Text of the book “Fasting is stronger than pills! Healing, cleansing, prolonging the life of the body and strengthening the spirit! Author's experience + the best of the systems of Bragg, Shelton, Shatalova"

When you choose a fasting method, you want to know all the subtleties and differences of each method. Cleansing the body according to Shchennikov is not without its own characteristics that must be observed during cleansing. The entrance to fasting consists of eating exclusively raw vegetables and fruits, which are not recommended to be mixed in one meal. The preparatory stage takes 2 days, the hunger itself is dry.

The time of dry fasting is limited; the Shchennikov method has a limit of 11 days. A complete cleansing of the body cannot last less than 5 days.

  • We recommend reading: how to fast on water


An important difference, in addition to refusing fluids and food, is staying awake at night. Also watch your breathing, inhale and exhale through your nose. Reduce the load on your body during fasting. The exit, as with strict diets, is smooth; you cannot immediately load the body with work.

During the famine, the gastrointestinal tract will decrease in size (stomach and intestines), and it will be difficult for it to absorb and process food in the volumes that you introduced before the famine. If you abruptly switch to your usual diet, the lost kilograms will return, and most importantly, the health benefits will be lost. New problems may arise.

Healing abstinence Shchennikov

Shchennikov’s “Healing Abstinence” method is based on the author’s independent research and the practice of hunger. The method received a patent and was tested in medical institutions. According to a representative of alternative medicine, the dry fasting method is not new, but unique to our time.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov varies in duration, courses are designed for 7, 9 and 11 days. Despite the different durations, the cleaning cycles are designed for the same purposes:

  • Stimulation of immune processes;
  • Protection from harmful environmental factors (both external and internal);
  • Getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • Restoring the regenerative and preparative functions of the body;
  • Prevention of hypothetical dysfunction in the body;
  • Antioxidant action;
  • Getting rid of excess fat deposits;
  • Fighting addictions (nicotine, alcohol, etc.);
  • Improving the functioning of the body.

Dry fasting according to Shchennikov, lasting up to 7 days, can be carried out without medical supervision. From 7 to 11 days, it is worth cleansing the body under the supervision of a doctor or people who often practice fasting for more than 11 days.

Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov

Briefly about yourself

I was born in 1932 in the Urals. From childhood I began to think about what life is? One lives 60-70 years, the other more than 100, a tree can live up to 2 thousand years. So there is a secret to health and longevity? I decided to look into this myself. He studied anatomy while working in a regional hospital, became more familiar with medicine, and became interested in homeopathy. And finally I realized that a person does not live as long as he could, and is susceptible to many diseases because there is no unity of mind with body.

I have always believed and continue to believe that a person who has not known the laws of life cannot reach his goal without knowing himself. Each of us, reaching adulthood, sooner or later asks questions about the meaning of life. This happened to me too. In 1971, I embarked on the path of self-knowledge and became what is called a naturopath. Before that, like everyone else, I drank, smoked, and got sick. But I always wanted to open this circle in which almost all of humanity runs without realizing that man is capable of more. I was looking, like everyone else, for the meaning of my existence; I was dissatisfied with the usual state of affairs, with the protracted and meaningless routine. In addition, working in an ambulance, where I saw so many sick people and illnesses, I always wanted to help the suffering and could not find the answer to many questions only in medicine, I was looking for a panacea, the essence of health itself. I decided to start with myself. After all, if everyone starts with themselves, won’t we all change for the better? And you don’t need to go to anyone for advice, especially since many of the advisers are sick themselves. I began to accustom my body to cold and my stomach to hunger every day. In the morning in winter and summer, regardless of the weather, he began to douse himself with cold water. I got used to it, and as a reward, I forgot about colds. He practiced a raw food diet (he ate exclusively raw vegetables and fruits). The next stage was fasting without liquid after 3 days on the 4th, then for 5 days in a row.

He was awake at night, and if he slept, it was until 3-4 o’clock in the morning, and then he was in the air until 8 o’clock. While awake at night, I felt improved thinking, clarity of mind, and in 1973 he created the “Alphabet of Self-Knowledge,” which he subsequently rechecked until 1981.

In March 1980, he fasted for 10 days without liquid for the first time. He took moisture from the air at night and assimilated it through his skin during the day, periodically sitting in the water like a frog. Lost 15 kg, recovered in a week. This was my first experience of long-term fasting without liquid. He practiced abstinence constantly. During the period between fasts, I gained optimal weight in 3 days. I became so younger that people didn’t recognize me. The effect was amazing. An extraordinary lightness and joy appeared. I cried with happiness, because I had never experienced anything like this. I imagined that I had become the pioneer of a method of healing diseases and rejuvenating the body. But after a detailed study of spiritual literature and religions, I realized that this was discovered several thousand years earlier.

It is said: “... You will not destroy, but you will revive !..”, “... only Fasting and prayer bring us closer to God ...”. Moreover, the post comes first. I quote from Christian scriptures, but I found the same meaning in the most ancient religions of the world. It was incomprehensible and surprising to me then, why in any (!) religion in the world all the saints, all the greats, went through fasting? And this is in different eras, in different countries, and even with completely seemingly different religious dogmas? Why? How are we, perhaps the only intelligent beings in the entire universe, people of the new era, not great? Soon I had like-minded people, close friends in Spirit. Among them were people of different religions, which did not stop them from looking for and finding ways of development and self-education wherever possible, experimenting, learning, practicing different things, trying to find the best ways to advance...

Since 1980, after I began to intensively apply long-term abstinence from liquid and food to myself, followers appeared - mainly people who wanted to improve their health. At that time I lived in the resort city of Kislovodsk - Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, where I continue my work to this day. Anyone who has been there knows this ecologically clean place with beautiful nature and climate, a sunny city with many Narzan springs, one of the favorite vacation spots for everyone who wants to improve their health and enjoy nature and climate.

The rumor about the “non-traditional” healer Leonid Aleksandrovich spread throughout the cities, probably from those people who, while vacationing on vacation packages 20-30 days a year, heard about amazing healings from diseases using the Ts.V. method. Some vacationers came to me to be healed of their illnesses. The doors of my home have always been open to such people. I organized small groups of enthusiasts of 2 or 3 people and went with them from 5 to 11 days of abstinence from food and liquid while simultaneously improving myself. Even those who, having come to be healed, did not believe in success themselves, contacted me. These were people sometimes from completely different cultures. Relatives and friends came to support many and took the C.V. course. with them. Later, I temporarily moved to Moscow to obtain a patent for the invention of a method of rehabilitation of the body using C.V., “dry” fasting, and to organize schools using this method. At that time, I actively advised patients undergoing C.V. courses. at home, and also engaged in lecture activities during trips around Russia and neighboring countries. During these years and until now, almost every day I have to deal with different people and different rates of illness. From the very beginning of my activity, I have tried to keep accurate records of all cases of healing of people. But I soon realized that it took me too much time and effort and decided to rely only on my memory and experience. Many of those who were healed left me their diaries, notes and reports from clinics and institutes where they were examined before and after the course - as a thank you and to help me promote this method. Those who know me personally and those who knew me only from stories passed on information from mouth to mouth, helping everyone who wanted to be healed and believed in success. So, since 1980, I have encountered all kinds of problems and illnesses of people. Under my supervision were both young and elderly people who were unable to receive the help of traditional medicine, or, wanting to avoid complex operations, were looking for other healing options. Among them there were those who no longer got out of bed. I tried to help everyone who needed it. Many took the full course of C.V. independently, believing in the effectiveness of the method. From them I also received a large number of letters and calls about the results and further progress on the path to health. In May 1996, I was able to achieve 21 days of abstinence. This is higher than the Guinness record, as they say, but the main thing for me was the amazing experience. Experience the capabilities and conditions of the body, almost complete transition to azone nutrition. The paradox is that I didn’t want to go out at all, only with a huge effort of will and thought did I return to my previous diet. But this experience gave me knowledge that cannot be buried in the ground, cannot be taken away.

My lifestyle

If we talk about my own lifestyle and eating habits, I can say that for many years I have been following an easy-to-live routine and diet. It can't even be called a diet in full. For me it's a way of life. My diet does not include meat, fish, canned foods, or eggs. I give preference to vegetables, fruits, juices, and grains. I prefer to cook food by steaming - this way it preserves vitamins and other useful substances, including minerals. I drink pure spring water, natural juices, narzan. I don’t drink coffee or black tea; I make only an exception for some types of cool green tea. I don’t drink hot drinks, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke. I prefer to have much less liquid in my diet than is required on average per day; I fill it with vegetables, dousing with cold water, and fresh air. Dousing 1.2 times a day is included in my daily diet. I am so used to this that I cannot fully wake up in the morning until I cheer myself up with a shower or a douche, just as some people cannot cheer themselves up without coffee or a cigarette. When poured with cold water, the body is “charged” through natural interaction with water, which is the basis of all life on earth. Cardiac activity is strengthened. At the moment, I don’t even remember the last time I had a cold or a viral disease, and I believe that this is largely due to cold water and air baths. Porfiry Ivanov, a Russian healer and practitioner, once wrote in detail about the benefits of hardening the body, and I was convinced of this from my own experience. But I think cool air baths are the most beneficial for me. I never wrap myself in clothes. Skin is the largest organ a person has and it must breathe. Getting used to natural external conditions, the body’s thermoregulation itself adapts to the external environment. That's how it should be. Therefore, I think air hardening is more effective.

I limit myself in nutrition - I take food 1-2 times a day before sunset. Every week I give 2 “days off” (36 hours each), usually on Wednesday and Saturday or Sunday. At this time, the body is cleansed and the immune system is strengthened. The reward for this is complete freedom from illness, clarity and clarity of thinking, and cheerfulness. I sleep 5.6 hours a day, get up before dawn. Periodically, 1 or 2 times a month I do preventive health measures for the body - I fast without liquid and food for 5-7 days. After so many years of practice, this is not particularly difficult for me - I simply refuse food these days, live in a slow rhythm, doing things that do not cause overwork. On trips of 1-3 days on the train and during flights I don’t drink or eat. In this case, trips are tolerated without any unpleasant sensations and unnoticed. I like to be in the fresh air more often, preferably evening and night air. I try to stay awake more often at night - at night the air is fresh and clean.

Unlike some opinions that claim that our body is not capable of self-regulation, I adhere to the belief that the human body is a very ancient and wise mechanism. The genetic code transmits information from generation to generation about what is beneficial and what is harmful to health.

The child's body, like the body of animals, is very sensitive to the environment and food. He knows what to eat and drink at the moment, what vitamins are missing. When tired, he requires one thing; when sick, he may refuse food and liquid altogether. It has been said - be like children! Animals, for example a dog, a cat, are looking for the right herb for healing; a child asks his mother, for example, for a carrot, right now, refusing other, more tasty food. These natural manifestations, which are inherent in us in childhood, give way over the years to habits, tastes, and inattention to the correct needs that are necessary at this very moment. I always listen to what my body currently requires, as if it were a wise advisor, a doctor who would not give bad advice to a beloved patient. I noticed that all I had to do to lift my mood was eat an orange. This is because oranges contain a lot of vitamin C, although other fruits, such as kiwi, also have enough of it. Peach, apricot, dried apricots strengthen the heart muscle. Beetroot and pomegranate are good for the blood. Carrots help improve and prevent vision. The body itself knows and uses all this, you just need to learn to be attentive to yourself, because our body is much older than us. (Of course, it cannot be denied that people have genetic information. But I’ll say frankly, I’ve met few people who wouldn’t want to change bad predispositions, both for themselves and for future generations. But we have to start with this, it’s possible! So that there is no need to blame genetics! We have all the medicines in us! We can eliminate glitches in the program.)

If you manage to adjust your actions to the true needs of the body, you will find that food and liquid for its life and health are not required as much as before. With an abstinent lifestyle, the volume of the stomach and, accordingly, the amount of food taken are reduced to the required level. At the same time, the amount of vital energy increases proportionally .

In autumn and winter, I shock those around me when I put on sandals on my bare feet, go barefoot into the snow, and swim in an ice hole. Such an eccentric. Once every 3-4 months I carry out long-term abstinence from liquids and food for 7, 9 and 11, 14 days. By doing this, I rejuvenate the body, cleanse the body of toxins, prolong the full functioning of the body, and strengthen the protective immune system. This lifestyle has become easy and enjoyable for me. My daughter, despite her youth, also adheres to a healthy lifestyle, which makes me very happy. After embarking on the path of self-knowledge and self-healing, I gave up bad habits, forgot about pain, health problems, and depression. Now I promote abstinence in everything that harms the full functioning of the human body in material and spiritual life, realizing that everyone who wants to preserve and increase the wealth that is given from birth will not waste it unreasonably on trifles. Time will pass, and life will put everything in its place. Why wait when you can help yourself be healthy and happy right now?

Chapter 7

Excerpts from lectures, conversations

And audio recordings

(Questions and answers)

The lecture activities that Leonid Aleksandrovich actively and disinterestedly conducted in Russia and neighboring countries forced us to pay attention to Ts.V.’s method.

(I. L. Shchennikova: “... And how could one not follow such an example, when in front of the eyes of an already elderly person laughs at illnesses, jumping like a child?

My father could talk for hours not only with the audience, but simply with the same person about health and strength of spirit, and all just so that he wanted (!) to take charge of himself, to try, often his last chance! Why the last one? But the method is not easy! The patient often comes to him only when he has already tried everything possible, starting from psychics, especially popular in the 90s, homeopathy, fasting on juices, water. Look, the intestines have been cleaned, but the problem has not gone away, there is no healing! And in some cases people find this difficult but shortest path when it would seem to be very late. Father could spend hours convincing a person that late is better than never! One! The one who has converted, who is nearby, as he says, his neighbor! I wish everyone to see such examples of philanthropy. Do you remember well that at the same time, people who collected paid rooms and “taught” anything drove Mercedes, and their patients died in droves.

During the most active periods of his life, when a lot of energy was expended, the father “went away” into hunger, did not eat or drink during long journeys. He still fasts with the sick to set an example, and also for practice, as he himself says. For some patients, if they have no way to get to our specialists, the father comes himself. This is how real like-minded people and friends appear."

For many years, Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov devoted all his free time to organizing and holding events dedicated to the issues of improving the health of the population both in Russia and in the near and far abroad. As we have already said, wherever he spoke (organizations, enterprises, prisons, recreation centers, radio, television, etc.), great interest was shown in the method of Healing Abstinence and directly in the personality of the author himself.

Conversations are usually lively; Leonid Aleksandrovich answers some questions with humor and is always very friendly and sympathetic. So many people, so many opinions and questions. We print the most common ones and those that directly relate to health. Not without some oddities. For example, to the question - “How are you going to cure me of diseases in 10 days?” Leonid Aleksandrovich always answers with a laugh: “I’m not going to take care of your health, you take care of it!” If you think that someone will make you healthy, do not waste your time here, you have come to the wrong place! You can only do this yourself!” In matters of spirituality, of course, it is better to be present; this is a separate conversation that concerns everyone personally.

Leonid Aleksandrovich's lectures are always open for discussion; you can find some of them on our website. We decided to reproduce some moments of Leonid Aleksandrovich’s conversations with viewers and listeners in order to have the opportunity to somehow participate in the “live” communication between the author and the audience.

___ __________________________________________________________________

Leonid Alexandrovich, what do you think?

Entering fasting

In order not to harm the body by a sudden change in diet, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Entering hunger according to Shchennikov goes like this:

  • Animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry) are excluded from the diet.
  • 5 days before the start of dry fasting, it is recommended to switch to a raw food diet. Raw food diet is a diet in which only vegetables and fruits are consumed without heat treatment; dairy products are not allowed. It is better to avoid nuts and honey. However, the method prescribes the use of boiled beets as an exception.
  • After the intestines have acted (cleansing the gastrointestinal tract naturally), you are allowed to begin fasting.

Taking medications during hunger also stops; this should be done gradually. If you are seriously dependent on drugs (diabetes, cancer, respiratory diseases), reduce abstinence from food and water to 24-36 hours.

Dry fasting should not be practiced while taking medications.

If you really want to try the fasting method, then gradually reduce the dose of medications. Carefully monitor your condition; if there are acute reactions and the body refuses to work properly without medication, stop.

Everyday mode

It is important to rearrange your lifestyle during fasting so that it is inactive and sedentary. The body has nowhere to take energy from, so it should not be expended in large quantities.

  • Remove food and water from visibility, try not to think about food;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse;
  • Breathe through your nose, reduce verbal communication with people to nothing;
  • Do not spit out saliva, try not to clean your mouth, do not rinse your mouth;
  • Do not make sudden movements, try to be smooth and less energy-consuming;
  • Take a shower whose water temperature is below room temperature;
  • Don’t lie down too much, find a non-disturbing activity: embroidery, knitting, reading, etc.;
  • Do not show that you are practicing dry fasting, people may lose their mood. It is better to retire while following the course.
  • Wear light clothing, linen is a good option;
  • Walk without shoes more;
  • At night, try to be outdoors, be it walking or reading on the veranda (balcony);
  • Ventilate the room; the air should not be stagnant;
  • Follow the recommendations.


  • 6:00 – 12:00 – sleep;
  • 12:00 – 14:00 – cool shower and walking;
  • 14:00 – 17:00 – activities that you like, communication (not verbal);
  • 17:00 – 19:00 – entries in a diary with the results of the course, creative activities;
  • 19:00 – 23:00 – sleep or rest;
  • 23:00 – 6:00 – cool shower, walk.

Recommendations for conducting

Many people prefer Shchennikov’s method because it allows you to undergo fasting without a long trial, as with “wet” fasting according to Paul Breguet, and without problems, as with fasting on urine. Everything in it is so thought out that the accompanying symptoms do not go beyond the limits of tolerance, since both morally and physically the person is already ready for the tests. He knows that they are all symptoms of healing.

Frequency and duration

You need to start with a one-day 24-hour fast (from the evening until the evening of the next day). Repeat it with rhythm every other day for 5-7 days. Next, you can try a 36-hour fast. You need to start such a fast, as with a 24-hour fast, also in the evening. You also need to do several repetitions every other day, as recommended for a 24-hour fast.

Next, after 2-3 weeks we try two-day abstinence. It should be practiced according to how you feel, with arbitrary breaks until it is easily tolerated. And so on…

As you can see, there are no clear plans or deadlines; you create them yourself, guided by your own well-being, and this is another advantage of this method. You yourself plan the rhythm of the fasting process with breaks recommended by the author of the method, and move to the next stage of fasting duration when you yourself feel the need for it.

In order for the healing processes to start, you need to wait for an acidotic crisis . According to Shchennikov, it occurs on the 9th day of dry fasting.

Its signs:

  • increased body temperature (especially the head) with cold extremities;
  • semi-fainting state (not for everyone, only for those who have not done a good enough preliminary cleansing of the body);
  • vomiting (not for everyone, only for those who have not done a good enough preliminary cleansing of the body);
  • heavy menstruation outside the cycle in women (not in all women, only in those who have not done a good enough preliminary cleansing of the body);
  • tachycardia (not in everyone, only in those who have not done a good enough preliminary cleansing of the body).

All these unpleasant sensations must be perceived as signs of a complete healing process. To relieve them, the healer recommends sitting (20-30 minutes) in a bath with water at room temperature, or dousing yourself with cold water from a 10 or 12 liter bucket, and breathing cool fresh air at night.

Daily regime

The daily routine that Shchennikov recommends following during fasting is unusual, but it significantly makes it easier to complete the course of healing abstinence from food and water. This is staying awake at night.

Other Features

  • Remove food and water from sight. Visiting the kitchen is PROHIBITED.
  • Intimacy is PROHIBITED (!).
  • Breathe through your nose. Talk to a minimum (preferably with gestures) so that your mouth is closed. Don't spit. Do not rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.
  • To save energy. Do not make sudden movements. Don't play sports.
  • Recommended activities: knitting, embroidery, drawing, reading, yoga, auto-training, prayer (free, as it turns out).
  • Keep yourself in control. Keep calm. Avoid bad thoughts and conflicts. Be humble and peaceful.
  • Wear light, loose clothing made from natural fabrics (preferably hemp or nettle, at worst linen). It should not squeeze the body.
  • Walk barefoot.
  • Sleep with minimal clothing (preferably without clothes).
  • Constantly ventilate the room. Breathe fresh air as much and often as possible.
  • Enemas are PROHIBITED.

It is recommended to practice long-term dry fasting (from 9 days) once every six months, and up to 5 - 7 days inclusive, once a quarter. This recommendation is for those who have already restored their health and want to maintain it at the proper level.

For those healing, the frequency and duration are determined step by step, based on how they feel after emerging from the next long period of fasting (9 - 11 days). If you follow all the recommendations and the will to continue to live, to live healthy (healthy), the result is the same - COMPLETE HEALING (!). The main thing is to remain deaf to the lamentations of parasitic medicine practitioners (oncologists, for example), because by your actions you are depriving them of income at the expense of your health, as well as your closest relatives who want to enter into inheritance rights early...

And, most importantly (!) , you must firmly believe in the final Result - in your COMPLETE HEALING.

Feelings during the course (11 days)

  1. It is important to overcome the psychological barrier and get ready for further dry fasting. On the first day, people often feel fear, fear of new things and hunger. Symptoms of malaise appear, which is even more frightening. Dizziness, weakness, nausea are normal reactions of the body. Symptoms are more severe in men. Weight loss will be 1 or 1.5 kg, depending on the initial one. It is recommended to keep a diary of your hunger.
  2. If the psychological barrier remains from the first day, then most likely the same symptoms will be observed: dizziness, nausea, malaise. On the second day, both hunger and thirst appear, both feelings must be overcome by doing something exciting. You can try to get rid of cravings for food and water with the help of auto-training.
  3. On the third day, the body should get used to the new regime and switch to nutrition from internal reserves. The feeling of hunger and thirst will weaken. During this period, blood pressure often drops, and black spots appear before the eyes. Try to move smoothly and slowly; sudden movements will make your head feel more dizzy.
  4. Your blood pressure still drops and you may develop a mild fever. Douches and walking barefoot are recommended, do not forget about a cool shower.
  5. Diseased organs begin to send signals to the brain, which causes discomfort in the body. You need to be prepared for these painful sensations in advance; you can suppress them only with a rubbing massage or willpower. Body temperature is elevated due to the fight against disease. Pay close attention to your pain, write it down in a diary, remain nonjudgmental, and take a cool shower.
  6. Increased sense of smell, smells seem unpleasant. Lower back pain may occur due to lack of physical activity. Move more than you sit, but remember to be slow and fluid. On this day, it is recommended to ventilate the room more often and walk outside (especially when it is raining or foggy outside). Watch your thoughts, do not indulge hunger and thirst.
  7. The day is characterized by normalization of the condition. The emotional background improves, relief is felt. Urine acquires a dark, brown color, which is how the body gets rid of poisons.
  8. It often manifests itself as a coating on the tongue, a bitter taste in the mouth. There is an increase or decrease in heart rate. Irritability will appear, which can be eliminated through self-hypnosis and auto-training. It is recommended to tie your mouth while you sleep, and continue to do this until the end of the course.
  9. Headache, fever, increased body temperature, it needs to be cooled using the usual methods. Vomiting or menstruation may appear, everything happens due to the cleansing of the body. The heart rate increases, the extremities become cold.
  10. Alienation occurs, relief is complete or partial. Time passes slowly, the body has overcome the crisis and continues internal cleansing.
  11. You must complete the method at the same hour at which you started it 11 days ago. Prepare to leave the post.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use of the method:

  • stones in the gall bladder, kidneys;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • oncology in the initial stages (in later stages too, example here );
  • reduced immunity (caused by the use of poisonous pharmacology);
  • severe intoxication of the body (only under the supervision of a specialist in this method);
  • excess weight;
  • swelling;
  • unwanted pregnancy at an early stage, when abortion is still offered, but without the use of dangerous surgery (which makes 80% of women gynecologically infertile disabled) and without the use of pharmacological contraceptive poisons that make women unable to give birth to healthy children.
  • hepatitis;
  • cold (ARI);
  • angina pectoris and other diseases.

Contraindications to the use of the method:

  • pregnancy, lactation (feeding the baby with breast milk);
  • weight deficiency (if it is not related to cancer);
  • kidney disease (it is possible to use short-term fasting under the supervision of a specialist using this method);
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, hemophilia (it is possible to use short-term fasting under the supervision of a specialist in this method);
  • problems with the central nervous system, traumatic brain injury, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis (it is possible to use short-term fasting under the supervision of a specialist in this method);
  • hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis (it is possible to use short-term fasting under the supervision of a specialist in this method);
  • oncology in an advanced state (gives excellent results if the patient wishes to live. See example here );
  • rehabilitation after radiation and chemotherapy (provides excellent results if you subsequently abandon the deadly radiation and chemotherapy, and if the patient wishes to live. see example here );
  • age up to 12 years.
All indications and contraindications are relative. Everything is determined by how much the patient trusts official (parasitic paid) medicine, which builds its business on diseases, and how much he (she) wants to live.

Any body reacts the same way if you follow its step-by-step cleansing.

But it is best to first cleanse the body of cadaveric poisons accumulated in it as a result of eating cadaveric food (meat and its semi-finished products, both smoked and boiled), by switching to a raw and boiled (preferably steamed) vegetable diet.

To do this you need:

  • carefully read the book “Healing System according to Leonid Shchennikov” ,
  • draw up a consistent plan from short-term dry fasting to a gradual transition to long-term fasting, taking into account the breaks recommended in the method.
  • refuse forever from harmful poisonous corpse food (in Shchennikov’s book, unfortunately, there is no strict refusal of such “food”), from any alcohol, from smoking and, of course, from drugs.

It is not worth taking permission for this method of recovery from your attending physician because in the current situation, most of them are not interested in your final recovery, because the business of parasitic medicine is built on diseases and their diversity, and on the patients who received them (often in medical establishments).

Innovator specialists who have found a cheap and, most importantly, effective method of completely healing the Human body without the use of destructive pharmaceuticals, which, as a rule, drive the disease into the “chronic” region, are simply killed.

There are many examples of this , both in the West and here.

I will list just a few of those killed recently:

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin , who devoted more than 30 years to space medicine, studying the restorative characteristics of the human body, collecting the invaluable experience of real Healers, unrecognized by official parasitic medicine because of their high effectiveness in healing Humans. He developed a method for restoring a person’s health from any stage of the disease, including the so-called “cancer”, which he officially proved - NO. He opened his own center, where he taught visiting patients how to be healthy and how to maintain this health in the future;

- Pyotr Petrovich Goryaev , who discovered the wave therapy method, which defeated all diseases “incurable” for parasitic official medicine (including “cancer”). Moreover, he made it possible to regenerate lost organs, both internal and limbs, as well as lost teeth. He opened his own center, where he helped everyone who came to him to restore their health, both in person, when the patient comes for an appointment, and remotely, using the wave technology he developed WITHOUT THE USE OF DESTRUCTIVE KILLED PHARMACEUTICS.

- it is quite likely that Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov was also helped to “leave” his life. After all, he also defeated the “incurable” CANCER for official medicine.

And all those who defeat “cancer,” in the opinion of Rockefeller’s parasitic official medicine and pharmaceuticals, are subject to IMMEDIATE DESTRUCTION, as those who have encroached on their “gesheft” (income),

But let's get down to business...

Exit from dry fasting

You should end your fast carefully, having carefully read the recommendations. Termination is extended for 4 days.

  • Day one : Take a head of cabbage, grate it and eat it. Prepare a salad from grated vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, cabbage), do not add tomatoes, refrain from salt and spices. One meal no more than 200 grams. Eat food every 2-3 hours. On the first day, about 1000 calories should come out. Drink exclusively clean water and herbal decoctions. You shouldn’t be overzealous with the liquid; 1.5 liters on the first day is enough. Your weight on this day should increase by 0.5-1 kg.
  • The second day goes the same way as the first. Vegetable and fruit juices are recommended for consumption; the energy value of the diet can increase to 1200 kcal. It is allowed to increase fluid intake to 2 liters.
  • On the third day , the body is almost restored, liquids are allowed to be drunk in the usual amount, excluding hot drinks. Eat no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables and fruits per day, you can add 100-200 grams. of bread.
  • On the fourth day, you can introduce legumes and nuts into your food, the body is completely restored and ready to switch to its usual diet.


Your feedback, comments, questions

  • Katya Lycheva
    I am not against cleansing the body and a healthy lifestyle. I myself go on a vegetable diet from time to time, more often in winter. But what Shchennikov proposes does not fit into any gates. Dry fasting for five days is killing your own body. Several such sessions, and you can turn yourself into an old woman. In five days without water you can either die or lose your kidneys. I recommend modifying the method. Do not completely give up liquids, but take only vegetable juices. But not store-bought ones with preservatives. The juice must be freshly squeezed, preferably carrot or apple.
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