supplement on an empty stomach. In this case, the gainer can replace breakfast and give you energy for the whole day.


    Creatine is a carboxylic acid containing nitrogen. The substance is capable of being independently synthesized by the body (from glycine, methionine and arginine). The human body produces an amount of amino acid that is enough for moderate physical activity.

    Professional athletes need to take special supplements. What does a lack of creatine lead to:

    • Prostration.
    • Depletion of internal body reserves.
    • Slow muscle growth.

    The advantages of replaceable acid are presented below:

    1. Significant improvement in strength performance. Results are noticeable within a few days of starting use.
    2. Increasing the effectiveness of the training process.
    3. Increased endurance. The athlete can train longer.

    Important information: The supplement is not used for weight loss because it promotes muscle growth.

    Tips for beginners to help choose creatine:

    • No smell.
    • Poor solubility in water.
    • Integrity of packaging.
    • Lack of taste.

    It is best to buy products from well-known and trusted brands.

    We recommend reading: Split training program 3 days a week in the gym

    Release forms are presented in the table.

    CapsulesThe most popular option, convenient to use
    PowderDirections for use: dilute with water and add to cocktails
    Liquid formEnhances the effect of the main substance
    MixturesCombining creatine with other vitamins and minerals

    Basic regimens:

    1. With loading. The first 7 days, 20 grams per day, then the dose is reduced to 2-3 grams per 24 hours. This scheme allows you to saturate the body with acid.
    2. No download. 5-6 grams per day. The best time is after training.

    What can you replace a gainer with?

    One of the popular questions: should I combine a gainer with other supplements or replace it? Beginning athletes cannot decide which is better - a gainer or creatine and whether it is possible to take a gainer with protein. Let's figure it out.

    What is better gainer or creatine?

    Creatine is a substance that, like a gainer, promotes muscle mass growth. In addition, creatine increases the athlete's endurance. Moreover, creatine can often be found in gainers. Manufacturers began to mix additives for greater effect. So you can take both gainer and creatine at the same time.

    What is the difference between a gainer and a protein?

    At first glance, these supplements are similar. Both contain protein. Both of them are needed to gain muscle mass. So what is the difference between protein and mass gainer? In the first case, it is predominantly protein with a small addition of carbohydrates. By increasing muscle mass with its help, the athlete burns fat. In a gainer, as we remember, carbohydrates predominate. Proper use of two supplements at the same time can give a good effect. When taken together, a mass gainer is recommended in the morning and after exercise, and a protein supplement is recommended between meals and before heading to the gym.

    Gainer composition

    Gainer is a carbohydrate-protein dry mixture that you must dissolve in liquid. Water, milk or juice - your choice. The gainer contains carbohydrates, proteins, some fats and vitamins. Sometimes manufacturers supplement gainer with creatine.

    As a rule, the source of carbohydrates in a gainer is maltodextrin. Sometimes there can be several sources of carbohydrates - maltodextrin, dextrose, fructose, KVA. The source of protein in most cases is a mixture of proteins with different rates of absorption - isolate, whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, casein. Manufacturers often add MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) as fats to gainers. Such fats quickly enter the liver and become available for use by other tissues of the body. I propose to take a closer look at all of the listed components.

    Main carbohydrate

    Let's start with the main component of any gainer - carbohydrates. In the sports community, it is believed that maltodextrin-based gainer is an absolute evil for your waist circumference. All supposedly due to the fact that the glycemic index (GI) of maltodextrin is extremely high. Yes, this is true, but probably none of those who affirm this idea know two simple things:

    Glycemic index can be averaged

    The glycemic index is averaged out when different food sources are mixed. This means that the GI of the gainer as a whole will not be higher than the GI of rice with meat, and if you prepare a cocktail with milk, the GI will become completely average. The danger of obesity comes only from excessive consumption of maltodextrin separately from proteins and other things.

    The glycemic index is only important for diabetics

    GI is only interesting to diabetics; healthy people should not pay attention to it. Forget about these numbers once and for all.

    Other carbohydrates

    Having dealt with maltodextrin, let's move on to other types of carbohydrates in the gainer. Instead of maltodextrin, the manufacturer can add a higher quality carbohydrate. The quality in this case is determined by the complexity of the carbohydrate itself. By the way, do not confuse the speed of absorption and the degree of complexity of carbohydrates. Many people believe that a fast carbohydrate is just a carbohydrate. In fact, carbohydrates can be fast, but also complex . The clearest example of this is maltodextrin and waxy corn starch (WMC). But dextrose is a fast simple carbohydrate.

    Slow complex carbohydrates include isomaltulose and soluble oats. I especially want to note the last one - there is simply no better source of carbohydrates. But because instant oatmeal is digested slowly, it may not be suitable for post-workout consumption. But more on that later.


    We all know very well that proteins are also different and are absorbed at different speeds. Manufacturers typically add a protein blend to their mass gainers, and the majority of this protein blend is whey proteins. The rest is divided between milk and egg whites. Whey protein isolate and hydrolysate are much less popular.

    But if we are talking about a gainer for vegans, then the source of protein is usually soy or pea protein isolate.

    Fats and other additives

    As a rule, the sources of fats are those found in proteins and carbohydrates. Sometimes manufacturers additionally enrich the gainer with fats, usually medium chain triglycerides or flaxseed oil. People usually don’t bother with fats in gainers, because they are not the main thing in this supplement.

    Much more important is the presence of supplements such as vitamins and creatine. Sometimes manufacturers add vitamins to their gainers, so be careful - additional intake of vitamin complexes in tablets can lead to hypervitaminosis. But you can only be happy about the presence of creatine in the composition! The fact is that there is no better combination than mass gainer and creatine if you are looking to increase your overall body weight. These supplements act as synergists. For the best absorption of creatine, the presence of carbohydrates is required, so a gainer comes in handy here.

    Gainer contraindications?

    Any drug, even the most harmless one, has contraindications. In the case of gainers, this may be due to individual lactose intolerance. Also, before taking a gainer, you should consult your doctor if you have prediabetes. If you have diabetes, you should not take the supplement directly. If a person has diseases such as hypertension and kidney failure, then you should not take a gainer along with creatine.

    Is it possible to get a gainer for gastritis?

    Those who have gastrointestinal problems also need to be more careful. As for a disease such as gastritis, the gainer should not be taken on an empty stomach. Pancreatitis may also be a reason to stop taking the supplement.

    Can teenagers use gainer?

    In general, the gainer will not cause harm to the growing body, with the exception of those contraindications listed above. But it is better to consult a doctor. It is also worth considering that allergic reactions occur more often at a young age.

    Is it possible to drink expired gainer?

    Supplements in powder form last longer. And even if the expiration date has expired, but the supplement was stored in a dry, warm place, it can be taken for another year or two. Especially if you haven't unpacked it.

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