Diet for the waist - an effective menu for losing belly fat

Products for losing belly fat – a list of the most useful ones

Some of the products are indispensable for women who strive to have a flat stomach, a wasp waist, and slender sides. How to achieve such a result with just proper, balanced nutrition?

In order for weight loss in the abdomen and sides to be successful, it is important to create a diet based on the right foods.

For active fat loss, include in your daily menu:

AlmondSuppresses the feeling of sudden hunger, fights obesity.
Beans, legumesRegulate digestion and help actively burn fat cells.
GreeneryNeutralizes free radicals in the body, fights fat deposits.
DairyThey start the process of losing weight, stabilize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen hair, bones, and nails.
EggsQuickly saturate the body with protein.
OatmealReduces cholesterol, fights obesity in the abdominal area, gives energy.
White meatHelps build muscles, break down fats, quickly saturate the body with proteins, and strengthens the immune system.
Olive oilHelps burn fat in the sides and abdomen.
Cereal porridgeThey break down fats and satiate you quickly and for a long time.
Milk serumStrengthens muscles, burns fat deposits.
Berries, fruitsThey allow you to lose weight quickly and deliciously.
FishA source of fatty acids that are important for skin and heart health when losing weight.
Fruit drinks, jellyThey saturate the body with vitamins and stabilize the intestinal microflora.
VegetablesA bright source of healthy fiber that improves digestion.

For active weight loss, it is important to base your diet on foods that not only fight obesity, but also strengthen and heal the body.


It is extremely important for successful weight loss in the abdominal area. She is irreplaceable:

  • for balanced functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • reducing cholesterol levels in the blood,
  • cleanses the body, removes toxins,
  • supports beneficial microflora in the intestines,
  • prevents the development of acute inflammatory processes.

Food rich in fiber prevents obesity due to the fact that it does not overload the body with excess calories and quickly fills you up.

What should you eat to get enough fiber? It is necessary to pay attention to vegetables, whole grain cereals, and fruits.


Protein-rich foods are essential for weight loss:

  • overcomes cravings for sweets;
  • quickly satisfy hunger and satiate for a long time.

Protein increases the body's energy reserves and physical endurance, which are important when playing sports.

And also they not only satiate, but also do not transform into fats, unlike fast carbohydrates.

How much protein do you need to quickly lose belly fat? It is important to adhere to the daily norm - at least 1 gram per kilogram of weight.

Protein sources:

  • seafood,
  • meat,
  • legumes,
  • dairy products,
  • fish.


Foods are not just something you can chew. In your diet, it is also important to pay attention to what you drink - drinks, since an everyday cup of latte can ruin any good diet.

If you want to burn belly fat quickly, you need to pay attention to these drinks:

  1. Green tea . Rich in catechins and antioxidants, which quickly accelerate metabolism and stabilize metabolism. Also, green tea prevents the body from storing fat reserves.
  2. Mate tea . Tones, activates metabolic processes, breaks down fats.
  3. Water . The most useful and valuable component for losing belly fat. Without clean water it is simply impossible, since it is the lack of fluid in the body that provokes up to 30% of sudden hunger and increased appetite. In addition, plain water removes decay products and toxins, which is extremely important in the fight against extra centimeters.
  4. Green coffee . It is famous for its high content of chlorogenic acid and caffeine, which block appetite, tone the body, and reduce appetite without harm to health.

Drinks for quick weight loss

It's so simple - you drink delicious drinks before meals to quickly lose weight, and the extra pounds...

Rules that help you lose weight in your belly and waist

Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that these areas are the most problematic for women. When you gain excess weight, it is on your stomach and waist that we see the first changes. And when losing weight, these problem areas are the last to go away. Very often, after pregnancy and childbirth, we can notice the beginning of a problem in these areas, so it is important not to miss the moment and start fighting it as early as possible.

An ideal waist is every girl's dream

Causes of extra centimeters

To achieve an optimal result, you first need to understand the reasons that led to an increase in the volume of the abdominal and waist areas. There may be several of them:

  • liver disease, hormone imbalance and other health problems. In this case, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor for a diagnosis. Only a specialist will give the correct recommendations regarding the treatment of the very cause of obesity and diet. You can harm the body on your own, so it’s better not to delay solving the problem;
  • It's no secret that drinking beer in excessive quantities can cause fat deposits in the abdominal area. And add to this all kinds of “goodies” for beer, which are extremely high in calories;
  • If the reason you have gained weight is a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle, you should start exercising. After all, no matter what diet you follow, sentiment will stubbornly return to you;
  • If you like to eat a lot and tasty, are used to fatty foods and cannot imagine your life without mayonnaise, it is unlikely that eating healthy foods on top of all this delicacy will help you. First of all, you need to learn to limit yourself in eating unhealthy foods and dishes.

After you thoroughly analyze the reason for the appearance of extra centimeters, you can safely begin to analyze what you should eat to reduce them.

Normalize your general regimen

Where should you start losing weight on your belly and waist?

First, let's look at the general rules that will help us get our body in good shape. The recommendations are as follows:

  • The first and most basic rule that should be followed not only during a diet, but throughout life is the drinking regime. Humans are 80% water, so it is very important to replenish our body's reserves to maintain good metabolism. A person should drink 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water per day. But don't forget that this is an average. Take your weight into account by multiplying 30 ml by 1 kg. You just can’t drink it in one gulp with a feeling of accomplishment. Water should be drunk in fractional parts. For example, one camp at a time. By the way, about the benefits of water, we suggest you read our article on the topic “Why and how much water should you drink?”;
  • Meals should be frequent and regular. You can’t eat your entire daily food intake in 1-2 meals because you don’t have enough time or for other reasons. There should be 5-6 meals per day. But the last one is at least 2 hours before the expected lights out;
  • You also need to monitor the amount of food you eat. The weight of one serving should not exceed 250 grams, so the body will easily digest lunch and will not store anything in reserve;
  • give up salt;
  • abstain from sugar;
  • exercise.
  • By adhering to these rules, you will be able to notice the first results in achieving your goals. And in order to say goodbye to subcutaneous fat forever, we recommend reading the article “Methods of combating subcutaneous fat at the waist.”

    Greens and vegetables always lead

    Low calorie foods

    There are quite a large number of them. But it is vegetables, herbs, and berries that take the leading positions in losing belly fat:

    • rich in antioxidants and fiber,
    • quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger,
    • cleanses the intestines of toxins, waste,
    • It is the fiber in vegetables and herbs that slows down the absorption of fast carbohydrates, which often turn into fat.

    It is advisable to consume fresh berries, vegetables, and herbs to preserve all the antioxidants and vitamins of each product.

    Foods that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

    Salad with avocado
    Is there a secret to prevent a sudden feeling of hunger or a frantic appetite from breaking in the first days of the diet? Thanks to many studies and statistics, the top 11 foods have been identified that satiate for a long time and help burn wrinkles on the stomach and sides:

    1. Red fish is rich in proteins and omega-3 acids. Meets the daily requirement of healthy fats.
    2. Avocado – Fatty acids allow you to break down carbohydrates. The oleic acid in the composition will prevent you from feeling a rumbling stomach if you suddenly forget to snack.
    3. Coffee - breaks down fat compounds, helps the body burn calories, and gives energy for the whole day.
    4. Chia seeds are especially good for breakfast. By swelling in the intestines, they block hunger receptors, you will feel full for a long time without extra calories.
    5. Eggs are an affordable source of protein that can help curb your appetite throughout the day.
    6. Red pepper – increasing body temperature dissolves fats. And the capsaicin component in the product actively breaks down lipids of all types.
    7. Natural yoghurts are rich in quickly digestible protein.
    8. Ginger is useful in weight loss due to the gingerol in its composition, which activates metabolism and stimulates gastrointestinal motility.
    9. Oatmeal contains fiber, which can reduce the caloric content of the daily diet by 30%.
    10. Lentils are rich in microelements, dietary fiber, low in calories and are available in every supermarket.
    11. Spinach is rich in leptin, which improves energy metabolism and reduces cravings for unhealthy, sweet foods.

    Proper nutrition: what kind of diet should you have to get rid of your belly and sides?

    Some people try to get their figure in order for the summer in order to look attractive on the beach, while others, on the contrary, while relaxing in the summer, indulge in excess and gain unnecessary pounds on vacation. But immediately upon returning from vacation, they begin to explore the Internet in search of quick diets and exercises for losing weight.

    Quite often, the fight against excess weight begins with the desire to reduce fat from the abdomen and sides. Of course, various physical exercises and breathing exercises will help you effectively fight excess weight. But in order for the fight against excess weight in the problem area to be successful, proper nutrition plays an important, and often fundamental, role.

    It is not advisable to immediately go on an express diet, because it is not safe, you will subject your body to stress and will most likely get the opposite result. In effectively combating belly and flank fat, a balanced and healthy diet plays a paramount role. What should you eat to lose excess weight on its own? The following discusses the main principles of proper nutrition.

    The main reasons for the appearance of fat on the stomach and sides

    In the beginning, it would be wise to understand where and why excess fat appears on the stomach and sides, the main reasons for its formation are the following:

    - A sedentary lifestyle, if you do not lead an active lifestyle, your muscles atrophy, and the body simply does not have time to use up what it eats per day and, as a result, the excess energy received from food is stored as a reserve;

    - Incorrect and unbalanced nutrition, this may be due to an incorrect nutritional culture, lack of a routine, due to which a person can skip breakfast, have a large lunch and overeat in the evening and, as a result, get a disruption in the functioning of metabolic processes. Snacks that come to hand, often simple carbohydrates, fats, and so on, also cause great harm;

    - Lack of sleep;

    - Stress;

    Any of the above reasons can lead to a malfunction in the normal functioning of the body and, as a result, to excess weight and serious health problems.

    Common truths of proper nutrition to combat belly and flank fat

    Many people simply do not know how to eat properly when losing weight and make amateurish mistakes. The main mistake is starvation, mono diets, after which a person begins to eat twice as much and the lost kilograms come back again. Frequent use of mono and express diets can cause serious harm to health. For effective and safe weight loss, you need to eat in reasonable portions and at least five times a day.

    In order for your stomach to become flat and your waist narrow, your diet should look like this:

    — Proteins should make up half of the daily diet, that is, 50%. Protein-rich foods are ideal for removing fat from the belly and sides, but not all proteins are created equal, some contain large amounts of fat, the most beneficial would be egg whites, poultry fillets, lean beef and veal, fish and various seafood;

    — Fats about 20 – 30%. Fats should be present in the diet of a person who is properly losing weight, as they contribute to the production of hormones in the body. The most useful are vegetable fats, various oils (olive, flaxseed, etc.), avocado and nuts;

    — Carbohydrates 25 – 30%. Carbohydrates are conventionally divided into simple and complex; simple ones include sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks, and so on - these carbohydrates are the number one enemy for a flat stomach and sides. But complex carbohydrates are able to saturate the body with the necessary energy, giving a feeling of fullness, these include: various cereals, flour products from durum wheat;

    Don’t forget about fiber, although it is not absorbed by the body, it is a source of vitamins, minerals and promotes natural cleansing of the intestines. Main sources of fiber: all fresh fruits and vegetables, greens. Despite the fact that fiber is low-calorie, it gives a person a feeling of fullness and prevents overeating. To effectively combat belly fat, nutritionists recommend including fiber in every meal.

    Fat burning products

    Fruit and berry mix
    Such products are indispensable in the diet of those who want to get rid of extra centimeters in the abdominal area. It is important to include them in the menu for faster and more effective weight loss and fat burning.

    • cabbage – has a negative calorie content;
    • pineapple – contains bromelain, which breaks down fatty compounds;
    • grapefruit - not only burns fat, but also reduces cravings for sweets and fatty foods, and is an excellent tonic;
    • ginger – strengthens the immune system;
    • cinnamon – activates metabolism, reduces cravings for sweets;
    • celery - allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of extra centimeters at the waist;
    • berries - rich in enzymes that fight subcutaneous fatty tissue and block the conversion of carbohydrates into fat;
    • mustard – stimulates metabolism, improves gastrointestinal function;
    • horseradish – burns lipids, actively promotes weight loss;
    • goji – melts fat, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body;
    • Garcinia Cambogia – normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes active weight loss;
    • spirulina – stabilizes digestive processes, removes toxins.

    Such products in the diet will provide a quick effect for a flat tummy, improve the health of the body and normalize digestion.

    What products to exclude

    To quickly lose weight in the stomach and get rid of fat deposits on the hips and sides, you need to give up sugar, flour and fats, if there are a lot of them in your menu.

    • First of all, give up sugar, and at the same time eliminate packaged juices from your diet, since they also contain a lot of this component.
    • Next in line are potatoes. It is recommended to consume it only if it is boiled or if it is from a very recently harvested crop. Fried potatoes are out of the question - they are harmful to your figure.
    • No less harmful to the stomach and figure in general are foods that contain a lot of flour. Any buns, buns, white bread, pies, cakes, etc. It is highly recommended to exclude it from the menu.
    • White polished rice contains starch, and it has an equally bad effect on slimness. However, you shouldn’t completely give up rice either - it’s better to just eat it a couple of times a week and in small quantities.
    • And since muesli and instant cereals are generously loaded with carbohydrates, you need to stop buying them too.
    • Meat broths will not help your figure either, because they contain too much cholesterol. Eliminate meat that contains fat from your menu.
    • This list also includes smoked fish, mayonnaise and canned food.

    Author of the article: Kartash Christina

    Have you already started losing weight for summer?

    Examples of dietary nutrition for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for women

    Before you start following a diet, it is important to remember the rule, namely: eat in small portions, up to 200 grams. Small meals allow food to be digested quickly and not overload the stomach.

    Menu for the week

    To achieve the effect of losing weight in the abdominal area, you need to reduce the calorie content of the menu by 300 calories. The following diet, composed of healthy foods and aimed at burning fat, will help with this.

    MONDAYBreakfast: oatmeal, banana; Snack: carrot salad: 0.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. vegetable oil; Lunch: porridge from buckwheat or basmati rice, steamed meat cutlet, tomato; Snack: berries; Dinner - chicken breast, vegetable salad without dressing.
    TUESDAYBreakfast: banana, cottage cheese; Snack: yogurt, grapefruit; Lunch: pureed vegetable soup, steamed fish; Snack: a piece of whole grain bread with low-fat cheese; Dinner: baked omelette with vegetables.
    WEDNESDAYBreakfast: whole oat porridge with cinnamon and apples; Snack: boiled asparagus; Lunch: vegetable soup with green peas; Snack - milk and berry smoothie; Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits.
    THURSDAYBreakfast: oatmeal, apple; Snack: bread, egg; Lunch: puree soup, any vegetables; Snack: whole grain toast, a piece of low-fat cheese, 1 tomato; Dinner: stewed chicken with vegetables.
    FRIDAYBreakfast: toast with boiled egg, salad; Snack: carrot and apple salad; Lunch: soup with buckwheat and chicken meatballs; Snack: orange juice, 2 chocolate cubes; Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets with vegetables.
    SATURDAYBreakfast: rice porridge with apple; Snack: low-fat yogurt, bread; Lunch: buckwheat with boiled beef, vegetable salad; Snack: cottage cheese smoothie; Dinner: steamed fish with asparagus.
    SUNDAYBreakfast: grapefruit, oatmeal; Snack: a handful of nuts, an apple; Lunch: baked fish steak, wild rice; Snack: berries with cottage cheese; Dinner: baked omelette with vegetables, 1 glass of tomato juice.

    If you can’t last all 7 days, then choose three days - any combination from the weekly diet.

    What foods should you not eat when losing belly fat?

    Even the most fashionable diet will not help if harmful foods sneak into your diet. What should you give up first in favor of a flat tummy?

    Need to exclude:

    • fast food;
    • candies, chocolate;
    • ice cream;
    • breakfast cereals;
    • roast;
    • sugar;
    • smoked meats;
    • sweet and carbonated drinks;
    • salo;
    • bakery;
    • mayonnaise;
    • fatty cheeses;
    • margarine, butter;
    • chips.

    Drinks for quick weight loss

    It's so simple - you drink delicious drinks before meals to quickly lose weight, and the extra pounds...

    Diets for weight loss

    Do you want to get rid of a big belly, make your waist thin and beautiful? Then read this article. It describes in detail a super diet for a flat stomach and thin waist, which radically changes your figure and lifestyle!


    Basic Rules

    In general, the waist and stomach are the most problematic areas for women. To make them perfect, diet alone is not enough. It is very important to exercise several times a week (about every other day). You can do exercises at home, you can sign up for a swimming pool, you can run regularly, sign up for a fitness class, and so on. The main thing is regular physical activity, then the result will come much faster.

    Another important rule is to speed up your metabolism. To do this, you need to eat often in small portions (that is, every 2-3 hours, 200 grams of food). Such small volumes are digested very quickly, and the body will not be able to take anything for reserve - for fat deposits. The same principle applies to the diet of one plate into 4 parts, the hypocholesterolemic diet and the Pelageya buckwheat diet.

    Be sure to drink plenty of water. It also serves as a stimulant for rapid metabolism. 1.5 water per day should go into the lungs, preferably even 2 liters. Try to drink this amount evenly: not one liter in two approaches, but several sips of water every 15-20 minutes.

    Just don't skip meals. If you skip at least one meal, the body will perceive this as hunger and will begin to store the next meal received as fat. It is especially important not to skip the very first meal and the last - breakfast and dinner.

    It is important to prepare healthy food. To do this, you should only stew, bake, boil and steam foods. Under no circumstances should you fry!

    The correct diet for a flat stomach in a week involves dinner 3 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at midnight, eat at 21:00, but food at this time (as well as at 19:00) should be light.

    Permitted and prohibited products

    The following two lists are very important to remember on this diet.

    Avoid the following foods for the entire week:

    1. Any nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, etc.)
    2. Products containing a large amount of fat (margarine, butter, any sauces, that is, mayonnaise, ketchup and others)
    3. Chocolate and other sweets (although there is a special chocolate diet for weight loss for 7 days)
    4. All flour products (bread, crispbread, homemade pies, pancakes, pancakes, etc.)
    5. Products with a high sugar content (honey, jam, sugar itself, vanillin, etc.)
    6. Fast food (all food from McDonald's: hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, etc.)
    7. Semi-finished products (foods that only need to be heated (store-bought pizza, etc.)
    8. Products that are prepared in a non-dietary way (frying, smoking, pickling)
    9. Drinks that contain sugar, preservatives (alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, low-quality store-bought juices, etc.)
    10. Dairy products that have a high fat content (say, any product that contains more than 5% fat)

    It’s not so difficult to forget about such products for a week, because there are many permitted products that are much tastier and healthier for the body.

    So, you can eat:

    1. Legumes in any form, but in small quantities
    2. Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey)
    3. Lean fish
    4. Low fat dairy products (up to 5%)
    5. Any cereals except semolina
    6. Berries (preferably fresh)
    7. Fruits (as much as possible)
    8. Vegetables (required every day)
    9. Greens (preferably fresh)
    10. Fat (you can only use vegetable oil, no more than 1 tablespoon per day)
    11. Drinks (freshly squeezed juices are most preferable, but if you cannot make them at home, buy natural, expensive juices that do not contain sugar, salt or preservatives)

    Above is a list of permitted products. As you can see, there is only healthy and wholesome food here, which any healthy person should eat every day, and not just on a diet.

    As for the diet, you must compose it yourself, based on the correct combination of permitted foods. Below we present a menu for 6 days, based on which you can create your own, changing something and adding something.

    Detailed diet

    The first day

    • Breakfast: oatmeal in water with chopped banana and added to the dish
    • Second breakfast: a glass of freshly prepared jelly (we make it ourselves)
    • Lunch: vegetable soup
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese
    • Dinner: steamed fish + some buckwheat

    Second day

    • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk and no sugar
    • Second breakfast: tea and one apple
    • Lunch: baked meat
    • Afternoon snack: glass of milk
    • Dinner: vegetable puree soup

    Day three

    • Breakfast: steam omelette, a few vegetables and a glass of juice
    • Second breakfast: fruit salad
    • Lunch: boiled fish
    • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese
    • Dinner: meat and pearl barley

    Day four

    • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk
    • Second breakfast: cottage cheese
    • Lunch: vegetable salad
    • Afternoon snack: two kiwis and 2 apples
    • Dinner: fruit salad

    Day five

    • Breakfast: cottage cheese
    • Second breakfast: fruit salad
    • Lunch: vegetable puree soup
    • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir and a few berries
    • Dinner: steamed fish and buckwheat

    Day six

    • Breakfast: steam omelette and a few vegetables
    • Second breakfast: vegetable salad
    • Lunch: stew
    • Afternoon snack: tea and pear, apple
    • Dinner: cottage cheese

    An excellent diet for a flat stomach and sides at home will help you quickly change your figure!

    And the last, seventh day of the diet can be made a fasting day.

    For example, do a fasting day on kefir. To do this, during the day you can eat only low-fat kefir (also green tea and water in unlimited quantities). We recommend distributing 1.5 liters of kefir throughout the day. Also, do not forget that there is also a kefir diet for weight loss for 7 days.

    You can do an apple fasting day: divide 1 kg of apples into 3-4 meals. You can drink water and tea without sugar in unlimited quantities.


    Change yourself for the better with this diet!

    Myths and reality: answers to questions

    What myths are hidden behind low-calorie and healthy foods? As a rule, these are generally accepted statements.

    Complexity of nutrition - the statement that preparing healthy meals is difficultThis is a myth, because you don’t need to be a chef to cook such food; all healthy products are simple and familiar to everyone.
    High priceThe price seems paltry when you consider how much is spent on medications and treatment of the consequences of unhealthy eating.
    It's not tastyThe most common myth. How can chicken breast or fresh fruit taste bad?

    Nutritionist advice

    Before going on a diet or starting to eat healthy, it is important to consult a nutritionist and take into account all existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other organs. A good nutritionist will definitely familiarize the patient with the following nuances in losing weight:

    1. Avoid relying on diet foods such as unsweetened cola or diabetic supplements. They will not saturate the body and can slow down the metabolism.
    2. Insomnia has a detrimental effect on the body, makes it difficult to lose weight, and the consequences of the syndrome necessarily affect fat sides and a large belly.
    3. You should not overuse salt, which retains fluid in the body and causes edema.
    4. It is important to know when to stop – even with healthy foods.

    Considering these recommendations, you can quickly and efficiently lose weight using simple, affordable ingredients.

    Principles of working on yourself

    The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are the laziest muscles in the body. Everyday activity has virtually no effect on their tone, and a sedentary lifestyle contributes to sagging and accumulation of fat. Excess accumulations occur not only in the subcutaneous tissue, but also around the liver and intestines. The so-called visceral fat is difficult to respond to diets and requires a long-term comprehensive approach. A combination of proper nutrition with cardio exercises helps: running, sports and Nordic walking, breathing exercises. Pilates, dancing, and swimming are also effective.

    The diet to return to a slim waist should speed up your metabolism. The menu must include foods rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, complex carbohydrates, Omega-3 and Omega-6 complexes. Sugar, starch, animal fats, processed red meat and salt should be severely limited or eliminated over the long term.

    You need to eat a balanced diet, avoiding severe attacks of hunger. Porridge, fruits and other carbohydrate foods should be consumed in the first half of the day. Dinner - consist of dietary animal products: fish, cottage cheese, poultry, supplemented with vegetable side dishes and herbs. Evening meals - 3 hours before bedtime.

    Fried foods are the enemy of a thin waist. Fat that oxidizes at high temperatures is poorly broken down, and the calorie content of such products is an order of magnitude higher than baked, stewed or boiled ones. The total daily energy value of meals should not exceed 1600 kcal. This is enough to maintain body functions without slowing down metabolism.

    Fasting days help stimulate the consumption of adipose tissue. For steady weight loss, it is recommended to follow them 2-3 times a week. Kefir, vegetable, and buckwheat are effective. Read more about the rules for fasting days in this article.

    The drinking regime when losing weight in the waist cannot be limited. The optimal volume of liquid is about 2 liters per day, in hot weather - 2.5–3 liters. In the morning and at lunchtime you should drink up to ¾ of this amount.

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