Several diet options from Vysotskaya and rules for their implementation

Principles of losing weight by Yulia Vysotskaya

Vysotskaya often appears on television shows and gives interviews to journalists, so it’s easy to understand her principles of losing weight - the actress and TV presenter does not hide how she achieved and maintains her impeccable shape. From everything she says, there are several important ones.

"It's better to be happy than hungry"

Yulia is sure that following strict diets and depriving yourself of the pleasure of trying a new dish is stupid, to say the least. Losing weight and the desired numbers on the scale should not become a goal in life. You just need to want to be healthy and happy, after which you can create the diet that suits a particular person.

You definitely shouldn’t sharply limit yourself to your favorite dishes and products - your mood will be at zero, irritation and even outbursts of unmotivated aggression will appear. All this will have a negative impact on the psycho-emotional background, on relationships with family and friends, and will end in a gastronomic breakdown and another weight gain.

"Eat what you want, when you want"

Vysotskaya almost never eats breakfast, and her first meal is at noon, and she does not consider this diet to be incorrect. If you don’t want to, you don’t need to “rape” your own body, and even if a hunger attack occurs after 6 p.m., then you shouldn’t deprive yourself of pleasure. But here’s what you definitely need to learn: don’t like fast food and follow the principles of healthy eating (standard).

An important point is that portions should be small; overeating is strictly prohibited. If you want to have something to eat at 21-00, then this is allowed - and your mood will remain normal, and your body will not “revolt” against the background of hunger. But additional pieces in this case are contraindicated, that is, you eat the prescribed portion and that’s it.

It is not at all necessary that a late dinner be presented in the form of raw vegetables or kefir! You can have a piece of boiled meat, cheese, and even pasta with sauce.

“Diets are evil, but sometimes they are extremely necessary”

In general, Yulia Vysotskaya is an opponent of diets and herself admits that any restrictions on food have a paradoxical effect on her - she wants to break loose and eat as much as possible that is harmful to her figure. But the actress and TV presenter admits that sometimes “dietary shake-ups” are necessary for the body, because even with the most correct and healthy diet, gaining 2-3 kg of weight can lead to banal inconveniences in the form of shortness of breath, headaches and fatigue.

Vysotskaya’s diet is not fasting; Julia’s diet is varied, but during the period of targeted weight loss/cleansing it becomes somewhat limited. Vysotskaya refuses sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, any fast food (even if it is prepared with her own hands from healthy products), tea and coffee, whole milk, sugar and sweets in general.

“You can’t do without sports”

Another important nuance in losing weight is physical activity. Yulia plays sports regularly - runs, does yoga exercises, swims in the pool. The TV presenter/actress herself admits that she is not at all happy with the workload, she is lazy and literally forces herself to start classes every time.

But without training, you won’t be able to lose weight well and stay in shape, so the workout schedule should be clear and perceived as a vital medicine.

Training regimen from Vysotskaya

In recent years, Vysotskaya has developed the following sports regime:

  • running at least 3 times a week - Yulia covers quite long distances, each session is at least 10 km;
  • swimming twice a week - can be combined with Pilates, but not always;
  • Yoga classes once a week - specifically, the heroine of the article prefers “hot” yoga, when the training takes place in a well-heated room.

Yoga for weight loss
Vysotskaya recommends periodically changing physical activity, because the body gets used to it and stops responding by losing weight. For example, running can be periodically replaced by Nordic walking or stretching exercises. And one more important point - you should absolutely not allow yourself to become exhausted or excessively tired after physical exertion.

Load level for beginners

Training should give a surge of strength and vigor, mild euphoria, and not the feeling of “falling and lying down,” so those starting their path to slimness need to choose the right load level:

  • running is prohibited if you exceed the weight limit by 20 kg or more - it is better to start with walking;
  • if shortness of breath appears, you need to slow down the pace of training or stop it altogether - after just a few sessions, shortness of breath will disappear and you can increase the load;
  • Jumping rope and squats are contraindicated for overly obese people - first you need to get rid of 15 kg so that the musculoskeletal system is not damaged during training.

We recommend reading the article about Belotserkovskaya’s diet. From it you will learn about the features of Nika Belotserkovskaya’s weight loss, recipes by day and expected results. And here is more information about Skulkina’s diet.

Weight Loss Options

There are many of them in the star’s arsenal, but they are all similar.

Fasting days

Julia believes that from time to time you definitely need to arrange them for yourself. She herself is not afraid to gain weight after them. “If I know why I’m doing it, then I don’t have a problem with it,” says the actress.

At the same time, it is best to arrange such days when there are no important meetings, special physical activity, or some kind of intense work that requires a lot of energy. There is also no need to play sports these days.

On such days, her diet is a minimum (choose one to your taste, maximum two):

A glass of tea with honey, herbal teas, kefir, buckwheat, baked apples, freshly squeezed juice (in the morning it is best, as the actress does on the recommendations of doctors, to drink a glass of grapefruit or pomegranate juice).

At the same time, freshly squeezed juices should consist of no more than three ingredients, according to Yulia. Otherwise, bloating, upset, and heaviness in the stomach are possible. Why?

This juice contains enzymes - enzymes that promote digestion and absorption of nutrients contained in food.

However, the nutritionist recommended that Vysotskaya not overdo it in this regard. The more ingredients in a glass, the more difficult it is for enzymes to adjust and the more difficult it is for the body to digest it all.

Therefore, there should be no more than three components. And if they are fruits, then only fruits, and if they are vegetables, then only them. But there is no need to mix both.

Not a spoon after six

A few years earlier, as she herself admits, the star adhered to the “Don’t eat after six” rule for one and a half to two years.

However, in all other respects she had a completely normal diet. Yulia never tires of repeating that she is for delicious food, but also for food that does not lead to an increase in volume.

Even if you have rice on your diet menu, you need to add salt to taste (or spices, which Vysotskaya really likes, or homemade sauce).

And her diet was something like this:

  • In the morning, a hearty breakfast - for example, a good piece of cheese, coffee with milk
  • For lunch – pasta, bread with olive oil
  • Then a hearty dinner - here she could prepare any of her recipes, which she introduces in the “Eating at Home” program.
  • And after dinner, which was around five or six o’clock, there was no more food.

As a result, she not only did not gain weight, but also lost several kilograms.

The weight loss mechanism does not start immediately, but after a couple of weeks. The artist notes that if you like it that way—to live by finishing your meal with lunch—it works.

Diet for the New Year

Like any woman, Julia wants to look her best for the New Year (and for any holiday). To unload the body before future feasts, she does the following:

At first she fasts for about a week (she arranges such a fasting week on other days throughout the year).

And before the New Year itself, he excludes from the diet everything that has to do with weight gain - sugar, flour, dairy.

Also monitors the quantity and volume of servings; the stomach should not stretch.

For example, eating three pieces of lard and a piece of black bread is normal, but 12 pieces of lard and a couple of pieces of white bread is already bad.

Or a chocolate candy with a cup of espresso is better than a 1.5 liter cup of cappuccino with frothed milk.

Life without meat

Vysotskaya does not refuse meat, although she does not consider herself a meat eater.

However, there was a period in her life when, for religious reasons, she did not eat protein foods of animal origin for a whole year. As a result, I gained 10 kg.

She believes that the complete exclusion of protein from the diet is perceived poorly by the body, since without protein fats cease to be broken down. Personally, I don't agree with this. I also didn’t eat meat for a year, and I gained a lot of weight.

It is worth noting that during the same period, the artist, who was still a student at that time, did not eat vegetable protein, since at that time, in her own words, she did not have such an opportunity.

Probably, the disruption in nutrition that she experienced was associated precisely with a complete refusal of protein foods. I never tire of repeating in articles on my blog that nutrition must certainly be balanced.

On the eve of winter

During late autumn, the body also needs to be given a break for 3-5-7 days to prepare for winter.

If you like sweets, try eating less of it; if you like meat, remove the meat.

Ideally, it is best to remove any foods that cause a buildup of histamines, substances that can cause allergic reactions.

During this period, Julia herself excludes from her menu:

  • dairy products, sweets, including fruits.
  • everything related to flour, including rye bread.
  • everything invigorating - coffee, tea, alcohol.

Detox diet

Cleansing the body of toxins should be done regularly, 3-7 days a month, advises the star.

She carries out detox for herself in different ways, including the following:

  • Refuses from fats and any proteins - animal and vegetable, from yeast products (in this case, we primarily mean bread)
  • Drinks freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.
  • For a week he sits on vegetable broths and vegetable juices. You can find out more about cleansing diet options in my article at the link

Types and recipes of diets

Julia Vysotskaya adheres to a variety of diet options, and the specific choice depends on what specific goal she is achieving.

Urgently get rid of 6-7 kg

A salt-free carbohydrate-protein diet, which should be followed for 9 days, will help solve this problem:

Day Menu
1-3 days brown rice porridge, cooked without seasoning
4-6 days chicken fillet (“white meat”), boiled, without skin
7-9 days boiled or raw vegetables with minimal starch content

The advantage of such a diet is that these foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities, the disadvantage is that the lost kilograms not only quickly return, but also increase. During a protein-carbohydrate diet, you can and should drink a lot - herbal teas, still mineral water or plain pure water, green tea, but you need to remember that you should not drink any liquids an hour before eating rice or chicken.

Recipes for quick weight loss

  • Brown rice porridge. Rinse the cereal in cold water and pour it into a saucepan, add water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 20 minutes, then drain and rinse. Next, the finished porridge must be placed back into the pan and wrapped in a warm, thick blanket or blanket. After 10 minutes you can start eating.

Yulia recommends cooking brown rice in small portions - no seasonings or oils are added to it, so the heated porridge will not be tasty and will cause an aversion to food.

  • Chicken fillet. Remove bones, skin and subcutaneous fat from the breast, add water and bring to a boil. The first broth is poured out, the meat is again filled with cold water and cooked over low heat until cooked (20–30 minutes).

Already boiled fillet can be cut into “medallions”, put in a tray and carried with you everywhere - you will always have the opportunity to quickly and accurately have a snack. It is prepared without adding salt, bay leaves, peppercorns and herbs.

As for boiled vegetables, they can be combined in one plate - for example, cauliflower or broccoli florets, beets and carrots. They are cooked in the standard way, but without salt or seasonings. You can combine the consumption of both boiled and raw vegetables on the same day - such experiments will only have a positive effect on the weight loss process.

Boiled vegetables and chicken fillet for weight loss

Vegetarian diet Vysotskaya

Julia extremely rarely resorts to it, but recognizes it as the most effective. Impurities, toxins and excess fluid leave the body, and fat burning processes begin. What you can eat and how to prepare it:

  • Vegetable juice. It contains fresh cucumber, carrots, celery (lower part), parsley (greens), ginger root and lemon. Everything should be taken in equal quantities, but it is better to add less lemon (cut the portion by half).

The juice is prepared immediately before consumption in small portions. If you have a history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult with your doctor about the safety of such a cocktail.

  • Green tea. It is prepared in the classic way, no sugar is added to it, but a small amount of cayenne (especially hot) pepper is placed on the tip of a knife per 200 ml of liquid.

Instead of green tea, you can drink water with lemon or any herbal decoction (from chamomile flowers, thyme, and so on).

  • Cold cream soup. Made from avocado, carrots and fresh cucumber. First you need to boil the carrots until tender, then grind the pulp of 1 avocado, 1 large boiled carrot and ½ large fresh cucumber in a blender. You can add a small amount of any spices and seasonings to the finished puree soup.

Vegetable puree soup
It is best to consume the soup during the daytime (12-00 – 16-00), and at other times limit yourself to a vegetable cocktail and teas/lemon water.

Nutritionists recommend following such a cleansing vegetarian diet for a maximum of 2 days, but Yulia herself can easily endure it for a week - the experience of vegetarianism during her student years takes its toll.

"Tasty unloading"

This is what Yulia calls the days when you need to give your body a shake-up, a push for a new round of weight loss, but there is no desire to “sit” exclusively on vegetable juices. In this case, two recipes will come in handy:

  • Complex mess. You need to boil brown rice and add a little olive oil, fried pine nuts, and any chopped herbs (cilantro is best). If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with lemon juice before eating.
  • Porridge with mushrooms. Buckwheat is boiled, onions (finely chopped) and mushrooms are fried separately and a chicken egg is boiled. After the porridge is ready, add onions with mushrooms, chopped egg and a small amount of butter.

Porridge with mushrooms for weight loss
“Delicious unloading” from Vysotskaya is alternating two dishes every day, except for them you can’t eat anything, and you can only drink herbal teas and clean water (add lemon juice). The duration of the unloading is a week, but if a beginner is losing weight, then 2 days in a row in 15 days will be enough for him.

About nutrition and health

The main thing, in my opinion, is to listen to your body. I eat quite little. But this does not mean that I deny myself food. I eat when I really want to. It happens that I wake up in the morning and realize that I need breakfast: then I eat porridge with pleasure. And it happens that until four o’clock in the afternoon I don’t even remember that there is such a place in the house as a kitchen. It's very individual. There are times when I limit myself on purpose.

For many years I have been observing Ekadashi - short-term dry fasting. Twice a month, on the 11th day of the ascending and descending moon, I abstain from food. This practice is logical. The functioning of the female body directly depends on the lunar cycles: we react to them by retaining and releasing water.

And if on certain days you remove the burden of digestion from it, the body will be very grateful to you. The water that might have been retained leaves, and all processes proceed in a more correct, clear rhythm.

Twice a year I practice longer fasting. This is not only a physical cleansing, but also an emotional one. I don't make a plan in advance. It can be 9 days, sometimes I last 4, the maximum period was 21 days. It is important to get out of it very carefully, starting with very light and proper food. First, baked apples, then slowly add steamed vegetables, pureed soups, cereals, and last but not least, add protein back to the diet.

In general, if I really want to, I can eat pizza with my girlfriends at 12 o’clock at night. But not every day, of course. Most often it depends on the next day’s schedule: if I have work or filming, I won’t do it.

Regarding fasting, first of all, I trust my intuition. Of course, I consult with doctors, receive all the important information from them, but only I myself feel whether I can do without food or not. As always, I listen to my body.

If I understand that in this state of fasting I feel restless, then under no circumstances will I go hungry. And once again I want to emphasize that all this concerns exclusively my body, and in no way am I creating any kind of system. I am very attentive to the state of hormones. Every six months I do a detailed blood test; it is important for me to control the balance of all necessary microelements, vitamins and other things. If something is missing, then the deficiency needs to be replenished: I work a lot, the workload is heavy, and I can’t afford to let it slide.

Menu for the week from Vysotskaya

Vysotskaya does not have any special menu for weight loss; during the week, both she and her entire family eat quite ordinary dishes from healthy foods :

  • buckwheat grain;
  • rice cereal;
  • pasta made from durum wheat or rice flour;
  • fish and meat – baked in the oven, prepared in the form of cutlets/meatballs without frying, boiled;
  • vegetables and fruits in any form.

Starchy vegetables, in particular potatoes, are practically excluded from the menu - they are replaced with other vegetables, not fried, but baked, grilled, or boiled. Yulia does not neglect baking and pastry, but she prepares it according to dietary recipes - with oatmeal, pumpkin.

Fasting is categorically not recognized, the diet should be selected in accordance with your own feelings, and sometimes you can afford a piece of cheese and a glass of wine after 18-00 .
True, Yulia immediately makes a reservation - holidays should then be compensated for by intensive training and unloading.

Roast duck stuffed with wild rice and apple

So, there was already fish, we needed some kind of meat. Oh, here it comes. Here, however, the ingredients will be more difficult. To start, you'll need a duck, but there are plenty of them in the parks, so if you have a hunter in you, you'll be fine. In addition to duck, you will also need a green apple, wild rice (probably the kind that is not homemade, but better ask in the store or Google), onions, hazelnuts, butter and olive oil. And also juniper berries (um, what if you can do without them?) and a whole bucket of various spices. Well, the recipe itself.

The result of detox diets

Vysotskaya’s detox diet is designed for 3 days and needs to be carried out at least once a month so that the body is regularly cleansed and receives stress, after which the weight loss process will begin to work in an enhanced mode. The diet for three days will be as follows (the day before you need to have dinner no later than 20-00):

Day Dietary recommendations
First day
  • Breakfast – a glass (300 ml) of freshly prepared juice or fresh fruits and berries. You can eat any amount of the latter; it is important not to remain hungry.
  • Second breakfast – vegetable juice, to which you can add an apple.
  • Lunch is vegetable puree soup or boiled/fresh vegetables in pieces, afternoon snack is a glass of any juice.
  • Dinner should not be later than 20-000 and is limited to greens or vegetable soup.
Second day You should only eat liquid “dishes” - vegetable, fruit juices, soups in the amount of 400 ml per meal. It is highly advisable to cook them without adding salt and seasonings.
Third day This is the day of “exit” from the diet, so vegetables and fruits are replaced with unsweetened cookies in small quantities. In the morning you can eat a baked apple with prunes, but for lunch and dinner, preference is given to vegetable soups.

These days you need to drink a lot of water (replace herbal teas without sugar) so that the intestines are cleansed more effectively and the body does not become dehydrated. Starting from the fourth day, you need to introduce familiar foods into the menu; last of all, they begin to consume milk and its derivatives, meat and baked goods.

Yulia Vysotskaya carries out the detox diet even longer, in which case the menu for the week will be as follows (line = one day):

  • liquid – still water, juices, tea with chamomile or thyme;
  • plums, peaches, apricots in any quantity;
  • fruits (except citrus fruits) + spinach, parsley;
  • boiled vegetables - carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, cauliflower + rice without salt and seasonings;
  • you can eat everything listed above, but replace the rice with nuts of any kind;
  • natural yogurt and cereals without butter and salt/sugar are added to the menu;
  • boiled fish in combination with any of the above products.

The result of weight loss according to Vysotskaya’s diet
On Julia’s detox diet you can get rid of 2–5 kg of excess weight. It is highly advisable to do physical exercise these days, but do without strength exercises and cardio exercises - swimming, yoga, stretching exercises are quite suitable and will not lead to weakness or exhaustion.

We recommend reading the article about Polina Gagarina’s diet. From it you will learn about the features of the singer’s diet, the alternating menu for 7 days, the benefits of physical activity, the pros and cons. And here is more information about Selezneva’s diet.

Weight loss based on the nutritional principles of Yulia Vysotskaya will be effective and safe in most cases .
It will only be necessary to first exclude diseases of the digestive and endocrine system, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the general state of health. And it is very important not to try to lose weight “in a jerk”; you need to cleanse the body regularly, and lose weight on a regular basis.

Diet of Yulia Vysotskaya for 7 days, menu

Breakfast: you can prepare an energy cocktail (pass half a beet, cucumber, half a lemon, 2 carrots, celery and parsley root through a juicer) or drink a glass of any freshly squeezed vegetable juice.

Second breakfast: a glass of water with lemon or green tea with lemon. Any vegetable juice.

Lunch: vegetable juice.

Dinner: a glass of water with lemon, warm vegetable broth or juice.

Second dinner: vegetable juice or cold vegetable or cabbage soup.

Liquid in Julia’s house is generally sacred, and not only during a diet. Every day she drinks about 2 liters of herbal tea or infusion.

But a liquid diet is not the only one in the arsenal of means to combat excess weight.

Julia also uses the following menu as an extreme diet: 3 days boiled chicken, 3 days rice (empty), 3 days apples.

Useful video

Watch the video about the principles of healthy eating by Yulia Vysotskaya:

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Our information

Yulia Vysotskaya was born in the city of Novocherkassk. Since childhood, she had two dreams - to become an investigator or an actress. After graduating from school, she decided: she won’t go to acting, she’ll go to law. But the case never reached the investigator. Yulia entered the Belarusian Academy of Arts the first time, after which she worked at the Belarusian National Theater. Yanka Kupala. While still a student, Julia made her film debut. To date, the actress has about a dozen works, four of which are in the films of her husband Andrei Konchalovsky “House of Fools”, “The Lion in Winter”, “Gloss” and “The Nutcracker” (which will be released at the end of 2010).

In 1998 she graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. The actress has been hosting the entertaining culinary program “Eating at Home” since 2003. This program was purchased for Russian broadcast in England. But it did not become a copy of the English program, thanks to Yulia’s charming and sparkling character.

Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky have two children. In 1999, the couple had a daughter, Maria, and in 2003, a son, Peter.

Useful tips

Tip 1: It is advisable to use Yulia Vysotskaya’s detox diet on weekends, since a deterioration in well-being is possible.

Tip 2: When preparing juices from vegetables, you can add an apple.

Tip 3: Miso soup can be replaced with any thin vegetable soup made from non-starchy vegetables.

A detox diet from a famous TV presenter will help you cleanse your body in 3 days and get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight.

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“I don’t keep up with the times, but ahead of them”

Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky have been together for more than 21 years.
Photo: Instagram - According to psychologists, the most common problem that successful people come to them with is that they often live as if from a rough draft, as if everything could be rewritten at any moment. Have you encountered this? If yes, how did you solve this problem?

- I came across this. For a long time I promised myself that I was about to do the splits, but I never did. I’m about to learn five foreign words a day, but it’s still happening to me in waves - I’m learning the language, then I don’t have enough time for it, although it’s obvious that it’s better a little bit, but every day. So yes, I still lack consistency in some actions.

— Do you have enough time to watch TV?

— I watch it extremely rarely, precisely because I rarely have time for it. Too much moving. Therefore, I read a lot, watch recorded TV series and films from good producers, most often Western ones, and sometimes watch some programs on YouTube. In other words, the alternative to TV for me is, of course, a computer.

— But many people watch TV, including your program. How does the “Eat at Home!” project have to change to take into account culinary trends and keep up with the times?

— To keep up with the times, I don’t need to change myself, and when it comes to culinary TV programs, I’m definitely ahead of time! It seems to me that I was the first on television to start cooking dishes with arugula; people still reproach me for using fennel in my recipes (not everyone understands what it is!), and so on. So I have no problems with this. Well, if others could keep up with me, I would be happy and my restaurants could serve more advanced food that everyone would understand. In the meantime, most of our visitors are still waiting for mashed potatoes and cutlets.

— On YouTube you have a program about the taste for life called “I Like It.” Which topic resonated the most? Do you have a desire to make programs that can spark discussion?

— I don’t really follow the ratings of the program - I just don’t have time to do it. I shoot about what is interesting to me personally, without adapting to what is currently trending and what may be of interest to the general public. In my opinion, this is a dead end, especially for a program that is done spontaneously and actually shows pieces of real life.

Everything I talk about on “I Like It” interests me personally. Of course, a conversation about books is much more meaningful than a conversation about dresses. But there are times when you feel like a dress can save your day and your emotional state. But the book is not being read at this moment. Everything is very relative. The program, I emphasize once again, is created spontaneously, it is emotional, atmospheric, which is why it is called “I like it” and not “What I learned”!

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