Exercise options on the popular Orbitrek simulator

In this article we will talk about one of the best home exercise machines and tell you how to properly exercise on an orbitrek for weight loss. Working out at home has a number of benefits, but it also has some disadvantages. For example, you will probably be distracted by all sorts of unimportant matters, and this will negatively affect the training process. Also, the results from comprehensive training in the gym will significantly exceed the modest achievements of training at home. But training on an orbit track also provides quite a lot of benefits and advantages! You do not depend on the weather, on the distance to the gym, on the work or school schedule, on the cost of travel and membership.

Modern elliptical trainers

Orbitrek is a modern exercise machine, also known as a cross-trainer. It combines the advantages of a stepper, an exercise bike and a treadmill. In addition, it does not take up much space and you can use it at home.

Modern models have a display that shows:

  • distance traveled;
  • time;
  • speed;
  • pulse;
  • calories burned.

There are many exercise machines on the market today with different features. Before you start training on the elliptical trainer, you should read the operating instructions for the device.

Some ellipticals have the function of measuring the amount of body fat and even the ability to conduct a fitness test. This will allow, for example, to choose the right exercises according to your current physical form.

Safe cardio at home: how to choose an orbitrek

    • noisy work;
    • lack of smoothness in movements and uneven loads;

  • pad wear.
  • Mechanical orbitreks

    Body Sculpture BE-5916 from RUR 14,390 Body Sculpture BE-5920HX from RUR 11,990 DFC Challenge Climber 3.0 from RUR 16,830 Atemi AE-201 from 8,380 rub. DFC E3.5H2 from RUR 11,175 DFC E8.2A from RUR 14,429 Reebok Z7 from RUR 31,000 Diadora Circle Cross from RUR 19,390 DFC E2050 from RUR 11,814 DFC Challenge E8018 from RUR 20,669 Bronze Gym Pro Glider 2 CNL from RUR 52,423. Larsen FB1700 from RUR 17,500 ZIPRO Hulk from RUR 20,750 DFC Challenge Climber 2.0 from RUR 12,080 DFC 8.2 from RUR 13,990

    2. Magnetic. The resistance changes by changing the location of the magnets (moving away or moving closer to the flywheel). The closer they are, the more difficult it is to pedal.


    • energy independence;
    • smooth movement;
    • fairly quiet operation;
    • simple load adjustment.


    • small maximum load (such orbitreks are not suitable for professional athletes).

    Magnetic orbitreks

    CardioPower E200 from RUR 21,430 Kettler Vito XS from RUR 19,990 Kettler Skylon 2 from RUR 44,990 Kettler Cross M from 22,900 rub. Torneo Festa from RUR 20,999 EVO Fitness Orion from RUR 26,127 EVO Fitness Gelios from RUR 29,990 CardioPower E400 from RUR 27,290 AeroFIT MAXFIT EX6 from RUB 29,990. Star Fit Galaxy VE-106 from RUR 15,580 DFC YT206 from RUR 11,470 XTERRA FS3.5 from RUR 54,807 Torneo Stella C-507 from RUR 28,999 Oxygen Tornado from RUR 20,790 ProXima Iberius from RUR 26,832

    3. Electromagnetic. The system is close to magnetic, but instead of moving elements, stationary electromagnets are used, to which current is supplied. The stronger it is, the more powerful the magnetic field and the greater the resistance the practitioner needs to overcome.


    • silent operation;
    • best smoothness of movement;
    • precise and convenient load adjustment.


    • dependence on power supply;
    • high price.

    Electromagnetic orbitreks

    Sole Fitness E25 from RUR 76,990 Sole Fitness E35 from RUR 77,090 CardioPower E370 from RUR 27,604 ProXima Enima II iPro from RUR 64,950 CardioPower E250 from RUR 25,381 ProXima Panda from RUR 32,750 Sole Fitness E95S (2019) from RUR 136,321 Optima OptiCross 19 from RUR 23,990 ProXima iDecide from RUR 104,352 HouseFit HB-8230ELM from RUR 17,190 Pro-Form Endurance 520E from RUR 49,900 CardioPower X32 from RUR 39,990 Matrix E50XR from RUR 217,892 ProXima Enima from RUR 79,990 ProXima Senator from RUR 109,225

    First of all, your budget will help you decide which orbiter to choose for home use. But since mechanical models are not comfortable both for the student and for his environment (due to noise), a magnetic ellipsoid will be the optimal solution for limited finances. Electromagnetic orbitreks were previously positioned as professional, but today even among them there are compact and not too expensive versions for home use.

    Let's look at the design features

    The load system is not the only design element that is taken into account when choosing an orbit track. Other important aspects include:

    The weight of the flywheel determines the smoothness of the ride.
    • Flywheel weight. It directly affects the comfort and smoothness of the ride. The heavier the flywheel, the more evenly the load is distributed, the lower the likelihood of jerking during movement and the more enjoyable the training process. But there is also a minus - the simulator becomes more bulky and less maneuverable. Therefore, for home use, models with a flywheel weighing from 8 to 10 kg are usually taken.
    • Step length. The parameter affects loads and convenience. The longer the step, the more calories are consumed, but the pursuit of increasing the indicator leads to discomfort and even injury. When choosing the optimal value, they take into account the height of the student. For short users (up to 170 cm), a length of 30–35 cm will be enough, for tall users (over 190 cm), a step greater than 40–45 cm is suitable, and for everyone else, from 35 to 40 cm.

    The correct choice of step length is the basis for ease of use of the orbitrek.
    • The weight for which the ellipsoid is designed. Ideally, you need to buy a model with a reserve of 20 kg (if you weigh 90 kg, choose a model with 110 kg). This will provide additional reliability and durability.

    Let's select the necessary functionality

    To choose an orbitrack for your home that suits all your tasks, pay attention to the following points:

    • Additional design details. These include, for example, a seat that turns the model into an exercise bike. Useful options include adjustable handles and pedal platforms, a folding design for easy storage, and compensators for floor unevenness.
    • Load levels. The more of them, the more accurately the training on the ellipsoid is adjusted and the more interesting the lesson itself is. But this factor also directly affects the price of the simulator.
    • Control method. It can be manual (a handle is provided for switching loads) and electronic (with buttons and even a display).

    An informative display allows you to control the training process.
    • Training opportunities. Electronically controlled models often have a built-in computer with a different set of functions. It allows you to select existing ones and create personal training programs, test the level of current sports training, control time, speed, and approximate calorie consumption. There are also orbitreks with heart rate measurement, which are useful for both professional athletes and people with cardiovascular diseases. Again, a “smart” device is more expensive, and not all functions are subsequently used.
    • Additional "chips". These include the presence of a fan and a water bottle holder, speakers and a USB port, an Internet connection, etc.

    Having decided on all this, all that remains is to choose a suitable orbitrek and enjoy using it.

    Classes on the orbitrek: rules

    Exercises on an elliptical cross-trainer, like any type of physical activity, require proper preparation, that is, a warm-up. To do this, you need to set the minimum load and move at a calm rhythm for about 10 minutes.

    It is very important to take the correct position when performing exercises on the elliptical machine:

    • grasp the moving levers;
    • keep your back straight;
    • tighten your abdominal muscles;
    • look straight ahead.

    Results will be noticeable when exercising for 30 minutes a day, three times a week or more often. Over time, you can increase your training time.

    Exercises on an elliptical cross-trainer for weight loss

    Working out on the elliptical machine is a great way to lose weight. However, for classes to be effective, certain rules must be followed:

    • during exercise, you should constantly monitor your pulse - it should be 70-80 beats per minute;
    • a properly selected load should not be too high or too low. If it is too high, the heart rate will exceed normal, and if it is too low, it will prevent adequate muscle activation;
    • the workout should last at least 30 minutes - the human body begins to burn fat only about 20 minutes after the start of physical activity;
    • exercises on the orbit track should be performed at least three times a week to maintain metabolic rate;
    • you should choose interval training - thanks to this, fat burning continues after exercise;
    • do not forget to maintain correct posture (back straight, feet on the pedals, keep your head level, look straight ahead, hands on the handles).

    How to exercise correctly on an orbitrek to lose weight

    People who use orbitrek exercises for weight loss note a noticeable improvement in their general condition. An additional advantage of the simulator is its small size, which allows you to use this equipment at home. An ideal device for those who are embarrassed to work out in the gym, or for whom such a service is not available due to distance or lack of time.

    Before you start classes, you need to follow a few basic recommendations:

    1. Exercise regularly. Three times a week for 30-60 minutes - for starters. Then practice every day.
    2. Is it possible to lose weight on orbitrek if you don’t adhere to the right diet? Hardly. Even if we exercise but at the same time eat more, weight loss will not work. Therefore, discuss your diet with your nutritionist and follow the recommendations. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
    3. Strong will, desire for goals. Without this, training on an orbitrek for weight loss will not give results.
    4. Training should be carried out systematically. Intense exercise for a week, then a month off will not bring the desired result.
    5. Effective weight loss using a cardio machine is a long-term process. Depending on your excess weight, you have to wait up to several months for the first results.
    6. Don't lose weight too quickly, it's bad for your cardiovascular system.
    7. It should be understood that weight loss on the orbitrack will not be noticeable if you do not record your waist circumference before and after classes. Weight does not fall quickly because muscle mass increases, and muscle is heavier than fat. The weight may remain the same, but centimeters will disappear from the waist.

    By following the above rules, you will definitely lose extra pounds, gain slimness, and a fit look.

    How does training work on an orbitrek for weight loss?

    Most of the modern weight loss machines have a built-in computer. It records heart rate, number of kilometers traveled and calories burned, and exercise time. Some help select and control the load. The more options, the more convenient it is to engage. But the more expensive the simulator is.

    It is very important to control your heart rate. To burn fat, your heart rate should be 70-80% of the maximum allowable value, taking into account age and weight. A tempo that is too low or too high will not produce the desired effect.

    During the exercise, maintain correct posture, that is, the silhouette should be straight, and the entire surface of the feet should be adjacent to the pedals. Hands must be fixed on the holders.

    Phases of exercises on an elliptical trainer

    The phases of each elliptical training session should be the same:

    1. warm-up - unfortunately, this stage is often forgotten. However, thanks to it, you can prepare the body for the right loads and avoid injuries. Warming up stretches the body and improves blood circulation. It takes about 5-10 minutes and includes stretching exercises or a light warm-up on an elliptical cross-trainer;
    2. basic training is a gradual increase in physical effort to achieve an appropriate load. The resistance should be chosen in such a way as to maintain a constant speed. This phase should last about 10-15 minutes. If you feel tired earlier, you should stop. You need to monitor your heart rate and increase the main training phase over time;
    3. relaxation exercises - they should last about 5 minutes. During this time, you need to gradually slow down and reduce the load to calm your heart and cool your muscles.

    Recommendations for activities

    An elliptical trainer will be a faithful assistant in how to lose weight, increasing muscle tone and helping to burn calories. Both beginners in the field of fitness and athletes can effectively train on an elliptical for weight loss.

    Advantages of using an ellipsoid:

    1. During training, all parts of the body move synchronously along an elliptical path, which wonderfully trains the gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thighs, legs and upper limbs.
    2. The legs bent during exercise are springy, so no increased load is created in the knee joints and ankles, which makes it possible to use the orbitrek for those who have articular or vascular diseases of the lower extremity girdle.
    3. Bidirectional forward and backward movement makes it possible to train muscle groups that remain unloaded on other cardio equipment.

    Before you start exercising on an elliptical, you need to consult a specialist to determine whether you have any contraindications for exercising on this machine, how much and how to do it correctly to lose weight. He will also select a suitable training regimen for your individual age and physical characteristics.

    You will need to consult a doctor about whether pregnant women can exercise on an elliptical trainer. Due to the minimal joint load, this exercise machine is often recommended for use by healthy women during pregnancy to avoid loss of physical fitness. However, we should not forget about the threats of pregnancy failure and contraindications to physical activity.

    It would be correct to correlate the training time with your biological rhythms: morning hours for “larks”, evening hours for “night owls” (but no later than 2 hours before going to bed). If training in the morning or evening does not work out, the optimal time to start training can be considered four o'clock in the afternoon.

    Ellipse exercises - benefits

    Exercising on a simulator allows you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your condition and performance. The benefits of classes include:

    • legs move like on a ski slope (oval movement);
    • less stress on joints and tendons than during regular running;
    • more efficient calorie burning compared to an exercise bike;
    • strengthens the abdominal muscles;
    • the muscles of the thighs and legs are modeled and strengthened;
    • easy adjustment of the difficulty level of exercises to suit your capabilities.

    Orbitrek training

    ♦ Development of the buttocks:

    It’s not for nothing that it was said above about the constant work of the fifth point; the orbitrack greatly loads and develops the gluteal muscle, due to pressing on the pedals with all the weight, even better than cycling or running (with the exception of sprinting).

    Usually the butt is not very developed even among people leading a sporty lifestyle, which then can be said for those who are sedentary and sit in the office all day. After spinning the pedals, after a while you will feel how the buttocks are included in the work, touch them, they will become much more elastic, which means the effect has begun;

    ♦ Strengthening weak muscles:

    Studies have been conducted on what has a better effect on the development of quadriceps, running or exercises on an orbit track? It turns out that the orbitrek puts more stress on the quadriceps femoris muscle + this improves coordination of movements and the connection between the quadriceps and the hamstrings.

    If you are into running or cycling, the orbitrack will help improve your athletic performance by engaging the muscles of the upper body and achieving balance between the lower and upper parts;

    ♦ Reducing the load on joints:

    If you have an injury or sore joints, the orbitrack cannot be replaced in this regard, even when you do not experience problems, while running you put more stress on your knees than on this simulator. This occurs due to the exclusion of hard contact of the foot with the surface; all movements are smoothly circular with uniform load distribution. Running is simulated on an ellipsoid, but with the active participation of the upper body.

    Many football players, when healing knee injuries, to restore muscles and maintain shape, include rehabilitation methods in their program, where there is a place for orbitrek;

    ♦ Uniform load on all parts of the body:

    Active work includes not only the upper and lower parts of the body, do not forget about the middle of the body - the abdominal and lower back muscles receive a decent load, creating a so-called corset, which is very important when bending over and lifting weights;

    ♦ More calorie burning:

    For people who have a lot of weight, it is difficult for them to run, to do this, try the orbitrek, due to the inclusion of all muscle groups in the work, fat burning occurs faster than with regular running, but of course the exercises are also harder. Skiing at an accelerated pace can be considered equally effective. Remember, the fat burning process starts after 20 minutes of intense exercise.

    ♦ Small size:

    When compared to a treadmill, the orbittrack is compact and takes up little space; nowadays there are modern folding models that can be easily put in the car for long trips, so you won’t interrupt your workout.

    The effect of exercises on the elliptical

    The effect of training on an elliptical trainer is simply amazing. By exercising on this simulator, you can achieve very good results, both in endurance and strength. Orbitrek (https://trenazher.info/chto-luchshe-orbitrek-ili-velotrenazher/) will increase endurance and strengthen your legs. In addition, calories are burned very efficiently in orbit.

    The figure will be modeled thanks to movable long arms that make the upper body work. In addition, working with your hands intensively pumps the lateral abdominal muscles. And maintaining an upright posture helps strengthen the anterior abdominal muscles.


    If you can't decide on an elliptical training program, start with what kind of results you expect to get from training. Do you need to lose weight by losing excess fat, or simply tighten your muscles, reducing their volume, and correct the contours of your figure? This determines how the emphasis will be placed when developing a training program on the simulator, as well as the intensity of the training.

    And now - the most interesting part. Why will we regularly sweat on Orbitrek? What will the plumb line be and how many calories will we lose? On average, an elliptical trainer allows you to burn from 300 to 400 calories in one 30-minute workout. This figure, first of all, depends on the level of intensity of the lesson and the selected program (designed for a beginner or an experienced one).

    Interval training will give you the opportunity to lose up to 1 kg per week. As a bonus, it improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

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