Svetlana Loboda's diet: menu for weight loss

How the singer lost weight after giving birth

After pregnancy, Svetlana Loboda’s parameters changed - her weight increased by 7 kg, but the singer lost it in a few months. The star leads an active lifestyle, does stretching, dancing and yoga, and has given up eating animal protein (became a vegetarian). The singer did not practice strict refusal of food - in all interviews she recommends that fans not to torture themselves with hunger, but to engage in sports, fitness and move more.

Svetlana Loboda's favorite sport

The star’s favorite sports are Pilates, aerobics and swimming; she also loves acrobatics (the variety and circus college from which she graduated makes itself felt). Loboda is ready to engage in physical activity even while on tour - she always carries a mat with her. Thanks to frequent trips to India, the singer fell in love with yoga.

Any exercise of the star begins with stretching, squats, push-ups, choreography elements and jumping. Loboda's daily training lasts at least an hour. After them, she always eats protein - for example, veal steak or chicken. This preparation allows Svetlana to add acrobatic tricks to her performances.

Loboda's weight loss rules

During the diet, the singer adheres to a number of the following simple rules:

  • Follows a low-calorie vegetarian diet - she refused meat dishes.
  • She compensates for food restrictions by increasing the amount of liquid - she drinks a lot of still water, green tea, and freshly squeezed juices.
  • The menu is based on fruits and vegetables.

Twice a month Loboda arranges fasting days, on which he eats only brown rice and drinks clean water.

Approximate diet of a star

The calorie content of Svetlana’s daily menu for safe quick weight loss does not exceed 500 kcal. The diet looks like this:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with berries, green tea;
  • second breakfast - fruit;
  • lunch - light salad dressed with low-fat yogurt and soup;
  • afternoon snack – freshly squeezed juice;
  • dinner - vegetables.

Menu Basics

Svetlana Loboda has a busy schedule, so she doesn’t always manage to get to food. But the artist tries to stick to a proper and balanced menu.

Drinking plenty of water is also a must in a girl’s diet. Svetlana can treat herself to fresh juices.

To maintain slimness, the singer arranges fasting days once a month. At this time, she switches to unsalted brown rice and monitors her water balance.

This diet helps cleanse the body, normalize metabolism and normalize digestion.

Japanese diet

There were also rumors on the Internet that Svetlana adheres to a sushi diet, which is popular among Hollywood actors.

Sushi is a low-calorie, but filling product, and with its help you can really lose weight.

When snacking, give preference to vegetables and fruits. You can prepare light salads or Japanese miso soups. However, do not overuse flavor enhancers such as wasabi, ginger and soy sauce, they cause appetite and thirst.

It is enough to eat 4-5 times a day to lose weight. In 3 days you will get rid of 2 kg.

When approaching the preparation of her own menu, Loboda took into account factors such as: calorie content of food.

  • The fewer calories the better;
  • refusal of meat. You can only eat fish, but in small quantities;
  • drinking liquid. It doesn't have to be plain water, it can be green tea.

Note! At first, following such dietary rules is difficult. Willpower and motivation are important here, and when this becomes a habit, it will be easier to endure any diet.

Three-day diet from Svetlana Loboda

The diet is based on sushi, which the star prepares herself (see photo below). The popular 3-day Japanese diet helps her quickly lose 2-3 kg.

For 3 days, the singer eats 3-4 rolls for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and an apple for an afternoon snack and snack.

To prepare Philadelphia rolls, Svetlana uses nori seaweed, rice, salmon and cheese. Place a thin layer of boiled rice on the seaweed, turn it over, and roll it into rolls. Place fish pieces on top of the rolls and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Dietary recipes

Loboda has his favorite low-calorie dishes that anyone can cook.

Vegetable soup

Soup is a universal dish that should be present in the diet, as it is suitable for people with weak digestion, as well as for those who want to lose weight.

You will need:

  • 2 l. water;
  • onions, carrots, cabbage.

Cooking steps:

  1. Fry carrots and onions.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add the roast and shredded cabbage to the broth.
  3. For taste, add salt and season the soup.
  4. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Eat soup for lunch during a normal diet, and on fasting days, include only it in your diet.

Svetlana Loboda prefers to add tomatoes, peppers, and asparagus to the recipe.

Japanese delicacy

If you are looking for an easy to prepare and satisfying dish, then Philadelphia rolls are for you.


  • nori seaweed;
  • rice;
  • salmon;
  • cheese.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the kelp by cutting it into equal parts.
  2. Place a thin layer of boiled rice on the seaweed.
  3. Turn the nori over, rice side down, and roll into a roll.
  4. Place salmon pieces on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

A low-calorie but nutritious delicacy suitable for breakfast or dinner during a sushi diet.

You can eat not only Philadelphia, but also California Caesar roll.

Vegetable salad

In the evening, Loboda tries not to overload the menu with heavy dishes, so she eats light vegetable salads, which contain the most common products.

What do you need:

  • 300 g white cabbage;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • red and yellow bell peppers;
  • greens, salt to taste;
  • olive oil.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cabbage, removing the outer leaves.
  2. Chop the vegetable, rub it with your hands and lightly add salt.
  3. Cut the peppers into half rings.
  4. Prepare the greens by finely chopping them.
  5. Place everything in one bowl, season with oil.

Sprinkle the salad with spices and salt.

If you haven't switched to vegetarianism, modify the dish by adding strips of chicken fillet.

Nastasya Shubskaya

Nastasya Ovechkina (Shubskaya) gave birth to a son, Sergei, in August last year.

“On the day of birth, my weight gain was - attention! “21 kg,” admits the wife of Alexander Ovechkin and the daughter of Vera Glagoleva. “At the same time, I can’t say that the volume in my arms or legs has increased significantly; I monitored my nutrition throughout my pregnancy, very rarely allowing myself sweets. Sergei Alexandrovich was born on 4100, and I am very grateful to him that he decided to be born a week earlier, and did not gain the weight that his dad had (Sasha was born 5550), so most of the weight gained was his stomach! Having weighed myself two days later, I was already minus 14 kg, which, of course, I was incredibly happy about. The only thing that bothered me was my stomach, but on the advice of my friends, I immediately put on an indispensable postpartum item - a tightening bandage, and literally three days later my stomach was practically gone!”

And then Anastasia told how she lost the remaining kilos:

1. Little sleep and proper nutrition. I try to eat often, but not much. For breakfast, egg and yogurt, salad for lunch, chicken or fish for dinner, fruit, cheese and coffee with milk for snacks, no sweets or starchy foods.”

2. Procedures: once a week I go to my doctor for laser sculpting of the abdominal area + lymphatic drainage, and I also do a body wrap at home, always have a salt scrub before it, and also apply all sorts of creams and oils to tone the skin. Remember, in order to get in shape faster, you definitely need a fighting spirit, and even if at first you don’t see such positive dynamics as you would like, don’t worry or be upset, everything will work out!

Daily diet of Svetlana Loboda

Yoga classes also affected the star’s eating behavior - Svetlana Loboda’s daily diet does not allow her to eat “junk” food (this includes everything fried, fatty, sweet and full of unnatural additives).

The singer's priority is healthy grains, fruits and vegetables. Every morning the singer starts with a plate of oatmeal and natural juice. In order to cleanse the body, she does a monthly fast, switching to “empty” unsalted brown rice porridge and still drinking water for two days.

Immediately before filming, the singer refuses to eat and drinks only water - this makes the skin elastic and the body dries out a little.

Svetlana Loboda’s diet is a respectful attitude towards the needs of your body. The main secret of the singer’s beauty is that she never fills her head with empty thoughts and experiences.

Svetlana Loboda is a popular singer originally from Ukraine. Svetlana began her career in Russia as a member of the Viagra group in 2004. It is probably impossible to get into such a team without having an ideal figure. Yoga and proper nutrition help Svetlana stay slim throughout her musical career.

Maria Poroshina

Maria Poroshina, an actress, became a mother for the fifth time in January of this year; her son Andrei was born. She also has four daughters - Polina (23 years old) from actor Gosha Kutsenko, Seraphim (13 years old), Agrafen (9 years old) and Glafira (3 years old) from her ex-husband, actor Ilya Drevnov.

“Your own favorite diet helps you get in shape; it’s called “90 days,” Maria Poroshina shared with Antenna. — During this time, you eat, alternating for four days a protein diet (meat with vegetables), a starch diet (potatoes or rice with vegetables), a carbohydrate diet (pizza, pasta, pies, and in the evening a piece of cake or pastry and always a strip of dark chocolate) and fruit. Eat a large portion for lunch and half for dinner. A glass of hot water in the morning. Every 29th day you drink only water. This diet cleanses the body very well.

Svetlana Loboda: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982 in Kyiv, and began studying music from an early age. After graduating from music school, she entered the pop vocal department at the Variety and Circus Academy, and later became a member of the then popular group “Cappuccino”.

The singer's popularity peaked in 2009, when she passed the qualifying round for Eurovision, and later, in 2012, she went to the USA, where she successfully completed additional training in vocals and choreography.

Svetlana Loboda: height 174 cm, weight 52 kg

Fans are interested not so much in the singer’s vigorous activity, but in how Svetlana Loboda lost weight after giving birth, because in 2011 she gave birth to her daughter Evangelina and, like many other women, gained several extra pounds during pregnancy.

Svetlana Loboda before and after losing weight

It is worth noting that after losing weight, Svetlana Loboda’s height and weight returned to their previous ratio – 174 cm and 52 kg. This remotely suggests that the singer was on a strict diet and worked out hard, but, as she claims, giving up tasty food is foreign to her, and she doesn’t particularly like fitness.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Nevertheless, we managed to learn the secrets of youth and beauty from Svetlana Loboda, which she kindly shared in one of her interviews:

  • A few years ago, she started doing yoga and changed her diet, giving up meat products - becoming a vegan;
  • Dancing and being active help her stay in shape, but she goes to fitness from time to time;
  • To keep her skin elastic and toned, the singer uses masks that she prepares herself: from strawberries, cream, honey and other nutritious and healthy products;
  • Svetlana tries to regularly perform breathing exercises and stretching, and to strengthen her calf muscles, while taking a shower, she does leg raises on her toes 100 times;

Yelena Isinbayeva

Elena Isinbaeva, a two-time Olympic champion in pole vaulting, became a mother for the second time in February last year, giving birth to her son Dobrynya. She also has a 5-year-old daughter, Eva. Both children are from her husband, javelin thrower Nikita Petinov.

“Pregnancy is not a disease, you can spin the bike a little,” Elena Isinbaeva wrote on her Instagram. — Leading an active lifestyle, I got into shape faster after the birth of my child. I will share with you one spectacular workout - pumping the buttocks. If you, like me, are wearing a dress, you don’t have to take it off, you can roll it up. And you don't need to take off your heels: they will help you have correct posture and maintain the correct angle during squats. Squatting, we work. As usual, to the fullest, we don’t spare ourselves, we don’t feel sorry for ourselves. Spin the hoop (I usually spin three at once, and iron ones) anywhere, in any clothes... The main thing is the desire to keep yourself in good shape. Raising and caring for children every day is like a full-fledged workout, after which you need rest, at least a little. Sauna, swimming pool - and I’m good as new.”

Plastic surgery by Svetlana Loboda

Fans suspect the artist of many operations: rhinoplasty, lip surgery, and breast augmentation. Often rumors appear in the media that the star has become interested in beauty injections and has undergone contour plastic surgery.

Because of this, by the way, she is compared with another famous blonde, Victoria Lopyreva, who, according to journalists, is also not against cosmetic and plastic procedures.

Look in the gallery at how Svetlana Loboda’s appearance changed, and read the material about the beauty secrets of her former colleague in the VIA Gra group, Vera Brezhneva.

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