Performing yoga asanas for firm breasts

Rules for performing asanas

Yoga for the pectoral muscles will be more effective if you follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The best time to practice is in the morning. The energy of the beginning of the day will fill you with vitality and positive emotions.
  2. Gurus advise practicing at sunrise, but this is not always possible, especially in the summer. The optimal time for classes is 6–7 am.
  3. If you are used to having breakfast immediately after waking up, then yoga will have to be postponed for a couple of hours because of this.
  4. Practice in comfortable clothes. It is better if it is made from natural fabrics.
  5. Watch your breathing. It should be smooth, calm and deep (unless otherwise specified in the rules for performing the asana).
  6. Concentrate on muscle work or breathing, try to drive away distracting thoughts.
  7. If you can't practice every day, set aside two or three days a week for training.
  8. Before starting to perform asanas, do a warm-up. Swinging your arms and legs, turning your body, head, and squats will help warm up your muscles.

Regular yoga practice improves sex life. According to statistics, regularly practicing women experience orgasm more often than other representatives of the fairer sex.

Effective asanas that give beauty and firmness to the bust

Yoga has many poses for breast tightening. There are simple exercises accessible to beginners, and more complex ones for advanced practitioners. We will look at basic asanas available to everyone.

Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day training, gradually increasing the time to half an hour, then 45 minutes. Perform at least three sets of each exercise, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.


In the process of performing this exercise, blood circulation in the chest area improves and the spine stretches. How to do it:

  1. Spread your legs as wide as possible.
  2. Turn your left foot 90º, right foot 15º.
  3. With your left hand, hold your left ankle.
  4. Straighten your right arm up.
  5. Fix your gaze on the fingers of your right hand.
  6. Repeat the exercise in a mirror manner.

Ancient yogis believed that the number of inhalations and exhalations is limited. The slower you breathe, the longer you live.

Double corner

Exercise allows you to strengthen the chest muscles and restore its previous shape. How to do it:

  1. Stand up with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your arms back and clasp your palms together.
  3. Bend your body, leaning forward.
  4. Raise your arms up, keeping your palms closed.
  5. Redistribute the weight to your shoulders and chest.
  6. Raise your head slightly, look straight.
  7. Hold the pose for half a minute.

According to statistics, 35 million people practice yoga in America alone.


Staying in the asana will strengthen the chest muscles and increase their elasticity. How to do it:

  1. Feet should be spread wide apart, shoulder width apart.
  2. Turn your left foot counterclockwise 90º, turn your right foot inward.
  3. Bend only your left leg.
  4. Raise your arms to shoulder level and extend them.
  5. Turn your head to the left, fix your gaze on your wrist.
  6. Hold the asana for 30 seconds, repeat for the right leg.

Yoga is not a religion, but rather a philosophical teaching.


Regular stay in the pose increases lung capacity and improves posture. How to do it:

  1. Lie on your stomach.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Slowly lift your upper body, resting your hands on the floor.
  4. Maintain balance by supporting yourself on your feet and hands.
  5. Raise your head.
  6. On a deep exhalation, return to the starting position.
  7. Maintain an upright body position for as long as possible.

US military personnel do yoga instead of morning exercises.


Helps increase the elasticity of the chest muscles and strengthens them. How to do it:

  1. Stand on the floor with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull your stomach in.
  3. Lift your left leg and rest it on your right thigh, just above the knee.
  4. Raise your hands, clasp your palms.
  5. Stay in this position for half a minute.
  6. Repeat for the right leg.

Yoga is universal, it suits everyone without exception. Classes do not require special equipment.


Regular stay in the asana stretches the spine and improves the shape of the bust. How to do it:

  1. Lie down on the floor.
  2. Bend your legs, lift and pull them towards your head.
  3. Grasp your ankles with your hands and exhale deeply.
  4. Raise your limbs as high as you can.
  5. Hips, shoulders, chest should be lifted off the floor.
  6. Hold the position for at least half a minute.

June 21 is international yoga day. It has been celebrated since 2015.


The asana allows you to stretch the muscles of the neck and chest, and helps to cheer up. How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Spread your legs slightly wider than shoulder width.
  3. Place your hands behind your head, fingers should be directed towards your back and touch the floor.
  4. Exhale deeply.
  5. Raise your body as high as possible.
  6. Try to hold the position for at least half a minute.

Regular practice increases lung volume and improves blood oxygen saturation. As a result, life expectancy increases.


Thanks to regular performance of this exercise, the chest muscles are strengthened, the bust becomes more elastic and toned. Technique:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend your knees and place your feet in front of you.
  3. Extend your arms and place them behind your back.
  4. Raise your body and arch your spine.

The oldest yoga teacher lives in Australia. She is 85 years old.


Exercise strengthens the chest muscles and prevents sagging. How to do it:

  1. You need to kneel, feet should be together.
  2. Slowly bend your back back, rest your palms on your heels.
  3. Arch your back.
  4. Hold the position for at least half a minute.

Archaeological research suggests that yoga was practiced in the East 25,000 years ago.

Bent candle (supported on the wall)

In its classic form, the asana is not suitable for beginners. A simplified version will tighten your chest muscles. How to do it:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Raise your legs up, stretch them along the wall.
  3. Raise your pelvis. The higher the better.
  4. Hold the pose for half a minute.

Magic triangle

Trikonasana, or triangle pose, should also be included in the daily set of exercises for everyone who wants to have beautiful breasts. It forces the entire volume of the lungs to be used, stretches the spine and improves blood supply to almost all internal organs.

The asana is not difficult, and even those whose physical fitness leaves much to be desired can quickly master it. But since the pose is associated with stretching, it should be performed after warming up.

  • Stand with your feet wide apart - significantly wider than your shoulders. Extend your arms straight to the sides, raising them to shoulder level. The feet should be parallel to each other.
  • Now turn your left foot 90 degrees outward, and turn your right foot only slightly (15 degrees, no more).
  • Reach your left hand towards your left ankle. At the same time, the right hand is raised so that the hands form a straight line.
  • The head can either be turned to the right (looking at the fingers of the right hand), or remain in the position where we look straight ahead.

When performing the asana, the fingers of the left hand can either touch the toes of the left foot or the floor behind the foot.

If you perform the exercise correctly, then the whole body seems to be spread out in one plane. The flatter the triangle, the more benefits it will bring you.

Despite all its simplicity, the triangle is quite insidious. If you feel that it is difficult to maintain your balance, you can do the exercise next to a wall to feel supported.

Difficulties may arise elsewhere. If the legs are not flexible enough, and the pose causes discomfort, or even pain, then to make the task easier, you can slightly bend the leg towards which the hand is reaching. Or you can not reach your toes with your hand (although this is, of course, ideal), but stop halfway and lean on your ankle. In addition, you can take a yoga block or a stack of books and lean on them for the first time.

This exercise is contraindicated for low and high blood pressure, with exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis and with headaches of any origin.

Simple exercises for every day

Some asanas are easy to practice during the day. You don't need to lie down on the floor to do this. You can easily create the complex at your workplace. If you regularly take these poses several times a day, you can tighten your chest muscles. The bust will be more voluminous and elastic. Principles of performing exercises:

  1. Sit on the edge of the chair, move your arms back, rest them on the seat. Relax, drive away all distracting thoughts, move your shoulders back, try to close your shoulder blades. Redistribute your body weight into your arms. Hold the pose for half a minute.
  2. Sit or stand with your back straight. It is important to relax and take your mind off the hustle and bustle. Place your hands at chest level, clasp your palms together. The shoulders form a horizontal line, the elbows are apart. As you inhale, tighten your chest muscles and raise your elbows slightly. As you exhale, continue to tense your muscles, lower your elbows, and press your palms tightly together.
  3. Stand up, your back should be straight, your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Take your hands back and clasp them in a lock. Pull your shoulders back, your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. Hold the pose for half a minute. Then release the lock and shake your hands.
  4. In Russia, yoga is used to train cosmonauts and Emergency Situations Ministry employees.

A set of asanas for opening the chest

When you strengthen your back muscles and open your chest, your posture becomes more majestic and your silhouette more attractive. It’s as if you are spreading your wings, and this is felt not only physically, but also psychologically. The workout will take you 45 minutes, but, as with everything, the profound effects are achieved with regular repetition.

  1. To strengthen the back muscles
    • Ardha bhujangasana.
      Lie on your stomach, lower your forehead to the floor, shoulder blades together. Place your palms under your shoulders. By working the muscles of your back and abdomen, while inhaling, lift your shoulders and chest off the floor. Exhale, return to the mat. Repeat 5 times.
    • Shalabhasana.
      Place your arms along your body, back side down. Tuck your tailbone, lengthen your spine forward behind the crown, look at the floor or in front of you. As you inhale, lift your shoulders, chest, feet, and knees off the floor. Avoid arching your lower back! As you exhale, come back. Perform 5 sets

  2. Dhanurasana.
    Bend your right leg at the knee, grab yourself by the ankle. Inhale, push your foot back and up, keeping your knee in the plane of your pelvis. Exhale, return to the floor. Perform 5 more lifts and change legs.
  3. Vinyasa to strengthen the wrists, open the chest and improve shoulder mobility.
    Sit on the mat, place your feet hip-width apart in front of you, move your arms back, fingers forward. Inhale, lift your pelvis off the floor and bring it to the same line with your shoulders and knees, Table Pose. Exhale, bring your pelvis between your hands, if possible, do not fall on the mat, straighten your knees, feet towards you.
  4. Vinyasa to strengthen the back of the body.
    Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place your feet hip-width apart, close to your buttocks. Lift your buttocks off the floor, clasp your hands behind your back, point your chest forward and up, your collarbones toward your chin. Push off with your strong arms and, while inhaling, lift your right straight leg up. The pelvis is parallel to the shoulders, exhale - return the leg to the mat. Repeat on the other leg.
  5. Vinyasa for lower back stretching.
    Lie on your back and place your legs behind your head. Pull your toes to the floor, clasp your hands behind your back, step from shoulder to shoulder, straighten your knees. Return your rounded back to the mat, keeping your legs straight toward your body. Grab by the ankle or shin, lower back to the floor. Place your elbows on the mat and move your legs further behind your head. Repeat the roll from your shoulder blades to your back several times.
  6. Twisting in Marichiasana. To increase blood circulation inside the abdominal cavity. What is very pleasant, the pose reduces fat deposits on the waist
    . Sit on the mat with straight legs. Bend your right knee, step your right leg over the straight left one. Inhale, lift your left straight arm up, exhale - bend at the elbow and move it over the bent knee. Inhale - pull your spine up by the crown, exhale - check the position: the stomach is twisted, the right shoulder tends to the right , look over the shoulder. Stay in the twist for 5 breaths. Inhale - return the body forward, exhale - return the knee to the mat. Perform the approach on the other leg.
  7. Vinyasa for stretching the lateral surface of the body, strengthening the legs, stretching the pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle.
    Enter Plank, top support. Form a straight line from your heels to the top of your head, push your heels back, tuck your tailbone, widen the area between your shoulder blades and push your shoulder blades up. Inhale, transfer your body weight to your left palm, place your feet on the outer ribs or one on top of the other, and actively extend the fingers of your right hand up. Exhale - stretch your breath for 4 counts. Inhale, step with your right foot; through your straight left leg, push off the floor with your stronger hand, push your right hip higher up. Exhale, move your upper arm behind your head, intensively stretch your right side. Inhale, return your arm up, foot to foot, exhale - Plank. Perform the approach from the other side.

Disease Prevention

Yoga for the pectoral muscles allows you not only to maintain a beautiful bust shape, but also to prevent the development of mastopathy and cancer. Regular exercise will reduce the risk of developing these diseases. You can start training at any age. It is especially important to maintain breast health for women over 40 years of age. Principles of performing exercises:

  1. Lie on the floor, put your arms behind your head, and stretch your legs. Pull your feet towards you. Stretch your arms upward, try to push your butt off the floor. As you inhale, lift your shoulders and chest. As you exhale, lower your shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades together.
  2. Lie on your back. Stretch your legs, they should be together. Place your hands as support under your back. Raise your legs, they should make an angle of 90º with the floor. Redistribute the weight so that the load is on your shoulders. Breathe slowly and deeply. Stay in the asana for half a minute.
  3. Sit or stand with your back straight. Raise your arms, they should be parallel to each other. Keep them shoulder-width apart. Spread your shoulder blades to the sides.
  4. Stand or sit with your back straight. Place one hand behind your back from above, the other from below, clasp them in a lock. Hold the pose for half a minute.

Performing these exercises daily will help maintain the health and attractive appearance of your breasts for a long time.

Hatha yoga rejuvenates the body and increases attractiveness.

Numerous studies have confirmed the effectiveness of yoga for breast cancer. The practice is unable to cure the disease, but it can alleviate both the moral and physical condition of sick women.

The American Institute of Oncology studied the effect of yoga on the body for three months. 120 women with breast cancer took part in the experiment. According to the study, 50% of them practiced yoga.

Experts noted that those who practice yoga tolerate treatment better physically and mentally. Women did not suffer from depression; they had more strength for an active life.

Exercise makes it easier to endure chemotherapy. They increase muscle tone and relieve drowsiness. Thanks to special breathing practices, dizziness and nausea disappear.

Yoga will not replace the main treatment, but it will help you endure it more easily and give you strength to fight the disease.

Six exercises for beautiful breasts

It's no secret that women's breasts are the object of increased male attention. Even if a young man is hypnotized by your swaying hips, his gaze will still gradually rise higher and higher until it rests on the seductive bulge. Even if during a conversation he looks into your eyes, his gaze will now and then be directed to your neckline...

High, firm breasts are undoubtedly the decoration that every woman dreams of. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the pectoral muscles, and the sooner the better. Widely advertised creams and gels will help little here, but with the help of special exercises you can lift your breasts and even slightly adjust their shape, and in the meantime prepare your shoulders and arms for a spring appearance.

This set of six exercises is designed to be practiced three times a week. You need to perform two approaches to each exercise. For classes you will need a gymnastic mat and dumbbells of 2-3 kg or plastic bottles of water of the same weight.

To warm up the muscles - a short warm-up: 10-12 rotations of the shoulders forward and backward and the same number of rotations with arms extended to the side.

Exercise 1. Raise your arms

Starting position: lying on your back, holding dumbbells or plastic bottles of water. Hands in front of you, elbows slightly bent. We inhale and, without straightening our elbows, slowly spread our arms to the sides until our elbows touch the floor. Then we exhale and return to the starting position.

We repeat the exercise 15-20 times - this will make one approach.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and chest.

Exercise 2. Fell - did push-ups

Everyone can do push-ups, or at least everyone has seen how it’s done. Starting position: on all fours. Hands are spread wide, fingers pointing forward. We move our legs back, resting our toes on the floor. It is very important that the wrists are under the shoulder joints, and the entire body (from the crown to the heels) forms a straight line. Then we bend our elbows and spread them apart to shoulder level.

One approach – 10-15 push-ups. Try not to squeeze your shoulder blades or lower your head - this reduces the efficiency of the necessary muscles. Do not let your stomach sag so as not to harm your lower back.

Goal: strengthen not only the chest muscles, but also the front and back surfaces of the shoulders. As well as the abs, back, hip and buttock muscles - they work as stabilizers.

Exercise 3: Side Plank Raise

Starting position: on all fours. We take a dumbbell in our right hand, lean on our left, placing it directly under the shoulder joint. This palm faces forward, fingers spread wide. The left leg is bent at the knee, the right leg is extended back as if doing a push-up. Tighten your abs and raise your hips so that your entire body from your head to your right foot forms a straight line.

We lower the hand from the dumbbells down, turning the palm towards ourselves. Having fixed the position of the legs and body, slowly raise the arm upward through the side. We also lower it slowly. We repeat 6-8 times, then change sides - this will make one approach.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the upper and middle back, shoulders, upper chest.

Exercise 4. Long push-up

Starting position: lying on your stomach, stretching your legs on your toes so as to touch the floor with the upper surface of your feet. We rest our straight arms on the floor, palms directly under the shoulder joints. We bend our arms, lowering ourselves as low as possible to the floor, while keeping our elbows pressed to our body. Then we smoothly raise our body, simultaneously sitting on our heels and stretching our arms forward, like a cat. We return to the starting position and repeat the entire sequence of movements 8-10 times. This will amount to one approach.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the chest, front of the shoulders, triceps.

Exercise 5. Flexible dog

Starting position: on all fours, hands under shoulders, palms resting on the floor. Fingers fan out, looking forward.

We collapse the lower part of the body: the pelvis and hips fall to the floor. Legs straight. The main load falls on the hands. We open the chest - shoulders down and back, stretch the top of the head up, look straight ahead. We maintain this position for 60 seconds, then return back to all fours: rest -20 seconds. Repeat the exercise three times.

Goal: open the chest, strengthen the pectoral muscles.

Exercise 6. The most beautiful woman in the world

Starting position: lie on your back, legs straight, arms extended behind your head. For 30 seconds, stretch your arms and feet along the floor away from you as far as possible. Then we bend our knees, hug our knees with our arms and press them to our chest. Do not lift your head and chest off the floor. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times. Then simply lie on your back, breathing deeply and turning your hands palms up. It is very useful to imagine at this moment how the breasts acquire elasticity and become more and more seductive.

In three weeks, the first noticeable results and compliments will appear.


The restrictions on practicing our favorite type of yoga are as follows:

  • heart defects;
  • hypertension;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • spinal injuries.

If you have chronic diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting classes.

Yoga classes will help develop body flexibility and normalize mental activity. Thanks to them, sleep improves and stress resistance increases. Some exercises allow you to tighten your chest muscles and make them more elastic.

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