Abdominal exercises without putting stress on the spine and lower back

Static abdominal exercises are exercises for the abdomen and weight loss, in which the body remains motionless, but the muscles and ligaments still receive a tremendous load, regardless of who performs the exercise: a man or a woman.

Such workouts will help get your stomach in order. It needs to be given special attention, since this is one of the problem areas, especially for women. Statics helps not only tighten the skin and strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also remove sagging and cellulite tubercles (in women), and promotes weight loss.

Benefits of statistical abdominal exercises

Why do many athletes and others choose only static exercises to correct their abdominal muscles?

  1. The muscles and ligaments of the abdomen are strengthened and developed. The entire exercise is suitable for both men and women.
  2. When doing statistical exercises, muscles almost do not increase in volume, but their strength increases. Thus, attention is paid to the strength factor of the muscles, which is especially important for men. At the same time, active fat burning occurs in parallel.
  3. The workouts are simple and accessible. No expensive equipment or special training equipment is required.
  4. Statistical abdominal exercises allow you to acquire the ideal body. Especially if you combine them with other tasks.
  5. You can train without interrupting your main activity: watching a movie, reading a book, cooking, working. Especially if you repeat some actions daily.
  6. It takes little time: a few minutes are enough for one approach.
  7. Muscle endurance increases and willpower appears. Such training is also used for weight loss.


This set of exercises is best done at home before taking a shower, as it aims to make you sweat both figuratively and literally.

Exercise 1. Invisible jump rope. Imagine that you have an invisible jump rope in your hands. Quickly jump in place with tiny jumps, rotating her invisible arms.

Exercise 2. Strikes. Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and squat down slightly. Straighten your back and strike forward at an imaginary pear, alternately with both hands. The lower part of the body should be motionless, and slight turns are allowed at the body.

Exercise 3. Jumping with arm swings. In the USA, this exercise is called “Jumping Jack”, as it resembles a puppet jumping. Stand straight, arms freely at your sides. On the count of “one”, take a small jump to the side (shoulder-width apart) and at the same time raise your arms up. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Repeat until time runs out - this is not an easy exercise.

Exercise 4. Lateral bends. Bend alternately to the right and left, keeping the opposite hand on your waist, and the other sliding along your leg. Try to go as low as possible, but not to the point of pain.

Exercise 5. Running in place with overlap. Run in place, raising your feet high behind you, trying to slap your butt with them. If you succeed, great, the exercise is being performed correctly. Ideally, you should slap your feet on your buttocks every time.

Who can and should do static abdominoplasty?

First of all, this applies to those people who, due to health conditions, cannot do dynamic exercises. Basically, these are those who have suffered ligaments and joints due to injuries and diseases of the spine. The number of movements for them should be limited.

Classes are also suitable for people whose work involves a lack of physical activity: managers and office workers. Simple tasks can be done during working hours. The technique is very simple and helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, normalizes blood flow, and serves as a good antidepressant.

Static exercises: instructions for use

With the help of static exercises you can pump up the muscles of the arms, chest, back, legs, and abs. For this, by the way, you do not need too large a set of static exercises. As we have already said, most of them pump several muscle groups at the same time.

Some fitness goals cannot be achieved with static exercises alone: ​​these exercises, for example, are not suitable for losing weight or creating very large muscles. In the first case, experts advise adding aerobic exercise to the training plan, and in the second, classical strength exercises. “What is the basic principle of increasing muscle mass? Exercising with additional weight causes some muscle breakdown. After power dynamics, the muscles are restored and an adaptation effect occurs, its growth occurs. There is no such effect from static exercises,” says Valentin Zinin.

Experts also recommend including not only static exercises, but also statodynamic exercises. “They combine 2 phases of muscle work: first, you are fixed in a static position, then you make a movement, and after that you again hold the first stationary position of the body,” says Anatoly Gribov.

We asked Anatoly Gribov to compose and show us a set of static exercises for the abs, arm and leg muscles.

Several features of statics for the abdomen in men and women

When starting static exercises for the abdomen, it is important to know the features of such exercises in order to perform them correctly and not harm your health.

  1. For patients with heart problems or vascular diseases, reduce the load. It is advisable that the training course be selected by a specialist. The same applies to those who are trying to lose weight.
  2. A good addition to statics are exercises that will help improve body flexibility and abdominal firmness. If you want to regulate muscle volume and body contour, you can use dynamic exercises.
  3. Statics can be performed in the form of circuit training.
  4. Static training can be done at home without using additional equipment or devices.
  5. The achieved result depends on the load on the abdominal muscles. This is especially true for losing weight. To reduce your waist size and improve muscle tone, it is enough to do half-hearted training. Training at full capacity will help make your abdominal muscles strong and voluminous.
  6. During training, it is important not to overdo the load on the body. This can lead to problems with the heart and blood vessels, and impaired blood flow.
  7. Tasks can be selected depending on your training experience and muscle strength.
  8. After training your abdomen, it is better to do muscle stretching exercises and breathing exercises.

The benefits and harms of static exercises

Static exercises

very useful for today's busy schedule. They allow you to work out muscles that have been inactive for a long time, which has a strengthening effect and prevents atrophy.

Let's look at the positive and negative effects of isometric exercises.

The benefits of this set of exercises are as follows:

  • Ø strengthening muscle fibers and the spinal region;
  • Ø burning subcutaneous fat, weight loss process;
  • Ø targeted effect on specific muscles;
  • Ø short execution time (10-20 minutes);
  • Ø cellular energy is directed to the muscles without movement;
  • Ø possibility of training without special training equipment;
  • Ø gradual increase in strength

Negative effects of isometric exercises are also present:

  • Ø the increase in strength occurs more slowly than with dynamic exercises
  • Ø for some people, after switching to statics, strength indicators deteriorate;
  • Ø performing only static exercises increases tendons, but at the same time reduces the size of the active part of the muscle, which is most pronounced in adolescents;
  • Ø poor development
    of joint mobility;
  • Ø increase in blood pressure.

The note.

People over 50 years of age should consult a doctor before performing static exercises, as many of them increase the load on the cardiovascular

The most popular static abdominal exercises

The 4 most effective and popular static simple abdominal exercises: their advantages, difficulties and the essence of the exercise.

Legs hanging

  • Benefits: One of the most effective static exercises. There are many variations of its execution, but the “law” is important for everyone: it’s better when it’s harder. When performing the exercise, the entire abs are worked out, but the main attention is paid to the lower abs.
  • Difficulties: It is very difficult for beginners to do it, since the stomach is pumped up much slower than the abs are pumped up. If there has been no frequent physical activity before, the heart rate rises very quickly, which can negatively affect the health of people with high blood pressure and older people who are unprepared for physical activity.
  • The essence of the exercise: To perform this static workout, you need to go to the horizontal bar and hang on it. Use a straight grip and tighten your stomach. Arms should be straight, shoulder width apart. In the starting position, your legs should be straight, you can slightly tilt them back. Having fixed this position, you need to inhale and hold your breath, and begin to gradually raise your legs to an angle of 90°. Having reached the desired angle, you should stay in this position for a couple of seconds. After this, slowly and gradually return the legs to the starting position. Repeat the exercise the required number of times. Most often performed by men.

Forward twist

  • Benefits: Works the upper abs well. It can be performed in any position: lying on the floor, on a bench, or using a special exercise machine (you can do exercises with a greater load on it). The number of repetitions in this case is up to 15, approaches – up to 6.
  • Difficulties: It is prohibited for people who have prolapsed internal organs. This is due to the fact that the exercises are performed mainly in a sitting position, which can further aggravate the situation.
  • Essence: Lie on the floor or other selected surface. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your ears and bend your elbows. Inhaling air, the body lifts off the floor and rises, while twisting occurs. At the highest point, stop for a few seconds and smoothly lower to the starting position. If you want to complicate the exercise, you should not bend your legs at the knees, but lift them up. In this case, twisting is carried out only with raised legs. For greater stability, you can use a fitball. There are several twisting techniques: overhead with arms, double twist, oblique twist, side or reverse twist, and other types. All of them contribute to weight loss.

Holding static tension with your stomach

  • Advantages: There are many options for implementation (both with and without support). When performing static exercises, the deep abdominal muscles are used, so weight loss occurs primarily in this area.
  • Difficulties: You definitely need backup if you have never done static balance exercises until your body gets used to the load. The training will not give any effect and will be difficult to perform if you do not adhere to proper breathing.


  • Take a lying position, bend your elbows, and rest on the floor. This position is maintained for 50-60 seconds.

This is just a small part of static exercises that will help put your figure (especially in the abdominal area) in order and contribute to faster weight loss. In order to achieve the desired result, both men and women only need to complete at least a few of them in a timely manner. Properly selected tasks, correct execution and a little perseverance will very quickly help you acquire the figure of your dreams.

The article was checked and approved by Yulia Igorevna Mosalova, a specialist in adaptive physical culture - see the authors of the site

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To “sharpen” your waist, remove fat from the abdomen, sides and even from the back.

Exercises with a special massage hoop help a lot.

Fat cells really don't like constant massage. Spin the Hula Hoop.

Useful for both men and women.

Abdominal fat won't go away from working out your abs.

And it already needs to be driven away in another way. You need to do exercises that require a lot of energy. In other words, these are the exercises that make you sweat a lot.

The best thing is interval running!

In the gym, this could be squats with a barbell on the shoulders (for girls from 5 to 15 kg). Deadlifts and other energy-intensive exercises. You can do aerobics (until you sweat), etc. You can run on a treadmill for at least 20 minutes. And of course, eat in moderation.

Here's what happens here. Trained muscles of the whole body, even at rest, consume a lot of energy. Metabolism accelerates. And the calories entering the body are no longer stored as fat, but are “burned” in the muscles. For this reason, a person who exercises fully does not get better. Even if he doesn’t particularly restrict himself in diet. But this will happen no earlier than after half a year of training.

And one moment. From training, the abdominal muscles will be toned.

You need to develop the habit of sucking in your stomach when walking.

It’s like on the beach, when you undress, you immediately try to suck in your stomach. Within a couple of months, the habit of sucking in your stomach develops. And you do it without thinking anymore.

The human body is designed in such a way that below the navel (lower abs), fat does not disappear at all. Often young people, especially girls, worry because if the squares are visible above the navel, then below them they are not. And they try hard to pump up their lower abs.

I repeat once again,

Workout for losing belly fat

Fat in the abdominal area accumulates due to an unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates and low physical activity. Also, the abdomen can increase due to hormonal disorders and after childbirth in women. Without a proper balanced diet, it is impossible to get rid of belly fat. But regular exercise will help you achieve your goal and lose belly fat much faster.

We offer you a selection of exercises for losing belly fat, which are aimed at:

  • General fat burning through functional exercises and high heart rate throughout the session
  • Tone the abdominal muscles by performing exercises with an emphasis on the muscle corset

This workout for losing belly fat includes simple, low-impact exercises to tone the muscles of the whole body, but especially the muscular corset. There will be no planks or crunches here - all exercises are vertical, i.e. pass in a standing position. However, even without these classic exercises, you will perfectly pump up your abs, tighten your stomach, burn calories and reduce your body size.

Who is this collection of exercises suitable for?

  • For those who want to lose weight and tighten their stomach (and their whole body)
  • For those who are just starting to train, since the exercises are very accessible even for beginners
  • For those looking for an ab workout without crunches and planks
  • For those looking for simple exercise for the morning or evening
  • For those looking for a low-impact, low-impact cardio workout

If you perform the suggested exercises at a fast pace, then this workout will be an excellent option for low-impact cardio without jumping. You'll raise your heart rate, burn calories and rev up your metabolism. The faster the pace of exercise, the more effective the workout will be in terms of fat burning.

If you first want to tone your muscles, then perform the exercises slowly and concentrated. Speed ​​in this case is not critical.

What are the benefits of this workout:

  • Strengthen your abs and tighten your stomach through exercises that focus on this area of ​​the body.
  • Burn calories and boost your metabolism as you perform a variety of multi-joint exercises and keep your heart rate high throughout your workout.
  • Tones the muscles of the entire body (including the thighs and buttocks!) through exercises that involve several muscle groups in the upper and lower body.
  • Improves posture and strengthens the deep muscles that support the spine.
  • Improved endurance and overall fitness.

Of course, losing weight locally is very difficult. You cannot force the body to burn fat in a specific area of ​​the body. But if you eat right, do fat-loss workouts, strengthen your abdominal muscles to tone them, and improve your posture, all of this together will help you improve your figure and get rid of belly fat.

How to do this workout:

Before training, it is advisable to warm up to prepare the body for the load. You can perform this workout for losing belly fat either by timer or by number of repetitions. The number of repetitions is indicated in the description of the exercises, but you can always change the number to suit your capabilities. It is convenient to train by counting repetitions if you do not have a timer at hand. In this case, try not to take long breaks between exercises; on average, the rest should be 10-15 seconds. However, to lose belly fat, it is more effective to time your workout, trying to do more repetitions in less time. This approach will allow you to maintain a high pace and burn more calories. For example, you can choose the following exercise intervals: work intensively for 30 seconds / rest for 10 seconds and move on to the next exercise. To set intervals, download applications to your mobile phone, for example, Tabata Timer. You can use a timer on YouTube. Be sure to check out our selection: Top 10 Android apps with timers for training.

Below are 20 exercises for losing belly fat, which are divided into two rounds of 10 exercises each.

You can do these rounds on the same day or alternate them on different days as per your preference. While doing the exercises, it is very important to tense your abdominal muscles; your stomach should not be relaxed. Most of the exercises presented involve the muscles of both the upper and lower body, so this workout is not only for losing weight in the stomach, but for the whole body. The faster you perform the exercises and the faster the pace, the more calories you will burn and the more effective your workout will be in terms of fat burning. Watch your breathing during training: exhale with effort, inhale with relaxation.

Timer 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest:

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