Pleasant-tasting Herbalife tea for weight loss: will there be any results?

Composition of Thermozhetics tea from Herbalife and release form

This drink, like other types of products from Herbalife, is a biological supplement that contains only natural ingredients. They are made from extracts, extracts, powders of herbs, fruits and berries, and therefore do not have a harmful effect on the human body.

According to the manufacturer, regular consumption of tea and other products not only promotes active weight loss and improves metabolism, but also improves the condition of hair and skin color. As a result, overall well-being improves, vigor and good mood appear.

Taking Thermozhetics tea is easy. All products have a convenient form and simple instructions for use.

Thermozhetics tea is an herbal drink that helps control weight and increase energy in the body. According to the manufacturer, it contains 7 extracts of various plants.

The most important and active ingredients are: extracts of lemon peel, guarana, green tea, silver mallow and cardamom flowers, natural ground coffee powder, hibiscus or Sudanese rose. Objectively speaking, there are no “magic” components. Therefore, it does not have miraculous properties.

However, each component serves a specific role.

Green tea is recognized throughout the world as one of the most powerful antioxidants; it prolongs youth and eliminates harmful free radicals. It contains enough caffeine to energize a person. Green tea reduces appetite. It contains certain substances that lower the amount of glucose in the blood, and this prevents sudden spikes in insulin, which provoke a feeling of hunger and a desire to snack on something tasty.

Mallow extract also helps control appetite. Plant fiber substances entering the stomach take up space and leave no space for food. Mallow intensively stimulates the production of bile, which is necessary for the breakdown of fats. This improves metabolism.

The zest extract in tea serves as a source of citric acid, which cleanses the body well of excess toxins. It is also wonderfully invigorating.

Hibiscus, or Damask rose , activates metabolic processes in the body. It improves the functioning of the immune system and defense systems. Hibiscus is an excellent antioxidant and anthocyanin. The last component strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic.

In addition, hibiscus is a weak diuretic, which helps eliminate edema, reduces the amount of glucose, helps remove toxins and improves intestinal motility. And, of course, thanks to the Sudanese rose, the tea has a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.

Cardamom is needed to improve the digestive system and increase the breakdown of fats. It also relieves swelling and relieves inflammation. Cardamom also enhances the quality of green tea and gives a wonderful aroma.

Natural coffee extract energizes and invigorates, but is also a diuretic.

Guarana is a well-known laxative and diuretic. It’s rare that a weight loss product is complete without it. It stimulates active intestinal motility and removes fluid from the body.

The composition contains extracts that cannot harm health (unless an allergy occurs), but they will not actively contribute to weight loss either.

We recommend reading about Typhoon tea for weight loss. You will learn about the composition and form of tea, its types, rules for use, cost and weight loss results. And here is more information about the options for Slim tea for weight loss.

Instructions for use

The developed proprietary method, which includes the company’s products, normalizes the body’s metabolism and promotes weight loss. Alternating ingredients in the Herbalife diet makes it flexible. This allows you to lose excess volume regardless of the location of the person losing weight.

Herbalife has four weight loss programs:

  • basic, stage that reduces weight to 5 kg;
  • extended, stage reducing weight to 10 kg;
  • reinforced, stage that reduces weight over 10 kg;
  • stabilizing stage, consolidating the results.

How to take Herbalife correctly to lose weight? Using any of these programs involves excluding two meals of regular food , the best option is breakfast and dinner, or breakfast and lunch. They should be replaced with a protein shake, which can be easily prepared in a few minutes by adding water, juice or skim milk. To ensure that the resulting mass is evenly mixed, you need to beat it in a blender.

Lunch or dinner, which is not replaced by the Herbalife product, should be complete, but you should eat boiled, stewed, baked, but not fried foods; it is better to limit or completely avoid flour products, sweets, rice, pasta, semolina and pearl barley , potatoes, canned food, marinades. You should gradually reduce your portion of regular food.

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For snacks like an afternoon snack you can use:

  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • cottage cheese,
  • kefir,
  • yogurt,
  • but a protein bar is better.

During the day, you must drink water (the amount of liquid required can be calculated depending on weight, if for 1 kg 30 ml is required, then for a weight of 100 kg you need 3 liters of water, and coffee and juices do not count as water).

An Aloe Vera concentrate or herbal drink added to the liquid can be an accelerator for weight loss

It’s easy and simple to prepare: add three measuring caps of concentrate to half a glass of water, you can dilute it in a larger container and drink throughout the day.

It is necessary to take into account the person's lifestyle. Without daily expenditure of excess calories, a decrease in fat mass cannot be achieved on diet alone. Physical activity to burn must increase, but the number of calories must decrease. The final result depends on this.

What are the benefits of the drink

Distributors claim that tea from Herbalife, in particular Thermozhetics, not only promotes weight loss, but also has amazing beneficial and even medicinal properties.

If you carefully study the composition of the product, it becomes obvious that it has no healing qualities. All components of Thermozhetics tea only slightly strengthen the body and improve overall well-being, but they cannot have a strong and noticeable effect.

But it also cannot be called completely useless. In general, when certain conditions are met, it helps control appetite. Tea also improves digestion, gives lightness and vigor. Plus, it only contains 5 calories per cup of product.

Certain components actually help reduce blood glucose, which leads to less insulin release, which means less fat deposits will form. But real benefits for weight loss can be expected, but only if used in combination.

Possible menu for the week

According to experts, to reduce volumes in problem areas, only their products are enough. Weight loss will occur smoothly and independently. The basic rules for losing weight are to maintain fluid balance and maintain proper nutrition.

A menu option for 7 days might look like this:


  • Breakfast: a serving of Formula 1 cocktail, plain or mineral water with con. These products will nourish the body with energy for the whole day.
  • Snack: medium apple.
  • Lunch: one or two whole grain breads with boiled chicken fillet.
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt without sweeteners.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with fish cooked in a steamer.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 drink, drinking water with concentrate and warm Thermojetics tea.
  • Snack: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: roast vegetable with beef, fresh salad with any greens.
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir 1% or a serving of yogurt.
  • Dinner: dietary fish cooked on the grill or in the oven and fresh sliced ​​vegetables.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 drink, con water and herbal Thermojetics.
  • Snack: small peach or green apple.
  • Lunch: boiled turkey breast with rice side dish.
  • Snack: 0% cottage cheese or 200 milliliters of kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed or boiled veal with cabbage salad on the side.


  • Breakfast: cocktail with Formula, clean water with concentrate and warm Thermojetix.
  • Snack: bar from .
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast and steamed asparagus.
  • Snack: 200 milliliters of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
  • Dinner: steamed fish with a side dish of sliced ​​vegetables.


  • Breakfast: Formula 1 shake, drinking or mineral water with con and a Thermojetics mug.
  • Snack: small apple.
  • Lunch: diet soup.
  • Snack: yogurt without sweet additives.
  • Dinner: steamed beef and vegetables on the side.


  • Breakfast: a glass of Formula cocktail, still mineral water with Herbal Aloe, a portion of Thermojetics tea.
  • Snack: small orange.
  • Lunch: vegetables cooked in different ways.
  • Snack: 200 milliliters of kefir or drinking yogurt.
  • Dinner: stewed fish and salad on the side.

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  • Breakfast: cocktail with Formula, concentrated mineral water with aloe and warm Thermojetix.
  • Snack: branded bar.
  • Lunch: soup with vegetables in lean meat broth, whole grain bread and boiled beef tenderloin.
  • Snack: cottage cheese 0%.
  • Dinner: boiled or steamed beef and salad on the side.

How to drink Herbalife tea

The instructions for using Thermozhetix are simple. The drink is sold in the form

powdered concentrate. For preparation you will need 2 - 3 teaspoons of the product and plain warm water. For a drink, 1.5 - 2 liters is enough for the whole day.

However, due to the caffeine content in Thermozhetics tea, you should drink it in the first half of the day or in the afternoon, but before five or six in the evening, so as not to experience problems with sleep.

Water of any temperature is suitable for brewing: warm, hot or cold. This makes it applicable at different times of the year. You can also make tea right before drinking; to do this, simply dilute half a teaspoon of Thermozhetix powder in a cup.

The course of taking the drink should not last more than one month. The manufacturer also indicates that Thermozhetics tea is suitable for restoring strength, energy fatigue, depression, and decreased performance.

Diet regimen

The Herbalife diet provides for a specific temporary diet. Changing it or refusing any food intake is unacceptable. The best option would be five or six meals a day with an interval of two to three hours.

First meal. Breakfast from 7.00 to 8.00

  • From the very morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 200-250 milliliters of drinking water with the addition of branded con.
  • Thirty minutes after performing the morning toilet, the Formula 1 drink is drunk. In order to prepare it, the liquid component can be taken as: milk 1.5%, whey, drinking or mineral water.
  • After waiting a little, he drinks a mug of Thermojetics herbal drink.

Second meal. Snack from 10.00 to 11.00

  • Thirty minutes before the second dose, drink a portion of water or Thermojetics herbal tea.
  • A branded bar from Herbalife, allowed vegetables or fruits (one of your choice) are ideal to satisfy a small hunger.

Third meal. Lunch from 13.00 to 14.00

  • Thirty minutes before lunch time, it is recommended to drink a signature tea drink or drinking water.
  • To make your meal healthy and satisfying, you can opt for: one or two pieces of grain bread or with bran; vegetables of various methods of preparation, including fresh salad; eggs or low-fat cottage cheese; fruits The lunch ration must include dietary types of fish or meat products.

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Fourth meal. Afternoon tea from 16.00 to 17.00

  • Before meals, drink 200 milliliters of water or unsweetened green tea with lemon added.
  • The second snack is the same as in the morning.

Fifth meal. Dinner from 19.00 to 20.00

  • Thirty minutes before dinner, it is recommended to drink a portion of drinking water.
  • Next, prepare a cocktail in a blender from: two tablespoons of Formula 1 with the addition of fruit or any fresh or frozen berries.
  • If you feel hungry before 10 p.m., you can eat 0.5 of a branded bar or a green apple.

Until you achieve the desired weight loss, you must follow this diet.

Will there be a result

The price of the product is rather high, and the composition is quite prosaic, so many people immediately question its effectiveness. The manufacturer often indicates that Thermozhetics tea should be used only in combination with other weight loss techniques. Namely: increase physical activity, reduce total caloric intake, drink more plain water.

But if we consider all the points, then if they are followed, the body will begin to lose volume even without Thermozhetix. If you stick to a low-calorie but balanced diet, the kilograms will begin to fall off on their own.

When drinking enough water, the body cleanses itself and gets rid of toxins and excess fluid. But here it is important not to have contraindications, such as kidney or liver failure, heart problems, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The manufacturer often notes that when reducing calorie intake, special vitamins are needed. This means that in addition to Thermozhetics tea, you will need shakes, bars and other Herbalife products. They are designed to compensate for the lack of nutritional value and vitamins in the diet.

However, there are a large number of nutritional systems where everything you need comes with food. The diet must include vegetables and fruits, cereals, proteins, herbs and seafood, and pasta, buns and sweets must be excluded.

Moderate physical activity (according to the capabilities of a particular person) is simply necessary, which is already clear to everyone who wants to lose weight. The more a person moves, the more calories he burns.

In addition, the composition contains a loading dose of diuretic components that actively promote weight loss. Only the fluid that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body will be removed, and not fat deposits. These properties can cause dehydration and unnecessary stress on the heart.

With all the rules for losing weight, the use of Herbalife Thermozhetics tea is not necessary, since it does not directly affect the weight loss process. Even without it, with due effort and patience, you can achieve the desired result.


You need to take tea in combination with other weight loss products. Efficiency depends on lifestyle: increasing physical activity, reducing total caloric intake, increasing the amount of water consumed.

Thermozhetics tea does not have a direct effect on the weight loss process. It is one of the products that must be included in complex therapy. In addition, due to a decrease in calorie intake, the body needs special vitamins. This means that you also need to include diet bars, protein shakes and other Herbalife products in your diet.

Product cost

Despite all the vicissitudes with the popularity of the company’s products, it is still alive and continues to operate. You can purchase Thermozhetics tea only from dealers or on one of the representatives’ websites. The product is distributed only through network marketing. The average cost of Thermozhetics tea is about 2500 - 2600 rubles per 100-gram jar. It is usually enough for 50 cups. For 50 g of product you will have to pay 1409 rubles.

You can purchase three different flavors: lemon, raspberry or the classic version. As a rule, the drink is sold in white plastic cans with a colorful label.

We recommend reading about Energy diets for weight loss. You will learn about who is suitable for the Energy diet complex, its advantages and disadvantages, and a weight loss program. And here is more information about Leovit weight loss tea.

The dietary supplement Thermozhetics tea only serves as an additional stimulation for the weight loss process. However, some components may have a negative effect on human health. You can prepare everything else yourself and lose weight without extra costs.

Useful video

About Thermozhetics tea from Herbalife, watch this video:

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