Egg white or egg yolk - which is healthier?

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Many women simply don’t have time to go to the gym or eat freshly prepared meals 5 times a day. But this does not mean that such women cannot be slim. You just need to include foods in your diet that will help you lose excess weight. One such product is egg yolk. Let's consider how effective it is to lose weight using yolks, how this product is useful and how to use it correctly.

Losing weight on egg yolks

The benefits and harms of egg yolks

Before you find out how to lose weight on egg yolks, let's consider how this product is useful and what harm it can cause to health.

Losing weight with egg yolk is not only effective, but also healthy. The product contains 15 microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and 11 vitamins. And biotin, which is part of raw yolks, normalizes lipid metabolism. This will not only help you get rid of excess weight, but also solve the problem of cellulite. Vitamin H, which is part of egg yolk, improves brain function.

If we talk about the benefits of losing weight with the help of egg yolk, then it contains no carbohydrates. Accordingly, when consuming the product, fat deposits will not form. The calorie content of the product is 54 kcal. Not all dietary foods can boast such a low calorie content, so nutritionists paid attention to this product and recommended the yolk for weight loss.

Yolks contain very few calories

As for the harm, it is worth noting the high cholesterol content in the product, so doctors do not recommend yolk mono-diets even for absolutely healthy women. In any case, before you go on a diet, consult your therapist and nutritionist whether you can eat yolk and in what quantity.

Before using eggs, wash them thoroughly with baking soda. This must be done in order to wash away harmful microflora.

The benefits and harms of chicken eggs for the body

Legends have been made about the beneficial substances contained in chicken eggs since ancient times. From a very early age, egg yolk is included in the complementary feeding of newborn children, since it contains a huge amount of vitamins necessary for the baby.

In addition, with the help of yolk you can lose weight and cleanse the body quite effectively. Egg yolk contains essential fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as useful microelements such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and others.

This product also contains biotin, pantothenic acid, retinol, cholecalciferol and some other substances that can be very beneficial for the human body. For example, phospholipids improve brain function, memory and attention.

Meanwhile, in some cases, chicken eggs can cause harm to humans. In particular, this product is a fairly strong allergen and its consumption in large quantities can provoke severe allergic reactions in both small children and adults.

In addition, chicken eggs contain too much bad cholesterol, so even healthy people should take them in limited quantities. If a woman or man suffers from vascular atherosclerosis, eggs are contraindicated for such a person, even in minimal quantities. Finally, you should not eat too many eggs if you suffer from urolithiasis or various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Long-awaited rehabilitation

More recently, egg yolk (deutoplasm), which has long been considered a harmful product, received a long-awaited rehabilitation from nutritionists. It turned out that it has no equal in biological value due to its high content of essential microelements and vitamins.

But the most unexpected discovery was the recognition that by eating yolks, you can lose up to 5 kg of hated fat per week. You just need to learn how to properly combine deutoplasma with other foods, in particular citrus fruits and vegetables. And don’t forget about a small detail - systematic physical activity.

Egg yolk is a familiar and familiar product to everyone, but even today some consider its use as a dietary product absurd, while others actively support such a diet.

Using the yolk correctly

Egg yolks for weight loss can be consumed in 3 states:

  • raw;
  • fried;
  • boiled.

Let's consider each option separately.

Raw yolks

Losing weight with chicken egg yolks when consumed raw is difficult. This is due to the fact that raw yolk is absorbed by 10-15%. Accordingly, the body receives virtually no nutrients from the product. In addition, there is a possibility of infection with salmonellosis. This is an infectious disease that causes complications on the liver and cardiovascular system. An infected egg can only be determined by conducting laboratory tests, so doctors do not recommend consuming raw yolks for weight loss.

Fried yolks

Many people have breakfast with omelettes, in the preparation of which only yolks can be used. Such dishes have excellent taste, but are quite high in calories, so nutritionists do not recommend including fried eggs in the diet.

The exception is steam omelettes. They are somewhat inferior in taste to fried ones, but their calorie content is low. Such dishes can be included in the diet menu.

Boiled yolks

Nutritionists agree that boiled egg yolks for weight loss are the best option. It is advisable to boil the egg for 8-9 minutes. This yolk is absorbed by the body almost 100%, which contributes to effective weight loss.

It is also worth noting that heat treatment kills salmonella. But this only applies to hard-boiled chicken eggs. With short heat treatment, salmonella survives, which is the same as eating a raw egg.

Egg diet rules

For the diet to be effective, you must follow 4 rules.

  • eat egg yolks only in the morning;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, preferably mineral, but without gas;
  • Spend 30 minutes of physical exercise 3-4 times a week. You don't have to go to the gym. You can do the exercises at home. It is advisable to do this at the same time;
  • Take extra vitamins. Since only certain foods are allowed during the diet, the body does not receive all the minerals necessary for normal functioning.

You can replace the yolks of chicken eggs with quail ones. In this case, replace 1 chicken egg with 2 quail eggs.

How to lose weight with yolk

Hello, dear readers! Today we’ll talk about an ordinary chicken egg and how it can be used for weight loss.

Weight loss using egg yolks has gained considerable popularity in recent years, especially considering the large number of beneficial substances concentrated in the sun-yellow chicken yolk: vitamins (E and D), minerals, proteins and lipids.

And the unique substance lecithin is a real building material for nervous tissue.

Losing weight on yolks: menu for the week

Dietary food using egg yolks is designed for three weeks. Moreover, every morning for 21 days will begin with the same type of breakfast, which includes a yolk (one or a couple), one of the citruses (you can alternate oranges with grapefruits) and unsweetened tea (it is better to give preference to high-quality pu-erh - it will cleanse the body and give more energy). As for other meals, you can experiment with various healthy foods. It is advisable to present an example of a weekly diet for a diet on yolks with recipes in the form of a table:

MondaySteam 200 grams of chicken or turkey fillet. Eat a medium green apple. Fruit salad in which you need to mix pieces of apple, kiwi and orange. If desired, you can season the mixture with natural yoghurt with zero fat content.
TuesdayBoil 200 grams of tender veal without fat. One cucumber. Vegetable salad - bell pepper, carrots and cucumber.
WednesdayDry cottage cheese with 0% fat, a slice of rye bread, a light salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.Bake chicken fillet with your favorite vegetables (potatoes excluded).
ThursdayFruits and berries. As much as you like. Better are those that grow in their own region at a given time of year. When it comes to winter, the best option is imported oranges and tangerines. Chicken fillet with vegetable salad. You can season the mixture of vegetables with diet sour cream or low-fat yogurt, or, which is better, with lemon juice (you need to sprinkle it lightly).
FridayVegetable stew without adding potatoes. The following set of vegetables is ideal: tomato, carrot, zucchini. 2-3 slices of cheese – hard, but as low in calories as possible. Boil sea fish (200 grams of fillet), serve it with fresh or thermally processed vegetables. Hake is good for this dish.
Saturday2 apples and a glass of low-calorie kefir (not completely low-fat).Any boiled meat (veal, rabbit or poultry). Seasonal fruit salad.
SundayVery light soup with egg (we use the remaining boiled egg white), cooked on a chicken leg (without skin). You can also eat one fresh tomato and cucumber each. Vegetable stew - zucchini, carrots, tomatoes. You can make it in pots.

The second and third weeks of losing weight on yolks can be organized according to the same plan. A daily variety of dishes will allow you to maintain interest in the diet and not suffer too much due to the transition to a stressful mode of functioning of the body.

Egg yolk diet

An egg yolk diet for weight loss is contraindicated for people suffering from urolithiasis or cardiovascular diseases. It is designed for 3 weeks. Weight loss varies from 5 to 10 kg, as evidenced by real reviews of women who have tried this method of losing weight on themselves. So, let's figure out how you can lose weight using egg yolks.

For breakfast every day we eat 2 yolks and one grapefruit. Those women who do not like grapefruits can replace them with oranges. After breakfast, you are allowed to drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee. Preference should be given to herbal tea. Lunches and dinners will vary, so we will describe them in detail.

Nutrition calendar


Lunch Chicken fillet - 150-200 g, apple. It is advisable to eat green apples during the diet. This is due to the fact that they contain a minimal amount of sugar.

DinnerFruit salad. We choose fruits based on our own preferences. But it is advisable to put grapes and bananas aside. They contain a lot of calories. Choose negative calorie fruits: strawberries, apples, grapefruits, pineapples, tangerines, etc.


Lunch: Low-fat meat (boiled or steamed) - 200 g, cucumber. If cucumbers are not on sale, we replace them with seasonal vegetables with low calorie content.

Dinner Vegetable salad. We use low-calorie vegetables: cabbage, bell pepper, cucumber, carrots.


LunchFruit. Portion weight is unlimited.

Dinner Boiled or steamed chicken fillet, vegetable salad. Season the salad with low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.


Lunch Stew made from vegetables (potatoes cannot be used). You can eat 2-3 pieces of low-fat cheese.

Dinner Boiled or grilled sea fish - 200-250 g.


Lunch: 2-3 green apples, low-fat kefir.

Dinner: Lean meat prepared in any way, 200-250 g, fruit salad. You can season the salad with natural yogurt.


Lunch Chicken soup. When preparing soup, remove the skin from the chicken. Seasonal vegetables - 1-2 pcs.

Dinner Stewed vegetables in any quantity.

The menu for the second and third weeks is similar to the first seven days.

Recipe for safe weight loss using egg yolks

To avoid harm to the body, egg yolks can only be consumed fried or boiled. Since frying in vegetable or olive oil makes food high in calories, you should not eat scrambled eggs for the purpose of losing weight. To do this, it is better to replace it with steamed omelette.

It is best to eat hard-boiled eggs because they have a structure that is easier for the body to digest than others and, moreover, they are safe for humans. Boil chicken eggs for 7 to 10 minutes. In less time, harmful microorganisms may not have time to die in them, and with longer temperature treatment, beneficial substances are destroyed.

Most often, egg yolk or chicken egg is combined with citrus fruits for weight loss. In particular, such a combination of products is the main element of an effective chemical diet, which is also called the magic diet. The yolk of a chicken egg and grapefruit, orange or tangerine enter into a chemical reaction in the stomach, which, in turn, causes rapid and effective burning of fat deposits.

It is best to eat this combination for breakfast.

You can tailor your lunch and dinner to your own preferences using products from the following list:

  • any fresh fruit, except banana and grapes;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • vegetables, fresh or steamed, in particular tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beets and carrots, as well as fresh herbs;
  • fried without oil or boiled lean meat;
  • chicken and fish fillet.

To achieve the best possible result, sausages, sausages, canned food, smoked meats, bread and rolls, confectionery, sugar, coffee and carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol should be excluded from the diet.

Between meals, you should drink as much non-carbonated drinking water as possible. You can also drink green tea without sugar. To neutralize the acidic effect of citrus fruits on the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of alkaline mineral water per day.

Quitting the diet

No matter how effective losing weight on yolks may be, it is important to maintain the results obtained during the yolk diet. It is advisable to leave breakfast for two to three days the same as it was during the diet. For lunch, add soups and vegetables. You can have fermented milk products for dinner.

You need to eat in small portions, the weight of which does not exceed 150-200 g. Any woman who has lost weight should take this rule into account. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will come back.

Features of the yolk diet

The yolk diet for weight loss is a serious test of willpower. During the period of following a strict diet, the metabolism of a losing weight person will undergo global changes. Due to the intake of a huge amount of protein, the body has to spend its fat energy reserves and invest a lot of effort in processing significant doses of protein.

The duration of the yolk diet is 4 weeks. The most basic are the first 2 weeks, the second part is intended to consolidate the results and is based on eating food containing a small amount of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. It is not recommended to follow such a diet for people with liver or kidney diseases, strict vegetarians, during pregnancy, lactation, or if they are allergic to eggs and citrus fruits.

The yolk diet is considered strict, since its main condition is unquestioning adherence to the prescribed menu. Only in this case can a positive result be achieved.

Losing weight with the help of yolk is a fairly low-cost, but very effective process. Over the entire 4 weeks, it will take about 5 thousand rubles to purchase the necessary products. You will also be pleased with the long-term preservation of the result due to the large consumption of fat reserves.

Advantages and disadvantages of the egg diet

To the question, is it possible to lose weight with the help of yolk, we answered. The advantage of this diet is that the diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables. Meat dishes are also included in the diet. Due to the varied menu, the diet is quite easy to tolerate.

As for the disadvantages, losing weight with egg yolk is a rather lengthy process and involves excluding many products from the menu (noodles, porridge, flour). In addition, you should not expect instant weight loss. Excess weight will go away gradually. But, according to doctors, sudden weight loss is harmful to health, so this disadvantage can be considered as an advantage.

You don’t have to go on a diet, but limit yourself to including one or two dishes made from egg yolks in the menu. It could be a salad. Low-calorie egg and green onion salad is popular in the summer. But unlike the classic recipe, in our case only the yolk is used in preparation. Season the salad with low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.

Even if losing weight is not your goal in itself, it is advisable to do a fasting day at least once within two weeks. This helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Another recipe for losing weight with yolks involves using a blender, into which we place egg yolks and honey in a 2:1 ratio and beat. You need to take this cocktail in the morning. This will help you get rid of 2 kg in a week, as evidenced by reviews of women who have tried this method. The result, of course, is not impressive. But considering how little effort you have to put in, it's impressive.

The slowing rotation flattened the egg yolk

Deformation of the yolk when rotating with deceleration

Ji Lang et al. / Physics of Fluids, 2021

American physicists have found that egg yolk tolerates overloads much worse during rotational motion than during translational motion. Rotation with deceleration deforms the yolk inside the egg more than with acceleration, but with linear overloads its shape practically does not change. The findings not only show how the yolk can be broken down without breaking the eggs, but may also be useful in explaining and preventing traumatic brain injuries, the scientists write in Physics of Fluids


From a physicist's point of view, a raw chicken egg is a deformable soft capsule (yolk) placed in a viscous liquid (white) in a confined space with hard walls (shell), that is, a typical subject of research in the physics of soft media. It is quite difficult to study the mechanics of such systems theoretically (as a rule, there are simply no general analytical solutions), so its study often comes down to studying specific systems using numerical methods, computer simulations or model experiments.

But the solutions obtained in this way for one system can often be transferred to other objects with similar properties (often from a completely different area: similar problems of soft media mechanics can be found in biology, and in materials science, and, for example, in cooking or Food Industry). For example, the same egg, from a mechanical point of view, can be considered as a model of a living cell in a closed space or a brain inside a skull.

This approach was used by American physicists led by Qianhong Wu from Villanova University: scientists in an experiment determined how the yolk inside a raw chicken egg reacts to sudden external mechanical influences and whether it can be destroyed without damaging the shell. Such an object is interesting for study both in itself and potentially as a mechanical model of soft capsules in a liquid environment bounded by walls. In some ways, the yolk resembles a liquid drop placed in another liquid with which it does not mix. However, unlike a drop, the yolk and white have almost the same density, and they are separated from each other by a membrane. Therefore, the response to mechanical stress is determined not by the equilibrium between fluid pressure and surface tension, but by the dynamic effects associated with fluid flow.

For the experiment, scientists extracted yolks and whites from six chicken eggs, measured their density (it was 1.045 ± 0.02 and 1.033 ± 0.02 grams per milliliter, respectively) and the elastic properties of the membrane covering the yolk (its thickness was about three micrometers, and its modulus Young - 2.64±1.45 megapascals). Then, to see how the yolks deformed under mechanical influence, the physicists placed them in one of two specially assembled experimental setups: in one they studied deformation during translational motion, in the second - during rotation.

Experimental setups for deforming the yolk: a - when hit with a hammer, b - when rotated with acceleration

Ji Lang et al. / Physics of Fluids, 2021


In the first installation, a capsule containing a yolk in a protein medium was hit with a hammer with a maximum acceleration of 600 g. In the second installation, the yolk was placed in a rotating cylindrical capsule, which was first spun up to a frequency of 400 radians per second (this is approximately 64 hertz), waited for a steady state, and then slowed back down.

It turned out that in the first case - during translational movement - there is no destruction of the yolk structure, and the authors of the work did not notice practically any deformation. Scientists explain this behavior by the very similar density of the white and yolk and the incompressibility of the medium, due to which the entire system moved after the impact as a rigid body.

Photos of a deformed yolk: a - after being hit with a hammer, b - during rotation with acceleration, c - during rotation with deceleration

Ji Lang et al. / Physics of Fluids, 2021


Unlike the first experiment, in the second deformation the egg yolk was quite noticeably deformed. When rotating with acceleration, it stretched a little along the axis of rotation, but the deformation during rotation with gradual deceleration was much stronger: it was quite stretched in the radial direction and flattened along the axis of rotation. Only a minute after stopping (acceleration and deceleration took two and one second, respectively), the yolk gradually regained its original spherical shape. Similar effects turned out to be characteristic of a model system of non-biological origin—calcium alginate membranes in a lactate solution.

Distribution of angular velocity of fluid during rotation with acceleration and deceleration according to numerical calculation data

Ji Lang et al. / Physics of Fluids, 2021


To understand the mechanism that leads to this effect, scientists conducted numerical simulations and proposed the following explanation. Due to the inertia of the medium during unwinding, the pressure of the liquid outside the membrane does not have time to be compensated by the centrifugal force that acts on the liquid inside the membrane, and the yolk is pulled along the axis of rotation. Then, when a steady state is reached at a constant rotation speed, the angular velocity of the liquid inside the membrane becomes greater than the speed of the liquid outside, due to which the centrifugal force increases and the yolk begins to flatten. Since this effect is of an inertial nature, the speed depends on the ratio of the Strouhal and Reynolds numbers - the smaller it is, the slower the stress will propagate in the medium and the less the yolk will deform.

Scientists say the findings could be useful in explaining and preventing brain injuries. Based on the results obtained, the most dangerous mechanical effect for the brain matter may be rotational movement, especially slowing down. This effect, in particular, can explain the danger of blows to the jaw, in which the head can be given maximum angular acceleration.

Constant mechanical impacts on the brain are fraught with serious neurodegenerative diseases. For example, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a disease caused by frequent head injuries, has become a serious problem for boxers and American football players. You can read more about him in our material “Amazing Football”.

Alexander Dubov

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