Dukan Diet calculator: calculate weight

Calculate your weight according to the Dukan Diet using a free calculator on the official website of the women's magazine devoe. The Dukan diet and our calculator will help you calculate your weight and lose extra pounds!

Many diets are designed to help people lose weight effectively. The problem of obesity in the 21st century is becoming alarming. And it is not heredity (except in rare cases) that becomes the cause of excess weight. Laziness and an unhealthy lifestyle, an irrational view of nutrition, gluttony, passive pastime - all this in most cases leads to the problem of gaining extra pounds, which are much more difficult to get rid of than to get them. In this article we will look at one of the popular and effective diets, which, with the right approach, will change your life.

About 20 years ago, a French nutritionist developed a unique method, which since then has remained in the top of the most effective and health-friendly diets. We are talking about the popular Dukan diet, the results of which will amaze you. And most importantly, the author gives clear recommendations on how to preserve them for life.

Description of the Dukan Diet

The technique is based on the principle of the body switching to protein foods.
And, unlike other food systems, the number of such products is practically unlimited. This is one of the factors that attracts those who are losing weight, who are horrified by the thought that they will need to eat catastrophically little. The secret of wonderful results is simple: to digest protein foods, the body needs more energy than everything else. It begins to draw this energy from fat deposits. After this, vegetables are introduced into the diet - a source of fiber and vitamins. As a result, the body, without experiencing stress and shock, loses extra pounds. You won’t be able to lose 20 kg in a week, but systematic weight loss is what Dr. Dukan ordered.

The benefits of the Dukan diet include the following:

  • At the first stage, active fat burning occurs. You will see the results quite quickly, and this will motivate and give you strength for further achievements.
  • The diet offers food that is safe for the body, tasty and healthy.
  • This technique is suitable for everyone: both those who lead an active lifestyle, constantly traveling or at work, and those who spend more time at home.
  • This diet excludes everything that usually frightens those losing weight and makes them put off losing weight: counting calories, strictly keeping track of meal times, reducing portions. This is not all about the Dukan diet.

Of course, there are some side effects, which, however, do not occur to everyone. These are constipation (it's all about fiber), rising cholesterol levels, stress on the kidneys, liver and blood vessels. Based on this, consultation with a doctor is a mandatory event that should precede the start of the Dukan diet.

Reviews about the Dukan diet

Those who managed to lose weight on the Dukan diet note the clear advantages of the method:

  • The result makes itself felt quite quickly. He motivates for further achievements.
  • You can lose up to 40 kg in a year.
  • All food offered is healthy and tasty.
  • The diet suits almost everyone.
  • The feeling of hunger does not bother me.
  • The recipes will appeal to all family members.
  • There is no need to count calories or severely restrict yourself in food.

Some girls experienced side effects such as constipation and high cholesterol. Therefore, before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor.

Where to begin

The author of the method invites everyone who wants to join the ranks of fans of the Dukan diet to use a special calculator. This is your assistant in creating an ideal diet, proper nutrition. Calculating your ideal weight is very simple. You need to fill in the empty fields of the online calculator, and you will receive the following data:

  • Current weight status at this particular moment.
  • Ideal weight for you.
  • Body mass index.
  • How many kilograms do you need to lose?
  • How many days should you devote to each phase of the Dukan Diet?

And answering the questions is not difficult. All you need to do is enter your weight, height, age and gender, as well as your daily activity level.

Dukan diet: calculator, calculate weight

Calculate your weight according to the Dukan Diet using a free calculator on the official website of the Devoe women's magazine. The Dukan diet and our calculator will help you calculate your weight and lose extra pounds!

Many diets are designed to help people lose weight effectively. The problem of obesity in the 21st century is becoming alarming. And it is not heredity (except in rare cases) that becomes the cause of excess weight. Laziness and an unhealthy lifestyle, an irrational view of nutrition, gluttony, passive pastime - all this in most cases leads to the problem of gaining extra pounds, which are much more difficult to get rid of than to get them. In this article we will look at one of the popular and effective diets, which, with the right approach, will change your life.

About 20 years ago, a French nutritionist developed a unique method, which since then has remained in the top of the most effective and health-friendly diets. We are talking about the popular Dukan diet, the results of which will amaze you. And most importantly, the author gives clear recommendations on how to preserve them for life.

Attack phase

The name of the stage fully reflects its essence. Rapid weight loss occurs. The average duration is 10 days. During this period, metabolism is maximally activated.

During this period, only protein products are allowed. These include fish, meat, eggs and dairy products with minimal fat content. You can eat them at any time of the day, but only them. Pierre Dukan recommends compiling a diet in the “Attack” phase from:

  • Chicken and turkey meat, liver, ham.
  • Boiled fish, seafood (can be baked or grilled).
  • Natural yoghurts (low-fat).
  • Oat bran (required 1.5 tbsp per day).

But you can add a couple of eggs per day, use vinegar, onion, garlic, mustard, spices and lemon juice in the cooking process.

Briefly about the duration and goals of nutrition

The French general practitioner Dukan once proposed a weight loss method named after him.

The technique became widespread after the author’s book “I Can’t Lose Weight” was published in 2000 , translated into Russian and published in 2012.

The author claims that around the world are currently losing weight on this diet

The author repeatedly visited Russia and gave public lectures, as well as at seminars for specialists.

Consider in the table an approximate version of the Dukan diet menu, which will help you calculate its stages:

The diet has 4 stages with the following goals.


(eating predominantly protein foods)

The most effective stage in terms of weight loss, the diet contains high-protein foods, as a rule, meat, poultry, fish, shrimp, low-fat dairy products and eggs - a total of 72 protein products in any quantities.

The attack is characterized by large weight loss , mainly due to the removal of fluid from the body.


(or Alternation, in which the main loss of excess weight occurs on a diet)

Alternate 2 cycles - pure proteins and a cycle of proteins in combination with raw or boiled vegetables. 28 vegetables are added to the list of allowed protein products, the total number of products increases to 100, and dieting becomes easier .

This diet is followed until the recommended weight is reached . The average loss is up to 1 kilogram per week.


(transitional mode to normal diet)

The stage of consolidating each lost kilogram over a 10-day period.

Characterized by the gradual introduction of more high-calorie foods , with restrictions on quantity and range.

Alternation phase

During this stage, the body learns to regulate weight loss. The duration of the stage depends on individual characteristics and exactly how many kilograms you need to lose to your ideal weight. In some cases, this stage lasts up to 6 months.

At this stage, protein days are replaced by protein and vegetable days. Moreover, vegetables can be added in unlimited quantities. Those allowed include:

  • Eggplants and zucchini.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Radish.
  • Onions, leeks, garlic.
  • Cabbage (any kind).
  • Tomatoes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Asparagus, artichoke, spinach.
  • Soybeans and beans.
  • Cucumbers.

The frequency with which you will alternate days can be 1 to 1, 3 to 3 and 5 to 5.

Don't forget about oat bran, physical activity and strict adherence to all the rules.

Calculate the Dukan diet for free

Often, when wanting to lose weight, girls set unrealistic goals for themselves and sometimes, frankly speaking, “go too far” with losing weight.
So, many of them do not have enough physical activity and should not get carried away with strict diets. How to understand exactly how many kilograms you need to lose? Contents of the article:

Nutritionists have an answer to this question, each of whom is trying to develop the most effective and expedient way to calculate what normal, ideal and excess weight is for each individual person. Pierre Ducane was not far behind them, who developed his own calculator, allowing everyone to get an answer to the burning question - how much weight needs to be lost in order to look irresistible.

Free Dukan diet calculator

Stages of the Dukan Diet

The first stage of the diet is called “attack”, its duration is indicated in the calculation results of the Dukan calculator. During the first stage, only protein foods are allowed. Their full list includes 72 items, among which you can find lean meat, except pork and lamb, low-fat ham, poultry, any type of fish (river and sea), as well as seafood, low-fat dairy products and eggs. It should be noted here that there are no specific restrictions on the consumption of protein, but only 2 eggs with yolks are allowed. If you decide to separate the protein, you can also eat it in any quantity.

Please note that you will need to start the morning with 1 tablespoon of bran.

In the first stage of the attack diet, eliminate vinegar, coffee, all types of tea, soy sauce, all types of greens, most drinks, alcohol, salt and mustard.

This stage usually lasts from two to seven days, and during it twenty minutes of exercise in the morning or evening are recommended. At this stage, they lose from one to five kilograms of excess weight. To achieve this effect, do not forget about water, which is best consumed in non-carbonated form. The Dukan diet requires two liters of fluid per day, including all drinks.

Example menu for the “attack” stage

Breakfast : scrambled eggs from two eggs without adding butter, a slice of low-fat cheese and a glass of water.

Lunch : 250 grams of boiled chicken breast.

Lunch : one and a half tablespoons of oat bran and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Dinner : fish soup from any type of fish.

After successful completion of the first stage, you need to move on to the next one called “cruise” . The main principle of this stage is that vegetables can now be added to protein foods. Dukan lists as many as twenty-eight vegetables, among which you can find cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes (in limited quantities), corn, pumpkin and others. At this stage of the Dukan diet, they lose about a kilogram per week , consolidating the results of the “attack”, and allowing the body to gradually lose weight. The duration of the “cruise” is quite long, because for every extra kilogram there is a week.

Also, during the second stage,
the amount of bran consumed is increased to two tablespoons and the period of physical activity is extended to half an hour per day.
Remember that the second name of this stage is “alternation”, since the days when you can eat vegetables will alternate with protein days, as in the first stage.

Example of a menu for a vegetable day for the “cruise” stage

Breakfast : green tea and low-fat omelette.

Lunch : stewed veal with vegetables.

Lunch : 150 grams of cottage cheese casserole plus two tablespoons of bran.

Dinner : a piece of boiled fish with a salad of fresh vegetables without oil.

At the end of the “cruise” you should reach exactly the weight to which you wanted to lose weight. At this stage, a lot of harmful substances are removed from the body, and metabolism is restarted.

You will begin to feel light and literally radiate health.

The third stage is called “consolidation ,” which serves to consolidate the results obtained. This stage is even longer, because ten days of diet are needed to consolidate each lost kilogram. Now you will be able to eat fruits, starchy vegetables, bread and regular cheese.

Remember that starchy foods include not only potatoes, but also pasta, beans, rice, whole wheat, etc.

You no longer lose weight, but you also won’t gain the old one, as happens with conventional diets. Now you will need to increase the amount of bran to two and a half tablespoons, and keep the load in the form of physical exercise at twenty-five minutes a day.

Example menu for the “consolidation” stage

Breakfast : cottage cheese pancakes with fruit and a cup of coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast : Two and a half tablespoons of bran.

Lunch : low-fat cutlets with salad.

Lunch : a glass of kefir.

Dinner : pasta with sauce.

After completing the Dukan diet, proper nutrition is strongly recommended , which will need to be followed constantly. Also, do not forget about bran, which you need to eat 3 tablespoons at the end of the diet. Physical activity also remains in your daily routine.

The Dukan diet is quite effective; it not only allows you to lose weight and stay off it, but also provides excellent discipline, establishes a routine, and helps increase the body’s immunity and resistance.

Free Dukan diet calculator

This calculator has been designed to take into account not only your height to weight ratio, but many other factors as well. When making calculations on the Dukan calculator, you will need to enter personal data such as gender and age, of course, height and weight, level of daily activity (depending on lifestyle and type of work). As a result, you get such indicators as body mass index , ideal weight , the status of your body, as well as the number of kilograms that you need to get rid of.

Moreover, below you get the real “formula” of the diet, which consists of three stages. The calculator will give you the duration of each of them, and we will look at the rules of nutrition during these stages below. Of course, their duration will depend on how many kilograms you need to lose and other factors affecting the body.

Video: How to calculate the Dukan diet for free

Consolidation phase

Any results need to be consolidated. At this stage, the body gets used to its new state. An approximate scheme applies here: for 1 kg of lost weight there are 10 days of consolidation. That is, if you managed to lose 15 kg of excess weight, you will have to consolidate your success for 4.5 months.

This phase allows the consumption of all products from stages 1 and 2, as well as:

  • Fruits (excluding bananas, grapes and cherries), but not more than a serving per day.
  • Cheese (up to 40 g per day).
  • Bread (no more than 2 slices per day).
  • Starchy foods (pasta, potatoes, peas, rice), but no more than twice a week.

There are also indulgences here - about 1-2 times a week you can eat whatever your heart desires. But don’t overeat two days in a row. And don’t forget about the need for 1 pure protein day a week.

Results after the Dukan diet

Each phase of the diet produces results that are different from the previous one. For example, at the “Attack” stage, weight comes off quickly, you can lose 5-7 kg, but mostly water goes away. From the second phase, when the body has started the fat burning process, volumes begin to decrease due to the burning of subcutaneous fat. Here you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, and how much weight you lose depends only on you. The “Alternation” stage will last as long as you need.

Remember! To lose weight without harm to the body, you need to lose no more than 1 kg per week.

During this stage you can lose weight from 10 to 30 kg on average. These are real indicators, of course, with an excess weight of 50 kg, such a result may not be achieved, perhaps the reason will be hormonal and metabolic disorders. Passing the “Stabilization” stage implies maintaining the result, even when returning to your usual eating behavior. But this doesn’t always work for everyone. Therefore, adhere to all the rules for quitting the diet on an ongoing basis, then you won’t be afraid of excess weight.

Phase "Stabilization"

This stage will last your whole life, of course, provided that you care about your appearance and health. You return to your normal diet, but there are a number of rules. You just need to follow them:

  • There are no prohibited products, there is a sense of proportion.
  • Every week you need to have 1 all-protein day.
  • Don't forget about bran - optimally 2-3 tbsp. l. per day.
  • We prefer an active lifestyle to a passive one.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • Drinking regime is something that you should always follow.

Be healthy and do not forget that any diet requires careful planning, examination of the body and consultation with a doctor. After all, if you do not take into account contraindications, you can harm your health and not get the desired results. The Dukan diet can radically change not only your relationship with food, but your entire life.

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