How often can you eat chips without harming your health?

The word "chips" comes from the English language. Translated, it means “thin slice.” Paper-thin pieces of potato quickly gained popularity. In stores, chips are presented in a huge assortment, they are affordable, and they can quickly satisfy your hunger. But PP adherents are very confused by the composition and calorie content of this product. Especially for people leading a healthy lifestyle, a safe analogue was developed - dietary chips, the use of which does not affect either health or figure.

What is the harm and danger of chips on a diet and when losing weight?

The presence of an image of a potato on the packaging does not guarantee its presence in the chips. Most often, this product is made from corn starch, potato flakes and water. Frying in oil puts an end to the question of the usefulness of industrially produced potato chips.

Once in the body, this combination of fats and carbohydrates is converted into glucose, sharply raising blood sugar levels. This, in turn, provokes the release of insulin. This hormone stimulates the process of lipogenesis, during which fat cells are formed and reserves of adipose tissue are formed.

However, this is far from the only harm caused by the much-loved potato chips. During industrial production, snacks are fried in oil, which contains both carcinogens and trans fats. The latter can increase the shelf life of the product, but can also lead to diabetes mellitus, thinning of the cartilaginous surfaces of joints (especially large ones) and a decrease in the immune response, and impaired blood flow in the vessels.

Salt, present in large quantities in chips, retains water in the body, therefore, can lead to the formation of edema in persons prone to this. Regular consumption of potato snacks is addictive. This is facilitated by monosodium glutamate, which, like trans fats, stimulates the release of insulin into the blood. In addition, excessive salt consumption leads to disruption of the kidneys and heart.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Monosodium glutamate can enhance the taste characteristics of food several dozen times, which is why products with the addition of this additive have such a pleasant taste for humans. Also, eating food with monosodium glutamate forms a mental dependence, which is why a person has a strong desire to consume just such food. At the same time, the supplement can increase the production of insulin and its entry into the blood, which can lead to a rapid change in blood glucose levels. And this can be dangerous for those who suffer from diabetes. For the same reason, the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus is possible, when the body’s cells become insensitive to insulin (get used to it), which is why glucose is not completely broken down during specific reactions for its absorption and is found in the blood. The condition poses a health threat.

The average calorie content of potato chips is 500-600 kcal per 100 g - half the daily calorie requirement for weight loss.

Important! Industrially produced chips contain acrylamide, a toxic compound scientists believe can cause cancer.

Be sure to check out:

The impact of eating chips on human health

A natural product is fried potatoes. So why are chips unhealthy? In fact, most manufacturers make them from potato flour. Such flour does not contain a single useful element. Also, chips contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body. A large amount of salt increases the likelihood of diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.

Various flavoring additives and aromas used in the production of this product are very harmful, and they are also addictive. All manufacturers add them; not a single brand skimps on flavor enhancers and flavorings.

This is a very high-calorie product: per 100 grams - 510 kcal. Therefore, eating chips for overweight people is harmful and not recommended.

Why are chips harmful? Any ingredient in this product is very harmful. They are dangerous individually, but when combined they create real poison.

Chips have the following harmful effects:

  1. With daily consumption of such a snack, after a month, any person can develop heartburn and gastritis.
  2. The salt they contain disrupts metabolism.
  3. A large number of carcinogens can cause the formation of cancerous tumors.
  4. Sodium chloride contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also impairs bone growth, lowers immunity, and negatively affects the liver and kidneys.
  5. Women are more likely to develop breast cancer. In men, it negatively affects sexual function.
  6. Eating chips causes a disorder of the nervous system, which is expressed in potency and weakness in the arms and legs.

Obesity is inevitable if you overuse fast food, and saving precious time is not a justifiable argument when deciding to snack on chips. Frequent use is considered to be 2-3 times a week. Having become addicted to a harmful product, you must understand that all the unhealthy substances from which the product is made are gradually deposited in the liver, leading to the formation of excess weight. It is unlikely that you will want to gain extra pounds around your waist.

Hydrogenated fat causes great harm to the body, contributing to the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol. The formation of a substance in the body can result in the development of serious diseases - atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, etc. A substance called glycidamide was found in chips. The component causes cancer and destroys DNA.

  • Increased risk of developing diabetes
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels
  • Metabolic disease
  • Obesity
  • Increased risk of developing cancer
  • Decreased testosterone levels
  • Deterioration of the reproductive functions of the body
  • The likelihood of developing gastritis, ulcers and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Deterioration of mental performance
  • Changes in blood composition

Eating chips has a lot of negative aspects for human health, and therefore it is extremely undesirable to neglect the advice of doctors and put tests on the body! Play sports, lead an active lifestyle and don’t think about junk food.

All kinds of chips pose a danger to the human body due to their harmful composition, but there is a category of fried products that are the most harmful. This includes thin and crispy chips that fry in no more than 20 seconds. Often the technological rule is not followed.

Important! Adding chips to beer increases the harmful effects significantly, so lovers of the foamy drink should give up the habit.

The large amount of salt contained in the product appeals to beer lovers. Excessive amount of salt in the blood negatively affects the development of the muscular system, bone growth, and contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Salty chips disrupt the body's metabolism, affecting digestive processes and disrupting the usual rhythm. The smallest amount of carcinogens among the variety of the product under consideration is contained in the so-called air chips.

Industrial chips are a product consisting of harmful components and are contraindicated for consumption at any age. If you want to experience the taste of natural chips, prepare them at home using potatoes and high-quality oil. Supplement the prepared product with fresh seasonal vegetables, which will significantly improve the absorption of chips.

Since large amounts of salt are used in the preparation of chips, this affects the harm and benefits to the human body from eating chips. The properties of salt promote fluid retention and increase blood circulation, so experts recommend limiting their consumption.

Deep frying is a mixture of fats for cooking. The method is fraught with harm to health, therefore it is harshly criticized by specialists in medicine and nutrition.

With repeated frying, the properties of the oil mixture contribute to the appearance of a carcinogen, which has irreversible effects on humans. According to medical research, regular consumption of carcinogens is harmful due to the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Chips from popular manufacturers are not made from natural potatoes, but from flour and harmful starch; in fact, they are dough, not thin slices of root vegetables.

The well-known brand of chips “Pringles” does not hide the fact that the potato content reaches 40%, the remaining components are corn flour or harmful rice crumbs.

Warning! The most unhealthy chips are made from corn starch.

Harm to health is caused primarily by components that are used as a substitute for natural products.

When exploring the question of how chips affect human health, it is worth paying attention to a number of characteristic points.

Namely, the use of “crisps” is associated with the following consequences:

  • obesity occurs;
  • heartburn appears;
  • gastritis may occur;
  • other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are possible.

And the harm of chips doesn’t stop there. For example, eating this snack for a long time leads to increased cholesterol levels and clogging of blood vessels.

If a person exhibits certain clinical manifestations that indicate the development of these pathologies, first of all, it is worth thinking about the nutritional system and its possible changes. In particular, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of foods containing waste and “empty” calories. Often, in the early stages of the development of a particular disorder, a properly formulated diet and a course of restorative therapy can change the situation for the better.

Can a snack be low-calorie?

Diet chips are not just another marketing ploy, but a natural product that can be prepared even at home. These snacks are most often made from fruits, vegetables and healthy grains. They can be eaten both on a diet and before working out in the gym. However, nutritionists still recommend eating such chips in the first half of the day. The reason is that even a dietary product contains a significant amount of calories, which is why when consumed in the afternoon, not all of them can be used by the body, which means they contribute to excess weight gain.

Low-calorie snacks are made from carrots, beets, apples, pumpkins, pears, peaches, bananas and even green beans. The main condition is the absence of sugar, salt and harmful additives. You can use any spices or seeds.

Interesting! Diet snacks are easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to cut the original products into thin slices. If you can’t slice carrots or apples yourself, you can use a food processor with attachments or special slicing devices. Homemade snacks are not fried in oil, but baked in the oven. This guarantees their low calorie content and the absence of harmful carcinogens.

Store chips in closed containers in cool and dry places.

Snacks that contain grains are eaten half an hour before exercise. In this case, all carbohydrates will be used up during training.

Are other types of chips harmful?

Varieties of snacks not made from potatoes have begun to appear on sale. If you replace the usual ones with such chips, will there be more or less harm or benefit from them?

Corn chips nachos

Corn snacks are no less harmful than potato snacks. Since it contains a lot of fast carbohydrates and vegetable oils. A slightly smaller amount of carcinogens slightly improves the situation, but not critically.


The harm of these snacks directly depends on the method of preparation. If they were fried using palm oil, then the harm will be significant, since all the same carcinogens will be present. But if palm oil or similar oil was not used, then the harm can only be in the high calorie content.

Banana chips can be made even at home

Made from nori seaweed

These chips are relatively healthy if prepared without the use of additives. If you buy or prepare snacks from noria with salt, then look at how much salt will be safe for your body. They are allowed during pregnancy, since if there are no certain diseases, then such a snack will be without harm to the expectant mother.

About products that will help cleanse the body of toxins >>


The main harm comes from additives, flavorings and flavor enhancers. And with some production technologies, carcinogens are formed in the product, which negatively affect the entire body.


If such a snack is simply drying fruit slices, then it is quite healthy. The only harm lies in the increased sugar content, since the water from the slices evaporates. But there are also corners, which are also considered fruit snacks. They come in different varieties: whole grain and not, apple, with berries and other additives.

The harm of fruit chips for children is much less, and such a snack is suitable for pregnant women, if you do not abuse it and choose the right fruits.


Coconut flakes are produced without added flavors or preservatives. Therefore, this snack is considered healthy, but only if you do not have digestive problems in which a large amount of fiber is harmful.

Fruit chips are tasty and healthy, but just don’t overeat

Top 5 Diet Chips Recipes

Chips prepared at home will not only keep your figure, but also guarantee the absence of substances harmful to the body.

From apples

One of the most popular diet snack recipes. You can buy them in almost any store, along with pear or banana chips. The most aromatic and delicious are obtained from the Pink Lady, Gala and Duchess varieties:

  1. Apples – 200 gr.
  2. Lemon juice – 10 ml.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Grate the apples into thin slices.
  2. Rinse them in clean water.
  3. Dry with paper towels.
  4. Place the slices on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and microwave for 10-15 minutes at maximum power.

Calorie content – ​​47 kcal.

At the end of cooking, the apple chips must be taken out immediately, otherwise they will become damp. You can make pear snacks using the same method.

From carrots

Vegetable chips are a great snack while dieting:

  1. Carrots (large) – 1 pc.
  2. Olive oil – 20 ml.
  3. Pepper, dry basil and rosemary - 1 pinch each.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut the root vegetable into thin slices and place in a bowl.
  2. Add oil and dry herbs.
  3. Mix well and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Place carrot slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the oven for 1.5-2 hours at 100°C.

Calorie content – ​​66 kcal.

Beet lovers can make snacks from this root vegetable. They need to be baked for 40-45 minutes at 120°C. The chips will be slightly sweet, but very healthy due to batalin, a natural detoxifier contained in beets.

From banana

Banana chips can replace your usual dessert and reduce your cravings for sweets. However, their calorie content is higher than that of vegetable snacks:

  1. Bananas – 300 gr.
  2. Lemon juice – 100 ml.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut the bananas into “washers” 3-5 mm thick.
  2. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and bake in the oven for 1 hour at 180°C.

Calorie content – ​​75 kcal.

Banana snacks can be eaten alone or added to yoghurts, cottage cheese casseroles and porridges.

From kiwi

Fragrant green kiwi chips have an unusual tart taste:

  1. Kiwi – 4 pcs.
  2. Lemon juice – 50 ml.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin slices.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in the oven for 5-6 hours at 40°C.

Calorie content – ​​43 kcal.

From zucchini

This type of zucchini is rich in thiamine and niacin, vitamins that regulate metabolism:

  1. Zucchini – 2 pcs.
  2. Vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Wash the zucchini and cut them into thin round slices.
  2. Grease with oil and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  3. Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 100°C.

Calorie content – ​​69 kcal.

From green beans

This snack can be served as an appetizer along with spicy tomato sauce. The recipe is simple and quick to prepare:

  1. Fresh green beans – 400 gr.
  2. Olive oil – 20 ml.
  3. Spices.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Wash the beans and dry with a paper towel.
  2. Add oil, favorite spices and mix everything well.
  3. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  4. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 220°C.

Calorie content – ​​66 kcal.

Lavash chips are often called a healthy alternative to potato snacks. However, during the diet you should refrain from eating this dish, since its calorie content varies from 220 to 240 kcal.

How to make homemade chips?

Tasty and healthy homemade chips are made from a potato variety that has a high dry matter content: this property is useful when drying.


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive or refined vegetable oil;
  • seasonings to taste.

Wash the root vegetable, cut into thin slices, dry for 30 minutes, add salt and pepper, place in hot oil, fry until golden brown. The home cooking method is a useful replacement for chips from a bag, because you can independently control the quality of the products, the amount of salt and pepper.

Attention! Chips, or Chips (English) are a thin slice, so root vegetables of any size are used for cooking.

What nutritionists say

Alexey Kovalkov, famous Russian nutritionist, MD. RANS, author of books, presenter of radio and TV programs

A well-known Russian nutritionist explains that the main harm of chips is associated with the repeated use of fats. The problem lies in the main raw material – potatoes, which are often genetically modified varieties.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Although there is an opinion that genetically modified foods can harm the body, there is no reliable evidence for this. The reason is that a vegetable cell is susceptible to genetic engineering processes, which is then capable of transmitting genetic information to other cells - its descendants. However, plant cells are destroyed during digestion processes and therefore cannot transfer their genetic information to other cells. Also, the inability of genetically modified products to influence human genetic material is evidenced by the fact that in the human body there are several mechanisms for protecting DNA and destroying cells with abnormal genes.

Margarita Koroleva, famous nutritionist, author of the books “The Easy Path to Slimness” and “Food Diary”

Celebrity nutritionist Margarita Koroleva equates chips to fast food and strongly recommends excluding them from the diet along with hamburgers. Instead, she advises adding vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, buckwheat and whole grain bread.

Vladimir Dotsenko, MD, Chief Nutritionist of St. Petersburg

It is necessary to understand, explains the St. Petersburg nutritionist, that 100 grams of potato chips are equal in calorie content to a full second course. In combination with soda, for example, cola, this is a real shot at the figure, stomach and duodenum, and pancreas.

Is there any benefit?

The benefits of chips may seem like a mythical phrase to many, but they exist. We are talking about a healthy snack that is prepared from root vegetables in compliance with all technical and nutritional requirements.

Advice! Chips made from natural ingredients are healthy and tasty. The healthiest chips are those made from carrots, celery, pumpkin, and apples.

Are chips at least somehow healthy? All doctors and various experts are confident that such a snack does not provide any benefit. This is an empty product that should be thrown out of your diet.

How harmful are chips? What dangers does their regular use pose? This product can cause the development of the following diseases:

  • allergic reactions;
  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • swelling;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • addiction to additives;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • depression, mood swings;
  • metabolic disease;
  • elevated cholesterol levels.

Naturally, these are not all the problems that such a snack can cause. Even experts do not know the exact answer to how dangerous this product is for the human body.

Many lovers of such food are looking for which chips are less harmful and how much can be safely consumed per month. However, even one package can harm the entire body.

They are not recommended for use even by absolutely healthy people. But for those who are overweight or have any chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, such a dish is strictly contraindicated. Moreover, you should not eat an expired product.

Currently, industrial chips are the result of the work of chemists, which should be completely discarded or consumed with great caution. But for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, such food is not suitable.

Main conclusions

Store-bought potato chips and dieting don't mix. As an alternative, you can try fruit and vegetable snacks that can easily be prepared at home:

  1. Potato snacks are not only high in calories, but also full of harmful substances.
  2. Their regular and especially excessive consumption can lead to obesity, atherosclerosis, allergies and even diabetes, and for those who already suffer from these diseases, chips can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. You can prepare healthy snacks at home.
  4. Any vegetables and fruits can be used as “raw materials”.
  5. Snacks can be baked in the oven or cooked in the microwave.
  6. You should not use salt, as it retains water in the body and dulls the taste of natural products.

Fruit and vegetable snacks are an ideal snack that will help fight hunger without compromising your figure.

Share your weight loss stories, favorite diets and diet chips recipes.

Is it possible to eat chips during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy is a special state of the female body, when women become extremely careful when choosing food based on its properties, doubting and analyzing the benefits and harms of all the dishes they eat. Pregnant women change their taste preferences due to changes at the hormonal level, so they may eat something they didn’t like before.

Questions arise about the dangers of potato chips during pregnancy. There is no need to overuse this dish, but you can allow yourself what you want. After consumption, there is a possibility of heartburn. This unpleasant symptom is familiar to many pregnant women. High salt content leads to edema.

If a woman breastfeeds, this means a high level of responsibility. What the mother eats is what the baby receives during breastfeeding. That’s why it’s so important to have healthy foods in your diet. Chips are contraindicated for a nursing mother. The use of harmful flavoring additives, high salt content and hot seasonings threatens the baby:

  • bloating;
  • colic;
  • diarrhea;
  • restless sleep;
  • loss of appetite.

Many women experience a change in taste preferences when carrying a child. In particular, they are drawn to saltier foods, including a variety of snacks.

A significant amount of salt consumed with them can lead to the following complications:

  • swelling;
  • increased pressure;
  • development of renal failure.

Naturally, all this will affect the formation of the fetus. The baby may develop chronic allergies or develop immunological disorders from birth. To avoid such consequences, the expectant mother, while carrying a baby, should be especially careful about her own diet, enriching it with fruits, vegetables, and various twisted complexes.

Thus, if we talk about salty and fried snacks, then you simply need to exclude them from your diet, as one of the most malignant foods that can cause significant harm to human health.

Are chips healthy or not?

Is it true that chips consist of fat, salt and flavor enhancers? Does this product contain food additives that are harmful to health? What about pesticides? Is it true that snacks made from other root vegetables or corn are healthier than potato snacks?

To answer the questions, Roskachestvo experts examined chips from 16 brands (TM). Among them are potato flavored with cheese (10 TM), corn (4 TM) and beetroot (2 TM).


Chips (American English chips, from chip - thin piece) are a snack, which are thin slices of potatoes, less often - other root vegetables or various fruits, usually fried in oil (deep-fried).

Classic potato chips are the most popular snack among the population: they are chosen by 63% of consumers, while other snacks (crackers, bread, grain chips) – 25% of consumers, snacks with sauce – 6%, snacks made from corn, wheat or rice flour – 4%, whole grain chips – 2%, salted popcorn – 1%. For 85% of consumers, the main role is played by the taste of chips, 77% pay attention to the brand. Other criteria, such as packaging and cost, are not so important for buyers.

Before launching a special project to study chips, Roskachestvo analysts studied consumer opinions and systematized concerns associated with these snacks.

Basic consumer fears

  • Chips are very harmful. During the process of powerful processing that potatoes undergo during the production of chips, they lose all their beneficial properties.
  • Chips are fried in the same oil several times.
  • Chips are fried not in healthy vegetable oil, but in technical fat. Such fats contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and cancer.
  • Due to their high starch (carbohydrate) and fat content, chips are very high in calories.
  • Chips made not from whole potatoes, but from potato flour, are especially harmful.
  • In the production of chips, GMOs, dyes, flavors, and preservatives are used.
  • Chips are full of different flavor enhancers.
  • Chips contain acrylamide, which can cause cancer.
  • The chips have a very high salt content.

So, many consumers are sure that there is nothing natural in chips except potatoes/starch. Complete “chemistry”, salt and hydrogenated fats. Consumers also express complaints about quality. Chips, according to them, are tasteless and have an off taste and smell. There are a lot of broken, falling apart chips in the packs, and they are not crunchy. Shall we believe it? No, let's check!

In order to find out which of these fears are groundless and which are justified, Roskachestvo experts examined popular potato chips with cheese flavor, Lay's, "Every Day", "Russian Potatoes", "Moscow Potatoes", Pomsticks, Pringles, Kracks, potato chips Naturals chips with parmesan TM Lorenz, potato megachips with sour cream and cheese flavor MegaChips.

Cereal and vegetable chips were also studied for comparison. These are corn chips and nachos with cheese flavors TM Delicados, Santa Maria, Carambas, Happy Nachos, beet TM Kiwa and beet chips with kelp and basil “Zdoroveda”.

Of these, 8 products were produced in Russia, 3 in Poland, and one each from Malaysia, Belgium, Belarus, and Ecuador. Products were examined in terms of labeling accuracy, safety and quality.


Let’s say right away that the experts did not identify GMOs, dyes, preservatives, or aflatoxin in the products studied. The content of radionuclides and nitrates is within normal limits. There are no deviations in net weight relative to the information stated on the packaging. The myth that chips contain a lot of trans fats has been dispelled. How many of them there actually are, read on.


There were no comments regarding organoleptics. All the chips turned out to have the taste and smell characteristic of this type of product, and all were crispy. The contents of “scrap”—broken slices—were also studied.

Many people mistake “inflated” packs with a handful of chips for downsizing - a marketing technique when a product is reduced without reducing the packaging. The buyer thinks there are more chips inside than there really are and is more willing to pay. But no. Such packaging is not needed at all in order to deceive the buyer, but in order to protect fragile slices during transportation. The air in the packs is nitrogen, which serves as a safety cushion and at the same time protects products from premature spoilage.

On average, crumbs accounted for 5–10% of the contents of the pack. Not a single piece of scrap was found in the Pomsticks chips. The most broken chips - a third of the pack - are in the Moscow Potato chips. Most likely, this is due to the transportation and storage conditions of products in retail chains.


  • Cadmium and arsenic.
    These potentially dangerous substances have been found in potato and beet chips. According to TR CU 021/2011, cadmium is allowed in products in an amount of no more than 0.03 mg/kg, arsenic - no more than 0.2 mg/kg.

Cadmium was detected in four brands of potato chips: Pomsticks (0.31 mg/kg), Lorenz (0.13 mg/kg), Moscow Potato (0.064 mg/kg), Kracks (0.061 mg/kg). The cadmium content is maximum in Pomsticks chips; it exceeds the maximum permissible level by 10 times.

Both cadmium and arsenic were detected in Zdoroveda beet chips. The content of cadmium (0.18 mg/kg) and arsenic (3.48 mg/kg) exceeds the maximum permissible level by 6 and 17.4 times, respectively.

Cadmium, a heavy metal, belongs to the second hazard class and has a pronounced tendency to accumulate in the body. It accumulates mainly in the liver and kidneys, also in the tubular bones, pancreas, and spleen. Its half-life from the body ranges from 10 to 30 years. When a certain concentration is reached, cadmium can cause severe dysfunction. Heavy metal enters plants from the soil, with water and nutrients. Some soils are initially characterized by a high content of cadmium, others are contaminated with industrial waste or treated with fertilizers containing cadmium.

Manufacturers of goods containing cadmium consider the standards of TR CU 021/2011 to be imperfect. This technical regulation does not establish separate standards for chips.

Commented by Vladimir Goldshtein, head of the department for processing starch-containing raw materials of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Starch Products, a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after. V. M. Gorbatov" RAS, Ph.D.


– Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic are metals that exhibit highly toxicological properties at very low concentrations and do not perform any beneficial function. They are neither vital nor beneficial, but even in small doses they lead to disruption of the body's normal metabolic functions.

Arsenic is found in almost all plant and animal foods, as well as in water. High cadmium content is typical for clay and sandy soils. In addition, it enters the soil as a technogenic pollutant due to emissions from metallurgical enterprises, thermal power plants, and agricultural fertilizers: phosphates and nitrates.

Lead, cadmium and arsenic found in local soils can accumulate in edible plant parts. Food products, including chips, must comply with the documents: “Maximum permissible concentrations of heavy metals and arsenic in food raw materials and food products” (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on March 31, 1986, No. 4089-86) and the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On food safety”.

Exceeding the concentrations of heavy metals by 6, 10 and 17 times should lead to a ban on the sale of products and their destruction as dangerous.

  • Ochratoxin A.
    Identified in Carambas corn chips in an amount of 0.017 mg/kg, which is three times higher than the standards established for raw materials (corn flour). However, this is not considered a violation, since the standards of TR CU 021/2011, unfortunately, do not yet apply to chips. According to TR CU 021/2011, corn flour (the raw material from which corn chips are made) may contain no more than 0.005 mg/kg of ochratoxin A.
Ochratoxin A is the most toxic mycotoxin of the ochratoxin species. It can appear in food products during the cultivation of raw materials, their harvesting, and storage. During the production of the finished product, its storage or transportation - in cases where conditions for fungal infection arise. Most likely, the grain was not tested for the presence of mycotoxins upon receipt.
  • Acrylamide
    . At the moment, the content of this carcinogenic substance in products, formed during frying, is standardized only by European Union documents - Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 of November 20, 2017 - no more than 750 mcg/kg. A relatively high amount of acrylamide was detected in one of the 16 products - Moscow Potato potato chips: 1360 mg/kg of acrylamide, which is almost twice the European standards.



– Acrylamide is formed mainly in foods that undergo high heat treatment. Acrylamide has been present in food for a long time, ever since humans began to heat food, but it became known only in 2002. It was then that a group of European scientists published the results of a study that revealed the presence of acrylamide in some baked and fried foods. European scientists have conducted studies that have revealed that too high concentrations of acrylamide can affect health and have a carcinogenic effect - usually on the reproductive organs.



– Unfortunately, chips are cheap, and many people eat them uncontrollably in large quantities. Meanwhile, this is a carcinogenic product that provokes the development of tumors and can increase the risk of cancer. In America, stick-shaped chips are jokingly called “cancer sticks.” Let me remind you that in men after 45 years of age, the risk of developing intestinal cancer and the formation of polyps increases. Therefore, for those who have reached this age, chips should be prohibited.

    . In general, the microbiology of the chips is in order: none of the tested samples contained Escherichia coli bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, yeast or mold. But an excess of QMAFAnM was found in Kracks potato chips - 1.1 × 10^3 CFU in 1 gram of product, despite the fact that TR CU 021/2011 dictates the total microbial contamination of no more than 1 × 10^3 CFU in 1 gram.

Vladimir Goldstein


– Exceeding QMAFAnM may be due to biological contamination of indoor air, various microorganisms in the packaging compartment, or biological contamination of food additives applied to chips. The chips are hermetically sealed, so storage conditions cannot affect the condition of the packaging. And food additives can be contaminated during their production or storage.

  • Pesticides
    . Chips were tested for 420 pesticides. Four pesticides were detected in trace amounts. Chlorprofam – in 9 TMs, imidacloprid – in 2 TMs, propamocarb – in 2 TMs and pirimifos-methyl – in 2 TMs. Of these, the content of traces of only one of the listed pesticides was detected in nine brands, and two types of pesticides were detected in chips from three brands. Pesticides could only get into the chips through the main raw materials - root vegetables and cereals.

There is not a trace of pesticide in only four brands out of the 16 studied - Santa Maria and Carambas corn chips, Kiwa beet chips, and Pringles potato chips.

In the Russian Federation, the content of pesticide residues in food products is regulated by GN 1.2.1323-03 “Hygienic standards for the maintenance of environmental objects (list)”. The main provisions of supervision, based on the current legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including Federal Law dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ “On the quality and safety of food products,” are set out in SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value food products."

Chlorprofam is a growth inhibitor. It is used to prevent sprouts from sprouting on harvested potatoes. Pirimiphos-methyl and imidacloprid are insecticides against insects and traces of them are often present in grain. Propamocarb is a fungicide used to combat diseases of the soil, roots, and leaves.
  • Flavor enhancers.
    All detected taste enhancers are safe for human health and are within the legally permitted range (TR CU 029/2012), but some of them are not indicated in the labeling. In particular, these are glutamates (E620 – E625), well known to consumers, as well as lesser known guanylates (E626 – E629), inosinates (E630 – E633) and adenosine monophosphate salts (E634 – E635).

Let's consider this situation in more detail.

During the analysis, glutamic acid, guanylates, inosine, and adenosine monophosphate were detected. In many cases, only one or two flavor enhancers out of three or four identified in the product were indicated on the label, or even not indicated at all. Why? Because the presence of unspecified substances may be due not only to the possible addition of their salts in the form of food additives, but also to their natural content in the product.

According to TR CU 022/2011, the manufacturer indicates only what he adds. And what is naturally present does not need to be indicated.


DOCTOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, HEAD OF THE LABORATORY OF FOOD CHEMISTRY, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology":

– You can recognize whether a flavor enhancer has been added to a product indirectly, by one sign – the content of this flavor enhancer is much higher than the others. But this is also an exclusively logical conclusion. In scientific works, in particular in “Methods of biochemistry and cytochemistry of plant nucleic acids”, the natural content of enhancers is allowed in dry samples from 2 to 100 mg/kg, in fresh (non-dehydrated) - from 10 to 250 mg/kg.

The total content of enhancers (guanylates, inosinates and adenosine monophosphate) in the products, judging by the laboratory results, varies between 50–100 mg/kg, which is well within the range of the native presence of enhancers in the product.

Let's summarize. Flavor enhancers were identified in each of the studied samples. However, their content is extremely small, and in cases where they are not listed on the label, we can only talk about the natural presence of these substances.

There are no excesses relative to the standards. The total permissible amount is no more than 500 mg/kg, according to the “Hygienic standards for the use of flavor and aroma enhancers”, Appendix 16 to the technical regulations “Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids” (TR CU 029/2012) “Hygienic standards. Application of flavor and aroma enhancers."

Vladimir Bessonov comments


– In a situation where a product contains substances only inherent to this product, even if they can be called food additives, there are no violations. Guanylates and inosinates, adenosine monophosphate are natural substances. They are present in all living organisms (both animals and plants). I repeat once again, they are endogenous, that is, they are synthesized in any organism that has DNA and RNA. This is their normal content in a biological object; they are not added there. They are contained there natively, by nature. In this situation, the listed components formed independently in the product. If you conduct a broader study, then in chips you can find acetates, and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, which are simply normal components of food products, but they also have analogues among food additives. Just once again this proves that a food product is a complex mixture of chemicals that are studied by food chemistry. Of course, amplifiers can be produced synthetically and added, but this is expensive. If a substance (or ingredient) is added to a product by the manufacturer, only then is it included in the labeling.

Are the identified flavor enhancers safe?

– The safety of flavor enhancers such as guanylates and inosinates was reviewed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) from 1974 to 1992. For these food additives, the maximum daily intake has not been established, says Bessonov

. – This means that they do not cause harm to health.

The negative impact on health has been proven at a dosage of about 700 grams per day for a person weighing 70 kg. A person simply cannot eat that much amplifier in its pure form every day.

– The claim that taste enhancers are addictive is unproven. Apart from the statements of bloggers and illiterate doctors, there is no scientific basis for this. To say that an enhancer is addictive is to talk about addiction to food in general, since food always contains taste enhancers, adds Vladimir Bessonov

. – Products without inosinates are pure sugar, for example, pure starch, pure refined deodorized fat... We eat them, of course, but they are not the basis of our diet. You won't just eat them. All other products contain enhancers natively; their presence is determined by the biology of animals and plants.

Why then do chips have such a rich taste and aroma?

– The technology for producing chips itself involves some kind of design. Remember your personal experience: protein products (for example, low-fat cottage cheese) and carbohydrate products (for example, sugar) have a very poor taste. Oddly enough, the taste of the product is most often associated with fat, says Vladimir Bessonov

. – In fried potatoes, the main components are potatoes and fat; chips contain even more fat than fried potatoes. Fattier foods are always more attractive and tastier, and this is not due to flavor enhancers. And we are discussing only “pure” taste. And the chips also use technological flavorings; they replicate the tastes of products that are very attractive from an organoleptic point of view (sour cream, cheese, ham, bacon, fried chicken, etc.).

“In addition,” notes Vladimir Bessonov

, – manufacturers will not add enhancers to the recipe in larger quantities than necessary, as this will spoil the taste of the product. Chips are a common snack; there is no need to worry about problems from the listed food additives. Other characteristics of chips that should be of much greater concern are their high calorie content and sodium content.


Chips are made either from natural potatoes or from a dry semi-finished product with the addition of a significant (up to 60–70%) amount of starch (potato or corn). The second option is cheaper than the first. And, looking at the prices, it’s easy to understand that most chips contain dry semi-finished products. To reduce the cost of the product, flour (rice, wheat) is also used. Analysis of starch content showed that the most of this ingredient is in corn chips - almost 60%, potato chips are in second place - up to 50% starch. And beet chips close this peculiar rating: it is clear that beet chips have the least amount of starch, there is practically none there.

Analysis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates showed that only 3-7% of the product is protein. The carbohydrate content of all chips varies from 55 to 71%. Fat average 30% (from 25 to 38%). Beet chips are no different from potato chips - on average 30% fat.

There is slightly less fat in the three brands of corn chips - 17-21%, but this is not an indicator, because the fourth of the studied packs of corn snacks - Carambas - has 35% fat content.

That is, chips are literally one third of vegetable fat. The calorie content of this product is 510–530 kcal/100 g. Compare: the calorie content of regular fried potatoes is 200 kcal per 100 g, boiled potatoes are 86 kcal/100 g.




– Oil for frying can be anything: sunflower or palm, soybean or rapeseed, special frying fat. The composition also matters. The more saturated fatty acids, the higher the oxidative stability of the oil. The level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (acids that are essential for our body) also matters; on the contrary, the less the better, since these acids are easily subject to oxidation.

Therefore, when frying, preference is given to special frying mixtures and frying fats. These fatty products make it possible to reduce the content of unhealthy components, in particular acrylamide, formed during the frying process of both chips and any other product.

As for the indicators that are important for vegetable oil in its pure form, the acid and peroxide numbers increase during frying in any case, and it is incorrect to compare them with the standards adopted for vegetable oil!

The fact that the manufacturer uses insufficiently fresh oil for frying or uses it several times is classified as a consumer myth. Such chips would acquire an unpleasant greasy odor or a pronounced drying oil odor due to aldehydes and ketones that are formed during the oxidation process. And your nose will be the first to signal this! It is unlikely that a consumer who accidentally stumbles upon chips with the smell of drying oil will want to buy them again. Therefore, manufacturers are interested in ensuring that the product has an attractive aroma and do not reuse deep fat; the same applies to rancid oil.


The myth that chips contain a lot of trans fatty acid isomers has been dispelled. According to TR CU 024, the mass fraction of trans isomers in the fat phase of the product should not exceed 2%. Trans isomers, which cause panic among supporters of a healthy lifestyle, are extremely difficult to find in chips: the manufacturing process is such that trans fats are simply not formed. To reassure consumers, we analyzed the content of trans-isomers and found them in extremely small quantities (taking into account the error method) - from 0.03 to 0.2%, which not only fits into the parameters recommended by the technical regulations, but also gives reason to say that there are practically no trans fats in chips.

Ekaterina Nesterova


– In order for trans fats to form, many conditions are necessary, including high temperature (over 160 degrees) and active hydrogen. When you fry potatoes, where does active hydrogen come from in your frying pan? And when frying chips - where from? Therefore, the presence of trans isomers in such products is a myth. Unrefined and refined vegetable oils by their nature do not contain trans-isomers, and the absence of trans-isomers in fats, mixtures and other products of vegetable oil processing is ensured by the standard “no more than 2%” established in the technical regulations.

For comparison: the natural content of trans isomers in cow's milk is 8%, but no one refuses milk for this very reason.


By the way, consumers believe that the most harmful chips are those made not from whole potatoes, but from potato flour. Why?

Dietitian, MD Mariyat Mukhina


– Potato flour is obtained from dried potatoes, that is, this product undergoes heat treatment twice: during drying and during deep-frying. When processing potatoes into flour, the remaining fiber is destroyed - such chips are digested much faster than ordinary slices and increase the glycemic index in the body even faster.


On average, chips contain 2.5% salt. No relationship has been identified between salt content and raw materials; it all depends on the manufacturer’s recipe. Among the samples studied, Happy Nachos corn chips (1.07%) and Kiwa beet chips (1.11%) had the least amount of salt. Most of all - in potato Lorenz (3.46%). The salt content of other chips varies within this range.

WHO recommends limiting daily salt intake to 5 g; in this aspect, a hundred-gram pack of average chips covers half of the daily salt requirement.


Vegetable and grain chips are perceived by most buyers as a healthy alternative to classic chips. Research has shown that this is a myth.

Calorie and fat content are approximately at the same level. Thus, in Kiwa beet chips, which contain non-hydrogenated palm oil, the mass fraction of fat is a quarter of the product.

Only one of the 16 chips (“Zdoroveda”) does not contain vegetable fat in the labeling, but the composition does contain sunflower seeds, and this is already a source of vegetable fat. The kelp in the ingredients did not make the chips any healthier. As mentioned above, when studying for potentially hazardous substances, cadmium and arsenic were found in Zdoroveda beet chips in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible level. The salt in these chips is almost 2%. The chips were not fried, but did not become less harmful.

Potentially hazardous substances, such as acrylamide, ochratoxin, cadmium, can be found in any chips; the consumer is not immune from this.



– When buying vegetable chips, be sure to study the ingredients. If the composition contains salt, vegetable fats, vegetable oil, just remember that such a product will not benefit your body. Give preference to a product that contains, apart from the vegetables themselves, practically nothing, including salt. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, pay attention to dried slices made from beets, tomatoes, zucchini, and carrots. You can prepare a healthy snack at home by drying thin slices of vegetables in the oven at low temperature or in a special electric dryer.


Many parents believe that a small amount of chips will not harm the child. Our expert strongly disagrees with this.



– The child eats chips with pleasure. Bright packaging, no cooking required, inexpensive. But in fact, chips are just a time bomb and are definitely not a children's product at all. The fight against advertising of chips as food for children is taking place at the level of the World Health Organization.

Obesity has become a tsunami of the 21st century, and chips are literally soaked in oil. Eating 100 grams of chips is the same as drinking 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil at once. That's a lot! For children, especially teenagers, who have a very mobile endocrine system, consuming chips is the first step towards obesity, which the child will suffer with throughout his life. And obesity is diabetes, cardiology, and neurology.

In addition, the chips contain salt. The endocrine and cardiovascular systems are under threat, as are edema and kidneys... It all starts with the fact that we add salt to a child’s food from early childhood. As a pediatrician, I can’t help but say: the sooner your child tries fried salty potatoes - for example, you gave him a try when he was one year old, and then again and again - the more pleasure he will eat chips and french fries in fast food restaurants at a conscious age. . The longer you protect your child from large amounts of salt, the better!

Top Low Calorie Snacks

Nori seaweed

Our discovery and the undisputed leader of this digest. The so-called seaweed is so low in calories and light in weight that even after eating 4 packs, you can neglect the data on its calorie content when calculating your daily caloric intake.

The weight of one package is only 5 grams and about 10 leaves of the product. The calorie content of all this beauty is 15 kcal , you must agree, it’s extremely low! For 100 kcal you can eat a little more than 6 packs!

They are prepared in a very interesting way: long nets are stretched on the seabed to serve as a support. Like other algae, porphyra consists of thalli that look like elongated leaves, as well as rhizoids that resemble roots. The thalli are eaten, crushed, and then dried on special grids - the result is thin sheets of dark green color.

These algae contain a whole complex of vitamins and microelements: B vitamins (B1, B2, B12), vitamin D and C, carotene, microelements (iodine, bromine).

By the way, the content of vitamin B2 in algae is twice as high as in carrots or cabbage; this vitamin is responsible for the regulation of human growth, is important for the function of hematopoiesis and thyroid function, as well as for the normal condition of skin and hair!

Salted fish and seafood

A very good snack in all respects: salted seafood and fish have a relatively low calorie content, contain a lot of protein and are therefore filling, and are sold in small packages, which significantly limits the amount eaten.

squid in first place in terms of calorie content - they contain a record low number of calories, a huge amount of protein + have a pronounced taste:

From this 60 gram pack you will get only 82 calories and almost 18 grams. squirrel - isn’t this a weight loss paradise?

From almost 40 gr. 18 squid shavings are protein, but you only get 76 calories!

A step below are various dried fish with also low calorie content and high protein levels:

But fatty dried fish carcasses, such as bream or sabrefish, the fat from which simply flows down your hands, is very tasty, but very high in calories. Take this into account and be sure to weigh and calculate the nutritional value of the delicacy.

Meat chips

Also an excellent snack option for any drink - chips can be made from beef, pork, chicken, venison, duck... The list is endless. It all depends on your taste, food preferences and payment ability.

These chips are dried-smoked, thinly sliced ​​plates of meat up to two millimeters thick, made from natural meat with the addition of savory spices and herbs. In meat chips, the role of preservatives is played by salt and pepper, and less often by such complex substances as glutamate and nitrate.

Meat chips are high-protein, tasty and really filling , this is an excellent option for both those losing weight and just gourmets. Compare their calorie content and composition, the usual chips are not even close:

In fact, you can go crazy and make chips at home. Take lean, low-fat meat, preferably young, but it depends how it turns out, meat, a sharp knife and cut it into thin slices. It is better to leave the meat in the freezer for an hour first: make sure that it is slightly frozen, but not completely frozen.

Salt the resulting pieces (2% salt of the total weight of the meat), add garlic, your favorite spices (rosemary, coriander, nutmeg, ground allspice, chili pepper (if you like it spicy) are good). Stir and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours or even for the night.

The next step is drying. A vegetable dehydrator is best for this. Place the meat on the tiers of the dryer in one layer and leave for 8 hours. Periodically, the tiers of the dryer must be swapped, because... on the lower ones the meat dries faster.

You can also dry the meat in the oven at low temperature with the door ajar.


Popcorn is delicious, goes well with wine or beer, has low calorie content and large volume - what else does a person who wants to relax a little on the weekend need to be happy?

For some reason we found out that popcorn was invented in ancient times by Indian tribes who were surprised by the property of maize to explode at a certain temperature. And already in the 19th century it was used in industry to create the first puffed corn, after which the finished product began to gain so much popularity that in the 20th century it was already produced at home. To this day, this technology remains the simplest and safest.

We recommend choosing salted popcorn - it has the least calories and pay attention to the fact that the calorie content of the dish is indicated for the “raw” product! So from 100 grams of grains you will get up to 300 grams of finished popcorn.

It’s clear how much popcorn you get from two tablespoons of corn kernels:

The vitamin and mineral composition of popcorn is rich and includes B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iodine. Eating a 100-gram serving of popcorn provides 20% of your daily iron requirement and 30% of your daily phosphorus requirement.

The most useful cooking method is industrial, so-called. dry. Alas, it is not available at home and in entertainment centers and therefore they use the oil method. In the wet method, the oil serves as a “transfer” of heat and should be tasteless. When opened this way, the popcorn quickly absorbs all the oil and then absorbs all the salt from the kettle.

Chemical composition and calorie content of chips

The popular treat began its existence as a potato dish. Experts discussed the benefits of potato chips, their properties, but over time, as well as under the influence of the race to increase capital, manufacturers decided to change the composition beyond recognition. Some of the healthy ingredients were replaced with completely unhealthy cheap starches.

We recommend reading: Potatoes: beneficial properties and contraindications

One hundred grams of modern chips contain:

  • proteins - 7.5 g;
  • fats-35 g;
  • carbohydrates - 53 g;
  • dietary fiber - 4.5 g;
  • water – 2 g;
  • ash - 3.5 g;
  • omega-6 fatty acids -11 g;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Warning! The chips contain flavorings and aromas, the beneficial properties of which cannot be discussed, but it is important to remember about direct harm to health.

Different manufacturers interpret the composition of the product in their own way, adding types of oils that are not recommended for consumption. These types include unrefined rapeseed oil: its properties are harmful to the body.

Group E food additives, which most types of this product contain, are included in the food register, but the controversy surrounding their use does not subside. In the generally accepted understanding, their property is to impart and enhance a specific taste. This is how fish, meat or vegetable species are obtained.

Harm of chips for children

Commercials promise a unique taste, as if the bag contains “fried potatoes with onions,” “bacon with sour cream,” and much more. Adults understand that this is an advertising ploy, an extra way to deceive the receptors with its taste properties, but children often strive to try new tastes out of curiosity and become hostage to their addictions. Large food magnates who produce these products attract famous people to advertise. Attractive videos that hint at the beneficial properties of the delicacy are filmed in several mini-episodes, which interests children even more.

A child’s body is not fully formed, so it especially needs to receive the necessary beneficial microelements and vitamins. Chips are a snack that is harmful to health because they have the ability to transmit a signal to the brain about food intake and superficial satiety, which slows down full development.

According to statistics, teenagers are addicted to unhealthy “snacks”, that is, children who have their own pocket money, which they spend on “snacks”, choosing their own purchases.

The daily calorie intake for a 10-year-old child is about 2 thousand kcal with moderate activity. One hundred grams of the product contains about 500 kcal, and with simple calculations it turns out that this is ¼ of the daily diet. However, it should be borne in mind that teenagers rarely stop at one serving. It is this mechanism of action that causes the main damage, without taking into account the analysis of the harmful composition.

Chips in the oven

Baking is a very healthy cooking method that will help preserve the most valuable properties of the product and is suitable for everyone.

Pumpkin chips

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. extra virgin olive oil, nutmeg, salt, pepper.

A vegetable slicer is suitable for cutting pumpkin slices: with its help, the pieces are of the required thickness. They are dipped in a mixture of spices, placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, sprinkled with fat and baked. The degree of readiness is determined by the fact that the edges of thin pieces begin to rise above the level of the baking sheet and bend upward. Such useful slices can even be included in the children's menu, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.

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