Drying. How to get rid of fat. Part 3. Training.

August 23, 2021 Admin Home page » Tips and tricks

Find out how to create an athletic figure without excess fat, nutrition plan, grocery list, training programs.

All men working out in the gym want to gain decent muscle mass before the start of the summer, but this is almost impossible without excess fat, so there is a mixture of muscle mass and fat (unless, of course, the trainee is on pharmacotherapy). Drying the body makes it possible to create a sculpted body, with excellent muscle definition and a minimal level of fat. To accomplish all this, there must be a clearly structured body drying program for men, which in the end will bring results.

Body drying nutrition

Nutrition plays a key role in creating a sculpted figure; it is the body’s main fuel, on which the final result directly depends. To do this, you need to follow some rules:


Provides meals 6-7 times during the day, forget about the standard 3 meals a day regimen of breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is good for ordinary people, but not for those who improve their body. Eating small meals frequently helps speed up your metabolism, the speed of which determines how quickly fat will be burned. In addition, eating small portions does not stretch the stomach and ensures a constant, uninterrupted supply of all necessary nutrients.


During the period of drying the body, the main task is not to gain muscle mass, but to reduce the amount of fat deposits with minimal muscle loss. Throughout the day, calorie consumption should be higher than consumed; this is a fundamental rule without which you can forget about muscle definition.

To do this, the number of calories eaten should be 15% less than those taken, for example, during the day you consumed 4000 Kcal, which means your consumption should be at a level of 4600 Kcal. If you can’t burn that much, then cut back on the amount of food you take.

The mirror will be your main assistant, if you see that within 1-2 weeks the size of fat deposits decreases and centimeters melt, then you are on the right track, if everything remains unchanged, then cut another 200-300 calories and so on until you will see the result. Each body is a unique system for which you need to find your own approach.


You only need to avoid animal fats (butter, sausages, fatty dairy products, pork, lamb) and include vegetable fats (salmon, tuna, olive and flaxseed oil) in your diet. It is necessary to consume these healthy fats from the formula 0.5 g. x 1kg. weight, that is, for a person weighing 90 kg. you need 45 grams per day. fat and nothing more.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, without which the body cannot withstand heavy physical activity, but they must be taken wisely. Their main share should fall in the first half of the day, and the last dose should be at 6 pm. Otherwise, if you take them before bed, the fat burning process will decrease down to 0 result.


Slow carbohydrates - have a low level of glycemic index, which gradually release energy to the body, uninterruptedly supplying it with energy, which, unlike fast carbohydrates, quickly release energy and, in the absence of the necessary physical activity in the next 1-2 hours, begin to be stored in subcutaneous fat.

Therefore, include grain porridge, brown rice, pasta, wholemeal bread, legumes, grapefruit, avacado, tomatoes, greens, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts in your diet.


If during the period of weight gain the required proportion of nutrition is 60% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 10% fat, then in the process of drying the body, protein and carbohydrates change places - 60% protein, 30% carbohydrates, 10% fats. Only in this way will fat be burned as much as possible, and the loss of muscle mass will be insignificant, carefully monitor that by 1 kg. weight was at least 2 grams. protein, that is, with a weight of 90 kg. you need to eat 180g. squirrel every day.


These food products are replete with fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, these include chips, mayonnaise, confectionery, sweet carbonated drinks and so on, they are tasty and pleasant to eat, but excess calories will worsen the shape of the figure and will not dry out the body enough.


Alcohol is extra calories, which are of no use during the drying process, whereby the body, instead of burning calories, directs energy to remove alcohol poison.


In this case, the training should not be strength training, but on the contrary, it is necessary to train using a special circular method, the rest between exercises is no more than 60 seconds, the weight should be used lightly, and the number of repetitions should be 15-20. In a word, after training, water should just flow out of you.

Training program for drying muscles[edit | edit code]

Recommendations for drying by Mikhail Prygunov

Recommendations from Denis Borisov

Leg training during the drying period

This training program is primarily intended for ordinary gym goers who do not set themselves the goal of participating in competitions, although, to some extent, it will also be useful for athletes starting the pre-competition muscle drying cycle.

Over the past autumn-winter period, we have worked hard, gained several kilograms of much-desired mass and, it seems, look good, especially in winter clothes. But, looking at our reflection in the mirror, we regret to state the sad fact that the mass gained with such difficulty resembles shapeless pieces of meat, moreover, covered with a fair layer of fat. What needs to be done so that you can proudly demonstrate to others your superbly developed muscles protruding from under the short sleeves of a T-shirt in the summer? The answer here is very simple. To do this, you just need to remove excess fat from the body; for this you need to follow a cutting diet and adjust your training program. However, this task is quite difficult and certainly much more difficult than stupid weight gain in the fall and winter. Consideration of this issue requires an integrated approach that solves the problem from different angles.

Menu for drying the body for every day

A properly designed nutrition plan is half the success. Many people think that the main focus should be on training and exercise, but the foundation for creating beautiful muscular nutrition is laid precisely in the foods consumed.

  • water 200-300ml.
  • oatmeal – 60g.
  • 0.5 grapefruit
  • smoked eggs – 1 whole, 4 egg whites
  • rice – 50g.
  • vegetable salad – tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce
  • buckwheat porridge – 40g.
  • chicken fillet – 120g.
  • low-fat cottage cheese (0-1%) – 150g.
  • olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • BCAA – 5-10 gr. right during the workout
  • buckwheat porridge – 50g.
  • chicken fillet – 120g.
  • vegetable salad – tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce
  • linseed oil – 1 tsp.
  • Turkey fillet – 80g.
  • vegetable salad – tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce
  • Chicken egg white – 4 whites
  • chicken fillet – 120g.
  • vegetable salad – tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce
  • olive oil – 1 tsp.
  • Cottage cheese – 200g.

Carbohydrates – 150-160g.

Protein – 180-200g.

Fats – 40-50 gr.

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This nutrition plan is for a man weighing 75-80 kg, weight loss under the condition of intense training should be approximately 0.5 - 1.0 kg. weekly.

If there is a weight loss greater than the specified norm, it means that muscle mass is already being lost, so add protein to the diet and carbohydrates in the first half of the day, if, on the contrary, the weight loss is less than 0.5 kg. reduce the amount of carbohydrates, especially in the evening.

What exercises can you do at home?

In order to perform exercises at home, you need special equipment. For example:

  • jump rope,
  • collapsible dumbbells,
  • stopwatch,
  • heart rate monitor,
  • rug.

It is worth doing both cardio and strength training. Let's give an example of some exercises. However, know that full-fledged training in the gym under the guidance of a trainer can help you achieve your goals more quickly and without injury.

Cardio exercises.

Their main focus is rapid fat burning. During exercise, you need to monitor your pulse and keep it at 130 beats per minute. Before you start cardio, you need to warm up - walking for 3-5 minutes. We switch from walking to a 20-minute run. Then we jump rope for 5-7 minutes. Stretching is usually a good way to cool down. Cardio training is often easier to do in the morning, as the body has a lot of energy after waking up. If you have had a back or knee injury, you should not run. It is precisely because of such subtleties that it is better to work with a trainer, because he will take into account individual characteristics when drawing up a program.

Strength training.

During circuit training, you can do push-ups from a low support. Hands are placed shoulder width apart. For leg exercises, you can use squats with dumbbells. Such equipment will also be useful when performing swings, bench presses in a sitting position, and so on.

Pumping the pectoral muscles


  • bench press in a lying position;
  • butterfly;
  • bent over dumbbell flyes;
  • Bent-over dumbbell press;
  • pullover,
  • information in the crossover through the lower blocks.

You need to perform the exercises using trisets, for example – bench press, butterfly and pullover, the second option – bent over dumbbell press, bent over dumbbell flyes, crossover exercises through lower blocks. This means alternating exercises, performing them one after another without rest breaks. This rather heavy type of pumping, such as negatives, is also very suitable for the chest. The bottom line is that you first need to isolate the muscle, then pump it well. An example would be to perform the butterfly exercise - since it is isolating, and then do the base - the bench press. You need to start with 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Over time, it is imperative to increase the number of approaches and repetitions. After a month there should be at least 6 approaches for the pumping to be noticeable. Exercises can be performed using various pumping techniques. The main thing is to gradually increase the number of repetitions without fail.

We need to accelerate (speed up) metabolism.

This is done by eating five meals a day and training. And a side effect of our classes will be weight loss.

Now Masha has been training for 3 months. Here's what she wrote about the workouts:

“Valentin, hello. Everything is fine, of course I’m working out?, but I can’t lose weight according to the schedule that you sent, sometimes I break down, but I’m trying to control it, in total I lost about 7 kg in 2 months, although before I started training I went on vacation and I’ve gained 3 kg, so I’m trying really hard, walking has really become easier, taking 8,000 steps at a time is a bit difficult, so I’m trying to break them up into several parts a day)))”

The main thing is to give the body a feasible program and then things will go well. And one more thing: usually all overweight women are given 1000 calories per day for weight loss. This is done so that she can feel the joy of losing weight quickly. But is it really possible to give a 60 kg overweight girl 1000 calories for everything? She definitely won’t be able to withstand such tests and classes will stop. Masha’s caloric intake is 2000 kcal per day, and then she breaks down.

After Masha has covered all the required distances and speeds while walking, we will smoothly move her to running. Then she will be able to run slowly. The weight will decrease further and your legs will become stronger. Gradually we will get to interval running. Running which is recommended for weight loss.

Physical exercises (strength). Proper drying of the body.

If aerobic exercise (walking, running) starts the metabolism in the body, then strength exercises act differently. Strength exercises are work on weight machines, barbells, dumbbells, horizontal bars, etc. In the process of strength training, the muscles become stronger, fuller and... They begin to absorb a large number of calories.

Muscle training does not increase metabolism (metabolism), but it allows you to burn a lot of calories. After all, we train almost all the muscles of the body with strength exercises. Let's add aerobic exercise and proper nutrition (caloric intake) and we get a powerful tool for drying the body.

Now strength training takes place according to the following scenarios:

1 We train a muscle once a week, thus gaining muscle mass.

2 option to train 3 times a week doing the same exercises.

3 circuit training. For beginners this is a very intensive training.

The second training option is best for us, 3 times a week and each training session the same exercises. This workout burns fat perfectly.

Training, drying with strength exercises:

The first month we practice the technique of performing exercises

Monday Wednesday Friday.

1. General Warm-up: 10 minutes on the treadmill.

2. Ex: P 2/3 x 15 (60%) kg. a light weight

3. Zhl: P 2/3 x 10 (60%) kg. a light weight

4. Graviton: P 2/3 x 10 (60%) kg. a light weight

5. Press: lower 2 x 12 upper 2 x 12 we practice the technique

6. Stretching: biceps, abs, rectus dorsi, glutes, quadriceps, triceps and pectoral muscles.

7. Carbohydrate window: within 20 minutes after training, eat a sweet fruit or a glass of sweet juice.

Second month and beyond.

Monday Wednesday Friday.

1. General Warm-up: 10 minutes on the treadmill.

2. Ex: P 4/5 x 12 (?) kg. working weight

3. Zhl: P 4/5 x 10 (?) kg. working weight

4. Graviton: P 4/5 x 15 (?) kg. working weight

5. TgB R 2/3/4 x 12 (?) kg

6. Press: lower 3 x 12 upper 3 x 12

7. Stretching: biceps, abs, rectus dorsi, glutes, quadriceps, triceps and pectoral muscles.

8. Carbohydrate window: within 20 minutes after training, eat a sweet fruit or a glass of sweet juice.

I'll decipher the abbreviation.

R - special warm-up before working with weights, Special warm-up.

2/3/4/5 if you are doing the exercise for the first time, then first do 2 approaches, then gradually add 2/3/4/5 sets and reach 5 approaches. What are approaches

x 8 the sign after x indicates how many repetitions to do in one approach. What are repetitions?

(?) kg sign indicates that you need to select a working weight.

Stretching - how to stretch muscles

Carbohydrate window - what is the carbohydrate window.


Rest between sets exactly 3 minutes.

Pr is a squat with a barbell on your shoulders.

The press is an exercise that is described in detail on the website. Otherwise it is called twisting. On page 4 there is a video from the top, the first 2 exercises. If it is difficult to do at first, help yourself with your hands on your hips. The first 2-3 weeks.

Zl – bench press.

Tg B – horizontal block thrust

Graviton - a pull-up machine or TV Bl - vertical pull-down on a machine

This kind of strength program is well suited for drying.

And the last point of our article is:

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