How to pump up your abs using a gymnastic roller

Choosing the right video

The structure of the gymnastic roller is extremely simple: a metal disc with handles on both sides. The edge of the disk is covered with a dense rubber rim, the surface of the handles is also covered with a material that does not allow your hands to slip.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the diameter of the disk: the larger the diameter, the less the load. The roller version, consisting of two disks fastened together, is more stable. It is suitable for beginners. A fitness trainer will provide recommendations on choosing the correct disc size.

Types of ab rollers

The abdominal exercise wheel has a simple design. This type of exercise machine is a comfortable handle, divided by a wheel into right and left halves exactly in the middle. Thanks to this design, holding the gymnastic roller in your hands is very comfortable.

It is worth noting that the apparent simplicity of this device does not mean low efficiency and lack of benefit for the athlete. By choosing the right gymnastic wheel along with a set of exercises, you will be able to perfectly strengthen your triceps and pump up your back and abdominal muscles.

The fitness wheel is available in a wide variety of models, the most popular of which are presented in the following table:

Model namea brief description of
One- and two-wheeledSports wheel with one or two circles. The second circle makes it easier to master any exercise, since when working with the wheel you no longer have to maintain balance on your own.
With return mechanismA special sports exercise machine with a wheel and a return mechanism helps eliminate muscle overload, reducing tension on the lumbar spine. And therefore, working on such a video will be very useful for beginners.
Trimmer with tensionersIn this case, a trimmer is a design of a simulator in the form of a double wheel with a flexible attached cable. When working with such a gymnastic apparatus, the main emphasis falls on the abs and lower limbs, since the back part of the cable is attached to the legs.
With pedalsA sports wheel with handles and pedals helps to pump up the abs and develop the muscles of the lower extremities.
With a shifted center of gravityAn original sports equipment with a shifted center of gravity is simply ideal for experienced athletes. This abdominal wheel is characterized by an increased level of difficulty and also requires effort during the exercise.

In addition to choosing the right wheel for working out the abs, you will also need a special training program, which should be developed by an experienced instructor. Only a competent coach will be able to correctly assess the student’s level of physical fitness and identify the level of his capabilities and needs.

Gymnastic wheel for girls

Every girl and woman dreams of a beautiful figure with a flat and toned stomach. But not everyone can regularly visit a gym or fitness club. For busy girls, a gymnastics wheel will replace a trip to a sports club, and the results will be no less noticeable.

But exercise alone is not enough to lose weight. When starting classes, you should reduce the calorie content of your menu, giving preference to protein foods and fiber. Stay hydrated by drinking up to two liters of water per day. It is better to switch to 5 meals a day so that your blood sugar is more or less stable and the feeling of hunger does not bother you much.

Benefits of doing ab wheel exercises

What muscle groups are worked out using a gymnastic roller:

  • rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • back;
  • muscles of the arms and legs (arms become stronger, legs become toned);
  • buttocks.

The abdominal wheel is a universal exercise machine for almost the entire body, but the main sports load, of course, is on the stomach and back. Thanks to the simultaneous work of all muscle groups, you can tighten your body and pump up your abs in a relatively short period of time. A certain share of the load falls on the gluteal muscles, which is especially valuable for girls in the quest for a perfect figure.

The uniqueness of training with a gymnastic wheel is that it allows you to work out the lower abs, which is quite difficult to “reach” with other exercises.

Exercises on the abdominal wheel should not be done with tension - this is fraught with severe soreness in the next few days. Also, you can’t start with a heavy load right away. An exercise with abdominal rollers already provides a more intense load than a regular crunch, so it’s very easy to overdo it, especially for a beginner.

To get used to abdominal wheel exercises as comfortably as possible, you need to start with three sets of 10 repetitions - such a progressive load will not be stressful for the body and will not cause inconvenience. Provided you exercise 4-5 times a week, the first visible result appears within a month to a month and a half - during this period it is possible to pump up the first abs.

Pros of the gymnastic wheel:

  1. Simplicity, ease of use. Even a child can easily master such a simulator;
  2. High effectiveness of classes. Ab roller exercises help to shape your figure, lose extra pounds and build sculpted abs;
  3. Ergonomics and savings. The exercise machine is compact, does not take up much space, you can do exercises without leaving home (saving time and money on visiting the gym);
  4. Versatility. This type of fitness equipment is suitable for the whole family; it is effective for both men’s and women’s exercise programs;
  5. Relatively low price.

Disadvantages and features:

  • it’s easy to overdo the load;
  • a period of adaptation is necessary (you need to get used to exercising with this simulator, adapt to it; at first it is difficult for an unprepared person to exercise).

It is also important to remember that exercises on the abdominal wheel for the purpose of losing excess weight are effective only in combination with proper nutrition; For visible results in working out the abs, classes must be regular.

Benefits for the body from abdominal roller exercises:

  • development of abdominal muscle strength;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • formation of a muscle “corset”;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • improved posture;
  • prevention of injuries, back pain;
  • the ability to use up to 20 muscles during training.

Exercises for Beginners

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for beginners are included in the basic complex. When performing exercises, watch your breathing: inhale when bending down, exhale when lifting. You should not immediately do heavy loads, increase them gradually.

An approximate basic complex for beginners:

  • We sit on our knees, hands on the handles of the roller. We push it forward, bending over, but without lifting the pelvis from the knees. The body rests on the hips. We return to the sitting position on our knees.
  • Get on your knees and hold the roller in front of you. We smoothly push the projectile forward, stretching our body as far as possible, trying not to touch the floor. Hold in the extended position for 2-3 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your stomach, arms outstretched with the roller in front of you. Slowly pulling the exercise machine towards you, we lift the body with a deflection. Smoothly return to the lying position.
  • Sit on the floor, legs straight, gymnastic wheel on your right side. With both hands we take hold of its handles and roll it away, gradually turning the body. We bend down as low as possible without touching the floor, fix ourselves in this position and return to a sitting position.

Depending on your physical fitness, each exercise should be performed up to 8 repetitions. If it is very difficult, start with fewer executions. Start the number of approaches with 2, gradually increasing the load to 4.

Roller exercise options

A simple sports device will equip you with dozens of exercises, but even a strong man cannot overcome some of them. A simple classic performance from the knees requires considerable effort, not to mention the more complicated versions. But it is reasonable to progress in this matter for the greatest return.

Plank. This is the first place to start to get a feel for how to properly hold the roller and balance. It is performed like a regular plank, only instead of resting on the elbows, straight arms hold the handles of the wheel. The body takes the shape of a straight line from head to heels, held for 30-60 seconds. Stabilizing muscles develop.
Rolling from your knees. This is a classic exercise with a wheel, the technique of which has already been described above. Regular training and practicing the correct technique increases strength and endurance, which will allow you to cope with more complex versions of skates. Optimally 5-10 repetitions 2-3 times a week.
Frontal rental. Not every trained athlete can do this exercise. Rolling is done from a standing position, stretching the body horizontally above the floor surface. If the task is too difficult, spread your legs wider. After mastering the lighter version, try again with a narrow stance. 5-6 repetitions will be enough.
Oblique rolling. The purpose of the exercise is to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, the so-called lateral press. This is the same roll from the knees, only the wheel is moved to the sides at an angle of 45° (5-10 repetitions).
On one hand. This type of rental is a more complicated type of frontal rental. They use another roller, in which the handle is located between the two wheels. The weight of the body, stretched horizontally to the floor, is held by one hand on the roller. The second one is on the hips or helps to maintain balance by lightly touching the floor. Do 3-5 repetitions on each hand, while the body should not tip to the side. The beneficial effect of this exercise is the additional tension on the stabilizing muscles. If the exercise doesn’t work right away, try doing it from your knees.

The next three exercises will require a special roller with foot pedals.

Fold. Roll the roller with feet attached to it. To do this, stand in a plank position, resting your palms on the floor. Roll the wheel towards you with your feet, bringing your knees to your chest, and back 8-12 times. The upper body is motionless.
Oblique fold. The starting position is a plank with emphasis on the palms and legs fixed in the roller. The wheel is driven diagonally to the right elbow, returned back, then to the left (8-12 times). Similar to the previous option, control the immobility of the upper part of the body and strictly straight arms without bending at the elbows.
Peak. The starting position is similar to the previous two. The buttocks are lifted up, without bending the legs and back, until the body is folded into a “house”. A prerequisite for the last two exercises is well-developed stabilizer muscles. Otherwise, performing a fold or peak may result in injury.

Workouts for women

Workouts for women are similar to classes for beginners and are designed for light loads, gradually increasing. The exercises are easy, do not take much time, with maximum results.

All muscle groups are involved: chest, back, abs, buttocks, arms. In order not to lose control and not fall on your stomach on the floor, you can stand facing the wall at such a distance that the machine rests against the wall when the body is fully or partially straightened. For a more stable position, choose a double gymnastic wheel.

  • Get down on your knees, hold the wheel by both handles, and place your entire body weight on the machine. As you exhale, slowly begin to roll the wheel forward, straightening your body. Do not try to immediately touch your chest to the floor, this will come with time. Let's roll forward as much as possible. You will feel how all the muscles work. We linger in this position for a moment and return while inhaling.
  • Get on your knees and lean on the machine with your hands. Now it moves not forward, but to the right at an angle of 45 degrees, then to the left. The lateral abdominal muscles work.
  • Lie on your stomach face down, stretch your arms forward with the roller. Pull the projectile towards you, raising your body and head, bending slightly. Do not lift your feet off the floor. Lower yourself to the floor to the starting position.

Perform exercises smoothly, without jerking. Watch your breathing. These nuances will help you achieve good results.

Frontal and oblique rolling

This is another ab roller exercise for women. It is not at all easy to move with full amplitude without good physical preparation. However, it is much easier to implement it with a wide stance. After consolidating the result, the position can be changed, gradually narrowing the space between the feet until a full movement is achieved:

  1. Place your knees shoulder-width apart and grasp the handle of the roller lying on the floor with both hands.
  2. The back and arms are straight. The movement is performed forward, leaning on the hands, until the body assumes a horizontal position relative to the floor. The legs rest on the toes, as during push-ups.
  3. The wheel is moved in the opposite direction to the legs and takes the starting position. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times.

When performing exercises with an ab roller (video below), the muscles of the chest, shoulders, abs, back and arms are involved.

Oblique rolling is one of the variations of the previous exercise. It's a little more difficult to do. Here the main emphasis is on working the oblique abdominal muscles:

  1. Starting position: kneeling, roller in hands.
  2. The wheel is rolled forward at an angle of 45° to one side and returned to its original position.
  3. Then the rolling is performed at the same angle, but in the opposite direction. The exercise is repeated 5 to 10 times.

Workouts for men

Men take care of their shape no less than women. To do this, they go to sports clubs and pump up their muscles using athletic equipment. But a sports video for men is also very useful. It, of course, will not help increase biceps and triceps, but it will tone the muscles and improve posture. And for this you don’t need to go to the gym to train.

  • Extension from a kneeling position. We get down on our knees, the roller is on the floor. Gradually roll the wheel forward. The body extends without touching the floor. Return very slowly to the starting position.
  • Standing extension. A more complicated version of the previous one. Roll the machine forward, straightening your body. The only support is the feet and hands. The body straightens parallel to the floor. To make it easier, the exercise can be performed by rolling the roller onto an inclined surface. Watch your breathing.
  • Exercise with a roller to strengthen your arms and abs. Take the projectile in your hands like a vertical stick. Starting position – plank with legs wide apart. Roll the wheel right and left, keeping the straight body parallel to the floor. This exercise affects not only the abdominal muscles, but also the muscles of the shoulder girdle, forearm and triceps.

At first, not everything may work out, but with persistent training, excellent results will be visible very soon. To avoid injuring your knees, you can use knee pads or place a mat under your knees.

Fold, oblique fold

This ab roller exercise for women is also performed using a wheel equipped with foot pedals. It is with the help of them that movement will be carried out.

During the fold, the arms, shoulder and oblique abdominal muscles are involved:

  1. The feet are attached to the pedal devices and placed in a plank position. Your arms should be bent at the elbows and spaced shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keeping the body motionless, roll the wheel with your feet so that the knees move towards the chest.
  3. Then the movement is carried out in the opposite direction until the legs take the original plank position. The exercise is repeated 8-12 times.

This variation of the oblique fold works the oblique and stabilizing abdominal muscles.

  1. Starting position - in the plank, feet fixed in the wheel pedals.
  2. The wheel is moved with the feet towards the right elbow.
  3. Then in the opposite direction to the original position.
  4. And again move, now to the left elbow. The exercise is performed 8-12 times in both directions.

How to choose the right ab roller

You should also take the issue of choosing a video seriously. It should fit the weight, allow movement without jerking, and support the body. It is best to start with a roller with a double or wide and rubberized wheel.

When purchasing a gymnastic roller, it is very important to correctly assess your own capabilities and level of physical fitness. For beginners, a simulator with a light weight and a return mechanism is best suited, and for experienced athletes - with pedals.

A wide variety of models will allow you to choose the most suitable option for anyone. The main thing is to adhere to basic safety rules and try to select exercises with the roller wisely.

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