How to calculate KBJU for weight loss | BZHU calculator.

How the calculator works

By filling out the appropriate items on the page and clicking on the “Calculate” button, you can get individual results. For example, if your height is 175 cm, weight is 102 kg, and age is 38 years, and you are female and have no physical activity, then the result will be as follows:

  1. The daily kcal requirement is 2115.
  2. To lose weight safely, you should reduce the mentioned parameter to 1798 kcal. In this case, you will lose about 0.29 kg/week, and after 30 days the loss will be 1.24 kg.
  3. To eliminate excess weight quickly, you should reduce your kcal intake to 1586. This will allow you to lose 0.48 kg every week. In a month it will be possible to eliminate 2.06 kg.
  4. Fighting fat deposits in an emergency mode involves reducing calorie intake to 1269. Following this rule will help you get rid of 0.77 kg per week and 3.3 kg per month.

Zigzag diet

Zigzag calories

The calculation results contain a table for calculating calories by day, the so-called “zigzag”. It is believed that the best results are obtained if you vary your daily caloric intake slightly, maintaining an average value.

Why do you need a calorie zigzag?

If the weight does not decrease, try consuming calories in a zigzag pattern. In case of prolonged weight loss or some other external factors, the weight may stop. A small change in calories can move your weight down.

Low calorie limit

The recommended value by the American Association is 1800 for men, 1200 for women. If you vary your calories, such as in a zig-zag pattern or pre-workout, don't consume less than 1000 for women and 1200 for men. Do not reduce your caloric intake by more than 500 calories. It is better to make the reduction gradual, otherwise it will be quite difficult to maintain the diet for a long period of time.

Excess weight is a “civilization problem” associated with a sedentary, inactive lifestyle. Many people do not have enough time to regularly visit the gym to keep their body in good shape. Proper nutrition comes to the rescue, in other words, a diet. However, despite various types of diets, people wonder: why does the weight stay the same, why is the much-desired reduction in this indicator not achieved? If you stick to your chosen diet, but your weight stays the same, what should you do about it?

First, you need to understand the basic principle of any diet - this is nutrition that provides the body with the necessary set of microelements, but at the same time provides a calorie intake that is less than necessary to maintain weight. There are methods that allow you to calculate the amount of calories you need to maintain your existing weight, its smooth reduction and “extreme” weight loss and weight gain. For these calculations, many indicators are taken into account, including your current weight, gender, height, physical activity, body type, etc.

At the same time, even consuming the selected amount of calories to lose weight, you notice that over time the rate of weight loss slows down and a moment comes when the weight stands in one place without progress. You have reached the so-called “weight plateau”. From a physiological point of view, this can be explained by the body’s adaptation to lower calorie consumption (lower metabolism) and more efficient use of the amount of nutrients that enter it for the body’s needs.

To further lose weight, you need to speed up your metabolism, which can be achieved in a variety of ways, from increasing your level of physical activity to using calorie cycling (the zigzag principle). One of its main advantages is the acceleration of metabolism due to “jumps” in the number of calories supplied from food on different days of the week. The second component of this diet option is the principle of carbohydrate alternation - a factor that has a very significant impact at the moment when weight stands still (a weight plateau is reached).

The essence is different consumption of carbohydrates over seven days - starting from 3-4 days of minimal consumption, in the middle - loading the body with food rich in carbohydrates, the end of the week - a balanced diet, including both carbohydrates and protein, fats. From the beginning of a new week the cycle repeats. Such an effective use of the “zigzag” is explained by the fact that carbohydrates are the best “fuel” for the body; when a deficiency occurs, fat reserves begin to be used, which must be gotten rid of. However, you cannot use this mechanism for a long time, because with a long absence of carbohydrates, the process of breaking down proteins and fats in the body is disrupted. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the state of your body at the time you start using the diet. Be sure to consult with your doctor, because such a load on the body can have a detrimental effect in the presence of metabolic disorders, diseases of the pancreas, and kidneys.

What are the advantages of an online calculator?

This tool was developed in accordance with the Mifflin San Geor formula, so the accuracy of the information obtained is as high as possible. Using such a counter when determining what norm of energy value of products is acceptable, you get many advantages:

  1. saving time (results are provided in a matter of seconds absolutely free);
  2. three mode options. The program displays the range of energy values ​​for safe, fast and emergency weight loss;
  3. results that can be achieved in a month. If the daily norm recommended by the program is met, while the level of physical activity (energy expenditure) is equal to the previously specified one, then the kilogram loss parameter displayed in the diagram is guaranteed;
  4. individual counting. The data is calculated taking into account the characteristics of a particular person, so the indicators will vary from person to person;
  5. effective fight against excess weight without harm to health.

An online tool that provides an accurate calculation of the desired kcal for consumption, in combination with a balanced nutritional diet - these are the main levers influencing the gradual loss of body weight.

Formulas for calculating daily calorie intake

At the moment, the Muffin-Jeor formula, developed in 1990, is considered one of the most accurate formulas (the Harris-Benedict formula is also widely used, but it has been proven to be less accurate).

Mifflin-San Geor Formula

1. Calculate how many calories are required for basal metabolism (BM) . The formula will be different for women and men due to their naturally different metabolic rates.

For women:

10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) – 161

For men:

10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) – 5 * age (years) + 5

2. Now the result must be multiplied by the physical load coefficient :

  • 1.2 - minimal or no physical activity
  • 1.375 – fitness classes 1-3 times a week
  • 1.4625 – fitness classes 3-5 times a week
  • 1.550 – intense physical activity 5 times a week
  • 1.6375 – fitness classes every day
  • 1.725 – every day intensively or twice a day
  • 1.9 - daily physical activity plus physical work

Harris-Benedict formula

The Harris-Benedict formula was derived back in 1919 and is no longer accurate enough for modern people (the error is approximately 5%).

1. Calculate the basic daily requirement (exactly the same as in the first case, the formulas for women and men will be different).

For women:

655.1 + 9.563 * weight (kg) + 1.85 * height (cm) - 4.676 * age (years)

For men:

66.5 + 13.75 * weight (kg) + 5.003 * height (cm) – 6.775 * age (years)

2. We also multiply the result by the coefficient of physical activity (data on the coefficients is above).

Why is it important to count calories?

The daily calorie intake from food is an individual parameter calculated for a specific person. With similar height and weight indicators, people can have different physical activity when losing weight. This is reflected in the final indicator. The higher your metabolic rate, the lower your likelihood of gaining extra pounds.

The kcal counter presented on our resource is an opportunity to achieve an attractive figure without feelings of physical and mental discomfort. By pampering yourself with your favorite foods, but in small quantities, in accordance with the established level of energy value, you can avoid nervous breakdowns and irritations that arise while following a diet.

Using our online resource, you can use other counters - a food calorie calculator, and also calculate your body mass index.

IIFYM Calorie Calculator | BZHU for weight loss

The principle of a flexible diet:

IIFYM - “If It Fits Your Macros” - if it suits your macronutrients

We need to consume the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water so that the body can reach the right weight itself to function and keep us healthy and strong. Proper nutrition is not a diet low in fats or carbohydrates, but a balance of all substances.

✓ online calculator will help you correctly calculate KBZHU for weight loss

How to calculate your metabolism (kbju).

About this theme

Diet of Kim Protasov ✦ How much weight can you lose? ▶︎ Calculator.

You've probably already come across the concept of “basal metabolism”.

Basal is the metabolism at rest, it can be calculated using the formula:

  • for men

Basal metabolic rate (kcal) = weight (kg) x 24.2

  • for women

Basal metabolic rate (kcal) = weight (kg) x 22

You can more accurately determine your basal metabolic rate (basal metabolism) using diagnostics done at a medical center.

The body's metabolism at rest, i.e. only to maintain vital functions, without taking into account physical activity. Accordingly, any activity will add 10-20% (activity effect) to the base metabolism.


standard ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates
To calculate BJU for weight loss, it is recommended to consume BJU on the day in the following ratio:

  • 50% carbohydrates (4 calories per gram)
  • 30% protein (4 calories per gram)
  • 20% fat (9 calories per gram)


Protein is required to develop muscles and increase our metabolism, but we can only absorb 25-40 grams per meal. And your age is also important. Too much protein in our system is processed by our kidneys and liver. Even though protein contains no fat, excess will be converted to fat.


Carbohydrates are essential for all of our body systems to function properly. The brain and central nervous system are almost entirely dependent on glucose.

Nutrient-dense carbohydrates increase micronutrient intake, control blood sugar levels, and are a major source of energy.

Keeping carbs to a minimum will make you tired and hungry.

Excess fast carbohydrates (highly processed carbohydrates) increase insulin levels in the blood and ultimately lead to the accumulation of fat in the body.

So no need to cut out good carbs, enrich your diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables for endless energy throughout the day!


There are many reasons why fats should be present in our diet.

  • To balance our hormones.
  • Formation of our brain and nervous system.
  • Healthy skin and hair.
  • For the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Fats are the most concentrated source of energy at 9 calories per gram.

So while 20% of our daily caloric intake should come from fat. They will provide the greatest nutritional value to our body. Reduce saturated and add unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Too much saturated fat in the diet is linked to high cholesterol, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke and prostate cancer.

So the next time you decide to eat something deep-fried or a pork burger, take a close look at it. What you will see is memory loss, cancer, disease and stroke. There are many recipes that are more nutritious and have less saturated or unhealthy fats.


Many of us don't drink enough water and don't even realize it. It is the slightest dehydration that can hinder our body's metabolism and also reduce our energy levels, since water is necessary for energy production and serves as a conductor of oxygen. If you feel like you can't drink 2 liters of water, then just start doing it. Every day, train yourself to drink “just water,” ordinary clean water. Our body perceives tea, coffee and other drinks as food. They are not “clean” water.

Today it is very easy to keep track of what you eat and how much you eat.

In order to calculate calories for weight loss, you can use websites or an application on your phone. One of these free applications: FatSecret or you can look at a review of other BZHU calorie tracking applications.

How many calories to eat per day to lose weight?

For those who want to lose weight, you need to create a deficit of about 20%. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat “sweets.” For such products, a ratio of 15-20% of your daily diet is provided.

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Calculating BZHU for weight loss using a calculator will allow you to get answers to the questions:

  • how many calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need per day;
  • how much you need to increase or decrease your calorie intake in order to smoothly lose or gain weight;
  • the calculator will answer the question - how many calories do you need to eat to lose weight;
  • how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you need per day;
  • the calculator takes into account the woman’s height, weight and age;
  • Are you eating enough fats and proteins?

In order to calculate calorie content, i.e. to get proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to understand how many calories are in one gram.

  • Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
  • Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
  • Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
  • Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories
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