How to choose sports nutrition: instructions for choosing, tips for beginners

  • August 21, 2019
  • Sports nutrition
  • Marina Zhukova

If previously sports nutrition was intended only for jocks, now even fitness enthusiasts use it. There are a huge number of different points of view regarding the harm and benefits of these products. Beginners should not rush into all seriousness and rely on all means at once. How to choose the right sports nutrition is described in this article.

The right approach to the training process

It is quite difficult for people who decide to start training with weights to immediately understand which sports nutrition will suit them best. If a beginner is not sure of the effectiveness of a particular remedy, he should under no circumstances start taking it. This can cause serious harm to your health. At this stage, athletes should be very careful and work with heavy weights no more than 4 times a week. It is also prohibited to overdo it with the duration of training. It should take no more than sixty minutes. It is important to remember about rest. Without it, a good result cannot be achieved. Only by following these simple rules can an athlete begin to figure out which sports nutrition to choose to achieve his goals.

Establishing a proper diet

Training also cannot be effective without proper nutrition. First of all, the goal is determined. It can be strength or dietary. To build muscle mass, you need to eat seven to eight times a day. Such nutrition is the key to good shape for any athlete. To ensure that the result is not long in coming, they usually enhance the effect with protein.


Liquid creatine (if it is not monohydrate) is too expensive and gives little effect.

Aplodan (MuscleTech) is a gimmicky but rather expensive creatine product.

Chitosan – reduces the digestibility of food. It is better to use complex preparations with chitosan.

Chromium picolinate – suppresses appetite, lowers blood sugar levels. Very similar to placebo.

Pantocreatine and anastane are very similar to an outright scam.

Post-workout complexes: Xpand Post, Cell Mass, Anabolic Halo Pro HardCore - are not worth the money you pay for them. It is much more productive to use gainers or proteins.

The Importance of Nutritional Supplements

Beginning bodybuilders should fully understand how to choose sports nutrition specifically for themselves. If you don’t use it, it’s almost impossible to achieve a truly worthwhile result. The supplements contain special components, the introduction of which into the body leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass. But, of course, you shouldn’t abuse them.

Supplements cannot be used as a complete meal. They perform a compensatory function. That is, they help athletes get the microelements missing in their diet. These products are always quite expensive, so you should buy only those that will be useful at this stage of training.

Why do you need sports nutrition?

A feature of an effective diet for an athlete who wants to pump up is the increased amount of calories and macronutrients that he must absorb daily.

You can simplify this important aspect of training by taking sports nutrition for muscle growth.

Ease of preparation and use allows you to get a balanced set of essential substances in a couple of minutes.

Many bodybuilders carry several portions of such products with them at all times. It allows them not to miss mandatory meal times.

Basic set

If beginners don’t know how to choose sports nutrition, they can try supplements from the basic set. It includes several products, each of which has its own purpose. Protein, slow carbohydrates, creatine, fish oil, beta-alanine - you should start choosing sports nutrition with these supplements. Below is a detailed description and purpose of each of them.

What is sports nutrition?

Sports nutrition is a concentrate of nutrients necessary for rapid recovery of the body after physical activity. Such concentrates not only contain increased amounts of nutrients (proteins, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates) and vitamins, but are also absorbed very quickly.

Many fitness enthusiasts confuse sports nutrition with steroids (chemical analogs of male hormones that accelerate muscle growth due to unhealthy hormonal changes in metabolism and retention of nutrients and water in the body). However, these are completely different things in composition and effects on the body.

Sports nutrition is food supplements that enrich it with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other substances beneficial to health.

And these are the same nutrients that are found in regular food. But in sports nutrition they have a higher concentration and are easier to digest.


Protein is a builder of a beautiful body - this is a well-known fact. But very often bodybuilders cannot make up for their daily requirement with normal nutrition. This problem is especially relevant for beginners. They don’t know how to choose sports nutrition. Therefore, in order not to harm your health, you should start with the simplest products. It will be protein. This component very well enriches the body with amino acids, which contribute to the rapid growth of muscle mass. It should be taken before or after training. During these periods of time, whey protein enriches muscles with precisely those substances that promote their growth. If a person cannot figure out which sports nutrition is best to choose, he should start with protein. This bottomless source of protein always has a beneficial effect on your figure.

It is worth noting that whey protein is very digestible and is also very convenient to eat anywhere. For those who are looking for information on how to choose sports nutrition for weight loss, it should be said that protein has a fairly high calorie content. Because of this, it is ideal for those who are building muscle mass and can stop weight loss in those who are losing weight.

Sports nutrition for beginners

If you are just starting to build yourself a beautiful body, then you can buy sports nutrition just for you in a regular grocery store or at the market. These are meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, etc.

I'm not kidding. It’s just that at the very beginning of your training there is no need for so-called sports nutrition. Microdamage to muscle fibers at the initial stage of bodybuilding is not so great that they need additional sources of nutrition.

Your growth in strength, volume, and endurance will occur due to the fact that the body learns to use energy more economically, and not at all due to hypertrophy. Read more in this interesting article here.

A regular balanced diet will be more than enough for beginners. No need to flush money down the toilet.

Train your body to eat regular and balanced meals frequently.



Sports nutrition is secondary, and regular food is primary. You need to imprint this in your head.

When you learn to contract your muscles correctly, prepare your muscles for further hypertrophy (3-4 months) and have already trained for hypertrophy for at least six months, only then can you look at some really working supplements that will somewhat speed up your progress.

Slow carbohydrates

Sports nutrition should be selected taking into account the goals pursued. So among dietary supplements with complex carbohydrates there are several different products, each of which is effective in different cases. What they have in common is their high energy value, which helps make workouts longer and more resilient.

The most expensive slow carbohydrates are dextose and maltodextrim. With them, your training will be mega productive. Those who decide to save a little should pay attention to a shake made from whey protein and banana. The most inexpensive sources of complex carbohydrates are products such as:

  • potato,
  • dates,
  • cereals.

The advantages of slow carbohydrates include their ability to effectively burn fat, as well as the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels.

How to choose sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass? PROTEIN

Proteins are sports nutrition preparations with a high protein content (from 40 to 99%) to speed up the body’s recovery after physical activity. Protein is the main building material for muscles. Therefore, its high content in food guarantees rapid growth of muscle mass.

What types of proteins are there?

Egg protein is considered one of the highest quality in amino acid composition. The only “disadvantage” is the rather high price.

Whey protein is very useful due to its almost instantaneous absorption into the blood, which leads to a surge in insulin production, which contributes to the equally rapid transport of amino acids into the muscles. It is this protein that is recommended to be used immediately after training to close the carbohydrate window (it is also called anabolic or protein-carbohydrate), if your goal is to lose weight.

Whey protein can be of three types: concentrate, isolate, hydrolysate - in order of improving quality and increasing price.

Casein is a long-lasting protein in the sense that it takes a long time to digest and supplies the body with amino acids for a long time. This protein is very convenient to take at night to reduce nighttime catabolism when gaining weight or if you have to take long breaks from eating.

Soy protein. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Recommended for people who are overweight and intolerant to milk protein. In significant doses and over long periods of use, it leads to changes in hormonal levels (contains substances with estrogenic activity) with all the ensuing consequences.

Mixed proteins. They consist of several different proteins that differ in their absorption time. Very good as gainers.


The name of the protein is accompanied by the name of the manufacturer in parentheses.


The best in terms of price-taste-quality ratio. Action: slow protein.

Probolic SR (MHP)

The best complete protein. Action: slow, up to 12 hours.

Matrix (Syntrax)

It has excellent taste. Almost all bodybuilders I know are on this drug.

Elite XT (Demotyze)

Budget protein option.

Caseine 100% (Optimum Nutrition)

By definition, a “slow” protein.

Muscle Milk (SytoSport)

Lipotropic Protein (LG sciences)

Recommended protein manufacturers: Optimum Nutrition, Demotyze (budget proteins), BSN.


2-3 times a day, 30-50 g + 250-300 g of milk.

Protein is usually taken with the second meal and before bed (for slow protein). Whey protein can be taken up to 4 times a day. Be sure to take after training (close the anabolic window).

Servings: Usually recommend one scoop + milk. It is recommended to stir in a blender or shaker rather than by hand.

If you have a lot of time and the opportunity to prepare a shake several times a day, then you should choose whey protein.

If time is short and it is not possible to eat regularly, it is better to choose a multi-component protein with long-term absorption. This will smooth out the irregular flow of amino acids into the blood.

Whey protein is preferred for fat burning workouts. Whey protein is also highly recommended for thin people up to 4 times a day.

Whey protein should be taken an hour before training and immediately after strength training. When taken four times a day, also in the morning on an empty stomach and during the day between meals.


This supplement is one of the most successful for those who do not quite understand how to choose sports nutrition. It increases strength and endurance, and also helps accelerate the growth of lean muscle mass. It can be taken absolutely at any time. It is very effective on both training and rest days. The optimal consumption is five grams of this product per day.

As for taking keratin before training, it helps increase energy. The advantages of this supplement include its amazing property - it helps to overcome your expected limit of capabilities and do much more than a person thought. Keratin forms come in a variety of forms. It’s worth trying each one and then it will become clear which one is suitable for a particular person. But despite the obvious advantages, the supplement has a huge drawback. Regular consumption of keratin leads to water retention in the body, as well as loss of strength after exercise. People taking this product will not be able to see rapid weight loss on the scale.


In addition to macronutrients, additional substances are needed for full recovery and healthy functioning.

Vitamins improve tissue functioning and provide them with elements not produced by internal organs.

They need to be included in a sports nutrition complex to gain muscle mass.

Fish fat

This product is popular not only in the fitness industry, but also in medicine. Therefore, there is no doubt about its beneficial properties. In addition to being an excellent sports supplement, fish oil also has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. This ability helps people taking the supplement quickly recover after heavy exercise. The beauty of this product is the complete absence of side effects.

Each person must determine their daily requirement for themselves. Since the required amount of fish oil depends on the needs of the body. Those who play sports daily are recommended to take 2-4 grams of the product per day. Fish oil perfectly enriches the bodies of bodybuilders with Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. They are the ones that usually enter the human body in insufficient quantities. The disadvantage of this supplement is its extremely unpleasant taste, which can cause nausea, heartburn and belching.


Many people know how to choose the right sports nutrition, but not everyone understands the benefits it brings to the body. Beta-alanine, for example, works great against muscle acidosis. This is a condition in which athletes lifting heavy weights feel intense muscle burning. These sensations are so unbearable that bodybuilders often have to stop their training. Those who take beta-alanine can lift heavier weights for longer periods of time. Their muscles don’t get so tired and pump up faster due to the long duration of the workout.

In order for beta-alanine to begin to have a positive effect on the human body, it should be taken half an hour before the start of training. You can also drink it on days without physical activity. This can be done at any convenient time of the day. With it, fat quickly disappears, muscle mass grows and human strength increases. It's quite expensive, but it's worth it. Some athletes feel a slight tingling sensation in their body when consuming it. This is a normal reaction of the body to beta-alanine and there is no need to worry about it.

BCAA amino acids

The list of branched chain amino acids includes:

  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine.

They help prevent muscle loss. Amino acids help quickly absorb protein and reduce fatigue. Taking this supplement regularly will help improve your workout performance. According to research, BCAAs help reduce cortisol. And it is this enzyme that affects the breakdown of protein in the body. Thus, taking amino acids leads to improved muscle mass and the rapid formation of a beautiful body. For those who cannot purchase this dietary supplement, there are alternatives in the form of regular food products. Athletes can eat red meat, eggs and milk, which have amino acid-like properties. But the effect of their consumption will be less obvious.

Sports nutrition: what you should pay attention to

If you decide to take care of your body, build muscle mass and/or lose weight, then when choosing sports nutrition you need to pay attention to its quality and composition.

Athlete nutrition

The main diet of an athlete is a balanced meal. The main emphasis should be on breakfast, it gives a boost of energy for the whole day and promotes metabolism, thereby slowing down the deposition of fat deposits in problem areas. Depending on what result you need from training, the quantity and composition of the food you eat is adjusted. A person with a large amount of physical activity needs a significant amount of calories, but should not allow an excess. An athlete’s diet consists of 5-6 thousand calories, which must be replenished after exercise. Meat, fish and poultry contain protein - the main builder of muscles.

If a man wants to build muscle mass, his diet should include these foods, as well as eggs and low-fat dairy products. Increased endurance requires carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. You can’t do without the fiber found in vegetables and herbs.

Types of sports supplements

But often nutrition alone is not enough for visible results. Experts at the Nt-Sp sports nutrition store note that there are entire complexes that contain proteins, vitamins, microelements and other substances that help with increased physical activity. Such dietary supplements help build muscles, serve as a preventative against wear of ligaments and joints, and also have a balanced complex of necessary components.

Additives are divided into:

  • fat burners
  • protein shakes
  • creatines
  • gainers
  • vitamin and mineral complexes

Let's take a closer look at them.

Fat burners

Often, common fat-burning drugs include components such as aspirin, caffeine and ephedrine. These substances promote high energy expenditure, prevent the production of fat cells from fatty acids, and also stimulate lipolysis. If the manufacturer declares that there is no ephedrine in the composition of its preparations, and the main function is performed by extracts of various herbs or other plants, most likely such dietary supplements are ineffective. No other substances have yet been invented that can actively work in this direction. Often, harmless “ecologically friendly herbs” are used to cover up existing pharmacological drugs.

Protein shakes

Experienced bodybuilders explain the benefits of protein shakes by saying that this is a balanced and convenient way to get protein in the required amount. It is not always possible to cook enough meat to regularly supply protein to the body. Therefore, mixing a shake and taking it before training is a good solution in some situations.


Creatine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid that is found in human muscle tissue. Its task is to increase muscle endurance during physical activity, as well as slow down the release of glycogen. Creatine additionally retains water in the muscles, promoting their hypertrophy. In addition, it inhibits the process of protein breakdown. Creatine is produced in the liver and kidneys, and it also enters the body from meat and fish. Therefore, vegetarians may be deficient in this substance. Creatine has one “but”: not every body absorbs it; for many, it is destroyed in the stomach and does not reach the muscles. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to take creatine with carbohydrates, which help it reach muscle tissue, that is, wash it down with juice or take it with honey. The most effective source of creatine is monohydrate. The remaining options are ineffective and almost do not work.


Initially, gainers were intended for thin people to quickly gain weight, since this carbohydrate-protein product is the optimal solution for active strength loads and promotes the growth of muscle mass and weight. Lately, gainers have been used more as muscle stimulants than as weight gainers. There are several proportions of proteins and carbohydrates in gainers, and, accordingly, they are used for different purposes. Calorie complexes (protein - 30, carbohydrates - 70) are more often recommended for thin men who need a lot of protein to “build” muscles. Protein compositions (protein - 60, carbohydrates - 40) are suitable for men of average build who do not lack calories. But, in any case, you should not get carried away with them, since the number of calories in them is huge, and the dosages are prescribed in such a way that you can get the daily dose of necessary calories in one go. Make allowances for the calories that will come from breakfast, lunch and dinner, otherwise you may not be able to withstand such loads.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

During active training, do not forget about sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. But the question is, how much is needed for this? Is it worth taking additional synthetic vitamins, or are those that enter the body with food enough? Vitamins and minerals are often additionally recommended in winter and spring - during the period of decrease in nutrients in natural products. You should take vitamins C, D, E, and among minerals, do not forget about magnesium and selenium.

Before taking sports supplements and vitamins, we recommend contacting an experienced specialist who will adjust the course, calculate the menu and schedule a training schedule. With this approach, you will achieve maximum results without harm to your health.

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Those who do not know how to choose the right sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass should consider a product such as a gainer. In its composition, it mainly consists of carbohydrates and whey protein. Its main focus is to increase a person’s muscles and energy reserves. Initially, only bodybuilders took it and the quality of the mixture was extremely questionable. Now gainers are produced by trusted companies. Therefore, the supplement can boast of a high-quality and balanced composition. Gainer helps you quickly gain weight and also maintain it in a stable state. Another advantage is the ability to quickly restore the body after training.

Which sports nutrition is best? Honest review.

In this post I would like to look at the best sports nutrition manufacturers, as of 2021. I will say right away that

A: This is solely my opinion (but reasonable)

B: Today there are thousands of brands. I haven’t tried many, I don’t know about many. Therefore, if a brand is not included in the rating, this does not mean that it is bad. I will only talk about what I can answer for.

All links leading to iHerb already have my promotional code AUX3443 embedded, which by default will be linked to your cart and will give a 5% discount. For other promotional codes and discounts (for example, for Myprotein) the information will be lower.

All prices are as of March 2021. But the article will always be relevant, I think. Because even if prices change, it will be directly proportional to all products.

Optimum Nutrition.

The brand is really worthy and tops most of the TOPs. The quality is excellent. This applies to tastes and quality of raw materials, packaging, and everything else.

Optimum is one of the strongest brands. Marketing and advertising are powerful things. And they do their job. But if 10 years ago, Optimum was really on top, now there are many analogues, with no less high quality, but with a lower price. However, this brand is so ingrained in our heads that we unknowingly make it the best.

Optimum Nutrition, Gold Standard is the world's best-selling protein. The quality is really high, but the price is steep. In addition, there are almost never any discounts or promotions for this brand. And on the same IHerb, most often no standard promotional codes apply to it. The same applies to other Optimum products.

Therefore, yes. The quality is high, but the price is unreasonably high, in my opinion. Especially with regard to amino acids, creatine and other things. If they somehow still more or less keep the price at an acceptable level for their protein, then for amino acids they do not. And if we compare them in price with other TOP brands, we will see a cosmic difference.

Can I recommend Optimum? Yes, sure. Excellent manufacturer. But personally, I myself have “tired” of it a long time ago. And I choose equally high-quality products at a lower price.

The same applies to the BSN brand.

Excellent quality. Syntha-6 is one of the most delicious proteins I have ever tried. But the composition there is not the most dietary. There are quite a lot of carbohydrates. The price for 1 g of protein is quite high. And the price tag is even higher than that of Optimum. But the taste is, of course, supreme.

In addition, the brand has various features, such as effervescent AminoX. Delicious stuff. Just don’t shake it for a long time in a closed shaker. She's fizzy. It will explode. I exploded once, in the locker room. All walls became amino acid.

In general, the raw materials are excellent. The tastes are supreme. Advertising and marketing are top notch. Can I recommend it? Certainly. And objectively, the brand is one of the TOP. But the price tag “bites”, just like the optimal one. Well, at least BSN has taste chips. And the optimum has only raw materials.

California Gold Nutrition.

This is a real “find” of recent years. Own brand iHerb. The quality is the highest. Certainly no worse than the optimum. At the same time, the price tag is lower, and all promotional codes and promotions work.

This is the first time I’ve taken their California Gold Nutrition protein isolate. I choose the “no taste” option. Pure isolate. Almost no carbohydrates at all. Considering that this is pure isolate, the price more than matches the quality. By the way, the same Gold Standard from Optimum is a mixture of isolate and con variant. And at the same time it costs more.

In addition, California Gold emphasizes that it is made exclusively from dairy products from Wisconsin, USA. And raw materials from the USA are considered to be of higher quality than Chinese ones. And Chinese is the most consumed in the world. Usually, those who use it simply do not write anything at all. Whether “Optimum” uses it or not is the question. I think, with their gigantic volumes, probably. But “China” can also be good and bad. However, I have more confidence in US production.

And I’ll be honest, I now like California Gold Nutrition isolate more than the same Gold.

As for the prices for creatine and amino acids, there is a gigantic gap between the same “California” and such brands as “Optimum Nutrition” and “BSN”.

If for 600 g of glutamine “Optimum” asks 3500 rubles. , then “California” for 450 rubles, only 1200 rubles. And at the same time, “California” will still have a promotional code for a 5-10% discount. And in some promotion, you can get it even cheaper.


European giant. Top quality. The price tag is reasonable. And for individual products it is more than worthy.

I've been sitting on their products for quite a long time. And I made orders, reviews, opened parcels, and so on. What can I say... The price/quality ratio is more than decent. Why then, you ask, do I almost never order from Myprotein?

The first reason: the lack of certain products, such as Gaba or Rhodiola rosea. In addition, I order everything from IHerb, including cosmetics for my wife. And all sorts of children's things. If we take the main names of sports supplements, the situation is as follows:

With standard discounts, California isolate will cost approximately 3,900 rubles. for 2.3 kg.

Myprotein isolate: Impact Whey Isolate will cost around 3800 RUR. for 2.5 kg. it turns out a little cheaper. But free delivery from iHerb from 3000 rubles, and “California” will already come to me for free. And at Myprotein there is free delivery from RUR 5,500. That is, you will have to pay 500 rubles. (for orders over RUB 3,500). In total, the isolate will cost me a little more.

BUT! If you use the same Impact Whey Isolate as my protein, but in a volume of 5 kg, then with the standard discount it will cost approximately 6,600 rubles. And delivery will be free. This is already turning out to be profitable. Therefore, if you are ready to take large packages of 5 kg, then it is more profitable to order from Myprotein. Top quality.

They also have a good concentrate: Impact Whey Protein. This, roughly speaking, is a slightly “worse” degree of purification, but a completely acceptable option. Again, if you take it, then the bag is 5 kg. Then it will be profitable. If you take 2.5 kg, then the price tag will be around 3000 rubles. (with standard discount). And the delivery price will already be 850 rubles, which in terms of the price tag will put your concentrate on the same level as isolate. Unless, of course, you buy something else.

As for amino acids, creatine and other bulk goodness (here is this section), then Myprotein is unbeatable in price. The price tag is really low. The quality is good though. Therefore, if you take normal packages, then you will get 5500 rubles. Can. It is from this amount that delivery to Russia is free. But I would recommend “take it as you go.” They always have some kind of discounts/promotions/gifts.

Now, for example, from 8500 rub. they give omega 3, 90 capsules. And when ordering from 12,500 rubles - a box of bars (12 pieces). bars can be selected according to taste and composition.

At the same time, if you order for 12,500, you get both omega and bars. Moreover, if the weight of your parcel does not exceed 7 kg, then delivery directly from the UK is free. If the weight exceeds 7 kg, you will have to pay for delivery. In general, try to formulate the parcel so as not to exceed the 7 kg limit, and at the same time reach at least 1 gift. Then it will be really profitable.

By the way, the site has my personal promotional code for a 37% discount: yourfit . Please enter at checkout.

Universal Nutrition.

Despite the fact that this is one of the oldest brands on the market, it did not fly off into space with its price tag, but sits quietly and peacefully next to us mortals. The quality is very high. Lots of exclusive products to check out.

If you take the same Universal Nutrition concentrate, Ultra Whey Pro from Universal, then with a standard discount, today it will be around 2800 rubles. (for 2.3 kg.) At the same time, free delivery from iHerb from RUB 3,000. We buy some more little things and get free delivery. Again, if you take the cost and nothing else, it will cost around 4,000 rubles, including delivery. Therefore, if you shop at Myprotein for little things, it won’t be very profitable. It’s easier to get it on iHerb.

Also, “Universal” has in its line the most worthy products of the “Animal” series:

Universal Nutrition, Animal Flex (Joint and Ligament Supplement)

Universal Nutrition, Animal Pak (complex vitamins)

Universal Nutrition, Animal Omega (Omega-3 Complex)

Universal Nutrition, Animal Pump (pump supplement, taken pre-workout)

Universal Nutrition, Animal PM (excellent supplement for sound, healthy sleep)

In general, all products from this brand are decent. The price/quality ratio is excellent.


One of the old and proven brands. There are a lot of worthy products. Including Muscletech protein, Nitro Tech, 100% Whey Gold (mixture of isolate and concentrate). Excellent value for money and quality.

Excellent combination of creatine (hydrochloride + free): Muscletech, Performance Series, CREACTOR. Suitable for those who are not suitable for regular monohydrate. A good product. If you don’t understand what we’re talking about (in terms of whether monohydrate is suitable, monohydrate is not suitable), read the article:

In general, the brand has a lot of interesting products. The price tag is adequate. In principle, everything in the line is suitable.

Lake Avenue Nutrition.

This is also one of the brands of iHerb itself. Excellent value for money and quality. Good Protein: Lake Avenue Nutrition Probiotic Whey Protein. A mixture of isolate and concentrate. For that with probiotics. If you have digestive problems, you can try it. Although I take probiotics from California Gold: California Gold Nutrition, LactoBif. Really improve digestion and gastrointestinal function.

I take their coenzyme: Lake Avenue Nutrition, CoQ10 with Bioperine. I've already reviewed it more than once. Great supplement. I recommend it to everyone after 30 years.

An excellent complex for joints and ligaments: Lake Avenue Nutrition, glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM. I took it for myself and my mother. Works great.

The brand has a lot of different amino acids and dietary supplements, at the best prices. Somewhat similar to the Now Foods brand. Great brand too. I take their Omega-3 and vitamins.

As you can see, I carry a lot of different brands. And everyone has their own product. I don’t have such a thing that I’m fixated on one thing and don’t see anything else around. I always compare price, conditions, quality. Of those brands that are not on Iherb, with the exception of Myprotein, I can recommend scitec nutrition. Working additives, excellent quality. But in Russia it is very expensive. Unreasonably expensive, like most other supplements imported from abroad. And I don’t see any special advantages for it over the same “California” or “Myprotein”.

As for Russian brands, that’s all... Not that it’s sad at all, but not very happy. If you take some more or less adequate products, such as Genetic Lab or Fitness formulas, their price tag is not very different from the same Myprotein, California or Universal. On Wilberis, the same geneticist costs around 1,650 rubles at a discount. for 1 kg. And this is a concentrate. I will take the same concentrate (but in my opinion, better quality) from Universal, at a discount, for 2800 (for 2.3 kg). You don’t need to own a calculator to understand that Universal is cheaper.

Or better yet, take 100% isolate from California California Gold Nutrition, the isolate is a little more expensive, but it is 100% isolate (not concentrate), made in the USA, from USA raw materials, with free shipping. Or I’ll make a large order for Myprotein, which will also be more profitable.

In general, the story with Russian sports supplements is something like this: if they are cheap, then they “suck.” We already had a wave of revelations in 2014-2016. There, these packs of Russian brands were gutted just for the journey. And it turned out that the cheap options either contain less protein than stated or use wheat protein instead of whey protein. High-quality protein cannot be cheap. There are raw materials that have their own price. Below this bar there is nowhere to move.

And if the brand is more or less adequate, then its price tag is often higher than that of imported products. So what's the point then? Whatever one may say, I somehow trust old and proven brands more. Yes, and they have already been tested.

Let me remind you that the links that I provide to Iherb already have my promotional code embedded, which will give a 5% discount. When ordering over $60 (approximately RUR 4,000), use the promo code for a 10% discount. Activated via this link: VALUE60 and automatically linked to the cart. When placing an order for Myprotein, enter the discount code: yourfit ( 37% ).

Somehow like this. I hope that the analysis was useful for you. If yes, then save this article, with all the promotional codes and links.

You will find links to all my full-fledged training courses, with access to a closed group, as well as individual nutrition plans.

HERE. Recently, by the way, I explained how my full-fledged courses differ from those programs that are presented on the site for free access. Article HERE.

And don’t forget to subscribe to my telegram channel:

All my recommendations for sports supplements: Ordering instructions:

And I, as always, wish you good health and high sporting results!

Article tags: which sports nutrition is better, which sports nutrition is best for gaining weight and burning fat.

How to choose the right sports nutrition for beginners: endomorph diagram

Endomorphs are people with a slow metabolism and a tendency to be overweight. To choose the right nutrition for them, you should pay maximum attention to proteins, caseins and amino acids. Supplements must be taken according to a specific schedule. So, protein should be added to the diet only after training. Caseine - only at night. BCAA amino acids should be divided into two doses. The first is carried out before training, and the second in the process of working with heavy weights. Each of these techniques requires five grams of dry product.

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