Healthy is not always tasteless: cook the right oatmeal with milk and water

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Updated: Erich

06/14/2013 Cooking time: 30 min

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Here is a recipe for oatmeal with milk. Many people do not like oatmeal because it is sticky, thick and heavy. This is because it is immediately cooked with milk. Try cooking differently!

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Eating oatmeal has a positive effect on metabolic processes and the digestive system.
Oatmeal also helps eliminate waste and toxins and helps normalize water-salt balance. The benefits are due to the rich composition:

  • phosphorus - strengthens bones, musculoskeletal system, teeth;
  • potassium - ensures the vital activity of all soft tissues;
  • manganese - takes part in cell development;
  • fluorine - strengthens bones, participates in the formation of enamel and hard tooth tissue;
  • iodine - participates in the metabolism of proteins and fats, regulates the metabolism of vitamins and the rate of biochemical reactions;
  • iron - helps transport oxygen from the lungs to muscles and organs, stimulates the production of hemoglobin, regulates body temperature;
  • zinc - strengthens the immune system, participates in cell metabolism, collagen formation, protein synthesis;
  • magnesium - promotes proper bone development, regulates heart rhythms, normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • calcium - strengthens teeth and bones;
  • amino acids - slow down the aging process, stimulate the immune system;
  • vegetable fats - prevent blood clots and inflammation, stimulate the immune system, promote digestion;
  • proteins - stimulate recovery processes, improve immunity, ensure the transport of nutrients to systems;
  • fiber - cleanses toxins, has antioxidant properties, lowers sugar levels;
  • B vitamins - participate in cell metabolism, activate the functioning of brain cells;
  • vitamin A - regulates the process of protein production, helps normalize metabolism, strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamin E - activates the enrichment of blood with oxygen, promotes the normal functioning of organs and systems.

How to cook oatmeal in a slow cooker

Many housewives cook oatmeal for breakfast. But in the morning there is very little free time - you need to help the children get ready for school or kindergarten, prepare yourself for a new working day, and even prepare breakfast.

To make your life easier, it is advisable to have a multicooker at home. This irreplaceable assistant will do all the work for you - cook wonderful porridge and warm it. Once you cook milk porridge in a slow cooker, you never want to cook it on the stove in a saucepan.

According to this recipe, oatmeal will turn out appetizing, tasty and rich. You can play with the consistency of the porridge - reduce a little milk to make the porridge thick. According to the recipe, the dish will be watery, but healthy. It has long been known that liquid oatmeal brings only benefits to the body; it is easily digestible.

What products do we need:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • milk - 4 glasses;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • butter - a small piece.


  1. Open the package of oatmeal. Measure the contents with a glass. Pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl, add salt and sugar and a piece of butter.
  2. Pour milk over oatmeal. If you want to speed up the cooking process, pour hot milk over the rolled oats. It will boil much faster in a slow cooker.
  3. Close the device with the lid and turn on the “Milk porridge” mode. If this function is not available, then activate the “Porridge” mode.
  4. Set the cooking time; if the multicooker does not calculate it on its own, proceed from the amount of food.
  5. The slow cooker will do all the work for you - the porridge will turn out soft and very, very tender. It is served with raisins, dried apricots or bananas. Bon appetit.

Types of oatmeal

Oat flakes are divided into types according to the processing method:

  • “Hercules” - premium quality cereal (0.7 mm);
  • Petal - premium grade cereal (0.5 mm);
  • “Extra No. 1” - whole grain (less than 0.5 mm);
  • “Extra No. 2” - cut grain (less than 0.5 mm);
  • “Extra No. 3” - fine grain (less than 0.5 mm).

Whole grain porridge cooked in water is considered the healthiest. It is undesirable to eat oatmeal with milk, since milk fat removes the dietary fiber of oatmeal from the intestines.

Oatmeal, sir: how to choose and how much to cook the main breakfast porridge

07:46, 30.09.2020 3597


When it comes to a healthy breakfast, many people immediately think of oatmeal.

There will indeed be benefits, but only on condition that the product is chosen correctly and the technology for its preparation is not violated. What to look for when choosing oatmeal. Roskachestvo specialists advise.

What to choose from oatmeal - “extra” or “rolled oatmeal”?

The most useful are considered to be “Extra” oat flakes, which in turn are divided by numbers - No. 1, 2 and 3. To produce these flakes, first class oats , which are distinguished by increased requirements for grain quality.

Extra oat flakes No. 1 are the largest in size and take longer to cook than others - usually about 15 minutes. It is these flakes that contain the most useful vitamins, microelements and dietary fiber.

Some buyers, out of habit, call all oat flakes “Hercules”. Let's be clear. “Hercules” is one of the types of cereals, for the production of which premium grade oatmeal .

In the Soviet Union, oatmeal was sold under the Hercules brand, which was later reflected in the standards. Unlike “Extra” oat flakes, “Hercules” flakes are distinguished by longer cooking time - up to 20 minutes, and also, possibly, by a higher content of impurities.

By the way, the Soviet GOST for oat flakes differs from the current one only in that the concept of “Extra” oat flakes was introduced in the current GOST. Otherwise, all indicators are identical.

Version of the appearance of “Extra” flakes In the 70s, specialists from the Buhler company from Switzerland, a world leader in the production of equipment for processing (and cleaning) grain, worked in the USSR. When the Swiss saw our Hercules oatmeal (poorly refined, takes a long time to prepare), they offered their own lines for the production of cereal. This is how “Extra” flakes appeared, which are cleaner and also cook faster.

How long does oatmeal last?

Calculate the expiration date from the production date, not from the packaging date. Keep in mind also that the shelf life of oatmeal in cardboard packaging is about six months, and in plastic packaging it is about a year.

If, after opening the package, you find that there are a lot of flower films in the box, there are dark specks on the flakes, or there is a rancid or moldy smell, such a product cannot be called high-quality and should not be eaten.

What oatmeal do experts recommend?

In September, Roskachestvo examined oat flakes from 23 brands, including Altai ones.

At the time of purchase, the price of the cereal ranged from 3.20 to 30.48 rubles. for 100 g.

According to test results, oat flakes “VkusVill”, “Goodwill”, “Lakome”, “Makfa”, “Market Perekrestok”, “National”, “Passim”, “Uvelka”, “Yasno Solnyshko”, Myllyn Paras 1928 meet not only the requirements current standards for quality and safety, but also the advanced requirements of the Roskachestvo standard.

It should be noted that experts focused on biotin, one of the B vitamins. Oatmeal is believed to be an excellent source of this vitamin. In the study, the most biotin was found in cereals of the Mistral, Makfa, Lakome and Goodwill brands.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oatmeal is primarily a source of dietary fiber. A healthy diet involves consuming 20-25 g of dietary fiber per day

Oatmeal dietary fiber ensures the maintenance of normal gastrointestinal function, has a beneficial effect on the composition of microflora and intestinal motility, and plays an important role in the prevention of diabetes.

It would seem that uncrushed cereals would be much more effective, as they are more natural, but this is not so.

– Whole grain cereals contain the largest amount of valuable substances, especially fiber. The healthiest porridges are made from such grains. But, firstly, whole oatmeal is cooked for an average of one hour, and secondly, such porridge is not suitable for everyone, as it is more difficult to digest. For children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to use oatmeal because they are easier to digest, says Natalya Fadeeva, nutritionist and endocrinologist.

Flakes are the same pressed grains, but it is better to choose those that need to be cooked for at least 10–15 minutes, because they are less processed mechanically and thermally, which means they have more benefits.


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How long to cook oatmeal and in what proportions

It is recommended to cook oatmeal in a saucepan with a thick bottom, otherwise the porridge may burn. It is also undesirable to use enamel cookware, since the enamel can crack and get into the food.

Oatmeal will taste best if you take 3-4 parts of liquid to one part of the cereal. In addition, you can add a pinch of salt to improve the taste. Some housewives add a little honey or maple syrup to porridge with milk, which is a worthy alternative to sugar.

It is also important not to overcook the oatmeal and not turn it off prematurely. To determine how long to cook oatmeal, you need to know the type of cereal:

  • "Hercules" - 20 minutes;
  • Petal - 10 minutes;
  • "Extra" - 1-5 minutes

Who knows how to cook porridge?

Happy day to all lovers of delicious recipes.
Is he not so cheerful? It's time to prepare the best food for health and good mood. Oatmeal is considered the queen of all cereals. After all, it contains so many healthy ingredients, a truly excellent taste that is difficult to confuse with others, and a generous charge of new strength and energy. How to cook oatmeal with milk correctly is the most common question. Oddly enough, sometimes even the most seasoned cooks find it difficult to make oatmeal. Why? Of course, a lot depends on the size of the flakes and their processing. The main cereals offered by stores are fine and coarse grinds. From here it turns out that cooking takes from 5 to 15 minutes. You will learn more below in the step-by-step cooking recipe.

How to properly cook whole grain oatmeal

First you need to sort through the oatmeal and remove all spoiled grains. Then rinse the cereal 3-4 times. After this, you can start preparing the porridge.

Recipe for whole grain oatmeal with water:

  1. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal with cold water and leave for several hours. It's better to soak overnight.
  2. Drain and rinse oatmeal.
  3. Pour 4 cups of cold water and cook over medium heat. Boil.
  4. Reduce heat and cook for another 10–15 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove and cover with a lid.
  6. Leave for 10–15 minutes.

Recipe for whole grain oatmeal with milk:

  1. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal with cold water. Leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, drain the water and rinse the oatmeal.
  3. Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan and boil.
  4. Add salt, add oatmeal and cook over medium heat until boiling.
  5. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes.

How to cook oatmeal in the microwave

It is difficult to cook porridge in a saucepan, because you have to constantly stir the product with a spoon, otherwise the flakes will stick to the pan. The dish is prepared quickly and easily in the microwave. The cooking process takes quite a bit of time, and the result is a delicious porridge, all the flakes swell properly and do not boil into a sticky mass.

To make porridge, take the following products:

  • oatmeal - 80 grams;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • drinking water - 150 ml;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar and salt - add to taste.

The process of cooking porridge in the microwave:

  1. Take the products from the list. The flakes packed in a pack are clean, each grain is sorted - they are not sorted or washed in water. It is advisable to sort out and rinse Hercules bought by weight.
  2. Place the flakes in a microwave-safe bowl and fill with clean drinking water.
  3. Microwave the oatmeal at maximum power. Hold for 3 minutes.
  4. After the specified period of time, remove the pan with oatmeal from the oven and add sugar and salt. Mix well.
  5. Pour milk at room temperature into the container with porridge and return it to the microwave, turn it on to maximum. Cook oatmeal for 3 minutes.
  6. Turn off the oven and open the lid slightly. Transfer the bowl of oatmeal to the table and stir together with the butter.
  7. Divide the porridge into portions and serve. You can put pieces of fruit (bananas or apples) or dried fruits pre-soaked in water in the dish.

Good to know. Cooking times are approximate. Some types of flakes take 15 minutes to cook, while the smallest ones take no more than 5 minutes. The choice of time is approached individually.

How to cook oatmeal

You need to be prepared right away that it takes a lot of time to prepare oatmeal. This kind of porridge cannot be quickly prepared for breakfast, especially if you don’t have free time.

Oatmeal porridge is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour 2 cups of oatmeal with cold water.
  2. Soak for 1.5–2 hours.
  3. Drain the water.
  4. Pour 4 cups of water into a saucepan and boil.
  5. Add the cereal and bring to a boil.
  6. Turn off the stove, cover the porridge with a lid and wait 2-3 hours until the porridge swells.
  7. Place the cereal in a colander and make sure the water drains.
  8. Place the cereal in boiling milk, add salt and cook until the porridge thickens.

Original recipe for oatmeal with oranges

Porridge with oranges can add a delicious citrus note to a family breakfast with children and not only fill you up, but even improve your mood.


  • oranges - 2 pieces;
  • oat flakes - 1 cup;
  • natural milk - 0.4 liters;
  • raisins - 50 grams;
  • natural honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter - 15 grams.

Oatmeal with oranges is prepared according to the original recipe:

  1. Orange fruits must be fresh, without blemishes. They must be scalded with boiling water, dried with a paper towel, grated on the fine side of a grater and squeezed out the juice. Peel the second orange and cut into slices.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil in a small saucepan, immediately pour the cereal into it and cook for 1 minute, then pour in the juice and grated zest of the first orange and cook the porridge until tender.
  3. Add butter, scalded and sorted raisins, honey to the finished porridge and place it on plates, garnishing with orange slices on top.

When adding ingredients to such porridge, you can first pour in the juice and add orange zest, but there is a risk of milk curdling, and curdled milk will worsen the quality of the entire porridge. After a minute of cooking, the flakes will bind the milk with mucus and curdling will become impossible.

How to cook oatmeal correctly - four options

Everyone has certain food preferences, so there is no universal oatmeal recipe. Also, from time to time you want variety, which is also a reason to replenish your recipe box.

Oatmeal with milk

  1. Pour 2 cups of milk into a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. Pour 1 cup of oatmeal into boiling milk and stir.
  4. Cook over low heat for 10–15 minutes, stirring.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid.
  6. Leave for 10 minutes.

On the water

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and boil.
  2. Reduce heat to medium and add salt to the water.
  3. Add 1 cup oatmeal.
  4. Cook over low heat, stirring.
  5. Turn off the stove after 5-7 minutes.
  6. Add butter and stir.
  7. Wait a few minutes for the porridge to thicken.

Diet oatmeal

  1. Heat the frying pan.
  2. Add 1 cup of oatmeal. Do not add oil.
  3. Cook for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan and boil.
  5. Pour the flakes into boiling water.
  6. Cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Add a handful of dark raisins.
  8. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. Remove from the stove and let it brew.

For a child

  1. Pour 100 ml of water into the pan and add salt.
  2. Boil.
  3. Reduce heat to medium and add 7 tbsp to boiling water. spoons of cereal.
  4. Add 250 ml baby milk when the oatmeal boils.
  5. To cover with a lid.
  6. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

How many calories are in a serving of oatmeal?

Oatmeal Useful tips Oatmeal diet

What a serving of oatmeal is and how to determine it for yourself, see our material - very useful and interesting. We believe that a normal portion is 240 grams of porridge. And let's see what the nutritional value is: Thus, oatmeal with water (1 serving) contains 210 calories.
Calorie classification: 18% fat, 69% carbohydrates, 14% protein.

Learn to determine how much food you need to eat and what your portion should be in scales.


Group: Guests To be honest, when I started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day, I didn’t gain any weight, even though I mixed oud and condensed milk sometimes. But my friend, she’s older than me – she got a little sick after the oatmeal!


Group: Guests In my opinion, the best porridge! It adds so much energy, especially if eaten in the morning. When I entered the university, I only had this porridge for breakfast - I was full of energy until the evening!


Group: Guests Calories are important for losing weight! I liked the presence of potassium and fat in the porridge. There are a lot of joules - it gives energy!


Group: Guests One of the healthiest porridges: there is a lot of fiber and the right carbohydrates. But the most harmful thing about eating oatmeal for breakfast is that we usually don’t eat it on its own, but with honey, jam or sugar, and even with milk, not water. This is where the harm and extra pounds on the scales come in...


Group: Guests I'm pleasantly impressed that oatmeal has no cholesterol. Pleased with the low fat content.


Group: Guests What always amazes me most is how many people count the calorie content of oatmeal, and then break out and eat 5 sandwiches with butter, cheese and sausage! There should be common sense and a sense of proportion in everything! Oatmeal is great, I eat it myself and feed my children and my husband!

Additional ways to prepare oatmeal

You don't have to cook your oatmeal on the stove. You can prepare the dish in a slow cooker, microwave or double boiler. In this case, the process will be less hassle.

Multicooker cooking technology

  1. Place 150 g of oatmeal on the bottom of the multicooker.
  2. Add 750 ml of milk 2.5%, 20 g of butter. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Mix all ingredients and close the multicooker lid.
  4. Click on the “Cooking” button and install the “Porridge” program.
  5. Click on the “Set time” button and select 25 minutes.
  6. Click on “Start”.
  7. At the end of cooking, open the lid of the multicooker and mix the porridge thoroughly.

In the microwave

  1. Place 4 tbsp in a microwave-safe bowl. l. oatmeal, as well as salt and sugar to taste.
  2. Pour ¾ cup boiling water and stir.
  3. Turn on the microwave at full power and leave the porridge for 3 minutes.
  4. Take out the porridge, stir and add ½ cup of milk or cream.
  5. Microwave for 90 seconds.
  6. Remove the porridge from the microwave and leave for a few minutes.
  7. Add butter.

In a steamer

  1. Place 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups hot milk, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  2. Place the bowl in the steamer.
  3. Cook the porridge for 25–30 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, remove, add butter and 1 tbsp. l. honey

Oatmeal with milk and raisins

March 1, 2014 Maria Home page » Breakfast ideas

Hello, friends! I don’t know about you, but I really like oatmeal with milk and raisins. On weekends, I certainly give myself this pleasure and cook such porridge with feeling, properly, and with care.

The nasty Englishmen, whose homeland is traditionally considered morning oatmeal, recently discovered that constantly eating oatmeal is harmful - it blocks the absorption of calcium, and eating it for more than two weeks in a row is unsafe for health; in this case, you need to take a break for another two weeks. But this doesn’t threaten me - I cook something different every day, and I rarely have to eat the same thing two days in a row.

To be honest, I fell in love with oatmeal quite recently – when I got around to adding raisins to it. For some reason, my conscience and some remnants of ancient dietary ideas prevent me from making any porridge tasty and desirable with the help of sugar, although this is the easiest way.

As for the ideal proportions for oatmeal, they are as follows: for liquid oatmeal you will need 1 cup (250 ml) of rolled oats per 1 liter of liquid, and for moderately thick oatmeal - 1.5 cups per 1 liter of liquid. I say liquid because there are people who have to eat oatmeal in water. In this case, this recipe will also work. That's it, I'm done with the tedious speculation, let's get down to business.

To create delicious oatmeal with milk, we will need (for 2-3 servings):

  • 1 liter of milk (or water, or half and half of both - that’s what I personally do)
  • 1.5 cups (250 ml volume) oat flakes for cooking (rolled oats)
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt

Oatmeal with milk, recipe:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan or whatever we have according to plan (I take half and half milk with filtered water), put it on medium heat.
  2. Add sugar, salt, stir and wait until the milk becomes very hot, but not yet boiling.
  3. At this moment, add oatmeal, stir and reduce the heat slightly.
  4. Wash the raisins and place them in the pan.
  5. After boiling, cook the oatmeal for 6-10 minutes, then turn it off, cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes. During this time, the oatmeal under the lid will acquire its characteristic “oatmeal” consistency - the milk will become viscous, and the flakes will lose their clear outline.

Oatmeal with milk is ready! You can add butter to it - this is especially nice when you want to tickle the nerves of your fellow citizens who are losing weight. But even without fellow citizens, with butter is simply even tastier than without it.

If you are a fan of a more, I apologize, “snotty” version of oatmeal - that is, when it more closely resembles a homogeneous thick jelly - this is not at all difficult to achieve. The ingredients and method of action are still the same, only the flakes need to be poured into the milk at that stage while it is still cold - at the very beginning of cooking. That's all, actually. I can’t even believe that I wrote a whole treatise around ordinary oatmeal with milk. In my defense, I can say that my recipe is proven in proportions, it is very difficult to mess up this mess.

I hope you find my version of oatmeal with milk useful.

Enjoy your life in the kitchen and in life.

Best regards, Maria Nosova.

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Tags: milk, oatmeal


In the mornings you don’t always have time to prepare breakfast, so you can consider instant porridge as an option. The bag of porridge should be poured into a plate and filled with hot water or milk. In just a few minutes the dish will be ready to eat.

This porridge is considered not the healthiest, since it contains various additives, so it is more suitable for trips when there really is no time and place for cooking.

The video explains how to cook oatmeal without cooking.

What to add to oatmeal for taste

Oatmeal will be more tasty and nutritious if you add the following ingredients:

  • berries;
  • pieces of fruit;
  • maple syrup;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit puree;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • jam;
  • jam;
  • jam;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • fried onions and carrots;
  • greenery;
  • cinnamon;
  • turmeric;
  • condensed milk;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • feta cheese;
  • meat (chicken, beef);
  • olive oil.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store oatmeal in a dry and dark place. After opening the package, pour the contents into a container with a tight-fitting lid.

The finished porridge can be stored in the refrigerator. First place the oatmeal in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Porridge with water should be consumed within 2.5 days, oatmeal with milk - within 2 days.

Oatmeal is a tasty and healthy dish that can be prepared in many ways. In addition, dried fruits, honey or fresh fruits and berries are added to oatmeal, which makes the taste more pronounced.

Fruit oatmeal with milk

Many mothers worry about the health of their babies and are very upset when their children capriciously turn away from healthy and necessary dishes in their diet. You can correct the situation by adding dried fruits to the porridge: apricots, raisins, prunes. Or make a mix of fresh fruits: bananas, apples, pears. Walnuts or cashews are also great.

To prepare a portion of porridge with dried fruits for a child over one year old, we need:

  1. milk 300g;
  2. cereal 3 tbsp. spoons;
  3. butter 7g;
  4. Sugar to taste;
  5. Salt to taste;
  6. Dried fruits to choose from 2 tbsp. spoons


The cooking method is no different from the above recipe. But before cooking, you should steam the dried fruits in boiling water, placing them in a separate glass for 20 minutes. It is better to add a treat that pleases the child at the very end, when the porridge is seasoned with oil. This way, more vitamins are preserved in berries and fruits and the dish looks more aesthetically pleasing. Unsteamed pieces decorate the surface of the dish and give a more appetizing appearance and aroma.

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