Recipe: Cucumber and Tomato Salad. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Energy value

The calorie content of sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes is quite low, although they have a rich composition of nutrients. You can season it with various vegetable oils (linseed, sunflower, sesame, olive), as well as sour cream or mayonnaise. The highest calorie content of cucumber and tomato salad is calculated when using mayonnaise dressing. Table of calories in 100 grams of summer salad when adding various sauces:

Additive nameEnergy value, kcal
Sour cream30
Sunflower oil45
Olive oil90
Natural yogurt30

The numbers will differ depending on the amount of salt and the addition of other ingredients: parsley, dill, onion.

What are the benefits of cucumber and tomato salad?

How many calories are in a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with butter, what beneficial properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

So here it is:

Cucumber is a unique vegetable that does not contain any substance that can cause allergies. It is a light product, so it can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities without fear of weight gain. Cucumber satisfies hunger well because, due to its volume, it stretches the walls of the stomach, which causes a feeling of fullness.

Cucumbers contain 95% water, which means that they perfectly cleanse the kidneys, do not overload the pancreas and are a natural adsorbent that neutralizes harmful substances.

No one doubts the excellent taste of tomatoes. However, their advantages are not limited to this. They contain a large number of substances beneficial to the body, including protein, glucose, fructose, sucrose, mineral salts and carotene. Without exaggeration, the tomato can be called a record holder among vegetables for the content of iron salts. Malic and citric acids, which are part of tomatoes, help increase appetite, proper functioning of the stomach, and also suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.

No less useful is tomato juice, 250 ml of which contains 1 mg of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body. People who regularly consume tomatoes in summer and autumn will feel better in winter and spring than those who do not.

Beneficial features

Vegetables are quite popular in dietary nutrition. The appetizer goes well with the main fish or meat dish, and is good as a separate snack. It can be eaten at any time during the day, and due to its low energy value, eating chopped vegetables is allowed even several times a day. Cucumber contains a considerable amount of fiber, which is why it is easily absorbed by the human body. The percentage composition of water in it is from 95 to 98%, so its use is recommended for people with obesity, as well as with acid-base balance. Cucumber is especially useful for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney diseases. The composition of tomato contains many useful substances and vitamins that improve metabolic processes, regulate the functioning of internal organs, and have a positive effect on the immune system. Tomato is a natural antioxidant, making it easier for the body to cope with the oxidative process. Seasonings, including specially prepared ones, season fresh summer snacks, giving them additional taste and combining the ingredients with each other.

The benefits of tomato

Tomatoes contain a lot of pectin, fiber, carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, A, E, K, group B, macro- and microelements (magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur), which help normalize the nervous system and remove those accumulated in the body toxic substances have an anti-stress effect and reduce the risk of developing tumors in the body.

Tomatoes, due to their antioxidant content, slow down the aging process, improve diabetes, normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, and strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is very useful to eat tomatoes for those who have ulcers.

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not advisable to eat tomatoes with food containing a lot of starch, so as not to cause exacerbations.

With sour cream

Onions or herbs are also added to chopped vegetables with sour cream. One tomato and cucumber will be enough for two servings. For a juicy, tasty dish, one or two tablespoons of sour cream is enough. It is best to use a product with a fat content of no more than 10%. Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • calories - 30;
  • fats - 1.1 g;
  • proteins - 1.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.2.

Chopped vegetables are seasoned with low-fat sour cream to taste. It is recommended not to “overdo it” with this sauce so that a minimum amount of liquid remains in the salad.

Calorie content of tomatoes

Next to a cucumber, we are often used to seeing a juicy, bright tomato.
It got its name from the Italian word pomo d'oro, and translated it means golden apple. The tomato was also known to the ancient Indians, but it came to Europe only in the middle of the 16th century, when it was first used as an ornamental plant, and gardens were decorated with tomatoes at that time. Due to its valuable dietary and nutritional qualities, the tomato is by far the most popular, widely used in cooking and simply a favorite vegetable of many people. It contains almost the entire complex of vitamins B, E, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and, no less important, a huge amount of vitamin C. 100 g of this tasty, beautiful, bright, juicy vegetable covers ¼ of the daily requirement of an adult person in this substance.

Another good thing is that 100 g of tomato contains only 20 kcal, and in addition it contains a large supply of essential vitamins, pectin substances, antioxidants and easily digestible carbohydrates.

In cases where the body lacks internal resources, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes will always help; their calorie content can dissolve in the body so imperceptibly that only the charming taste of the vegetable salad remains.

In order to always stay in shape there is a good way to simply know about the glycemic index of the product. It was originally developed for people who have diabetes, because they must maintain a certain level of sugar in their blood. This is a purely medical concept that increases the amount of carbohydrates in 100 grams of food. But over time, it turned out that those people who dream of getting rid of extra pounds or are simply watching their figure also need to study the glycemic index of foods, because it is a very important factor in achieving the desired result.

It is important to know in addition to the calorie content of a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, but also the glycemic index of the products that are included in the dish.

The glycemic index (GI) varies from 1 to 100, the highest value assigned to glucose is 100. Accordingly, foods with a high glycemic index are absorbed faster, thereby increasing blood sugar levels. In response, your body releases insulin - a specific hormone, thanks to which the sugar level urgently decreases, and the person begins to feel hungry again.

Products that do not have a high glycemic index are absorbed much more slowly, as a result of which the sugar level in the body does not fluctuate greatly and thus the feeling of fullness does not leave for a long time.

The calorie content of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes is not high; they have a low glycemic index, therefore, and thanks to this, this low-calorie light salad can relieve hunger for a long time.

If we calculate the calorie content of cucumber and tomato salad, we get:

  • 15 kcal – 100 g cucumbers;
  • 20 kcal – 100 g tomato;
  • 179 kcal – 20 g vegetable oil.

Let's calculate 2 kcal for dill, parsley and onions.

To summarize, 230 g of tomato and cucumber salad has a calorie content of 219 kcal.

But if you season such a salad with sour cream instead of vegetable oil, the calorie content will decrease significantly; a similar portion will contain only 82 kcal.

But preparing such a vegetable salad is quite quick and easy; during the season it is simply irreplaceable. And it’s not surprising, because the soft, juicy taste and wonderful aroma of cucumber, tomato and herbs cannot but delight. It goes well with dishes containing meat, baked or fried potatoes. The recipe is very simple, just rinse the vegetables and herbs well. Cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into thin slices, finely chop the parsley and dill, cut the onion into elegant half rings, carefully mix all the salad ingredients and season with oil or sour cream. Cucumbers with rough or bitter skin need to be thinly peeled. That's all the technology, bon appetit!

To dress the salad, you can use various sauces, spices, sour cream, and vegetable oils. Don’t be afraid to add other salty cheese or other vegetables to the salad, but remember that in this case the calorie content of the salad will also increase.

Be healthy and beautiful!

With mayonnaise

The most high-calorie type of sauce is mayonnaise. One tablespoon holds approximately 25 grams of product. On average, 100 g of regular mayonnaise contains 620 kcal. That is, when using one tablespoon of sauce in preparing a dish, the number of kilocalories increases by 150 units. Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • calories - 175;
  • proteins - 1.0 g;
  • fats - 4.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.8 g.

If it is not possible to refuse mayonnaise dressing, it is better to use its dietary form with less fat content. However, even with proper nutrition, the sauce can only be consumed once a day. Additives in mayonnaise are also important: they can increase nutritional value without adding beneficial properties.

Cucumbers vs tomatoes: calorie content and nutritional value

Of 100 g of cucumbers, 95.23 g is water (this is 95% of the vegetable!). The rest is sugar 1.7 g, starch 0.8 g, fiber 0.5 g, ash 0.38 g and other minerals. Tomatoes are almost as lucky when it comes to wateriness: they contain 94 g of water and 3.8 g of dietary fiber.

We present the remaining data in the form of a table.

Proteins, g0,650,6
Fats, g0,110,2
Carbohydrates, g3,634,2
Calorie content per 100 g15 kcal18 kcal

Moreover, when salted, the calorie content of cucumbers decreases, while that of tomatoes increases. So, lightly salted cucumbers contain 12 kcal, and salted tomatoes – 20 kcal. But a lot depends on the method of preparation. If you do not add sugar to tomatoes when canning, the calorie content will not change.

Vitamins and minerals

And another table - vitamins and minerals found in vegetables.

  • A;
  • C;
  • PP;
  • B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9;
  • beta and alpha carotene;
  • E and K.
  • A;
  • C;
  • E;
  • B3, B5, B9;
  • K;
  • pectin;
  • carotenoids;
  • lycopene
  • iodine;
  • zinc;
  • cellulose;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • sodium.

All this data confirms that both vegetables are equally healthy and promote healthy weight loss. During the season, you can eat a summer tomato and cucumber salad at least three times a day without worrying about your figure at all (of course, if you don’t season it with an impressive portion of mayonnaise).

With yogurt

A dish of fresh vegetables can also be seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt, which you can simply buy in the store or make yourself using a starter. This is a fairly low-calorie type of salad dressing. If desired, add a little mustard to the yogurt. Nutritional information with natural yoghurt dressing:

  • calories - 30;
  • proteins - 1.7 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.3 g.

In addition, you can add various herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro), ground black pepper, onion or lemon juice. Season according to your own taste. However, the best option for proper nutrition is dressing with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. This dish is easily digestible, gives a boost of energy, and contains a small amount of calories.

Tomato and cucumber salad: nutritional value, BJU, vitamins and chemical composition

More information about microelements in the composition of Tomato and Cucumber Salad
Iron, Fe
- is involved in the formation of hemoglobin. Without the help of iron, the formation of muscle pigment - myoglobin - is impossible. Without it, the formation of the human immune system is impossible. Takes part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The presence of iron in the body is a prerequisite for the absorption of B vitamins. It delivers oxygen to the cells.

Manganese, Mn

— a chemical element is necessary for the human body, but in small quantities. Participates in the processes of blood clotting and bone tissue formation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, participates in the metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, glucose and carbohydrates. The human body cannot synthesize manganese on its own, but it receives it from food in sufficient quantities.

Copper, Cu

- Contained in almost all internal organs, ensuring their normal functioning.
Participates in the production of hemoglobin and provides cells with a supply of oxygen. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, protects the body from external attacks - viruses and bacteria. Directly participates in collagen synthesis, ensuring skin elasticity and radiance. Affects the synthesis of the pituitary gland, regulates the functioning of the endocrine system. Powerful antioxidant. show all
Zinc, Zn

- the metal is present in all cells of the body and is necessary for cell division. A powerful oxidant that can provide protection against the proliferation of cancer cells. Maintains hormonal balance in the body, helps fight diabetes. It has a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and reduces inflammation. Combats digestive problems.

Fluorine, F

- an essential microelement, without which it is impossible to have healthy teeth and bones. In its pure form, it is a yellow gas with an unpleasant odor. It occurs in the body in the form of fluorides. A person needs it in micro doses. Fluorine removes radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. Increases resistance to radiation, participates in the mineralization of bones and tooth enamel. Stimulates the immune system and prevents osteoporosis. Slows down the activity of bacteria that produce oxygen.

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