Mayo Clinic Diet: Menus and Recipes for Weight Loss

Duration of the soup diet

Before switching to a soup diet, many people wonder how long they can stick to this diet. The answer is simple - until you reach your desired weight. A diet of low-calorie soups is safe, and there are explanations for this:

  • You can eat low-calorie soups in any quantity. If you want to have a snack, eat a bowl of soup. Is your stomach growling before bed? Eat another bowl of soup. Even if you cook a 6-liter pot, you can be sure that the calories in it are much less than the daily requirement.
  • If you are allergic to any vegetables from the recipe, then there is no need to worry. You can choose a different vegetable or just a different soup. The soup contains virtually no calories, so you can definitely find the optimal recipe for yourself.

A low-calorie soup diet can last as long as you like. Make it a rule that your main dish is soup. You can diversify your diet a little with fruits or lean meat. Eliminate fried foods, consume as little salt as possible and you will be surprised by the results and the speed with which you get them.

How effective and safe is the Mayo diet: reviews, weight loss results

Nutritionists from all over the world consider the Mayo Clinic method one of the safest and most effective for treating obesity and eliminating excess weight, but it is not recommended to follow it for more than two months - in the future, you just need to follow the basic rules to prevent weight gain again.

The way out of the Mayo soup diet is very simple:

  • In the first days, we reduce the frequency of eating soup, gradually adding meat products;
  • We increase caloric intake by 150 kcal per day gradually.

The results of the diet are remarkable:

  • Forming the habit of eating right;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Purgation;
  • Weight loss.

Fat Burning Soup Recipe

To prepare this dish, buy a kilogram of onions (5-7 onions), celery - 1 bunch, white cabbage - 1 head of medium size, fresh tomatoes or a can of canned tomatoes, green bell pepper and a little spice, just not salt.
All these vegetables must be carefully washed, peeled and cut into medium cubes. After this, the vegetables need to be poured with water and cooked until tender (first 10-15 minutes on high heat, then cook on low). At the end, a little curry, pepper or other spices are added. That's it, you can eat the soup! If you don’t like regular soups, you can grind freshly brewed fat-burning soup in a blender or mixer - you will get a real puree soup with the same effect.

And a warning: although it is very effective, this fat-burning soup can also be dangerous. Women who manage to immediately lose many kilograms are happy to “get hooked” on soup and increase the duration of the diet. There is no need to do this, you can disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to take a short break (1-2 weeks, or better yet a month) and again embark on a seven-day tour called “slender legs”.

What else to read:

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What is Mayo and how the diet was born

Mayo Clinic (from English) is the largest private medical clinic located in Rochester, Minnesota, USA. The center is so large in size that it occupies the lion's share of the entire city. According to estimates at the end of 2021, the institution employed 50,000 people! Can you imagine? Clinic buildings are also located in almost all states in America.

A distinctive feature of the company is its own charitable foundation. If a patient finds himself in difficult life situations and has nothing to pay for treatment, the clinic provides assistance free of charge, donating money from its fund.

One of the areas of the medical center is dietetics. Diet regimens developed by leading nutritionists help people lose excess weight and overcome diseases such as obesity.

Initially, the diet was invented for military personnel who were undergoing surgery in the hospital. Such nutrition helped rid the man’s body of excess fat and plaques.

Today, the creators of the method promote the diet to all people who would like to lose weight in the shortest possible time. According to experts:

Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup

Fat-burning Mayo soup became famous thanks to the American Dr. Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, where the dish was first prepared. There are a lot of rumors, speculation and discrepancies about the methods and recipes of this clinic. But the main version is this.

The Mayo Clinic used a special soup during the war. They were fed to obese patients before surgery, when weight loss was required for medical reasons. So, in addition to the “fat burning” effect, the classic Mayo soup has several more bonuses:

  • enriches the blood with hemoglobin and improves its composition;
  • strengthens physical strength;
  • provides a portion of valuable vitamins and minerals.

It is important to understand: this is not a medicinal diet pill. It will not turn you into a charming goner and will not help you lose 8-10 kg in a week

The main goal of the Mayo diet is to really remove excess weight and make you healthy, beautiful and strong. You don’t need to eat this soup on a schedule, but whenever you want. The minimum option is three servings per day.

The classic recipe is based on celery and cabbage. There are several options, we will tell you about the simplest ones.

Traditional Mayo Soup Recipe

You will need: 6 onions, 6 tomatoes, a small head of cabbage (you can take Chinese or broccoli), two green peppers, a small celery root, vegetable broth or water

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for a couple of minutes, peel off the skins. Wash all other vegetables, peel and cut into small pieces. Place everything in a saucepan (except the tomatoes), bring to a boil, and add the tomatoes. Cook for half an hour on the lowest heat.

Mayo soup for increased physical activity

You will need: 6 onions, 3 carrots, 200 g of green beans, green pepper, 500 g of any cabbage, 1 liter of tomato juice, 700 ml of low-fat beef broth (if you have fatty broth, dilute with water)

We clean and chop all the vegetables, add juice and broth. You can add water if the soup is too thick. Then prepare as in the previous recipe.


Recipes for the Mayo Diet

Below we bring to your attention the recipes allowed on the Mayo diet:

Classic soup

  • onion – 6 units;
  • tomatoes – 1 unit;
  • cabbage – 1 head up to 1 kg;
  • green pepper – 2 units;
  • celery – 1 root or bunch;
  • broth – vegetable, onion.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We peel the vegetables, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin.
  2. Place the broth over medium heat, and when it boils, add the chopped vegetables, except tomatoes, and bring to a boil.
  3. Add tomatoes to the soup and cook for about 30 minutes.

You can prepare a light fat-burning soup using the recipe from the video:

Soup for high physical activity

  • onion – 3 units;
  • tomatoes – 3 units;
  • carrots – 500 g;
  • beans or beans – 200 g;
  • cabbage – 1 head;
  • green pepper – 2 units;
  • celery – 1 root or bunch;
  • broth - beef;
  • tomato juice, herbs - to taste.

We prepare the soup according to the same recipe as the first soup, only a few minutes before it’s ready, pour in the tomato juice and add chopped herbs.

Soup “13 kcal per 100 g”

  • white cabbage – 1 kg;
  • young carrots – 4 units;
  • broccoli – 200 g;
  • bell pepper – 2 units;
  • onion – 2 units;
  • water – 3 l;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden brown.
  2. Chop the peppers and carrots.
  3. Boil water, add chopped vegetables and onions, cook for 10 minutes and add salt.
  4. We divide the broccoli into inflorescences and chop the cabbage.
  5. Add broccoli to boiling water, and after 10 minutes add cabbage.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat, adding herbs and herbs to taste if desired.

You can prepare vegetable soup with broccoli and peas according to the recipe from the video:

Beefsteak diet

  • minced chicken – 1 kg;
  • broccoli – 400 g;
  • onions – 100 g.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Boil the broccoli in salted water for about 10 minutes, then grind it in a blender.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and combine with broccoli.
  3. Add minced broccoli to the bowl, add salt and pepper, mix well.
  4. We form portioned cutlets from the minced meat.
  5. Pour water into a deep frying pan and boil, then place the cutlets and leave until done, turning over. Cooking time is about 30 minutes.

A steak prepared according to this recipe has a calorie content of 105 kcal per 100 g. The dish is only served on Saturday.

Fat Burning Spinach Soup Recipe

This option contains few components, but this does not reduce its taste.


Cooking process Peel and chop the onion and garlic. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, simmer them in olive oil until soft (cook in a small amount of water, barely covering the food). Spinach is added next and everything is simmered over low heat until cooked. Salt and pepper, cream and milk are added. After boiling, keep it on the stove for another 5 minutes. Afterwards, the contents of the pan need to be slightly cooled and blended with a blender. Eat this fat-burning soup cold.

Step-by-step description of preparation

  1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skins and chop finely.
  2. Wash the broccoli and tear into florets.
  3. Peel and chop the celery stalks.
  4. Place onion, chopped into rings, garlic in a thick-bottomed pan, pour olive oil over them and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Next, put the celery there and keep it on low heat for 6 minutes.
  6. Add 1.5 liters of water or vegetable broth to the pan and bring to a boil.
  7. Add broccoli, and after 5 minutes – tomatoes.
  8. After a few more minutes, the contents are salted, seasonings and peeled shrimp are added.
  9. For piquancy, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
  10. After 3 minutes, turn off the soup and leave to steep for 30 minutes.

There are basic rules for losing weight with fat-burning soups. For example, you should absolutely not eat bread or drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks. Fried foods and sweets are prohibited. You should eat soup whenever you feel hungry. When cooking broth, you should not use vegetable cubes, since the additives they contain are simply not useful. If, as a result of the diet, you have lost more than 8 kg, you need to take a break from the weight loss process for at least a week.




Weekly diet menu

For fat-burning soup to really help you lose weight, you need to follow a few more rules that relate to our diet. Every time you get hungry, you can eat soup and something else to go with it, depending on the day of the diet.

Day 1 - eat any unsweetened fruit (that is, a banana, for example, is not good) in the amount of one kilogram. Day 2 - eat raw vegetables, avoid legumes and corn. The maximum amount is one and a half kilograms. Day 3 - you can mix permitted fruits and vegetables in quantities of up to one and a half kilograms. They should be eaten separately. There should be at least a two-hour pause between meals (except for fat-burning soup, which can be eaten anytime). Day 4 - during the day, eat three ripe bananas, you can also allow yourself one and a half liters of low-fat milk. You should notice weight loss on the scale. Day 5 - you can eat three hundred grams of lean boiled beef, veal or low-fat poultry meat (without skin). To this you should eat six tomatoes. Day 6 - this day is also a meat day, portions should also be about three hundred kilograms; instead of poultry or meat, you can eat low-fat fish. Meat can be eaten not only boiled, but also baked without fat. Eat green vegetables along with this. Day 7 - fat-burning soup will only “torment” us on the last day. Eat rice (brown if possible) and vegetables with it.

Seven-day Mayo diet: detailed menu

Day 1: fruit + soup

On the first day you can eat all types of fruits, except bananas. Soup remains a basic and essential part of the diet. The more you eat, the stronger the effect of burning and removing excess fat. You can drink tea and coffee, berry juice without sugar.

Day 2: vegetables + soup

Today you can eat soup prepared according to the Mayo recipe and any vegetables until you feel full. You can steam vegetables, stew and bake them in the oven with herbs and seasonings. Beans, corn and fruits are prohibited. For lunch you are allowed to eat 1-2 baked potatoes with vegetable oil.

Day 3: soup + fruits + vegetables

In addition to soup, it is recommended to eat fresh and processed vegetables and fruits. Bananas and potatoes are prohibited today.

Day 4: add bananas with milk

Don't forget to eat plenty of soup! Today you can eat vegetables and fruits, just like on the third day of the Mayo diet. We expand the diet: add 3 bananas and milk. Water, tea, coffee and herbal infusions without sugar can be drunk unlimitedly.

Day 5: soup + beef + tomatoes

On the fifth day, you can treat yourself to up to 800 g of lean beef. Steam the meat or bake it in foil with spices. For vegetables, give preference to fresh or pickled tomatoes (without restrictions). We eat soup as usual.

Day 6: soup + beef + green vegetables

Again today you can eat up to 800 g of lean, diet-prepared beef. It is advisable to consume green vegetables in any quantity. You can eat other vegetables in smaller portions, except potatoes.

Day 7: soup + juices + vegetables + rice

On the seventh day of the diet, you can add brown rice and freshly squeezed unsweetened fruit juices to the menu. Rice can be stewed with vegetables and seasonings. Soup remains the main course.

Fat burning soup 8 kg per week Mayo Clinic diet 8 kg per week. Essence and principles

Employees of an American medical institution have developed a unique nutritional system for weight loss, the essence of which is to adhere to a healthy weight pyramid. The weight loss program does not belong to the usual diet that anyone can follow. It involves a complete change in your diet, which will help you lose weight and develop beautiful shapes.

The Mayo Clinic diet is not difficult to follow and there is no need to fast. The main thing is to learn how to choose the right products, cook dishes based on them and lose weight

The food pyramid involves choosing foods based on their importance and usefulness. Let's break down the products, starting from the bottom (important) base of the pyramid:

  • Fruits and vegetables ;
  • Cereals, pasta from durum wheat;
  • Meat and fish, eggs (protein products);
  • Oils, nuts (foods containing fats);
  • Sweets, flour products.

This suggests that for the functioning of the body we increasingly need vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and proteins. Fats occupy the penultimate layer of the pyramid, but are also considered important and vital, but in limited quantities.

Before starting a diet and during it, it is worth eliminating alcoholic drinks that interfere with the weight loss process.

The principles of the Mayo diet are as follows:

  • You can eat dietary meats and fish without restrictions;
  • Fruits and vegetables are accepted in any quantity;
  • The main source of food should be fat-burning soup, which is easy to combine with various healthy foods;
  • In case of hunger, you need to fill the void with fruits and vegetables.

A healthy and dietary nutrition system will be effective only if all the rules and principles of nutrition are followed. The slightest violation can take all processes out of the system.

Diet type:

  • Low fat diets

Mayo Clinic diet
This diet

and was developed by specialists from the American Mayo Clinic, located in Rochester, Minnesota.
The clinic is one of the best in the USA and positions its diet as an unusual approach to the problem of losing weight. The Mayo Clinic diet is, according to its creators, a lifestyle that allows you to safely lose weight and maintain good health with the motto: “Eat Well, Enjoy Life, and Lose Weight!” . The diet is based on scientific research and many years of clinical practice. In 2010, the diet was published in the form of a book called “The Mayo Clinic Diet,” which became a bestseller. Various versions of this diet are now in circulation. Representatives of the Clinic officially stated in 2005 that various “Mayo diets” that have been distributed for decades, such as “Mayo soup”, egg and grapefruit and others that promise stunning results in a short time, are in no way associated with the Clinic , or would be endorsed by it. Such “diets” often do not have a scientific basis backed by clinical trials and can be harmful to health. This article introduces the official, real Mayo Diet .
The weight loss program is based on the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Food Pyramid , which guides you through a nutrition and exercise plan. The pyramid shows the importance of a balance between exercise and a healthy diet.

Eat healthy and don't overeat

At the base of the pyramid there is a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. These healthy products contain a small amount of calories, but, having volume, fill the stomach and cause a feeling of fullness. You need to eat more of them (but not excessively!). Higher up is healthy food, the amount needed for proper nutrition decreases towards the top. These are “good” carbohydrates – whole grain products and durum flour products; sources of necessary protein - fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, legumes; and, which do not cause cardiovascular diseases, unsaturated fats (found primarily in nuts and olive oil). The diet does not require counting calories and, in principle, does not limit the range of foods. There is no scrupulously observed menu. Those who are losing weight independently create a tasty diet that suits them. We remember the motto of the diet.

Recommended Products

Oatmeal, brown rice, wholemeal bread, eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade cheese, kefir/yogurt, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, herbs, fruits, olive and vegetable oils spin

Rules for losing weight

Making real fat-burning soup is an art. We are accustomed to borscht and solyanka, and our hands involuntarily reach out to add butter or cut potatoes. But if you want your soup to not only satisfy your hunger, but also make you slimmer, remember a few rules.

  1. Only vegetable soups made with water or vegetable broth are suitable for the diet. The same Mayo beef soup is a rare exception for athletes and manual workers. These people need energy, and there is not enough of it in vegetables.
  2. You cannot go on a soup diet for more than a week. It's very tasty and varied, but vegetables won't give you the full range of vital elements. You need to eat regular food for two weeks, and then return to a liquid diet if desired.
  3. Avoid soup bases and pre-made seasonings. And forget about the existence of chicken and beef cubes altogether. For dietary soups, choose only natural herbs and spices.
  4. During the diet, give up alcohol; it’s better to give it up forever. It is not only harmful, but also very high in calories. And your task is slimness and health.
  5. Eliminate from your diet all foods that can harm your figure. No bread, cookies, soda or meat. In between soups, you can snack on fruits that promote weight loss. These are pineapple, citrus fruits, avocado.

Popular recipes

There are a lot of varieties of this dish, so we have selected the most effective recipes for fat-burning soups for weight loss.

We present them to you in order.

Cabbage soup

cauliflower -½ part
white cabbage -½ part
greenery -taste
onion -1 head
Bell pepper -1 PC.
ginger -taste
carrots -3 pcs.
celery in stalks -8 pieces
lemon juice -from ½ fruit
garlic -optional
ground black pepper and salt -optional
coriander -taste
Cooking time: 60 minutesCalorie content per 100 grams: 65 Kcal

Cooking method:

  1. Initially, you need to finely chop the cabbage, place it in water and leave to cook, then add salt.
  2. The main part of the celery needs to be cut and added to the soup at the start of cooking.
  3. The celery leaves will be added at the end, as will the greens.
  4. Chop the carrots, onions and peppers, pour olive oil into a frying pan and simmer the vegetables.
  5. To the frying you should add peeled and pre-grated tomatoes.
  6. All ingredients should be combined by adding seasonings. In order to enhance the taste, it is permissible to add bouillon cubes.

In the video you can see the entire cooking process with all the nuances:


Bonn soup

To prepare you need to prepare:

  • a bunch of celery;
  • 1 green pepper;
  • white cabbage;
  • dill;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • onion;
  • parsley;
  • 1 teaspoon curry;
  • cumin – 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic;
  • Bay leaf.

Find out what kind of weight loss drug it is and what reviews our readers have about it: Siofor: indications for weight loss.

Being an actress is incredibly difficult, because in addition to work you need to constantly monitor your figure. Even an acting technique has already been developed. Read more about her here.

Varieties of vegetable-based diets are described here. Enjoy reading and don’t forget that vegetables are the cheapest way to get rid of extra pounds, especially in the summer.

Wash and cut vegetables and herbs.

Fry the onion in a frying pan in vegetable oil with curry, cumin, and garlic.

Fill the pan with water, place vegetables, onions and bay leaves there.

Once the vegetables are soft, the soup can be considered ready.

Greens should be placed in it.

The preparation is fully demonstrated in the video below:


Tomato soup

For preparation you will need:

  • large tomatoes in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • White cabbage;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • celery root;
  • greenery,
  • salt.

Method of preparation: cut the cabbage, place in water, fry the tomatoes with onions, garlic and carrots.

Place the celery root in water, along with the roast, and add salt.

Cook until cabbage is soft.

Fat burning onion soup

To prepare you will need to stock up on:

  • six onions;
  • 2 tomatoes, which can be either fresh or canned;
  • white cabbage;
  • sweet pepper in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • celery;
  • seasonings;
  • greens;
  • salt.

The cooking method is identical to that described above, the only difference being a more impressive amount of onion.

And in the video we offer you a French version of this recipe, which will appeal even to those who do not intend to lose weight:


Mayo soup for weight loss

You can eat light soup at any time of the day. To prepare the soup, you need to throw chopped vegetables (for example, root, petiole or stem celery, cabbage, peppers, beans, tomatoes) into water and cook until tender. Add salt, pepper or hot sauce to taste. Per 100 g of product, the calorie content of soup is 11 kcal. Of these, 80% are carbohydrates, 18% are proteins and 2% are fats. Outside of the diet, this soup will only temporarily satisfy the feeling of hunger, since the basic rules of fat burning will not be followed.

What is the basis for losing kilograms?

The whole trick lies in the components themselves, which ultimately make up the fat-burning soup. They are not only low-calorie, but also have a diuretic, laxative effect, and regulate fat metabolism. Some foods (for example, celery) even have “negative calories.” This means that the body will spend more energy on digesting them than it will ultimately receive. Similar properties are inherent in cabbage, especially white cabbage. In addition, it contains tartronic acid, which promotes the active breakdown of fat cells. Spices (ginger powder and curry are often used) speed up metabolism and help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Thus, well-designed recipes for fat-burning soups will really help those who want to lose weight, if only they do not forget about the other conditions for following the diet. Below are the most affordable, but at the same time very well-proven options for the “miracle” soup.

Mayo Clinic Recipe

Main components: onions (onions) - 6 pieces, cabbage - 1 small head (can be replaced with other varieties:

cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage), 2 green bell peppers, 4 stalks of leaf celery.

In addition, you can add carrots, spinach, zucchini, parsley, dill.

Dr. Mitchell's recipe

Products used: 200 g of root celery, 400-500 g of carrots, onions (6 pieces), 2 medium-sized sweet peppers, a small head of cabbage, 500 g of beans (necessarily green beans, you can use asparagus), 1 liter of tomato juice (it is better to replace mashed fresh tomatoes), greens.

When preparing this fat-burning soup, beans and tomato juice are added to the pan 6-7 minutes after boiling.

Bonn soup

You will need: one small fork of white or Chinese cabbage, green bell pepper (1 piece), 4 tomatoes, 5 onions, leaf celery (200 g), 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 2 medium carrots, one bunch of dill and parsley, a teaspoon of curry , a tablespoon of cumin, 2 bay leaves.

Pumpkin soup

Ingredients: 500 g pumpkin, 2 small carrots, 3 onions, 200 g celery root, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 teaspoon curry or grated ginger. Pumpkin can be replaced with zucchini.

"Green" cabbage soup

It contains: 500 g of broccoli, 200 g of leaf celery, 3 onions, 1 green bell pepper, a bunch of parsley, 1 teaspoon of coriander fruit, a pinch of ground black pepper.

"Green" spinach soup

To prepare it you will need 500 g of spinach (you can take fresh frozen), 300 g of zucchini, 200 g of green beans, 2 onions, 100 g of celery root, parsley, dill, cilantro (one bunch each), 2 cloves of garlic, any spices.

"White" soup

Mostly light-colored vegetables are used: celery root (300-400 g), parsley root (100 g), onions (4 pieces), parsnips (300 g), zucchini (300 g), grated or ground dried ginger (1- 2 teaspoons).

There are different reviews on the effectiveness of a diet based on fat-burning soup, but many people note the results of weight loss to a greater or lesser extent. Within a week, you can get rid of 2 to 8 kg of excess weight. It depends on how strictly people adhere to the diet, on physical activity and on the speed of metabolic processes in the body.

We should not forget that people with any chronic diseases, especially in the acute stage, should treat strict diets with caution. Before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor, because for some people, eating such first courses will be very useful (for example, people suffering from urolithiasis, diabetes, certain types of cardiovascular diseases), while for others, eating this soup for a whole week is negative. will affect health (for anemia, thyroid diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding)


Cream soup with herbs and spinach


  • 1 onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 300-400 g green spinach;
  • 120 ml low-fat pasteurized milk;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • parsley, dill and other herbs as desired.

Cooking steps

  • Fry the chopped onion and garlic clove a little in oil;
  • add spinach and simmer until soft;
  • add a little salt;
  • add milk and bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes;
  • after cooling, beat with a mixer or blender;
  • Serve chilled with herbs.

Spicy tomato soup


  • 1000 ml tomato juice;
  • celery root or greens (at least 200 g);
  • 6 onions;
  • cauliflower forks;
  • 400 g green beans or asparagus;
  • 2 green bell peppers;
  • 700 g fresh or canned tomatoes;
  • 700 ml lean beef broth;
  • greenery.

Cooking steps

  • cook finely chopped vegetables and herbs with freshly squeezed tomato juice and broth for at least 30 minutes;
  • salt and pepper;
  • Serve garnished with fresh chopped herbs.


You should not drink any alcoholic beverages, as this disrupts the process of eliminating fat from the body. You need to go off the diet at least 24 hours before drinking any alcoholic beverage. You can take the prescribed medications.

The basis of the diet is “fat burning soup”. You should eat this soup every day - as often and as much as you want. The more you eat, the more pounds you will lose.

If you follow the diet exactly in a week, you should lose from 4.5 to 8 kg

It is very important that you eat the foods recommended by the diet exactly on the days you need to eat them. If you have lost 7 kg or more within a week, you need to take a break from dieting for 2 days

You can continue it at any time. Don't eat soup outside of your diet!

You can resort to the seven-day diet as often as you want. If you interrupted it, start again from the first day.

In just seven days you will become at least 4.5 kg lighter, and possibly as much as 8 kg. You will feel a surge of energy and health. Follow the diet for as long as you feel positive dynamics in your physical and moral condition.

Fat Burning Soup Recipe:

6 medium onions, several tomatoes (canned), 1 small head of cabbage, 2 green peppers, 1 bunch of celery, 2 cubes of vegetable broth.

Cut the vegetables into small or medium pieces and cover with water. Season with salt, pepper and, if desired, curry or hot sauce. Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking until the vegetables are soft.

This soup can be eaten any time you are hungry. Eat it as much as you want. The soup adds no calories. Fill a thermos with it in the morning to take with you if you'll be away from home during the day.

However, you should not rely solely on this soup. The diet must be supplemented with other components.

The first day.

Soup and fruit. You can eat any fruit except bananas. Melons and watermelons have fewer calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. To drink, you can use unsweetened tea or coffee (without milk), cranberry juice or water (as much water as possible).

Second day.

Soup and vegetables. You can eat all the vegetables you want (raw, fresh or canned). Leafy greens are also acceptable. Eat it all with soup until you are satisfied. Stay away from dried legumes, green peas and corn.

During lunch on this day you can eat baked potatoes with butter. Don't eat any fruit. Drink water.

Day three.

Soup, fruits and vegetables. Eat soup and all the vegetables and fruits you want, excluding only the baked potato. Drink water. If you really followed the diet completely for 3 days, then you could well have lost 2.5-3 kg by this time.

Day four.

Soup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas and skim milk. You can eat 3 bananas and drink as much water as you can, along with the soup. Eat as much soup, fresh vegetables and fruits as you want, but only 3 bananas.

Day five.

Beef and tomatoes with soup. You can eat 300-800 g of beef or a can of canned tomatoes (or just fresh ones - as much as you want). Eat soup at least once a day.

Day six. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy ones) plus soup. Eat your fill of beef and vegetables. If you feel like it, you can eat 2 or 3 steaks and all the green leafy vegetables you want, but no baked potatoes. Drink water.

Day seven.

Brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup. Today you can eat brown (unpeeled) rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Rice can be added to the soup, or you can add vegetables to the rice - chopped onions and tomatoes, cauliflower. It is not forbidden to cook vegetables with curry. Drink water.

By the end of the seventh day, if you strictly followed the diet, you will have lost between 4.5 and 8 kg.

Strictly prohibited:

bread, alcohol, carbonated (fizzy) drinks. Nothing should be fried or cooked with added fat.

The essence and rules of the diet

The Mayo diet is a 7-day protein diet based on a fat-burning soup without fish or meat, which can be prepared from all vegetables except potatoes. At the same time, the diet is not strict, since the menu is not limited to one soup. Thus, the consumption of vegetables, fruits, brown rice, herbs and even dietary meat is allowed.

The main feature of the Mayo diet is that you will not be haunted by the feeling of hunger, since, if desired, you are allowed to eat fat-burning soup at any time of the day. The only exception is Friday. On this day, soup is allowed to be served only once. If you are away from home during the day, you can take the soup with you in a thermos.

Due to the fact that this technique involves consuming a large amount of fiber, you will not only lose weight, but also cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste. Additionally, read about a diet that helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The rules of the seven-day diet cannot be broken. They look like this:

  • Each day of the diet involves consuming a certain set of foods. Making any changes is strictly prohibited.
  • Before cooking, it is necessary to peel the skin from the bird and trim away any visible fat from the meat.
  • Before consumption, cold soup is “defatted” - using a spoon, the solid fat is removed from the broth.
  • It is necessary to completely avoid carbonated drinks, baked goods, fatty and fried foods.
  • You are allowed to eat baked potatoes with butter once a week. The rest of the time, oil is also prohibited.
  • If the diet was interrupted, for example, you lost your temper and ate a fried dish, you need to return to the “start” - start the diet from the first day.
  • Every day of the diet you need to monitor your weight loss - weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach. If you managed to lose 7 kg or more before completing the diet, you need to take a break of 2 days - switch to a balanced, healthy diet, and then continue the diet.
  • If desired, the diet can be repeated, but not more than once every six months.

By following all the recommendations exactly, you will lose 4.5-8 kg of excess weight.

Diet rules and menu

It is recommended to eat on the clinic’s system frequently and in small portions. The basis of every meal is Mayo soup for weight loss. You cannot supplement the stew with sour cream, mayonnaise, or other sauces. It is allowed to eat what was initially allowed.

For drinks, you should stick to pure non-carbonated water without sweeteners. Try to drink 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. If you can’t give up tea or coffee, drink it 1-2 times a day without additives. Alcohol and drinks with sugar are removed for the week.

The weekly food basket consists of the same vegetables, fruits and indulgences in the form of rare pieces of lean meat. For 7 days the schedule is as follows.

  1. For Monday or the first day of the diet, loading with fruits and berries is acceptable. You can eat seasonal fruits, excluding high-calorie bananas and grapes. In summer it is useful to eat watermelons. They consist mainly of fiber and water, the pulp contains 27 kcal per 100 g. In autumn, winter and spring you should eat avocados. The fruit will provide monounsaturated fatty acids, which are problematic to obtain from food with such a meager diet.
  2. Green leafy vegetables, cucumbers and 3-4 medium potatoes are allowed. The former are consumed in any form, without additives. The potatoes should be lightly coated with olive oil, salt and pepper and baked.
  3. On Wednesday, eat kale, spinach, greens and cucumbers along with low-calorie fruits. Avoid legumes, potatoes and other starchy vegetables.
  4. On the fourth day, the third set remains with a relief in the form of 3 bananas and a liter of low-fat milk. Make a smoothie or eat snacks, just don't forget to fill yourself up with soup first.
  5. The fifth day is meat day. A boring vegetable stew can be varied with 500 grams of raw meat - lean beef, turkey, chicken breast or rabbit - and 3 tomatoes. Add protein to the main dish or bake it with tomatoes and a sprig of basil.
  6. Half a kilo of meat, leafy vegetables and cucumbers are left for Saturday.
  7. On the last, 7th day, eat brown rice - 100 grams in dry form, an unlimited amount of green vegetables and unsweetened fruits. The latter can be used to make juices and smoothies. Steam the rice, divide into 2 meals and add vegetable salad.

The remaining restrictions and rules are standard for diets designed for weight loss. Before switching to the Mayo Clinic type of diet, those losing weight are advised to visit a doctor and find out whether the body is ready for such stress. During the diet, it is worth increasing physical activity. Avoid strength and high-intensity exercises; you will hardly have enough energy for them.

Menu for 7 days

The menu for each day can be found below, and any changes are prohibited:

  1. Monday . During the day you are allowed to eat only fruits, with the exception of bananas. It is important to adhere to the correct drinking regime - drink about 1.5 liters of purified water. Drinks allowed are tea without sugar, coffee, and homemade cranberry juice.
  2. Tuesday . Instead of fruits, you should eat vegetables, with the exception of peas. They can be consumed fresh or boiled, as well as canned. The drinking regime remains unchanged.
  3. Wednesday _ During the day, you can eat a combination of fruits and vegetables, with the exception of bananas and potatoes. You are allowed to drink only still water.
  4. Thursday . The diet consists of any vegetables and fruits, and you are allowed to eat even 3 bananas. You are allowed to drink not only clean water, but also skim milk.
  5. Friday . On this day you need to eat from 300 to 800 g of boiled beef, as well as an unlimited number of tomatoes. In this case, vegetable soup can be eaten only once.
  6. Saturday . During the day, you can serve vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. As a bonus - 3 steaks. You can only drink purified water.
  7. Sunday . Any vegetables are allowed throughout the day, and brown rice porridge can be served once. You can drink not only water, but also freshly squeezed fruit juices.

When sticking to a protein diet, remember that when you feel hungry, you can eat vegetable soup. The only exception is Friday, when soup can only be served once.

Pros and cons of the Mayo diet

Of the obvious advantages, those who are losing weight are attracted to rapid weight loss. Restoring water balance and a sharp reduction in daily caloric intake by 5-7 times will not allow even the most stubborn kilograms to remain. The Mayo system also allows you to:

  • Save time on cooking - cook fat-burning stew for 2-3 days and store in the refrigerator;
  • Snack anywhere - puree soup is poured into a bottle or thermos and drunk even on the go;
  • Set aside money for new clothes for your wardrobe - a set of ingredients for a brew for a week will cost 300 rubles;
  • Don't feel hungry. If you wanted to eat, you ate.

But not everything is so rosy. The type of food also has disadvantages. 3 come to mind off the top of my head.

  1. Only a true connoisseur of vegetable broths can stand it. It’s hard to eat a dish every day. The initially interesting taste of celery causes disgust by the 3rd day.
  2. For an adult, the daily calorie intake is too low. Loss of strength, bad mood and poor health are guaranteed.
  3. By day 2-3, the body will begin to look for additional sources of energy. And making the brain crave sweets, flour and other fast carbohydrates is much easier than processing fat reserves. Expect a sharp desire to quit and relapse towards the middle of the diet and do not give up on the path to the goal.
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