Choosing vitamin complexes with chromium

Useful properties of chromium

Chromium activates the glucose tolerance factor, ensures the interaction of insulin, affects cellular receptors and reduces glycemia.

With a lack of the mineral, sharp fluctuations in blood glucose are observed. In people with type 2 diabetes, the effectiveness of medications taken is reduced.

The substance also has other properties:

  • participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids RNA and DNA;
  • controls cholesterol levels, promotes contractile function of the heart muscle;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • accelerates the elimination of radionuclides, toxic compounds, and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to lose weight thanks to chromium?

This microelement is often recommended as a means of losing weight. The properties of chromium regulate blood glucose levels, which is important for our weight. After all, a stable sugar level prevents us from experiencing sudden attacks of hunger. Additionally, chromium speeds up metabolism and helps you lose weight faster.

Just don't rush to the pharmacy! Despite the mass of such positive qualities, chrome is not a panacea!

Chromium alone is not enough to get rid of extra pounds. A combination of a healthy diet, daily physical activity, and proper vitamin and mineral supplementation helps.

The use of chromium in the form of tablets cannot replace treatment and medications, so consult a specialist about the additional use of this trace element!

Choosing a quality supplement

The following are recommendations that will help you buy a high-quality mineral preparation with chromium.

Indications for use

The product must be taken if there is a deficiency of chromium in the body. The deficiency is manifested by headaches, insomnia, muscle weakness, and sharp fluctuations in body weight. Doctors prescribe supplements with this substance to patients with impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes.

Vitamins with chromium are also used for weight loss, as they reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, and help adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet. Dietary supplements containing it are recommended to be taken in case of microelement deficiency during physical activity and in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • asthenovegetative syndrome (anxiety, depression);
  • IHD, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension;
  • Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic gastritis;
  • PMS, painful menstruation, irregular cycles;
  • chronic headaches, migraines, Meniere's disease.

Release forms

Most drugs are produced in the form of tablets or capsules. These forms do not differ in bioavailability and effectiveness. The capsules are intended for people with gastrointestinal pathologies, as the shell prevents irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

Some manufacturers make vitamin solutions. This form is convenient for patients who have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules.


Considering the low bioavailability of pure chromium, when producing mineral supplements, pharmaceutical companies combine it with other substances that increase absorption by 20-25 times. The most common is chromium picolinate. This compound is well absorbed and has minimal side effects. There are also chelated forms of the mineral - glycinate, aspartate, nicotinate. The best is chromium containing GTF (glucose tolerance factor).

The chemical formula of chromium also plays an important role. The benefit for the body is provided by a trivalent microelement, which is integrated into metabolic processes as a cofactor. Hexavalent chromium accumulates and is toxic.

Recommendation! Pay attention to the concentration of Cr per serving, as some multivitamins contain little of the mineral.

Doses and packaging volume

The daily intake of chromium for preventive purposes is 200-250 mcg. In the presence of endocrine or cardiovascular diseases, for weight loss the dosage is increased to 500 mcg. The drugs are taken for 1-3 months, so the package should contain 60-90 servings.


In pharmacies you can find cheap medicines containing chromium, which misleads buyers. Such preparations contain a low concentration of microelements and an inactive form, so to obtain the daily norm you will have to take 2-3 times more tablets.

To compare supplements, we recommend calculating the price per serving (the cost of the package divided by the number of servings). With this comparison, it turns out that taking foreign dietary supplements is more profitable than pharmacy ones.

The best manufacturers

The most popular American vitamins among doctors and buyers are from the companies Solgar, Now Foods, 21st Century, Optimum Nutrition. The drugs undergo multi-stage purification from toxins, the quality is confirmed in independent laboratories.

Harm and toxicity of chromium

The main factors determining the toxicity of chromium compounds are the degree of oxidation and solubility. Cr(VI) compounds, which are potent oxidizing agents and therefore tend to cause irritation and corrosion, appear to be much more systemically toxic than Cr(III) compounds at similar amounts and solubilities. Although the mechanisms of biological effects have not been determined, this change in toxicity may be related to the ease with which Cr(VI) can pass through cell membranes and its subsequent intracellular reduction. The effects of chromium ingestion include the following:

  • If inhaled, chromium compounds irritate the respiratory tract and may also cause allergies and lung irritation.
  • Chronic inhalation of Cr(VI) compounds increases the risk of lung, nose, and sinus cancer.
  • Severe dermatitis and painless skin ulcers can result from contact with Cr(VI) compounds.
  • Research organizations have recognized Cr(VI) as a human carcinogen.
  • The latent period for the development of lung cancer can be more than 20 years.
  • Renal tubular damage can occur after long-term exposure to low doses of Cr(VI).
  • Occupational exposure to Cr(III) is not associated with kidney damage.
  • Cr(VI) compounds can cause mild to severe liver dysfunction.
  • Some Cr(VI) compounds, such as potassium dichromate and chromium trioxide, are caustic and irritating to the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Taking a lethal dose of chromate can cause cardiac dysfunction.
  • Oral exposure to Cr(VI) compounds may cause hematologic toxicity.
  • The effects of chromium on human reproductive organs have not been sufficiently studied.
  • Data indicate that Cr(VI) compounds are teratogenic in animals.
  • Cr(VI) compounds cause DNA damage, gene mutations, sister chromatid exchange, and chromosomal aberrations in a number of targets, including animal cells in vivo and animal and human cells in vitro.

TOP 5 mono-additives with chromium

The rating contains the best monopreparations with chromium. Supplements are sorted by price per serving and quality of composition.

No. 5 Kurortmedservice – Mertsana Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate drops internal. 50ml

from 168 ₽

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 5 rubles. 56 kopecks

  • Country Russia;
  • volume – 50 ml;
  • concentration – 200 mcg.

The concentrate is packaged in a convenient bottle with a dispenser, making it easy to use. For adults, 10-20 drops per day are enough. The drug is taken with meals for 1 month.


  • the drug reduces appetite;
  • helps reduce weight and body fat;
  • has a neutral taste.


  • Dietary supplements may cause allergic reactions;
  • There are preservatives and flavorings.

No. 4 Evalar – Turboslim chromium picolinate

Turboslim chromium picolinate caps. n90

from 489 ₽

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 5 rubles. 42 kopecks

  • Country Russia;
  • volume – 90 capsules;
  • concentration – 200 mcg.

The product is designed specifically for those who want to lose excess weight. The supplement regulates metabolic processes, helps reduce hunger and helps maintain muscle tissue during sudden weight loss.


  • Dietary supplements are produced in large volumes;
  • Helps control appetite and cravings for sweets.


  • many buyers did not notice the effect after taking the drug Turboslim.

#3 Solgar – Chromium Picolinate

Solgar, Chromium Picolinate, 500 mcg, 120 Veggie Caps


789 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 5 rubles. 42 kopecks

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 120 capsules;
  • concentration – 500 mcg.

The composition includes high-quality trivalent chromium with the patented name Chromax. The capsule shell is made of vegetable cellulose and magnesium stearate. The additive undergoes several degrees of purification. It is free of gluten, dairy proteins and soy.


  • The dietary supplement is suitable for vegetarians;
  • has a hypoallergenic composition;
  • reduces appetite and desire to eat sweets;
  • helps control weight;
  • in combination with medications stabilizes glycemic levels.


  • unpleasant chemical taste;
  • may cause nausea.

#2 Now Foods – Chromium Picolinate

Now Foods, Chromium Picolinate, 200 mcg, 250 Capsules


765 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 62 kop.

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 250 or 500 capsules;
  • concentration – 200 mcg.

Chromium Picolinate complies with GMP quality standards. The daily norm for prevention is 1 capsule, if necessary, the dose is increased to two per day.


  • vegetarian product;
  • normalizes carbohydrate metabolism indicators;
  • reduces cravings for sweets;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • helps overcome insulin resistance.


  • Dietary supplements sometimes provoke rashes on the face.

No. 1 MRM – Chromium Picolinate

MRM, Chromium Picolinate, 200 mcg, 100 Veggie Caps


361 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 06 kop.

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 100 capsules;
  • concentration – 200 mcg.

The trace element in combination with picolinic acid has high bioavailability. The drug regulates blood sugar levels, reduces cholesterol and LDL. The shell is made from rice flour and microcrystalline cellulose.


  • a single drug reduces cravings for sweets;
  • helps with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • accelerates the process of losing weight;
  • has no side effects.


  • some customers did not notice any changes after taking the supplement.

TOP 5 multivitamins with chromium

The list contains complex vitamins containing chromium salts. The supplements also contain a small amount of the mineral as they are intended to be taken as a preventive measure. Dietary supplements are arranged in ascending order of cost per serving. When sorting, the quality and richness of the composition were taken into account.

№5 Optimum Nutrition – Opti-Men, nutrient supplement system

Optimum Nutrition, Opti-Men, Nutrient Supplement System, 90 Tablets


RUB 1,426

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 36 rubles. 39 kop.

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 90, 150, 180 or 240 tablets;
  • concentration – 120 mcg.

The supplement is intended to maintain health and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system in men. The peculiarity of the dietary supplement is the presence of plant components and an amino acid complex, which enhance the pharmacological properties.

Composition of Opti-Men:

  • mineral complex: chromium GTF, calcium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, zinc;
  • vitamins: A, C, E, D, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • mixture of amino acids: arginine, glutamine, valine, leucine, threonine;
  • natural plant extracts;
  • enzymes: papain, bromelain, lipase.


  • The dietary supplement gives you energy;
  • increases endurance;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • helps cope with stress.


  • the additive may cause allergies.

#4 Rainbow Light – Just Once, #1 Women's Food Based Multivitamin

Rainbow Light, Just Once, #1 Women's Food Based Multivitamin, 150 Tablets


RUB 3,502

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 20 rubles. 57 kopecks

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 150 tablets;
  • concentration – 100 mcg.

The vitamin complex is designed to maintain health in women. One tablet contains all the necessary substances. The composition contains organic plant extracts, vitamins and minerals, and chromium is present in the form of picolinate.


  • Dietary supplement strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increases bone mineralization;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle.


  • the drug may cause nausea.

#3 Optimum Nutrition – Opti-Women, Nutrient Optimization System

Optimum Nutrition, Opti-Women, Nutrient Optimization System, 120 Capsules


RUB 1,622

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 15 rubles. 58 kopecks

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 120 capsules;
  • concentration – 120 mcg.

The supplement contains more than 40 microelements, including chromium, vitamins that are needed for weight loss and maintaining metabolism. The capsules are covered with a vegetable shell; they do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.


  • The dietary supplement accelerates hair growth, increases the strength of nails and immunity;
  • gives vigor and energy;
  • eliminates seasonal depression.


  • the drug contains impurities of soy proteins.

No. 2 Queisser Pharma – Doppelhertz active, eye vitamins with chromium, zinc and selenium

Doppelhertz active eye vitamins with chromium, zinc and selenium caps. 1350 mg №3

from 415 ₽

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 14 rubles. 06 kop.

  • Country: Germany;
  • volume – 30 tablets;
  • concentration – 30 mcg.

The drug is intended to protect the retina from photodamage, improve visual acuity, and regulate intraocular pressure. To enhance the effects of chromium and other minerals, blueberry extract, vitamins A, C and E are added to the composition.


  • the product reduces eye fatigue when working at a computer;
  • eliminates dry conjunctiva;
  • improves twilight vision.


  • when taken in high concentrations, the drug produces a laxative effect.

#1 21st Century – Sentry, Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplement

21st Century, Sentry, Multivitamin & Multimineral Supplement, 300 Tablets


758 rub.

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 2 rubles. 02 kop.

  • Country: USA;
  • volume – 300 tablets;
  • concentration – 35 mcg.

The supplement contains chromium, other minerals and vitamins. It maintains health, improves immunity and protects against infections.

The drug has a complex composition, which includes:

  • vitamins: A, C, D3, E, K and group B - thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, biotin;
  • minerals: chromium picolinate, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, etc.


  • vitamin strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • gives a boost of energy.


  • presence of artificial components.

Properties of chromium preparations

To understand in what cases you should think about taking the drugs in question, you should consider their properties in detail. They are as follows: • interaction with insulin, promoting the transport of glucose into cells for energy production; • regulation of glucose levels, which helps prevent the development of diabetes mellitus; • activation of protein production, beneficial for the body and muscle tissue in particular; • coordination of cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing an increase in its level, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis; • regulation of the heart, maintaining stable strength and frequency of its contractions; • beneficial effect on blood vessels, maintaining optimal blood pressure in them; • cleansing the body of toxic substances that accumulate during its life; • increasing the body's endurance and resistance to intense physical activity; • reduction of the recovery period after hard and long workouts; • increasing the body's resistance, strengthening the immune system; • stabilization of the central nervous system, improvement of sleep quality; • exclusion of seizures localized in the lower extremities; • slowing down the production of glycosidic proteins, which are responsible for the aging process. So we can conclude that chromium preparations have a general strengthening effect on the body, and are also useful for athletes due to increased endurance and energy potential. But it is also known that an excess of chromium is dangerous for humans, so it is important to consider the indications and contraindications for the use of drugs of this substance.

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