Liver tubing at home with mineral water

Gallbladder tubing (blind probing) is an alternative healing technique that can be used at home to eliminate congestion in the gallbladder and bile ducts. A simple procedure helps to get rid of constant nagging pain in the right hypochondrium and cleanse the gallbladder and liver of accumulated toxins and stagnant bile. Self-cleansing is allowed after consultation with your doctor and only if there are no stones in the gallbladder.

Composition and functions of bile

Recently, blind probing (blind tubing) of the liver and gallbladder, which can be done independently at home, has become increasingly popular among patients with diseases of the hepatobiliary system. In order not to harm your health, it is important to understand why tubage is needed, what functions bile performs in the human body, and for what diseases gallbladder stimulation can be performed.


The main indication for the use of tubage is stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, associated with both inflammatory processes and obstruction of the bile ducts. Bile (bile) is a thick liquid with high viscosity, a rich yellowish-brown or yellow-green color, a pungent odor and a very bitter taste. Bile is produced by liver cells (hepatocytes), accumulates in the bile ducts of the liver, after which it is excreted into the gallbladder and partially into the duodenum, where food coming from the stomach is digested and vitamins and other useful elements are absorbed.

Pancreatic steatosis (fatty infiltration, fatty lipomatosis) is a pathological process that is characterized by the irreversible replacement of functionally active cells with lipocides. Read more in the article: “Pancreatic steatosis: what is it?”

Depending on the level of acidity and primary localization, two types of bile are distinguished:

  • young (liver) bile
    . It is excreted directly into the duodenum to ensure the active phase of food digestion. Under the influence of enzymes and microbes inhabiting the intestinal mucous membranes, deoxycholic, ursodeoxycholic and other secondary bile acids are formed in young bile;

  • mature (vesical) bile
    . This is a highly concentrated bile containing large amounts of secondary bile acids, phospholipids, cholesterol and pigments (bilirubin). It accumulates in the gallbladder and enters it after primary cleavage in the small intestine, from where bile is returned to the liver (through the venous trunk, which is called the portal vein).

Bile also contains minor amounts of minerals (in the form of sodium and potassium ions), plant steroids, immunoglobulins, proteins and lipophilic xenobiotics.


Knowledge of the functions that bile performs in the human body allows us to appreciate the importance of methods aimed at improving the motor function of the gallbladder and liver and stimulating bile secretion, which includes tubage.

Some diseases that affect the human body require a special procedure to be performed as part of the overall treatment plan - colonic lavage with an enema. Read more in the article: “enema solution at home.”

Functions of the gallbladder:

  • neutralizes the negative effect of pepsin (an organic enzyme that is part of the digestive juice and synthesized by the parietal cells of the stomach);

  • crushes fats, facilitates their digestion;
  • stimulates peristalsis of the walls of the small intestine for further movement of digested food into the large intestine;

  • has a positive effect on the production of mucous secretions and hormones secreted by the gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system;
  • removes cholesterol, bilirubin and some metals from the body that cannot be filtered by the renal system;

  • prevents adhesion (adhesion, connection) of pathogenic microorganisms;

Stagnation of bile not only leads to disruption of digestive function, but can also cause systemic intoxication of the body and the development of an intense inflammatory reaction (sepsis).

Who is the procedure indicated for?

Tubage is a medical procedure that involves stimulating the secretion of bile in order to empty organs in which congestion occurs. During tubage, the circular muscles of the gallbladder and common duct, which block the opening of the hollow organs (sphincters), relax, while at the same time the smooth muscles of the walls of these organs contract. As a result, bile begins to flow into the duodenum and participates in the digestive process.

Indications for tubage are the following diseases:

  • chronic cholecystitis (calculous);
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • chronic pancreatitis and duodenitis;
  • stagnation of bile in the gallbladder.

In addition, this procedure is indicated for atonic constipation in order to improve intestinal motility, since its use helps to normalize digestive processes and accelerate the excretion of bile from the bladder into the duodenum. Tubage can be done to prevent gallstone disease. The cleansing procedure is also useful for absolutely healthy people, since in case of overeating or excessive consumption of fatty and heavy foods, it helps to improve well-being and improve the digestion process.

Indications and contraindications

Having found out what liver tubing is

, it becomes clear that you cannot use the method at your own discretion. It is intended to empty the gallbladder, which means there must be serious medical indications for its use. These include the following diseases.

  • — Biliary dyskinesia – i.e. disruption of their motility, which complicates the outflow of bile.
  • — Chronic cholecystitis, which may be accompanied by stagnation of bile.
  • - Hepatitis, in which, again, stagnation of bile may occur.
  • - Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas or duodenitis - inflammation of the duodenum, with the same problems of stagnation.

In addition, this method of removing bile can be useful for diagnostic purposes. In this case, it is used in combination with taking choleretic drugs and warming the liver.

Despite its effectiveness, performing the procedure using a probe or heating is not always possible. The main contraindications to tubage are the following conditions.

  • — Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the abdominal organs.
  • - Any acute illness.
  • — Organic, oncological diseases of the esophagus or nasopharynx.
  • - Hypertension.
  • - Cardiac ischemia.

We must not forget that the procedure involves swallowing a probe, which means it is also impossible to carry out in case of a pronounced gag reflex, panic attacks, phobias or other disorders.

Duodenal sounding (intubation tube)

This is an instrumental technique for stimulating the motor function of the gallbladder using irritant drugs and a duodenal probe. Irritating substances can be injected directly into the rectum or intravenously (stream or drip). The drugs irritate the walls of the gallbladder, increasing their tone and causing muscle contractions, and also relax the sphincter of the common bile duct, formed at the junction of the pancreatic (cystic) and hepatic ducts. This facilitates the excretion of bile into the proximal small intestine, from which it is collected into a duodenal tube and can be used for a comprehensive diagnosis of biliary tract pathologies.

Preparation for the procedure

Many people do not know how to do gallbladder tubing at home and how important it is to properly prepare for this procedure. If you ignore the preparatory stage, it is impossible to achieve the expected effect of cleansing the biliary tract organs.

It is recommended that a week before the tubing, you begin to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of animal fats. Products must be boiled or stewed. It is forbidden to fry food, especially meat and fish. Eliminate spicy foods, smoked meats, marinades, any instant foods and semi-finished products from your diet throughout the preparatory period. It is also necessary to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

How does the procedure work?

On the day of the tubing, before the event itself, it is useful to do several physical exercises to slightly strain the internal organs: do squats or bends. You should open the bottle of mineral water in advance to allow the gases to escape. To enhance the choleretic effect, the day before you can drink a glass of warm water with the addition of a weak choleretic agent (with sorbitol, xylitol, magnesium sulfate). How tubage is performed:

  • Heat mineral water to a temperature of 40 degrees (it should be slightly heated over a fire).
  • Fill a rubber heating pad with hot water and wrap it in a towel so as not to burn the skin.
  • Drink 5-6 small sips of warmed mineral water and lie on your back or right side under a blanket, applying a heating pad to the liver area. These actions relieve spasm of the biliary sphincter and relax the muscles of the biliary tract, which provokes the outflow of bile.
  • After 5-10 minutes, you should drink a few more sips of water and lie down again with the heating pad. So, the procedure should be carried out at five-minute intervals until the mineral water is finished.
  • When the water is completely drunk, you should lie down with the heating pad on your side for another twenty minutes.

In general, the entire procedure takes the patient no more than an hour, but after it it is advisable to remain in bed for some time, and also drink a lot of liquid (just boiled water or choleretic decoctions). Therefore, if there is no time to carry out the event, you can use the express method: after a 3-day diet, in the morning you drink 1 liter of heated mineral water (with pre-released gas), after which you should do active physical exercise for 10-15 minutes (squats, turns, tilts). Then drink a couple more glasses of mineral water and do a set of exercises again.

The end result of the procedure is the collection of secreted bile, which takes place in three stages.

Portions of bile during duodenal intubation

A portionWhat it isType of bile
Portion AIt is released through a probe after the olive enters the duodenum.Transparent, has a light yellow tint.
Portion BCollected after the introduction of an irritant (magnesium sulfate 25%, sodium bicarbonate solution 2%, etc.).Thick, concentrated, dark brown or olive in color.
Portion CThe final portion is released after the gallbladder is emptied.Transparent, without impurities.

How to do liver tubing correctly?

Note! Proper tubing is carried out only in a medical facility and under the supervision of a doctor. The therapeutic or diagnostic procedure has nothing to do with liver tubing at home


— In a medical facility, the sequence of the procedure is briefly as follows.

  • - Insertion of the probe by swallowing.
  • — Place the patient on the right side, with a warm heating pad at the right hypochondrium.
  • - Aspiration of the stomach contents, with simultaneous swallowing of the probe and its advancement into the duodenum.
  • — Collection of portion A (transparent contents).
  • — Introduction of an irritant to collect portion B (concentrated contents of the gallbladder).
  • - Receiving portion C (a mixture of bile, intestinal juice and intrahepatic bile ducts).
  • — Removing the probe.

It should be noted that emptying the gallbladder is a rather lengthy procedure. On average, it takes about 3 – 4 hours, and sometimes more.

Tubage at home: rules and recipes

Liver tubing outside the hospital is permitted only after consultation with the attending physician. An obligatory stage of preparation is an ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal organs, since the recipes listed below at home are contraindicated in the presence of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder and its ducts.

Listed below are the most effective and efficient tubage recipes that will help quickly eliminate congestion and normalize the flow of bile.

Recipe 1: Sorbitol cleansing

When choosing sorbitol as a provocateur for bile excretion, a tablespoon of powder is added to mineral water. For the procedure, you will need another glass of water, which you drink until you get the choleretic liquid. Further actions must be in accordance with the overall plan.

There are several effective tubage recipes that allow you to properly cleanse the intestines and gallbladder with the help of sorbitol and mineral water:

  1. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sorbitol to warm mineral water without gas.
  2. The solution is drunk on an empty stomach.
  3. Then you need to lie on the bed and put a heating pad under your right side for 2 hours.
  4. During the specified time period, the patient begins to feel the urge to defecate.

You need to repeat the tubage with mineral water and sorbitol 2 times a week for two months. During cleansing, it is forbidden to move suddenly. Turns and movements should be slow and smooth.

Recipe 2: Egg Cleansing

In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 2 raw egg yolks, and after 15 minutes drink 2-3 glasses of warm mineral water. You need to lie in bed with a warm heating pad under the right hypochondrium for at least 1-2 hours. Raw yolks can be replaced with boiled ones (for safety reasons).

Tubage with raw eggs is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • separate the whites from the yolks (you can use an egg separator);

  • without shaking, drink the yolks;
  • after 20-25 minutes, drink 450-500 ml of mineral water in small sips and lie on your side, placing any source of dry heat under it (a heating pad, an ironed diaper, etc.);

  • lying down, drink the remaining water.

Prolonged stay in a supine position – about 1.5 hours.

Recipe 3: berry tubage

Tubage using a decoction of rose hips is one of the most effective and pleasant ways to stimulate the motor and secretory functions of the gallbladder. Rosehip has a pronounced choleretic effect and is included in many medicines used to eliminate bile stagnation (for example, Holosas syrup). Tubage with rosehip decoction differs from other methods of tubage: it needs to be done several times in a row (usually 6-7 times with an interval of 24-72 hours), and after taking the decoction there is no need to lie down, which allows you to do household or professional duties and does not disturb the work rhythm.

Tubage is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • crush 100 g of fruits, pour 700 ml of boiling water over them and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes (this should be done in the evening);
  • Strain the finished broth and pour into a thermos;
  • the next morning, drink 300-350 ml of decoction, to which you need to add 5-10 g of xylitol;
  • After half an hour, drink the remaining broth in the same way.

You can have breakfast 1-2 hours after the procedure. It is better to choose plant-based dishes, such as fruit or vegetable salad, casserole, fruit soufflé or pudding.

Recipe 4: lemon-oil tubage

On the day of liver tubing with olive oil at home, you need to drink more warm, almost hot liquid. This is necessary in order to warm up the internal organs and dilate the blood vessels. This approach promotes better circulation of blood and bile through the ducts. 3-4 hours before the procedure, you can take a little plant food. Liver tubing with olive oil at home must be done gradually to avoid nausea.

You need to take 2 sips of olive oil. If you do not like its taste, you can use sunflower oil. Wash it down with lemon or any other sour juice, for example, rowan or cranberry. The sour taste of the juice also stimulates the rapid release of bile, which is why it is very useful. Oil and juice should be consumed in equal quantities - 150-200 grams each. After this, you need to tightly attach a heating pad with hot water to your right side and lie on it. Keep the heating pad on for about 2 hours. This cleansing method is not recommended for people with high acidity, since fruit acid will further increase the acidity.

Recipe 5: medicated tubage

This cleansing requires advance preparation in the evening. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of magnesia powder in a glass of water and leave it on the table until the morning. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you should drink a glass of solution and go back to bed, where, lying on your right side, warm the liver area with a hot heating pad. Warm-up time should be one and a half hours. This method is also commonly called “Demyanov’s tubage”, calling the cleansing after the developer’s name.

Recipe 6: tubage using sodium salt

Sodium salt of sulfuric acid (sodium sulfate, bitter salt) is a very effective remedy for tubing the liver and gall bladder at home. The procedure is carried out similarly to a tube with magnesium, but the scheme is slightly different: to achieve a stable result, you need to take the product for three days in a row. The dosage is the same as for magnesium sulfate - 10-15 g of salt per glass of hot water.

Tubazh according to Zalmanov classic

If you want to be healthy, you must take care of the normal functioning of your liver.

However, the purity of the blood and the condition of all organs and systems of the human body directly depend on this organ. But at the same time, the liver requires special care and attention, and without this, its functions can gradually be impaired. Congestion, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle can gradually lead to the formation of stones in the gall bladder, as well as the development of dystrophic changes in the organ itself. To avoid this, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive measures that improve liver function.

But if you already have such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, constipation, then you need to check the condition of your gallbladder.

If the examination shows disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, this is already a signal that it is necessary to urgently take measures to restore the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder. There are many methods for restoring normal functioning of the liver and gall bladder - this includes diet, special exercises, treatment with medicinal plants and cleansing the liver.

Tubage, which can be done at home, is very popular and the most affordable for every person. It is especially useful to do tubage after festive feasts, visiting guests, and also for those who are overweight. Tubage can be done for people who have had surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Tubage is called blind probing. This simple procedure promotes the outflow of bile from the gallbladder, cleanses the liver, and flushes the bile ducts from accumulations of bilirubin and cholesterol. G. S. Demyanov first began using tubeless tubes to cleanse the liver and gallbladder in 1948. Previously, in medicine, stimulation of the liver and gallbladder was carried out only with the help of a probe.

Tubage is an additional remedy in the complex treatment of diseases such as:

  1. duodenitis
  2. biliary dyskinesia
  3. chronic acalculous cholecystitis
  4. cholestatic hepatitis
  5. obesity
  6. constipation
  7. skin diseases
  8. allergy

Attention! Before performing tubage at home, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination of the liver to check for gallstones. If there are stones, tubing is strictly contraindicated, as it can lead to the movement of stones and, as a result, such a stone can block the duct, which will certainly lead to serious complications and even require surgical intervention. But if gallstones are not found, then before performing tubage it is advisable to clean the intestines. How to do this is described in the article: Traditional medicine for colon cleansing

There are many ways to carry out tubage with different components: with magnesia, sorbitol, mineral water, olive oil, infusion of choleretic herbs, sour juices. Each person must choose a method of cleansing individually, in accordance with concomitant diseases, so that there are no negative consequences.

Warming the liver with a heating pad is an essential component of tubage, which is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases. At the same time, blood circulation in the liver is activated, the volume of circulating blood increases. Due to additional thermal energy, the need for increased nutrition is reduced, the liver and spleen contract, the blocked diaphragm is released, breathing is restored and the body is cleansed of toxins through the lungs.

To properly carry out tubing at home, you need to prepare for it. To do this, 3 days before the procedure, you should switch to plant foods and drink more juices, especially beetroot and apple. On the day of the procedure, it is also recommended to drink plenty of warm, even hot liquid - boiled water or a decoction of choleretic herbs.

Methods for performing tubage (cleansing the liver and gallbladder).

Tubage with magnesia

It was this version of blind tubing that Demyanenko used. The method is quite simple: dilute a spoonful of magnesia in a glass of water and drink this mixture in the morning immediately after waking up, heating it to forty degrees. Then the liver is warmed up with a heating pad of hot water, which is applied under the right hypochondrium. Lie in a horizontal position on the right side with a heating pad for about an hour and a half. After this, bowel movements should begin with green feces, which indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly. Stool of this color indicates that a large amount of bile has been released. There may also be small stones in the stool. In this case, unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium and hepatic colic may appear. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to take no-shpa or papaverine to relax the bile ducts and reduce the contractile activity of the gallbladder. To consolidate the positive results from cleansing the liver and gallbladder, repeat tubage with magnesium once a week for three months.

Active tubing: what is it and how to do it

This is the fastest and most effective way to cleanse the liver, gallbladder and intestines, which is suitable for many patients (despite this, it is necessary to exclude the possible presence of individual contraindications). To carry out active cleansing you must:

  • in the morning, drink 700-800 ml of mineral water in small sips;
  • carry out active gymnastics, in which pelvic movements, bends and turns predominate;

  • after completing the gymnastics, drink another 300-400 ml of water and repeat the exercises (1 approach).

After charging, you should lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket. In most patients, abundant stool occurs within 15-40 minutes.

Liver tubing - what is it?

The concept of “tubage” is of foreign origin. From French, the word “tubage” is translated as “insertion of a tube, probe” and refers to the process of intubation. In official medicine, this is a rather complex medical procedure aimed at emptying the gallbladder using a duodenal tube. It is the gallbladder, not the liver! Therefore, the use of the concept of liver tubage

not entirely correct in relation to a medical procedure.

If inserting a probe for certain indications is impossible or impractical, then the procedure is carried out by taking choleretic drugs while simultaneously warming the liver area - this is the so-called probeless or “blind” tube. It was this that was adopted by adherents of alternative medicine. The “blind” method is recommended for use at home, emphasizing that this is almost the only way to effectively cleanse the liver, gall bladder, kidneys and generally any abdominal organs from toxins, stones and other dirt. In fact, in terms of its effectiveness, it is very far from the original purpose of the procedure and, in essence, borders on a barbaric method that has no scientific justification.

Who can do it and who can't

There are contraindications to tubing, and there are many of them. We list the diseases and conditions for which it cannot be done:

  • Presence of stones. Stones in the liver and gall bladder are not able to “exit” through the narrow bile ducts, but they may well become clogged or ruptured if you decide to undergo a tubage without a preliminary examination. This is exactly the situation with which the patient ends up on the operating table, so be extremely careful.
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases also do not require active cleansing manipulations. In this case, follow the regimen and carry out the treatment prescribed by doctors.
  • Any acute conditions associated with elevated temperature and intoxication.
  • Pregnancy, lactation, menstruation.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Giardiasis and other parasitic diseases.
  • Chronic somatic diseases during exacerbation, stage 3 hypertension, cardiac or renal pathologies.

calculous cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cholelithiasis;

The list can be continued with relative contraindications. They are stress and overwork, weakness and others. How can you figure out whether you need cleaning or whether you can easily do without it?

What is sorbitol?

Tubage can be used for prophylactic purposes - to prevent the progression of organ failure, or for therapeutic purposes - to reduce heaviness in the right side and dyspeptic symptoms against the background of chronic hepatitis (non-infectious origin).

To properly cleanse the liver with sorbitol and avoid adverse reactions, you need to know what the procedure is and what is necessary for it.

Cleansing requires “medicinal sugar,” which is often consumed by people suffering from diabetes. It is included in many dietary foods and drinks. It is obtained by hydrogenation of glucose, which is found in peaches, apricots and other fruits.

Cleansing the liver with sorbitol is carried out due to its ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive process and have a mild laxative effect, which allows you to remove toxic substances from the body.

Thus, the cleansing is carried out not only of the liver, but also of the kidneys, intestines and gall bladder. If the recommended doses are exceeded, sorbitol may cause diarrhea.

What's the result?

If you need a liver cleanse, do the following:

  • Visit the clinic, take a biochemical blood test, and undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Show the results to the doctor, he will advise the optimal method of cleaning, and at the same time confirm the absence of contraindications.
  • Follow the rules of healthy eating.
  • Live actively, move more.
  • Avoid animal fats, fried and smoked foods, making such food an attribute only on the holiday menu.
  • Do not abuse coffee, alcohol, strong tea, eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.

We think that if you follow these simple rules, you simply won’t need a tube.

Preparatory stage

Cleansing the liver with sorbitol is carried out thanks to its:

  • detoxification effect (harmful substances are excreted with bile and feces);
  • diuretic, which is necessary to stimulate diuresis and eliminate toxins in the urine;
  • laxative, which makes it easier to cleanse the intestines;
  • antispasmodic, which makes it possible to expand the bile ducts and activate outflow;
  • choleretic, due to which the outflow of bile with toxins from the liver is stimulated.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends not only on the properties of sorbitol, but also on proper preparation for cleaning. So, a week before it is recommended:

  1. start following a diet that includes eating plant foods, foods rich in fiber, as well as vegetables and fruits;
  2. the daily drinking volume should be increased to two liters;
  3. improve bowel function (monitor regular bowel cleansing);
  4. completely give up alcohol;
  5. stop taking hepatotoxic drugs (in consultation with your doctor);
  6. exclude from the menu fatty, smoked, salty foods, fried, spicy foods, soda, rich broths, sweets, fresh baked goods and coffee.

On the day of the procedure, the diet should consist exclusively of apples or light vegetable soups. Cleansing is carried out on an empty stomach (“fasting” period - at least 10 hours).

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