Reviews of Dr. Slim weight loss products

More details about the new product

Experts say the primary advantage of the cocktail is the ability to neutralize fat reserves without compromising the formed muscle structure. When it enters the body, the process of ketosis is launched in the internal systems, allowing fat to be rationally processed rather than carbohydrate molecules. While at the ketosis stage, the stage of smart fat burning begins, guaranteeing weight loss to optimal physiological values.

Already after the first 30 minutes after taking the drug, the process of fat breakdown begins, thereby accelerating the process of natural metabolism. The phenomenon is accompanied by characteristic changes in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora. A full course stage allows you to neutralize excess weight, stabilize material metabolism and eradicate toxins and toxic substances from the body.

Real customer reviews make it clear that the live cocktail of the SLIM brand:

  1. Promotes a significant reduction in body fat, especially in problem areas (usually the thighs, buttocks and abdomen).
  2. It is a stimulator of material metabolism in the body, so that the body does not accumulate food, but processes it productively.
  3. Helps significantly reduce the visceral presence of fat.
  4. Significantly relieves the load placed on internal organs.
  5. Works to strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  6. It enjoys consumer attention because the product has been tested many times in clinical conditions.

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Properties of chocolate cocktails

All types of such cocktails create a long-lasting feeling of satiety, increase the body’s performance, and promote natural cleansing. An important positive property of the cocktail is its pleasant chocolate taste, which increases the production of happiness hormones.

Chocolate slim

The varied composition of Choco cocktails creates a feeling of fullness and dulls hunger, strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Thanks to regular consumption of the chocolate slim mixture, the gastrointestinal tract is cleared of accumulated toxins. Metabolism is stabilized, cravings for sweet and carbohydrate-containing foods are reduced - all this contributes to effective weight loss. The chocolate drink tones and cleanses the skin, fights cellulite deposits and improves mood.

Chocolate slim contains only natural ingredients without genetic modifications, dyes or food additives.

The Choco Slim mixture is based on the following active ingredients:

  • Carbohydrates in the amount necessary for the body to quickly obtain energy;
  • Proteins, including whey protein;
  • Goji berries, which contain amino acids, vitamins and minerals;
  • Green coffee beans are a powerful antioxidant and energy booster;
  • Asshai berries;
  • Chia seeds, which remove excess moisture from the body.

Natural cocoa, which does not contain fats and sugar, unlike ready-made chocolate, gives the Phyto Balance product an amazing taste and improves your mood.

Energy drink "Chocolate" Doctor Slim

The main property of these cocktails is the saturation and cleansing of the body with dietary fiber, which affects the aging process, slowing it down.

The composition of the Doctor Slim chocolate drink includes:

  • Milk, whey and soy proteins, which in amino acid composition are as close as possible to the proteins of the human body;
  • Xanthan gum in the form of dietary fiber, which reduces appetite and blood cholesterol;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Milk sugar, also known as lactose, increases the saturating properties of the product.

Doctor Slim products use natural thickeners and natural flavors. Chocolate Slim is ideal for intensive weight loss or effective weight maintenance.

Pharmacological properties of the product

The company's official website contains detailed information about the drug, which was verified by clinical studies conducted at the Stockholm Institute of Nutrition. Women and men of varying degrees of obesity and age were invited to participate in the project. The total number of respondents was 600 people, each of whom received a positive experience when using the SLIM cocktail. The female audience noted a decrease in weight by 5-10 kg over 30 course days, and the male half of respondents noted a decrease in fat by 7-12 kg per month.

The new product can be safely called a powerful fat burner, allowing you to bring the body to standard values ​​and, at the same time, restore the internal functionality of organs and personal self-esteem. Nutritionists and experts highly appreciate the properties of the product, given its absolute safety due to natural ingredients.

The cocktail discussed in the review has proven its fat-burning effect, allowing you to painlessly lose extra pounds. The action of the product is aimed at blocking the receptor responsible for converting calories into fat. The product functions comprehensively, providing the following positive effects:

  1. Forms vitality.
  2. Cleanses the blood structure from toxins.
  3. Neutralizes excess fluid in the body.
  4. Controls appetite.
  5. Optimizes blood pressure indicators.
  6. Stabilizes glucose levels in blood vessels.
  7. Helps control metabolic processes in the body.
  8. Stimulates the functionality of the immune system.

A well-balanced compound formula ensures that fatty assets can be broken down, and incoming food is broken down in the best possible way. Course practice of use helps to achieve the desired results without the use of additional and controversial techniques.

How to drink Slim cocktails

Please note that Choco cocktails are not biological supplements that can be drunk for several months without harm to health. The course of administration depends on the individual needs of the body; it is recommended to take chocolate drinks for no more than 30 days, then take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Chocolate slim products can be taken before meals as a drink, instead of snacks or late dinners. Choco drink increases brain activity and energizes you, so it is not recommended to drink it later than 4 hours before bedtime, otherwise the surge of energy will prevent you from falling asleep. The maximum dose should not exceed 3 servings per day. Phyto energy drink Doctor Slim can be consumed for breakfast along with cereal flakes or muesli.

While drinking Chocolate Slim and Energy Chocolate cocktails, you should maintain a drinking regime throughout the day (at least 1.5 liters of purified still water).

It is not recommended to use chocolate cocktails for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, schoolchildren and the elderly. People with high blood pressure should not take Energy Chocolate. Before starting the course, it is recommended to undergo examination for the presence of individual intolerance to the constituent components, if there are predispositions.

It’s safer and more reliable to order a chocolate cocktail from the phytobalance company on the official website of the manufacturer, because it is not sold in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies. Energy drink "Chocolate" Doctor Slim can be ordered in the online store or purchased in pharmacy chains or from official representatives of the manufacturer in Russian cities.


What's in it?

The product is supplied to the market in the form of a convenient bottle. The lid contains a special biologically charged powder, and the container itself contains an extractive detox liquid. Thus, the SLIM calorie blocker includes:

  1. Green tea - promotes improved well-being and lowers blood pressure.
  2. Spirulina extract - helps remove toxins and optimize intestinal functionality. At the same time, there is an increase in the body’s immune forces and optimization of sugar levels in blood vessels.
  3. Guarana extract is necessary to reduce fat reserves, helping to remove excess fluid from the body.
  4. L-carnitine - helps optimize metabolic processes, stabilizing the intestinal process. The component takes an active part in the breakdown of fats, preventing premature aging.

Reviews from doctors who note the 100% absence of chemical elements in the active formula speak in favor of the new one. Here we note only a natural and environmentally valuable symbiosis of elements that do not harm the body. The final product is harmless and non-addictive.

What's in it?

The effect of rapid weight loss is achieved through a unique combination of components. Let's touch on each of them in detail:

  1. Spirulina. Responsible for systematic cleansing of the body from everything unnecessary and harmful.
  2. Green tea. An excellent antioxidant, often used in popular diets, it improves immunity and removes toxins.
  3. Guarana extract. Not only does it have a powerful fat-burning effect, but it is also a natural energy booster that improves productivity and brain function during periods of calorie deficit.
  4. L-carnitine. One of the strongest fat burners. Full potential is revealed with cardio exercise and movement. It also enhances the effect of all components.

The composition is natural, so we can talk about the almost complete absence of contraindications and side effects. The only exceptions are: people with problems with the cardiovascular system, pregnant and breastfeeding women, losing weight with individual intolerance and allergic reactions to certain elements (which is very rare).

Possible indications and contraindications for use

The manufacturer of the SLIM cocktail recommends ordering the original product:

  • with obvious signs of obesity;
  • if necessary, take control of the body’s tendency toward excess weight;
  • with regular, difficult to control bouts of hunger;
  • while on a therapeutic diet with a minimum amount of calories.

Obvious limitations to taking the SLIM course for weight loss are the period of pregnancy, breastfeeding, adolescence and individual intolerance to individual components by the body.

Why is the drug recommended by nutritionists?

Experts note that a food supplement in the form of a SLIM cocktail is an excellent alternative to diets. There are confirmed facts of gradual transformation of the appearance of patients who, with the help of the drug, were able to lose from 10 to 15 kg in a single course. By adhering to the manufacturer’s strict recommendations from the instructions, the patient is guaranteed to get results. After all, this is better than regularly experiencing the inconvenience of a strict diet or attending fitness classes.

Customer Reviews

Svetlana, 28 years old I didn’t even imagine that you could lose weight without dieting and sports. Over the past 60 days, I have lost almost 9 kilograms of weight, and the figure is stable. Before this, I took a 30-day course of the drug SLIM. This is a very easy to use product that really does have beneficial effects.

Olesya, 44 years old Problems with the knee joints have seriously affected mobility. It was all due to excess weight. Having excluded diet and sports from the methods of struggle, I decided to try a new technique. I bought a SLIM cocktail from the developer’s website and in 4 weeks I actually reduced my weight by 10 kg. The incredible transformation in appearance became noticeable to others. And most importantly, I can move around.

The truth about the Fito Slim Balance cocktail for weight loss.

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