Diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides for women: menu for the week

Diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides


  1. Causes of fat deposits
  2. Diet principles
  3. Authorized Products
  4. Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides
  5. Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides for 4 days
  6. Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides for 1 week
  7. Effective diets for losing weight at home
  8. Physical activity for the abdomen and sides

To lose weight, you need to exercise and eat high-quality, healthy foods. But losing weight in the abdomen and sides is not an easy task; these places are the most problematic and difficult to correct. And a special diet will help reduce the volume, allowing you to eat with virtually no restrictions and with health benefits.


There are many diets to remove the belly and sides. Some people can only get by with proper nutrition and exercise; this is enough to keep their figure in shape. But for the majority, serious work on themselves is required: a diet for losing belly fat should be combined with sports activities, and it is also necessary to put metabolic processes in the body in order, maintain water balance, plus cosmetic healing procedures: wraps, massages, etc.

The basic rule of losing weight: you need to consume fewer calories per day than you burn. But a sedentary lifestyle, inactivity, lack of physical activity, progress, which has given us many assistant machines, do not allow us to expend energy in full, therefore, if the goal is to lose weight and remove the belly, sides, tighten the figure, then the right diet for losing belly fat - This is to reduce the number of calories consumed.

The average person needs 2000 calories

Causes of fat deposits

Have you noticed that the problem of fat deposits on the stomach and sides is more relevant for women than for men? Representatives of the stronger half of humanity rarely have a sagging stomach or sides that stick out from their pants. The exceptions are men who do not monitor their diet at all, eat fast food, soda, love beer and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

So, women develop deposits even without an addiction to beer and hamburgers. And this feature is associated with reproductive function. Nature made sure that the expectant mother had small reserves of fat necessary to carry a child during famine. Moreover, the layer of fat serves as protection for the unborn baby.

But while maintaining your body in tone, the stomach remains flat even in older women. However, the situation is changed by various factors that influence the appearance of excess weight and body fat:

  • Poor nutrition. First of all, eating sugar and flour products provokes the growth of adipose tissue. But even if you give up these products, as well as fast foods, if the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is incorrect, the body begins to make reserves. Therefore, you cannot completely give up even carbohydrates.
  • Stress. Nervous stress provokes the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. And it instructs the body to store fats in reserve. And if you often experience stress while eating right, avoiding the appearance of sides and belly will be problematic.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Reducing activity almost guarantees weight gain. This is due to decreased metabolism and poor digestion. If you have a sedentary job, set aside 2-3 days a week to go to the gym. 1-2 hours of intense training is enough to keep your body in good shape and reduce the risk of obesity.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Diseases of the endocrine system lead to malfunctions in many body systems. And the growth of adipose tissue on the abdomen and sides is one of the consequences of thyroid disease and hormonal imbalance. At the same time, losing weight is very difficult even if you follow a strict diet and intense exercise.
  • Age. The older the person, the worse the metabolism. For this reason, it is much easier to gain weight after 30 years of age than in your 20s.

One of the common problems is a large volume of the abdomen and sides with normal weight. In this case, the main emphasis is on physical activity to speed up the weight loss process.

Diet principles

To lose weight in the abdomen and sides, you first need to eliminate the cause of weight gain. If you have problems with endocrinology, then be sure to undergo treatment. If your thyroid gland is functioning normally, eliminate other factors that cause weight gain:

  • Eat often, but in small portions. A strict diet and hunger strikes will do more harm than good.
  • Avoid sweets, soda and flour products.
  • Increase your physical activity. If you don't have time to go to the gym, do aerobics, yoga, or take a walk at home in the evenings.
  • Even ordinary stairs will do.
  • Maintain a drinking regime by drinking at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. In summer, the body needs more - at least 2 liters per day.
  • Avoid salt or reduce your intake. It’s unusual and tasteless only for the first 5-7 days, then you will get used to the new taste of food and it will seem more pleasant to you.
  • Watch your calories. Buy a kitchen scale, weigh each food you eat and record it in a food journal. This will help you calculate the amount of calories you are taking in and adjust them to be a little less than normal.

What diet to choose to lose belly fat

When deciding which nutrition system to follow, you need to carefully assess your health and capabilities. There are no universal diets for the sides and belly that are suitable for everyone without exception. What is good for one person may not only not help another, but also cause harm. Only a properly selected nutrition system for removing the stomach and sides will ensure that you achieve your goal. Read about the main features of the most popular systems.

  • Endocrinologist - who is he and what does he treat? An endocrinologist will help with diseases of the endocrine system
  • Signs of liver disease
  • Rice casserole - recipes with photos. How to cook rice casserole in the oven or slow cooker

Fasting day

The essence of this technique is that for exactly one day the consumption of strictly defined foods is allowed, the total energy value of which does not exceed 1000 calories. This diet stimulates the acceleration of metabolism, which can result in weight loss of up to a kilogram. A fasting day happens:

  1. Fat: milk, sour cream, cream.
  2. Carbohydrates: buckwheat, rice, apple, cucumber, watermelon, fruit and vegetables.
  3. Protein: kefir, fish, cottage cheese, meat.

The maximum number of fasting days per week is two. The daily diet should be divided into equal 6 servings. On the day of the diet, you should not exercise or overexert yourself mentally and physically. The next day you need to eat low-calorie foods, in moderate portions. Advantages:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • major weight loss;
  • normalization of mineral and acid-base balance.


  • fasting days are difficult to tolerate;
  • Possible stomach pain and indigestion.


Instant programs are designed for those who need to lose weight in record time. A diet for 3 days will help you lose 2-5 kg. She is tough, but effective. If after it you eat haphazardly again, the weight will quickly accumulate again. There are different menu options, but the most popular is the one in which the first day is protein, the next is carbohydrate, and the last is fruit and vegetable. Kefir and cucumber diets are also in demand.

Benefits of losing weight in three days:

  • the weight comes off quickly;
  • with a diet, toxins and waste are removed from the body;
  • relatively easily tolerated.


  • the weight comes back quickly;
  • Not enough microelements and vitamins enter the body;
  • Nausea and headache may occur.

You cannot go on a three-day diet if:

  • chronic heart or kidney diseases;
  • recent flu, cold;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive physical activity.


Key instructions:

  1. You need to eat small meals, according to a schedule. Each serving is no more than 200 g.
  2. Introduce plenty of protein foods into your diet. Lean meat without skin, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs are suitable.
  3. Be sure to include sea fish, olive or flaxseed oil in your diet.
  4. Have breakfast with cereal porridge.
  5. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits every day on your diet.
  6. Drink plenty of water.
  7. Avoid sweets, baked goods, sugar, mayonnaise and other fatty sauces, smoked foods, butter, alcohol, sweet juices and soda, and canned food.

Diets for losing belly fat in a week are not suitable for people with:

  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • during colds and other diseases that weaken the body.


  1. Without exaggeration, a weekly diet helps tighten problem areas and helps reduce their volume.
  2. Very easy to carry.
  3. It is considered gentle.

Authorized Products

To create a menu for losing weight on your stomach and sides, you need to choose a menu that includes healthy foods with low calorie content. The diet should include:

  • vegetables are mandatory foods that can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities (with the exception of potatoes);
  • fruits are a source of glucose, especially necessary when completely abstaining from sugar;
  • meat - buy only low-fat varieties: chicken breast, rabbit, veal, beef, fish;
  • cereals - give preference to buckwheat, rice, millet, lentils, chickpeas;
  • vegetable oils – olive and flaxseed oils have particular benefits for the body;
  • fermented milk products - be sure to buy kefir, natural yogurt and cottage cheese.

When creating a menu, take into account the ability of some foods to improve metabolism and remove excess fat from the body. With them you will quickly achieve a beautiful waist. These products include:

  • cucumbers;
  • grapefruit;
  • avocado;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • mustard;
  • seasonings (pepper, horseradish);

Prohibited Products

Some foods need to be completely excluded from the diet to speed up the elimination of excess fat deposits. These include:

  • sweets and sugar;
  • flour products;
  • sausages, canned food, smoked products;
  • fried and highly salted foods;
  • alcohol;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • boxed juices.

The listed products are the enemies of a beautiful figure, so if you refuse them, fat will begin to disappear from the sides and abdomen.

Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides

There are a huge number of diets for losing weight. When choosing, you should take into account your goals - the faster you need to lose weight, the stricter the nutrition system. If we talk about a proper diet that is not harmful to health, then it has several components:

  • Small portions - the size of each should not exceed 250 g.
  • Fractional meals - there should be 3 full meals and 2 snacks per day.
  • Temperature – food should be warm.
  • Drinking regimen - drink a glass of warm water every morning, then throughout the day 30 minutes before meals and an hour after meals.
  • Combine foods correctly - meat with vegetables, cereals with vegetables. But cereals and meat do not go well together.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva “Lose weight forever”: menu

Margarita Koroleva’s diet is designed for 9 days. The first three days are based on the principles of the rice diet, that is, you can eat rice boiled in water without salt and sugar. You should soak a glass of rice in the evening and boil it for 10-15 minutes in the morning. You need to divide it into several small portions and eat it throughout the day.

This is followed by three days, during which it is necessary to eat only chicken meat without skin and fat. The total amount of meat should be divided into several small meals.

At the end of Margarita Koroleva’s diet, there are vegetable days. You are allowed to consume up to 800 grams of raw or boiled vegetables. Under no circumstances should they be salted or pickled. Also, the total volume of vegetables should be divided into several small portions.

Diet menu for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for 1 day

If you decide to use the right diet to lose weight on your stomach and sides, then a sample menu for 1 day will help you with this.

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal porridge with water and apple.
  • Snack. Cheese sandwich, green tea.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup, baked fish with vegetable salad.
  • Snack. 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Seafood salad.
  • Late dinner. Kefir or cottage cheese.

If you feel hungry between meals, you can satisfy it with nuts, kefir or any fruit.

Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides for 4 days

To get rid of fat deposits, you need to constantly adhere to the rules of a healthy diet. Ideally, throughout your life to reduce the risks of various diseases and prevent weight gain.

A sample menu for 4 days looks like this:

1Baked curd cheesecakesBoiled chicken breast, vegetable stewFish soup
2Boiled eggs, toastPuree vegetable soup, piece of boiled fishBeef baked with zucchini and carrots
3Oatmeal with milkBuckwheat porridge, vegetable saladVeal stewed with vegetables
4Rice with vegetablesChicken soupMeat in pots

What to eat for a flat stomach

Approximate food intake for eliminating extra pounds:

breakfast lunch dinner.

1st day: 1 glass of yogurt, toast; 150 grams of boiled rice. Salad with sweet pepper, cabbage and cucumber; 100 grams of beef in broth, baked blueberries, apple juice;

Day 2: low-fat curd; weak unsweetened tea; 100 grams of boiled rice and 100 grams of boiled beef. Tomato salad with onions, dressed with olive oil, a glass of tomato juice before bed;

Day 3: 100 grams of turkey in broth, unsweetened green tea; 150 grams of boiled fish, cabbage salad with onions and green peas; boiled rice and an apple, a glass of fresh juice before bed;

Day 4: 100 grams of beef in broth, weak unsweetened tea, lean soup with vegetables and bread; 150 grams of poultry in broth, rice in broth;

Day 5: glass of fat-free kefir, toast, 2 pcs. baked potatoes, carrot salad, 150 grams of fish in broth; salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, 100 grams of veal in broth;

Day 6: two soft-boiled eggs, two oatmeal cookies, herbal tea; 100 grams of boiled turkey, boiled rice; 200 g boiled chicken, orange salad;

Day 7: 100 grams of hard cheese, green tea with toast; boiled rice, salad with tomato, cucumber and onion; 200 grams of boiled beef, cabbage salad with cucumber;

Diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides for 1 week

An effective diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides involves giving up sweets. And in order not to experience a carbohydrate deficiency, you need to include more fruits and cereals in your diet.

The weekly menu looks like this:

1Oatmeal with berriesBeetroot soup with chickenStewed cabbage, boiled pollock
2Cottage cheeseMeat casseroleVegetable salad
3Buckwheat porridge with tomatoesMeat soup with potatoesFish baked in foil with vegetables
4Curd cheesecakesVegetable puree soupBoiled beef, tomato and cucumber salad
5Cottage cheese casseroleEarMeatballs with rice
6Hercules porridge with fruitsChicken breast stewed in tomatoMillet milk porridge
7Boiled eggsVegetable salad, boiled chicken breastVegetable stew with pieces of veal

Benefits - how to lose weight without dieting and get rid of belly fat

A balanced diet and exercise are the key to a beautiful, slender figure, thin waist and flat stomach. It has been scientifically proven that some products regulate metabolic processes in the body, burn fat from the hips, abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks, and help lose weight:

  • Dairy, excluding milk.
  • Ginger – ensures good blood circulation and gastric secretion.
  • Cabbage: broccoli and cauliflower - a chest of microelements and vitamins, white cabbage - a brush for the body, removes toxins.
  • Cucumbers in combination with a low-calorie diet help you quickly lose weight and remove belly fat.

Young fruits are recommended, best consumed with the skin

  • Green tea is a powerful fat burner, the natural caffeine contained in the drink dissolves subcutaneous fat deposits and internal visceral fat, which is why it is almost always recommended to add 3 cups of green tea per day to diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides.
  • Grapefruit for weight loss should be eaten with membranes, peeled. Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, insulin is reduced, and the flavonoin niringin is a choleretic agent.

Any effective diet for losing weight in the belly and sides needs additional “helpers.”
To speed up metabolism, add to the diet:

  • Cinnamon, add to food and drinks for weight loss, melts fat cocktail: 1 cup boiling water, ½ teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tsp. honey
  • Horseradish – its enzymes burn fat and the stomach goes away.
  • Legumes are a protein product; in order to digest them, the body needs to expend a large amount of energy, hence the weight loss effect.
  • Red wine contains resvetrol, which breaks down fat cells and prevents them from developing; for weight loss you need 100 ml per day.
  • Oatmeal is a storehouse of soluble fiber, saturates and gives energy for physical activity to remove belly fat.

Diet combined with physical activity is the way to lose weight and get a flat stomach

Ways to speed up metabolic processes for weight loss

Even the best diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides must be followed correctly, and it is also important to stimulate the body:

  • Diet for weight loss - at least 5 meals, in small quantities.
  • Full sleep.
  • Water – 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Exercise, more movement.
  • Massages and wraps.
  • Baths and saunas promote weight loss and reduce belly fat.

Water is required for all diets except dry diets.

For cleansing

To speed up weight loss and reduce your belly fat, you should cleanse your intestines:

  • cabbage, salads, beets, carrots, preferably green apples, pineapple, peas, beans, lentils;
  • whole grains: barley, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, wholemeal bread;
  • dried fruits, flaxseed, bran, seeds and nuts;
  • natural prebiotics: sour milk, sauerkraut, tea mushroom, chicory, onion, garlic.

Vegetables that help add fiber to your diet

Effective diets for losing weight at home

If you want to quickly get rid of belly fat and sides, then you should try more strict diets. They help you lose up to 5 kg in a week. But you can adhere to them only if there are no various diseases.

What diets help you lose weight:

  • buckwheat diet - involves eating only buckwheat for 5-7 days;
  • kefir diet – drink only kefir for 3-5 days;
  • water diet - eat right and do fasting days every 3 days, during which you can only drink water;
  • cabbage diet – cook dishes only from cabbage for 5-7 days;
  • Rice diet – eat only boiled rice for 5 days.

Nutritionists and doctors are skeptical about mono-diets, since they cause enormous harm to the body. First of all, this is serious stress, and secondly, the lack of necessary vitamins and minerals.

Weight loss diets

To go on a diet without harm to your health, you need to undergo a medical examination and find out the advice of a nutritionist who will recommend weight loss diets and abdominal exercises.

An easy diet for quickly losing belly fat for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle

Breakfast for weight loss:

  • corn porridge sprinkled with grated cheese;
  • oatmeal with diluted milk or water with fruit;
  • omelette - 2 eggs;

For a snack, the stomach diet allows low-fat kefir.

Lunch to choose from:

  • baked or steamed pollock, cucumber and cabbage salad;
  • chicken breast or turkey and light salad

Before dinner, a simple diet for losing weight in the stomach and sides allows you to eat an orange, apple or banana.


  • boiled squid, seasoned with yogurt;
  • mariculture salad with a little avocado, lemon and olive oil dressing;
  • a lean piece of chicken, fish, meat and slightly steamed or raw vegetables.

Important: When dieting, it is prohibited to fry in oil; foods should be boiled, baked, grilled, steamed, or in a slow cooker.

When dieting for weight loss, do not forget to count calories

Losing weight on tomatoes

Tomato fast diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides, express meals for 4 days:

  • 1: Z – thin slice of black bread + cheese + medium vegetable + coffee without sugar, but with milk. O – 2 cloves of garlic finely and fry in a spoon of vegetable oil, pour 150 ml of water, squeeze 1 tbsp lemon juice. l, pepper and salt, add spaghetti to this sauce. For dinner – pasta with spinach, pour boiling water over 400 g of greens + 60 g of spaghetti, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven.
  • 2: in the morning - cottage cheese 80 g with raspberries or other fruits, in the afternoon - boiled chicken breast 100 g with fresh tomato and chopped parsley, in the evening - gazpacho.
  • 3: repeat breakfast from day 2, lunch - fry small green peppers and pumpkin - 150 g on a spoon of vegetable oil + finely chopped tomatoes 100 g + 50-75 g light yogurt + chopped garlic and onion, add aldento spaghetti 60 g to the sauce, simmer until done, for dinner, cut 2 medium tomatoes into slices, add 100 g of fried mushrooms, simmer, mix with pasta and bake with a little cheese.
  • 4: beginning of the day - bread, a slice of cheese, tomato and coffee, in the middle - bread, cheese, on top of vegetable slices and lettuce, in the evening: 2 medium carrots, cut and fry, dilute with 100 ml of water, simmer for 5 minutes, season with parsley or basil, pepper, salt and serve the sauce with 60 g of ready-made spaghetti.

Diet for the belly and waist, before and after photos

Famous diet to help you lose weight and get rid of belly fat

Table No. 8 is a therapeutic, gentle diet for losing belly fat and helping to get rid of fat. Developed by nutritionists for obese people and those prone to overeating.

Important: When dieting, you need to monitor calorie content and do not include fast carbohydrates and excess fats in the menu. Even if these are the most strict diets for losing weight in the stomach and sides, the menu should contain at least 1.5 liters of water.

You can eat for weight loss:

  • Lean fish, meat, poultry – 150 g per day.
  • 2 eggs of any kind.
  • Rye and wheat bread, coarsely ground.
  • It is advisable to exclude low-fat sour milk and cheese.
  • Vegetables in unlimited quantities, most of them raw.
  • Cereals are allowed, but bread should be excluded.
  • Compotes without sugar, diluted 1 to 1 with water.

Sweets, baked goods, smoked foods, semi-finished products are strictly prohibited on the diet. With such variety, you can create a completely satisfying and balanced diet and in a short time get rid of belly fat and deposits on your hips, sides, and thighs.

Vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw

Losing weight on buckwheat

The buckwheat menu is an effective diet for a flat stomach and thin waist; if strictly followed, it helps you lose more than 10 kg in 14 days.

We prepare porridge for the day: pour half a kilo of cereal with boiling water - 1.5 liters, wrap the pan in a blanket, and in the morning it is ready.

At the end of the diet, just 100 g of cereal is enough to remove belly fat.

Divide for the whole day, into 5-6 doses, you can add kefir, plus 2 glasses of water.

Important: The strict buckwheat diet, although effective, is not suitable for everyone, so before starting a diet for weight loss, you should consult a doctor.

For a greater weight loss effect, water during the diet is replaced with green tea.

Delicious diet for weight loss, helps to remove belly fat

Orange diet for quick belly fat loss, loses 3 kg in a week. Breakfast is always the same: 1 citrus fruit, 1 piece of bread, tea or coffee, no sugar.

Next, the menu for 5 days will help you lose weight:

1hard-boiled egg - 1 pc., a glass of kefir, orange - 1 pc.egg – 2 pcs, crackers, medium tomato
2fruit – 1, yogurt – 200 ml, bread, boiled egg – 1boiled beef -150 g, orange -1, tomato - 1 medium, cracker, glass of kefir
3orange – 1, 400 ml yogurt, hard-boiled egg – 1, breadsteamed steak – 150 g, fruit – 1, kefir – glass, cracker
4low-fat cottage cheese – 150 g, medium cucumber – 1, tomato – 1, breadturkey or beef – 150 g, apple – 1, toast with tomato
5Boiled fish – 200 g, 400 ml kefir, 2 tomatoes, 2 lettuce leavesEgg -1, lettuce - 5 leaves, tomatoes - 2 pcs.

The orange diet for weight loss and belly fat is not suitable for people with allergies to citrus fruits and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Weekly protein diet for weight loss

A protein diet to lose belly fat and lose weight is good for those who love meat and vegetables.

1150 g beef + assorted sauerkraut with peas – 100 g, green tea – 200 mm150 g beef + assorted fresh cabbage with bell pepper and chopped herbs – 100 g150 g boiled pollock (hake, cod) + 2 small boiled potatoes + grated beets, seasoned with low-fat yogurt
2100 g beef, raw grated carrots with yogurt - 100 g, green tea200 g steamed fish, 1 apple, dried fruit compote diluted 1 to 1100 g steamed fish with cabbage salad - 100 g, a slice of black bread
3100 g boiled lean pork, apple200 g beans + 200 g vegetables (any, raw)150 g pork and 100 g sauerkraut with peas
4100 g cottage cheese, tea150 g of fresh vegetable salad and 150 g of stewed lean meattomato salad with onions – 150 g, dressed with oil
52 loaves of bread washed down with a glass of kefirFish 150 g + chopped tomatoes with oil -100 g200 g lean meat, washed down with apple juice + 1 apple
6150 g cottage cheese and 200 ml green tea100 g boiled beans, grated carrots - 100 g150 g steamed fish and vinaigrette – 100 g
72 loaves of bread washed down with 200 ml of milk200 g of meat with vegetables – 100gMeat broth soup with vegetables. 100 g lean lamb, 1 slice of black bread

A weekly diet for losing weight on the belly and sides is designed for an active lifestyle, so intense physical exercise is important.

Only lean meat is allowed

Physical activity for the abdomen and sides

To lose weight in problem areas, choose any sport. But especially effective:

  • run;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming;
  • working with weights.

It is best to select exercises for weight loss with a trainer or doctor. Age, body weight, equipment, as well as diseases must be taken into account.

At home, without harm to your health, you can use a set of exercises, which includes:

  • squats – 20 times;
  • plank – 60 seconds;
  • twisting – 15 times for each side;
  • bending to the side – 15 times for each side;
  • jumping rope – 1 minute.

By performing the listed exercises 3-4 times a week, you will notice significant improvements in your figure. The main thing is not to be lazy, eat right and don’t get nervous over trifles!

Menu for the week: removing fat from the belly and sides

We have compiled a weekly menu for you that will help you lose weight and shed extra pounds from problem areas. However, it is worth remembering that without following the basic principles of weight loss indicated by yours, neither the calorie indicator nor this menu will help you lose weight!

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOatmeal with berries 100-150 g.AppleVegetable soupDried fruitsCottage cheese
TuesdayOmelette of 2 whites and 1 yolkLow-fat yogurtBuckwheat and boiled chicken filletOrangeKefir
WednesdayWheat porridge with 1 tsp. honey Mineral waterLean boiled beef, riceCucumber and tomato saladLow-fat yogurt
ThursdayBarley porridgeSmall handful of nutsLentil soupCurd cheesecakesSmall portion of turkey and salad
Friday2 boiled eggsGrapefruitSteamed fish (baked is allowed) and stewed vegetablesDried fruitsLow-fat cottage cheese
SaturdayOatmeal with fruitKiwiChicken fillet, bulgurAppleKefir
SundaySteam or baked omeletteLow-fat cottage cheeseSteamed fish (fatty type is allowed once a week)OrangeLow-fat yogurt

This menu not only can, but also needs to be adjusted taking into account your financial capabilities, contraindications for health reasons, preferences and individual characteristics of the body.

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