Thai bears – INITIAL course (weight up to 85 kg) for weight loss from Yanghee Hospital, full set for 28 days

“Thai bears” is a commonly used name in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet for diet pills from Thailand. Over the past 10 years, Thai diet pills have become very popular in Russia and other countries of the former USSR, as they have proven themselves to be a very effective means of combating excess weight. Where exhausting sports, complex diets and severe restrictions on the amount of calories consumed in food do not bring tangible results, Thai bears act as the last hope for those who want to lose weight quickly.

How do Thai diet pills work?

The main principle of operation of Thai bears is to reduce appetite . There is also an effect of burning fat deposits and cleansing the body of toxins. Active exercise and diet while taking courses of pills can allow you to lose more excess weight. That is, it’s wonderful if pills, active sports and diets can be combined together.

Thai bears do not contain methamphetamine or other drugs. The main ingredient in Thai diet pills is phentermine, which is used to suppress appetite.


Both opponents and supporters of multi-colored bear weight loss pills note their undoubted effectiveness: they help to lose even a large number of extra pounds in a short period of time.

The exact composition is kept secret, but the pills contain extracts of the following plants:

  • Ginger;
  • Rosemary;
  • Valerian;
  • Indian and Chinese chrysanthemums.

Be sure to read: Evalar Bio tea for effective appetite control

It is assumed that the entire herbal complex not only has a laxative and diuretic effect, but also promotes fat burning and soothes.

The tablets should work as follows:

  • Reduce appetite naturally. A person does not fight his desire to take more of a tasty dish, he simply does not want to eat anymore. Psychologically, this is one of the most comfortable types of diet reduction.
  • Help burn existing fat. Removing fat reserves significantly reduces volumes and helps speed up metabolism;
  • Cleanse the blood and digestive tract of toxic substances.
  • Help women during menopause normalize hormonal levels.

Thai bears: contraindications

  • Do not take during pregnancy;
  • prohibited from use by persons under 18 years of age. The use of the product by people over 50 years of age is not recommended;
  • It is not recommended to take Thai diet pills along with other medications. Combinations of different drugs can lead to unpredictable side effects and drug complications.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Everyone's body is different, so the results from taking Thai bears will vary. On average, you can expect to lose up to 9 kg of excess weight in 1 month .

A possible side effect is increased heart rate. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of tablets taken. You can’t “sit” on Thai bears all the time. If you have achieved the desired weight loss results, then it’s time to move on to diets and exercise to maintain your acquired shape.

What is included in the “Lipotropic factor”

The human body contains substances that promote normal metabolism of fats and cholesterol and help cleanse the liver of fatty deposits. The main ones are methionine, choline, inositol. It is these components that are part of the Lipotropic Factor dietary supplement.

Lipotropic factor, 60 tablets, Evalar

769 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

According to Methodological Recommendations MP “Recommended levels of consumption of food and biologically active substances”, the required daily dose of methionine is 1800 mg, the upper allowable dose is 2800 mg, inositol is 500 and 1500 mg, choline is 500 and 1000 mg.

The content of these compounds in food products is low. For example, one egg contains 130 mg of choline, 100 g of oatmeal contains about 170 mg of inositol, and 100 g of chicken contains 470 mg of methionine. In general, it is difficult to obtain the daily norm with food, and without this it is not even worth talking about the effect of weight loss. The easiest way is to include a special dietary supplement “Lipotropic factor” in your diet.

Turboslim Calorie blocker, 40 tablets, Evalar

515 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Where to order diet pills

You can purchase Thai bears in two ways: by coming in person to an appointment at a hospital in Bangkok or ordering online if your plans for the near future do not include visiting Thailand. Thai diet pills from the following Thai hospitals have proven themselves to be the best:

  • Yanhee International Hospital Yanhee Hospital Weight Control Center Phone Number: +66 2 879 0300 ext. 40211-12;
  • Krung Siam St.Carlos Medical & Spa Center (St. Carlos Medical Center).

Both hospitals specialize in cosmetic surgery, weight loss and beauty. The Yanhee Hospital also performs a large number of gender reassignment surgeries: from men to women and from women to men. Well, medical surgery and treatment of complex diseases are also excellent there. Yanhee is one of the best private hospitals for treating foreigners in Thailand. Both hospitals produce unique courses of diet pills. To buy them, you need to come there, consult a doctor and pay for the medicines in cash or with a bank card. Yanhee Hospital has Russian-speaking Thai employees who will help you communicate with doctors.

You need to be very careful when buying Thai pills online . There are a large number of scammers operating online who exploit women’s desire to look attractive. I would not recommend ordering Thai bears from online stores in Moscow, as there is a high probability of running into fakes. It would be good if these were multi-colored dummy tablets that were harmless to health. In the worst case, you can seriously ruin your own health by taking drugs of unknown origin. Tip: order Thai bears directly from Thailand from trusted suppliers!

The most popular courses of Thai diet pills

  • “Thai bears” from Yanhee (28 days);
  • “Thai bears” from Yanhee (28 + 28 days);
  • “Thai bears” Strong from Yanhee (28 days);
  • “Thai bears” from Yanhee (3 months);
  • "Thai Bears" from St. Carlos Hospital (6-month course).

Thai bears Yanghee Hospital - reviews


I bought Thai bears from Yana for the New Year. As a result, I almost gave my soul to the devil Girls, it’s better to drink Diox tea, it’s definitely not harmful


Pay attention to all the negative reviews and there is a petition for Thai bears. a terrible drug that cripples people.. Yana sells this poison that destroys people’s health...


Almost died... terrible, creepy drug... bought from Yana on Instagram... now I’m being treated by a psychotherapist... take care of your health,, just three days and your psyche is undermined... really dangerous for your health

I only took Thai bears for three days, but it was enough to spoil my psyche... I was in a terrible state, I thought I was going to die, heart palpitations, lack of air, pupils enlarged, sleep was gone, it was either cold or hot, you sweat.. you can’t eat at all, you can’t just drink constantly, for three I lost 3 kg in a day, but after that I had a mental breakdown and depression....for the first time in my was in August 2021, after that I turned to a psychotherapist for help, I hope that my psyche will recover, I quickly restored my stomach with aloe juice...all the pills I threw out the monthly Strong course .. I bought this poison from Yana and sent it from Thailand ... I shared with you my mooring experiences, this is a really terrible drug and pure chemistry ... Take care of yourself and do not try this poison ...


There are only self-promotions of scam sites here, take only courier delivery and payment upon delivery.



No pros


Only disadvantages.

I bought the tablets on the official website, they were sent straight from Thailand.

My health is good, my blood pressure, heart, etc. are all normal. I tolerated the Reduxin saw well and lost weight. But the Thai bears disappointed me. Dizziness, lethargy. I didn't drive. I was afraid, worsening vigilance, inattention.

And, what’s most unpleasant, after taking the capsules, libedo disappeared. Of course it’s funny, but I don’t know what to do.

Appetite does not disappear during the course,

I lost 2 kg. Only because of the strict diet during use.





Hellish 2 days

I bought Thai bears through the well-known Yana on Instagram. After 2 days of taking it, I feel like an experienced drug addict. My pupils are dilated, my heart is beating fast, I’m breathing heavily, I’m sweating a lot, and I haven’t slept at all these 2 nights. Almost got to the point of hallucinations. I started writing to this Yana, saying that I was feeling bad anyway, she didn’t answer me for 3 days. Under her posts, I started looking for comments from girls who also use them, I contacted several, they all had the same problem as me. And this Yana doesn’t get in touch with them, although she immediately deleted our bad comments about our well-being. As a result, we found quite a few injured girls who took these bears from Yana, and all of them had very bad consequences. Pure drugs. Don’t be fooled by the miracle pill, don’t ruin your health. Her Instagram. yana.slim.thai





Huge load on the heart, kidneys, liver

I ordered these Bears, so to speak, a trial course for 7 days. You had to take them three times a day: 5 tablets in the morning and afternoon, 4 in the evening before bed. To say that this is terrible is to say nothing. After the first dose, my limbs began to go numb, my legs were icy, I began to sweat, and the sweat was absolutely stinking, I can imagine what a nightmare and chemical movements were taking place and poisoning my body at that moment. Lost appetite, nausea. Your mouth is incredibly dry, and your heart is pounding so hard it feels like it’s about to burn out. Thank God it’s vacation, I was sitting at home and didn’t need to go anywhere. It is impossible to get behind the wheel, my eyes are glassy, ​​my pupils are dilated. You can also forget about sleep. All these days I took two melatonin tablets for sleep, but it didn’t help, I slept at most 2 hours a night. Yesterday evening was the third day and I realized that this appointment was the last, because I could not breathe, there was direct pressure on my heart. Today is the fourth day, I won’t take any more, but my heart is still heavy, my breathing is heavy, and I’m sweating. As a result, in these three days I lost 3 kg, BUT these kg are just water from the body, if you want to dry out and remove fluid from the body, it is better to buy a diuretic and some fat burners at a sports store. Since there was nothing to do at night, I started reading reviews, watching videos about the drug, in the end it is banned in Russia because of the narcotic substance it contains called duromine, you can read about it on the Internet. It is written on the capsules, but for some reason the seller kept silent about this composition) in general, with this money it would be better to buy greens and fruits and vegetables than to lie and stink in an extinguished state for three days. I have no idea when I will move away from this state.

I hope girls, my review will help someone prevent a mistake and not poison themselves. (I ordered from Yana via Instagram)

Reviews: your results

We all know very well that the life of a modern person in large cities is associated with a lot of stress, long hours of traffic jams, and unhealthy eating. Let's add to this the sedentary lifestyle of most office workers, who spend the lion's share of both working time and leisure time on computers with social networks, computer games and other Internet things. A lot of time is spent on earning a living. Living in such a crazy country, we simply have neither the strength nor the desire to play sports. As a result, the problem of excess weight begins to worry almost everyone. Gaining excess weight is easy , but losing weight, as practice shows, is very, very difficult.

One person's victory greatly motivates others. Tell us about the results of your struggle with excess weight. What have you tried? What are your results? Did Thai diet pills help you? Please share your invaluable experience in the comments below:

A small note. Some readers ask whether a lady named Alina Vongvichit, who was involved in purchasing Thai diet pills from Bangkok hospitals and sending them to clients in Russia and other countries, has anything to do with the Thai Portal. We inform you that the founding father of the Thai Portal did not have the good fortune to know her. Accordingly, Alina Vongvichit has no connection with this site.

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