Slimming capsules Neo Slim AKG - reviews

Neo Slim Burn and other products from this line will change eating behavior and normalize weight in one course of therapy. Weight loss using this product is based on cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism. The manufacturer guarantees that after a course of using the drug, excess weight will not return.

Buyers are actively arguing about the effectiveness of Neo-Slim-Bern. Most people write rave reviews about the weight loss medicine. But some buyers were unable to get rid of extra pounds.

Let's figure out how Neo Slim Burn works and how effective the medication is. Let's study the characteristics of the product and the principle of its effect on the body, and turn to the reviews of nutritionists.

What is NeoSlim

Nutritionists have found the main reason for gaining extra pounds. This is a failure of the metabolic process. If metabolism slows down, then active accumulation of adipose tissue begins, and eating behavior changes.

To combat extra pounds, scientists have developed a unique Neo-Slim complex. The weight loss program includes 3 products:

  • Neo-Slim Detox;
  • Neo Slim Burn;
  • Neo-Slim AKG.

A course of therapy with these drugs will provide rapid comprehensive weight loss without side effects on health. During therapy, fats will be converted into energy, and your weight will remain optimal for years.

The product is marketed in capsule form.

Weight loss with Neo-Slim takes place in several stages.

At the first stage, Neo-Slim-Detox is used. Within one week, the body prepares for weight loss, toxins are actively removed:

  • the process of losing weight begins with a gentle cleansing of the intestines;
  • the constant feeling of hunger goes away;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • the body is freed from excess fluid.

At the second stage of optimizing body weight, you need to drink Neo AKG capsules. The drug is used for three weeks and provides the following results:

  • correct eating behavior is developed;
  • acquiring a normal appetite, a person eats less, refuses sweets and snacks;
  • the speed of metabolic processes increases;
  • fat accumulation stops.

Neo Slim Burn is taken at the final stage of therapy. To lose weight, you need to take Bern capsules for 3 weeks. In some cases, therapy at the last stage takes longer - up to 10 weeks. The body reacts as follows:

  • metabolic processes accelerate, and the amount of fat deposits begins to decrease;
  • the skin is smoothed;
  • fat accumulations are converted into energy;
  • eating behavior is normalized;
  • the nervous system is in a stable state.

The three products of the complex work in the following direction:

  • Complete cleansing of the body from toxins promotes natural weight loss;
  • aggressive eating behavior, in which you constantly want to eat, is blocked;
  • active burning of white fat and converting it into energy.

Neo Slim for weight loss is used without additional measures or taking other medications. In 4 months a person can lose 20 kilograms.

Neo Slim Burn will help anyone achieve optimal weight.

How much does Neo slim cost?

If you want to purchase real Neo Slim for weight loss, do not save money and buy the product from unknown suppliers - order the drug from the official online store. The cost of one jar of dietary supplement for 60 capsules is 1390 rubles. The stated volume is only enough for 10 days of use, so to complete a full course of weight loss with Neo Slim you need to purchase 3 packages, the total cost of which will be 4170 rubles.

There are promotions on the site, according to which when you buy two bottles, you get the third for just one ruble. This helps you save money and purchase a complete set of supplements for only 2,781 rubles. After placing your order, a consultant will contact you with whom you can discuss all your questions. Delivery of the parcel is no more than 5 working days from the date of sending to any region of Russia.

Composition of the complex

Neo-Slim-Burn and the other two products in the line contain no artificial substances or ingredients of animal origin. Even the capsule shell is made of plant microcellulose. The capsules dissolve very well and are completely bioavailable.

Each of the three products has its own composition.

The body prepares for weight loss with Neo-Slim Detox using the following active substances:

  • cascara sagrada is a set of herbal extracts with a mild laxative effect;
  • senna concentrate - increases metabolic rate, breaks down white fat;
  • ginger root powder - eliminates excess fluid, normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • extract from rhubarb roots - stabilizes the condition of the liver and digestive system;
  • fennel concentrate - removes toxins, normalizes digestion.

Neo-Slim AKG contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the coordinated functioning of body systems:

  • chromium - regulates appetite;
  • iron - accelerates metabolic processes, supports immunity and the functionality of the endocrine glands;
  • copper - normalizes the condition of the skin and hair;
  • manganese - controls glucose levels;
  • zinc - controls protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the synthesis of insulin and other important hormones;
  • selenium - prevents premature wear and tear of tissues;
  • vitamin A - controls protein synthesis, regulates oxidative and reduction processes;
  • vitamin E - keeps blood vessels toned, has a positive effect on the skin;
  • folic acid - participates in regeneration processes and protein synthesis;
  • water-soluble vitamin B - participates in the synthesis of amino acids, fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • polysaccharides of natural origin - control the functions of the liver, kidneys, and stomach.

Neo-Slim Burn contains the following active ingredients:

  • Rhubarb root concentrate is the most powerful active ingredient for weight loss, accelerates metabolic processes, actively breaks down fats, and controls blood sugar levels;
  • Cissus quadrangularis - regulates appetite, activates the process of burning fats and converting lipids into energy;
  • African mango concentrate - is involved in suppressing appetite and in the breakdown of visceral fat that accumulates in the internal organs and interferes with their normal functionality;
  • caffeine - stabilizes intestinal function, speeds up metabolism, improves overall well-being during the course;
  • Capsicum concentrate - breaks down fats in problem areas, prevents uncontrolled overeating;
  • guarana fruits - controls cholesterol levels, removes toxins, relieves fatigue;
  • black pepper concentrate - normalizes blood circulation, ensuring the transport of nutrients to vital organs, and participates in the breakdown of visceral white fat.

With the active composition of the product, a person not only loses weight, but also rejuvenates the body and restores the functionality of internal organs.

When losing weight with Neo-Slim, a lot of calories are spent, significantly more than a person consumes normally. Therefore, you can lose weight quite quickly.

Why do many people think that Neo-Slim is a scam?

In some negative real reviews about Neo-Slim, people write that they were unable to lose weight. Independent experts from the manufacturing company analyzed the situation with real negative customer reviews and named the main reasons for their appearance:

  • buying a fake weight loss product. On the Internet you can come across scammers selling counterfeit goods under the guise of original ones. Buy the original Neo Slim in Moscow and other Russian cities only through the official website;
  • ignoring instructions for use. You cannot use the Slim complex according to your own scheme. It is worth taking the product for as long as possible and in such dosages as indicated in the description;
  • Some of the negative reviews are custom-made and written for competing manufacturers.

Weight loss with Neo-Slim is a patented product. The product has official certificates of conformity allowing its sale in Russia.

Neo-slim: scam or truth?

Due to its natural composition, the weight loss drug came under a storm of criticism from users of various social networks and forums. People do not believe that a herbal preparation is capable of burning tens of kilograms without the help of synthetic drugs. This is how negative reviews about Neo-slim appeared online. Some of these negative comments are guesses and assumptions from skeptics. There are also reviews from supposedly real people who drank Neo-Slim and were dissatisfied with the results of its action. Can you trust the product? Why do negative reviews about the natural and harmless drug Neo-slim for comprehensive weight loss continue to appear?

A representative of the product manufacturer believes that negative customer reviews appear for the following reasons:

  1. Completing an incomplete course of therapy.
  2. Failure to follow manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Intolerance to individual components of the capsules (rare).

Also, the NeoSlim advertiser suspects that some customer reviews may be falsified. In the domestic drug market, such cases have a high frequency. Small and large pharmaceutical companies discredit competitors' products on the Internet and thereby increase demand for their products. To read real reviews about Neo-Slim akg to combat extra pounds, use only trusted sites and forums. It is important that the resource with the response is not a “fly-by-night” product, and that the users are hired copywriters.

The manufacturer of Neo-slim admits that its weight loss capsules receive negative reviews from real people. Such cases are possible if you buy a fake. A huge amount of counterfeit products are sold on the Internet, which are presented as 100% original Neo-Slim. To avoid falling into the hands of scammers, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Do not buy capsules on fly-by-night websites.
  2. Before ordering the product, read reviews about the seller.
  3. Do not make an advance payment for your order; pay for your purchase only after a personal inspection.

The most important rule when buying Neo-Slim is to not be fooled by too low prices. A good drug will never cost a penny. This is only possible if there is a promotion. Therefore, if you find a resource where capsules are much cheaper, think twice before placing an order.

Expert opinion: clinical trials of drugs

The manufacturer of Neo Slim provides a package of documents confirming the benefits and safety of capsules for humans. According to quality certificates, almost anyone can take Neo-Slim. The versatility of use is due to the natural composition of the tablets. Extra pounds are burned using natural ingredients.

The manufacturer is ready to provide papers with the results of clinical testing of the product for consideration by those interested. The product was tested on real people with varying degrees of obesity. In all cases, the effectiveness of the capsules was confirmed. And only 20% of the subjects needed a second course of therapy. These people had third degree obesity, so they needed a complex and longer course of treatment. Read more information about the drug’s quality certificates on its official website.

Advantages of the drug

The main feature of Neo slim akg is its natural composition. This determines the following advantages of the drug over its synthetic analogues:

  1. Ease of use - it is not necessary to consult a doctor before starting the course.
  2. Safety of use - the risk of allergies or other side effects from taking capsules is minimized.
  3. Affordability - the price of capsules is at a level affordable to average citizens with a small income.

The advantages of Neo-Slim burn capsules include their versatility. The weight loss product can be taken not only if you have confirmed obesity. They are optimal for maintaining a normal weight during difficult periods of life, when it is difficult for you to find time for sports or going to a nutritionist. With natural fat burners, you don’t have to limit yourself to food or run several kilometers every morning. Just lead a normal lifestyle and drink Neo-Slim burn plant-based capsules - the extra pounds will be burned off on their own. In the first week of passive therapy you can lose up to 5 kilograms! Fat deposits will dissolve under the influence of the active components of Neo-Slim.


Having familiarized yourself with the market of synthetic and natural drugs for weight loss, you will notice that Neo slim Burn has many analogues. However, this impression will be deceiving. Most medications and dietary supplements for weight loss have the following disadvantages: high price, hazardous composition, and the presence of a large number of contraindications for use.

Let's consider the disadvantages of several acceptable analogs of Neoslim:

  • Glucophage is a synthetic medicine that should only be used under the guidance of a doctor. It is also not possible to buy these tablets without a prescription;
  • Xenical is an effective medicine with a high cost. The unaffordable price of the product is due to its origin - it is manufactured in Switzerland;
  • LiDa is a dietary supplement with a safe composition. The disadvantage of the product is the lack of clinically proven fat burning properties.

Trust only proven products - then the extra pounds will be burned quickly and without negative consequences for your health! If you are not sure how to start the fight against weight, be sure to consult your doctor about this issue. Do not start taking synthetic medications without authorization. Only natural tablets can be taken without consulting a doctor.

What clinical experiments showed

The effectiveness of the Slim complex has been proven by clinical experiments. The product was tested in the USA, Russia, and France. Let's consider the results of clinical tests using the example of an experiment conducted in the Russian Federation and which brought together 1,100 volunteers who wanted to lose weight.

The volunteers were explained how to take the Slim complex in a course. The test participants took photos before the start of the experiment and after it ended.

Clinical test results:

  • 84% of volunteers had a decrease in the amount of white visceral fat;
  • 94% reported overall good health. People became cheerful, they were no longer bothered by mood swings;
  • 89% noted a decrease in appetite and the absence of uncontrollable hunger attacks;
  • 100% of the subjects noted that losing weight was simple and accessible, without stress and deterioration in health.

During the experiment, indicators for weight loss and waist size reduction were recorded.

All participants in the clinical experiment were able to lose weight. Some lost 5 kilograms, while others managed to get rid of 15 kilograms of excess weight.

Slimming capsules Neo Slim AKG - reviews


The drug is really effective! In a month I was able to lose 10 kg of excess weight. And, by the way, I noticed that my constipation went away, and in general I began to feel better. I recommend.


Convenient, effective, no side effects

Did not find

Excess weight has always been a problem for me. I often had to go on strict diets and go to the gym to maintain my figure in normal shape. Sometimes there was a desire to purchase strong weight loss drugs that would help get rid of extra pounds without much effort. But I was somehow afraid to take such drugs without a doctor’s prescription. For this reason, I turned to a nutritionist, who advised me to take a weight loss course with Neo Slim AKG.

Advantages of Neo Slim AKG over analogues:

The drug allows you not only to lose weight, but also carefully takes care of the condition of your body.

Since the composition of the drug is organic, it has no contraindications or side effects.

The effectiveness of Neo Slim AKG has been confirmed by clinical trials.

This method of losing weight is primarily easy and painless, so you will no longer have to go on strict diets or do difficult exercises.

Taking the drug

Taking the drug is very convenient, since this weight loss product is taken once a day. In each specific case, the treatment course is individual. I took the drug for two weeks and managed to lose five kilograms of excess weight. I did not observe any side effects from using the drug.

Purchasing the drug

You can purchase the drug online on the official website. The Neo Slim AKG was delivered to me in two days. I paid directly when the goods arrived at the post office.

Be healthy and beautiful!


I believe that you should only take any chemicals into yourself as a last resort. Otherwise, I try to use natural remedies whenever possible. And so it happened that when I was looking for a product for losing weight, because I was already tired of my folds on my stomach, I came across Neo Slim. The natural composition immediately captivated me, so I decided to order it. As a result, I now know for sure that losing weight without any synthetics is still possible. I took just one course and my wrinkles disappeared.

What experts say

The Neo-Slim triple complex is recommended by leading nutritionists of the Russian Federation.

Excerpts from expert reviews:

  • Galina Reutova, nutritionist, 21 years of experience:

“I recommend and tell clients where to buy Neo Slim. This is an ideal complex for losing weight at home and without doctor supervision. The product is effective and safe, and this is clinically proven. The product is suitable for overweight men and women. Lose weight without harm to your health";

  • Irina Gromova, nutritionist, 18 years of experience:

“Optimal weight and a beautiful body are not just beautiful. This indicates normal health and the harmonious functioning of all body systems. If you decide to normalize your weight, then I advise you to buy Neo Slim and take the course. The weight loss complex will remove toxins and excess moisture, speed up metabolism, break down fats and convert them into energy. There are no side effects during the course. With the Slim complex, losing weight is easy and comfortable.”

Experts warn: in order to achieve the desired weight, you need to study the instructions for use and follow these recommendations.

What is Neo slim

According to the manufacturers, Neo Slim is not a medicine, but is a dietary supplement (biologically active food additives) with a natural composition. A synergistic mixture of active substances helps satisfy the feeling of increasing hunger, normalizes metabolism, nourishes the cells and tissues of the body with useful substances and vitamins. In addition, the weight loss product helps normalize stools and get rid of constipation, but does not have a strong laxative effect.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, you need to take Neo Slim in stages.

Scheme for using capsules:

  • Drink Slim Detox for 7 days to cleanse the body of toxins;
  • Take Slim AKG for 3 weeks to acquire healthy habits and normalize your appetite;
  • 3 or 10 weeks, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose, you need to take Slim Burn.

It is recommended to drink capsules during the day to start the process of active weight loss.

Each type of Slim capsule works independently and complements the properties of others, enhancing the overall effect on the body.

Advantages over analogues

Various means of weight loss are sold through pharmacy chains. These are tablets, drops and powders that promote active weight loss.

Compared to various tablets and powders that can be bought at the pharmacy, Neo-Slim-Burn and the other two varieties of the line have a number of advantages:

  1. They act comprehensively and step by step: they prepare the body for weight loss by cleansing it of toxins, control appetite, break down lipids and convert them into energy.
  2. Safely. They have no side effects and normalize the functions of internal organs.
  3. Normalizes the condition of the skin and muscle mass.
  4. Increases performance.
  5. Stabilizes the state of the nervous system.

An important advantage of Slim is its affordable price.

Where to buy profitable

You can purchase Neo-Slim profitably through the official website. Advantages of ordering from an official seller:

  • guarantee of quality and safety;
  • You can order Neo Slim on any day: weekdays, holidays, weekends;
  • delivery to any address in the Russian Federation without advance payment;
  • payment in cash or card upon receipt at the post office;
  • free consultations by phone.

How to make a purchase:

  • fill out an application on the official website. Indicate your name and phone number;
  • wait for the application to be processed and the manager to call. Receive a free specialist consultation and order confirmation.

Lose weight correctly and comfortably.
Order Neo-Slim today at a competitive price. Buy on the official website with a discount

Where can I buy

Many different sites are full of offers to buy diet pills, so cases of drug substitution have become more frequent. To protect consumers from consuming low-quality counterfeits, the manufacturer does not supply products to stores, pharmacies, and does not sell the supplement through third-party resources on the Internet. You can buy Neo Slim for weight loss only when placing an order through the catalog on the manufacturer’s official website. There you can read reviews, look at certificates and get full advice on the correct use of weight loss products.

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