Coconut oil for the face: application, benefits, harm, reviews from cosmetologists, how to use

Lately, coconut oil for the face has been touted as a natural moisturizer. Coconut oil is gentle enough to be used around sensitive areas such as under the eyes and on the lips.

Coconut oil has become an increasingly popular addition to food, but some believe the benefits may extend beyond food. In fact, some people use coconut oil to treat wrinkles.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for all wrinkles, and many remedies and over-the-counter products focus on reducing the appearance of wrinkles instead. Coconut oil may also offer such benefits, but research is currently limited.

Composition and properties of coconut oil

Coconut oil is a highly saturated oil that is traditionally obtained by extracting the oil from raw coconuts or dried coconut kernels.

It is solid at room temperature, but when heated it can soften or even melt.

It is often used in cooking or applied directly to the skin and hair.

Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which are a form of saturated fat. In fact, these medium chain fatty acids make up about 65% of its total composition.

Fatty acids found in coconut oil include:

  • Lauric acid: 49%
  • Myristic acid: 18%
  • Caprylic acid: 8%
  • Palmitic acid: 8%
  • Capric acid: 7%
  • Oleic acid: 6%
  • Linoleic acid: 2%
  • Stearic acid: 2%

Although coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat, it also contains small amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fat. One tablespoon contains about 12 grams of saturated fat and 1 gram of unsaturated fat.

SUMMARY: Coconut oil is used in cooking, but can also be applied to the skin or hair. It is rich in saturated fat and medium chain fatty acids, especially lauric acid.

Coconut-based cosmetic masks

Many craftswomen make their own cosmetics using only natural ingredients and materials. The most common ingredient is coconut oil:

Universal face mask for dry and oily skin

Heat two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix with the same amount of liquid honey, add the yolk. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and lasts for several minutes.

In the fight against wrinkles

  • Mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply the product overnight and remove any remaining residue with warm water in the morning.
  • Mix milk, honey and coconut oil in equal proportions. Apply to skin and keep for 20 minutes.

Egg white and honey cream mask

In a mixer, first beat the egg white until a thick foam forms. Honey and oil are added during the process. The product is placed in a jar. You can use it for one week.

Scrub for sensitive skin

The scrub mask includes oatmeal, honey and coconut oil. Oatmeal is poured with a small amount of boiling water and ground together with honey, and only lastly coconut oil is added. This composition should be cooled in the refrigerator.


A fading face requires special care, which is why the mask contains special ingredients: two teaspoons of blue clay should be sprinkled with a few drops of coconut and orange oil.

Blue clay with coconut oil extract can be purchased at the store.

Classic recipe

This mask requires the use of only this product. Simply the oil is heated to a certain temperature and applied to the skin of the face. In this case, you can make light massaging movements with your fingertips.

Benefits of coconut oil for the face

Since coconut oil is a fat extracted from raw coconuts or dried coconut flakes, its emollient properties may make it beneficial for some skin types, such as dry or normal, when used as a night moisturizer.

Coconut oil contains nourishing fatty acids that help hydrate and protect the skin. These include lineolinic acid (vitamin F), which helps the skin retain moisture, and lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties. Consider other ways you can use coconut oil

If you have dry, flaky skin, using coconut oil instead of your regular moisturizer can soften and hydrate your skin, leaving it feeling fresh and soft when you wake up.


  • Hydration. Coconut oil helps strengthen your skin's protective barrier layer, trapping moisture inside and keeping skin supple and hydrated.
  • Reduce inflammation. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for irritated skin.
  • Increases collagen production. The lauric acid content in coconut oil has a beneficial effect on collagen production. Collagen helps the skin maintain firmness and elasticity. Helping the skin maintain and produce collagen can eliminate the formation of some fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Lighten dark spots. According to estheticians, coconut oil can brighten the skin and may help reduce the appearance of dark spots or uneven skin tone. Adding lemon juice can enhance this effect.

Benefits of coconut oil for the face

Coconut oil, when used on the face, has the following effects:

  • rejuvenates and tightens the skin,
  • saturates the epidermal cells with moisture,
  • evens out complexion,
  • fights acne,
  • helps get rid of pigmentation,
  • smoothes out small wrinkles,
  • softens the skin of the lips and promotes the healing of microcracks on them,
  • accelerates eyelash growth,
  • makes eyebrows thicker,
  • accelerates beard growth (relevant for men).

Harm of coconut oil for the face

Using coconut oil as a nighttime treatment may not be right for everyone. Information does not confirm its effectiveness for oily or problematic facial skin.

Coconut oil is comedogenic, which means it can clog your pores. While some people find that coconut oil helps clear up acne from their face, leaving their skin brighter and softer, others find coconut oil too heavy to use as an overnight treatment.

Because coconut oil can clog pores, it may contribute to acne in some people. If you have oily skin, coconut oil may cause blackheads, pimples, or white spots if left on overnight.

If you are allergic to coconuts, you should not use coconut oil on your face. Some people who are allergic to walnuts or hazelnuts may also have an allergic sensitivity to coconut oil and should not use it.

Methods for obtaining coconut oil

There are two pressing methods, one is hot, the other is cold. Coconut oil obtained by “cold pressing” is considered the best. All nutrients present in the original product will be preserved using this method of obtaining it. It is often used by home cosmetics manufacturers. The resulting oil has a rich nutty aroma. The color changes depending on the consistency. If it is solid, then it is white; if it is liquid, the oil has a yellowish tint.

The hot pressing method produces oil that has no smell or taste. The color is slightly yellowish. It is preferred by people prone to allergies. Oil obtained by hot pressing does not contain aggressive components acting on the skin that are present in its unrefined counterpart.

Both homemade cosmetics and personal care products can be prepared using coconut oil.

Using coconut oil on the face

Use coconut oil on your face just as you would use any night cream.

Proper Use of Coconut Oil:

  1. Liquen one tablespoon of coconut oil by gently rubbing it between your palms. The liquefied oil will have a silky, light texture.
  2. Smooth it onto your face and neck. You can also use coconut oil on your chest and other dry areas of your body.
  3. Gently remove any thick residue using a soft cloth. Do not use cotton balls as they will stick to the oil on your face
  4. Leave a light layer of coconut oil on your skin overnight
  5. Avoid getting coconut oil in your eyes as it may make your vision temporarily blurry.
  6. Just follow these same steps twice. Use once to gently remove makeup and once to leave a light coverage on your skin.

Some people choose to use coconut oil as an occasional or weekly emollient at night. If your skin is oily or combination, then you may want to experiment with using coconut oil as a treatment for spots around your eyes or on dry patches of skin.

Possible harm

Before using coconut oil on your face, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the product. To do this, it is tested on a sensitive area of ​​the arm or neck. The product does not have any other negative properties.

The effectiveness of this pleasant aromatic product has been proven by the experience of our predecessors and modern scientific research, so if you want to create homemade cosmetics yourself, you can safely order a jar of this effective product.

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How to use coconut oil for face at home?

When choosing the type of oil to apply to your face, look for organic coconut oils that are labeled as unrefined and pure. Researchers have used this type in their studies, and these types may provide the greatest benefit to the skin.

There are three main types of coconut oil:

  • unrefined,
  • refined
  • liquid.

Liquid coconut oils are used primarily for cooking. The quality of commercially prepared coconut oils varies greatly. Some oils are refined using a chemical process. They can be harsh on the skin and may contain fewer benefits.

Unrefined coconut oil, which is made by pressing the edible meat of the coconut and usually contains no added chemicals, is the best for skin care. A 2011 analysis of coconut oils produced by different methods found that this type contains more fatty acids and compounds that are beneficial to the skin.

Most high quality coconut oils are solid when stored below 25 degrees. Solid coconut oil liquefies when heated.

Try adding essential oils to coconut oil that have nourishing properties for the skin.

Using the care product

In the modern world, the benefits of drupes have been studied from all sides; many cosmetic companies offer their products based on it. But we recommend using only natural products, so below we will look at ways to make various masks and peels for the face.

Instead of morning and evening creams

Morning: Before applying makeup, you need to gently apply refined oil to the skin. Gently, using massage movements.

Evening: Before going to bed, you need to cleanse the dermis. We wash ourselves with ethers or decoctions. We blot our face with a towel; under no circumstances should we rub it. Distribute with massage movements.

Using the oil will increase the elasticity of the dermis, improve complexion, and have a general strengthening effect on the skin.

Instead of eye cream: Due to its composition, coconut oil can also be used on particularly sensitive areas. One drop around each eye, patting the product into the skin. This recipe will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

It is recommended to use coconut extracts instead of cream no more than 2-3 times a week. If your skin has been subjected to a strong negative impact and begins to peel off, then the procedure can be repeated throughout the week.

As a mask of delicate coconut oil for the face. Indications for use

Masks based on tropical coconut pulp will provide comprehensive care for any dermis.

If, when looking in the mirror, you notice dullness, unhealthy complexion, new wrinkles, inflammation or age spots appeared yesterday, then a mask with stone fruit oil will be an indispensable assistant for restoring natural beauty and youth.

And if you are lucky and there are no visible problems, then such masks will have a general strengthening effect and will be a good way of prevention. We'll talk about recipes in more detail in the next chapter.

For face and neck massage

As you know, massage is one of the most common methods of healing, and if body massage is in demand now, then facial massage is mostly forgotten. But this is quite a useful procedure. It is aimed at evening out the skin, complexion, and strengthening contours.

And most importantly, it is not at all necessary to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. Massage can be performed at home, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

All wellness procedures begin the same way, with cleansing. Then you need to steam the skin to warm up the facial muscles.

And the final step will be gentle movements of your fingertips with oil over your face. We distribute only along massage lines. Session – 15 minutes. Course – 10 days. And then you need to let the dermis rest for 2 weeks.

The use of coconut oil in cosmetology

Research has been done on coconut oil for its effects on the skin.
Research has confirmed the anti-wrinkle benefits of coconut oil. Coconut oil may help treat dermatitis better than other oils. In addition to treating dryness associated with dermatitis, other studies have looked at the possible wound-healing properties of coconut oil. One such study of coconut oil in rats found faster wound healing times. Researchers have linked this to the increased collagen content of coconut oil components. Collagen itself is important in creating skin elasticity. In fact, this is what makes your skin firmer and wrinkle-free. Your skin loses collagen as you age, causing fine lines and wrinkles. In general, the problem with coconut oil is that it can be sold in cosmetic products or as stand-alone items without much regulation. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration does not consider anti-wrinkle products to be drugs. Therefore, they do not require proof of research and effectiveness before such products are sold in the market. Most over-the-counter products offer only “modest” benefits. You can experience similar results with coconut oil.

Panthenol in cosmetology

The remarkable properties of provitamin B5 have been adopted by cosmetologists.

  • Panthenol is the primary remedy for recovery after traumatic procedures: photoepilation, removal of skin defects, peelings, tattooing. Under the influence of the drug, redness disappears literally before your eyes, swelling is removed, damaged skin is calmed.
  • Panthenol face cream as a product for rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, improving skin condition, especially dry skin, can replace expensive branded products for many women (some of which contain the same panthenol).
  • Masks, balms, shampoos with panthenol improve the growth and condition of hair, combat dry hair and scalp.

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Coconut oil for the face: reviews of cosmetologists on use

What type of coconut oil is best?

Coconut oil can be produced through dry or wet processing.

Dry processing involves drying coconut meat to create kernels, pressing them to extract the oil, then bleaching and deodorizing them.

In wet processing, coconut oil is extracted from raw coconut meat—instead of dried—to create virgin coconut oil. This helps preserve the coconut flavor and results in a lower smoke point.

Research suggests that pure coconut oil may be more effective than refined coconut oil in preventing oxidation and neutralizing free radicals, which can damage cells and lead to inflammation and disease.

SUMMARY: Pure coconut oil may be a better choice than refined coconut oil, given that it provides additional health benefits such as improved antioxidant status.

Acne treatment in cosmetology

While some people think that coconut oil clogs pores, significant research shows that it may actually help treat acne.

The inflammatory condition and many of the medications used to treat it work by reducing inflammation.

Since coconut oil and its components can help reduce inflammation in the body, it can also help treat acne.

Additionally, the antibacterial properties of the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil may also help reduce acne.

Numerous studies have shown that lauric acid, which makes up nearly half of the fatty acids in coconut oil, has been shown to kill a strain of bacteria associated with acne.

In fact, test tube and animal studies have shown that lauric acid is more effective than benzoyl peroxide at preventing the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Along with lauric acid, caproic acid has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

To get the best results, coconut oil should be applied directly to the skin where acne occurs.

Skin moisturizing in cosmetology

A two-week study found that coconut oil significantly improved skin hydration and was as effective as mineral oil.

It has also been shown to help treat eczema, a skin condition characterized by scaly, itchy rashes.

A study comparing the effects of olive oil and coconut oil in 52 adults with eczema found that using coconut oil helped reduce dryness and also helped treat eczema.

Another study found similar results, showing that coconut oil resulted in a 68% reduction in eczema severity, making it significantly more effective than mineral oil in treating eczema.

Coconut oil can help maintain its function as a barrier against bacteria, promote scar healing, and maintain overall skin integrity.

Contraindications and side effects

The advantage of coconut oil is that it has virtually no contraindications. Their list is limited to a single point - individual intolerance. To minimize the risk of side effects or skin irritation, always choose a natural product made from high-quality raw materials. But even if the oil was made at home and with your own hands, an allergy test is required before the first use. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the wrist, inner bend of the elbow or behind the ear. If after 24 hours there is no redness, inflammation or itching in the treated area, then the product can be considered safe for the skin.

In some cases, an allergy to vegetable oils has a cumulative effect - external signs appear after 1-2 weeks of use

But “side effects” are not always the result of allergic reactions. Excessive use of coconut oil, like any other, gradually leads to the opposite effect - the face ceases to receive hydration, the epidermis dries out, and its condition worsens. In this situation, wrinkles do not smooth out at all, instead becoming more pronounced. Use the product with extreme caution if you have oily or problematic skin. Due to its unpleasant property of clogging pores, coconut oil can cause the formation of single pimples or provoke an exacerbation of acne.

Does coconut oil help with wrinkles?

To treat wrinkles, you should use coconut oil in the form of a serum. It can be applied to cleansed facial skin up to twice a day. Use a small amount and apply evenly to skin. Wait for the oil to dry before applying any other products.

If you are using a product with coconut oil in it, simply follow the package instructions. Some over-the-counter moisturizers contain coconut oil.

Other coconut oil infused products include:

  • spot treatments
  • serum
  • serum-masks
  • under eye cream

You will need to use any product consistently for several weeks before you start to see any results.

You should also adopt other best practices to protect your skin, in addition to any anti-wrinkle treatments. Use moisturizer twice a day. Ideally, you should apply this after coconut oil but before any makeup. Sunscreen is also important to protect your skin from sun damage, which is another cause of premature aging. You can look for a daily moisturizer with a minimum SPF of 15, or wear sunscreen on top of your moisturizer.

How can you use the product in facial skin care?

One of the main advantages of coconut oil is its versatility. It can be used as a base for many cosmetic products - cleansing, soothing, nourishing, smoothing and brightening the skin.

Oil instead of cream

Asian beauties have long been using the product in its pure form for the face instead of night cream. This option is perfect for those with a dry and sensitive type, as well as in adulthood. For oily skin, oil should not be used as a lotion or cream. At the same time, it can be used as an SPF on the beach and during the hot season.

For wrinkles

To smooth out age marks, simply use the oil every day in the eye area, nasolabial folds and forehead. To do this, gently massage the product into cleansed skin using patting movements. Fruit extracts with vitamin A, such as apricot kernel oil or pumpkin juice, will be effective companions for this product.

For acne

The cleansing and antibacterial effect allows you to use coconut oil for acne and comedones on the face. To restrain the sebaceous glands and tighten pores, you can add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil and tea tree to the mask. Another addition from Korean cosmetics recipes is charcoal and cane charcoal, which absorbs dirt and dead particles.

For facial massage

To relieve puffiness and tighten contours, you can massage your face with coconut oil. A little honey and refreshing oils are added to the potion. Interestingly, coconut can replace sour cream and cream in cosmetic recipes.

The procedure is carried out in the direction of lymph movement - from bottom to top, smoothly smoothing the skin. The product is effective in eliminating the effect of drooping eyelids and eliminating signs of fatigue.

To improve blood supply to the skin and at the same time carry out peeling, make a facial scrub by adding a soft abrasive.

In addition, you can do anti-cellulite and relaxing massages with coconut oil for the face and body.

Face masks with coconut oil: recipes

Mask with coconut oil and honey

You will need

  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. raw honey
  • ¼ cup shea butter


  1. Take a bowl and add shea butter to coconut oil. Mix them.
  2. Remove from heat and add raw honey.
  3. Mix well and apply all over your face.
  4. Keep it on for at least half an hour and then wash it off.

How to use

If you have dry skin, use this once a day.

Coconut oil, honey and shea butter hydrate skin and unclog pores. Coconut oil and honey have antimicrobial and antifungal properties that eliminate germs and keep your skin healthy.

Mask with coconut oil and tea tree oil

You will need

  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil
  • 2-3 drops tea tree oil


  1. Take a bowl and add both oils to it. Mix them well.
  2. Store the mixture in a bottle.
  3. Apply 3-4 drops of this oil mask to your face before going to bed
  4. Let the mask stay on all night.

How to use

Every day (for sensitive and combination skin) or every other day (for oily skin)

Both coconut oil and tea tree oil have antiseptic and healing properties. When you sleep, your body works and the mask protects epithelial cells and other systems. And this oil mask helps further in that process, giving you glowing skin the next day.

Mask with coconut oil and turmeric

You will need

  • 3 tbsp. l. coconut oil (melted)
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey


  1. Take a small bowl and mix all the ingredients.
  2. Cleanse your face and apply a face mask.
  3. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

How to use

2-3 times a week.

Turmeric has antiseptic properties that help get rid of dark spots and blemishes, leaving your skin clear and bright. Lemon's astringent properties keep your face flawless. Honey and coconut oil keep your face hydrated, nourished and glowing. You can feel the difference with regular use.

Mask with coconut oil and baking soda

You will need

  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  1. Mix baking soda and oil to form a paste.
  2. Apply to skin, focus on affected area.
  3. Massage gently with your fingers for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash your face.

How to use

Twice a week.

This face mask works as a cleanser. It removes dirt and dead skin cells from the pores and brightens your face.

Mask with coconut oil and coffee

You will need

  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon coffee powder


  1. Mix both the ingredients and make a paste.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. Gently massage with your fingers in a circular motion for at least 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

How to use

Twice a week.

Coffee and coconut oil are rich in antioxidants, which protect your skin from harmful free radicals. Plus, they boost collagen production and make your skin glow!

Coconut facial peels

Removal of the dead epidermal layer should be done slowly and carefully. The scrub is applied to the face with soft, massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Coffee-coconut peeling


  • Refined coconut oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Brewed coffee grounds - 1 tablespoon.

Preparation: add coffee grounds to slightly heated coconut oil and mix until smooth.

Directions for use: Apply the scrub to the face using gentle circular movements. Leave the composition for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream. For lasting cosmetic results, it is recommended to perform the procedure 2 times a week.

Sugar peeling


  • Refined coconut oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Crystallized honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • Cane sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Preparation: add honey and sugar to melted butter and mix thoroughly.

Method of use: apply the mass to the face with soft massage movements and rinse off immediately with cool water. After scrubbing, use a moisturizer.

Rating of the best cosmetic coconut oils for the face

100% coconut oil (extra virgin) Aroy-D

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and medium chain triglycerides (MCFA). Lauric acid is an acid that has the function of converting into monolaurin when it enters the human body. Monolaurin is a powerful component that strengthens the human immune system, it is an antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used to fight viruses in the lipid envelope.


Multifunctional 100% natural cold pressed coconut oil.


Coconut oil with jojoba oil for the face has a comprehensive caring effect on skin of any type: gently moisturizes and nourishes dry, dehydrated epidermis, eliminates flaking, improves the condition of rough areas, prevents inflammation, soothes, which makes it indispensable in the care of skin prone to irritation , reduces redness, normalizes sebum production, has pronounced anti-aging properties, promotes rapid cell regeneration and activates collagen production, thereby maintaining skin firmness and elasticity, and also protects against photoaging and improves complexion.

Mixit Coco Organic Oil for face and body

Cold-pressed coconut oil Mixit Coco Organic Oil Organic virgin coconut oil with a unique vitamin complex. How it works: vitamins E and F slow down the aging process, smooth out existing wrinkles

Where to buy real coconut oil? ↑

When making homemade coconut oil masks and wraps, I recommend using only 100% unrefined oil. Remember that coconut oil hardens at temperatures of 24 degrees and below, so when sold it is in a solid state because it is not very warm in the sales area or warehouse.

I recommend ordering only natural oil on the famous website The most inexpensive and high-quality oils are available to choose from. Follow the link to place an order. You can use discount coupon WWN114 if you are making a purchase for the first time. It is entered at the very end when placing an order and entitles you to a discount.

  • Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 oz (473 g) by Jarrow Formulas
  • Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed, 15 fl oz (444 ml) by Nutiva, Nurture Vitality
  • Organic Natural Coconut Oil, 20 fl oz (591 ml) from Now Foods

Methods of application

Coconut oil, due to its rich chemical composition, is widely used in various fields. The vitamins and minerals contained in this valuable product have a beneficial effect on human health.

Coconut oil is widely used in:

  • Cosmetology . Coconut oil nourishes and moisturizes facial skin, hair, strengthens cuticles and eyelashes. The product is used as part of masks to get rid of wrinkles and acne;
  • Cooking . The product can be used in cooking or for dressing salads. Coconut pulp is usually replaced with sunflower oil;
  • Traditional medicine . Coconut oil is used to treat coughs, herpes, and gastrointestinal diseases. The product also helps relieve stress and improves metabolism;
  • Dietetics . Despite the abundance of fatty oils, squeezing coconut pulp will help fight excess weight. A positive effect will be achieved if other fats are removed from the diet and more vegetables and fruits are added.

However, coconut oil is of great value for facial skin. It has a gentle effect on dry skin and helps to moisturize and rejuvenate it. The product can be added either to ready-made cosmetics or made into homemade masks based on it. The product is also used for facial peeling or to add elasticity to the skin.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Coconut oil masks are beneficial for aging and sagging facial skin. To get the best results, you need to do cosmetic procedures regularly. Coconut oil, of course, cannot cope with deep wrinkles, but it is quite capable of smoothing out small ones. For representatives of the fair sex with mature skin, the product will be a real salvation. After all, after using the product, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

Anti-wrinkle mask recipe:

  1. Mix 0.5 tsp. coconut oil and the contents of 1 capsule of vitamin E. To obtain vitamin liquid, pierce the capsule with a needle.
  2. The procedure is carried out on previously cleansed skin 2 hours before going to bed.
  3. The resulting cosmetic product is applied with patting movements to problem areas of the skin of the face, the area around the eyes and eyelids.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is removed with paper napkins. There is no need to wash your face.

A coconut oil-based mask should be applied to the face twice a week. Regular and long-term use of the product helps fight existing wrinkles and is an excellent prevention of the appearance of new ones. A mixture consisting of vitamin and coconut pulp moisturizes and softens the skin.

Acne masks

For acne-prone skin, coconut oil masks will also be beneficial. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, pimples decrease in size and the risk of new ones is reduced.

Anti-acne mask recipes:

  • Mix 3 tsp. coconut oil, 5 drops tea tree essential oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 thoroughly beaten egg white. The resulting anti-acne product is applied to problem skin. After 30 min. the product is washed off. It is recommended to make a mask twice a week. After half a month, significant improvements will become noticeable;
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. blue clay with chamomile decoction to make a thick mixture. Add 1 tsp to the product. coconut oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil. The face is treated with the product, and after 15 minutes. washed off with warm water;
  • Mix 3 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 tbsp. l. yeast and coconut oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Let the mixture brew until a slight foam appears. The mask is applied to the face in a thick layer for a quarter of an hour. After time, the product is washed off with water;
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. rice flour and chamomile broth until thickened. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. coconut oil and 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The healing agent is applied to pimples, and after 15 minutes. washed off.

A mask based on coconut oil dries out acne, causing rashes on the face to go away faster.

Masks to give skin elasticity

You can make your skin more elastic and firm not only with Botox. Traditional medicine can also be effective. Masks based on a healing product such as coconut oil will be very useful for middle-aged women. Visible improvement occurs within a month of using the cosmetic product.

Recipes for masks to restore facial skin elasticity:

  • Melt 1 tsp. coconut oil in a water bath. Then add 3-5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tsp to the liquid mixture. blue clay powder. A thick and viscous paste is applied to the face for 20 minutes. After the allotted time, the mask is washed off;
  • Mix 1 part coconut oil and 2 parts honey and sour cream. Distribute the resulting product evenly over the skin of the face. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask with cool water;
  • A bar of dark chocolate is melted in a water bath. Coconut oil is added to the chocolate mixture to obtain a smooth paste. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to carry out the procedure three times a week;
  • Mix 50 gr. squeezed coconut pulp and shea butter, 2 tbsp. l. apricot oil, 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and 0.5 tbsp. l. ground ginger. The mixture is placed in a water bath, brought to a boil and cooked for an additional 30 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and heated again in a water bath. After all manipulations, the product is ready for use.

It is recommended to use coconut oil in cosmetic face masks on a regular basis. By using the product three times a week, you can significantly improve the condition of your facial skin and restore its elasticity.

Facial peeling with coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used to prepare not only masks, but also peeling scrubs. A cosmetic product based on coconut pulp cleanses the facial skin well of dead epithelial cells.

The scrub is recommended to be used before directly applying the mask to the face.

Effective and easy scrub recipes to prepare at home:

  • With added coffee . Lightly heat 1 tsp. coconut oil over low heat and mix with 1 tbsp. l. wet coffee grounds. The finished scrub is rubbed into the skin in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. In 10 minutes. The product is washed off with water and a nourishing mask is applied to the face. Peeling is recommended twice a week;
  • With added sugar . Coconut oil is melted in a water bath and mixed with thick honey and cane sugar. All ingredients are taken 1 tsp. The scrub is applied to the face with massaging movements, then washed off. After peeling, the skin is moisturized with cream;
  • With added salt . 1 tbsp. l. melted coconut oil mixed with 2 tbsp. l. finely ground sea salt. The skin is treated with the resulting product for about 3 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off and yogurt is applied to the face for 5 minutes.

Peeling cleanses well and unclogs pores. The skin acquires a radiant shine, becomes elastic and soft. Scrubs based on coconut oil promote rapid regeneration of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Coconut oil in cosmetics

It is also common to add coconut oil to ready-made cosmetics for facial skin care. As a result, the cream takes on some of the beneficial properties of the product.

The procedure for adding coconut oil to finished creams:

  1. Melt the product in a water bath until it becomes liquid and transparent.
  2. Mix the melted coconut pulp with the finished cream in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, respectively.
  3. Transfer the resulting cosmetic product into a glass jar.
  4. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.
  5. After 2 days, it is recommended to prepare a new portion of the cream.

However, it is better to use coconut oil in its pure form. This way the product will retain more beneficial properties.

How to use pure coconut oil:

  1. A piece of the product should be held in your hand.
  2. When the coconut oil melts, apply a thin layer of the product to the skin.
  3. It is recommended to apply a little more product to pimples and other problem areas of the face.
  4. After a certain period of time (about a quarter of an hour), the product must be washed off with water.

You can use the oil in its pure form every day. The product is used as a protective cream or nourishing serum for facial skin. It can be applied both immediately before going for a walk and before going to bed.

Comedogenicity of coconut oil: myth or reality?

Due to the high concentration of palmitic acid, coconut oil is classified as a product that can clog pores. However, comedogenicity depends not only on the composition, but also on other parameters:

  • chemical formula;
  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • the type of raw materials from which cosmetics are produced;
  • method of obtaining and processing the ingredient.

In modern cosmetology, fractionated coconut oil is more often used for acne. It has a modified composition, has a light texture and a low level of comedogenicity.

With refined oil, the situation is the opposite - it covers the skin with a thick film and contaminates the pores, which can only worsen acne. But comedogenicity manifests itself individually in each person89.

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