buckwheat and apple diet reviews

General rules

Buckwheat and apples are rich primarily in iron - the most important microelement for the human body, which is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and is part of the hemoglobin and more than 20 known enzymes . It is involved in the processes of cellular respiration and carbon dioxide removal, the first line of defense against anemia , maintaining redox balance and, as a result, preventing cancer processes.
The daily requirement for an adult is at least 10-30 mg (this is at least 100 g of buckwheat and 2-3 red ripe apples). In addition, the combination of apples with buckwheat guarantees saturation with nutrients and vitamins , strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins .

But in addition to the health benefits, buckwheat and apples turned out to be very effective for weight loss. In just a week of mono-diet - 1 glass of soaked buckwheat and 2-3 apples you can lose 3-4 kg. Lenten and ascetic menus may have slight differences, which are the varieties of the buckwheat-apple diet.


Doctors do not recommend following the buckwheat-apple diet for more than 2 weeks and you must ensure that weight loss does not exceed 10 kg. Success can be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Diet of consumption

First of all, you need to prepare your body for the upcoming test. To do this, over 2 weeks you need to gradually exclude fried, smoked, fatty foods from your diet, be sure to give up flour and sweet products, as well as any pickles. When preparing food, gradually reduce the amount of salt until you get used to doing without it. And, of course, no strong alcohol! It is worth noting that effective preparation for a diet, even in itself, will help you get rid of a couple of kilograms.

The buckwheat-apple diet assumes the daily intake of 1.5 kg of buckwheat and 1 kg of apples. In this case, there should be at least 5 meals a day, the last of which should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Between meals, it is useful to drink low-fat kefir, mineral water and green tea without sugar. Twice a week it is allowed to dilute buckwheat porridge with oil. Meals should be more saturated in the first half of the day.

Did you know? German scientists have proven that the brighter the light in the kitchen, the less a person eats. This is explained by the visual effect - in good lighting, the portion appears larger.

You can take note of the following ways to lose weight using the buckwheat-apple diet:

  1. Method 1 . Eat only apples one day, the next day only buckwheat. So alternate products throughout the course. This method gives a good result, but is only possible for those whose work activities do not involve heavy physical or mental stress.
  2. Method 2 . Steam 2 cups of buckwheat and add 1 kg of grated apples to it; Stir and consume this porridge daily, breaking it into small portions. The disadvantage of this method is that you quickly become bored with a product with the same taste, but it is easier to consume, since the taste of apples compensates for the lack of salt in the porridge. 1-2 times a week you can improve the dish by adding a little honey, cinnamon, and soy sauce.
  3. Method 3 . This method consists of saturating the body in the morning and evening with a practically unloaded day. For breakfast and dinner you need to take 1 glass of steamed or boiled buckwheat, and during the day eat 1 kg of apples.

The diet can be followed for no more than 14 days. A repeated course of weight loss can be carried out no earlier than after 3 months.


  • Supplementing the menu with kefir - you can drink up to 0.5 liters of it per day, the main thing is that the fat content is 0% or 1%.
  • The kefir version can also be more satisfying due to apples, when you are allowed to eat 100 g of buckwheat and not 2-3 apples, but a whole kilogram per day.
  • The “delicious” buckwheat-apple method is distinguished by the ability to flavor buckwheat porridge with soy sauce, dried fruits, every other day with vegetable or butter, and bake apples with honey and cinnamon.
  • Striped diet - you can alternate days on buckwheat and apples.

All the pros and cons

The classic version of the diet with buckwheat and apples, and sometimes with the addition of kefir, has a number of positive aspects: excess liquid is quickly eliminated because salt and sugar are eliminated, the weight really “melts” before your eyes, the complexion improves, and digestion returns to normal. In addition, there is no risk of increasing stomach acidity and causing heartburn, since buckwheat neutralizes this unpleasant feature of eating apples in large quantities.

It should be remembered that all Chinese and other foreign apples are mainly subjected to extensive chemical processing, and therefore their benefits are very doubtful.

Apples will help supplement the lack of vitamins that may appear due to severe restrictions in the usual diet. But we should not forget about other “helpers” - vitamin complexes in tablets.

What not to do during the diet:

  • It is advisable to observe for up to 8 days;
  • Engage in heavy physical work or mental tasks;
  • However, you should not forget about light physical activity. A half-hour walk or yoga routine will help achieve the best results and consolidate the effect;
  • Overeat heavily before and after the diet. You can prepare your body for the upcoming diet with a week of light meals: vegetable salads, soups, no sweets and fatty foods;
  • Carry out a diet more often than once every six months.

It is not so easy to endure the buckwheat-apple diet, so it is better to protect yourself from unnecessary stress and make sure that it does not fall during the holidays and feasts.

Authorized Products

As the name implies, this diet is based on buckwheat and apples. All the additions of kefir, vegetable oil and spices are just a way to make the task easier for people who cannot limit themselves to everything for two whole weeks. Regarding recommendations for preparing and choosing buckwheat and apples, you should remember:

  • Buckwheat should be natural and of high quality, preferably not chopped, but kernels, which have undergone a minimum of processing, for example, roasting or grinding. Before cooking, you need to rinse it well and steam it overnight - pour boiling water over it, wrap the pan with a blanket and leave it in a warm place until the morning.
  • Red varieties of apples are richer in iron, for example, sweet and sour varieties such as Idared, Jonathan, Melba are ideal. It is best to choose medium-sized, juicy, not crushed fruits from a domestic producer, because imported ones, although they look great, are most often grown artificially and treated against pests, for example, covered with paraffin.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
baked sweet and sour apples0,50,512,359
dried fruits2,30,668,2286
viscous buckwheat porridge on water3,20,817,190
buckwheat porridge from kernels3,03,414,6101
kefir 0%3,00,13,830
kefir 1%2,81,04,040
unrefined vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

After reading the menu, you can immediately see that you can’t eat anything other than buckwheat, apples and, if desired, such additions as kefir, vegetable oil and soy sauce. Otherwise, all products familiar to our people are prohibited:

  • salt, sugar, honey, sauces, spices;
  • alcohol, sweet and energy drinks, including coffee;
  • bakery, confectionery and pasta products;
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • vegetable and butter, animal fats;
  • meat and eggs;
  • any porridge (except buckwheat);
  • fruits and vegetables (only fresh ripe apples are allowed).

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables legumes9,11,627,0168
canned vegetables1,50,25,530



Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products



candy caramel0,00,196,2362
fruit and berry marmalade0,40,076,6293
chocolate covered fruits0,815,611,0179

Raw materials and seasonings


Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
sausage with/smoked salami11,063,00,0631

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
gin and tonic0,00,06,778

Non-alcoholic drinks

energy drink0,00,011,345
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Example menu for a classic buckwheat-apple diet

  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.
  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.
  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.

An example of a menu for the kefir variety of the buckwheat-apple diet

  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.
  • a glass of 0% kefir;
  • finely grated apple.
  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.
  • 1/3 cup steamed buckwheat;
  • one medium red apple.
  • a glass of 0% kefir.

Quitting the diet

By the way, you need to exit this diet, like any other, very smoothly and gradually. After all, the body, with a sudden and large intake of food, will accumulate it in reserve. And the gastrointestinal tract may not cope with this task (rapid intake of large amounts of protein and fat), and this, in turn, will lead to digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain). Therefore, think several times before pouncing on food the very next day after completing the diet. Now you are savvy about the buckwheat-apple diet. Whether you try it for weight loss is up to you!

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Saving the family budget.
  • There is no need to prepare intricate dishes and count their calorie content.
  • Fast and noticeable results.
  • Cleansing the body and improving the condition of the digestive, genitourinary, hematopoietic, and cardiovascular systems.
  • Due to the absence of salt, sugar, and spices in the diet, puffiness is quickly eliminated.
  • You need strong motivation and willpower to eat bland porridge and apples.
  • Nutritionists consider it dangerous for health to sit on mono-diets for more than two weeks.
  • The diet is unbalanced - there are no such important components as animal proteins and healthy fats.
  • A poor diet can cause headaches, weakness and dizziness.

Reviews and results

The buckwheat-apple diet is very popular. Thousands of girls and women have tried it on themselves and were delighted with this method of losing weight. Those who were able to eat buckwheat and apples for 3-4 weeks boasted stunning results - minus 15-20 kg. Moreover, the result lasts for a long time, girls note an improvement in their health, skin and hair, and a feeling of lightness and vigor:

  • “... I decided to lose weight on buckwheat in the summer, supplemented the menu not only with apples, but also with vegetable salads, mainly cucumbers with herbs. In a week of such “rest” for body and soul, I lost 5 kg, my husband was simply delighted.”
  • “... I just couldn’t stand the lack of sweets until I read that you can grate fruit and add it directly to porridge, and also treat yourself to raisins, dried apricots, and nuts - this allowed me not to break down and lose 5 kg before the wedding.”
  • “...When will girls stop torturing themselves with diets? Sitting on buckwheat and apples and suffering from dizziness is simply terrible! It is not worth it".

Diet options on buckwheat and apples

There is a classic diet based on buckwheat and apples, but there is also a lighter option. You can choose the right one taking into account your own well-being, body characteristics, goals, the presence or absence of chronic diseases, as well as your initial weight.

People who are significantly overweight should not suddenly lose weight. The program should be carried out in two stages of a week each. In this case, you will need to take a break of 1-2 weeks. During the specified period, the body will be brought back to normal, and in total it will be possible to bring the result to 12–15 kg of lost weight!

Light diet on buckwheat and vegetables

This option is for those who do not want to endure serious hardships, and therefore it is proposed to add not only kefir or cottage cheese, apples and buckwheat to the course. There is also room in it for rice, boiled lean fish and chicken. The diet is suggested for 1 day, but it should be repeated throughout the entire course of the diet on buckwheat and apples:

  1. First breakfast - 2 green small apples and cottage cheese, but the product is low-fat (up to 2.5%),
  2. Second breakfast - it comes 3 hours after the first meal. Here's the line for buckwheat. Use for 4 tbsp. l. the main product is 2.5 times more water and ½ tsp. olive oils,
  3. Lunch - 5 tbsp. l. rice, use twice as much water, steam the product, add a few drops of lemon juice, lettuce leaves,
  4. Afternoon snack – 2 tbsp. l. steam the buckwheat with water, and then add lemon juice and lettuce leaves,
  5. The last meal is 100 g of boiled chicken or fish, you can alternate. Add lettuce leaves.

Meat or fish can be eaten during the day so as not to overload the body at night.


It's quite simple. The buckwheat-apple diet involves the following nutrition:

  • Eat foods separately and drink water or green tea between meals. Sometimes coffee is allowed, but all without sugar,
  • You can add buckwheat and grated apples to one of your meals,
  • You can do mono-days when the first person eats apples, the second – buckwheat.
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