Thai Bears for weight loss - reviews from real customers

Natural and safe weight loss products from Thailand

The composition of natural Thai weight loss products is simple and clear.
It is described on the packaging, produced by famous Thai brands, certified by GMP quality and is a safe weight loss product. Natural remedies for weight loss include:

1. Garcinia Cambogia 2. Black wild pepper 3. Emblica extract 4. Javanese turmeric 5. Tamarind 6. Goji berries 7. Lotus leaves 8. Ginseng 9. Dalia leaves 10. Cassia angustifolia 11. Senna

All these plants can be collected at the same time or sold separately, but in a higher dosage.

How do natural Thai weight loss products work?

The principle of action of natural herbal preparations for weight loss from Thailand is quite simple. Most of them reduce cravings for sweets (loss of interest in flour, fat, sugar). These herbal remedies also help reduce hunger, so you eat less often and feel full in smaller portions.

Accordingly, a calorie deficit occurs, due to which the extra pounds disappear.

The only possible and safe way to lose weight is through a calorie deficit. Which helps to lose weight gradually, smoothly, without harm to the health of the kidneys, liver, heart and joints.

By taking a few vegetable capsules a day, you can lose weight in a safe way. There are no side effects from them in the form of diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain and the time bomb that is chemical tablets and capsules for weight loss from Thailand (Thai bears, etc.).

How do bears work?

Depending on the course you choose, you receive a different number of packets of capsules, from eight to thirteen. You must take the tablets according to the instructions, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. In total, you will swallow from eight to thirteen tablets per day. Each bag with a picture of bears has an inscription on what time of day to take them.

The extra pounds will begin to disappear on the first day of use, which is why Thai diet pills “Bears” have become popular. Reviews from those who have taken this drug indicate loss of appetite and hunger, removal of fluid from the body, and decreased blood sugar.

This happens thanks to the components that are part of the “bears”, namely valerian, ginger, chrysanthemum, orchard, senna, garcinia and others.

How much weight will I lose with Thai capsules?

Herbal weight loss capsules from Thailand help you lose weight smoothly. It all depends on the amount of excess weight you personally have. If you have more than 20 extra kilos, then in the first month you will lose 5-7 kg, and you will continue to lose weight, but the weight will come off more slowly, since the less excess weight, the slower the kilograms melt. If you only have 5-6 kg extra and you just want to get yourself in order for some event, then you should set aside 1-2 months for weight loss.

Yes, this is not an instant result as the sellers of Thai bears, helminths, and pills from non-existent hospitals promise, but you will remain alive, healthy, and the extra pounds will not return twice as much as soon as you stop taking the capsules.

Side effects of Thai diet pills

With all the positive effects, Thai bears can cause dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, constipation, decreased blood sugar, insomnia, and increased sweating. If you have at least one of these signs, then re-read the recommendations for using diet pills again.

Perhaps you have neglected something, for example, you are not drinking enough water. Then just strictly return to the regime specified in the rules and strictly follow all the recommendations.

There are conditions under which you cannot use the Thai Bears course for weight loss. This is a condition after a heart attack and intensive sports training (preparation for professional performances).

The following conditions require mandatory consultation with a doctor:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • renal failure.

For women, it is not recommended to start the Thai Bears weight loss course more than one week before the onset of menstruation. Normally for two or one and a half.

The best weight loss products from Thailand

Several remedies are recognized as the most effective, safe and natural. They are taken by those who are sensible about their health and weight loss.

Garcinia cambogia

Garcinia works very simply. Taking Garcinia Cambogia capsules reduces appetite, but at the same time accelerates metabolism, facilitating faster processing of calories. Garcinia also prevents carbohydrates from being converted into fats, which leads to a reduction in fat accumulation. Garcinia does not have a sedative or laxative effect, you will not notice any deterioration in your condition or well-being; on the contrary, you will feel a surge of energy and strength. Garcinia, in addition to its weight-loss effect, is useful for combating rheumatism, dysentery (an astringent), eating disorders, and those with an unstable menstrual cycle.

How to take Garcinia?

To lose weight, Garcinia Cambogia is recommended to drink 2-3 capsules 2-3 times a day, 30 minutes or an hour before meals, with plenty of water. For greater effect, it is recommended to take it together with wild black pepper, since these two collections are ideal for each other and help remove extra 5-8 kg per month. Of course, you should try to eat less sweets and not drink alcohol. (A couple of glasses of dry wine per week are available).

Where to buy Garcinia Cambogia?

You can buy Garcinia here , the product is already in stock in Moscow and delivery is available throughout Russia and around the world.

Price - 750 rubles for 100 capsules. For a weight loss course, 2-3 jars are enough. After achieving the result, you can stop taking it, but it is recommended to take a similar course 2 times a year, for the sustainability of eating habits.

How I struggled with weight. Review of Yanhee diet pills from I'm good

Girls, I want to tell you about a method of losing weight that each of us dreams of, but only a few know. If it weren't for a happy accident, I would also have missed this method and would have been left with my sad weight. And I’ll tell you about Thai diet pills.

I decided to write about them because I tried the method myself, and from the very first days I saw the effect. It was from the very first days that I was also very surprised. Let me tell you more.

What are Yanhee Pills?

Among several different courses, I chose Yanhee. This is what can be called a course for beginners. It is designed for 28 days - much less than dozens of diets offered me. I didn’t take other courses because this one is designed for weight loss up to 10-16 kg, and this is exactly the weight that I dreamed of losing. In addition, I have problems with the thyroid gland, and the herbs included in the composition direct protection to the body, including my problem.

How do they work?

Girls, let's be honest. What interests us first of all? Of course the end result. It was on him that I fell for it. And I was not disappointed. These tablets have many advantages:

  • Helps burn obnoxious fat
  • Reduce your appetite
  • Steadily cleanse the body of harmful and unnecessary toxins
  • I would like to note that the tablets do not affect the intake of hormonal hormones.

I was surprised to learn that these diet pills are also used by famous models.

How to take Yanhee tablets correctly?

When I turned to the site I’m good for help, the girls immediately told me absolutely everything. To be honest, I was surprised by their approach. Usually you are sent to read a lot of text. But I would like to especially thank Marina, my consultant - we called her (calls are free, by the way) and fully discussed my weight loss situation. She gave me advice and told me in detail how everything should be taken.

There are 6 packages in this course. They are designed for 28 days of admission. I would like to note that the Thai tablets I am good are high quality, potent and really effective. As for the bags, they differ in color:

  • Green packets are a daily intake. They should be taken at lunch before meals. Each bag has numbers that indicate the number of tablets you need to take. In the yanhee course, all tablets need to be taken one at a time except for the brown ones - there are two of them. That is, you need to take 4 tablets during the day.
  • Red packets are a nightly dose. The consultant told me that you need to drink them about 10 minutes before bed, three of them. That's what I did.

Many may forget even after consultation, but I will also remind you here. It is imperative to take the pills. I drank 1-2 glasses of water. You can add a little sugar and lemon juice to the water. You can’t skip doses, as the Thai yanhee pills are strong – I’ve already written about this.

What is not allowed and who is not allowed?

This section is very important. I read a lot of information (I found it on the website I’m good - everything is described in detail there) and wrote down everything that Marina said. I think you know that almost every drug has its own contraindications. Thai tablets have them too.

  • Yanhee tablets should not be taken by people who have had a heart attack or those who regularly engage in sports at a professional level. If you have problems with diabetes, kidney failure, blood pressure or the cardiovascular system, you should first discuss this with a consultant. And, of course, you should not take the tablets if you are already taking any antibiotics.
  • Despite the strong impact of the tablets, you will need to give up mainly various drinks. For example, if you take Thai pills, you should not drink any alcohol at the same time, even a little bit. You can’t drink different energy drinks and coffee. In addition, you should not drink black or green tea. I learned from the consultant that you can only drink herbal tea, so I drank chamomile. Of course, you need to completely forget about sodas.
  • Among other contraindications, I would like to note that you should not play a lot of sports. And for the first two weeks you can’t do any exercise at all. You need to sleep at least 8 hours, this is mandatory. You should also not eat a lot of salt.

The drug also has side effects. If you read reviews of Thai diet pills, you will see that every girl has her own side effects. This is observed due to the individuality of our body. For example, I had a problem with dry mouth and huge streams of sweat. But I endured everything because I saw the result. Namely, I started losing almost 500 grams a day. This is an amazing indicator.

About the site I'm good

When I was reading reviews on, a section with unscrupulous sellers caught my eye. You can find out about him on the “I’m Good” website. Now there are many sellers who are trying to sell obviously non-working tablets at a high price. Simply a fake. You need to be careful with this. On the I'm Good website, all scammers are highlighted on a separate page.

That's all. Bye to everyone losing weight! Ketrin was with you;)

Wild black pepper from Thailand for weight loss

What is pepper for weight loss?

Wild black pepper from Thailand helps you lose weight without side effects, without harm to your health, smoothly and carefully. The effect is achieved by stimulating metabolism and improving the functioning of the digestive system. Pepper does not give any laxative or depressant effect.

Thai capsules with pepper promote rapid satiety (portion sizes are reduced), food absorption is accelerated, and digestion is improved. Pepper will also help those who have problems with constipation, flatulence and other unpleasant consequences of poor diet and stress.

Expert Review on Thai Pills

Zumrat Aliyeva 41 years old, Kazan (dietitian) experience: 18 years.

The drug does not meet the declared characteristics. Only a person suffering from type 2 obesity can lose 25 kg. In addition, the tablets do not come with instructions in Russian and other languages, as is required for all medications and dietary supplements. I would not prescribe a drug whose composition I do not know for sure.

It turns out that reviews on the Internet are mostly “bought” reviews. Even if there are truthful ones among them, they can be considered an exception rather than a confirmation of the rule. Having analyzed the reviews of Thai bears, we can conclude that their effectiveness is 50/50, and this is not the best indicator for those losing weight. It is easier to find other diet pills that are cheaper and of better quality.

Moreover, every Internet user now has the opportunity to purchase effective fat burners.

Important! Some fat burners contain ephedra extract and other components that affect blood pressure. Before using them, be sure to consult your doctor!

The lack of instructions as such is also alarming. After all, any drug, whether medicinal or a regular food supplement, must have instructions for use on its packaging. Also, the composition of the complex, the amount of active substance and portions should be written on the packaging or a separate sheet of instructions. If there is none of this, then it is worth thinking about the authenticity and quality of the products offered.

Still, according to official information, the tablets contain extracts of green tea, golden root and ginger. Not counting various local herbs. It turns out that bears help more to cleanse the body of toxins than to lose weight. Tonic herbs slightly speed up metabolism and can hardly claim to be a full-fledged fat burner. The effect will be noticeable for people whose weight exceeds 120-130 kg. Those who are only 10-15 kg more than a comfortable weight should not expect too much from this drug.

Read also: Simple and complex carbohydrates

The tablets also contain vitamins that facilitate the process of losing weight. However, you can verify their presence only by taking them to the laboratory for examination. After all, as already mentioned, the exact composition is not indicated.

In addition, when consuming, you need to drink additional potassium to support your heart. This already suggests that the necessary vitamins and minerals are not present at all, or their quantity is extremely small.

Important! When contacting a dietitian, always ask about the certification of the drugs offered. When ordering them from the Internet, check the certification on the manufacturer’s website. It is also better to place an order from the official website.

How does black pepper help you lose weight?

* By accelerating metabolism, weight is lost gradually, but forever * Wild pepper breaks down fat cells, preventing them from settling in the fat depot * Digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating are eliminated

It is also worth mentioning that Kongkaherb Thai black pepper is certified G344/2546 and is a natural, proven weight loss remedy.

Black pepper is not only beneficial for those who want to lose weight, it also helps improve immunity as it is also an antibacterial agent and helps fight seasonal colds and flu.


Both opponents and supporters of multi-colored bear weight loss pills note their undoubted effectiveness: they help to lose even a large number of extra pounds in a short period of time.

The exact composition is kept secret, but the pills contain extracts of the following plants:

  • Ginger;
  • Rosemary;
  • Valerian;
  • Indian and Chinese chrysanthemums.

Be sure to read: Antihyperglycemic drug Metformin Zentiva

It is assumed that the entire herbal complex not only has a laxative and diuretic effect, but also promotes fat burning and soothes.

The tablets should work as follows:

  • Reduce appetite naturally. A person does not fight his desire to take more of a tasty dish, he simply does not want to eat anymore. Psychologically, this is one of the most comfortable types of diet reduction.
  • Help burn existing fat. Removing fat reserves significantly reduces volumes and helps speed up metabolism;
  • Cleanse the blood and digestive tract of toxic substances.
  • Help women during menopause normalize hormonal levels.

How to lose weight quickly, safely and permanently?

For those who monitor their health and do not believe in fairy tales about safe weight loss of 20-30 kg per month, there is a reliable remedy. These herbal capsules are very popular in Thailand as they are safe and completely natural. In Thailand, as well as throughout the world, there is a huge problem with obesity, which is associated primarily with the abundance of beautiful, fatty and junk food, junk food and changes in eating behavior, which makes us overeat and gain excess weight. Excess weight is not only a reason to be upset when you see yourself in the mirror, but also a real threat to your health. For one extra kilogram, the body is forced to create several kilometers of extra blood vessels! Obesity is a diseased liver, early heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, diseased joints, varicose veins and many other diseases leading to a reduction in years of life. For those who love everything and immediately, capsules have been created based on natural raw materials (plants, flowers and herbs), which contain all the most popular and effective weight loss products from Thailand.

This complex is Deli By New Queen. Become a queen in just a few weeks.

delhi by new queen

The plant complex enclosed in capsules contains 10 active herbal ingredients:

1. Black wild Thai pepper 2. Garcinia Cambogia (plant number 1 for weight loss) 3. Emblica extract 4. Javanese turmeric 5. Tamarind 6. Goji berries 7. Lotus leaves 8. Mulberry leaves 9. Ginseng 10. Dalia leaves

The secret to rapid weight loss is simple - a combination of healthy herbs and plants ensures fat burning due to accelerated metabolism, helps the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates fatigue and apathy. You simply eat less, you like healthy foods, cravings for sweets disappear and unhealthy foods simply cease to be tasty and desirable. The secret of Deli By New Queen capsules is that you begin to follow a healthy, clean eating regimen, which of course leads to tangible and visible results. Losing 5-7 kg in a month with Deli By New Queen is absolutely possible. Everything “extra” will go away without harm, without torment, hunger, tears and worries.


Quote from Marrietta

Read in full In your quotation book or community!

Having tried quite a lot of different weight loss products, I settled on the desire to purchase Thai diet pills Previously, I watched videos with reviews of taking courses and read reviews of other girls who also decided to use this method.

Why did I choose Thai bears ?

Of all the courses that are posted on the site, Mishki is the strongest and most effective course. According to the description, it allows you to lose more than 20 kg. Looking ahead, I will say that this is really so! Even if you don't lose all 20 kg, the weight loss will be noticeable.

The website states that there are three different programs: standard, enhanced and strong, which are designed for different periods of time and, of course, the effect. But, I talked with the sellers and after a short consultation they were able to create an individual program.

What effect does Mishka's course give?

First of all, girls are interested in how Thai pills work. I'm good, whether they are really effective. So, this course has the following properties:

  • Reduces appetite
  • Burns fat evenly without exercise
  • Removes harmful toxins from the body

I would like to note that when I read reviews about Thai diet pills, I learned that even celebrities and models use these courses. And for me they are also ideal for the reason that they do not in any way affect the intake of hormonal medications.

All about taking pills

When I consulted with the girls from the site, they told me in detail how to take Thai Bears correctly. Before your appointment, I advise you to ask for all the details, since our bodies are different, and for each of us something may be different. Among the general recommendations I can highlight:

  • Each sachet says when and how many tablets to take. But, from my own experience, I recommend writing it all down on a separate piece of paper so as not to confuse anything. It is very important.
  • You need to take the tablets like regular tablets with water. After this, it is advisable to drink some more water, I drank 1-2 glasses. Can be done with lemon juice and sugar.
  • There are two options for when to take the tablets - either 30 minutes before meals or after meals. But everyone recommends taking them after meals. That's exactly what I did :)
  • When you take pills, you need to eat normally - have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day so that you do not go hungry.

What should you not do while taking the pills?

Thai Bears diet pills are, first of all, just pills, therefore, they have some contraindications. I have already written that they give a strong effect, therefore, not following the rules of administration may not only not lose your weight, but also harm the body. Therefore, girls, review all the points and always remember them when taking pills:

  • The most important thing is that you should not drink alcohol or various energy drinks. I know it will be tempting to have a glass of wine, but if you are drinking Mishki, you should refrain from doing so.
  • Drinks such as coffee, green or black tea are also prohibited. During the consultation, the seller told me that you can only drink different herbal teas, for example, chamomile. Sodas are also strictly prohibited, although I haven’t drunk them before.
  • During treatment, you need to sleep well - more than 8 hours. You cannot create a lack of sleep for your body, as this affects its functioning.
  • I am actively involved in sports, but the consultant told me not to do strenuous exercise. But in the first couple of weeks you can’t do it at all. But after two weeks I started doing light workouts twice a week again.


This point is quite important. Everyone, without exception, cannot take pills. But the girls are warned by the sellers about this. If you have diabetes, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease or blood pressure, the girls will discuss the indications for use individually. They do not sell the pills if you have had a heart attack or for professional athletes who just need constant exercise and training. And you don’t need to take diet pills with any other strong drugs, for example, antibiotics.

Possible side effects

Even before purchasing this course, I knew that it would have side effects. If you want to read in more detail what problems some girls had, look at the reviews of Thai Bears They are different for everyone, but I will write those that appear most often:

  • Dry throat is the most common problem that plagues almost everyone. To avoid this feeling, you just need to drink more water. I already noted above that you can add lemon and a little sugar or honey.
  • Low blood sugar - I also experienced this problem. At first I was lethargic and constantly feeling tired. But when I started eating more fruit, everything went away.
  • The heartbeat increases - this is a serious problem that, fortunately, bypassed me. If you notice this, immediately write to the consultants and stop using Bears.
  • Some girls also experienced sleep disturbances, increased sweating and constipation. With the last problem, I was recommended to eat prunes, about 2-3 pieces a day. Everything passes.

Unscrupulous sellers

When I talked with Marina, one of the consultants, she said that there are a lot of scammers who are trying to sell low-quality pills (which, of course, don’t work). You can find out more about such people on the website. I would not recommend contacting these people. It’s easier to write to Marina or Alena’s contacts.

And here is a detailed video about Thai Bears. Everything is explained and shown here in detail.

Alyonochka was with you) How do you lose weight?

How to take Deli By New Queen?

One package contains 10 capsules for 10 days of use. For a monthly course you need 3 packs. The convenience of Deli By New Queen, of course, is that you don't have to drink several capsules several times a day. Just 1 capsule 1 time a day, you won’t forget or miss a dose, you’ll see the result. Proper nutrition, lack of overeating, normalized digestive behavior forms new healthy habits and minus a few sizes in clothes. The intake is simple - 1 capsule 10-15 minutes before meals.

Read more about these capsules

Thai Bears for weight loss. Course 28 days -20 kilograms (15 capsules per day) (250.00 g)

Please note that we cannot guarantee the desired result for every customer, since each body’s reaction to a weight loss course is individual. For this product, SDEK delivery is not possible, do not choose this method if your order includes Thai Bears.

ATTENTION: our clients have noticed that websites that also offer Thai cosmetics use original photographs of our store with the “Thai Care” trademark blurred out and offer Yanhee Hospital courses for sale at a lower price! Please note that our photographs with FULL weight loss courses are used, but in these stores they offer INCOMPLETE courses, photographs of which are already included below, in the product description. Be careful! Don't be fooled by the lower cost! Specify the daily number of capsules to be taken in the desired course! This course consists of 420 capsules! Is it possible to lose weight from 15 to 20 kilograms in just 28 days without dieting, fasting and grueling exercise? Specialists at the Bangkok Yanghee Hospital confidently answer: this is quite achievable. Indeed, with miraculous tablets made using herbal raw materials, widely known as “Thai Bears” “Minus 20”, achieving the desired result will be easier than ever. And you don’t even have to make an effort - just follow the course regimen and the recommendations of the drug manufacturer. An effective remedy for rapid weight loss Losing two or three kilograms is almost impossible to notice against the background of significant weight gain - this is the problem that causes failures during dieting or exercise. The lack of visible results can disappoint even a very confident person. What if you lose 15 or even 20 kilograms within a month? Such a dramatic change simply cannot be ignored. And the result of the efforts made is guaranteed to be a complete change of wardrobe and the acquisition of the desired slim silhouette. This is exactly how the Thai Bears Minus 20 capsules work, in which the effectiveness of plant materials is combined with vitamin and mineral supplements that provide a supporting effect. The verified formulation, obtained in a clinical setting and repeatedly proven to be effective during treatment under the supervision of leading specialists at the Yanghee Hospital, meets all safety standards. And you don’t have to worry about side effects - if you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, their occurrence will be completely eliminated. Reducing excess body weight while simultaneously improving metabolic processes and ridding the body of waste and toxins accumulated during weight gain is quite possible. Moreover, with a modern herbal-based drug, you will simply forget about the feeling of hunger, and the kilograms will quickly disappear, leaving a pleasant feeling of lightness, forgotten under the burden of excess weight. You won’t need to restrict your diet either - it will be enough to exclude drinks that have a stimulating effect (soda, coffee, tea, alcohol) that can enhance the diuretic effect of the drug. It is not surprising that it was “Thai Bears” that became a real hit in the modeling business, because fashion models also want to stay slim without extra effort. What do you need to know about the “Thai Bears” “Minus 20” product? Are you sure that rapid weight loss cannot be safe? We are ready to convince you otherwise. Taking “Thai Bears” “Minus 20” capsules according to the manufacturer’s recommended regimen is absolutely safe for your body. Moreover, with its help you can achieve positive changes in the functioning of the endocrine system, get rid of hot flashes during menopause and manifestations of PMS. The drug also effectively combats constipation and fluid stagnation in tissues, providing lymphatic drainage, decongestant and tonic effects. Having lost from one and a half to two dozen kilograms of weight, you will find long-forgotten lightness, you will be able to afford the most daring outfits and you will be simply irresistible in heels. And this can be achieved now, without postponing weight loss until better times or next Monday. In order to take the first step towards slimness, you only need to place an order to purchase the “Thai Bears” course “Minus 20” in our online store. And you will receive the ordered drug in the shortest possible time and with a quality guarantee from the manufacturer. To successfully lose weight, the tablets should be taken in a course for 28 days. Repeated use is possible after a short break (on average up to 7 days). And to consolidate the effect, you can use special supporting agents that provide a less intense reduction in body weight - up to 10 kilograms within a month. A profitable purchase - with a guarantee of quality. We offer our customers only the original drug “Thai Bears” “Minus 20”, produced by Yanhee General Hospital, which guarantees the achievement of the desired result after the first course of use. And you can be sure of success, because with the help of this product, not only thousands of Thai women, but also recognized trendsetters and socialites who know a lot about controlling their own body keep themselves in shape. It is important to note that the drug is not recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, or glaucoma. It should not be used while pregnant or breastfeeding. But taking contraceptives is quite compatible with using this drug for weight loss. Moreover, the capsules can relieve PMS symptoms, which often become more pronounced when taking hormonal contraceptives. It's time to part with excess weight without regrets and long waits for results. Order the body weight control product “Thai Bears” “Minus 20” now, and you will be able to evaluate its effectiveness, captivating those around you with your seductive forms after just 28 days of taking the drug. And we will make sure that each of our customers can receive their order in the shortest possible time. Attention: if taking the drug at the initial stage has a very strong effect and interferes with daily activities, then you should take capsules every other day during the first week. Then switch to regular intake. To enhance the effect of the course, you can add to your intake the effective fat burner L-Carnitine Yanhee L-carnitine. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the course Thai Bears - 10 kilograms. Please note that we cannot guarantee the desired result for each buyer, since the reaction of each organism to the course weight loss is individual.

Directions for use: Each sachet contains the number of tablets to be taken at one time. — During the day, 10 minutes before lunch, take capsules from green sachets. One of each, except for one package, which contains 2 pieces, which makes 8 pieces at one time. Drink a glass of water, preferably two. — At night they drink capsules from red packets. Ten minutes before bedtime, take 7 Yanha tablets with a glass of water. Side effects: Cleansing the body of waste and toxins does not occur without some unpleasant sensations. Sweating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, nausea, especially in the first days of use. If discomfort in the body interferes with the normal course of life, the doctor recommends taking capsules every other day for the first week, then switching to daily use. Not recommended for: persons under 18 and over 60 years of age. Pregnant and lactating women during lactation. Persons who have had a heart attack, stroke or have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Persons with chronic kidney disease. Not a medicine.


Thai, bears, weight loss

Ya Rai Baya capsules for weight loss - properties and reviews

Another excellent and natural herbal remedy for those who want to lose weight and improve digestive function. Yaray bai capsules contain garcinia cambogia and wild black pepper, as well as cassia angustifolia. If we talked about garcinia and pepper above, cassia is worth mentioning separately.

Cassia angustifolia grows in Thailand and is a wonderful plant that, in addition to its weight-loss effect, will help relieve symptoms of nervousness, stress, and improve sleep quality (increase deep sleep phases). Cassia is also useful for those who are prone to constipation, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, and lazy bowel syndrome. Since Cassia improves intestinal motility and helps normalize stool.

A jar of Ya Rai Bai contains 100 capsules, which is enough for a month of use. You need to take 2-3 capsules 1 time per day before meals. View prices I am paradise bai

Deadly Thai weight loss remedies

In addition to natural herbal remedies, unscrupulous online stores sell dangerous, harmful Thai weight loss products. These are tablets and capsules whose manufacturer promises instant and very tempting results, up to 30 kg per month!!!!

People often don’t think about the dangers of such weight loss due to lack of information, even the stars of Russian show business, who have nutritionists, familiar doctors and generally more opportunities, “pecked” at this bait and the result was disastrous. Many ridiculous deaths are associated with taking diet pills from Thailand.

Here are just a few people who are rumored to have suffered from Thai bears: Roman Trakhtenberg, who shortly before his death from a heart attack lost 30 kg. Actress Natalya Gundareva, who also lost weight, but died - her heart could not stand it. Foreign stars also take harmful pills out of a desperate desire to lose weight. According to rumors, this is Celine Dion, Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton and others.

The list of people who have “burned” their nervous system, damaged their kidneys and liver, developed heart atrophy and tachycardia, and depression is huge and it continues to grow. The fact is that people really lose weight from Thai bears and worming tablets. But the price to pay for this weight loss is health and even life.

The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has more than once added Thai bears, tablets from Thai hospitals and other harmful chemical products to the register of prohibited drugs, because they contain narcotic substances similar to amphetamines, the sale of which is not only prohibited in Russia, but is also punishable by criminal liability for the distribution of narcotic substances .

Thai Bears. Diary of a woman losing weight.

Good day, dear readers of my diary. If you are reading these lines now, then most likely you have come to the conclusion that the time has come for changes in your life... And most likely these changes are associated with the desire to improve your appearance and put your shape in order. This is a wonderful goal that requires serious effort and patience. After all, it is known that the path to the stars is thorny. But thanks to the fact that there is this online store that offers Thai Yanhee bears for sale, our journey will be much easier and more enjoyable. So, I’ll start by saying that my name is Alina, I’m 34 years old, I’m a mother of two children. And I’m losing weight on Thai Yanhee bears, which I bought in this online store. My course is “Thai Bears -20”, since I am overweight, in my critical opinion, 23 kilograms. Immediately anticipating the question, I will answer why I am writing here. The Thai Care company organized for me an online consultation with a doctor from the Yanhee Institute of Beauty and Health before I ordered the course. In view of the fact that the company's employees met me halfway and organized everything, including the translator, I thank them in this way. I promise to post my feelings, nutrition, weights and gains, all changes with the body. In general, everything that I will feel while taking Thai Bears for a course of 28 days. I believe that I will succeed and I will come to my ideal, and Thai Bears will help me with this. Day 1. So, I'm starting. Today my weight is 78 kilograms, my height is 168 cm. The ideal weight is 55 kilograms, but this is the maximum, which, to be honest, I don’t really hope for. According to the intake schedule, today I drink approximately at 12-13 noon, 10 minutes before lunch, 8 capsules of Thai Bears from green bags, washed down with two glasses of water. That's what I did for now. I don’t feel anything yet) In the evening, when I come home from work, 10 minutes before dinner, I’ll drink 7 capsules of Thai Bears from red packets. I want to tell you a little about how I came to the conclusion that I decided to lose weight on Thai Yanhee Bears. My comfortable weight has always ranged from 53-58 kilograms, depending on the time of year. I didn’t bother with diets and ate as I had to and when I could. Then there was the first pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy I gained 14 kilograms, then within a year after giving birth and during the feeding period I lost 12 kilograms and a couple of extra ones were hanging around, not causing me much inconvenience. The second pregnancy didn’t take long to happen and now I’m a mommy twice. In addition to another child, I became the happy owner of an additional 15 kilograms. Considering the experience of my first pregnancy, I was not very worried and thought that I would lose weight just as easily as it was after my first birth. But something broke in the system))) the second time I couldn’t become a thin and ringing reed without effort) so I went on a diet. It was some kind of crazy Japanese diet, I ate only rice without salt and oil. I’m ashamed to say, I forgot the way to the toilet) because rice strengthens me. But I was the owner of a round, swollen belly and not in a very good mood) in general, the Japanese diet lasted 10 days, the weight was 4 kilograms. But then I began to eat salty normal food and these 4 kilograms of unfortunate people returned within 2 weeks. It was a shame and I felt so sorry for myself) I’ll continue the story about the difficult path of losing weight tomorrow) And now how I felt on the first day from Thai Bears. I don't feel anything yet. I drank the capsules from the red packets and went to bed. Sweet dreams and big plumbs tomorrow everyone. Day 2. My new day has arrived and yoohoo: -520 grams I see on my electronic scales. I can’t believe it a little, because I didn’t do anything for this, I just drank the first 15 capsules of Thai bears yesterday. If it goes on like this for longer, then I’ll be a super star in a month)) How I feel: I’ll be honest, I’m a bit of a sucker. I want to eat all the time. It happens that I wake up at night and think: I wish it was morning soon)) I’ll eat)) and I lie there trying to convince myself not to think about food, but to sleep. It didn't always work out. When I ate at night, I felt like there was someone who was not without sin. But getting back to this morning. I do not want to eat. At all. From the word absolutely. But the doctor warned me that this would happen. And I know that I need to eat so that the body is not stressed and gives off fat, and does not accumulate it out of fright. It's time to start accustoming myself to normal food, which is what I want to do with the help of Thai Bears. To easily and forever be in shape. Therefore, my breakfast today is two soft-boiled eggs, boiled broccoli, 5 florets, 1 apricot and coffee. And now I'm going to burst. This is a new feeling for me, because before I ate and ate, it seemed like it wouldn’t bother me, but I still sit with my eyes on the table, searching for something else to stuff into myself. Probably familiar to many, right? It's called overeating. We need to get rid of it. I feel like it will work out. This is all positive: having eaten and lost 320 grams, I rushed to work. Now I’m already lying in bed and writing about today: after 4 hours after breakfast, I didn’t want to eat at all, I just wanted to drink. But this is very good, because you need to drink a lot, as the doctor told me, at least 2 liters a day. By lunchtime, I had already blown out 1 liter, taking into account the fact that I washed down 8 morning Thai Bears with 2 glasses of water, as expected. At lunch, I forced myself, I really forced myself, to eat boiled chicken breast, boiled rice and a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. I drank coffee and overeat again. After eating there was some kind of disgust, with thoughts: ugh, why did I eat. I skipped a snack and drank water all day. My head, legs and other parts of my body didn’t hurt or hurt, I feel great. Now I took another 7 capsules of Thai Bears from red packets before going to bed, and I feel good. Good night everyone and big hits tomorrow. Day 3: Hello my aspiring weight loss readers. Today is my day 3 at Thai Bears. And I jump up to the ceiling like a joyful hippopotamus (still a hippopotamus). My plumb line today is 640 grams. Hooray. I woke up with a strange feeling of lightness and happiness, probably because I know that soon my dream of being slim again will come true. I don’t want to eat and I feel nauseous when I think about food. I won’t say that this feeling makes me uncomfortable, not like when you’ve been poisoned and feel sick. No. It’s just when you don’t like olives, for example, and the mere thought of them makes you feel sick. This is exactly how I feel when I think about any food. But I patiently endure and carry my mortal body to the kitchen, forcing me to cook oatmeal in water, 50 grams in dry form. I added strawberries to my oatmeal and washed it down with coffee and milk without sugar. By the way, about sugar. I have a terrible sweet tooth. One of those who can’t eat normal food all day, but drink tea and cake. Cakes and chocolates have been my passion since childhood. That's probably why I'm a hippopotamus now)). So, for me, a sugar addict, it was difficult to imagine my day without chocolate or a couple of desserts. But now I don’t want to! Oh Gods! I don’t want honey cake or cheesecake! Today I refused tea and chocolate at work, suggested by a colleague. This is why I already love Thai Bears. During the day I was more active and drank a lot. At lunch I ate cod in foil with potatoes + salad with a mixture of vegetables + coffee without appetite. For a snack I happily ate probably 200 grams of cherries, and in the evening I had an omelette with cauliflower. I feel great, nothing hurts or bothers me. Day 4. The flight is normal. I’m writing in the evening, because it was a super busy and active day. The plumb line for today is 530 grams. I’m slowly starting to get used to the fact that I see a minus on the scale every day. Of course, I'm incredibly happy. This is so great, it’s not at all like all my attempts to lose weight before. I promised to write what happened after the rice diet. So: there was starvation. I don’t remember exactly how such a radical decision came to my mind exactly, but, in my opinion, it was another “freaking out.” I read about intermittent fasting and decided: this is my thing, I’ll fast soon, and then I’ll lose weight))) In general, the system assumed one meal per day, regardless of the time (yes, yes, I didn’t eat after six either one time - hello Mirimanova). Admirers of this diet explained its effectiveness by the fact that at one time it is almost impossible to eat 1500-2000 calories, which on average a person needs to maintain the body’s systems. Ha! 2000 calories? Easily! But I'm getting ahead of myself. It all started like this: I’m a hero, I drink coffee and water all day and listen to my stomach groan, begging for food. Since I was distracted at work and tried not to think about food, I managed to hold out until the evening for 5 days and then eat at home. The first 5 days I really didn't eat even 1000 calories because I ate the right foods, greens and vegetables. But after 5 days, the string that I pulled so diligently broke. 2000 calories you say? Do you know how many calories are in one cheesecake? Or in one kilogram of Baskin Robbins ice cream? I'll say a lot. In general, far from 2000. And after a five-day hunger strike, I began to eat like the last time. Whatever is nailed down. And what was nailed down, I tore off and ate)) needless to say, I received super compensation in the form of 3 kilograms that came back with 2 additional kilograms. This is the kind of sadness I experienced with fasting. But of course I didn’t stop there, which I’ll tell you about later. As for my faithful friends Thai Bears, they are still my allies. Appetite appears only when I see a plate of food, which I eat with pleasure and fill up perfectly. I stopped overeating; I physically cannot cram a large amount of food into myself. Now my portion is about the size of a side dish and a half-hand piece of meat or fish, always with vegetables. I definitely eat fruits, and I don’t shy away from them, because they are supposedly fast carbohydrates. I drink coffee, I'm a coffee addict. Of course, no sugar. In general, I eat three main meals and one snack three times a day. Today for breakfast there was a casserole with cottage cheese and sour cream, coffee, and pear. Lunch consisted of rice noodles with duck and stewed vegetables. Snack nuts almonds. For dinner I ate telapia with zucchini, but I forced myself to eat it; by the evening I had zero appetite. I wish everyone a good mood and good results tomorrow. I drink my Mishki from red bags and go to sleep. Day 5. Good day to the readers of my diary. Today is my fifth day of taking Thai Yanghee bears, which I bought from this online store. The most important thing to start the day with is, of course, weight control. By the way, I always weigh myself in the morning, after going to the toilet, without clothes. So today I have -630 grams. The biggest plumb in 5 days. I think the body has realized that it is no longer tormented by diets, it is fed fully and healthy, so it gives away the excess without pity or regret. During these four days that I have been drinking bears, I have noticed that I drink a lot of liquid. I don't care what to drink. Juice, water or tea, coffee. I'm just thirsty. But since I remember the doctor’s recommendations, I drink mostly pure, non-carbonated water. Of course, I don’t drink Coca-Cola or sweet sodas, kvass, because they are very high in calories. I try not to drink juice for the same reason. The one in the tetra bags is pure sugar and concentrate. There is no need for these empty calories on my menu for a slim and beautiful girl. Today breakfast was zucchini pancakes in the oven with natural yogurt, almost half a pineapple and coffee. I ate because I needed to eat. I stopped being addicted to food. I'm so great. Or well done Bears... I don't know who to praise. What inspires me very much is the feeling of lightness and it seems to me that I am already so thin. My stomach sticks to my back. There is an even greater desire to continue, to go towards your goal. Today I corresponded with a girl I know who lost weight on Thai Bears a year ago. I also bought it here. She is of course delighted. She managed to lose 17 kilograms on the -20 course, then she took a break for a month and took a stabilizer. He says that now all the excess weight is gone and has been there for more than six months. She is very pleased and the conversation with her inspired me even more. There’s already more than enough motivation, but when there are still people like you, it’s doubly more interesting and enjoyable. Actually, I hope that my writing will also be useful to someone. Plumb lines and good mood to everyone. Day 6. “I am a slender doe!” I said to myself in the mirror today when I noticed that my belly had shrunk significantly. It’s so unpleasant, my protruding belly began to stick out noticeably less and I became narrower. Delight. Thai Bears are working, my assistants are colorful. My aversion to food has not gone away, I probably feel nauseous, but it’s not so obvious when I think about my previously favorite sweets, chocolates. Today, when I ate cherries, I noticed that they seemed downright cloyingly sweet to me and as if I had a lump in my throat after eating them. I urgently had to drink some black bitter coffee. This is something amazing for a person who just a week ago could not live a day without sugar. And now I can. Thai Bears are simply magical. Today the plumb line is -470 grams, which cannot but make me happy again. I see that the body responds to the new regime and is ready for change. In addition to the belly, which I already mentioned, the ears on the hips have shrunk, this is very noticeable. The waistband of the trousers became loose. I understand that half of what is lost is water, however, the fat cell holds water and gives volume to the body and additional weight, which means that if the water has gone, that’s where it belongs. Then my friend asked me if it was hard for me to drink 15 capsules of Thai Bears every day. I think this is what a lot of people want to ask. I answer: it’s absolutely not difficult. Moreover, the capsules should be washed down with two glasses of water and taken only twice a day. This doesn’t cause me any inconvenience, and the appointment hours are convenient; I’m just at lunch on my first appointment, and on my second appointment I’m at home before bed. And now I have to run errands. There's more than enough energy, by the way. I don’t feel dizzy, I don’t notice any weakness or apathy, rather the opposite. Plumb and good mood to all beauties.

Day 7. Smooth and healthy weight loss on Thai Bears continues and every day I am convinced that it was not in vain that I decided on this method of losing weight and entrusted my body to the doctors from the Yanhee Institute of Beauty and Health. I feel great, nothing hurts or bothers me, there is no loss of strength or dizziness, which was noted in other weight loss courses. But at the same time I am losing weight. I am firmly convinced that it is fat that is leaving, and not water and intestinal contents. By the way, I do not suffer from diarrhea, as happened with all sorts of other weight loss programs when I took Reduxin, for example. Now I understand what kind of stress my poor body experienced when I lost weight on hunger strikes and all sorts of rice diets. Of course, what kind of weight loss could we talk about when my body tried to survive in conditions of hunger, preserving all sources of energy in the body to the maximum, and It's primarily fat. Water was leaving due to diuretics and intestinal contents were leaving due to laxatives in the previous weight loss products that I used. Thai Yanhee Bears are designed so that the body and internal organs do not suffer, and the weight gradually disappears in the form of fat. This is cool. Today the scales showed -453 grams. This is another good plumb and it motivates me to further lose weight without diets and hunger strikes. As for my diet, it is very varied and I eat deliciously. My breakfast was a cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker, coffee and a peach. For lunch, chicken soup with buckwheat and a barely squeezed salad with tomatoes and cucumbers with lemon dressing. Snack on a large nectarine. Dinner consisted of mackerel in foil and boiled broccoli, boiled rice. It’s amazing to me now how much I used to eat. The worst thing is that I was constantly thinking about food. Addiction is worse than drug addiction. Now everything is different. The stomach gradually learned to send a signal to the brain in time when it is full and I stop stuffing it endlessly. Of course, I get significantly fewer calories than before. Doctors say that the daily calorie intake for women is about 1500-1800 kcal, depending on lifestyle and mobility. I know that it is very difficult to reach this norm provided that you eat normally without whole cakes and without a kilogram of ice cream on the menu. Therefore, in fact, losing weight is not difficult. It is difficult to adapt yourself to new habits and taste preferences, and Thai Bears will definitely help here. That's the story for today. I drink my Thai Bear night capsules and wish everyone a good night and healthy weight loss. Day 8. Good morning country and good morning to me, a slender and beautiful fan of the Thai Bears Yanhee. Today the plumb line is -400 grams and what can I say a week later: weight - 3843 kg waist -4 cm hips -6 cm Impressive, right? This is the result for a week. My personal small victory and incentive to move on. Thai Bears work and make my life better. My husband noted significant changes in the abdominal area, and I myself see that signs of a waist have begun to appear. The looseness on the back of the thighs is less visible and the ears on the thighs are melting. I feel great, my mood is wonderful. The weekend and a trip to the sea are ahead. And I’m not so scared to wear a swimsuit anymore. I feel good, energy is in full swing. At work, the girls say that my eyes began to shine) that’s what Thai Bears do to people) they make them happier and more beautiful. For today I ate: breakfast - oatmeal on water with berries, coffee with milk; lunch grilled chicken breast with durum pasta, salad with Chinese cabbage and peas + carrots; snack - cottage cheese with berries; dinner salmon steak and Greek salad with lemon dressing. As you can see, I am not hungry, I am full and satisfied. But I strictly make sure that I don’t skip meals, this is a road to nowhere, we know, we swam. Another thing I wanted to note: either from poor nutrition, or from excess weight, but I had problem skin. Constant pimples and inflammation on the skin, regular acne. And all this was difficult and long. More precisely, it didn’t even go away, but some pimples changed to others. It was a real disaster. So, after a week of taking Thai Bears, my skin became significantly better. New inflammations have stopped appearing, old rashes have dried up and my appearance is much fresher and more pleasant. This is a super effect that I didn’t even expect. Thanks to Thai Bears. Day 9. Hello new day and new me. Plumb -794!!! grams. Excellent plumb line, high quality and motivating. My life is changing, I have become more confident in myself and my abilities, I am firmly convinced that now I can do anything, and Thai Bears will help me with this. They are already helping. Thank you a million times to the creators of this store for the opportunity to buy Thai Bears without leaving your home directly from Yanhee Hospital. This is a unique chance to get original weight loss capsules at the lowest price. Meanwhile, I’m slowly going to the seaside and trying on swimsuits and beach dresses. Girls, they are big for me! It's simply delight. It’s so terribly pleasant when something that used to dig into you from all sides now dangles at your waist and doesn’t hug your butt. Volumes have dropped significantly. People around you are already noticing this. And the employees at work ask what I do with myself and what I drink on the sly, because they see that I eat regularly and heavily. But I’m losing weight)) For now I’m keeping the secret of Thai Bears a secret, but when I finish the course, I’ll definitely tell you, I don’t mind, and the girls will definitely lose weight with the help of Mishka capsules. My menu for today: breakfast - pancakes in a steamer with jam, coffee with milk, peach; lunch - cream soup with mushrooms, baked tilapia with vegetables; snack - pear with coffee; dinner - squid stewed in sour cream sauce, boiled rice, fresh vegetables. And I feel like I'm about to burst. Every day the interest in food becomes weaker, and sometimes I think, I don’t want to eat anything, then I’ll eat it for dinner. But I remember that I can’t do this and force myself to eat. Thai Bears and their magical effect in action. As you can see, I eat fully and variedly. The food is healthy and tasty, and the scale shows stable plumb lines. So don't hesitate if you're still on the fence. Thai Yanhee Bears will help you get the desired shape and lose weight without harm to your health. Tested for myself, as they say.

Day 10 A feeling of lightness and weightlessness fills my body. Thai Bears help me to be the most desirable and beautiful woman in the world. My husband compliments me more and more every day, and I quietly rejoice and understand that our second honeymoon is approaching. Losing weight has a positive effect not only on appearance, but also on overall well-being and on the relationship between a man and a woman. Today is my last day of work and we are going to the seaside with our family for the whole weekend. And I take with me the swimsuits that I bought before pregnancy. They waited for their finest hour. Of course, objectively I understand that I am still far from an ideal slim body, but the results achieved are already visible to the naked eye. I'm getting thinner before my eyes. I drink Thai Bears without missing a meal, it has become a familiar ritual. Green capsules in the morning, red capsules in the evening. I fell in love with water. I drink a lot and often. The condition of the skin has improved, the constant irritation has stopped and the skin has become smooth and pleasant in color. Feeling cheerful and having a lot of energy allows me to work productively, and not think about food and drink tea and cookies every half hour. Today the plumb line is -564 grams of fat. I'm losing weight and not starving. My appetite now wakes up according to a schedule when it’s time for lunch or dinner. My body is accustomed to regular and proper meals, I don’t overeat and all the food is tasty and healthy. I still don’t crave sweets, I react calmly when children eat sweets and ice cream. We used to eat everything together) but the children didn’t get better, but I didn’t. As for the menu, today I had: for breakfast 2 soft-boiled eggs, a couple of pieces of cheese and black bread, coffee and a peach. For lunch I took with me to work stewed beef with bell peppers in a slow cooker + boiled rice, without oil. Beetroot salad with walnuts and natural yogurt. my snack consisted of dried apricots and a few almonds. and for dinner I ate cottage cheese with cinnamon, I had no appetite at all, I practically forced myself to eat it. Before going to bed, I drink night capsules of Thai Bears and I know for sure that tomorrow there will be a plumb line on the scales, and I will be one step closer to my dream. Day 11. Hurray! The weekend and the sea are ahead. Excitingly anticipating a wonderful holiday with family and friends. I haven’t seen my friends for a long time, so I expect to hear compliments in honor of my new appearance. Looking back, I understand that 11 days is quite a bit, but it’s as if 2 months have already passed, no less. I got such an obvious result in losing weight only by drinking a course of Thai Bears for only 11 days. I would like to once again advise all slimming girls to quickly cast aside doubts, you will later regret that you did not order Thai Yanhee Bears now. Scientists say that the body adapts to new habits within 21 days, then the new habit becomes the norm. I follow this trend very clearly and understand that this theory really works. I used to think deep-fried French fries or dumplings, generously sprinkled with butter and mayonnaise, were very tasty. Now even the thought of such unhealthy food causes nausea. When you eat the right food, the receptors are cleansed and very keenly sense the taste of food that is healthy. And fatty, fried, floury foods fall like a heavy stone into the stomach and cause discomfort. And if you also take into account that the unfortunate body was constantly tormented by either a diet according to Mirimanova, or according to Dukan, or some other kind of fasting, then such a swing simply disabled all digestive processes. This is where the legs of a slow metabolism and impaired metabolism grow. I wanted the best, it turned out as always))) We wanted to lose weight, but we gained twice as much. I believe that Thai Bears are smart weight loss capsules that not only break down fat in the body, but also help normalize metabolism and form the right habits, including a smooth transition to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. As for my personal achievements in the process of losing weight, today the scales showed -559 grams. I'm losing weight and getting fit. I’m also going to the sea to relax. Of course, I take green and red bags of Thai Bear capsules with me. My new day's menu: breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with berries and natural yogurt, coffee without sugar, banana lunch - creamy pumpkin soup, durum pasta and stewed chicken with beans; snack - 2 breads with curd cheese; coffee dinner - baked mackerel in foil with potatoes, vegetable salad. And lots and lots of clean water without gas throughout the day. Day 12. Hello to all losing weight beauties. Of course, as I expected, I received a bunch of compliments about my slimmer figure. They noted that my cheeks and double chin were gone, my cheekbones stood out and my face became nobler and younger. By the way, this is my personal observation: the more weight I lose, the younger I start to look. I used to be like an aunt with an unknown age, and now I’m becoming a young beautiful woman around 30. It’s so obvious that I don’t understand how I put up with it before and didn’t pull myself together and stop eating like a hippopotamus. Today Libra pleased me with the numbers -487 and I’m still happy, even though it’s not a big plumb line. I understand that it’s easiest to lose weight at the very beginning of losing weight, and then all processes slow down. But I am not discouraged, because I am 100% confident in the power of Thai Bears, and I know that I will get a guaranteed result. Today I listened to my girlfriends and thought: how funny we women are. Of course, all my girls have already tried a bunch of diets. You can compile statistics about who gave how much and how much was later returned to whom. And all my beauties wonder why they first lose weight and then get even fatter. I’m a modest person, I didn’t force the basics of proper nutrition and weight loss on anyone, I just went and drank my nightly Mishki from red bags and went to bed. To quickly see new plumb lines tomorrow. We have electronic scales in our hotel room especially for this purpose. Don’t think, I’m not greedy and I’ll definitely tell my friends that I lost weight on Thai Yanhee Bears, but a little later, when I’ve completed the entire course of 28 days and can accurately tell you the number of kilograms lost. My diet today is tasty and healthy: breakfast - oatmeal on water with berries, watermelon, coffee without sugar; lunch - pilaf with chicken and vegetables, Caesar salad with yogurt dressing, green tea; snack - pear with coffee with milk; dinner - sea bass on charcoal. , vegetables Day 13. An active and eventful day with sea adventures, riding a water scooter, tumbling in the waves. Terribly tired and terribly happy. We got up early in the morning to do everything at once. But I didn’t forget to take my morning Thai Bear capsules, of course. I still don’t suffer from any special appetite, despite the fact that everyone around me is constantly chewing something and I’m in the fresh air for the second day. But I always have a bottle of water with me and all the nearest toilets in the area have already been inspected, because when you drink a lot, you also want to pee often. Morning weight control showed -497 grams of disappeared fat. I am losing weight. I'm done. Well, the Thai Bears are great, so what? A funny moment was today when I was sunbathing on my back. The stomach sank towards the spine and even the ribs became visible. My husband had big round eyes and the following question: maybe we’ve had enough of losing weight? I laughed happily and said that it wouldn’t be enough yet. When my magic capsules run out, then that’s enough. I think I might already order a Thai Bears course for my mother. She is also overweight, and it is much more difficult to adapt to proper nutrition at this age. But it is necessary, because excess weight causes problems with the heart, blood vessels and pancreas, and also contributes to the development of diabetes, as we all know. As you already understand, I feel great. I eat, relax, enjoy life and lose weight. I wish the same for you.

Day 14. Hello to all losing weight beauties. I will continue my story of “one weight loss”. Based on how I feel, I can say that I don’t feel like I’m taking any weight loss capsules at all. I feel very beautiful and desirable, especially since as the weight comes off, my legs swell much less and, in general, I have much more energy and desire to do something. Yesterday I thought about the time when my Thai Bear course will end and what will happen to the weight I lost. Of course, like everyone who has lost weight, I am terribly afraid of gaining weight back. What I want to say based on my feelings: always when I broke down after dieting and gained it back, I ate a lot. Because my diets were all starvation. Hunger was my second self, and I heroically endured it. Then, when the diet ended, I quickly made up for everything, because when you’re hungry, you cram everything into yourself. You won’t lose weight this way and you won’t keep the weight off, of course. With Thai Bears, losing weight is completely different. There is no feeling of hunger at all, I eat, I even force myself. Thai bears certainly suppress your appetite very much. That’s why I conclude that since I ate normally during the course of 28 days, then I have no reason to break out. That is, logically, there should be no breakdowns or setbacks in weight. As a last resort, I will of course order a stabilizer, if the brutal appetite wakes up again. This is how I deal with things. The weight in the morning was 460 grams. I’m happy, everything is going according to plan. Day 15. Good morning. Today the weight is 320 grams and I can clearly see that the weight has begun to drop off. I want to tell you the mechanism of weight loss, which I read a lot about and which always follows the same pattern. Since while taking Thai Bears the body loses a large amount of its fat reserves, this is stressful for it. It doesn't matter that all that fat is extra. For our body, this is an energy reserve in case of “war” and famine, so the warehouse is extremely “valuable”. So, when the cunning and effective Thai Bears actively begin to destroy this reserve, the body at first does not understand what is happening. The weight is melting before our eyes. But then the “protection” mode turns on and careful resistance to fat loss begins. The body holds on to fat cells until the last. This is called the plateau effect. This is fine. The body is being rebuilt to a new life for it. After some time, when it becomes clear that there is no hunger, no state of emergency and no illness either, the body will calmly and painlessly give up all its fat)) This is how, in my own words, I describe what scientists have long studied and present to the masses in scientific terms) Therefore: I don’t panic, I’m losing weight calmly and enjoying life, which is what I wish for you too. Day 16. I want to talk a little about BMI. Who is he and why do you need to know him? Since we are modern people, and information is now very accessible to us, we can competently assess the capabilities of our body and find out how critical our weight is and how many kilograms are harmful to our health. This is much more effective than asking my husband or friends if I have gained a lot of weight))) So, BMI is the Body Mass Index, which was created in Belgium in the 80s. There are many calculators that will quickly tell you how your weight relates to your height and lifestyle. The calculation is made using the formula according to which you need to divide your weight in kg twice by your height in meters. For example: my height is 170 cm and my weight is 65 kg. Height of 170 centimeters is 1 meter and 70 centimeters, i.e. 1.7 meters further 65:1.7= 38.2 38.2:1.7= 22.4 So, body mass index 22.4 Now look at the table of BMI norms: 16 and below - obvious underweight 16-17.9 - underweight 18-24.9 - normal body weight 25-29.9 - overweight 30-34, 9-1 degree of obesity 35-39.9-2 degree of obesity 40 and more morbid obesity (kapets kaptsovy) Here is such an interesting table that will help many to adequately evaluate themselves and their body, and decide whether it’s time to order Thai Yanhee Bears or not. I made my choice and it is obvious)) Weight 410 grams

Day 17. Today my weight is 280 grams. I just took my morning Thai Bear capsules and then had breakfast. I don't feel like eating at all. I ate cottage cheese with an apple and washed it down with coffee. Surprisingly, now I am beginning to understand that there are so many joys in life, besides eating delicious food. For example: buy a new dress and make a lasting impression when they saw you in it and gasped. Or go hiking without worrying about shortness of breath and swelling of your legs. Still, excess weight greatly limits physical capabilities. Yesterday I was arguing at work with a colleague about proper weight loss and diet. Still, I noted that when you succeed in something, unlike others, it begins to irritate some people. It’s very sad that a colleague, seeing my success, begins to throw jokes at me, in the style of: well, well, how long will you last on your Thai Bears? Without them, how much weight did you lose there? And she monitors this site) But apparently she is afraid of something, or there are no extra funds yet. But he will order it too, 100%. Seeing my results. So, what I mean is that you don’t need to be angry with yourself and those around you, you need to change something if it doesn’t suit you. We are the builders of our own happiness. Day 18. It’s already evening in my city, I drank evening capsules of Thai Bears and from bed I’m writing the story of my weight loss. The weight today is 310 grams, the mood is excellent. I’m already used to the fact that people around me react to my new appearance; everyone sees that I’ve lost a lot of weight and become prettier. But today I met a man whom I had not seen for many years, since school. It was incredibly nice to see admiration in his eyes, because I was once in love with him) And I also imagined how I would feel if I met him in my old body that had not yet lost weight. There would be a failure) shame and disgrace. My diet is no different. For breakfast there was cottage cheese casserole with yogurt and coffee. Lunch: buckwheat with cheese and boiled chicken, vegetable salad. For dinner I baked mackerel with potatoes in foil. And I feel like a rolling bun. Because I’m fed up and losing weight at the same time. Still, these Thai Bears are unique. Well done Thai scientists.

Thai bears - dangerous and harmful pills

What do we know about “Thai bear” tablets? Approximate price for Thai bears - Thai Bears. $200 (regular course of 2 weeks), $400 (intensive course of 1 month).

According to the main testing center for food products in Moscow (RAMS), Thai bears and tablets from St. Carlos Hospital were tested.

They were found to contain phentermine and fenfluramine (amphetamine derivatives), sodium poly-4-styrene sulfonate. The first two are psychotropic substances that damage the heart valves, impair sleep, and provoke irritability. These manufacturers hide the composition of their drugs, explaining that their formula is too secret and they do not want competing analogues to appear on the market.

By throwing away $300-400 per course, you risk not only going to jail (for buying and using drugs), but also damaging your health to such an extent that it will lead to irreversible consequences, disability and even death. Here is just a small part of the side effects of these drugs:

* Flickering arrhythmia * Vomiting, constipation, nausea * Profuse sweating, weakness * Dry mouth * Confusion * Tremors of arms and legs * Insomnia * Aggression, irritability * Lethargy, apathy, depression

Thai bears and their composition

Most often, “Thai bears” are mentioned as the most effective, powerful and 100% way to lose weight. In a short period of time, without stress, physical activity, or a grueling diet, you can get a beautiful figure, and not just dream about it. When ordering pills at a Bangkok hospital, they will select an individual program for you that will fulfill your desires to lose extra pounds, and doctors will help you correct your figure over the course of the course without losing your health.

Thai diet pills contain only well-selected herbal ingredients: oriental ginger, rosemary, hay, aspartame, selenium round, selenium, Alexandria leaf, valerian, rosemary, garcinia, murdannia, Chinese chrysanthemum flowers, pueraria mirifica, Indian chrysanthemum.

They are often used in weight loss medications. So in the complex of Thai bear tablets, the plants provide a laxative, diuretic, sedative and fat-burning effect.

Experts did not just combine the “herb” into one weight loss product, but calculated the dosage to ensure maximum weight loss and minimal threat to human health.

Thai bears for weight loss - Reviews from users

In their reviews about Thai bears on numerous resources on the Internet, people say that the appetite disappears completely, insomnia and loss of orientation begin. Also, reviews of women who took Thai bears say that diet pills from Thailand cause nausea, stomach pain, loss of energy and mood swings. For those who have taken them for more than a few weeks, menstruation disappears, a metallic taste appears in the mouth (when the liver and kidneys begin to fail), apathy does not allow one to get out of bed and function normally during the day.

Surprise tablets

Popular in the 90s, Thai tablets called “Lida” quickly gained popularity. A quick effect without much effort awaited everyone who dared to take these pills. Why take the risk? Yes, because the secret of these tablets is the presence of worm eggs.

Are there really desperate girls who are ready to deliberately introduce parasites into themselves? Of course, the kit with infected tablets includes a capsule that kills all parasites. It is recommended to take it when the result is achieved and excess weight is lost.

These are the scary Thai diet pills with worms, reviews of which are not always positive. According to girls who have experienced all the delights of this drug, a capsule with poison against worms does not always work.

And that's when the fun begins. A grueling treatment, and then a whole course of rehabilitation after the presence of parasites in the body.

Thai tablets St. Carlos Hospital - Reviews

Another incomprehensible diet pills, which are packaged like Thai bears in ordinary plastic bags without indicating the composition, dosage and other necessary and important information for the consumer. St. Carlos Hospital tablets are supposedly developed in a Thai hospital in Bangkok, but in reality they are a typical homemade product that is not certified, dangerous and harmful to the body. Sellers of magic weight loss pills St. Carlos deceive consumers by talking about world practice. No one in the world knows about this supposed hospital that supposedly deals with obesity problems. This is nothing more than an advertising gimmick designed to mislead the consumer. At the same time, the magic Thai tablets Saint Carlos cost a lot. (from $100 to $500) The dosage regimen is similar to Thai bears and the tablets also contain nootropic, hormonal, and narcotic substances prohibited for sale.

The weight loss plan is very similar to the one offered by Thai Bears. Multi-colored capsules should be taken at certain times of the day, depending on the shades: * in the morning - blue; * after lunch - yellow; * at 16:00 - orange; * 2 hours before bedtime - purple.

According to online stores and manufacturers, they supposedly contain a unique formula that helps you lose weight. They are claimed to be safe for health and have fat-burning components. Of course, this is all untrue. Any sane person should be wary of promises to safely lose weight by 20-30 kg per month.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

As you already understand, Thai diet pills Yanhee are potent drugs. Taking them will help you lose extra 10-20 kg without harm to the body. They have a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect, and also remove toxins and waste from the body.

Let us note the recommendations regarding their use. First of all, you should drink a lot of water, at least 1.5-2 liters per day, limit the consumption of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. Include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet, avoid fatty and sweet foods. The body needs more rest while taking the pills, so healthy sleep is the key to success.

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