Chicken broth: how many kcal per 100 grams, how to make it tasty and reduce calorie content

Chicken broth calories

The nutritional value of chicken broth depends on the ingredients.
The nutritional value of chicken broth depends on the ingredients; yushka accounts for 20-100 kcal per 100 grams. Low calorie content is typical for empty decoction of bones and cartilage of broiler birds - 20-25 kcal.

The fattest and most harmful part of the chicken is the skin. Antibiotics and hormones on which the bird grew up are deposited in it.

BZHU content (per 100 g):

  • proteins – 2-3 g;
  • fats – 0.5-1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.3-3.5 g.

The percentage ratio of BZHU is 34: 64: 3.

Factors affecting the calorie content of chicken broth

The nutritional value is primarily influenced by which parts of the broiler were first cooked. A traditional ancient recipe in Europe is considered to be yushka made from poultry cartilage and bones.

Now housewives add finely chopped herbs and vegetables, which increases the calorie content of the broth.

In order to understand how the fat content of a certain part of the bird affects the richness, it is enough to study the table of the value of the individual components of the carcass:

PartCalorie content of raw meat per 100 g, kcalCalorie content of boiled meat per 100 g, kcal

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The nutritional value varies depending on the cooking time, the container in which it was cooked (whether the lid is open), and the recipe. If the first foam was removed, the water was drained or diluted, then the first will receive a minimum of nutritional value and calories.

The longer the broth boils, the lower the nutritional value will be.

Important! The main factor influencing oiliness is the presence of skin. If the chicken has been skinned and washed in advance, then the nutritional value of the broth is reduced by 30-50%.

Chicken broth: calories per 100 grams

Let us immediately note that to answer the question: “How many calories are in 100 grams of chicken broth?” - difficult.

After all, it is of great importance here:

  1. How many times have you drained the water when preparing a dish and poured in new water?
  2. With the lid closed or open, a decoction was prepared;
  3. How much water did you use for cooking;
  4. Which part of the chicken did you use to make the soup?

At the same time, the average energy value of chicken broth is 15 calories ! Approximately this amount is contained in 100 grams of the finished dish. But, in some cases, you may get much more calories than the number mentioned above. That is why it is so important, before you start losing weight with a decoction, to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the product.

For example, broth made from fillet will have a minimum amount of calories. This is not surprising, because this meat does not contain fat. It only contains protein . The breast, together with the bone and the skin not removed, gives more fat, and therefore, the energy value of the finished dish will be higher. But from the wings and legs (or offal) you will get a very rich, but useless (literally) soup. Why? Yes, because in this case it will not contain the protein necessary for the human body.

How, haven’t you read our new article about the calorie content of boiled pasta? Follow the link and learn about the benefits and harms of this flour product in losing weight!

How to calculate the calorie content of broth with different ingredients

A simple way to calculate the nutritional value of the finished chicken broth is to multiply the nutritional value of the raw part of the carcass by a factor of 0.9.

To find out how many kilocalories are in a pure broth, subtract the calorie content of the boiled part from the calorie content of the raw part of the chicken, multiply the result by the mass of meat and divide by the volume of water.

If other ingredients were used, the formula will help calculate the nutritional value per 100 g: (kcal of raw meat + kcal of vegetables + ...) / (weight of meat (g) + weight of vegetables (g) + ... + volume of water (ml)).

How to reduce the calorie content of broth?

For a dietary dish, carcasses with the lowest fat content and calorie content are selected.
For a dietary dish, carcasses with the lowest fat content and calorie content (breasts, thighs, wings) are selected. It is better to refrain from adding potatoes, crackers, and eggs.

When cooking, it is recommended to use a minimum of salt and seasonings: they delay the removal of water from the body and accumulate it in soft tissues.

There are unspoken rules that help reduce calories:

  • Before cooking, the bird is skinned and excess fat is removed from the carcass;
  • after boiling, the foam is removed, harmful substances and fats rise to the top;
  • It is recommended to drain the first broth, then fill the chicken with clean water and cook until tender.

Chicken soup with homemade noodles

Chicken soup with homemade noodles must be prepared from very good chicken, because it is the chicken that will give the rich aroma, and the homemade noodles will give a unique taste. An incredibly tasty, satisfying, and not at all difficult soup to prepare, although it will take a little more time to prepare than the same soup with ready-made noodles, but the result will justify everything.


For the noodles:

For the soup:

chicken broth - 2 liters,

1 boiled chicken thigh,

1 bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro),

Calorie content of chicken soup with homemade noodles

Energy and nutritional value of chicken soup with homemade noodles

In 100 g – 53.86 kcal, BJU, g – 3.77 – 1.67 – 7.2

How to make chicken soup with homemade noodles.

First, knead the dough for noodles. To do this, knead a stiff (dumpling) dough from eggs, water, salt and flour. Let's close it and let it sit for about half an hour.

Let's cook the broth. To do this, wash the chicken, cover it with cold water and put it on the fire. When the foam appears, remove it, reduce the heat, and close the pan with a lid, but not completely. Leave the pan slightly open so that the broth does not become cloudy (or “sudsy”, as it is also called) and cook until the chicken is cooked. About an hour. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to the broth.

Wash and peel vegetables, wash herbs.

Chop onions, carrots, potatoes, greens.

Now you can start making noodles again.

Roll out the dough thinly. Sprinkle the rolled out dough generously with flour.

Cut into strips (width of the strip = length of the noodles), stack the strips on top of each other and cut the noodles.

Place the chopped noodles on the board.

Boil the noodles separately.

To do this, set water to boil in a saucepan. Before we send the noodles to cook, sift them through a sieve to get rid of excess flour.

Sift, place in boiling salted water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 2 - 3 minutes, no more. Then drain the water, rinse the noodles with cold water and transfer to a plate.

We take the meat out of the broth, cool it a little, and chop it. Strain the broth.

Place the chopped onions and carrots into the boiling broth and cook for 5 minutes.

Then add potatoes, meat, bring the broth to a boil, reduce heat.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add the boiled noodles and cook for another 5 minutes until tender. Add the greens to the soup, let it boil and turn it off.

Chicken soup with homemade noodles for lunch

How to make broth really tasty?

Of course, the most delicious rich soup is made from different parts of the chicken. The meat is boiled with the bone, preferably with cartilage. The foam is removed, it adds bitterness.

If you are not cooking a separate dish, but a basis for further manipulations (preparing sauces, dressings, pastas), then cooks recommend adding cheese crusts. Place them in cold water and keep until ready.

Be sure to read: Weight loss soups that burn fat: recipes at home + photos

If there are vegetables in the soup, then add them according to the duration of cooking. The one that will require more cooking time goes first. For example, first add legumes, potatoes, mushrooms, and after 15-20 minutes add bell peppers, carrots, and onions. At the end - asparagus, celery, zucchini.

Important! To achieve a pleasant aroma, it is recommended to add dry herbs, bay leaves, and high-quality spices. You don't need a lot of salt, especially if cheese has already been added.

Chicken broth recipe for weight loss

Chicken broth recipe for weight loss
Nutritionists recommend drinking broth during strict diets and including it in the main diet: it fills the stomach and nourishes the body with the necessary microelements. The brain receives a signal about the filling of the digestive organ - the person feels full.

Another advantage of the prepared dish is its low calorie content; even a dish made from fatty parts of chicken with the addition of potatoes can be considered dietary. But a recipe for a tasty and light soup should not include anything other than meat, water, onions, and carrots.

To prepare you will need:

  • breast 400-600 grams (with bones and cartilage, but skinned);
  • 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • whole medium-sized onion;
  • medium carrot;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • parsley, dill, pepper, salt - to taste.


  1. The breast is placed in a pan, filled with water and placed on the stove.
  2. After boiling, take the bird out, drain the water, rinse the pan, and fill it with clean water.
  3. The bird is again placed in cold water and cooked until done for an hour. To make the soup transparent, add a whole onion during the cooking process and throw it away at the end.
  4. The carrots are cut, placed in boiling water, and boiled for 15-20 minutes. At the same time, add spices, bay leaf, pepper, and salt.
  5. To rid the liquid of small pieces of chicken, peppercorns and grains of spices, you can pass the fish through cheesecloth, after removing the meat and carrots from it.
  6. Before serving, the dish is decorated with parsley or dill.

Be sure to read: How many calories are in soup: table of popular types and how to reduce their calorie content?

Chameleon dish

Why can chicken broth be called this way? It's simple. It can help you lose weight, but it can also have the opposite effect.

What's the matter? The usefulness or, on the contrary, harmfulness of broth for a figure depends on many factors. Including from:

  • that part of the chicken from which the dish is prepared;
  • the presence of additives that are usually used to season broths;
  • technology and cooking literacy.

Depending on these aspects, the calorie content of chicken broth can vary from 20 to 200 (!) kcal per 100 g. If all the principles of proper preparation from a nutritional standpoint are followed, then you will get a dish with 20 or a little more kcal. If you deviate from the existing rules, you risk eating a fairly high-calorie dish of 200 or even more kcal.

How to cook the least calorie dish?

To reduce the number of calories in your broth, follow these rules:

  1. Choose the leanest part of the chicken carcass – the breast. It will help significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish. The same applies to chicken fillet.
  2. Before you start cooking, remove skin and fat from the meat.
  3. When cooking, make sure there is enough water. This largely determines how rich the broth will be, and therefore its calorie content.
  4. To ensure that the dish always turns out to have the least amount of calories, make it a rule to drain the so-called first water. Thanks to this, the saturation unnecessary for weight loss will disappear. After draining what came out initially, add water again. But before that, clean the meat to remove all the excess that contributes to unnecessary gain for those losing weight.
  5. Do not cook the broth for a long time - this will help you have the least high-calorie treat on the table.

Chicken broth in cooking

Many world cuisine recipes are based on this product. In addition to soups and other liquid dishes, the broth is also used for sauces, potato and vegetable purees, and jellied meats.

Based on it, cereals, pasta are cooked, and dressings are created for them. Housewives use it as a semi-finished product: if frozen, it will not lose its beneficial properties for 5-6 months.

For aroma and richness, it is customary to add bay leaves, allspice, and the usual spices or herbs: rosemary, basil, parsley, dill. Carrots, potatoes, and onions will make the broth a complete soup. You can experiment by adding raw or boiled eggs, tomatoes, bell peppers, meatballs, rice cutlets, tomatoes and pickles.

Description of the benefits of chicken broth with photos, its calorie content, as well as a recipe for homemade broth

Calorie content: 507 kcal.

Energy value of the product Chicken broth: Proteins: 4.3 g. Fats: 3.6 g. Carbohydrates: 0.4 g.


Chicken broth is the main product during therapeutic nutrition. The broth is a decoction made from chicken bones, meat and cartilage. The fat that forms on the surface must be removed. On average, it takes up to 2 hours to cook chicken broth over low heat. It looks like a transparent liquid with a slight yellowish and greenish tint (see photo).

Beneficial features

The benefits of chicken broth include the presence of various vitamins and minerals. In folk medicine it is recommended to use it for colds and flu. The liquid contains the amino acid cysteine, which helps cope with colds, and it also thins phlegm and helps remove it. The broth helps to recover faster from fractures, as bone healing occurs faster. Chicken broth activates the secretion of digestive juices and bile. Considering this property, traditional healers recommend using the broth for hypoacid gastritis and pancreatitis.

Warm broth helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, as it improves the functioning of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people with gastritis. Low-fat versions of chicken broth can be consumed by people who want to lose weight or are watching their weight.

Use in cooking

Chicken broth is an excellent independent product, and it can also be an ideal basis for preparing a huge number of first courses, including puree soups. Chicken broth is also included in the recipe for various sauces, aspic, and it is also added when stewing vegetables and when preparing porridges.

Secrets of making homemade chicken broth

Even such a simple dish as chicken broth has its own characteristics in preparation:

  • Chicken broth made from poultry is considered the most delicious and healthy. In this case, you can be sure that it does not contain chemicals and various harmful substances that modern farmers often use.
  • To get a tasty broth, it is recommended to take 2 liters of liquid per 1 kg of meat. The amount of vegetables used should be 110 g.

How to cook deliciously

Each housewife has her own broth recipe, we suggest considering the most popular one. To prepare it, you need to take a chicken leg, about 300 g, 2 liters of purified water, an onion, carrots, celery root, some greens, a couple of bay leaves and the same amount of black peppercorns, as well as salt. Chicken meat must be clean; if you want to get a dietary dish, then remove the peel and fat. Wash and peel the vegetables. If you need broth without vegetables, then you can not chop them, but use them whole.

Take a pan, put the chicken in it, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Periodically remove any foam that forms on the surface. Add vegetables and spices to the pan, do not forget to reduce the heat. Cook the broth for 45 minutes, with the lid slightly open. Make sure that the liquid does not boil too much, otherwise the broth will be opaque. Add the greens at the end. After cooking, it is recommended to strain the broth. It should be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Composition and beneficial properties of chicken broth

Pure broth, without adding spices or additional ingredients, absorbs microelements and vitamins contained in chicken. It is enriched with vitamins A, C, D, PP, H, B; minerals: iodine, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, boron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper. The composition includes the following elements: water, cholesterol, dietary fiber, ash, starch, organic compounds.

It has long been believed that chicken soup overcomes colds: it soothes irritated mucous membranes, thins mucus, warms the bronchi, tones muscles, and invigorates.

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