Crazy workout for girls on drying. Exercises that make fat melt before your eyes

Cutting is a popular program aimed at burning fat and improving body definition. It includes two components - certain restrictions in the diet and exercises for drying the body for girls. Of course, diet plays a significant role, but physical activity is also mandatory. The set of exercises can be performed both in the gym and at home. The main thing is that all muscles are worked evenly and efficiently.

Features and basic principles of body drying

Drying is not only a special menu containing a lot of proteins and few carbohydrates, but also constant physical activity. The emphasis should be on both strength training to dry the body for girls, and on cardio training.

The drying program lasts 1-2 months. You cannot follow it for longer than the permitted period, since it is very strict and is fraught with adverse reactions due to a lack of carbohydrates. If you follow all the rules, you can lose up to 12 kilograms and at the same time make your body beautiful, sculpted and toned.

The basic principles of drying will be as follows:

  • You need to burn more calories than you consume. This is achieved through restrictions in diet and physical activity.
  • Monitor your weight loss by taking measurements and weighing yourself regularly.
  • You need to eat often and in small portions. This will help speed up metabolic processes.
  • Fats should remain in the diet in small quantities, and they should only be of plant origin.
  • Carbohydrates are limited and consumed in the first half of the day.

The diet during drying is based mainly on protein foods with a low fat content. These are lean types of fish and meat, seafood, eggs, legumes, dairy products, again with a low degree of fat content. Carbohydrates are limited to a certain amount and are mainly represented by cereals, fruits and vegetables. The source of fat is vegetable oil.

Changes in diet cause increased stress on the liver. To make this organ work better, drink enough clean water.

There are a number of products that are completely prohibited when dried. This includes soda, alcohol, sweets, baked goods, fast food, pickles, smoked foods and other not so healthy foods. It is important to adhere to the required caloric intake without exceeding it, and to maintain the correct combination of proteins/fats and carbohydrates.

Drying the body for girls: exercises

The exercise program should include cardio training. When the heart rate increases, fat burning processes are launched in the body. If you plan to dry the body for girls at home, exercises of this nature can be represented by running, dancing, or jumping rope. During physical activity, try not to stop for a long time.

For home workouts, you will need a jump rope, a horizontal bar, and dumbbells for strength exercises. But they can be replaced with ordinary plastic bottles filled with water.

Circuit training burns the maximum amount of fat . Their duration is 45 minutes. Alternate them with running and rest days.

For example, a cutting training program for girls could be like this: days 1, 4, 6 – circuit training. Tuesday and Friday – jog at a slow pace for 45 minutes. It is better to run in the morning before breakfast, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach. On Wednesday and Sunday you can take rest days.

a home exercise might include

  • Squats . Three sets of 30 reps. By varying the width of your legs, you can change the load on the muscles of the buttocks - the wider they are spaced, the greater it is. To increase the load, use dumbbells.
  • Lunges . Can be performed on the move or in place. Do the exercise in three sets until you are completely tired.
  • Pushups . Girls don't have to push all the way to the end. It will be enough to bend your arms halfway. Do 3 sets of 12 reps in total.
  • Raising the body while lying on your stomach . This exercise helps strengthen your abs and back muscles. Do three sets of 18 reps.
  • Abdominal exercises. Pump up your abs until a slight burning sensation appears in your muscles.
  • You can complete your workout with a plank . Try to hold it for at least a minute.

Take breaks of 30 seconds between circles. Try not to take a break between exercises. Increase the number of laps each week.

Burpee is an effective exercise for arms and shoulders

The burley is a fairly universal exercise that involves almost all muscle groups, including the arms and shoulders.

How to perform

We take the initial standing position, legs in the projection of the shoulders, arms relaxed along the body, breathing even. As we inhale, we tilt our body forward, sit down in a jump and rest our hands on the floor, lunge back with our legs, while taking a lying position - our back is parallel to the floor. We do one push-up, return to the squat position and jump up, while pulling our legs towards our chest. If you have a horizontal bar, you can complicate the exercise by doing one pull-up while jumping out onto the horizontal bar. Number of repetitions – 10-12 times.

Tabata is considered one of the most effective complexes for losing weight in the arms, shoulders and abdomen; if you perform speed training along with herbal capsules for weight loss, you will see amazing results in just 14 days.


Cutting workout for girls: abdominal exercises

The stomach is a problem area for many. A body-drying workout for girls will help you burn excess fat in this area and gain those treasured abs. First, it is recommended to warm up the muscles. To do this, you can do a light abdominal massage or twirl a hula hoop for a few minutes.

The cutting workout for girls for the abdomen includes the following exercises, which are recommended to be performed in three approaches with breaks of 20 seconds.

  • Lie on your back, you can put your hands along your body or put them behind the back of your head. Raise your straight legs at an angle of about 30 degrees and fix for 30 seconds. Then change the angle to 45 degrees. Finally, raise them at a right angle. Lower your legs in a similar sequence. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • In a similar starting position, raise your arms and legs at the same time. This exercise is great for drying out the stomach. The smaller the elevation angle, the more actively fat is burned.
  • Finish the workout with a static plank, while trying to hold your body with your abdominal muscles.

You can also supplement your abdominal workouts with the “vacuum” exercise, borrowed from bodyflex. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach. Exhale slowly through your mouth, then inhale sharply through your nose and immediately exhale through your mouth. It is important to pull your stomach in as much as possible so that there is no air left in it, and stay in this position for 10 seconds. It is recommended to repeat this exercise at least 10 times. It is better to do it in a standing position.

Exercises with dumbbells

There are also effective dumbbell arm and shoulder exercises that are worth adding to your workout routine.

Dumbbell push-ups with arm raise

Take dumbbells in your hand, take the starting position as for push-ups with emphasis on your toes or knees. Keep your back straight, tuck your stomach. As you exhale, bend your arms and lower your body parallel to the floor. As you inhale, lift your body and straighten your arms. As you exhale, pull one hand from the dumbbells to your chest, while inhaling, place it on the floor, and as you exhale, do a push-up again. Alternately change rivers. Do two half moves 10-15 times.

Bent-over dumbbell pull-ups

Also good exercises to lose weight on your arms and shoulders. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, tilt your body forward, and keep your back straight. Lower your hands with dumbbells down to your knees, inhaling. As you exhale, you need to pull the dumbbells towards your stomach. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms down again, and then sharply pull the dumbbells towards your stomach as you exhale. Do two sets of 25-30 exercises .

Triceps exercises

You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and tilt your body at an angle of 45 degrees. Bend your elbows at a right angle, hold dumbbells near your stomach. Exhaling, straighten your arms and place them behind your back, hold in this position for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, bend your arms. Do two sets of 25-30 reps .

Pulling dumbbells to the chest

Also good exercises for the arms and shoulders. Stand up straight, hold dumbbells in your hands so that they are parallel to the floor. As you exhale, pull your arms with dumbbells to your chest. As you inhale, lower them and straighten them. Do two sets of 25-30 reps .

Women don't need heavy dumbbells - you don't want to increase the size of your arms, do you? A weight of 1-1.5 kg is enough.

Exercises for drying thighs and buttocks

Slender hips and rounded, elastic buttocks are another goal of drying. You can train them both in the gym and at home.

The exercises are done intensely so that a distinct burning sensation is felt in the muscles - this will burn fat more actively.

The best exercises for drying legs for girls are squats, which work both the hips and buttocks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or lower, with your toes turned outward. When performing squats, keep your heels pressed to the floor. In this case, the body should fall forward, the knees should not go beyond the toes. Lower your pelvis until it becomes parallel to the floor. When returning to the starting position, do not straighten your knees completely. To make it easier for you to maintain balance, you can stretch your arms forward and slightly bend them at the elbows.

You can use dumbbells for squats. If you are doing body drying exercises for girls in the gym, you can use a barbell, barbell, plates or special machines designed for performing squats.

The inner surface of the thigh is well pumped by lunges. It is better to do them with dumbbells or use a special stand.

One of the effective types of squats is plie. Your feet should be placed slightly wider than your shoulders, and your toes should be turned outward as much as possible. Stretch your arms with dumbbells together, lower your pelvis to an angle of 90 degrees.

Cardio exercises when drying in the gym can be supplemented with a treadmill, exercise bikes, orbitracks - these exercise machines effectively allow you to burn excess fat deposits.

An effective workout to strengthen your arms and shoulders

This workout is easy to do and quite effective. Can be done both at home and outdoors.

Consists of eleven simple exercises.

Swing your arms

They can be considered a warm-up. Great for starting an arm workout.

You need to take a straight position and alternately swing your arms up. Three sets of ten times will be enough.

Performing all kinds of push-ups

Push-ups are effective in working the muscles of the arms and shoulders. With regular practice you will be able to achieve thin, beautiful arms. The wide variety of this exercise allows you to move the load to different muscle areas.

Wall push-ups are great for warming up your muscles before doing other exercises. You need to take a step away from the wall, put your hands in front of you and do push-ups as many times as possible.

Knee push-ups

Knee push-ups

People who have just started actively playing sports will be able to cope with this exercise. This type of push-up will perfectly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle. To perform, you need to lean on your knees and palms, crossing your ankles. Push-ups are done by fully extending your arms as many times as possible.

Push-ups are actually not a very difficult exercise, but they do require some physical preparation. You need to do push-ups with emphasis on your palms and toes. You can start with a comfortable number of repetitions; over time, the number of repetitions increases to progress.

Dumbbell rows

This exercise will make your triceps more elastic. It will allow you to form a beautiful relief and roundness of the shoulder, and will get rid of wings on your arms:

  • Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, dumbbells should be held with a straight grip, and the body should lean forward.
  • You need to take a comfortable and stable position.
  • The elbows bend and stretch up the lateral thigh area.
  • We do the maximum possible number of repetitions.

Dumbbell Curl

For beginners, it is better to take dumbbells with light weights.

This is not a difficult exercise, but it is effective and works the biceps well.


  • It is done standing, arms with dumbbells are extended in front of the chest.
  • Elbows bend and straighten.
  • In this case, the arms are located parallel to the floor, only the elbows are involved.

Performing this exercise on a regular basis will help get rid of sagging skin on your hands.

Standing Dumbbell Press

The shoulder girdle will work great. You need to stand straight, the dumbbells are pressed up, the body remains straight. You need to do this exercise as many times as possible.


The plank trains almost all muscle groups

This exercise is effective for both beginners and professionals. Thanks to the static pose, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and calories are intensively burned. The arm muscles are also worked, the forearms, wrists and hands are strengthened. The plank can be done at home as a preventive measure against the accumulation of excess fat.

Performing the exercise:

  • Lie on the floor resting on your toes and palms.
  • Extend your body into a straight line, forming a plank. You need to breathe freely and evenly. You need to stand in the plank for one minute.

We perform three approaches in total. This exercise helps you lose weight and strengthen your arms.

Curling your arms behind your head with one dumbbell

Start with a 5kg dumbbell

The main load when performing this exercise is on the triceps. In most cases, people who do not exercise have sagging muscles in this part of the body. This exercise strengthens the pectoral muscles and arms.

Recommendations for implementation:

  • The dumbbell is taken in two hands and raised.
  • You need to start it by the head. The movement occurs at the elbow, the whole body remains motionless.
  • You need to concentrate on stretching the muscles of the chest and the inner surface of the forearm.

This bending will help eliminate excess fat from the inside of the arm.

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The load in this exercise is aimed at the back and forearms. It helps remove fat from the armpit area.

It's quite simple:

  • The dumbbells are held with your palms facing inward.
  • The body tilts, while the knees bend slightly. The lower back is in a natural position.
  • We easily lower our arms together with the dumbbells.
  • With the help of the shoulder joints, the arms are moved apart and brought together. The whole body remains motionless, only the shoulders are involved.

We do eight repetitions in total. It is very important to avoid sudden movements in order to avoid sprain or injury.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is a great cardio workout

Jumping exercises work the inside of the forearm. You need to jump as quickly as possible for ten minutes.


This cardio exercise is very effective for developing toned and elastic arms.


  • You need to stand up straight and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder level.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, then bring them in front of you so that your palms intersect with each other, forming scissors.
  • Return your hands to their original position and repeat twenty times.

Rotation of arms

You can complete your arm workout with this exercise. Rotation will help relax the muscles and relieve pain in the arms after exercise. Improves stretching and develops flexibility.

Execution order:

  • You need to stand straight.
  • Take your time and gently rotate your hands clockwise.
  • The body tilts and small swings of the arms are made.

Exercises for working your hands at home are best learned using videos. The photograph does not always show all the details that need to be taken into account when performing the exercise.

Exercises for drying hands

Often the problem area for girls is their hands. Exercises for drying hands for girls may involve the use of dumbbells. Also, many of them strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. Pay attention to the following exercises:

  • Lifting dumbbells while standing or sitting. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and raise your arms straight together or alternately. You can also lift them to the sides.
  • Hold dumbbells with your arms extended in front of you. Raise your arms to the sides, then bring them back.
  • Raise the dumbbells overhead, then alternately or together lower your arms to your sides until they are parallel to the floor.
  • Helps to work out the arm muscles using weights on straight and bent arms.
  • The arms also work when performing the plank and its various variations, for example, the side plank, as well as the already mentioned push-ups.

It is also worth considering a couple more programs that can be used to build a circuit training for drying the body for girls.

Lying arm raises - try it, you'll like it!

Lifting arms while lying down. The starting position is lying on a hard surface (a bench will do; if you don’t have one, you can lie on the floor). Both arms are slightly bent at the elbows, and there is a weight in the hands.

How to perform

We begin to smoothly raise our hand, moving through the sides and following a trajectory, as if drawing a semicircle. The shoulders should be parallel to the floor, we linger in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then smoothly lower our arms. Number of repetitions – 12-15 times.

Circuit training for beginners

For those who are still new to drying their bodies, exercises for girls may look like this:

  • 15 push-ups;
  • 15 leg raises;
  • 15 times dumbbell rows in a standing bent-over position;
  • 20 squats without weights;
  • 30 seconds of jumping rope.

You can rest for a few seconds between repetitions of the exercises. For a beginner, the optimal break between laps is two minutes, but then it is better to reduce it to 30-35 seconds. Ideally, it is recommended to repeat the scheme 9 times, but 3-4 will be enough to start with. As your fitness level increases, increase the frequency of training and complicate the complex itself.

Advanced circuit training

For those who have already mastered a simplified version of body drying exercises for girls at home, a more advanced circuit training is offered, which looks like this:

  • 15 repetitions of incline dumbbell rows;
  • 15 squats with dumbbells;
  • 15 push-ups;
  • 1 minute of jumping rope;
  • 15 hanging leg raises;
  • 15 repetitions of dumbbell press;
  • 5 pull-ups;
  • 1 minute jump rope.

Please note that it is better to add new exercises to the program than to increase the number of repetitions of existing ones. The more varied the training, the more effective it is.

Jogging a couple of times a week is beneficial. Run at an easy pace for 30-45 minutes. And remember that two days should be devoted to rest so that the muscles and the body as a whole can recover.

Drying the body for girls is a great option to improve their physical shape. The exercise program for this can also be done at home. The main thing is to regularly devote a small amount of time to this.

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