Broth (chicken, beef, pork) – calorie content per 100 ml

Calorie content of broth

When preparing broth, housewives quite often ask themselves how many calories are in the broth? The answer to this question is not always unambiguous, since the calorie content of the broth is directly affected not only by the product from which the broth is prepared, but also by its quantity.

Among all the famous first courses, broth is one of the most healthy and dietary. This is explained by the fact that, despite the calories in the broth, it has a general healing effect on the entire human body. In cooking, it is the basis for soups, sauces and many other dishes. Broth is not just a liquid. It combines many vitamins and minerals (eg magnesium, B vitamins, phosphorus, zinc).

The broth can be made from a variety of products, which directly affects the calorie content of the broth. The most high-calorie ones are considered to be those prepared from fatty varieties of fish and meat. The amount of calories will be minimal in vegetable and mushroom broth. However, it should be remembered that, despite how many calories are in the broth, it still remains a very healthy and indispensable product in every person’s daily diet.

Let's take a closer look at the positive properties of broth:

  • It facilitates the course of colds and viral diseases;
  • Restores normal functioning of the body after the completion of a particular disease;
  • Normalizes blood pressure and stomach function;
  • Due to the certain calorie content of the broth, it helps improve heart function;
  • Thins the blood and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Chicken broth is considered the healthiest of all types of broth, since this broth has a fairly low calorie content. As a result of the fact that it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens teeth and bones, improves memory, heals wounds, suppresses a person’s depressive state, chicken broth is prepared more often than other varieties of such dishes. In addition, people with diabetes need to consume such a dish, because chicken broth normalizes blood sugar levels.

When introducing low-calorie broths into your daily diet, you should remember that along with a large number of advantages, they also have some negative qualities. It is forbidden to use them for those people who have problems with normal metabolic processes in the body, have an ulcer or gastritis with high acidity. The reason for such prohibitions is that broth increases acidity in the stomach and also provokes a more abundant secretion of gastric juice.

Chicken broth: who is it good for?

Delicious and healthy chicken broth is made from a set of chicken bones, various parts of chicken, carrots, celery, onions and other roots. These ingredients are simmered for several hours until the desired flavor and aroma are achieved. The broth is strained and used in many recipes or drunk as a food item on its own.

To get the most out of your chicken broth, add as little salt as possible! Let's look at the main beneficial properties of chicken broth.

Easy to digest

Chicken broth is simple and easy to digest. For any intestinal pathologies (diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome), chicken broth is prescribed first, as it is neutral and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. A similar liquid diet is often prescribed after surgery, or in preparation for it.

Mineral content

Since chicken broth is made from bones, it is rich in a number of important minerals. A cup of chicken broth contains more than 200 milligrams of potassium, which is 10% of your recommended daily intake. Potassium is essential for a healthy heart, muscles and skeleton.

Another vital mineral in chicken broth is phosphorus. A glass of broth contains about 70 milligrams of phosphorus, which promotes metabolism, protein formation and healthy bones and teeth.

Strengthening joints

Although it seems incredible to many, chicken broth using bones can actually improve the condition of the joints in the body. Gelatin is an edible form of collagen that makes up about half of the total protein in the human body. Doctors prescribe a “gelatin diet” for people with arthrosis changes. One of the main dishes in this diet is broth.

Gelatin also contains glycine, an amino acid that supports healthy cartilage and prevents pain.

Increased bone density

Calcium, which the human body gradually leaches from its own bones in the absence of it in the diet, is found in large quantities in chicken broth. For people with osteoporosis or other bone problems, broths are recommended, which even speed up the healing of fractures.

Speeding up digestion

The gelatin contained in chicken broth promotes the most efficient digestion of “heavy” foods such as meat, milk, beans and some cereals. A gentle broth diet is also effective for overeating.

Anti-stress properties of broth

The human body is capable of synthesizing glycine, so its presence in food is not given much attention. However, the body does not always synthesize substances in sufficient quantities, especially if there is an imbalance in the diet. The result is disturbances in sleep, memory and behavior, and decreased cognitive functions. Oddly enough, chicken broth for dinner can calm and improve the functioning of the nervous system, even overcome insomnia.

Mucolytic and anti-inflammatory properties of chicken broth

For all diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma and even tuberculosis), after drinking several cups of chicken broth throughout the day, obvious relief occurs. The effect is achieved thanks to the amino acid cysteine, which thins phlegm.

Calorie content of broth and secrets of its preparation

As noted earlier, the calorie content of the broth depends on the product from which it is going to be prepared. The basis for any broth is pure water, which does not contain any calories at all, and a pre-prepared food product (meat, vegetables, fish or chicken).

The main secret of preparing healthy broth (in this case, the number of calories in the broth will be minimal) is that it is best to cook it in second water. This means that the water in which the meat or chicken boiled must be drained and the pan filled with new, clean water, in which the product must be cooked until done. As a result of the operations performed, the calorie content of the broth will be very small, since excess fat is removed from it.

Main conclusions

Beef is an ideal diet product due to its composition and low calorie content:.

  1. Diet soup is prepared from lean meat with a minimum of ingredients.
  2. The lowest calorie broths are obtained from the shoulder blade and hip part.
  3. When choosing meat for soup, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to the smell.
  4. The best additional ingredients would be vegetables and cereals.

Making soups from this type of meat is easy. They can easily become the basis of both individual and family dinner menus.

We are waiting for your comments about recipes and secrets of preparing delicious dietary soups.

How many calories are in the broth?

  • 100 g of chicken broth contains 2 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, 0.3 g of carbohydrates. The energy value of such a product is 15 kcal;
  • 100 g of mushroom broth contains 0.2 g of protein, 0.02 g of fat, 0.85 g of carbohydrates. Energy value – 4.28 kcal;
  • Per 100 g of vegetable broth there are 0.65 g of protein, 0.18 g of fat, 2.36 g of carbohydrates. Energy value does not exceed 12.85 kcal;
  • In 100 g of fish broth from low-fat fish (for example, hake), the amount of protein is 4.49 g, fat - 0.61 g, carbohydrates - 0.71 g. Energy value - 26.15 kcal;
  • Pork broth contains the most calories. 100 g of this dish contains 23.15 g of protein, 8 g of fat, and no carbohydrates. Energy value – 40 kcal;
  • The calorie content of beef broth may vary. If the broth is cooked from the pulp, then per 100 g of the finished dish there will be 2.3 g of proteins, 1.1 g of fat, 2.6 g of carbohydrates. The energy value in this case will not exceed 28.8 kcal.

The calorie content of meat broth can be slightly reduced (to 28.6 kcal) if you cook it on a beef bone. In this case, 100 g of broth will contain 4 g of protein, 1.3 g of fat, 0.2 g of carbohydrates, and the energy value will be 28.6 kcal.

Based on this, we can conclude that the calorie content of meat broth (pork) will be the highest, while the calories in mushroom broth will be extremely low.

Benefits of beef broth

Having familiarized yourself with the composition of beef broth, it would be unfair to call it a useless product. The benefits of beef broth for the body are due to the elements, vitamins and compounds contained in the meat, bones and internal organs of the animal carcass.

Restores after exercise

From beef broth, the body receives iron, without which all organs and systems of the body cannot function. Iron is part of enzyme complexes called gems. Gems are components of the protein hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to all cells in the body. Iron deficiency leads to hemoglobin deficiency and this manifests itself in weakness, decreased appetite, pallor, and fatigue.

Eating beef broth will replenish iron reserves and restore strength during pregnancy, after surgery and heavy physical activity. The benefits of beef tongue broth will be greater, since the tongue contains a record amount of iron.

Accelerates weight loss

Beef broth is low in calories and at the same time satiating, so it is included in the diet of those losing weight and those watching their figure. Beef broth contains twice as much protein as fat, contains no carbohydrates, and is rich in nutrients.

Helps Digestion

Macroelements, microelements, vitamins and minerals in the broth are quickly absorbed in the stomach and do not overload the digestive system. Beef-based broth is well absorbed even by a child’s body, so you can use it to prepare soups and borscht for your baby’s first feedings.

How to make broth really tasty?

Due to the variety of recipes for preparing broths, they are used in cooking to create soups, sauces, risottos and gravies. To extend the storage time of the finished broth, it must first be cooled. Cold water or ice, which you need to cover the container with the broth, will help speed up this process.

You can make the broth more healthy if you do not salt it at all or limit it to one teaspoon of salt.

If you want to get a really tasty and clear broth, the calorie content of which will be low, you should cook it over very low heat, remembering to constantly skim the foam from it during cooking. You can also add bay leaf, black pepper and a small amount of dried herbs during the cooking process.

It is best to use pre-strained broth. To do this, the first thing is to remove meat, vegetables or fish from it. After this, take gauze or a colander and thus obtain an absolutely clean finished product.


Harm and contraindications of beef broth

When assessing beef broth, its benefits and harms for humans, it would be fair to talk about broth cooked with high-quality meat. An animal raised in poor environmental conditions, on synthetic feed and additives, cannot produce good meat.

High-quality meat can be spoiled in the pursuit of profit: in order to preserve the product longer, it is “saturated” with hormones, antibiotics and preservatives.

The harm of beef bone broth will appear if the cow or bull grazed on pastures near industrial plants, in places with poor ecology. Under such conditions, animal bones become saturated with salts of heavy metals that are harmful to humans.

But broth made with quality meat can be harmful to the body. Beef broth will be harmful if consumed excessively, since meat is the leader in purine content. In the human body, purines are needed for the normal functioning of the kidneys. As a result of the breakdown of purines, uric acid is formed. This is where the danger of excess substances lies. Large amounts of uric acid cause kidney problems, promote the formation of gallstones, and can cause metabolic diseases.

Calorie content of broths

As for the calorie content of liquid broth, it depends on the main ingredient. The basis of any broth is water, which has no calories.

If chicken meat is the main component, then 100 g of liquid broth will contain 15 kcal, of which 2-7 are proteins, 0.5 are fats and 0.3 g are carbohydrates.

100 g of vegetable liquid broth contains about 13 kcal, of which 0.7 are proteins, 0.18 are fats and about 2.5 g are carbohydrates.

Fish broth is considered more nutritious. 100 g of broth contains 44 kcal.

Composition and calorie content of beef broth

Beef broth is a liquid broth made from the meat, bones, or byproducts of a cattle carcass. All types of beef broth contain a standard set of substances, but their quantity varies depending on what is taken as a basis: meat, bones or internal organs.

Iron content:

  • beef – 2.9 mg;
  • beef liver – 9 mg;
  • kidneys – 7 mg;
  • tongue – 5 mg.

When cooked, beef meat and offal release about 2 mg of iron into the broth.

The broth contains (per 500 g):

  • 237.7 mg potassium;
  • 1670.6 mg sodium;
  • 150.1 mg phosphorus;
  • 13.2 mg selenium;
  • 21.7 mg magnesium.

The uniqueness of beef broth is that, despite its low energy value, it is rich in proteins. In 100 gr. product:

  • 0.61 gr. proteins;
  • 0.22 gr. fat

It is inferior to chicken in terms of the amount of fat, so for those who want to lose weight, it is preferable to use beef broth. The calorie content per 100 grams of broth is 4 kcal.

Chicken broth calories

The nutritional value of chicken broth depends on the ingredients; yushka accounts for 20-100 kcal per 100 grams. Low calorie content is typical for empty decoction of bones and cartilage of broiler birds - 20-25 kcal.

The fattest and most harmful part of the chicken is the skin. Antibiotics and hormones on which the bird grew up are deposited in it.

BZHU content (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 2-3 g;
  • fats – 0.5-1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.3-3.5 g.

The percentage ratio of BZHU is 34: 64: 3.

Factors affecting the calorie content of chicken broth

The nutritional value is primarily influenced by which parts of the broiler were first cooked. A traditional ancient recipe in Europe is considered to be yushka made from poultry cartilage and bones.

Now housewives add finely chopped herbs and vegetables, which increases the calorie content of the broth.

In order to understand how the fat content of a certain part of the bird affects the richness, it is enough to study the table of the value of the individual components of the carcass:

PartCalorie content of raw meat per 100 g, kcalCalorie content of boiled meat per 100 g, kcal

The nutritional value varies depending on the cooking time, the container in which it was cooked (whether the lid is open), and the recipe. If the first foam was removed, the water was drained or diluted, then the first will receive a minimum of nutritional value and calories.

The longer the broth boils, the lower the nutritional value will be.

Important! The main factor influencing oiliness is the presence of skin. If the chicken has been skinned and washed in advance, then the nutritional value of the broth is reduced by 30-50%.

How and what kind of meat to choose

The issue of choosing meat is important both for those losing weight and for those undergoing rehabilitation after an illness or surgery. The fattest parts are:

  • tenderloin (218 kcal/100 g);
  • brisket (225 kcal/100 g);
  • arable land (225 kcal/100 g).

The neck and ribs are also high in fat (due to bones and bone marrow). The least calorie content is the shoulder blade and the hip part (137 kcal/100 g).

When buying beef at the market or in a store, you should pay attention to the appearance and smell emanating from the meat. The color should be bright red, even, without spots or darkening. The lighter the shade, the younger the animal was. The color of the fat layers will also indicate age. White veins confirm youth, but a yellowish tint signals the “honorable” age of a cattle representative.

It doesn’t hurt to sniff the piece you like. A faint meaty smell is a guarantee of freshness. But additional aromas in the form of vinegar, onions or spices will tell about the seller’s attempts to hide expired products.

Important! The absence of odor is an indicator of a large number of chemical additives that were introduced into the animal’s food to accelerate its growth.

How to calculate the calorie content of broth with different ingredients

A simple way to calculate the nutritional value of the finished chicken broth is to multiply the nutritional value of the raw part of the carcass by a factor of 0.9.

To find out how many kilocalories are in a pure broth, subtract the calorie content of the boiled part from the calorie content of the raw part of the chicken, multiply the result by the mass of meat and divide by the volume of water.

If other ingredients were used, the formula will help calculate the nutritional value per 100 g: (kcal of raw meat + kcal of vegetables + ...) / (weight of meat (g) + weight of vegetables (g) + ... + volume of water (ml)).

How to reduce the calorie content of broth?

For a dietary dish, carcasses with the lowest fat content and calorie content (breasts, thighs, wings) are selected. It is better to refrain from adding potatoes, crackers, and eggs.

When cooking, it is recommended to use a minimum of salt and seasonings: they delay the removal of water from the body and accumulate it in soft tissues.

There are unspoken rules that help reduce calories:

  • Before cooking, the bird is skinned and excess fat is removed from the carcass;
  • after boiling, the foam is removed, harmful substances and fats rise to the top;
  • It is recommended to drain the first broth, then fill the chicken with clean water and cook until tender.

How to make broth really tasty?

Of course, the most delicious rich soup is made from different parts of the chicken. The meat is boiled with the bone, preferably with cartilage. The foam is removed, it adds bitterness.

If you are not cooking a separate dish, but a basis for further manipulations (preparing sauces, dressings, pastas), then cooks recommend adding cheese crusts. Place them in cold water and keep until ready.

If there are vegetables in the soup, then add them according to the duration of cooking. The one that will require more cooking time goes first. For example, first add legumes, potatoes, mushrooms, and after 15-20 minutes add bell peppers, carrots, and onions. At the end - asparagus, celery, zucchini.

Important! To achieve a pleasant aroma, it is recommended to add dry herbs, bay leaves, and high-quality spices. You don't need a lot of salt, especially if cheese has already been added.

Chicken broth in cooking

Many world cuisine recipes are based on this product. In addition to soups and other liquid dishes, the broth is also used for sauces, potato and vegetable purees, and jellied meats.

Based on it, cereals, pasta are cooked, and dressings are created for them. Housewives use it as a semi-finished product: if frozen, it will not lose its beneficial properties for 5-6 months.

For aroma and richness, it is customary to add bay leaves, allspice, and the usual spices or herbs: rosemary, basil, parsley, dill. Carrots, potatoes, and onions will make the broth a complete soup. You can experiment by adding raw or boiled eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, meatballs, rice cutlets, tomatoes and pickles.

How to cook broth correctly for those on a diet

The calorie content of beef broth depends not only on the type of meat chosen (breast, neck, shoulder), but also on the method of cooking it. Meat broth is usually prepared in just over an hour.

The algorithm for its preparation will be as follows:

  • thoroughly rinse the piece of beef under running water, removing all films and remaining bones;
  • place the meat in a saucepan, fill it with 2 liters of water;
  • bring to a boil, remove noise and lightly salt;
  • add bay leaf, allspice or black pepper;
  • to improve the taste, add half an onion and a medium peeled carrot to the broth;
  • adjust heat to medium and cook for 50-60 minutes.

To make cooking easier, you can divide one large piece into several smaller pieces.

During the cooking process, you should remember the following nuances:

  • Do not use meat on the bones (they contain bone marrow, rich in fat);
  • the film that appears after boiling is a protein-fat formation that must be removed along with the foam;
  • When following a diet, do not use white round grain rice as an additional ingredient (due to higher calorie content and GI).

Important! In addition to beef, you can also use veal. This is the same type of meat, only obtained from young animals under 1 year of age.

Composition and beneficial properties of chicken broth

Pure broth, without adding spices or additional ingredients, absorbs microelements and vitamins contained in chicken. It is enriched with vitamins A, C, D, PP, H, B; minerals: iodine, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, boron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper. The composition includes the following elements: water, cholesterol, dietary fiber, ash, starch, organic compounds.

It has long been believed that chicken soup overcomes colds: it soothes irritated mucous membranes, thins mucus, warms the bronchi, tones muscles, and invigorates.

Is there any harm in eating chicken broth?

Chicken broth is a strong allergen. It is important to carefully select a supplier, monitor the freshness and quality of the carcass: this will reduce the risk of harmful substances getting into the soup.

Extractive substances do not disintegrate and are not excreted; they are converted into salt crystals in urine. This aggravates the development of urolithiasis and gout. For young children, strong soup is heavy food.


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