Some effective tips on how to burn up to 1000 calories a day

Have you managed to lose weight for the upcoming holidays? If not, we’ll tell you how you can “finish off” the remaining extra pounds with simple, accessible exercises. We'll show you how to burn 1,000 calories, and all you have to do is calculate how much more you need to exercise to lose excess weight.

First, let's figure out how much weight we lose by burning 1000 calories. If 1 kg of fat contains about 7716 calories, then by burning 1000 calories, we get rid of approximately 130 g of fat. Not bad! The only thing left to figure out is how much you need to sweat for these 1000 calories and whether you can burn that much in one workout.

We take the most accessible and popular types of physical activity and count.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Running

Running is the easiest and most effective way to burn calories. If you run at an average pace, you will have to run for 2.5 hours to burn 1000 calories. For greater efficiency, it is better to run over rough terrain or run uphill - this way, calories are consumed more intensely.

To lose weight from fat, during physical activity, try to keep your heart rate in the fat burning zone - this is 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. For this, it is best to use special trackers.

Running burns:

450 kcal – 1 hour

1000 kcal – 2.5 hours

A set of exercises – minus 2500 kcal in 25 minutes

Specially selected exercises performed in an intensive mode will help you burn 2500 calories in just 25 minutes. To do this, they need to be performed every other day.

It is essential that such work be carried out at a rapid pace. Be sure to do a warm-up before the complex. In this case, you do not need to have special physical training.

Jumping Jack

The Jumping Jack exercise can be done at home:

  • Stand up straight.
  • Jump high up. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your arms should reach up while jumping.
  • Return to original position.

Be sure to read: How to quickly lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week at home: secrets of models?

To see the result, you need to start with ten approaches, gradually increasing them to twenty.


Performing squats is simple, but you need to do it correctly for the exercise to be as effective as possible:

  1. You need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Stretch your arms forward.
  3. Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. The back is straight. Heels should not be lifted off the floor surface.

This exercise is done 20 times in three approaches.

Ab crunches

You should do abdominal crunches as follows:

  1. Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Place your hands behind your head in a lock.
  3. Do crunches with your lower back pressed to the floor.

First, two sets of 20 crunches are done, then the number is increased to 30. You need to do the exercise four times a week.

Push ups

To burn calories with push-ups, you will have to do the exercise in several approaches.

You can start with 10 and work your way up to 40 times. It is important to keep your back straight and pull your stomach in as much as possible.


The plank is a unique exercise.

It strengthens muscle areas in many areas and develops balance. You need to stand in the plank for one minute. It is better to do three approaches at a time with a short break. Subsequently, the plank stand should last at least two minutes.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a very effective cardio workout. You can perform them not only on the street, but also at home. Calorie consumption depends on both the intensity of the exercise and your weight. On average, 9 calories are consumed per 1 kg of weight. So consider: in 1 hour, with a weight of 60 kg, you will burn about 600 calories. This means that in order to burn 1000 calories, you will have to jump for 1.5 hours. But you will have toned buttocks, trained muscles of the back, abdomen and arms.

Jumping rope burns:

600 kcal – 1 hour

1000 kcal – 1 hour 36 minutes

How to burn 500 calories: 5 ways that work

Half an hour of physical activity can give an excellent shake-up to the body.

Brief table of human energy expenditure

If you manage to burn an additional 500 calories every day, you will be able to lose a kilogram of weight in a week without changing your usual diet.

The most effective types of loads are:

  1. Zumba dance. 40 minutes of movement at a moderate pace will definitely produce results.
  2. Replanting and weeding of plants. An hour of gardening will make your body slimmer.
  3. General cleaning of the apartment . Monotonous, boring housework will provide an opportunity to burn a sufficient number of calories.
  4. Jumping rope . 30 minutes spent in this way will prevent excess fat from being deposited in problem areas. Excess water will begin to drain out.
  5. Twisting a hoop . 50 minutes of hula hoop training burns 500 calories.

Any activity that is spent at least half an hour a day will help in the fight for slimness.


You do not need to use weights to perform the exercise. Endurance is trained, the load is placed on the entire body.

Burpee exercise algorithm

From the first minutes of class, every muscle feels tension. The main thing at such a moment is not to stop, but to increase the speed of the exercises. Then you will be able to get the desired result.

The load during burpees should increase gradually. The advantage of this type of training is the ability to burn a large number of calories. Problem areas will begin to tighten up nicely. During exercise you need to breathe properly.

Exercise algorithm:

  1. You should sit down on the cards, resting your hands on the floor.
  2. Using a jump, move into a lying position.
  3. Jump back to the starting position.
  4. Jump up.
  5. Return to starting position.

A workout done at home twice a day for 15 minutes can replace intense exercise and help burn about 640 harmful calories. To obtain a pronounced result, it is recommended to do 20 approaches.


Crunches are considered the most effective abdominal exercises. In three sets of 25 crunches, the body can burn 120 calories.

Be sure to read: How to properly lose weight after 30-35 years for a woman, where to start, different diets at home

Subcutaneous fat, the accumulation of which is promoted by junk food, will begin to be consumed, and the relief of the body will become distinct.

It is important to follow the technique during exercises:

  1. Starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees. Feet pressed to the floor.
  2. Raise the upper part of the body.
  3. Stretch your chin to your chest without lifting your lower back.
  4. Return to starting position.

To obtain a pronounced result, you need to do 15 approaches. Gradually, the number of repetitions should increase to 25 so that the calorie expenditure is greater. Needs to be done daily.

Plank with jumps

The jumping plank will help you quickly burn subcutaneous fat, improve your posture, and form beautiful muscles in the hips and abdomen. The back frame will be strengthened and fat cell burning will begin.

Plank with jumps

Doing a plank with jumps is easy:

  1. Stand in a high plank position, supporting yourself with straight arms that are shoulder-width apart and on the toes of your feet, with your feet connected.
  2. When jumping, spread your legs apart to a distance greater than shoulder width. The body remains straight.
  3. When jumping, return to the starting position and connect your feet.

To see results, you need to do three sets of 10 repetitions in one minute. The frequency of exercises is 3 times a week.

Leg raises

Leg raises are suitable for home exercises. The exercise is considered universal. The exercise is performed lying down.


  1. Lying on your back, legs together. The lower back is pressed tightly to the floor surface, the head does not rise.
  2. Raise your straight legs up to form a right angle.
  3. Hold for two seconds.
  4. Return to starting position.

This exercise is not about intensity, but about proper execution, with special attention to breathing. You need to raise your legs as you inhale, lower them as you exhale.

The exercise should be performed three times a week. In one approach you need to do at least 30 leg lifts.

Plank with lunges

Plank with lunges is done with outstretched arms:

  1. Starting position: regular plank with arms outstretched.
  2. The right leg is placed forward. The right hand is placed near the leg, as close as possible, and the left one is extended high up. Hips don't rise. You need to stand in this position for as long as possible.
  3. The right leg returns to the starting position, the exercise is repeated with the second leg.

This method of planking will help you lose weight more effectively and burn calories. It is done daily for two minutes.

How to Burn 1000 Calories: Burpees

Burpees are considered one of the most effective cardio exercises. By doing them, you use all the muscles of the body. One burpee burns 1.4 calories. To burn 1,000 calories, you need to do 714 burpees. Not an easy task! But add burpees to your regular workout and you'll burn calories more efficiently. In 10 minutes of doing burpees you can burn about 140 calories.

Burpee Burns:

1.4 kcal – 1 burpee

1000 kcal – 714 burpees

How to burn 2000 calories in a day. Take breaks

If you feel like you don’t have a free minute of time, try subtracting and then adding! Psychologists say that people who work intensively throughout the day have a decrease in their ability to work in the second half. The best way to get it back is to “unload” your head.

To do this, you need to take a 20-minute break between tasks and devote it to your favorite exercise. You can remember your school physical education lessons and just warm up, sit down and bend over several times, or you can work out the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. After all, summer is just around the corner! In 20 minutes of such a workout you will burn about 40-50 kcal.

Elena Kalen, nutritionist, expert in the psychology of weight loss

I am a proponent of losing weight without harming the body. The most “lazy” way to burn calories, which I actively use, is to eat only when I feel hungry and in exactly enough quantity to satisfy this feeling.

In short, this is a very simple method: if you feel hungry, you eat a piece. I listened to myself, asked myself the question “Am I still hungry?” If the answer was “yes,” then I ate another piece and repeated the question, if the answer was “no,” I stopped. If you are not hungry, you should drink water instead of snacking.

If you learn to eat only when you are hungry, then you can eat absolutely anything, even chocolate and rolls. And at the same time lose weight!

I am against taking any medications, which are often taken not only by young girls, but also by adult men and women. Unfortunately, very few people are aware that taking them can cause serious harm to health. Almost no one consults with doctors whether it is worth taking these “magic pills”; they are often guided only by the bright cover and promises to lose weight quickly and without any action.

Workout that burns 500 calories. Run

Running burns calories like no other exercise. The results will be noticeable after just a couple of days of regular jogging. You don't need any additional equipment. You can use a treadmill if you wish.

Run at a steady, fast pace (12 km/h) for 30 minutes, stopping only for 30 seconds to catch your breath. 500 calories will disappear without a trace at the end of the workout. Sweating during this type of cardio will also contribute to your health;

    Power training

Weight training helps you work different muscle groups. Strength training is another intense form of exercise that burns a lot of calories. Work 30 minutes on different muscle groups with 30 seconds rest between sets;

    Bodyweight training

In this case, your own body weight is used. Exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges and planks help burn calories.

Perform various exercises at full strength for 30 minutes, and you will get a workout of all muscle groups, which will improve your metabolism and save you an extra 500 calories. Make sure you are prepared for this challenge, as these exercises are serious business;

    Interval training

This is another way to magically burn calories. Alternating between high- and low-intensity exercise gives the body a boost to burn more calories than usual. The interesting thing is that such training maintains an active metabolism even after 30 minutes. Simply put, the fat continues to melt;


This type of activity effectively burns calories and increases stamina. Swimming is a good choice for those who cannot lift weights due to knee and back problems. A 30 minute swim will burn 500 calories.

Other activities to burn extra calories:

  • A ride on the bicycle;
  • Running in place;
  • Interval sprint;
  • Rowing;
  • Racquetball;
  • Handball;
  • Martial arts;
  • Rock climbing;
  • Skiing;
  • Zumba (weight training).

Foods that burn calories

If you want to lose extra pounds, then you need to monitor the combination of foods you eat, their quantity and composition.

Be sure to read: Losing weight and improving your body health with cardio training


Most vegetables are low in calories and contain high amounts of fiber, which keeps you feeling full for a long time.


They normalize the functioning of metabolic processes. Citrus fruits come first in terms of calorie burning: orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon.

Next come: apples, pears, pineapple, figs.

Berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries.


They contain a lot of vitamins, amino acids, iron and minerals. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body.

What you need to run effectively to lose weight

In order to start jogging with the goal of losing weight, you only need desire and, at a minimum, comfortable sports shoes. Don’t forget to also consult your doctor about the amount of exercise you need, especially if you have any health problems.

You can choose the time and place for jogging yourself, taking into account your individual rhythm of life and opportunities. Remember to run at full strength, because the heavier you get, the more calories your body burns, and the effectiveness of your workout increases. However, you should not overexert yourself and sharply increase the load, because this can be fraught with danger to your health. Before you start running, you need to warm up, and then restore your breathing and cool down your body.

Even if you're not interested in how many calories you burn while running, but want to make your workout more efficient, you can alternate the intensity, pace, and length of your steps when running at different distances and on different surfaces. It is also useful to combine running with other aerobic exercise, not forgetting, of course, about proper nutrition.

Rules for effective jogging:

  • Morning running is considered more useful, but no less effective than evening running;
  • You need to run only before eating, and not vice versa;
  • After a run, a contrast shower is useful;
  • Always start with a warm-up and slow running, gradually increasing the load;
  • During a run and immediately after it, you should not drink water, especially cold water, so as not to get sick;
  • After a run, be sure to restore your breathing: combine walking with raising your arms up, while taking a deep breath;
  • The greatest pleasure will come to you when running with your favorite music in headphones;
  • Alternating running is a good way to increase the effectiveness of your workout, so combine jogging with shuttle running, slow running and regular running;
  • If you have a cold, it is better to avoid running, especially if you have a fever.

When choosing sports shoes, pay attention to the fact that they are comfortable and loose enough. If you choose the right shoes, you can avoid painful sensations that may occur after finishing a run in the ankle joints.

Due to the fact that running is considered an intense load on the body, it is not recommended for everyone as a way to lose weight. Running is contraindicated in case of any injuries, disorders of the joints and spine, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, before starting running training, it is imperative to consult a therapist. And if you want to enhance the positive effects of running while losing weight, seek help from a nutritionist who will select the optimal diet or special diet for you in accordance with the required number of calories. In this case, the result of losing weight will be obvious.

How many calories to eat to lose weight calculator

There is a special formula for calculating calories for weight loss, developed back in 1990 by Muffin Jeor. It is considered one of the most accurate formulas for finding out how many calories are needed for weight loss.

It is necessary to accurately measure height (cm) and weight (kg). Also, if you want to find out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, prepare a calculator. This will help you avoid mistakes and accurately calculate the data.

To calculate the minimum number of calories for weight loss, you first need to find out the basal metabolic rate, which is data on energy consumption to maintain a person’s basic life activities:

For women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age - 161

Example: let's calculate how many calories you need to consume to lose weight, using a calculator for a woman 25 years old, height 165 cm, weight 60 kg:

10 x 60 + 6.25 x 165 - 5 x 25 - 161 = 1345 kcal.

The second stage is to find out the amount of total energy consumption per day depending on a person’s physical activity:

  • Basal metabolic rate x 1.2 – with a sedentary lifestyle (office worker who does not play sports)
  • Basal metabolic rate x 1.375 – a person who plays sports 1-3 times a week;
  • Basal metabolic rate x 1.55 – a person engages in physical activity up to 5 times a week;
  • Basal metabolic rate x 1.725 – if a person plays sports every day;
  • Basal metabolic rate x 1.9 – a person involved in active sports every day (2 workouts per day) + physically active daily work

At this stage, everyone determines the amount of physical activity required depending on their state of health and availability of free time) and sets the bar for how many calories they need to burn per day (week) in order to lose extra pounds.

Example: let’s calculate the number of calories per day for a woman to lose weight if she goes to the gym 2 times a week:

1345 kcal x 1.375 = 1,849 kcal.

This is the number of calories a woman needs daily to support her life. By consuming this amount of kilocalories, a woman will not gain weight or lose weight. Your weight will be stable.

1 49 x 0.8 = 1,479 kcal - the optimal, safe amount of calories per day for weight loss.

You found out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. A calculator, scales, and measuring tape will help you take accurate measurements.

Now it is important to choose the right food products. Here are some useful tips to help you lose weight:

  • Eliminate sweet, carbonated drinks, processed foods, sweet and flour products from your diet;
  • Add proteins to your daily diet, they will help increase the number of calories burned and reduce appetite;
  • Drink more clean, still water (2 liters per day). Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water, the number of calories burned will increase by 44%;
  • Sports, cardio exercises are salvation in any situation;
  • Keep a record of your caloric intake.

If you are interested in the reverse process (how many calories you need to burn per day to lose weight), try calculating to get rid of one kilogram of fat: this effort will cost you 7,700 calories, but exceeding the limit of 4 kg per month when reducing the fat layer is not recommended . So, minus 2 kg of fat for 4 weeks (500 g - 7 days) creates a calorie deficit of 550 units per day.

To consolidate the result of how many calories you need to eat (and not how many calories you need to burn per day) in order to lose weight, we suggest watching a video from Tatyana Rybakova. She was able to get rid of 55 kg through trial and error. Being a certified nutritionist and fitness trainer, she tells how to calculate calories per day for weight loss:

If you burn 1000 calories a day. Calculation of safe minimum calories

Let's not forget that calories are simply necessary to maintain the vital functions of our body, namely: for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, for the respiratory, endocrine, excretory, etc. And in complete rest, our body burns calories. Now let's talk about the safe minimum calories per day.

There is a popular opinion that a woman needs to consume about 2000 kilocalories per day, while men need at least 500 more. But, as for women, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle, it is worth saying that this figure is somewhat overestimated. In order to determine exactly how many kilocalories your body needs to maintain weight or lose weight, you need to make simple calculations. You need to measure your height, weight, and prepare a calculator.

The most accurate formula looks like this:

  • for women 9.99 x weight (in kg) + 6.25 x height (in cm) - 4.92 x age - 161;
  • For men, the same formula, just add 5.

Using this formula, we calculate how many calories we need in order to maintain weight and not gain weight.

To calculate how many calories a person who decides to lose weight should consume per day, you must first find out how much energy is expended during your physical activity per day.

If you have low physical activity, that is, you lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in any sports, you should multiply the number obtained from the formula by 1.2. If you do at least fitness 1-2 times a week, then you should multiply the result by 1.375. If your daily activity is average, that is, you exercise up to 5 times a week, multiply the resulting number by 1.55. With higher activity – by 1.725. Are you a professional athlete? Then at 1.9.

Let's try, using an example, to calculate how much energy is required in order not to gain weight, and also how many calories need to be burned per day in order to noticeably lose weight.

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