Minus 2 kg per week: a dozen life hacks on how to effectively lose weight without compromising your health

Everyone wants to lose weight quickly and easily, but people who are conscious and understand at least a little about weight loss approach it from a different angle.
They are concerned about the question of how to lose 2 kg in a week? These are already real numbers with which you can work.

The only BUT is that it is still better to lose weight a little more slowly and go 1 kg per week, so the skin will have time, and you will feel more comfortable.

And now for those who want to know how to lose 2 kg in a week at home without dieting.

If you recently experienced the most joyful event, and now you have decided to get back into shape, then we recommend reading how to lose weight after childbirth for a nursing mother at home.

Holidays are the time when all diets and willpower die under a rollercoaster of goodies and crowded tables, but how you can’t gain weight over the New Year holidays is described here.

If you want to know how to lose weight in your face so that cheekbones appear and cheeks appear hollow in a week, then this material will help you figure it out and make step-by-step instructions for yourself, read this link.

Let's start with the numbers?

Even if you are not an accountant and don’t like to count, you can’t do without them.

1 gram of subcutaneous fat - 7.7 kcal.

And so 2 kg of fat is 7.7 Kcal*2 = 15,400 Kcal.

To get rid of 2 kilograms of fat in a week, we need to reduce our weekly diet by this amount - this is in terms of nutrition.

It means that

15400/7= 2200 Kcal per day reduce diet,

the second option is to spend that amount of calories, but this option is difficult to implement if you do not overeat.

2200 Kcal is a lot, however, if you eat 5000 Kcal, then this is easily achievable.

I insist on losing weight by no more than 1 kg per week - it’s safe.

Let's figure out where to start.

Lose weight with diet

If the above method does not seem reliable to you, you can use an express diet. There are a lot of quick diets and you can always choose the one that you like best.

Weekly Express Diet

On an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water.

Day 1, 3, 5, 7

  • Breakfast: boiled egg and salad (cucumbers with tomatoes or cabbage with carrots), dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Second breakfast: any vegetable salad, dressed with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (cauliflower, onions, carrots, green beans, green peas) and boiled or baked chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) and vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: Vegetable stew (without potatoes) and a glass of 1% kefir.

Day 2, 4, 6

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water and 1 banana.
  • Second breakfast: any vegetable salad with herbs, seasoned with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. lemon juice (salt and spices to taste).
  • Lunch: vegetable stew (without potatoes) and low-fat boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: omelet and fresh vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: Vegetable stew (without potatoes) and a glass of 1% kefir.

Weekly diet “Cucumber”

You need to eat at least 2 kg of cucumbers per day and drink at least 2 liters of water. Coffee and sweet tea are prohibited.


An hour before meals, drink a cocktail (your choice or alternate): tomato + 2 cucumbers + a bunch of herbs (dill or parsley or cilantro); 2 cucumbers + 200 g cabbage + celery stalk.

  • Breakfast. Cucumber salad with herbs (dressed with 1 tbsp olive oil and a little salt) and with a small piece of black bread (whole grain).
  • Dinner. Cucumber salad + 200 g of boiled or baked chicken fillet (can be alternated with turkey fillet).
  • Afternoon snack. Salad (cucumbers + boiled egg), dressed with low-fat sour cream and a slice of black whole grain bread.
  • Dinner. Salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + sweet peppers + herbs to taste), dressed with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Vegetable diet

Day 1, 3, 5, 7

  • Cocktail: apple + orange (ratio 2:1) or apple + carrots (ratio 1:1).
  • Breakfast: omelet, cabbage, carrot and beet salad (ratio 4:1:1) and a slice of black bread.
  • Lunch: vegetable stew and boiled chicken breast or beef.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: baked pumpkin and a glass of 1% kefir.

Day 2, 4, 6

  • Cocktail: apple + carrots + beets (ratio 2:2:1).
  • Breakfast: boiled egg, cabbage salad with cucumbers and a piece of black bread.
  • Lunch: vegetable casserole and boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad and 50 g of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage (with carrots and tomatoes) and apple.


  • Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.
  • During the first half of the day, until 15:00, you can eat fruits and berries (except grapes).
  • We start the morning with a cocktail, drink it an hour before meals.
  • Season all salads with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt and herbs to taste. Sometimes you can add 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

If you like the result and want to continue losing weight for another month, then you can use diet No. 3. The vegetable diet is quite balanced and will not cause harm to health, but diets No. 1 and No. 2 are not designed for a month; you can only stick to it for one week.


Seven day diets

Many diets have been invented and tested to help solve the question of how to lose 2 kg in a week without compromising your health: no-carbohydrate, protein, carbohydrate, water, Dukan diet, egg diet and others. Everyone’s choice is to remain on a strict diet or slightly adjust their diet by eliminating harmful foods. Rational fractional nutrition is what they say: “the slower you go, the further you will go,” and a strict diet can quickly bring you into the desired shape if it is not too neglected, but the effect may be short-lived.


Take advantage of the season of fresh cucumbers for the benefit of your figure. It is recommended to consume ground cucumbers in summer, since in winter there is a high risk of poisoning from greenhouse vegetables. You will need 2 kilograms of cucumbers per day. Potatoes, coffee, salt, sugar are prohibited. You can eat any greens, tomatoes (1 large fruit per day), green tea. Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: green tea – very helpful in curbing your appetite.
  • Second breakfast: cucumber salad with herbs, seasoned with flaxseed or olive oil and lemon juice, a slice of black bread.
  • Lunch: cucumber salad, 200 g chicken/turkey breast (boiled or baked).
  • Afternoon snack: cucumber salad with sour cream or kefir, boiled egg, a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner: traditional salad with bell pepper and tomato.

  • Homemade roast pork without onions
  • Self-massage of the prostate
  • Hands go numb - the reason and what to do if there is numbness


How to lose 2 kg per week if you are a chocolate lover and cannot imagine life without this magical sweetness? Eating chocolate and losing weight is the dream of all sweet tooths. Using this regimen, you can lose 2 kg in two days. The daily diet will consist of one chocolate bar, which must be divided into three doses. Enjoy this product with a cup of coffee and low-fat milk (no sugar). An important point - choose real dark chocolate, drink plenty of water.


If a woman is not afraid of difficulties, and she is confident in her health, then you can go on a very strict diet for a couple of weeks. Why women? Because men obviously cannot stand such a diet; they have no need for it, since on any strict diet muscle mass is lost first and only then fat. The menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: one boiled egg, coffee, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: any fresh vegetables with herbs in the form of a salad, dressed with lemon juice.
  • Dinner: rosehip or herbal decoction.


Many people give up losing weight because they can’t stand a diet where they have to count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, buy food and look at the packaging, looking for calorie content. The simpler the regimen, the easier it is to follow. When starting this diet, you just need to remember the list of foods that you can and should eat every day. They can be combined with each other, stewed, boiled, baked, or made into salads. This set of products will help your body get protein in the right quantities, vitamins, microelements, and fiber.

Benefits - no hunger, accelerates metabolism, cleanses the body. The intestines will also work like clockwork. The only condition of the diet is that the total amount of food eaten should not exceed one and a half kilograms per day. This amount should be divided into 5-6 meals in small portions.

What you need to have in the refrigerator for quick weight loss:

  • chicken breast;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • cabbage;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggplant;
  • apples.

On this diet you can eat one onion, a little garlic, dill, parsley, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. honey, 1 slice of black bread, lemon juice. From the liquid you can drink green and herbal tea, still water. You should not consume alcohol, sweets and other harmful foods described above on any diet. The duration of this regime is exactly a week. You can repeat the diet after some time.

The benefits of losing weight slowly

Nutritionists have a negative attitude towards express diets.
They say that due to a sharp decrease in caloric intake (up to 400–800 kcal per day or less), the body experiences severe stress. Metabolism slows down, imbalance of hormones occurs: insulin, cortisol, ghrelin, neuropeptide. The body does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements. As a result, those losing weight are worried about weakness, fatigue, irritability, and sudden changes in appetite. After finishing the diet, the weight quickly returns.

The diet I described guarantees weight loss of at least 2 kg per week. Why does weight come off slowly? Because the reason for the movement of the scales is not dehydration or loss of muscle mass (as is the case with most diets), but the acceleration of metabolism, the normalization of intestinal and liver function. Health cannot be fully restored in 3–5 days.

When the weight started to come off more slowly, I started using a meter rather than a scale. The latter clearly demonstrated a decrease in volume in the waist and hips. The benefits of slow weight loss are not noticeable immediately, but after 3-4 months.

During my healthy diet, I can note the following improvements:

2 years after finishing the diet, I still haven’t regained my previous weight. In my opinion, an excellent result for a person who does not exhaust himself with hunger strikes and physical exercise.

After the diet, my overall appearance improved. The pimples stopped bothering me, my complexion became lighter, and my hair loss slowed down.

While following the principles of healthy eating, I did not encounter apathy or irritation. Efficiency and optimism remained at the same level. This is a big plus compared to strict diets.

Please note that the diet will only help you lose 2 kg in a week if you increase your physical activity. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym or swimming pool. I walked 6–8 km daily at a fast pace, and also did home gymnastics (jump rope, press, leg raises, squats) for 15 minutes every 3 days. This was enough to lose weight.

The benefits of this weight loss regimen

  • Nutritionists strongly recommend that their patients lose weight at a slow pace, without resorting to express diets. What are the benefits of gradually losing extra pounds?
  • Stable result. You can quickly lose weight only with a daily significant calorie deficit. A person experiences a feeling of hunger and constantly deprives himself of pleasure. Usually, supporters of express diets lose weight before some event, and after that everything returns to normal. Forbidden foods, unhealthy sweets and snacks are used. Gradual weight loss allows the body to rebuild itself. This is a conscious process, born of the desire not only to lose pounds, but also to change your lifestyle.
  • The skin does not lose elasticity. When a fat person suddenly loses weight, his skin sags and his body becomes loose. With gradual weight loss, you get not only the desired figure parameters, but also a toned body.
  • Changing eating habits. By eating right, someone who is losing weight learns to structure their diet based on healthy foods. If the process lasts several months, a person has time to readjust, get used to the new diet and love it. Proper nutrition becomes a lifestyle. This is the result you need to strive for.

Compliance with diet

But the most reliable way to lose 2 kg in a week is a special diet. Sometimes it is enough to keep yourself within the framework of four simple rules to achieve what you want within a specified period:

  • exclude baked goods, cakes, bread from the menu;
  • eliminate sugar as much as possible, replace sweets with dried fruits and fresh fruits;
  • give up too fatty foods;
  • Consume carbohydrate foods for breakfast, protein foods with a small amount of fat for lunch, and make dinner light.

For some, following these rules is enough to lose 2 kg in 3 days.

To speed up the process of losing excess weight, you can resort to separate meals, when proteins, fats and carbohydrates are not mixed at one meal.

Physical exercises for fast fat burning

How to lose 2 kg in a day? Exercise can help with this too. To achieve fat burning, you will have to do cardio training on a regular basis. If you need a short-term effect of losing 1.5-2 kg, then one intense workout will be enough. Of course, classes do not have a cumulative effect in terms of losing kilograms. If you managed to get rid of 2 kg in one workout, this does not mean that the next day you will lose two more. It’s just that excess water was lost with sweating - that’s how the kilograms went away.

A wonderful complex to perform at home is “Burn Fat, Speed ​​Up Metabolism” with trainer Jillian Michaels. This workout can be watched for free online via the Internet and performed right in front of the TV screen. It’s worth listening to how you’re feeling—exercising speeds up your heart rate very strongly.

Another great workout that can be downloaded for free on the Internet is “Insanity” from American trainer Sean T. Very intensive exercises that not everyone can do. After one training session with Sean, a weight loss of 1 to 2 kg is possible.

All of the above methods are available to every person, so if there is a desire, then a way can always be found.

Types of diets

But most often the question of how to lose weight quickly is solved with the help of a variety of diets. We will talk about the most popular of them below.

Fasting days

Fasting days will help you lose a couple of kilos in a short time without extra effort. Moreover, such days have a positive effect on health, cleansing and strengthening the body. It’s just important not to frequent them and organize them once or twice a week.

A fasting day involves eating only one type of food during the day. The most commonly used are:

  • Apples. Fruits are valued for their antioxidant properties, high content of vitamins, fiber, and ability to remove toxins from the body. When unloading, it is recommended to eat approximately 1.5 kg of this fruit per day, washed down with mineral water. You can bake a few apples for variety.
  • Cucumbers. The vegetable consists mainly of water, therefore it is low in calories, has the ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances, and rejuvenate it. On a fasting day, you can eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers in 5-6 meals. Since with this amount of product the body will receive no more than 300 kcal, you will probably feel severe weakness. It is advisable to spend a fasting day at home, diluting the cucumber menu with herbal teas. If it gets really bad, you can eat one boiled chicken egg.
  • Buckwheat. Suitable for beginners who are not used to experiencing hunger for a long time. This carbohydrate product gives you a feeling of fullness for quite a long time. The advantage of such a fasting day is that you can eat as much buckwheat as you like. It is necessary to drink water or green tea periodically.
  • Kefir. The product is useful because it gently cleanses the intestines, saturates the body with proteins, and restores the microflora of the digestive tract. During the day, in six doses, you can drink 1.5 liters of the product with 1% fat content. In addition to it, you can drink unsweetened teas and water.

Two week diet

This diet is more gentle compared to fasting days, so it does not exhaust the body, but allows it to be cleansed and healthy. The special diet in this case consists of a number of rules. So, every day in the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water. Breakfast should consist of a cup of coffee or tea, you can eat grated carrots with lemon juice, but not more than twice a week.

For lunch, it is recommended to eat boiled chicken, veal, lean fish, and eggs. They can be accompanied by spinach, salads, bell peppers, cucumbers, and any type of cabbage. For dinner, stock up on kefir, yogurt or yogurt. You can also eat fruits and low-fat cottage cheese. Sour berries are recommended as a snack.

In addition, mayonnaise, sausages, sweets, carbonated drinks, potatoes, corn, and rice should be excluded from the diet. Oils should be used to a minimum.

Diet minus 2 kg No. 2

This diet, minus 2 kg in which is lost in 3-5 days, is called “Cucumber”, since the basis of the daily diet is cucumbers. It is important to completely eliminate salt, coffee and potatoes from your diet, and also consume 2 kg of cucumbers daily. Any greens, one large tomato per day and green tea without sugar are allowed in unlimited quantities. An approximate diet menu to lose 2 kg by following, which will be easy and without harm to the body, looks like this:

  • Early breakfast – green tea;
  • Breakfast - a salad of fresh cucumbers and herbs (in unlimited quantities), seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil and a slice of whole grain black bread;
  • Lunch – cucumber salad (as during breakfast), 200 grams of boiled chicken breast or turkey (without salt) with herbs;
  • Afternoon snack – salad of cucumbers and boiled eggs, seasoned with low-fat sour cream or low-fat kefir and a slice of whole grain black bread;
  • Dinner - salad of fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and tomatoes with lemon juice and olive oil, you can add seasonings (no salt).

If desired, chicken can be replaced with lean beef or turkey; you can also add it to salads and boiled vegetables (excluding potatoes and corn) according to taste preferences. While following a diet, it is also necessary to consume vitamin-mineral complexes to obtain all the necessary nutrients, and by following this diet for 2 weeks, 5 kg can be lost without feeling hungry or harming the body.

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