5 tough secrets of the show “I weigh 300 kg” that the audience is not told about

Constant overeating leads to obesity. Due to the overabundance of food that has become habitual, the stomach stretches, as a result of which the amount of food needed to be completely satiated increases significantly. Dr. Nazardan performs gastric band surgery for obese people. He developed a diet to follow in preparation for the banding procedure.

Practice has shown that this method helps people lose weight before surgery, so Dr. Nazardan’s technique began to be used to combat excess weight.

Principles of losing weight

Dr. Nazradan is an American surgeon specializing in the surgical treatment of obesity, the founder and host of several popular television shows about weight loss: “What happened next?”, “I weigh 300 kg,” “Excess Skin.”

His diet is based on the following principles:

  1. Drinking regimen - you need to drink every hour, it can be water, herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice, or a fruit cocktail.
  2. It is prohibited to include fatty, fried and spicy foods in the diet. Allowed food processing methods are boiling and steaming. Cooked food is ground to a puree.
  3. It is recommended to include dairy products, broths, liquid cereals and purees in your diet.
  4. The minimum daily fluid intake is 2 liters. The amount of clean water you drink during the day should be at least 50% of the total volume of liquid consumed.
  5. Alternate liquid food and drinks.
  6. High-protein meals occur every 2-3 hours. It is forbidden to overeat.

The feeling of hunger does not have time to arise, because liquid enters the body every 60 minutes.

Expert recommendations for more effective weight loss on a diet:

  • In addition to water and compote, you can prepare fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, berry decoctions, kefir, etc.
  • A varied diet will make it easier to stick to your diet.
  • Completely eliminate salt from the diet during the diet, as it promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • Plant foods are most useful when eaten fresh, since most of the nutrients are lost during heat treatment.
  • It is forbidden to starve, this leads to disruption of metabolic processes.

If you have enough energy, you can attend physical training, jogging, etc. An active lifestyle contributes to increased reduction of excess weight. If you have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet, you can - a handful of berries, some fruit or 1 tsp. honey At this time, any confectionery products are included in the list of prohibited products.

The basis of this program is the restoration of water balance. In addition, liquid food is absorbed more efficiently than solid food.


To increase the effectiveness of Dr. Nazardan’s diet for weight loss, try to get acquainted not only with the rules of the program and its menu, but also directly with the reviews of people who have already experienced all the nuances of the famous program. Next, we have prepared useful reviews for you with recommendations from experienced nutritionists. With their help, you will adjust your menu, which will allow you to protect yourself from a large number of problems that may arise in the process of losing weight.


On day 3 of the program, my stomach started to hurt badly. I decided to stop and switch to another diet. BUTCH suited me better.

Recommendations from a specialist: You made the right decision when you abandoned the program when the first pain appeared. There is a high chance that a liquid diet was not suitable for you. You could also contact a competent nutritionist for advice on the reasons for such unpleasant discomfort.


I tried the power system on myself. It is not difficult to carry, but the effectiveness is poor. In a week only 4 kg. This is not enough for those who want to radically change their figure.

Expert Recommendations: You could increase the effectiveness of the Nazardan program through training. Physical activity during this program is allowed in limited quantities, without unnecessary stress.


I spent a month on a liquid diet. I feel good. There were no serious incidents. Sometimes only discomfort arose in the kidney area

Expert's recommendations: Spending such a long time on a diet is only allowed for people who have a completely healthy body. In other situations, it is better to first consult a nutritionist. You should not experiment with the body without knowing all the intricacies of the dietary program that you have chosen. Moreover, we note that it is not recommended to stay on it for more than 3 weeks.

Dr. Jonathan Nazardan is a famous practicing surgeon in America, who today not only deals with diets and performs major operations, but also takes an active part in leading television shows dedicated to health.

Cooking process

It is advisable to prepare all dishes yourself. For example, when buying yogurt, you should make sure that it does not contain sugar or added calories. Any food must be brought to a liquid or puree state.

Several cooking options for Dr. Nazradan’s diet:

  1. Smoothie cocktail - yogurt (100 g), banana (1 pc.) and low-calorie cottage cheese (100 g) are mixed in a blender. The drink is suitable for breakfast. Plums and pears do not go well with dairy products.
  2. Liquid soup - boil chicken fillet (½ breast), onion (1 pc.), celery root (1 pc.) in water (1 l). Only broth is used.
  3. Vegetable cocktail - mix vegetables in a blender: peeled cucumber, tomato, broccoli and dill (100 g of each product).
  4. Strawberry-banana smoothie - grind banana (½ piece) and strawberries (150 g) in a blender, add low-fat kefir and yogurt (30 ml each). You can add a little cinnamon to taste.
  5. Vegetable broth (you can use any vegetables, except potatoes). The following products are boiled in water (2 liters): beans, carrots, cabbage, onions, parsley, celery, zucchini, garlic, dill and rice. The beans are pre-soaked in water and then transferred to the vegetables. Greens are added after cooking.
  6. Protein shake - skim milk or cottage cheese (200 g) and oatmeal are placed in a blender. To improve the taste, ground cinnamon is added, as well as fruits and berries from the list of permitted ones.
  7. Melt water - a container of water is placed in the freezer. After hardening, the block is placed under running hot water to remove all impurities. The water will be ready to use when the ice has completely melted. It is recommended to use it instead of the usual one.

The diet involves eating food only in liquid form. It is recommended to exclude all solid foods from the diet. Food should not be too hot or, conversely, cold.

Miracles of practice

Dr. Nazardan is a surgeon by profession. He has been successfully practicing in America for many years. Everyone in Houston knows him. The elderly doctor is a recognized specialist who has cured many people from the most severe cases of obesity. Dr. Nazardan gives practical recommendations regarding diet. He successfully performs operations to remove sagging excess skin from those who were fat.

Moreover, Houston's leading surgeon even became a producer. He hosts the multi-episode reality show I Weigh 300 Kilograms . A highly paid doctor with an income of four million dollars practices in the US state of Houston. And he takes on even the most hopeless, whose weight has reached terrifying proportions - 200-300 kilograms.

Dr. Nazardan successfully treated 24-year-old Amber Rahdi from Oregon for obesity. All her life she suffered from excess weight. And then the situation completely worsened, becoming catastrophic. Those who want to lose weight come to Nazardan from all over America, where, as you know, there are a lot of obese people.

The doctor gets rid of the terrifying weight. Fat people have a hard time: they rent housing or even move to live in the modern beautiful metropolis of Houston, the capital of Texas. And they all do this in order to become slim. They sell their houses, endure the road - it is not easy for very full people to endure it.

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The talk show demonstrates the person losing weight’s new home, his new way of life and his new way of life. And also what changes in appearance have occurred with the fat man or the fat woman. Some were so large and fat that in order to get to the doctor they had to hire an expensive ambulance hundreds of kilometers away.

Serving Size

When drinking liquids, you must adhere to a special scheme:

  1. The first 2 glasses are drunk immediately after waking up. It is not recommended to drink cool water; it is best to drink green tea. The liquid will start the digestive processes and remove toxins.
  2. Before meals, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of warm water to create a feeling of fullness.
  3. The minimum fluid intake per day is 8 glasses. This amount is necessary to normalize metabolic processes.
  4. The average serving size is 150–200 g. A high calorie diet will not lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Before eating food, it should be crushed in a blender or mashed in another way.

Rules for creating a menu and examples of dishes

The basis of the diet is protein products of plant and animal origin. When choosing dairy products, preference is given to a fat content of 1–2%. Vegetable oil should not be used to dress salads. Instead, use lemon juice, soy sauce or plain yogurt.

You should eat lean fish or lean meat at least once a day. When you feel hungry, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of broth or kefir.

Some products should be diluted with water, broth or other liquid to the desired consistency before use.

The following products are prohibited:

  • bakery;
  • fruits and berries with high sugar content (bananas, grapes, cherries);
  • sugar;
  • sauces prepared on the basis of mayonnaise;
  • fried food;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • alcoholic products.

Dishes included in the menu:

  • liquid porridge;
  • soups with boiled ingredients;
  • fruit, berry, vegetable smoothies diluted with water;
  • broths;
  • fruit drinks, compotes, juices;
  • meat and vegetables, crushed to a puree;
  • fermented milk drinks with minimal fat content.

Acceptable and prohibited products

Using this weight loss system, you can consume any liquid that does not contain alcohol, sugar or synthetic additives. However, they can be hot or cooled. Authorized products include:

  • fruit drinks;
  • smoothie;
  • broths;
  • soups;
  • baby food;
  • milk (skimmed);
  • dairy and fermented milk products, the fat content of which does not exceed 2%.

There should be no salty or seasoned foods on the menu of this diet, this will prevent the development of swelling.

It is prohibited to eat fried, fatty, flour products, as well as confectionery and alcoholic beverages.


It is not recommended to salt food or add spices. Salt prevents excess fluid from leaving the body, and seasonings increase appetite.

Omelet with asparagus

  1. Wash the asparagus, peel and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Place the vegetable in a steamer bowl and cook until done.

Cottage cheese and apple dessert

  1. Remove the center of the apple and place in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
  2. Take out an apple and fill it with low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Pour 1 tsp on top. honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Bake for another 2 minutes.

Kefir-ginger cocktail

  1. Mix low-fat kefir (1 glass) with grated ginger and orange juice.
  2. Add mint leaves and orange zest to the finished drink.

Mulled wine (non-alcoholic)

  1. Berries (cherries, currants, strawberries, cherries) are boiled.
  2. Spices are added to taste (cardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon).
  3. The drink is infused for an hour, then honey and lemon juice are added to it.

Recommended to be consumed hot. You can take fresh berries or frozen. This drink promotes the rapid breakdown of fat. It is advisable to cook it no more than 2 times a week due to the high spice content.

The most important stage of a protein diet. Menu for the day

Time of receiptComposition and serving quantity approved by Dr. Nazardan in his protein diet.
8 ocloc'k250 g of oat decoction (add 1 liter of water to 0.5 cup of oats, let it boil, reduce heat, cook for another 30 minutes, strain, drink when cooled).
9 o'clockRich vegetable broth.
10 hoursHot water (200 ml)
11 o'clockFruit juice (cherry, grape, pear, peach, apricot, apple or orange). Dilute the juice with water (1/4 cup purified water 3/4 juice).
12 hoursMilk (not fat).
13 hoursWater (hot).
14 hoursUzvar made from berries or fruits without granulated sugar.
15 hoursBeef soup (200 g meat + 1 liter of water), cooked over low heat for an hour.
16 hoursPurified water, heated to 50 degrees.
17 o'clockHot water.
18 hoursFruit juice (juice taken at 11 o'clock)
19 hoursMushroom or vegetable soup.
20 hoursWater with a temperature of 50 degrees.

Allowed juices and teas

The amount of freshly squeezed juices per day should not exceed 1.5 liters. In juices sold in stores, it is necessary to check the composition for the presence of sugar and other additives.

Allowed juices:

  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • beet;
  • pear;
  • orange;
  • apple;
  • mixture of spinach and carrots (3:5).

Allowed diuretic herbs:

  • tansy;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile.

Drinking herbal tea is allowed. Decoctions of mint, sage and calendula relieve nervous tension. It is recommended to brew raspberry and currant leaves.

Doctor Nazardan diet 1200 kcal: components of the diet

Dr. Nazardan’s diet does not imply giving up certain foods, except alcohol and sugar, but it is important to follow the rules:

  • food should require minimal chewing. The doctor recommends eating soup, puree soup, broths, natural yoghurts;
  • emphasis on low-fat protein products;
  • per day, a person losing weight according to the Nazardan system needs to consume 1200 kcal of food;
  • frequent fluid intake. Throughout the day, every hour, you need to drink a glass of water or herbal tea. It is important to alternate between drinking and eating. The amount of clean water you drink per day should be at least half the daily volume of liquid.

The American Doctor's method refers to strict diets that cannot be followed for a long time. This type of nutrition is not completely balanced and is therefore suitable only for a limited period.

Weight Loss Results

By following this diet, you can lose from 4 to 10 kg of excess weight in 14 days. Efficiency depends on the accuracy of compliance with all the rules and on the characteristics of the body. Breakdowns and consumption of prohibited foods prevent you from achieving the maximum effect. Eating high-calorie foods leads to weight loss by reducing stomach capacity, but the amount of fatty tissue in problem areas will decrease slightly.

The program normalizes metabolism; lost weight does not return due to the elimination of the main reason for its gain - overeating. During a diet, the capacity of the stomach decreases and a person needs less food. This effect is achieved due to the fact that liquid food does not need to be crushed.

Positive results from following a diet are achieved as follows:

  1. Accelerated calorie burning occurs due to improved metabolism. Weight loss in some cases reaches 30% of the original volume.
  2. Active production of the hormone leptin, which creates a feeling of fullness.
  3. Suppressing the appetite hormone.
  4. Putting the body into a ketotic state. Due to a deficiency of carbohydrates, the body obtains energy from the breakdown of fat tissue. Muscle destruction does not occur, because the diet is rich in protein foods.
  5. Reducing insulin production by reducing carbohydrate intake. As a result, new fat cells stop forming.

The effectiveness of Dr. Nazardan's diet

The diet takes almost a month, with half the time spent preparing for a new type of diet and a smooth return to the regular menu. This time is enough to lose 4-10 kg.

The result depends only on the willpower of the person losing weight. By strictly adhering to the diet menu, you can achieve the maximum effect, but if you are allowed to occasionally eat sweets or solid food, the effect of the diet may be almost unnoticeable. If you eat high-calorie foods, the volume of the stomach will decrease, but problem areas will remain at the same level.

Dr. Nazardan has developed an effective diet that is based on a liquid menu. A properly selected diet will allow you to lose excess weight, which will not return after leaving the diet. The main secret of the Nazardan diet is reducing the volume of the stomach, which eliminates overeating as one of the main factors of obesity.

How to go on a diet

This diet is specific, so the body must be prepared for it in advance. The transition stage consists of 3 days, during which you need to eat every 1.5–2 hours.

Transitional menu for the first day

  • breakfast: viscous porridge with low-fat milk or water;
  • snack: salad (honey and grated carrots);
  • lunch: cream of mushroom soup cooked in meat broth, a slice of bread;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dinner: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
  • before bed: boiled chicken fillet.

Menu for the second day

  • breakfast: liquid oatmeal;
  • snack: warm skim milk (1 glass);
  • lunch: vegetable soup with meat (vegetables must be completely boiled);
  • afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • dinner: low-fat steamed fish (1 serving), cauliflower florets (2 pcs.);
  • before bed: biokefir (200 ml).

It is necessary to completely eliminate flour and switch to pureed food.

Menu for the third day

  • breakfast: liquid semolina porridge;
  • snack: rosehip decoction (1 glass);
  • lunch: pumpkin soup;
  • afternoon snack: low-calorie yogurt without additives (1 glass);
  • dinner: mashed potatoes in water without oil;
  • before bed: low-fat kefir (1 glass).

The techniques are divided into 6 stages. Exiting the diet occurs in the reverse order - with the menu of the third day, then the second and first.

Doctor Nazardan's diet: menu and recommendations

The main menu should consist of:

  • liquid cereal porridges;
  • meat and vegetable broths;
  • soups with pureed ingredients;
  • low-calorie dishes made from meat or vegetables;
  • zero fat dairy products;
  • fermented milk drinking products containing a low percentage of fat content.

Food should not be very cold or hot. It is also worth limiting the consumption of salt and spices to avoid swelling. The maximum volume of one serving should be 250 ml.

The doctor recommends eating very small meals often. The number of meals per day directly depends on the daily routine, but you cannot go beyond 1200 kcal per day.

Approximate diet for 1 day with an interval of 60 minutes between each meal:

  1. a glass of water heated to 30-40 degrees;
  2. liquid oatmeal with water;
  3. a portion of low-fat kefir;
  4. boiled egg with unsweetened tea;
  5. rosehip drink;
  6. a glass of water heated to 30-40 degrees;
  7. low-fat broth with the addition of meat in the form of puree;
  8. a glass of natural yogurt;
  9. leafy vegetables with steamed cutlets;
  10. a glass of water heated to 30-40 degrees;
  11. boiled potatoes with milk, chopped in a blender;
  12. a glass of water heated to 30-40 degrees;
  13. a serving of light creamy soup with broccoli or cauliflower;
  14. a glass of low-fat kefir or other fermented milk product;
  15. a glass of herbal tea.

The menu can be adjusted by changing or swapping products, but it is extremely important to monitor the amount of clean water you drink.

In total you need to consume no more than 1200 kcal!

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of this diet:

  1. Availability of products included in the menu. In addition, there is no need to count calories and select special foods.
  2. Removing harmful substances and toxins from the body due to the high fluid content in the diet.
  3. Reducing the capacity of the stomach, due to which it requires less food to become full.
  4. Rapid entry of nutrients into the circulatory system.
  5. Easy digestion of food.
  6. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.
  7. Fast weight loss. You can lose 5 kg in a week if you follow all the recommendations.
  8. Wide selection of products.
  9. Presence of animal products on the menu.
  10. No feeling of hunger, quick satiety with food.
  11. Possibility to have snacks.

The disadvantage of this system is the limited duration. It is not recommended to adhere to this diet for more than 2 weeks, as intestinal problems will begin. The organs of the excretory system work during the entire course in an enhanced mode.

The inconvenience of the system is frequent meals. The diet is more suitable for vacation, because during working hours it is not possible to eat every hour.

Cons, side effects and contraindications

In addition to additional advantages, the Nazardan system also has disadvantages. There are few of them, but it is advisable for everyone losing weight to be prepared for certain negative effects. The main disadvantages of this diet regimen include:

  • the need for constant grinding of food;
  • serious diuretic effect;
  • additional load on the kidneys;
  • monotony of the structure of food consumed, which can lead to breakdown.

Also, when making a detailed acquaintance with the shortcomings of the Nazardan diet, pay attention to the contraindications to the nutritional method. The eminent doctor's liquid diet is not recommended for the following individuals:

  • for allergy sufferers;
  • persons with disorders of the digestive system and metabolism;
  • those who suffer from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys;
  • people with infectious diseases and aggravated chronic processes.

Who is the Nazardan diet suitable for?

This nutrition system is suitable for people who are very overweight. It allows you to lose up to 10 or more extra pounds in a short time. Physical activity is contraindicated for obese people. The best way to normalize your metabolism is to adhere to the principles of this diet.

One of the reasons for excess weight is overeating. A distended stomach increases appetite; not everyone can cope with this problem on their own. Initially, this nutritional system was developed for patients undergoing surgery to reduce the volume of the stomach. Practice has proven the effectiveness of this diet even without surgery.

Basic principles of losing weight

Dr. Nazardan states that if you consume pre-ground food, the walls of the stomach will gradually begin to narrow, which will lead to a decrease in the overall volume of the stomach.

The stomach is capable of stretching and contracting, and if it is not loaded for some time, it will decrease in volume. As a result, after leaving the diet, the amount of food eaten will decrease significantly. This will allow the body to maintain the results that were achieved during the diet.

It is important to maintain water balance during the diet and drink about 1 liter of clean water per day. This helps remove toxins from the body and improve the metabolic process so that subcutaneous fat is broken down faster.


Dr. Nazardan's diet for weight loss has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions, intolerance to certain components of the diet;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • kidney and heart diseases;
  • tendency to edema;
  • chronic diseases;
  • infections.

Possible harm to the body:

  1. Kidney dysfunction may occur due to the large amount of fluid consumed.
  2. Drinking freshly squeezed juices leads to disruption of the pancreas.
  3. Prolonged absence of solid and dry food can lead to irreversible consequences in the functioning of the gastrointestinal system.
  4. There are too many restrictions in the diet, which can lead to poor health.

Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor. A high-protein diet is considered unbalanced, so its duration should be limited to 10-14 days. Liquid food is only good for the stomach.

The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to work harder. In some cases, you have to take laxatives or diuretics. Before you start eating according to this system, it is advisable to consult a therapist.

Day six

PP 1: rice porridge with milk - 200g; PP 2: natural yogurt with fruit 200 ml; PP 3: two boiled eggs - 100g; PP 4: berry juice - 200 ml; PP 5: buckwheat porridge with water 80g + chicken fillet, chopped in a blender 100g; PP 6: carrot-apple salad 100g + steamed fish fillet with herbs.

Be sure to try to adhere to nutritional standards as closely as possible for faster and more uniform weight loss. And remember, if you add more carbohydrate foods to this menu, your stomach will not stop shrinking, but fats will no longer leave problem areas. Only protein and fiber!

Interesting: Diet Minus 60 by Ekaterina Mirimanova: menu

Dr. Nazardan's 1200 kcal weight loss diet truly works wonders. And the best advertisement for it are hundreds of happy patients who were able to bring their weight back to normal without resorting to surgery.

Would you dare to try Dr. Nazardan's diet?

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