Tasty and tender - chum salmon: what is the calorie content and valuable qualities of the fish?

How to choose a good product

Since chum salmon is expensive, some unscrupulous sellers may try to sell pink salmon instead.

To avoid falling for their bait, you should remember:

  • Chum salmon is much larger than pink salmon, whose average weight is 2-3 kg.
  • High-quality, fresh meat has a bright pink color.
  • The eyes should be clear and free of clouding.
  • A fresh smell indicates that the fish was caught not too long ago.
  • Selected carcasses are free of stains and bruises.
  • There should be no indentations left after pressing on the skin.

Chilled chum salmon can be stored for no more than 8 hours.

Composition, beneficial properties, how many calories are in 100 grams, BJU

The fillet contains high quality proteins as well as healthy fats. In terms of protein content, this fish can be compared with chicken.

Chum salmon is also a source of methionine. This amino acid cannot be obtained from meat. Fish is rich in vitamins E and A, group B, as well as micro- and macroelements.

Fresh fish:

  • Proteins - 19 g;
  • Fats - 5.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 127 kcal;
  • Glycemic index - 0 g.

Lightly salted chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 23.51 g;
  • Fats - 9.53 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 182 kcal.

Salted chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 24.3 g;
  • Fats - 9.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 184 kcal.

Boiled chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 19.4 g;
  • Fats - 5.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content of boiled fish is 126 kcal.

Steamed chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 25 g;
  • Fats - 9 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content per 100 grams - 181 kcal.

Cold smoked chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 20 g;
  • Fats - 4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 116 kcal.

Hot smoked chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 25 g;
  • Fats - 9 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content of smoked fish is 181 kcal.

Chum salmon baked in the oven:

  • Proteins - 22.3 g;
  • Fats - 7.8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1 g;
  • Calorie content - 160.2 kcal.

Fried chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 21.1 g;
  • Fats - 13.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.5 g;
  • Calorie content - 224 kcal.

Stewed chum salmon:

  • Proteins - 19.4 g;
  • Fats - 4.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g;
  • Calorie content - 116.1 kcal.

Red chum salmon - benefits and harms, calorie content and chemical composition

Chum salmon is a fish of the salmon family. In addition to easily digestible protein, it contains a lot of useful elements. Athletes often add fish to their diet - quickly digestible protein is necessary for the full growth of muscle mass. Not only steaks or fillets of chum salmon have beneficial properties, but also milk with caviar, and the latter is often used in the cosmetic field to improve the condition of facial skin.

Fish is suitable for proper nutrition and is a source of fatty acids such as omega-3, as well as minerals vital for the proper functioning of the body. Chum salmon fillet is a dietary product: when consumed in moderation, it does not turn into fat deposits, but is almost completely converted into energy. Nutritionists recommend including red fish in the diet of women and girls who want to lose weight.

Calorie content and composition of chum salmon

Red chum fish is a low-calorie product that contains a lot of proteins and is completely free of carbohydrates. The calorie content of fresh fish steaks per 100 g is 126.8 kcal. Depending on the heat treatment, the energy value of fish may change, namely:

  • fried chum salmon – 386.1 kcal;
  • boiled – 126.9 kcal;
  • in oil – 245.3 kcal;
  • stewed – 129.5 kcal;
  • baked in the oven – 162.6 kcal;
  • steamed – 131.2 kcal;
  • grilled – 150.1 kcal;
  • salty – 184.3 kcal;
  • lightly and lightly salted – 182.1 kcal;
  • chum salmon soup – 32.2 kcal;
  • cold and hot smoked – 196.3 kcal.

Chum salmon milk contains 100 kcal per 100 g, red caviar – 251.2 kcal. For dietary nutrition, boiled, stewed and steamed fish are best suited. Smoked foods should be excluded, and salted foods should be consumed in limited quantities.

Nutritional value of fish per 100 g:

  • fats – 5.7 g;
  • proteins – 19.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • water – 74.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 0 g;
  • ash – 1.2 g.

The ratio of BZHU is 1/0.3/0, respectively. Chum salmon caviar contains 31.5 g of protein and 13.6 g of fat per 100 g of product.

The chemical composition of the product per 100 g is presented in table form:

Name of substanceContents of fish
Iodine, mg0,05
Copper, mg0,11
Iron, mg0,6
Manganese, mg0,05
Fluorine, mg0,43
Selenium, mg0,037
Zinc, mg0,7
Potassium, mg334,9
Sodium, mg60
Sulfur, mg190
Calcium, mg20
Phosphorus, mg199,8
Magnesium, mg60
Chlorine, mg166,1
Thiamine, mg0,33
Vitamin A, mg0,04
Ascorbic acid, mg1,3
Vitamin PP, mg8,6
Vitamin B2, mg0,2
Vitamin E, mg1,3

In addition, the composition of chum salmon is rich in non-essential and essential amino acids, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, namely: omega-3 in the amount of 1.07 g, omega-6 - 0.13 g, oleic - 1.18 g per 100 g. Cholesterol content – ​​80 mg per 100 g of red fish.

Health benefits of fish

Regular consumption of red fish is good for the health of men and women, as its composition is rich in minerals and vitamins that the body needs for normal functioning. The beneficial properties of seafood are manifested as follows:

  1. The amount of “bad” cholesterol is reduced, which improves the condition of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. The risk of developing diseases such as stroke, heart attack and hypertensive crisis is reduced.
  3. Improves metabolism and strengthens immunity.
  4. The condition of teeth improves, hair and nails become stronger.
  5. Stress decreases and mood improves. Fish prevents the development of depression. In addition, the product helps improve brain activity.
  6. Endurance increases, which is especially useful for athletes for more productive activities in the gym or before competitions.
  7. The reproductive function of men and women is restored, and the production of hormones is normalized.
  8. The process of restoration of liver cells is accelerated, and this organ is cleansed.
  9. The condition of the skin and the body as a whole improves, as fish has a rejuvenating effect on it.

It is useful to eat chum salmon during the period of recovery of the body after serious illness or physical exertion, and for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

For weight loss, fish is useful because it quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, does not create heaviness in the stomach and is quickly digested. Chum salmon does not contain “empty” carbohydrates, therefore it is not stored as fat deposits, but is almost completely processed and easily absorbed by the body.

Salted, lightly and lightly salted fish are good to use as a snack for strong drinks, as it reduces the toxic effects of alcohol on the body.

Smoked fish in moderate quantities helps restore visual acuity and saturate the body with fatty acids, but is not suitable for nutrition during a diet.

Beneficial properties of chum salmon milk

Milk contains a lot of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids and protamines, which are beneficial for diabetics. In addition, the beneficial properties from systematic use of the product are manifested as follows:

  • brain function improves;
  • skin rejuvenates;
  • liver function improves;
  • the process of degradation of brain cells slows down;
  • the bone skeleton is strengthened;
  • the risk of developing heart disease is reduced;
  • male potency increases;
  • blood sugar levels are regulated;
  • endurance and performance increase.

The beneficial substances in milk have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and reduce the symptoms of viral diseases.

Chum salmon milk is used in cosmetology to achieve a whitening and rejuvenating effect. However, we are talking about a fresh, not a salted product.

Benefits of caviar for the body

Red caviar of chum salmon is famous for its rich composition. However, due to its high calorie content, it is not recommended for frequent consumption during a diet. The benefits of eating caviar are as follows:

  • the functioning of the nervous system improves;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • male potency increases;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • vision improves;
  • prevents the development of cancer.

In addition, bones are strengthened and the condition of the skin improves. Caviar is recommended as a preventive measure for rickets. The product contains a lot of easily digestible protein, which is necessary for athletes. Caviar is also considered a preventive remedy for the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and eczema.

Contraindications and harm from fish

Excessive consumption of chum salmon, especially in salted and smoked form, is fraught with undesirable consequences. The recommended dose of chum salmon consumption per day is 100-150 g; eating fish 3 times a week is enough.

Contraindications to the use of smoked and salted products:

  • gout;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas;
  • kidney disease;
  • heart diseases.

Abuse of the product in any form can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, namely, indigestion, nausea, bloating and constipation.

Salted fish and caviar contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body and leads to swelling. Milk is not recommended for people with eating disorders and obesity.

In addition, chum salmon, like any other seafood, accumulates heavy metals in the meat. Therefore, excessive consumption of fish can lead to mercury poisoning.

© Alexander Talantsev — stock.adobe.com


Chum salmon is a healthy, dietary fish that contains easily digestible protein, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids necessary for humans, and vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to include the product in the diet for athletes, people who want to lose weight and those who adhere to a proper and healthy diet. Fish practically does not cause any harm to health if you do not abuse the product and take into account all contraindications.

Features of the effect on the human body, benefits and harms

Adult men and women, consuming chum salmon, take care of their health.

Vitamin B1 stimulates brain activity and helps avoid fatigue during intense mental activity. It maintains muscle tone and improves the functioning of the digestive tract. The vitamin is very useful for the skin and nervous system.

Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding can occasionally enjoy chum salmon , since it is quickly digested and does not burden the digestive organs and allows you to get all the vitamins and microelements necessary for life.

Red fish should be given to children with caution from the age of 2, monitoring its tolerance.

The presence of vitamins A, E, groups B, D and PP allows you to increase immunity and normalize the course of all metabolic processes. Calcium and fluoride will make children's bones stronger and will prevent tooth decay.

Elderly people should also include this product in their diet because it:

  • Prevents aging.
  • Prevents the development of diseases affecting the heart muscle.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthens vascular walls, improves blood circulation.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Prevents thrombosis.
  • Increases hemoglobin.

If chum salmon is present in the diet of older people, they can avoid hypertensive crisis, stroke and heart attack.

Chum salmon: chemical composition of fish, benefits and harms, selection rules

Chum salmon is the most common representative of the salmon family.
This fish is very demanding on cooking methods; traditional recipes can spoil its taste, but proper preparation guarantees an amazingly tasty and healthy dish. In many countries, chum salmon dishes are considered a delicacy, and the Japanese highly value soups and sushi based on this fish.

Chemical composition

Nutritional information per one hundred gram serving:

Calorie contentBelkov, Mr.Zhirov, gWater, g
127 kcal195,574,3

Fresh chum salmon does not contain carbohydrates or dietary fiber, making it an excellent product for low-carbohydrate diets.

Vitamin composition per hundred grams, in mg:


Macronutrient composition per hundred grams, in mg:


Microelement composition per hundred grams, in mcg:


In addition, chum salmon contains a number of essential amino acids: arginine, leucine, threonine, tyrosine, histidine, lysine.

Beneficial features

B vitamins, contained in abundance in this fish, promote active brain activity, increased muscle tone, and improved functioning of the heart muscle. Thiamine is also beneficial for normal nervous system function and skin health.

For smokers and those recovering from alcohol addiction, such a product will be more than useful. Thiamine acts as a strong antioxidant, preventing the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco at the cellular level.

Phosphoric acid takes an active part in strengthening the skeleton, teeth, nails and hair, and is an integral component of biosynthesis in the human body.

Chum salmon caviar is especially valuable. It does not contain cholesterol and carbohydrates, its nutritional value is higher quality than veal and beef.

By consuming chum salmon systematically, you can reduce cholesterol levels and improve blood supply to capillaries and vessels. Of course, to achieve this effect, you cannot cook fish by frying or stewing in oil. For patients with anemia, chum salmon is useful for its ability to increase hemoglobin levels.

Other beneficial properties include the positive effect of chum salmon on vision, immunity, reduction of inflammatory processes, and stimulation of metabolism. Fans of this fish are not afraid of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases and cholecystitis.

In terms of beauty benefits, eating fish can strengthen your teeth and nails and make your skin firmer and smoother. It is believed that the least processed fish, for example, lightly salted, has these properties. But this option is not always suitable for use by patients with gastrointestinal and kidney problems.

Harmful properties

Chum salmon itself has no contraindications. Only people with individual intolerance or allergies to non-protein foods should refuse such a product.

If you cook chum salmon in oil, the level of harmful fats and cholesterol increases critically, therefore fried fish is contraindicated for patients with problems with the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver.

How to choose the right fish?

Unscrupulous sellers often pass off pink salmon as chum salmon. The latter is a gourmet type of fish, so it cannot be cheap. Pink salmon is less tasty and healthy, but also cheaper.

  • Real chum salmon weighs at least 5 kg, maximum – 16 kg, so even when sold in pieces, their size cannot be small.
  • The color of the meat should be pink, bright, and the surface should be shiny.
  • When pressed, it quickly restores its shape and has no sharp or musty odors.
  • The scales of a healthy fish are shiny, even, intact, and silver-bluish in color.
  • In order not to be confused with pink salmon, you should pay attention to the color of the meat and the shape of the fish. It has a small hump, as follows from its name, and its meat is pale pink in color.

Chum salmon in dietetics

Like any other fish, chum salmon is perfect for the diet table. Moreover, for therapeutic diets it is also allowed almost everywhere. It all depends on the cooking method.

Conventional cooking by frying in oil in a frying pan will make the fish dry and stale. Therefore, it is most often used in salted form - for weight loss, or in stewed form - for therapeutic diets. Chum salmon turns out juicy and tasty if you cook it in the oven with vegetables in its own juice, wrapped in foil.

Chum salmon broths are also useful. They are not greasy, rich and go well with fresh tomatoes, sweet peppers and basil. You can use them to prepare sauces and dressings.

Chum salmon meat is digested in 1.5 hours, therefore it is strongly recommended by nutritionists during the period of remission of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Myths and reality

There is a common belief that this type of fish is quite toxic and eating it, and especially caviar, is strictly prohibited. At the same time, toxicity is expressed not only in food poisoning, but also in the manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthiasis and allergies.

It must be said that such consequences can occur for several reasons. For example, a person ate fish despite being allergic to seafood. And even if there was no such reaction to another type of fish, the allergy can manifest itself completely suddenly.

Improperly cooked or raw chum salmon can actually cause intoxication and helminthiasis. But this statement applies to all types of fish and meat, therefore, specifically in the salmon family itself, no pronounced toxicity was found.

It also happens that the fish is initially infected with worms. Of course, you cannot eat such fish. But such fish are not subject to grading, which is why conscientious producers will not supply such fish for mass sales.

As a last resort, you can determine the defect yourself without additional devices.

Rejected chum salmon has greenish scales, iridescent, pearlescent blue and green shades are visible on the surface of the meat, wormholes, dents, the color of the meat is brown, the smell is pungent, musty, and unpleasant.

Potential dangers and contraindications

Chum salmon meat suits almost everyone.

The exception is people suffering from intolerance to protein foods or fish.

Chum salmon is capable of accumulating harmful substances , so when purchasing in a store, do not hesitate to ask for documents confirming its high quality and safety.

People with liver and gallbladder dysfunction should not get too carried away with this fish, as it contains quite a lot of fat.

Harm and contraindications of fish

Despite a lot of positive qualities, chum salmon meat can cause harm to the body. First of all, it is not recommended to eat it for people who are allergic to seafood, as well as intolerant to any type of fish. Young children begin to introduce chum meat into their diet only from the age of 10 months.

First, give ½ teaspoon of boiled and crushed product, and then, if an allergic reaction does not occur, the portions are increased . There are few contraindications regarding the use of chum salmon. But people suffering from certain diseases still need to know about them.

  • The product should be discarded if you have the following ailments:
  • acute stage of gastritis or pancreatitis;
  • open form of tuberculosis.

It should also be taken into account that salted chum salmon should not be eaten by people suffering from hypertension, since an increased concentration of salt can aggravate the condition.

Important! When buying chum salmon, press your finger on its surface

if the hole recovers quickly, it means the fish is fresh. Otherwise, refuse to purchase.

Recommendations for use

Chum salmon is baked, boiled and fried. It can be purchased salted and smoked. If you want to fry a product, then you need to do it on the grill or in batter. The best cooking option is baking in the oven in foil.

It is recommended to soak salted fish before eating, since it is specially salted to increase shelf life.

Frozen chum salmon does not lose its original properties for a long time. It should be defrosted slowly, being careful not to damage the texture.

It is acceptable to introduce fish into your diet a couple of times a week in the amount of 200 g. This applies to baked or boiled chum salmon; salted or smoked chum salmon can be consumed in 100 g.

Use in cooking

You can cook excellent fish soup from chum salmon, or make aspic or fish soup. It goes well with vegetables and mushrooms.

Fish stuffed with mushrooms


  • Clean the fish and make a cut on the belly.
  • Rub the carcass with spices and salt and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Chop the mushrooms and mix with rice, boiled until half cooked.
  • Place the prepared filling into the belly and place the carcass in a baking sleeve.
  • Cook the dish in the oven for about 40 minutes.
  • Serve with steamed vegetables.
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