Smoothie recipe with oatmeal and apple. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Vitamin oat drink has gained great popularity among adherents of a healthy diet. Nutritionists recommend consuming it daily. The smoothie has an excellent combination of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other beneficial substances. An additional advantage is its simple preparation. Even an inexperienced cook can make a vitamin drink in just a few minutes. You only need a few ingredients that need to be put through a chopper.

Benefits of Adding Oatmeal to Smoothies

A smoothie is a thick cocktail with the addition of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and dairy products. Prepare it in a blender, grinding the ingredients until smooth. Oatmeal is often used to give it a special consistency. They go well with other products, giving the dish an unusual taste and beneficial properties.

There's a reason why oatmeal is one of the most common smoothie ingredients. The result is a dietary product that is easily digestible, with an ideal balance of carbohydrates and vitamins. This cocktail gives a boost of energy for a long time, so it is often consumed for breakfast. By correctly selecting the remaining ingredients, you can get a hearty dish that can be consumed even by those on a diet.

But there are other benefits of adding oatmeal to smoothies:

  • you can prepare a hearty but light breakfast in 5 - 10 minutes;
  • suitable for those who do not like such healthy oatmeal;
  • allows you to diversify your diet, even picky children like it;
  • the combination of fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, and dairy products makes the dish easily digestible and healthy;
  • You can prepare it in the morning and take it with you to work or for a walk, eat it on the go, you don’t even need a spoon.

IMPORTANT! The main advantage of a smoothie with oatmeal is that the flakes are not subjected to heat treatment during the preparation process, so they retain all the beneficial substances.

Oatmeal is healthy, but not everyone likes porridge

Benefits of Oat Smoothies

What makes oat smoothies an ideal breakfast option is, of course, their main nutritious ingredient – ​​oatmeal. It has long become a classic breakfast porridge not only here, but also in the West. And this did not happen by chance. Enveloping, satisfying, light oatmeal retains all its advantages in an oat smoothie - a thick cocktail of homogeneous or almost homogeneous consistency, in which dairy products, juices, tea, fruits and vegetables are added to your favorite porridge in various combinations.

This smoothie is a dietary product, can replace a full meal and is balanced in the content of microelements.

Most often, oatmeal smoothies are considered as one of the breakfast options, but they can also become an energy snack, a healthy dessert, and even dinner.

Oatmeal smoothies have a beneficial effect on digestion and normalize metabolism. This is a complete dish for a healthy diet that meets all the canons of a balanced diet. Most often, smoothies with oatmeal are included in weight loss programs aimed at normalizing weight. But they also have other advantages:

  • they cook quickly and can save time at breakfast without losing nutritional value;
  • Everyone likes such smoothies, even children - they are just a variation of the familiar breakfast with oatmeal, but in a simpler and more easily digestible form;
  • despite the apparent boringness, such smoothies can be very different in both consistency and taste;
  • they allow you to experiment with a boring breakfast and create hundreds of variations.

Oatmeal smoothies can be sweet and neutral, complex in composition and two or three components, with or without spices. Even in consistency, they are not so similar: some prefer a homogeneous smoothie, similar to a thick cocktail, others prefer a coarsely ground smoothie. And most often, the consistency and nature of the smoothie - gentle or rougher - depends solely on how you prepared the oatmeal.


The peculiarities of the cocktail are explained by the beneficial properties of oatmeal. The product is considered dietary and rich in nutrients. Oatmeal is included in the diet of children, the elderly, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for weight loss. This porridge is recommended for breakfast, as it charges the body with energy and normalizes digestion. But not everyone loves this dish, so the best way to consume oatmeal is in a smoothie.

This cereal contains many vitamins, minerals, pectins, fiber, and beta-glucan. And most importantly, it is a source of complex carbohydrates. They break down slowly, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time and not being stored in fat. That's why smoothies with oatmeal for weight loss are so popular. This dish allows you not to overeat, saturating the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Oatmeal also has other beneficial properties:

  • accelerates metabolic processes and digestion;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • improves skin condition;
  • increases immunity;
  • Helps cope with stress and depression.

Cocktail properties

Even children know about the amazing properties of oatmeal; it’s not for nothing that the flakes of this cereal are called “rolled oats.” The product is very rich in vital microelements calcium, phosphorus, iron, E, zinc, and B vitamins. Cocktails with oatmeal contain a large amount of fiber, which makes them a good aid for weight loss.

In addition, drinks containing oatmeal reduce cholesterol levels, accelerate metabolic processes in the body, remove waste and toxins, and normalize intestinal function. The drink is also useful for kidney diseases. The nutrients in oatmeal drink slow down the aging process, strengthen the immune system, and increase performance. Regular consumption of the cocktail leads to improved skin condition, the appearance of a healthy glow, hair becomes shiny and smooth, and nails stop breaking.

What oatmeal to use

Smoothies with oatmeal can be different not only in taste, but also in consistency. Some people like it smooth and creamy, others prefer a chunky shake. It depends on the preparation of the main ingredient.

Oatmeal is most often used to make smoothies. You can take regular or instant ones, the main thing is that they do not contain additives. They can be pre-ground, steamed, or added whole to a cocktail. The last option is the simplest and most useful. After all, oatmeal is not processed in any way, so it retains all its nutrients. This smoothie is coarse, fibrous, and rich in fiber.

IMPORTANT! The advantage of this method is that it is the fastest.

Oatmeal can be added to the blender bowl along with other ingredients

There are several other ways to use oatmeal in smoothies. All of them give the dish a special taste and consistency.

  • Dry flakes can be added to the cocktail after being ground into flour. This can be done in advance and stored in a jar. The consistency of a smoothie with this oatmeal becomes soft and more liquid.
  • Often the flakes are first poured with milk or kefir for 20-30 minutes and left to swell. This makes them softer, but does not deprive them of beneficial properties and fiber.
  • Steaming is more suitable for regular Hercules. The cereal should be poured with boiling water or hot milk for 3-5 minutes. The smoothie acquires a creamy consistency.
  • Cooked oatmeal adds thickness to the cocktail. Although it has less benefits, a smoothie prepared in this way is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to cook the flakes for longer than 3-5 minutes, otherwise the dish will turn out tasteless.

If oatmeal is used instead of cereal, it must be boiled. It cannot be steamed, and grinding is also difficult. It takes a long time to cook the cereal; if you don’t do it in advance, such a cocktail will not become a quick dish.

Different approach – same healthy oatmeal

Smoothies with oatmeal are not at all as simple as they might seem at first glance. Of course, the combinations of oatmeal with other foods, fruits and vegetables that could be called tasty can be counted on one hand. But the oatmeal itself had an unexpected surprise in store. The thing is that oatmeal for smoothies can either undergo or not undergo heat treatment at all, be used crushed, grated or whole. And this creates almost unlimited possibilities for creating oat smoothies.

Options for adding oatmeal to smoothies:

  1. Raw oatmeal. Of course, it makes more sense to call this option “dry”, but this name is quite suitable. With this approach, oatmeal is added to smoothies without any processing and is not brewed. Under the influence of the liquid ingredient, they swell and become soggy. The main thing in such smoothies is fiber and consistency. It's coarse, fibrous, and more interesting than cooked oatmeal. Depending on whether raw oatmeal is ground or not, recipes are divided into three types:
      smoothie with oatmeal ground into powder or flour;
  2. smoothies with whole, unground oatmeal (use only instant oatmeal);
  3. smoothie with lightly ground instant oats.
  4. Steamed oatmeal. With this option, any instant oatmeal or regular oatmeal is poured with a small amount of boiling water or boiling milk, left for a few minutes and added to the smoothie. The taste of such oatmeal is different from cooked porridge, the benefits are much greater, and the consistency becomes soft and more familiar.
  5. Cooked oatmeal. It is not worth subjecting oatmeal for smoothies to a long cooking test. If you are not using instant cereal, try to cook it for 2-3 minutes anyway (at most, no more than five). Pour oatmeal into boiling water or milk, and then cook over low heat. Smoothies based on this type are the most aromatic, the most tender, but also the least healthy. But it has the best effect on the digestive system, especially for gastritis and ulcers.

The difference between these options is not only in taste and consistency. After all, the method of preparing oatmeal directly affects how much time you have to spend on the smoothie. The fastest recipes are with raw flakes. You will have to spend up to 10 minutes preparing steamed smoothies, and a little more to prepare a vitamin cocktail with boiled oatmeal.

What is added to a cocktail

Various ingredients are used to make oatmeal smoothies. Oatmeal can be combined with any fruits and vegetables to create different flavors. A smoothie consists of several ingredients: liquid, fruits or vegetables and additives.

  • Dairy products are most often used as a liquid base. This is milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives. If you are making such a cocktail for weight loss, you need to choose products with low fat content - up to 1.5%. It is not recommended to take completely low-fat ones - there will be no benefit from them, since calcium and many vitamins are absorbed only in the presence of fats. Vegetarians can use juices, tea, herbal infusions, oat milk, or, in extreme cases, plain or mineral water.
  • Vegetables and fruits can be taken fresh or frozen. Oatmeal goes best with banana, apple, strawberry, kiwi, cherry, and orange. Make smoothies with avocado, carrots, cucumbers, and herbs. You can take one ingredient or several.
  • Additives are often used to achieve a richer flavor. For sweetness, honey, maple syrup, and stevia are added instead of sugar. You can also use dates or dried apricots for this purpose. Add cocoa or chocolate chips, nuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds to the smoothie. The most popular seasonings are cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and vanillin.

Banana, kiwi and other fruits are often added to such cocktails.

ATTENTION! To make the cocktail dietary, you need to give up store-bought juices, chocolate, ice cream, sugar and cream.

What is a weight loss smoothie with oatmeal made from?

To prepare a real smoothie with oatmeal that promotes weight loss, we follow a number of rules:

Selection of oatmeal

Medium boiled oatmeal is usually added to smoothies - about 2 tablespoons of boiled oats per smoothie.

Instant oatmeal is also suitable, as long as it does not contain sugar.

Selection of smoothie additives

Equally important are the fillers with which you mix the oatmeal. To lose weight, it is better to choose fibrous fruits, nuts, and dairy products.

To sweeten an oatmeal smoothie, we use stevia, sweet berries and fruits, and honey.

How to cook properly

You can simply beat the cereal with milk or kefir. This cocktail will be good for digestion and filling, but you won’t get any pleasure from it. Therefore, it is best to combine oatmeal with fruits or berries. If you use sweet and sour in one cocktail, you get an interesting and unusual taste. Oatmeal neutralizes the acid and there is no need to add sugar.

To make a cool, refreshing cocktail, you can add a few ice cubes. But it is better to replace it with frozen berries. And if you freeze the banana a little before cooking, the smoothie will turn out thicker, similar to ice cream. You just need to take into account the features of the blender - not everyone is suitable for such solid ingredients.

Preparing a smoothie is easy, the whole process takes 5-10 minutes. Sometimes you need to soak oatmeal or dried fruits first. To prepare, you will need a blender, preferably with a large bowl; you can use an immersion blender.

Smoothie with mango and passion fruit

The cooking process depends on the recipe, but there are general principles.

  • Wash vegetables and fruits, peel and cut into pieces.
  • Prepare oatmeal: grind or steam.
  • Grind fruits or vegetables with liquid.
  • Add flakes, honey, seasonings and beat.
  • Pour into a glass, garnish with a sprig of mint, ground nuts, and cocoa.

It is best to drink this cocktail right away, it will be healthier. But sometimes it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the flakes swell well with liquid. You can also take the smoothie with you and eat it at work or prepare it for breakfast the night before. You just need to remember that a cold cocktail will be less digestible, so it will not be as satisfying.

How to drink a cocktail

A drink made with oatmeal turns out to be quite filling, so it is used as a breakfast substitute. Charges with energy for a long time and is easily absorbed by the body, saturating it with vitamins and minerals.

Oat cocktails are used both for weight loss and for medicinal purposes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Contraindications to an oat drink for weight loss may only relate to ingredients to which you may be allergic.


The best recipes

There are many recipes for smoothies with oatmeal. You can combine ingredients to create different dishes. Even the quantitative composition can be changed depending on the purposes of use and tastes.

There are many options for preparing such cocktails


The most common option is a banana-oat smoothie. Banana is included in many recipes as it adds thickness and sweetness to the smoothie. The dish turns out to be satisfying, gives vigor, and lifts your spirits. To make the smoothie sweet, you need to take overripe bananas, and add oranges or lemon juice for acidity. The simplest recipe contains only milk, oatmeal and banana. But this dish can be varied.

  • The berries will add a pleasant sourness and beautiful color to the cocktail. You need to take 100 g of one berry or a mixture: cranberries, currants, lingonberries, blueberries, cherries. They need to be chopped in a blender with half a banana. Add pre-prepared 3 tbsp. l. cereal, a glass of milk or kefir. Honey and vanillin to taste.
  • To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can make a smoothie with bran. Coarsely ground flakes are used. 2-3 tbsp. l. together with the bran, you need to soak it in 50 ml of kefir for an hour. After this, cut the peeled apple into pieces, add banana, 100 ml of kefir, and blend in a blender. When the mixture becomes pureed, add oatmeal, a spoonful of maple syrup or honey, and beat again.
  • Coconut smoothie has an unusual taste. It requires a banana, 2 tablespoons of instant cereal, a spoonful of coconut flakes, and a glass of yogurt. You can use coconut milk instead. Beat everything, add honey for sweetness.
  • Vitamin tropical cocktail is made with kiwi and freshly squeezed orange juice. This smoothie is quite high in calories, so you can make it with ice. For 1 banana you need 1-2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 3-4 kiwis, a glass of yogurt or kefir, juice from one orange, a spoonful of honey. Blend everything in a blender until smooth, add ice to glasses.

Smoothie with banana is the most delicious and thick


Anyone will like these smoothies; even children enjoy eating the hated oatmeal with berries. They turn out to be fortified, and you can cook them all year round.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. cereal a third glass of hot milk. When the mixture has cooled, blend in a blender, adding 100 ml of yogurt and 100 g of pitted cherries. For sweetness, add honey, serve sprinkled with cinnamon and garnish with cherries.
  • Blueberry smoothie is good for vision and supports the immune system. To prepare it, you need to soak half a glass of oatmeal in a glass of kefir overnight. In the morning, beat them with a glass of blueberries and a spoon of honey. If the cocktail turns out to be very thick, dilute with milk.
  • To improve intestinal function, you need to make a smoothie with plums and flax seeds. For 200 g of seedless berries you need half a glass of kefir or yogurt, 2 tbsp. l. cereal, 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds.

Smoothie for weight loss with oatmeal. Low Calorie Drink Recipes

Smoothies with oatmeal are in particular demand. They take a little more time than regular fruit and vegetable smoothies, but the results are worth it. It will take about 10 minutes to prepare the oatmeal itself, which must be poured with hot water or milk and left to swell. At this time, you should take care of other components - fruits and berries. You can use only one specific fruit or make a mix. Here everything will depend on your taste preferences.

While the oatmeal is infusing, the ingredients for the smoothie should be sorted out, rinsed and cleaned, if necessary. Next, all components are placed in the bowl of a food processor and ground to a homogeneous consistency.

Advice! The drink does not have to be homogeneous. If you or your loved ones prefer a coarse grind when there are pieces of fruit in the smoothie, then this is completely acceptable.

With banana

The most popular oatmeal smoothie contains banana. Prepare this drink for breakfast and be sure that it will only benefit your body.

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 50 g of boiling water.
    Advice! It is not necessary to use oatmeal flakes; you can use rice or buckwheat flakes. Choose according to your taste.
  2. Peel 2 sweet tangerines or 1 orange, remove the seeds, remove the white films from the fillets.
  3. Cut the banana into slices.
  4. Place fruit and infused cereal into a blender.
  5. Pour in 150 ml of natural yoghurt.
    Advice! Try to choose yogurt without any flavorings or additives. If you couldn’t find one, then it can be replaced with low-fat sour cream or kefir.
  6. Beat the contents of the food processor bowl to the desired consistency.

Pour the finished banana smoothie with oatmeal into small glasses and garnish with a mint leaf. If you like sweet drinks, then choose bananas that are slightly overripe and have small dark spots on the peel. For those who prefer to feel a slight sourness, it is recommended to add more citrus fruits.

With cranberries

Invites you to try a weight loss smoothie with oatmeal and cranberries, which has a rather interesting slightly tart flavor. You can use both fresh and frozen berries. In the latter case, you will receive a pleasant soft drink.

  1. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of flakes.
  2. Sort 100 g of cranberries, rinse and place in a blender.
  3. Add 140 ml of yoghurt and a couple of teaspoons of honey.
  4. Add oatmeal and beat everything until smooth.

With kiwi

When considering smoothie recipes with oatmeal, you should pay attention to a drink containing kiwi. This product effectively burns fat, making it ideal for weight loss

  1. Brew green tea.
  2. Steam oatmeal in boiling water.
  3. Peel 3 kiwis and cut into pieces.
    Advice! To remove a thin layer of skin from a kiwi, you need to cut it in half and scoop out the pulp with a tablespoon.
  4. Place the prepared fruits, oatmeal in a blender bowl and pour in 100 ml of tea.
  5. Whisk the ingredients.

With cherry

This smoothie will please even the youngest members of your family, who are so difficult to persuade to eat oatmeal.

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with a small amount of hot milk.
  2. Sort 100 g of cherries, rinse and remove seeds.
  3. Place berries and oatmeal in a food processor bowl, add a spoonful of honey, 100 ml of yogurt and beat.
  4. Garnish the finished cocktail with cinnamon and cherries.

With blueberries

Blueberry-oat smoothie perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. It takes pride of place in the diet of many healthy eating supporters.

  1. Pour half a glass of oatmeal with a glass of natural yogurt and leave overnight.
  2. The next morning, sort and rinse 200 g of blueberries.
  3. Place berries and oatmeal in a blender bowl.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a glass of milk.
  5. Whisk everything.

Advice! If you want to get a soft drink, you can prepare the berries in the evening and put them in the freezer, or use ice cubes instead of milk.

As easy as pie

This is the simplest version of a smoothie: oatmeal, banana, milk. In principle, nothing else is needed. For happiness, you can add a spoonful of honey - a little healthy sweetness never hurts. But don’t overdo it, because ripe bananas are already sweet on their own.

The ratio of ingredients is as follows:

  • one medium banana;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • a large spoon of oatmeal.

If you prefer pre-cooked whole oatmeal, use two tablespoons of oatmeal. The flakes should be poured into a plate and pour boiling water over them, leave for 5 minutes to infuse.

During this time, peel the banana, break it into pieces and put it in a blender bowl, pour milk into it (you can warm it up if you wish). Add oatmeal and honey. Whisk.

Breakfast is ready.

Pros and cons of smoothies

Benefits of oatmeal smoothies:

  • the versatility of the drink, which can be used as a cocktail and nutritious porridge with increasing concentration;
  • reducing the feeling of hunger due to the fibrous structure of foods;
  • weight loss is achieved without strict restrictive diets;
  • adaptation to a diet with lower calorie content and transition to a healthier type of diet after a dietary course;
  • many options for additives to the main composition (from sweet fruits to vegetables and herbs);
  • a healthy habit of including vegetables and fruits in the daily diet is developed;
  • When you lose weight, your body becomes healthier;
  • chopped fruits and vegetables in the cocktail allow you to take the required daily portion of vitamins and microelements;
  • the semi-liquid composition is easily and quickly absorbed by the body;
  • the product does not undergo heat treatment and retains useful ingredients, mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • natural sugars help increase the body’s energy;
  • Fruits retain fiber, which supports stable digestion;
  • Many smoothies contain a high concentration of antioxidants that rejuvenate and heal the skin, hair, and nails.

When planning your diet, it is important to consider the disadvantages of cocktails:

  • the composition has contraindications and health restrictions that must be observed;
  • the need to consult with nutritionists during a long-term diet;
  • You will need to prepare your own meals; it is not recommended to use semi-finished products or use catering services.

What are the benefits of a smoothie with oatmeal for your figure?

Why do nutritionists advise eating oatmeal to lose weight? Because it is very useful for the figure and the body as a whole. In addition to the content of vitamins and minerals, the benefits of oatmeal include the following:


Oatmeal contains pectins, which remove accumulated toxins and feces from the intestines, the volume of which sometimes reaches 5-7 kg!

Along with cleansing, metabolism accelerates and normalizes, water metabolism improves, and excess fluid is removed, leading to swelling.

Feeling full and getting enough protein

Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for the formation of muscle tissue, which in turn helps you burn fat during fitness.

At the same time, rolled oats satiate the stomach well, so after a smoothie with oatmeal you don’t feel like eating for a long time and the craving for sweets disappears.

Decreased appetite

The fibrous structure of fiber, once in the body, swells and gives a feeling of fullness, leading to a decrease in appetite. You no longer want to have several snacks a day, as before, and the body begins to process existing reserves.

To lose weight with an oat smoothie, we will learn how to prepare it correctly.

Smoothie with pear and oatmeal. Pear smoothie with milk and oatmeal

A very simple but incredibly delicious recipe for a pear smoothie made with milk and oatmeal! This is a fresh, tasty and nutritious start to the day with a very healthy breakfast. Step-by-step recipe with photos.

Drinks with pears have a sweet taste and fresh aroma. They are pleasant to drink by both children and adults. In addition, such cocktails are very useful, because... The fruit contains potassium, iron, antioxidants and more. Today we’ll prepare a pear smoothie with milk and oatmeal, the taste of which will win the heart of any gourmet. The drink has a delicate consistency, it is easy to drink, relieves hunger and quenches thirst. It has high nutritional and energy value. And if you want to lose weight, replace milk with pear or other juice. This smoothie is suitable as a snack or even a main meal. The process of preparing a pear smoothie with milk and oatmeal is not particularly difficult. In this case, you should take into account some important points that will allow you to get a good result.

  • Since pears are rich in antioxidants, it is advisable to consume the drink immediately after preparation, then it will bring maximum benefits. For the same reason, such a drink is not prepared for future use.
  • To ensure that one serving is enough to satisfy your hunger, drink it slowly with small spoons. If you drink a cocktail quickly, you won’t feel full.
  • If you want to thicken the cocktail, add a spoonful of cottage cheese; it has a thick consistency.
  • The smooth consistency of the drink will be obtained if the pear is peeled. However, it contains the most beneficial fiber. Therefore, choose between the benefits and the delicate consistency of the drink.

The benefits of smoothies with rolled oats

Oatmeal not only satisfies hunger well - it has a number of beneficial properties.

Cereals help you lose weight

They have a beneficial effect on intestinal function, clearing it of waste deposits and relieving constipation. Cereals improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Smoothies with oatmeal improve children's health

An oatmeal cocktail is especially useful for children: together with other ingredients, oatmeal strengthens children's immunity.

This is especially true for children attending kindergartens or schoolchildren during periods of frequent incidence of acute respiratory infections and flu.

Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various organs

Oatmeal is good to use for gastritis, problems with the thyroid gland, heart and vascular diseases.

Regular consumption of oat mixtures prevents early aging, strengthens the body's protective function, relieves the skin of pimples and other inflammations by cleansing the intestines, and energizes for several hours.

Cooking secrets

To make the smoothie as healthy as possible, always prepare it immediately before drinking, fortunately, it only takes a few minutes.

You will definitely need a blender with a large bowl. Choose ripe bananas, they contain a much higher concentration of nutrients.

Very often, oatmeal in various dietary recipes refers to cereal. Indeed, this is a very convenient product; you don’t even need to cook it, just pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes. But the problem is that rolled oats lack most of the nutrients found in unflattened grains. Therefore, we recommend not to be lazy!

In the end, laziness is completely inappropriate in the struggle for a beautiful figure. But we also understand that oatmeal takes a long time to cook, and there is practically no free time in the morning. Therefore, we recommend making porridge in advance - in the evening. Another option is a slow cooker. Just before going to bed, load it with oatmeal, add water and turn on the timer, and it will cook the porridge itself at the right time.

Now let's move on to the recipes.

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