PP dinners for weight loss: 15 recipes for two weeks with photos and kbju

What should a dinner for weight loss consist of?

Surely, you have heard more than once that those who are losing weight can only eat proteins with green vegetables for dinner. Some even claim that carbohydrates supposedly “go into fat” in the evenings. But is this really so?

Let us remind you that we do not gain weight from carbohydrates in the evenings, and certainly not from any specific foods. Extra pounds appear from a calorie surplus in the diet . If you calculate your calorie intake for weight loss and strictly monitor your dietary intake , you will lose weight in any case, regardless of what time of the day you consume carbohydrates. So don't listen to those who advise you to completely eliminate carbohydrates for dinner.

Recently, nutritionists and dietitians are increasingly advising clients to distribute carbohydrates evenly throughout the day. At the same time, it is important that each meal is balanced according to nutritional requirements. This will keep you full all day. Don't forget that carbohydrates are , first of all, a source of energy . If you are most active during the day, and in the evenings you just relax on the couch watching TV, then, of course, it makes more sense to consume the lion’s share of carbohydrates in the morning and afternoon. However, for many modern women, activity increasingly occurs in the second half of the day: finishing a difficult report at work, picking up child from kindergarten, go to the store, clean the house, work out at the gym . When you have a huge list of things to do in the evenings, you won’t be satisfied with just chicken breast and cucumber!

So forget about the ban on eating carbohydrates in the evening. There will definitely be no harm from them, if, of course, you fit into your daily calorie intake, do not overeat at night and eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

So don't be surprised when you see carbohydrates in our dinners. However, we have also selected interesting recipes for lovers of protein dinners.

Protein dinner for weight loss - recipes and the most delicious options

A protein dinner allows you to lose excess weight and not lose muscle mass, the main thing is to prepare it correctly.
Why is dinner so important? After all, the famous rule of all girls losing weight - not to eat after six in the evening, removes it from the diet. It's just that long breaks between meals slow down metabolic processes. The body begins to store fats. At night, the glucose needed by brain cells is released from the muscles. And fat deposits remain in place. You seem to be losing weight, but your body becomes flabby.

A proper dinner will not be deposited on the sides and hips, and will give the body all the necessary substances. You will lose weight without compromising your health.

Top 5 light salads

Chicken salad

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Chicken fillet 150 gr
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Canned corn without sugar 50 g
  • Frozen green beans 150 gr.
  • Sour cream 10% 30 gr.

Boil or simmer the chicken fillet in a non-stick frying pan without adding oil. Cool and cut into cubes. Boil frozen beans and cool. Boil the egg, cool and cut. Place the fillet, egg, beans and corn in a bowl. Season with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.

Kbju for 1 serving: 343/44/10/18

Salad with tuna

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Cucumber 200 gr
  • Tuna canned in its own juice 150 gr
  • Boiled egg 1 pc.
  • Sour cream 10% fat 30 g
  • Green onions

Open the canned tuna, drain the water, put it in a bowl and mash with a fork. Chop the cucumber, green onion and egg and add to the bowl. Salt and pepper to taste, season with sour cream, mix.

Kbju for 1 serving: 295/34/13/9

Greek salad

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Cucumbers 100 gr
  • Tomatoes 100 gr
  • Bell pepper 100 gr
  • Olives/olives 50 gr
  • Feta cheese 60 gr
  • Olive oil 1 teaspoon
  • Green onions, greens

Cut the vegetables into even cubes, season with oil. Add olives and herbs, stir. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes and place on top of the salad.

Kbju for 1 serving: 322/11/24/16

Corn salad

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese 30% fat
  • Canned corn 120 gr
  • Yogurt without additives 30 g

Boil the eggs, cool and cut into small cubes. Grate the cheese, mix with eggs and corn. Season the salad with yogurt. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Kbju for 1 serving: 331/29/16/16

Salad with champignons

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Chicken fillet 150 gr
  • Canned champignons 150 gr
  • Hard cheese 50 gr
  • Sour cream 10% fat 30 g

Boil the chicken fillet, cool, cut into small cubes. Grate the cheese. Mix fillet with cheese and mushrooms. Salt and pepper. Season with sour cream.

Kbju for 1 serving: 405/50/20/2

Chicken breasts with cherry tomatoes

You will need:

small chicken breasts – 4 pcs; garlic cloves (peeled and chopped) – 4 pcs; white wine – 50 ml; chicken broth – 50 ml; cherry tomatoes (peeled from the skin) – 500 g; thyme sprigs – 4 pcs; salt, pepper - to taste; olive oil - for greasing the mold.

Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a medium sized baking dish. Set it aside for now.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Heat the frying pan to high and pour some oil on it. Add the chicken breasts and garlic cloves, fry the meat on both sides - about a minute on each. Place the chicken and garlic in a baking dish and add the wine and broth. Top with tomatoes and thyme and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Now place the pan in the oven and cook for 25 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Remove the dish and let it sit for 5-10 minutes before serving.

A selection of low-carb recipes

Omelette with avocado and vegetables

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 2 eggs
  • Milk 100 ml
  • Avocado 30 gr
  • Tomatoes 150 gr
  • Greenery

Beat eggs with milk. Chop tomatoes and avocado. Mix everything and pour into a preheated non-stick frying pan. Simmer covered until done.

Kbju for 1 serving: 273/16/17/13

Chicken fillet Italian style

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Chicken fillet – 150 gr
  • Tomato paste – 30 g
  • Mozzarella – 50 gr
  • Tomato – 50 gr
  • Basil

Beat the chicken fillet, salt and pepper. Place on a non-stick frying pan. Simmer for a few minutes. Turn over to the other side. Coat the top with tomato paste. Place the tomato cut into slices. Sprinkle grated mozzarella on top. Cover with a lid and simmer for a few more minutes until done.

Kbju for 1 serving: 350/49/12/10

Chicken sausages

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Chicken fillet 150 gr
  • White of 1 egg
  • Milk 30 ml
  • Salt, spices

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Spoon the resulting mass onto a baking sleeve or cling film. Roll up the sausage and twist the edges. Cook in boiling water for 12-15 minutes. The film must be removed before use.

Kbju for 1 serving: 200/40/3/2

Chicken balls with cottage cheese

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Chicken fillet 150 gr
  • Cottage cheese 2% fat 50 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Salt pepper

Grind chicken fillet into mince. Mix the minced meat with cottage cheese and egg. Salt and pepper. Form small round balls with wet hands. Place on a silicone mat or in a special baking dish. Place in the oven. Serve with green vegetable salad.

Kbju for 1 serving: 285/49/7/2

Omelet with green beans

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Green beans 150 gr
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs
  • Tomato 50 gr
  • Dill, greens

You can use frozen green beans to make an omelet. In this case, you need to boil it first. Cut the tomato into cubes. Beat eggs and mix with beans and tomatoes. Pour the resulting mixture into a non-stick frying pan and simmer until tender, stirring with a spatula. Paint the top with greenery. Don't forget to add salt to taste.

Kbju for 1 serving: 188/14/9/14


Did you like the recipes, but think that counting calories is long and tedious? Especially for you, nutritionist and blogger Elena Smirnova @lena_manilovka has compiled a diet for 4 weeks. All you need to do is go to the store with a grocery list ready and weigh each ingredient on a kitchen scale. You no longer have to plan the menu yourself and worry about what to cook.

The plan includes only simple and tasty dishes from available products. Follow the link and enter your parameters. The calculator will automatically calculate the required calorie content for you and offer a ready-made menu. The first 100 customers will receive a 55% discount.

Ingredients to exclude from dinner

The evening meal should be nutritious and tasty, but at the same time light and balanced. To lose weight, it is recommended to exclude the following foods:

  • · potatoes, pasta, polished rice, couscous;
  • fruits with a high sugar content - grapes, bananas, peaches, figs, melon (it has a diuretic effect, you should not eat it at night);
  • industrial sweet cheeses, curds and yoghurts;
  • dried fruits and nuts in large portions - they are too high in calories, eat them little by little for dinner;
  • red meat - it will increase the amount of adrenaline and interfere with sleep;
  • smoked, salty foods - they retain water, in the morning the face will become swollen;
  • fatty meat and poultry (goose, duck);
  • soda, processed foods and fast food.

Five hearty recipes for a hearty dinner

PP pizza from lavash

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Yeast-free lavash 50 gr
  • Cheese 30% fat 100 g
  • Canned champignons 100 gr
  • Tomatoes 100 gr
  • Tomato paste 30 gr

Three cheese. Take two identical sheets of pita bread. Place half of the grated cheese between them. Spread tomato paste on top of the lavash. Then add champignons and tomatoes. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Remove to bake in the oven. This pizza can also be baked in a pan.

Kbju for 1 serving: 421/37/16/34

Salted cheesecakes

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Cottage cheese 2% fat 100 g
  • Hard cheese 30% fat 30 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Rice flour 30 gr

Grate the cheese. Mix with cottage cheese and egg. Add salt. Add flour. Mix everything well. Bake like pancakes or regular cheesecakes in a non-stick frying pan.

Kbju for 1 serving: 347/34/11/27

Lazy khachapuri

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Cottage cheese 2% fat 100 g
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Suluguni cheese 50 gr
  • Rice flour 30 gr
  • Greenery

Grate the cheese, mix with cottage cheese, egg and flour. Add herbs, salt and spices to taste. Carefully spread the mixture in an even layer onto the heated frying pan. The oven is like a pancake on both sides. Serve hot.

Kbju for 1 serving: 413/36/17/27

Chopped turkey cutlets

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Turkey breast fillet 150 gr
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Rice flour 30 gr

Cut the turkey fillet into small cubes. Add egg, flour, salt, spices. Mix everything well. Bake like pancakes in a preheated non-stick frying pan. Serve with green vegetables.

Kbju for 1 serving: 323/37/8/24

Turkey Pie Casserole

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Turkey breast fillet 150 gr
  • Cheese 30% fat 30 g
  • Green beans 150 gr
  • Tomato 100 gr
  • Onion 30 gr
  • Olives 30 gr
  • Egg 1 piece

Grind the turkey fillet in a blender. Add onion, egg, salt, spices. Place in a baking dish, spreading in an even layer. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Remove from the oven, add beans, tomatoes, olives and sprinkle with cheese. Place in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Kbju for 1 serving: 407/47/17/18

Chicken with quinoa

You will need:

  • chicken breast – 1 piece;
  • quinoa grains – 50 g;
  • black beans (boiled) – 50 g;
  • onions (chopped) – 1 tbsp;
  • canned tomatoes – 100 g;
  • Tabasco sauce – 1 tsp;
  • green onions (chopped) – 1 tbsp;
  • low fat cheese – 30 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • water – 80 ml.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. At this time, take a frying pan and heat the oil in it. Cut the chicken into small pieces and cook it for 5-6 minutes. Then add the onion and fry until translucent. Place beans, tomatoes in a frying pan, add sauce and half a glass of water. Bring to a boil and add quinoa. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until chicken is cooked through and water has evaporated.

Photo: istockphoto.com

When ready, remove from heat and place a thin layer of cheese in the pan. Melt it for 5-6 minutes or until bubbly. Garnish with green onions to serve.

10 foods that are high in protein. What to eat after training

Possible harm of a protein diet

Common High Protein Diet Mistakes

By analyzing the experience of others, you can avoid many problems. These shortcomings are often made by inexperienced people:

  • insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits - do not limit them too much, because from these products you will get valuable fiber;
  • low consumption of fats - without them, the absorption of beauty vitamins, namely vitamins A and E, is complicated (this does not mean fatty foods, but the consumption of fats in the form of vegetable oil, chocolate, nuts);
  • indefinite portion size (if you serve the same portions each time, you can vary the amount of food and monitor your calorie intake, easily achieving the goal of maintaining or losing weight);
  • irregular diet (discipline and eating according to the clock ensures the correctness of the diet and eliminates the risk of breakdowns);
  • there is no variety in diet (the menu should be designed in such a way that the body receives the full range of vitamins and minerals);
  • the habit of pleasing yourself with sweets (it is better to immediately learn that cravings for tasty things must be moderated, otherwise old bad habits will gradually return to their place).

What are the dangers of a protein diet?

Mostly, complications are encountered by people with health defects or due to improper organization of their diet. We list the main health risks:

  • digestive problems, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract - from fiber deficiency;
  • the effect of dehydration of the body, poor skin tone - due to the depletion of glycogen reserves, which is responsible for saturating tissues with moisture;
  • general weakness, decreased efficiency of brain function - ailments due to a lack of glucose, this substance is important for mental activity;
  • increased acidity of urine, growth of kidney stones - consequences of excess protein in the diet;
  • decreased insulin production, metabolic problems, and a tendency to gain excess weight, despite low carbohydrate consumption.

Risotto with shrimp and fennel

You will need:

butter – 4 tbsp; fennel root (chopped) – 1 pc; fennel leaves (coarsely chopped) – 2 tbsp; onion (chopped) – 1 pc; arborio rice – 400 g; dry white wine – 180 ml ;chicken broth - 8 glasses; salt, pepper - to taste; king prawns (peeled) - 460 g; parmesan (grated) - 30 g.

Melt two tablespoons butter in a large saucepan or skillet over medium heat. Add fennel and onion. Cook, stirring frequently, until softened, about 8 to 12 minutes. Add rice and stir until smooth. Pour in the wine, add salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, 1-2 minutes until the wine has evaporated. Then pour in one glass of broth at a time and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the rice is soft, about 20-25 minutes.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Add shrimp and cook for another 2-4 minutes. Remove from heat, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and add remaining two tablespoons of butter. Garnish with fennel leaves before serving.

Protein products for weight loss

We list the best protein foods for effective drying of the body:

  • chicken breast is one of the favorite foods of bodybuilders, a good source of protein;
  • low-fat beef and veal - also include proteins;
  • different types of fish and seafood;
  • eggs (some advise consuming more separate whites than whole eggs with yolk);
  • low-fat cheeses;
  • fermented milk products;
  • skim cheese;
  • Whey Protein;
  • animal by-products - liver, heart, tongue;
  • low-fat yogurt, kefir, milk, tofu, cottage cheese.

In addition to protein products, you also need others:

  • lettuce, greens, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes;
  • almonds, peanuts;
  • vegetable oils (examples - olive, sesame, flaxseed oil, it is advisable to take 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day);
  • proper whole grain bread products.

What is a protein diet for weight loss?

The main principles of the protein diet

The classic protein diet for weight loss and figure improvement lasts 2 weeks. Short version - 1 week. At best, you can lose from 4 to 8 kg. The diet is based on fractional meals. You will have to eat little by little, but every 3 hours. It is important to avoid excess calories in the diet and starvation. Each serving is moderate. If you don’t know your norm, then be guided by the volume of your hands. At one time, without harming your figure, you can eat exactly as much food as would fit in your palms. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day and not eat at night. This is the best schedule for weight loss and health.

Diet staples

When proteins are present in a fractional menu, the risk of overeating problems is reduced. In your diet, it is advisable to eat low-fat meat, fish and seafood, natural cottage cheese, tofu cheese, dairy products, and eggs. You can't live without carbohydrates. You only need to limit simple carbohydrates. They are also called fast carbohydrates. The right carbohydrates must be present on the menu. Moreover, it is better to give preference to those carbohydrate products that have the lowest GI (glycemic index).

How to organize protein nutrition?

A proper deficit of fats and carbohydrates in the diet ensures a fat burning effect. It is not advisable to include flour products, confectionery and potatoes in the menu. Eat well according to a schedule, do not eat at night. It is important to maintain the correct drinking regime. Unsweetened teas, herbal drinks and clean water are welcome. Try to eat all carbohydrates before lunch, after 6 pm - only low-calorie foods. After lunch - better non-starchy vegetables, citrus fruits, apples.

It is useful to cook using the steam method, bake foods or use a slow cooker. Instead of ketchup and mayonnaise, get used to using salt, pepper, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and aromatic herbs. Season your dishes with lemon juice.

Protein diet without hunger

You will definitely experience all the benefits of a protein diet. One of these is the absence of hunger pangs. When a person has a voracious appetite, this is due to changes in insulin levels in the body. The hormone insulin has an important role in breaking down glucose, which you get from simple sugars, such as baked goods and various confectionery products, as well as from complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables, cereals, and cereal products. When there is no work for insulin to break down, it is not produced by the pancreas. The blood sugar level is optimal, so there are no severe hunger attacks.

Duration of the protein diet

It is important to know that a high-protein nutrition system should not be stretched for a long time. Of course, this is a nourishing and effective diet in terms of drying the body, but it cannot be practiced for longer than 2-4 weeks. A strict version of the protein diet is associated with a critical deficiency of carbohydrates in the body. The role of carbohydrates cannot be underestimated; they are also important for health.

Cod with celery

You will need:

celery (peeled and chopped) – 1 piece; olive oil – 3 tbsp. l; fennel seeds - 1 tsp; onion (chopped) - 4 onions; zucchini (grated) - 1 pc; garlic (finely chopped) - 1 clove; cod fillet without skin - 2 pcs (about 125 g); lemon (cut in half) – 1 pc; parsley leaves – 1 tbsp. l.

Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place the celery in a baking dish, drizzle with two tablespoons of oil and sprinkle with fennel seeds. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes until lightly browned, stirring occasionally.

Photo: istockphoto.com

While the celery is cooking, place the onion in a dry frying pan and cook over high heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it changes color. Lay out two large sheets of foil on a work surface. Place cooked onions on them, grated zucchini, garlic and fish on top. Season, add one tablespoon of olive oil and squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon. Fold the edges of the foil to create two parcels. Place the packages on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

When the celery is cooked, puree it. Divide among plates, then carefully open the bags of fish - the contents will be hot - and carefully place on plates next to the puree. Garnish with parsley and lemon wedges.

Pesto pasta with beans

You will need:

spaghetti (thin) – 1 box; potatoes (small, golden) – 450 g; salt – 1 tbsp. l.; green beans (with cut ends) – 280 g; pesto sauce – 50 g; Parmesan (grated) – 30 g.

Let the spaghetti cook. Meanwhile, place the potatoes and salt in a large saucepan. Add cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer the potatoes for about 15 minutes until they are soft but not completely mushy. Then add the beans to the potatoes and cook for about five minutes. Drain the water using a colander. Once the potatoes and beans have cooled slightly, chop them.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Place the pasta in a large bowl and add the potatoes, green beans, pesto, Parmesan and pine nuts. Stir and you're done.

What happens to the body if there is a lot of protein? We found not only the pros, but also the cons of protein nutrition.

These recipes are suitable for those who monitor the high protein content in their diet and generally try to eat healthy.


Previously on the topic:

  • What to eat during Lent: Lenten dishes that contain the most protein
  • How to eat healthy for less than 1000 rubles a day
  • 5 interesting telegram channels about fitness, sports and healthy lifestyle
  • What should you eat for breakfast to start your metabolism?
  • How not to overeat during the May holidays: tips to help you avoid gaining weight
  • How to make PP ice cream at home: 5 healthy ice cream recipes
  • What is “comfort” food, can it be made healthier: the opinion of a nutritionist
  • Is it possible to lose weight while fasting: is fasting good for your figure?


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