Corn flakes, composition, benefits, harm, weight loss with corn flakes


Weight loss products are very popular among weight watchers. Cereal flakes are used very often for weight loss and are a main component of many diets. This product is not only very economical and easy to prepare, but very useful. Thanks to a special production technology, they retain all the beneficial properties of the main component - the cereal from which they are made.

Depending on the main ingredient and the method of their preparation, flakes have different properties and have different effects. They are used for preparing breakfasts and for baby food, but they have gained the greatest popularity in the fight against extra pounds. Which cereals are more effective for weight loss? How to choose them correctly in the store and prepare them?

What are breakfast cereals?

Breakfast cereals are made from processed grains and are often fortified with vitamins and minerals. They are usually eaten with milk, yogurt, fruit or nuts (1).

Here's how breakfast cereals are typically made:

  • Treatment . The grains are usually processed into flour and cooked.
  • Mixing . The flour is then mixed with ingredients such as sugar, cocoa and water.
  • Extrusion . Many breakfast cereals are made by extrusion, a high-temperature process that uses a machine to shape the cereal.
  • Drying . Next they are dried.
  • Giving shape . Finally, the breakfast cereals are formed into shapes such as balls, stars, swirls or rectangles.

Breakfast cereals can also be puffed, flattened (flaked) or crushed - or can be coated with chocolate or glaze before drying.


Breakfast cereals are made from refined grains, often through a process called extrusion. They are highly processed foods with many added ingredients.

Contains a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates

Added sugar may well be the most unhealthy ingredient in the modern diet.

It contributes to several chronic diseases because most people eat too much of it (2, 3, 4).

Notably, most of this sugar comes from processed foods—and breakfast cereals are among the most popular processed foods high in added sugars.

In fact, most breakfast cereals contain sugar as the second or third most abundant ingredient.

Eating these high sugar breakfast cereals increases your blood sugar and insulin levels.

After a few hours, your blood sugar may drop and your body will crave another high-carb meal or snack, potentially leading to a vicious cycle of overeating (5).

Excessive sugar consumption may also increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer (6, 7, 8).


Most breakfast cereals are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. Consuming large amounts of sugar is harmful and can increase the risk of developing a number of diseases.

Types and calorie content

There are a wide variety of cereals, but not all of them are suitable for weight loss. In addition to special products for weight loss, which are labeled accordingly, it is recommended to use wheat, buckwheat and oat flakes for the diet. Rice and barley can also be included in the diet to maintain good physical shape, but please note that they are not suitable for active weight loss.


Cereals made from oats contain a large amount of carbohydrates and provide a large amount of energy. This product has high nutritional value, which ensures a feeling of fullness for several hours. The complex carbohydrates found in oatmeal do not promote insulin production. The fiber in the composition helps cleanse the body of toxins and excess waste. Such properties make the product indispensable in dietary nutrition.

Chemical composition:

  • Vitamins B, A and E;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus.

A good combination of oatmeal with the following products:

  • Dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits;
  • Nuts (any);
  • Candied fruit;
  • Fresh berries and fruits;
  • Sour milk, curdled milk, kefir;
  • Vegetables.

The calorie content of oat flakes is 335 Kcal per 100 g. For the best dietary effect, it is recommended not to cook the flakes, but to fill them with hot water.


Wheat flakes are often used in the diet menu. They are manufactured through a complex technological process consisting of several stages. Primary processing consists of thoroughly peeling the grains from the husks, after which the grains are steamed and pressed. As a result of such a complex process, weight loss flakes retain all their nutritional properties and acquire excellent taste.

The calorie content of the product is 335.5 Kcal per 100 grams, but this does not prevent weight loss. Since wheat flakes are a very nutritious and filling product, even a small amount will make you feel full.

When eating flakes, they are recommended to be combined with fermented milk products and dried fruits and berries.


Buckwheat is very often used as part of weight loss diets. Flakes are a valuable and healthy product that serves as a complete substitute for cereals. Their calorie content is 330 kcal per 100 grams, which allows the product to be used not only for everyday, but also for dietary nutrition.

Buckwheat flakes for weight loss contain a large amount of organic substances, among which the most valuable are:

  • Vitamins PP, E, A, B1, B2, B6, B9;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Chromium;
  • Iodine;
  • Silicon.

In addition, they are one of the main sources of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body. Cereals can be included not only in the diet for weight loss, but also in the diet of young children and the elderly.

Buckwheat semi-finished products do not require long-term heat treatment. You don’t have to cook them, but simply steam them with boiling or cold water. Due to the high content of organic substances, these flakes for weight loss are used more often than other types.

There are several types of diets with buckwheat, with which you can lose from 4 to 12 kilograms in a very short time!


The beneficial properties of rye were known back in ancient times. This grain crop was grown for food, and bread and kvass were made from it. Rye bread has a lot of beneficial properties, which makes it one of the main components in a healthy diet. Cereals contain many useful elements that provide the body with all the necessary substances. Due to their relatively low calorie content - 343 kcal per 100 grams, they are recommended to be included in the weight loss menu.

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  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, enzymes and nucleic acids.

Nutritional value of rye grain: 67% carbohydrates and 11% vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. In addition, weight loss cereal contains amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Regular consumption of this semi-finished product will not only provide you with a good figure and the absence of excess subcutaneous fat, but will also help normalize the functioning of all internal organs and systems. Rye flakes can be used in nutrition even for such serious diseases as obesity and diabetes. They are recommended to be added to the diet for the prevention of cancer . They serve as a wonderful alternative to meat foods.


The original corn flakes were invented and patented in 1894 in the USA. A tasty and nutritious product has become very popular due to its excellent taste. However, it is not only the taste and ease of preparation that attract the attention of lovers of a healthy lifestyle to this product. Despite the fact that the calorie content is 363 Kcal, their nutritional value and beneficial properties have made the product indispensable for diets.

Ready-to-eat flakes do not require heat treatment. Just fill them with low-fat milk or kefir, and a hearty and nutritious breakfast is ready. However, this type of cereal is not recommended for use as the main ingredient in a diet menu; it is advisable to consume them in the first half of the day. Also, the diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits.

Ready-made breakfasts "Fitness"

A popular dietary product that can be purchased ready-made. The calorie content of Fitness weight loss cereal is 357 Kcal per 100 grams, which is slightly higher than that of other natural cereal products.

According to the advertisement, by regularly using this product to prepare a hearty breakfast, you can lose 2 to 4 kilograms per week. However, information about the benefits of this semi-finished product is quite controversial. The presence of emulsifiers, dyes and high sugar content call its effectiveness into question. The semi-finished product can cause allergic reactions and for long-term weight loss it is better to choose more affordable and natural flakes without additives.

Misleading health claims

Breakfast cereals are promoted as healthy, with packages stating that they are “low fat” and “whole grain”. However, their first listed ingredients are often refined grains and sugar.

Small amounts of whole grains do not make these foods healthy.

However, research shows that these health claims are an effective way to mislead people (9, 10).


Breakfast cereal manufacturers often make false health claims on the packaging of their products - but they are loaded with sugar and refined grains.

Often aimed at children

Breakfast cereal manufacturers are specifically targeting children.

To attract children's attention, companies use bright colors, cartoon characters and figurines.

Not surprisingly, this causes children to associate breakfast cereals with entertainment and fun.

This also affects taste preferences. Research shows that some children prefer the taste of foods that feature popular cartoon characters (11, 12).

Exposure to food marketing is even considered a risk factor for childhood obesity and other diet-related diseases (13).

These same products are often misleading about their health effects.

While colors and images make products more appealing to children, health claims make parents feel better about purchasing such products for their children.


Breakfast cereal manufacturers are experts at marketing, especially to children. They use bright colors and popular cartoons to attract children's attention, which research shows influences taste preferences.

Selecting Healthy Types

If you decide to eat cereal for breakfast, here are some tips to help you choose a healthier option.

Limiting the amount of sugar

Try choosing breakfast cereals that contain less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Read the label to find out how much sugar the product contains.

Aim for More Fiber

Breakfast cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving are optimal. Consuming enough fiber can provide many health benefits (14).

Pay attention to portions

Breakfast cereals tend to be crunchy and savory, making it easy to eat too much of them. This leads to excess consumption of sugar and calories. Try measuring how much you eat, using the serving size information on the package as a guide.

Read the ingredient list

Ignore the health claims on the front of the package and be sure to check the ingredient list. The first two or three ingredients are the most important because they make up the majority of the breakfast cereal.

However, food manufacturers may use tricks to hide the amount of sugar in their products.

If sugar is listed several times under different names, even if it is not listed in the first few items, the product probably contains a lot of sugar.

Add some protein

Protein is the most filling macronutrient. Increases the feeling of satiety and reduces appetite.

This is likely because protein alters the levels of certain hormones, such as the hunger hormone ghrelin and the satiety hormone called peptide YY (15, 16, 17, 18).

Greek yogurt and a handful of nuts or seeds are good choices for adding extra protein to your breakfast cereal.


If you eat breakfast cereals, make sure they are low in sugar and high in fiber. Pay attention to serving sizes, and always read the ingredient list. You can also enrich your cereal by adding protein foods.

What are corn flakes made from?

Before we figure out what is more harmful or beneficial in corn flakes, let's find out how they are made. Of course, the name speaks for itself and corn flakes are prepared. First, the grains are thoroughly cleaned and crushed, supplemented with the necessary additives, then everything is heated with steam and dried. Finally, the mixture of ground corn kernels and additives is roasted. Now, with the addition of water, sugar and salt, those same corn flakes are made.

At first glance, it seems that the composition is quite acceptable for eating corn flakes while losing weight. The problem is this: increasingly, cereal manufacturers allow themselves to add corn flour, starch and various sweet syrups at the manufacturing stage, not to mention various chemical substitutes, and these are the ingredients that make corn flakes harmful in terms of weight loss.

Opt for unprocessed breakfasts

For breakfast, it is better to choose whole foods, consisting of one ingredient.

Here are some great options:

  • Oatmeal with raisins and nuts
  • Greek yogurt with nuts and chopped fruit
  • Scrambled eggs with vegetables

Whole eggs are a great breakfast choice because they are high in protein, healthy fats, and nutrients. Moreover, they will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time and may even promote weight loss.

One study of teenage girls found that a protein-rich breakfast of eggs and lean beef increased feelings of fullness. This breakfast also reduced late-night food and snack cravings (19).

Other studies note that replacing your breakfast cereal with eggs may help you feel fuller over the next 36 hours—and may help you lose up to 65% more weight (20, 21).


It is best to eat whole foods such as eggs for breakfast as they are very nutritious and filling. High-protein breakfasts can help reduce food cravings and promote weight loss.

How to lose weight?

There are several effective cereal-based diets. Depending on your taste preferences and desired result, you can choose the most suitable option.

Oat diet

This version of the weight loss program is designed for the long term. Within 2-3 weeks you need to follow the recommendations of specialists, and you can easily lose up to 10 extra pounds.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be replaced with porridge made from oatmeal. It is best to use Hercules. Pour 3 cups of cereal with hot water in the evening, without adding salt or sugar. Leave the porridge to steep until the morning. Divide the preparation into 4-5 meals, eating porridge as the main dish.

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It is forbidden to add: oil, fat, honey, salt and sugar. You can use fresh vegetables and fruits as additives; for breakfast you can eat 100 grams of any dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes or raisins. Allowed drinks: green tea, herbal infusion, low-fat kefir, still mineral water.


  • Breakfast cereals are highly processed, and often contain added sugar and refined carbohydrates. Their packaging often contains misleading health claims.
  • If you eat cereal for breakfast, read the ingredient list and be skeptical of health claims. The best breakfast cereals are high in fiber and low in sugar.
  • However, there are many healthy breakfast options available. Single-ingredient whole foods such as oatmeal or eggs are excellent choices.

Breakfast cereals

The nutritional value

The principle of many weight loss programs is based on counting calories received from food. The nutritional value of a product largely affects its digestibility and the amount of energy received by the body. The calorie content of cereal flakes used for weight loss and fasting days may vary slightly (depending on the type of grain from which they are made).

Since the flakes are very light and have a high glycemic index, a small portion is enough to fill you up. This allows you to reduce the total number of calories consumed and not feel hungry. All diets that include cereal are usually designed for 1-2 weeks, but some nutrition programs are recommended for a longer period.

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Regardless of the diet you choose, losing weight with cereal will be gradual, but effective and quite gentle.

Losing a few kilos with the help of this wonderful product will not be difficult; you just need to follow the recommendations of experts.

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