Salted popcorn. Calorie content 100 grams, bju. How to make it in the microwave

16 July 2021 Admin Home page » Important nutritional points

How many calories does popcorn have? BJU ratio. Varieties of popcorn. Benefits and harms of use.

Despite the fact that the summer weather is great outside and you can spend time in the fresh air around the clock, if possible, many people gladly go to the cinema to watch the premieres of intriguing films. What's the first thing you try to "chew" in a movie? Of course, popcorn! However, not many people think about the calorie content of popcorn, and especially how its consumption affects the figure as a whole.

The calorie content of an air product can vary from 300 to 500 kcal, it all depends on what additional components are included in it. Some supplements increase calorie content slightly, while others increase it more than 1.5 times. They will be discussed below...

Calories in salted popcorn

Adding salt increases the calorie content to 407 kcal. After drinking it, there is a desire to drink liquid and, as often happens in the cinema, what is always at hand is not pure water, but Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite or a similar analogue of a sweet carbonated drink.

If salted popcorn is consumed on the couch at home, then, as a rule, thirst is quenched by beer, as a result of which the number of calories consumed increases significantly. In addition, an increase in the concentration of salt in the body retains fluid and slows down fat burning, as a result of which the body looks plump and there is no question of any sculpted figure.

If you are a fan of this delicacy, use green or herbal tea as a drink; in extreme cases, regular soda will do.


Oat, corn, wheat or rye bran can be seen in the diet departments of supermarkets. Their salty taste will help replace popcorn, and their beneficial properties will also contribute to weight loss. They absorb excess water, toxins, fats, heavy metals and improve digestion. In the stomach, bran swells and creates a feeling of fullness.


about 246 kcal.


Don't forget about what you wash down with your food at the cinema. Most often this is soda. Replace it with mineral water, smoothie, fresh juice or packaged juice (but preferably without sugar), and your body will definitely thank you.

Sweet popcorn calories

Probably the most popular type of popcorn not only among children, but also among adults. It is worth remembering that calorie content is influenced by flavoring agents and the volume of syrup used.

The calorie content of the sweet delicacy is 400-700 kcal, it is believed that in order to obtain the minimum calorie content, sweet popcorn must be cooked in the microwave, and for a stronger taste, the popcorn is sprinkled with powdered sugar before eating.

Why is popcorn addictive?

Coming to the cinema and buying puffed, aromatic and hot corn is a kind of tradition, even a habit, without which it is simply impossible to enjoy watching a film. But why does such a dependence exist?

It all started in infancy, when in response to the baby’s crying, the mother gave him breastfeeding. The baby received his first food and calmed down. Human milk is very high in calories, it contains a lot of fats and carbohydrates, much more than proteins.

The baby cried, received milk - and calmed down. In response to such food, the brain began to produce the hormones dopamine (the achievement hormone) and endorphin (the joy hormone). The behavioral pattern was reinforced. And he stays with us for life. A study by French scientists [Verified Source] published in the journal eNeuron has proven this theory.

The brain remembers that fatty and high-calorie foods bring satisfaction. In response to receiving it, it produces extremely “pleasant” hormones and sensations that you want to strive for again and again.

Thus, eating movie theater popcorn (so fatty and sweet) is associated with pleasure - a pleasure that cannot be obtained from a movie without this “doping”.

This behavior was even confirmed by Australian and American scientists who conducted an experiment on rats - they fed the poor creatures hamburgers for two months, and then switched them to regular food. And the rats began a withdrawal syndrome, accompanied by depression - the same as what occurs when antidepressants are withdrawn.

Cheese popcorn calories

One of the most high-calorie types of popcorn. This all happens due to mixing with the cheese mixture, which increases the total calorie content of the product to 500 kcal. in 100 gr. In most cases, natural cheese mixture is quite difficult to obtain; to reduce costs, many companies add a variety of cheese flavor enhancers, flavors and similar food additives.

However, its caloric content does not reduce its popularity, because in fact not many people worry about the caloric content of their diet, they are much more interested in the nutritional value, taste and price segment of the product.

TOP 3 healthy popcorn recipes

Agree, sometimes you really want to crunch on popcorn while watching a movie. But we all know that this ready-made delicacy is rich in fat, salt or sugar. But popcorn can be much less harmful and even healthy!

We share recipes for healthy popcorn that you can even take with you to the movies:

Caramel popcorn with hemp seeds


  • 8 cups no-sodium or low-sodium popcorn
  • 3 tbsp. l. pure maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp. l. coconut sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. + 3 tbsp. l. hemp seeds
  • ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
  • ¼ tsp. salt


1. Preheat the oven to 135°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Place popcorn in a large bowl. Pour in maple syrup and coconut oil and stir to combine.

3. Mix coconut sugar, 3 tbsp. l. hemp seeds, nutmeg and salt in a small bowl. Add the mixture to the popcorn and stir well.

4. Place the popcorn on the prepared baking sheet in a single dense layer. Sprinkle with remaining 3 tbsp. l. hemp seeds, pressing lightly to ensure they stick. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then cool until the popcorn mixture is set. Popped popcorn can be stored in an airtight container.

Pumpkin popcorn


  • 70 g corn kernels
  • 2 tbsp. honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp. pumpkin puree
  • ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 160⁰C.

2. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add a couple of grains and see if they pop. If so, add all the grains, cover, reduce heat and wait for all the grains to pop. Remove the pan from the stove and open the lid.

3. In a small saucepan, combine honey, pumpkin puree, cinnamon and salt. Heat over low heat and stir well.

4. Reserve 1-2 cups of popcorn, place the rest in a baking dish, add pumpkin mixture and stir well. Bake popcorn for about 8-10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes. When ready, let it cool completely.

5. Mix pumpkin popcorn with remaining popcorn.

Popcorn baked with miso paste


  • ⅓ cup corn for popcorn
  • 2 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil
  • 6 tbsp. l. maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegan butter
  • 2 tsp. white miso paste
  • ⅛ tsp. salt


1. Add a tablespoon of butter and corn to a large saucepan and stir. Heat over medium heat, cover and wait until the corn begins to pop. Shake the pan regularly while holding the lid on. When the clicking stops, remove the pan from the heat.

2. Bring maple syrup to a boil in a small saucepan, remove from heat and add butter and miso paste. Melt and stir well.

3. Preheat the oven to 130°C. Grease a baking dish, pour the popcorn into it, pour in the maple syrup mixture, and stir well.

4. Bake for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and serve.

An average serving of popcorn and soda contains about 1,600 calories and 60 grams of fat, which is the equivalent of six cheddar scrambled eggs, four pieces of bacon and four sausages.

By making popcorn at home, you only get 191 calories and 9 grams of fat!

We recommend replacing soda with sugar-free kombucha. Kombucha Jiva for YARO is the only kombucha in Ukraine without sugar, made with Jerusalem artichoke syrup! Kombucha is known for being rich in organic acids and probiotics, which are beneficial for digestion.

Bon appetit and good viewing!

The benefits of popcorn

This product has the following positive properties:

  • rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, as well as a list of minerals that play an important role for the normal functioning of the circulatory system, the strength of bones and teeth;
  • the amount of protein is contained at an increased level, higher than in vegetables, oatmeal or baked goods;
  • popcorn contains vitamin B1, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and is also necessary for the functioning of the nervous system;
  • the presence of riboflavin is greater than in legumes, cabbage and oatmeal.

Types of treats

Today there are many types of this delicacy. On retail shelves you can see popcorn flavored with bacon, cheese, paprika or caramel. This product can be divided into the following groups:

  • Salted popcorn. It is puffed corn with added salt or salty seasonings.
  • Caramel popcorn. This puffed corn is poured with sugar syrup, and after cooling it turns into a caramel crust on the surface of the flakes.
  • Corn with different flavors. This popcorn contains a high concentration of flavor enhancers, additives and dyes.

The dangers of popcorn

Popcorn with various fillings and additives is harmful:

  • the increased salt content disrupts the water balance and if a person is prone to swelling, this will certainly be reflected after eating salted popcorn;
  • calories obtained from popcorn with the presence of sugar are instantly broken down and stored in subcutaneous fat (while only a small part of the energy is taken by internal organs for their normal functioning);
  • high fat content is not recommended for people suffering from pancreatic diseases;
  • often, instead of high-quality ingredients for making popcorn, they use diacetyl, which leads to disruption of the brain and lungs, as well as palm oil, which releases carcinogens under the influence of heat treatment;
  • Excessive consumption of cheese popcorn or paprika disrupts the functioning of the intestines and stomach, causing gastritis and flatulence.

If you cannot refuse this delicacy, always know when to stop, because this is not a vital necessity, but just a whim. Don’t go hungry to the cinema and don’t forget to drink more clean water, sometimes hunger is disguised as a banal desire for thirst.

What is popcorn made from?

Popcorn [Verified Source] is the same as corn, but reheated. Under the influence of high temperatures, the shell of the grains explodes, releasing the airy delicacy. It would seem that this could be harmful? Nothing. The main danger is the cooking method and the oil with sweeteners, which are used to give the snack a special taste.

In cinemas, popcorn is prepared in special machines using flavorings and oil, which is not changed for a very long time. After just a few uses, ordinary oil turns into trans fats [Official source] with a high calorie content and the ability to cause cancer. Salt and sugar, caramel, cheese and bacon - all these flavorings cause stomach ulcers and gastritis if overused.

And if the delicacy is so harmful, then why is it so difficult to deny yourself it when visiting the cinema?

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