Herbal tea "Green Slim" for weight loss - getting rid of excess

Green Slim tea strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process. And, of course, it helps you lose weight. Find out how to use it and lose up to 6 kg in one course without dieting or training!

  • Customer Reviews

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

Every day the human body encounters toxic substances that cause a serious blow to health. The accumulation of toxins affects not only your overall well-being and quality of sleep - your weight suffers just as much. Cleansing the body of everything unnecessary with a low-calorie diet and fitness exercises will not work. For this purpose, it is recommended to use another product - Green Slim cleansing tea for weight loss.

The phyto-drink belongs to the group of dietary supplements. The manufacturer is the well-known Russian company Fitera, which began operations in 2003 and has since specialized in the production of herbal drinks and other weight loss products.


The pronounced effect of weight normalization when using Green Slim is achieved through the following properties:

  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • cleansing of toxins and impurities.

Tea has a pronounced laxative and diuretic effect, that is, it frees the body from intercellular fluid and the intestines from stagnant feces, due to which weight stabilization occurs in a short period of time. Fitera specialists promise that the first results from taking the product appear after a few days. In just 1 course, a weight of 2-6 kg should be achieved without following a strict diet. Unfortunately, the main thing is kept silent - after stopping taking the dietary supplement, the weight returns, since tea is not endowed with a fat-burning effect.

It should be taken into account that active weight loss will require additional work - a diet and regular physical activity. By doing “couch” fitness and continuing to eat fast food, you can hardly count on eliminating extra pounds.

The dietary supplement is a powerful antioxidant and, by regulating blood sugar levels, prevents the absorption of fats from food. Appetite suppression, also provided by dietary supplements, allows you to reduce portion sizes and switch to a healthy diet without much difficulty or stress.

Among other strengths of the dietary supplement, the manufacturer highlights:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving brain function;
  • normalization of blood vessels and heart function;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • Providing anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects (recommended for use as a general tonic).

Side effects

Despite many beneficial properties, drinking tea can also cause negative reactions. These include:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal pain and bloating;
  • Long-term use of Green Slim can result in dysbacteriosis and dehydration. The diuretic effect leads to an imbalance in the mineral balance in the body: muscle cramps occur, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart is disrupted, hair may fall out, and the skin will become dry and thin. To avoid such dangerous consequences, you need to drink more mineral water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less fatty meat and baked goods. Under no circumstances should Green Slim be consumed while following a salt-free diet .


    Initially, Green Slim tea was declared as a phyto-product of completely natural origin. Afterwards the manufacturer slightly modified the composition. The updated “version” of tea, according to Fitera’s specialists, has become even more effective and has acquired a variety of flavors. Gastronomic diversity is achieved through the introduction of “naturally identical flavors.” The exception is one type - “lemon balm with mint”, which contains only natural ingredients.

    Today, Green Slim tea for weight normalization is an aromatic drink that includes flavonoids, anthraquinones and catechins. The main ingredient of the product is green tea, which prevents the rapid absorption of fat from food and speeds up metabolism. Among other components, there are no less effective, from the point of view of Fitera specialists, components for rapid weight loss:


    It is nothing more than hay (cassia angustifolia). The wild herb is included in many weight loss drinks, as it is known as a powerful laxative. The phenomenon is caused by the content of anthraglycoside substances, which irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and increase peristalsis in the large intestine. The plant also affects the digestive process, reduces appetite and has a slight choleretic effect.

    Rhubarb extract

    The substance restores the functionality of the digestive system and accelerates metabolism. Tea contains it in small quantities, and sometimes does not contain it at all, so you cannot count on a pronounced effect.

    Mate extract

    The “supplier” of the substance is the leaves of the Paraguayan holly, a heat-loving plant that grows in tropical forests. The composition of holly leaves is almost identical to black tea: essential oils, alkaloids, polysaccharides, resins, sulfur, vegetable fats, etc. Mate extract in Green Slim has a tonic effect on mental and physical activity, helps concentrate and improves memory. Another useful property of the extract is relieving constipation by regulating intestinal motility.

    lotus leaves

    It is believed that the lotus does not contain harmful impurities, since it absorbs all the purest from the air and earth. In fact, the plant does not have a significant effect on the body, just as it does not affect weight loss, although manufacturers of dietary supplements often attribute diuretic properties to it.

    Garcinia cambogia

    A plant extract containing hydroxycitric acid often becomes a component of dietary supplements for weight loss due to its properties: breaking down subcutaneous fat deposits, accelerating the digestion process and absorption of nutrients, toning and increasing motivation. Another advantage of garcinia highlighted by manufacturers of dietary supplements for weight loss is appetite suppression. Some sources also mention the plant’s ability to fight sugar cravings.

    Hoodia gordonia

    The stem succulent, originally from South Africa, contains trace elements and minerals that ensure proper functioning of the body. As part of Green Slim, hoodia is responsible for suppressing appetite, true and false, thereby increasing the interval between meals and reducing cravings for unhealthy foods.

    Aloe extract

    The component is endowed with a whole range of properties for normalizing weight: it has a mild laxative effect, accelerates metabolic processes, enhances the secretion of the digestive glands and normalizes appetite. Aloe extract contains folic acid and B vitamins, which help achieve beautiful skin color, strong nails and hair.

    Tangerine peel and coleus seeds

    Both ingredients work to accelerate the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

    Another component of Green Slim for weight loss is L -carnitine (levocarnitine). A special substance increases the speed of metabolic processes, acting as a fat burner, and accelerates muscle recovery after physical activity. Plus, levocarnitine increases immunity and improves brain activity.

    Green Slim also contains coenzyme Q 10 , which is responsible for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

    The aromatic additives of the product are presented in no less variety and can satisfy any taste:


    This type of dietary supplement is especially recommended in autumn and winter, as it helps strengthen the immune system. Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue, increases performance and tones.


    Green tea and jasmine is a classic combination loved by the people of China. It has a calming effect, helps to relax and induces peace.

    Mint and lemon balm

    This tea is recommended for people under stress. Allows you to relax. Improves metabolic processes.


    A drink with stevia, a natural sugar substitute, is a good solution for those trying to curb their appetite and refrain from eating an extra bar of chocolate. After taking it, it becomes easier to give up eating fatty foods.

    A pineapple

    Pineapple contains substances that affect fat deposits. The weight loss process happens faster. Plus, the pineapple supplement saturates the body with vitamins.


    “Tropical apple,” as mango is commonly called, makes Green Slim green tea aromatic and fresh. Helps normalize metabolic processes and saturates the body with vitamins.


    A peach-flavored drink refreshes, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the digestion process. After a cup of aromatic tea, your appetite decreases.


    The aroma of strawberries reduces appetite, improves mood and gives strength. It has a pleasant sourness, making it suitable for those who have a sweet tooth.

    There are Green Slim and mixes available - kiwi and strawberry, strawberry and pineapple, lime and mint - supplemented with the natural sweetener stevia. The color of the finished drink varies from pale yellow to dark brown.

    Tea composition

    Under the Green Slim brand, a variety of weight loss teas with natural ingredients are produced. In recent years, the manufacturer has also released several products with added fragrances. The classic collection includes:

    • Green tea (base).
    • Mate tea extract.
    • Tangerine skin.
    • Coleus seeds.
    • Aloe and rhubarb extracts.
    • Hoodia gordonii.
    • Senna.
    • L-carnitine.
    • Coenzyme Q10, etc.

    Some varieties of Green Slim are made from not green, but black or red tea.

    Interesting fact. In pharmacies or on specialized websites you can find teas with different flavors: pineapple, strawberry, peach, jasmine, etc. For this, the manufacturer adds natural flavors.

    How to use

    One Green Slim filter bag contains 2 grams of herbal mixture for weight loss. The dose is intended for one dose. Brew the dietary supplement a little longer than regular tea - for 15 minutes.

    According to nutritionists, the longer the time allowed for brewing, the more pronounced the laxative effect will be. If a diuretic effect is required, the brewing period is reduced to 5-10 minutes.

    1. In the first few days of getting acquainted with the product, it is better to drink one glass of the aromatic liquid, and then increase the dose to two glasses, as recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, the first appointment takes place in the morning, the second – in the evening. It is better to take the drink during meals. Otherwise, the moment of onset of the laxative effect may be unpredictable and take you by surprise.

    It is dangerous to take more than two servings of Green Slim per day.

    1. The product should be consumed fresh, that is, immediately after infusion. There is no need to add sugar, honey or milk.
    2. It is not advisable to use Green Slim based on green tea leaves before bed, since their tonic effect can negatively affect the quality of sleep.

    The manufacturer classifies the product as “suitable for regular use”, classifying it as dietary. Doctors insist that the maximum permissible duration of one course of Green Slim or any other tea to combat extra pounds is three weeks. A long course duration can negatively affect health, causing side effects and addiction to the body.

    Side effects

    Tea is positioned as a completely natural product, but in some cases it can still cause negative reactions in the body. The first is diarrhea. The phenomenon brings considerable discomfort, but is the main purpose of taking dietary supplements. It is not without reason that the manufacturer recommends using the drink during meals: the immediate cleansing of the intestines prevents the absorption of nutrients, which can be deposited on the waist and hips in the form of subcutaneous fat.

    Some people really need the help of laxatives. For others, especially those who do not have problems with spontaneous bowel movements, the effect of the supplement may be disastrous. In 2-3 weeks of “fast” weight loss, it is quite likely that a habit will develop. In the future, it will be difficult for the body to decide to defecate without outside help.

    Another side effect of losing weight on Green Slim is severe abdominal pain. It occurs due to the action of senna, which leads to accelerated peristalsis and the appearance of spasms.

    Other negative aspects of taking the supplement include:

    • nausea;
    • flatulence;
    • bloating.

    Long-term use of Green Slim may well result in a serious problem - intestinal dysbiosis, since beneficial microflora is washed out along with toxins.

    An equally dangerous aspect of losing weight on dietary supplements is dehydration. Since the product has a pronounced laxative effect, the liquid leaves the body quite quickly. As a rule, a person simply does not have time to replenish water supplies. Symptoms following dehydration include headache and dizziness, dry mouth and general malaise.

    What is Green Slim?

    Green Slim is an inexpensive product that can be purchased at regular pharmacies and some supermarkets. If you believe the instructions, tea can improve tone, improve metabolism, and reduce appetite. It is recommended to take this drink for at least a month, and it is necessary that the diet be balanced for weight loss. Green Slim slimming tea is available in several different flavors, and according to the manufacturer, it is a natural product.

    The popularity of this tea due to advertising and low price is quite high, because many people strive to cope with excess weight. It really allows you to effectively lose weight due to the presence of natural agents that provide a diuretic and laxative effect: lotus green tea, rhubarb extract. There are substances that can curb your appetite and burn fat.

    Manufacturers advise using Green Slim weight loss tea along with a special diet and regular exercise. In this case, the result can be achieved very quickly - the extra pounds will leave you . They also claim that this tea will be beneficial for the liver. Drinking tea will improve your overall well-being.


    Fitera specialists do not recommend losing weight with Green Slim tea to pregnant women and lactating mothers. Also, restrictions are imposed on people with hypersensitivity to the components of the product. In fact, it is worth expanding the list somewhat to include those suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Important! It is impossible to use dietary supplements during the trial of a salt-free diet, as the risk of dehydration increases. The protein menu, on the contrary, is indicated due to the drink neutralizing the negative effects of ketosis.


    The dietary supplement can be purchased in regular and virtual pharmacies, on the websites of stores selling weight loss products. Sometimes dietary supplements can be found in large supermarkets that have beauty and health departments.

    The product is packaged in a green cardboard box. In the middle there is moisture-proof paper, which ensures long-term preservation of the aroma and taste of plant materials. Plus, each box contains a surprise insert with information about a beneficial plant or product. The manufacturer recommends using the inserts for the collection, expanding your own knowledge about products that are important for your diet when losing weight.

    The price of Green Slim tea for weight loss averages 75 rubles per pack of 30 filter bags, although at some points of sale the cost is close to 125 rubles per pack. The most budget-friendly drink is the one with the aroma of mint and lemon balm, the most expensive is the one with mango.

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